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Assignment/Activity Title CAP Hollywood Year Sophomore

Skill Media, Group Dynamics Portfolio

Competency Media and Communications

CAP Hollywood was the main reason I had joined the Communication Arts Program. I remember seeing the
project on the CAP information night and it gave me a reason to join. I really enjoyed the idea of us having the creative
freedom to do what we wanted for a film. The project was easily the most extensive film project that we were given all
year. It was very important that I made a film I could be proud of. I really wanted to make sure I put my best effort into
this project. I believe the finished result shows a proficiency in Media and Communications.
When it came time to pick the films we wanted to work on I decided to join the team of Mystery Detective. The
theme was that of a Noir, and followed that of a Detective story. My group was made up of Johannes Temm, Sam
Newman, and Aiden Lambiotte. This group was a very strong one. All of us contributed to the project in varying ways
and no one was a weak link. Sam was an excellent director and cinematographer and contributed a lot of work despite
having a very small acting part. Johannes was able to turn out a good performance as the lead and wrote the original story
on which the film was based. Aiden was able to do a good job as the secondary character Darnell and as a director. I
contributed by mostly editing the film and performing a supporting character which was nominated for best Supporting
Actor. We all worked handily to complete the project by the deadline and put our best effort in.
We had a few problems during the production. One of the major ones was the slow filming schedule. Actors were
not available for many days, and the production was only finished two days before the film was due. This made it harder
to edit the film as a whole. The production also experienced the lack of actors. We initially cast ourselves as a few of the
major characters, but we were lacking two female actors to play the parts of Emma and Mrs. Brown. We solved the first
rather late into production by casting Abigail Rowland as Emma, which was necessary because it was the most important
part outside of the lead. The question of who was to play Mrs. Brown was solved when her character was combined with
that of Mr. Brown. Another problem we faced was the lighting. As it became hard to shoot at night a few outside shots
had to be shot during the day. We then digitally added shadows to help it look more like night, unfortunately while it
looked good and realistic on a monitor it caused problems when projected. As such on the CAP Hollywood premiere the
first half of the film was impossible to see.If I could do something over I would edit the shadows to be less harsh in order
to avoid the embarrassing moment during the presentation.
After the film was completed we attended the premiere at CAP Hollywood there we only won best art direction,
but were nominated for many more awards. Sams speech at the ceremony was I think this project went extremely well
especially due to the work of all our group members who all contributed a great amount to the film. I think that summed
up our feelings well. The work we did together on the project as a group helped us make the project truly great.

Student Signature (Print here: Ethan Paul ) Date

G, Mayo
Teacher Signature Date

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