Ejercicios de Inglés Examen 22 de Mayo 2017

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Ejercicios de ingls examen 22 de mayo de 2017


Ejercicio 1. Complete with when or while.

1.I was reading a book ........................................ suddenly I heard a noise.

2. ................................. Rose was cooking dinner, her husband went to work.
3. ................................ Sandra and Kathy was talking in the living-room,the doorbell rang.
4.Ben was playing in a basketball team ................................. he was a kid.
5. Sharon came home ................................... her brother was playing video games.
6. ................................... Angela got home, she was making some coffee.
7. They were sleeping ........................................... the burglars broke in.
8. We were having a lesson ........................................ we heard a terrrible noise.
9. ...................................... I was cycling, the rain started.
10. He broke his arm ....................................... he was playing basketball.
Ejercicio 2. Complete the sentences with 'Past Simple' or 'Past Continuous' using the verbs in
1. When I (do)_____________the washing-up, I (break) _____________ a plate.
2. While Tom (play) _____________the piano, his mother (do) _____________ the washing-up.
3. He (drink) _____________some juice and then he (eat) _____________a few chips.
4. I (have) _____________dinner when I suddenly (hear) _____________a loud bang.
5. When my father (work) _____________in the garden, an old friend (pass) _____________by
to see him.
6. She (go) _____________to school, (take) _____________out her textbook and (begin)
_____________to read.
7. When it (start) _____________to rain, our dog (want) _____________to come inside.
8. When Jane (do) _____________a language course in Ireland, she (visit)
_____________Blarney Castle.
9. When I (be) _____________on my way home, I (see) _____________an accident.
10.I (not / understand) _____________what they (talk) _____________about.
Ejercicio 3. Complete each sentence with for or since.
1- Nobody has come to see us ___________ we bought this small house.
2- She has been a doctor ___________ 1998.
3- Nobody has seen her ___________ then.
4- They have all been ill ___________ last week.
5- Peter went to the library. He has studied there ___________ a long time.
6- It has been very foggy ___________ early morning.
7- Ive worked with you ___________ nine years.
8- He has been in prison ___________ two years.
9- She has worked in that office ___________ a month.
10- He hasnt eaten anything ___________ twenty-four hours.
11- He hasnt eaten anything ___________ yesterday. 12-
They havent spoken to us ___________ we were at school.
13- I havent talked to her ___________ my birthday.
14- Shes been ill ___________ years.
15- Ive been very patient with you ___________ several years.
Ejercicio 4. Complete these sentences by putting the verbs into the present perfect. There are
affirmative, negative and question forms:
1 I ________________________ (arrange) a surprise birthday party for Kelly.
2 ________________________ (you/hear) about the present were giving her?
3 Tracey ________________________ (not book) a clown for her party.
4 Im sure the twins ________________________ (speak) to Harry about the invitations.
5 ________________________ (Sue/lay) the table yet?
6 What ________________________ (Rose/do) with the snacks?
7 ________________________ (he/drive) you mad today with his questions?
8 Its seven oclock and I ________________________ (not set up) the sound system!
9 Emma ________________________ (go) to get the decorations, hasnt she?
10 Why ________________________ (she/invite) Steve to her party?
Ejercicio 5. Rewrite the sentences adding (Already / Just / Yet)
1. I have eaten sushi before. (already)
2. She hasnt visited Germany. (yet)
3. They have seen this movie. (already)
4. We have met your teacher. (just)
5. My brother hasnt started school. (yet)
6. Daniel hasnt fixed the broken pipe. (yet)
7. We havent participated in any internship programs. (yet)
8. My daughter has lost her purse. (just)
9. He has finished his assignment. (already)
10. Your son has broken his arm. (just)
Ejercicio 6. Choose the right option. Circle and write on the line.
1. Jennifer is always at home. She doesn't go out ____________ .
a. enough b. many c. too many
2. I don't like the weather in London. There is ____________ rain.
a. too many b. much c. too much
3. We couldnt sit anywhere at the concert. There were ____________ people.
a. many b. too many c. too much
4. I haven't got ____________ time to finish my test.
a. too many b. too much c. enough
5. You drank ____________ coffee. That's why you feel sick.
a. too much b. many c. enough
6. I made ____________ mistakes with her. That's why she left me.
a. enough b. too much c. too many
7. If you don't eat ____________ fruit, you can get ill.
a. many b. much c. enough
8. Claire is tall ____________ to be a fashion model.
a. too much b. enough c. too many
9. Oh no! You put ____________ milk in the pancakes dough.
a. enough b. too much c. too many
10. Why did you buy so ____________ bottles of milk?
a. many b. much c. enough


Ejercicio 7. Choose the present perfect or past simple:
1.- They _________ (write) their exams yesterday.
2.- They _________ (start) building their new house 18 months ago.
3.- I ________ (meet) the company manager two weeks ago.
4.- I ________ (be born) in 1964.
5.- That was the best concert I _____ ever _______ (see).
6.- I __________ (not eat) anything since breakfast.
7.- I _________ (study) English for 10 years.
8.- You ___________ (change) your address recently.
9.- When I was 15 I _________ (go) to Dublin.
10.- My students _________ (raise) a lot of money for charity.
11.- We _________ (not go) to the cinema last night.
12.- My uncle ________ (arrive) in Lisbon last night but he _________ (not call)
13.- We _________ (not see) Pedro Almodovars new film yet.
14.- _________ (you go) abroad this year?
15.- The shop is probably closed because they _______ (go) for lunch.
16.- When I ______ (be) at school I ______ (not like) Maths.
17.- Whats the matter with your brother? He ________ (lose) his mobile.
18.- Mark Spitz ________(win) seven Olympic gold medals in 1972.
19.- Why are you crying? Because I _______ (cut) my finger.

Ejercicio 8. Ask questions about the underlined words.

Example: Joe has broken his arm. Who has broken his arm?

1. I thought her name was Sarah.

2. Sarah was her name.
3. I bought a new shirt this morning.
4. I bought a new shirt this morning.
5. Tony phoned me at 2 a.m. last night.
6. Tony phoned me at 2 a.m. last night.
7. Tom sold his house ten years ago.
8. Tom sold his house ten years ago.
9. Tom sold his house ten years ago.
10. Something happened during the night.
11. Julie got married last year.
12. Julie got married last year.
Ejercicio 9. Fill in the gaps with never and ever.

1. Have you eaten Chinese food?

2. Has your sister had a car?

3. We have visited your town.

4. I have drunk wine.

5. This is the most horrible place I have seen.

6. Have your friends read a book?

7. I have chatted on the Internet.

8. This is the best film I have seen.

Ejercicio 10. Make the past perfect:
A. My little brother ate all of the cake that I _____________________ (make).

B. The waitress brought a dish that we _____________________ (not / order) .

C. Last night I couldn't get in because I _____________________ (forget) my keys.

D. When we arrived at the station, the train _____________________ (go).

E. They didn't have any money because they _____________________ (pay) all the bills.

F. We had a big party because we _____________________ (pass) all our exams.

G. I got to the cinema at 6.30 but fortunately the film ____________________ (not start) .

H. I was exhausted because I _____________________ (study) too much.

Ejercicio 11. Choose past perfect or past simple.

1.- My aunt flew to Paris last year. She __________ (never / go) on a plane before that.

2.- We didnt need to queue because my wife __________ (already / buy) the tickets

3.- The thieves had already spent the money when the police _________ (catch) them.

4.- Helen ________ (split up) with John before she met Paul.

5.- We ________ (know) her address because she _______ (tell) us.

6.- The children _________ (not eat) for days so they ___________ (be) extremely hungry.

7.- Everyone ___________ (hug) each other after they __________ (finish) their exams.

8.- She didnt want to go to the cinema because she ___________ (already / see) the film.

9.- I ________ (just / buy) a dress when a thief _______ (steal) my bag.

10.- My niece _________ (go) to London three times by the time she _________ (be) sixteen.

11.- My students ________ (raise) some money after they ________ (see) a documentary on TV
about Africa.

12.- It was half past three and we still _________ (not / eat) lunch.

13.- Our teacher ________ (give) us extra homework because we ___________ (not finish) our

14.- My father _________ (lose) his glasses and he couldnt read the newspaper.

15.- The car stopped because we __________ (run) out of petrol.

who, which, that, when, where, whose
1.- Thats the woman ......daughter I love very much.
2.- This is the dress ... I bought for my sisters wedding.
3.- I dont remember the name of the film .... we saw last Saturday.
4.- The footballer .. scored the goal was really attractive.
5.- Im reading a novel ... takes place in India.
6.- The mother is a woman ... is always in a bad mood.
7.- The student . refused to do the final exam was very furious.
8.- Martin found a good job in a company ... is building a skyscraper in Berlin.
9.- The flat we rented last year in Summer wasnt cheap.
10.- A vacuum cleaner is a machine ... removes dirt from carpets.
11.- A librarian is a person ... is in charge of a library.
12.- Van Gogh was the artist ..... painted The Sunflowers and many other famous pictures.
13.- This is the family .. house burned down last month.
14.- Ireland is a country.... I always wanted to visit.
15.- Shirley is the singer of the band .. sold millions of records last year.
Ejercicio 14. Rewrite these sentences in the passive voice.

a. They are building a new bridge.


b. Brian Brody directed The Ultimate Space Adventure.


c. Pierre Matie designed her costume.


d. Someone was finding my wallet


e. One of the students is broking the window


f. They deliver my computer.


g. Mary invite Paul to her birthday party


h. British astronomers were discovering a new planet.

i. He deliveres the post at 7 am



Ejercicio 15. Make Zero Conditional sentences.

Jane / eat / too much chocolate / she /get / sick


You / not / eat / you / die

You / heat / ice / it / melts

Ejercicio 16. Make 1st Conditional sentences, put the verbs in brackets in correct form.

1. If you _________________ (not study), you _____________ (fail) the test.

2. I _____________ (lend) you my umbrella if you _____________ (need) it.

3. If I ________________ (be late), I _______________ (call) you.

Ejericicio 17. Write 2nd Conditional sentences, put the verbs in brackets in correct form.

1. If you _______________ (leave) your job, you ________________ (travel) around the world.

2. If you _____________ (be) nicer to him, he ____________________(lend) you the money

3. It _________________(be) nice if the rain ____________________(stop)!

Ejercicio 18. Write 3rd Conditional sentences, put the verbs in brackets in correct order.

1. He crashed his car, because he fell asleep while driving. If he __________________(fall)

asleep while driving, he _____________________(crash) his car.

2. I lost my job because I was late for work. I ____________________ (loose) my job if I
___________________ (be)late for work.

3. We couldn't go to the concert, because we didn't have enough money. If we

_________________ (have)enough money, we ____________________ (go)to the concert.

Ejercicio 19. Put the verb in brackets in correct form.

1.- I dont think shes worried about us. If she (be) ............................. worried, she (phone)
........................... or something.
2.- I have an appointment at 3.30 tomorrow. If I (manage) .............................. to finish before
4.30, I (do) ................................ the shopping on my way back.
3.- Tom missed his flight. He (get) ....................................... to the airport on time if he
(not oversleep) ...................................................
4.- If I (have) ..................................... such a large house as yours, I (invite) ............................
all my friends for the weekend.
5.- If the child (not be playing) ........................................................ with matches, he (not burn)
........................................ himself. Now hes in hospital.
6.- Shes so shy. If she (talk) ............................. to people, she (make) .......................... friends.
7.- So, youre seeing Terry tonight. If he (ask) ................................ you about me, (not, tell)
............................... him Im going out with John.
8.- If a machine (be) ............... properly maintained, it (fail, never) ...........................................
9.- We (invite) ............................................ him if we (know) ..................................................
his address, but he never gave it to us.
10.- Unless I (have) ....................... a problem, I (bother, never) ................................ my friends.
11.- Youre very strong. If you (try) ......................., you (win) ..........................,... your opponent.
12.- Look what youve done. If you (be) ......................................... careful, you (not, break)
......................................... all those glasses.
13.- I was so stupid! Nothing (happened) ........................................... if I (not, moved)
............................................... to his flat.
14.- Shes a bit short. If he (be) ...................... taller he (can) .................................. play basket.
15.- Sorry. I (lend) ................................. you the money you need if I (have) ........................ it.

Ejercicio 20. Fill in the blanks with someone/somebody/something/somewhere or

anyone/anybody/ anything/anywhere.

1. There is ______________ in the bathroom.

2. Did ______________ answer the telephone?

3. Come in. I have to tell you ______________.

4. Is there _____________ interesting to go to over the weekend?

5. _______________ took my car keys.

6. I didnt say ______________ at the meeting.

7. For me a good place to go on vacation is _______________ by the sea

8. Shes sure her children are hiding _______________ in the house.

9. Im so hungry! I would eat ____________.

10. I can do it by myself. I dont need ____________ to help me.

Ejercicio 21. Fill in the blanks with no one/nobody/nothing/nowhere or everyone/

everybody/everything/ everywhere.

1. There is _____________ left to eat.

2. Ill give it to _______________ else.

3. _______________ I like is illegal, immoral or fattening.

4. He invited ______________ but just his closest friend came to the party.

5. I dont like this town. There is _____________ to go out at night.

6. Its really depressing! I have __________ new in my closet!

7. We close at 6:00 so there is _____________ at the office after that time.

8. ___________ went to the Caribbean last summer. I met lots of friends there.

9. Lets have lunch! _____________ is hungry.

10. Ive lost my driving licence. Ive looked _______________ for it.

Ejercicio 22. Use the correct word from the ones given in parenthesis. Cross out the wrong
alternative. For example: There isnt (something/anything) to eat.

1. Im sorry, but we cant do (anything/nothing ) to help you.

2. Is there (somewhere/anywhere) in Santiago we can go horse riding?

3. Im afraid (no one/anyone) remembers who he is.

4. Im not sure where I put it, I think it is (everywhere/somewhere) in the kitchen.

5. There was (nothing/anything) left after the dinner party.

6. Please, dont tell (nobody/anybody). Its a secret.

7. He said there was (someone/anyone) in the garage.

8. She didnt say (nothing/anything) during the interview.

9. I dont want to go (anywhere/nowhere). I prefer to stay at home.

10. My boss said there was(something/anything) he wanted to go over before signing the

Ejercicio 23. Complete these dialogs with the following words: anyone anywhere everywhere
nowhere something anything somewhere everybody nothing somebody

1. A: Whats the matter?

B: Theres ______________ in my eye.

2. A: Where did you go last night?

B: _________________, I stayed home reading a book.

3. A: Was there ________________ in the house?

B: I saw nobody.

4. A: Where is _______________?

B: They are all having lunch in the Coffee Shop.

5. A: Where can I put my belongings?

B: Just put them ______________ in my room.

6. A: Who do you want to speak with?

B: With ________________ who can solve my problem.

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