William R. Rowley

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William R.


William Ruben Rowley, (February 8, 1824 Febru- 2 Civil War

ary 9, 1886) was a Lieutenant Colonel, and Military
Secretary[lower-alpha 1] on the sta of General Ulysses When the Confederates attacked Fort Sumter on April
S. Grant during the American Civil War, later being 12, 1861, and the news reached Galena the day after,
breveted a Brigadier General. After moving from New Rowley was among the roused gathering that assembled
York to Galena, Illinois, he taught in the local school, in town. Also among them was future generals Ulysses S.
and also became involved in local politics. While liv- Grant, and John Rawlins. Rawlins later became Secretary
ing in Galena, Rowley was a neighbor and good friends of War when Grant was elected President in 1869.[2][5]
with Ulysses Grant and John Rawlins before and at the After Rawlins inspiring speech Grant conded in Row-
time the Civil War broke out. Under General Grant he ley, saying that the speech stirred my patriotism and
fought in the Battle of Shiloh and the Battle of Vicksburg. had rekindled his military ardor. As the crowd dispersed
He was one of nine Civil War generals that came from Rowley said to Grant, Well Captain Grant, it was a ne
Galena. After serving in the Union Army he returned to meeting after all, where Grant replied quietly, Yes:
Galena and service in political life. Rowley was among we're about to do something now.[6]
several ocers who wrote letters for and rigorously de-
fended Grant against claims that Grant was drinking at On November 13, 1861 Rowley was appointed First
the Battle of Shiloh. On various other occasions during Lieutenant of Company D of the 45th Illinois Volunteer
his military and political career Rowley stood by Grant Infantry Regiment, and ocially joined the war eort
during times of controversy. on November 20, 1861, in Colonel John E. Smith's 45th
Illinois, commonly known among soldiers as the Wash-
burne Lead Mine Regiment.[lower-alpha 3] At that time Row-
ley represented Grants strongest tie with his Republican
supporters in Galena, especially Elihu B. Washburne. As
1 Early life Rowley was constantly with Grant, he was well-informed
of Grants aairs and whereabouts. Grant at times would
William Rowley was born on February 8, 1824, in use Rowley to communicate [1]
information or for forward-
Gouverneur, New York in St. Lawrence County, in ing requests to Washington
northern-most New York. He came to Galena, in Jo
Daviess County, Illinois, in 1843, and taught school
in in Brown County, Ohio, and in Jo Daviess County,
2.1 Battle of Fort Donelson
Illinois.[1] Rowley married Elizabeth Miller in 1847, with
Rowley fought with the 45th Illinois volunteers at the
their marriage producing four children.[2] However, a dis-
Battle of Fort Donelson, capturing the confederate fort,
crepancy exists between accounts of his wifes name and
commanded by Brig. Gen. John B. Floyd, in February,
number of children, i.e. it is also reported that her maiden
1862. After the battle Rowley was commissioned cap-
name was Caroline Brush, whom he married in Febru-
tain and transferred to Grants sta as an aide-de-camp.
ary 1862, in North Port, Suolk, NY, and mentions only
Grant having been promoted to Major General was per-
three children, Charles, Alice, and Martha.[3]
mitted three aides and chose his friend and former neigh-
In 1849 Rowley was appointed Assessor and Collector bor from Galena as his third aide.[8][9][10] After service at
for Jo Daviess County. Between 1847 and 1861, Rowley Fort Donelson, Rowley was moved to and was stationed
held several other positions for the county government, at Savannah from March 4-11.[11]
including Deputy Circuit Clerk and Sheri.[1] Future sol-
dier and author, Wilbur F. Crummer, who later wrote a
book[lower-alpha 2] about his experiences with Grant, Row- 2.2 Battle of Shiloh
ley, Rawlins and others, was then under the employ of
Rowley at this time. In 1861 Rowley moved his family to Rowley also fought in the Battle of Shiloh in April 1862.
515 Hill Street in Galena, next door to the home of John Due to the heavy loss of life at Shiloh, General Grant was
Rawlins.[2] Notable people such as Ulysses S. Grant, John strongly criticized in many Northern newspapers. Grant
Rawlins and Illinois Congressman, Elihu B. Washburne, had placed much of the blame on General Lew Wallace,
were among Rowleys neighbors and were residents of whom he had sent verbal orders to, accusing Wallace of
Galena at the time.[4] failing to following those orders, which he believed re-


sulted in the delay of Wallace in moving up his troops to ROWLEY

the front during the rst day of the battle, nearly resulting P S I can probably explain to you some of
in a Union defeat. After learning that Wallace refused to the reasons why this man Chapman[lower-alpha 7]
obey anything but written orders, an angry General Grant has such an interest in lying about Gen Grant.
asserted that a division general ought to take his troops When he was at Donelson he made himself
to wherever the ring may be, even without orders, and so obnoxious that Gen Grant issued a special
rst sent Rowley,[12] ordering him to tell him to come up order, directing him to be removed outside of
at once and that if he should require a written order of our lines, and to remain there.[1]
you, you will give it to him at once, while also instructing
Rowley to make sure he brought writing materials.
Rowley nally caught up to where Wallaces division last Several days later, Rowley wrote directly to Washburne
was, only to nd a supply wagon departing the scene. He about the misgivings concerning the battle, although the
rode on further and found General Wallace at the head of primary reason for the letter was to recommend the pro-
his column near Clear Creek, positioned on high ground. motions of Grants aides Clark B. Lagow and William S.
Rowley pulled Wallace o to the side and warned him of Hillyer to colonel. This letter is also in the Library of
the danger that lied just ahead, exclaiming, Don't you Congress and among the Washburne Papers.
know that Sherman has been driven back? Why, the
whole (Confederate) army is within half a mile of the Head Quarters Army of the Tennessee
river, and its a question if we are not all going to be driven Pittsburg April 23d 1862
into it.[13] Rowley further exclaimed, I had a devil of a Friend Washburne I have intended ever
time nding you!" Wallace asked, Does General Grant since the Battle at this place to have written
send me orders?" Rowley replied, Yes, he wants you at you a letter, but the hurry and confusion
Pittsburg Landingand he wants you there like hell.[14] incident to such a ght as we have had pre-
Wallace, stunned by the news, sent his cavalry ahead to vented...it. ... First however a word with
assess the situation, and upon returning, it had conrmed reference to the Thousand and one stories that
Rowleys claim.[13][15] Rowley and Lieutenant Colonel are aoat with reference to Gen Grant suce
Douglas Putnam later corroborated Grants account of it to say they have the same foundation as did
the event when Grant was being criticized for the heavy those that were circulated after the Battle of
losses involved in the battle.[16] In the aftermath of the Donelson and no more: It is sucient to say
costly battle, rumors also emerged that Grant was delayed that Gen Halleck is now here and the conduct
at Savannah because he had been drinking.[17] of the Battle and all the details meet his entire
approbation and the stories in circulation have
Rowley and other ocers that were with Grant gave
their origin in the eorts of Cowardly hounds
a starkly dierent account of his capacity, and perfor-
who stampeded and now would be glad to
mance, than those of disgruntled or enterprising news-
turn public attention from themselves, and
paper reporters who were far away from Grant dur-
direct it elsewhere, together with the eagerness
ing the battle.[lower-alpha 4] Answering a letter of inquiry
of Newspaper Correspondents to get items
about newspaper reports, Rowley maintained Grants
I who was on the eld know that had it not
innocence. The letter below is addressed to Edward
been for the almost superhuman eorts of the
Hempstead,[lower-alpha 5] and was copied by him and for-
Gen' added to the assistance he had from his
warded to Washburne.[lower-alpha 6]
ocers we would have been forced to Record
a defeat instead of one of the most Brilliant
Head Quarters Army in the Field victories that was ever won on any eld....,
Near Pittsburg Tenn, April 19th 1862 Yours &c W R ROWLEY [1]
E Hempstead Esqr
"... I pronounce it an unmitigated slander. I
have been on his Sta ever since the Donelson Rawlins corroborated Rowleys account of Grants where-
aair (and saw him frequently during that) abouts and performance, maintaining that the rumors
and necessary in close contact with him every were typically unmitigated slander and that he had
day, and I have never seen him take even a never seen Grant at any time take a drink, and that Grant
glass of liquor more than two or three times and his sta were on the battleeld by 7 A.M.[18] Colonel
in my life and then only a single at a time. John E. Smith, also of the 45th Illinois, corroborated
And I have never seen him intoxicated or even Rowleys claim as well, maintaining that the army was
approximate to it. As to the story that he was astonished to hear such claims, and that they were made
intoxicated at the Battle of Pittsburg, I have by those who are jealous of him. Colonel Jacob Am-
only to say that the man who fabricated the men, who had also seen Grant at Savannah and at Pitts-
story is an infamous liar, and you are at liberty burg Landing, in like manner claimed I am satised Gen-
to say to him that I say so. ..., Yours &c W R eral Grant was not under the inuence of liquor, either of

the times I saw him.[20] Rowley was soon promoted to Donelson, Shiloh and Vicksburg, that enemies of Grant
Major General of Volunteers and later served on a detail circulated stories about his alleged drinking, and wrote of
as Provost Marshal General of Departments of Tennessee Rowley, that any time the subject came up, it would prove
and Cumberland, in 1863.[2][21][22] to be the spark that exploded the magazine of wrath and
where Rowley would typically reply: All a damned lie,
sentiments that were also shared by Crummer.[25]
2.3 Vicksburg campaign
In June 1880, while the Republican Convention was in
session in Chicago, former General and President Grant
Rowley was also present during the Vicksburg Cam-
and his family were living in Galena. After being per-
paign. He was appointed Lieutenant Colonel and Mili-
suaded by his wife and political friends to stand for a
tary Secretary on Grants Sta, when Grant assumed the
nomination and run for oce a third time, he nally con-
rank of Lieutenant General on March 2, 1864.[lower-alpha 8]
sented. Grant would come down town in the morning on
He remained in that position until his health began to
a daily basis and would spent an hour or two with Judge
fail, in October of that year, after the Wilderness cam-
Rowley, now an old friend and former comrade, at his
paign, forcing him to resign from the army.[2][10] Rowley
oce, and would often talk about his recent tour around
was one among nine Civil War generals that came from
the world. During the convention Rowleys oce would
Galena, Illinois.[24][lower-alpha 9]
receive many telegrams, and while Rowley and others
would receive them with great interest, Grant showed lit-
tle, until one arrived with some descending news about an
3 Later life old trusted friend, Elihu B. Washburne, also on the list of
presidential nominations. Washburne, now a competitor
of Grant, was withdrawing his support and making dis-
paraging statements about Grant, which ultimately ended
their long friendship. While Grant received the news in
his usual calm manner, Rowley and others, however, were
very outspoken with their denunciation of Washburne.[26]
Rowley spent his nal years in Galena and died on Febru-
ary 9, 1886, at the age of 62, and is buried in Galenas
Greenwood Cemetery.[2]

4 See also
Bibliography of the American Civil War

Bibliography of Ulysses S. Grant

Bibliography of Abraham Lincoln

List of American Civil War battles

List of Illinois Civil War Units

Illinois in the American Civil War

5 Notes
William Rowley in 1878
[1] A position usually held by a Major General

After his military career, Rowley returned to the post of [2] See Bibliography
Jo Daviess County Circuit Clerk until 1876, and later was
judge of the county court. In July 1866, for his service in [3] Organized at Galena, Ill., and mustered in at Camp Dou-
the war, Rowley was breveted Brigadier General of volun- glas, Ill., December 25, 1861.[7]
teers on Grants recommendation.[2] He remained friends [4] A number of reporters had previous bad experiences with
with fellow soldier Wilbur Crummer with whom he often Generals Halleck and Grant.[18]
talked about events they shared together during the Civil
War. Crummer, in his 1915 book about the battles of Fort [5] A relative of Washburne

[6] The text comes from the copy in the Washburne Papers, [23] Stephens, 2010, p. 84 Smith, 2001, pp.301302
Library of Congress.[1]
[24] Galena Historical Society : Galenas Nine Generals, 2012
[7] Frank G. Chapman, reporter for the New York Her-
ald, was previously expelled from General Halleck's dis- [25] Crummer, 1915, pp. 174175
trict. Chapman, who wrote an inaccurate newspaper ar-
[26] Crummer, 1915, pp. 179182
ticle of the battle at Shiloh, had a reputation for slipshod

[8] James B. McPherson and John Rawlins were also mem- 7 Bibliography
bers of Grants sta.[23]

[9] The other eight generals from Galena were : Ulysses Publications
Simpson Grant, Augustus Louis Chetlain, John Oliver
Duerr, Jasper Adalmorn Maltby, Ely Samuel Parker, John
Andrews, J Cutler (1955). The North Reports the
Aaron Rawlins, John Corson Smith and John Eugene
Smith.[24] Civil War. University of Pittsburgh Press. ISBN

6 References Bale, Florence Gratiot (1946). Historic Galena:

Yesterday and Today. Galena Advertiser.
[1] The Ulysses S. Grant Association Newsletter, 1972, Vol-
ume X,1 Bonekemper, Edward H. (2004). A Victor, Not a
Butcher: Ulysses S. Grants Overlooked Military Ge-
[2] Galena Historical Society and Ulysses S. Grant Museum: nius. Washington: Regnery. ISBN 0-89526-062-X.
Essay, 2012

[3] Caudell and contributors, Illinois Ancestors.org Catton, Bruce (1960). Grant Moves South. Boston:
Little, Brown. ISBN 0-316-13207-1.
[4] Wilson, 1912, pp. 2325, 49 McFeely, 1981, p. 73
Crummer, 1915, pp.173174
Crummer, Wilbur F. (1915). With Grant at Fort
[5] McFeely, 1981, p. 291 Donelson, Shiloh and Vicksburg. E. C. Crummer &
[6] White, 2016, pp.224225

[7] American Civil War Archive; 45th Regiment Infantry Dana, Charles Anderson (1909). Recollections of
Washburn Lead Mine Regiment the Civil War. D. Appleton and Company.
[8] Smith, 2001, pp. 301302
Daniel, Larry J. (2008). Shiloh: The Battle That
[9] Dana, 1909, p. 74
Changed the Civil War. Simon and Schuster. ISBN
[10] Richardson, 1885, p. 232 978-1-4391-2861-9.

[11] American Civil War Archive, 2016: 45th Regiment In-

Grant, Ulysses S. (2003). Personal Memoirs of
Ulysses S. Grant. Barnes & Noble Publishing. ISBN
[12] Richardson, 1885 p. 243 9780760749906.
[13] Groom, 2012, p. 305
Groom, Winston. Shiloh 1862. National Geo-
[14] Wallace, 1998, pp. 115-116 graphic Books. ISBN 978-1-4262-0879-9.
[15] Smith, Timothy, 2013 pp.9091
Johnson, Robert Underwood; Buel, Clarence
[16] Stephens, 2010, pp. 7984 Clough (1887). Battles and Leaders of the Civil War,
Volume 1. Century Company.
[17] Crummer, 1915, p. 175 White, 2016, p.225

[18] Mahoney, 2016, p. 336 Mahoney, Timothy R. (2016). From Hometown to

Battleeld in the Civil War Era: Middle Class Life
[19] Andrews, 1955, p. 265
in Midwest America. Cambridge University Press.
[20] Catton, 1960, Chap 12 ISBN 978-1-3167-2078-3.
[21] White, 2016, pp. 224225
McFeely, William S. (1981). Grant: A Biography.
[22] Bonekemper, 2004, p. 152 Norton. ISBN 0-393-01372-3.

Richardson, Albert Deane; Fletcher, R. H. (1885). Lindsey, Thomas Jeerson (1903). Ohio at Shiloh:
A Personal History of Ulysses S. Grant. American Report of the Commission. Ohio. Shiloh Battleeld
Publishing Company. Commission; C. J. Krehbiel & Company.

Risley, Ford (2012). Civil War Journalism. ABC-

Smith, Jean Edward (2001). Grant. New York: Si-
CLIO. ISBN 978-0-3133-4727-6.
mon & Schuster. ISBN 0-684-84927-5.
Lew Wallace An Autobiography Vol I, Vol II
Smith, Timothy B. (2013). Rethinking Shiloh: Myth
Lew Wallace, militant romantic
and Memory. Univ. of Tennessee Press. ISBN 978-

Stephens, Gail (2010). Shadow of Shiloh: Major

General Lew Wallace in the Civil War. Indiana His-
torical Society. ISBN 978-0-8719-5287-5.

Wallace, Lew (1998). Leeke, Jim, ed. Smoke,

Sound & Fury: The Civil War Memoirs of Major-
General Lew Wallace, U.S. Volunteers. Strawberry
Hill Press. ISBN 978-0-8940-7124-9.

White, Ronald C. (2016). American Ulysses: A

Life of Ulysses S. Grant. Random House Publish-
ing Group. ISBN 978-1-5883-6992-5.

Wilson, James Harrison (1916). The life of John A.

Rawlins, lawyer, assistant adjutant-general, chief of
sta, major general of volunteers, and secretary of
war. The Neale Publishing Company.

The Ulysses S. Grant Association Newsletter(s),

Volume X: (X,1X,4)". Ulysses S. Grant Presiden-
tial Library / Ulysses S. Grant Association. 1972

Internet sources

William Rueben Rowley, Essay. Galena Histor-

ical Society and Ulysses S. Grant Museum. 2012.
Retrieved May 21, 2017.

Galenas Nine Generals. Galena Historical Soci-

ety and Ulysses S. Grant Museum. 2012. Retrieved
May 21, 2017.

45th Regiment Infantry Washburn Lead Mine

Regiment"". American Civil War Archive. 2016.
Retrieved June 15, 2017.

Further reading

Daniel, Larry J. (2008). Shiloh: The Battle That

Changed the Civil War. Simon and Schuster.
Mahoney, Timothy R. (2016). From Hometown to
Battleeld in the Civil War Era: Middle Class Life in
Midwest America. Cambridge University Press.

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