Analyzing Facebook Privacy

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Analyzing Facebook Privacy

Currently, there are many social network users insufficiently aware of who can see your
personal items to share. However, focus on the development of privacy point of maximum
tolerable community with privacy settings, overlooked the fact that the requirement to
recognize the privacy control. social network users need to know about the policy first before
being able to adjust. this Paper, we present a serious game that a friend's inspector, on his
playing allows users to develop their awareness of the Facebook privacy. Since its inception, has
attracted a substantial number of visitors inspector while stressing the need to better
understand how to protect the privacy on social networks, and tools.

Over the last ten years, communication sites (social networks) that have become important as a
medium for social interactions that enable people to stay in touch with existing contacts and
create new relationships. Signed communications, to facilitate communication with others by
having one point to communicate with contacts in different ethnic groups of the community
(family members and close friends and partners). Despite these good public outcomes, excellent
communication was accompanied by concerns about privacy. More in the next Handling
discussed by the SNS personal data service Privacy and threatened to contact SSS users (often
referred to as "friends"). About general social networks such as Facebook "collapse
unimaginably complex of social relations of infinitely thin profile". As a result, it is difficult for
users to expect the CIS and respect different social standards of conflict in the social sphere.
This could put the user at risk of crime One (or more) of these social groups ultimately leads to
exclusion. The SNS user, for example, was focused on sharing photos of sensitive family and
close friends, friends, and family, while hiding those photos of colleagues who also have access
to their SNS profile. Privacy is compromised when they see your contacts that are not intended
to be shared by a person. A young, careless approach to protecting CIS personal data gives its
prospects in the future (for example, when using a function) risk itself and leads to exclusion.
On the other hand, in the age group of people aged between 13 and 25 years Busy
communication. On the other hand, "Cyber personae, the child's invented efforts to find
permanent ownership took the lives of various historical digital worlds." This agreement, timely
and learning to play political risks on social networks can contribute to responsible use and
empower people to use social networking features. In this article, we will have an idea of the
challenging games on to reinforce awareness of privacy on social networks. It was It is generally
known that games provide engagement and motivation Learning environment. The correct
functioning of the system A game based on behavioral change Showed. In addition, it has been
shown that serious games They have the potential to raise awareness of important social issues
News. In our last match, seriously as a friend inspector Browser-based app that allows Facebook
Users to playfully test their knowledge of who can see Assigned personal and provides
individual recommendations on how to improve your privacy settings.
Related Work
Developing the CIS awareness of the protection of personal data has been the subject of a
practical theory. Such a practical way to View Profile, Control and Privacy Esan. Analyze the
privacy of a publicly shared profile on Facebook, and summarize the results to improve
leadership Ensure Facebook Privacy. Unfortunately, two since November, these three ways are
still not fully functional Friends of the inspectors of different approaches This site will analyze
items available to the public only, not assigned to the project. From a pedagogical point of view,
not only because their knowledge of the way, the importance of these places is reduced
compared to the friend of the inspector, continue reading allows users to test their privacy SNS
Set in a playful actively According to the research institute, to promote consciousness protection
was the focus of several game-based methods such as Cyber K Control-Alt-Hack. However, their
goal is to learn all the certainties. Unlike why not, they do not focus on the emphasis on privacy,
especially in the CIS. In addition to these two games, there is almost no way to introduce CIS
Enhancement privacy exists.

In this section, we will introduce the concept of CIS privacy and in a game as serious as a friend's
inspector from two foundations for consensus. Two fundamentals have a significant impact on
the learning objectives proposed as game design.

Privacy in SNS
To develop games based on the development of methods to recognize the SNS in private, in the
first place, it is the common people needing these two privacy (awareness). Published in books,
offers a variety of concepts, such as control the privacy of personal data regardless of
confidentiality or personal confidential information, or to walk free to create a personal identity.
For this project, we Rosenblum Content Policy and Administration as Loyalty, which is normal. It
is used to understand the confidentiality of volunteers to publish information such as the CIS. In
the context of the political community in the widest sense (Procedures established culture,
history and practice) To the provisions of (amount). Based on this definition, sharing personal
information alone does not mean privacy. If this information is shared outside, privacy will be
compromised First Share Content.

Social networking in the context of integrity, related to share photos with family, for example,
the whole context of their parents and policy violations. On the other hand, if there is a breach
of privacy is what we find in the context of inevitable, and comes from a colleague or employer.
SNS inform their privacy may be personal to know who has access to the source of the
confidential information. Much privacy, and to raise awareness of the appearance of the portion
of real and perceived the same projects [18]. Figure 1 shows the awareness of privacy by set
theory. You can define two groups: Visibility Understanding the true Setting P and visibility
settings A. If the user a high degree privacy information of the A and P series in the opposite
direction to a considerable extent, that they are dealt, what are the things that can be found
throughout the earth accompanied by the things described in the CIS. Similarly, A and P are the
second or disjoint points out that the information protection of personal data is low.
Process flow
To achieve our study, we established a friend inspector as four-step process (see Figure 3).
Process The process includes the concept of privacy awareness
Specify the learning goals and take the game to achieve these objectives. Each step of the four
steps There is a window of information before the process Have the basic direction the student
is the first step in (inspiration) and the last step in (Score response) creating a story format,
integration Challenge becomes in the context of A Facebook user can play with the examiner.
The second step (customize) It is also used to reduce the number of projects in the rest of the
game action, and leads to those things that the user thinks Especially sensitive. The third step
(the game) contains the main friend inspector elements, based on research
Game mode. the appearance is presented by selecting the right people from the set of contacts
is depicted. Step three is repeated five times before the game continues with the final Score
with a response action.

Software architecture
About the privacy of the software itself, why not check is a client-side one-page application
developed in three buildings that came out. So, the logical layer is designed according to the
Model View Controller (MVC). Figure 8 gives an overview of the premises. Background fully
rational function in JavaScript Backbone.js can realize all logic Client activity (fat clients).
Backbone.js13 is A commonly used MVC Framework Develop a one page site. Framework of the
affected models, collections, views, and routes. Model (The red square Figure 8) represent the
organization for Facebook as the temporary instance. Router (glossy orange) is a service handler
to ensure flawless processes triggered event. In addition, if the connection between models
Watching one of each process step. View (gray rectangle) Make the data assigned to populate
the template (blue square). Clear Logic separation and design, integrate the template engine
Handlebars14 A single view of each process step. View (gray rectangle) Make the data assigned
to populate the template (blue rectangular) to clear Logic separation and design, combine
engine template Handlebars14 Create a website that features user (presentation layer) Upon
startup 215 and HTML5. Launcher is a wide range of Use approval CSS frameworks that increase
the Usability use of the familiar structure of the game's faithfulness theme.

Secure and trusted implementation

The inspector friend runs on the user's personal Facebook Data, a safe and concrete
implementation of the most important seem. So, why not conceived of as an application client
running only the user does not require server-side browser performance. As a result, personal
data required for a profile on Facebook will not leave the domain of the user at any time, do not
transfer to any server. Before you use the tight-inspector for the first time, the user is given
access to the game to their profile and must approve the project. This approach ensures game
and capture of data and use of personal information. In addition, the source code inspector's
friend acquitted Under the Apache License 2.0, and the community In addition to increase the
confidence of the application, so that people interested in the user verifies its integrity and

Dissemination and usage

Why not aim to raise many privacy Users SNS is possible. So, to spread
The game has always been important. To date, the inspector uses i18next16 friend add
multilingual support can also easily add new language files. A friend of the inspector There are
currently two languages (English and German). friendly inspectors launched on June 26, 2013 It
is widely reported by media, domestic and international (News, radio and television). Within
five months, friends inspector website has been asked more than 100,000.
Please note that as "a friend", detailed statistics are not available
You can also store or analyze log files privacy reason. Amazon Elastic Computer Google 17
(Ireland) is used to manage friend inspector for work and answer a busy Traffic.

In this paper, we introduced Friend Inspector, a serious game developed to enhance In this
paper, we introduced the inspector friend, a serious game developed to beware of SNS users'
privacy. Why not check addresses the challenge of current users SNS, is to understand who can
see things their own share. To address users especially the young and protect marginalized
because of poor results aware of privacy, how game-based design. The design level scrutiny is
based on two foundations: first, in-depth understanding and awareness of privacy as the match
or mismatch between the perceived and the actual appearance of the items shared by. Second,
the learning support allows its users to experiment and play their personal data Facebook
actively learn about their personal appearance. Why not implemented as a web application for
SNS Facebook? Five months since its launch, why not pull many visitors, which further
emphasizes the need for better tools to understand the privacy SNSs.

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