Lesson Plan 3 - Dentist PDF Preassessment

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BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan #15

Lab 5- Dental Health

Date: 6/5/17
Supervisor: Avery Hathaway/ Kara Blackburn
Lead Teacher: Sierra Hagar

Children and Learning/Development Goals:

1. Izzy: recognize letters and sounds. Izzy will be encouraged to recognize letters and
sounds as she catches ducks outside in the pool.
2. Gabby: recognize letters and sounds. Gabby will be encouraged to recognize letters
and sounds as she catches ducks outside in the pool.
3. Landon: fine motor skills. Landon can practice fine motor skills while painting rocks
outside, in the creative art area, and while lacing yarn through teeth.
4. Owen: socializing with other. Owen will be encouraged to socialize in the dramatic
play area as he interacts with children as he plays with the materials.
5. Julian: English words. Julian will be prompted and encouraged to use English words
as he plays with the dinosaurs in the blocks. He can say colors, size, and type of
6. Mayli: sight words. Mayli will be able to write words in the dramatic play area as well
as in the creative arts. Teachers can write simple words down and see if she can read

Preassessment and Findings:

I observed Tytan as he brushed the big teeth at the table. He only brushed the bottom teeth
and only the top of them. I saw Izzy bring a little mirror over from the dramatic play to put in the
mouth and look at the teeth. Jack told Miss Elissa that he likes to brush his teeth. She asked him if
he liked to floss his teeth too, and he kept talking about brushing his teeth. Hannah told me that
she brushes her teeth so she doesnt get cavities. I asked her if she knew what a cavity was and
she said no. I saw Gabby take the yarn and put it in her mouth to floss her own teeth. I asked
Gryffin if he likes to go to the dentist and he said no. The children understand that they are
supposed to brush their teeth but I dont think most of them understand that cavities are holes in
their teeth. Children do not know what plaque is, they just know they need to brush their teeth to
keep them clean and cavity free.

Ideas to be Emphasized:
1 Dentists count and check our teeth to make sure they are healthy and have no
cavities. Cavities are holes in our teeth.
2 Certain foods are good for our teeth, and other foods are bad for our teeth.
3 Teeth need to be brushed morning and night and flossed once a day to keep
plaque off our teeth.

Preschool Concepts or Skills:

1. Counting
2. Body parts- teeth
3. Brushing
BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan #15
Lab 5
Dental Health
Date: 6/5/17
Supervisor: Avery Hathaway/Kara Blackburn
Lead Teacher: Sierra Hagar

Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. Dentists check our teeth to make sure they are healthy and have no cavities. Cavities are
holes in teeth.
2. Certain foods are good for our teeth, and other foods are bad for our teeth.
3. Teeth need to be brushed morning and night and flossed once a day to keep plaque off our
Preschool Concepts or Skills:
1. Counting
2. Teeth
3. Brush

Everyone - Self-Selected Brandi- Floater/Runner/Snack
Avery- Focus Groups Kara- Photographer
Whitney- Outdoor play Sierra- Greeter/Walkie (Lead Teacher)
Elissa- Snack Ellie- Whitney/Avery + Cardon- Kara


Literacy Activities/ Books:

Going to the Dentist by Anne Civardi (H C13)
Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (P A11)
Sheep out to eat by Nancy Shaw (P W5)

Literacy activities will be embedded throughout self-selected groups. Dramatic play will have a sign in
sheet, magazines, and teeth charts. Outside they will catch ducks that have different letters on the
bottom of them. In creative art they can write with the markers.

Activity Name Description/Activity Objective Materials, Special Set-up

*Creative Art: Activity Description: Children will use tooth Tooth brushes(RR1, 78)
Tooth brush painter brushes and other materials to create their own Markers (RR1, 16)
art. Crayons(RR1, 12)
Objective: Children will practice their fine motor Feathers(RR1, 9)
skills as they use multiple art materials to create Scissors(RR, 16)
their own art. ( D2, G18. #2) Uses various drawing Foam pieces(RR1, 9)
and art materials. Children will use their creativity Pom Poms(RR1, 13)
as they use varying art supplies to decorate their Paper(RR2)
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will model for the
children how to hold scissors correctly as they cut
*Manipulatives: Activity Description: Children will thread yarn Lace teeth (IWP)
Lace up tooth with through the holes around the teeth. Yarn (RR1, 9)
floss Objective: Children will practice their fine motor
skills as they manipulate the yarn and put it
through the individual holes. ( D2, G18, #6)
Manipulates small objects with ease.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will model for the
children how to lace yarn through the holes.
Teachers can use parallel and self talk to
encourage children to count the holes as they
thread the yarn through them.
*Math: Activity Description: Children will count the Mouths-(IWP)
Teeth counter amount of teeth each mouth has, as they place White beans (IWP)
white beans on the circles around the mouth Tweezers (RR1,72)
using tweezers. (circles represent where the
teeth go)
Objective: Children will practice using their fine
motor skills as they manipulate tweezers to pick
up beans and put them on the circles where
teeth go. (IELG D2, G18, #6) Manipulates small
objects with ease. Children will also practice their
cognitive skills as they count the amount of teeth
each mouth holds.
Intentional Teaching: Model for the children how
to pinch the tweezers with one hand. Use parallel
talk by counting the beans as children lay them
on the mouth.
Science: Activity Description: Children will use tools while Woodworking items
Woodwork exploring and manipulating pieces of wood. (classroom)
Objective: Children will use their fine motor and
gross motor skills as they hammer nails and screw
screws into the wood.
Intentional Teaching: Model and explain to
children how to be safe while using the
woodworking tools.

Sensory Table: Activity Description: Children will use tooth Teeth- (RR2, DP #247)
Teeth scrub brushes to scrub teeth and other objects with Toothbrushes( RR1,78 )
shaving cream and water to keep them clean. Food- (RR.2, 234)
Objective: Children will use fine motor skills as Sponges (RR1,11)
they scrub objects using toothbrushes and Shaving cream (RR1)
sponges. *children can squirt the
Intentional Teaching: Model for children how to shaving cream themselves.
brush the teeth on top, front, and back. Use self-
talk as you brush different parts of a tooth.
Blocks: Activity Description: Children will build cages and Dinosaurs (RR2)
Dinosaur buildings with the blocks. Dinosaurs can get
Enclosures trapped in the cages or can destroy the
buildings that the children make.
Child Objective: Children will develop cognitive
skills and motor skills as they use math concepts
and language to manipulate the blocks to make
enclosures for the dinosaurs. Children will also
develop social/emotional skills as they work
together to build enclosures and buildings.
Intentional Teaching: The teacher will use self-
talk and parallel talk to expose the children to
the different names of the dinosaurs and to
describe what the teacher or the children are
doing as a they match like dinosaurs.
*Dramatic Play: Activity Description: Children will pretend they Doctor bin (RR2, DP247 )
Dentist office are at the dentist office. They will check in with Bibs(IWP)
the receptionist at the front desk and wait in the Mirrors
waiting room. The dentist will call them back and
check their teeth. The receptionist will greet
patients, check them in, and make reminder
Objective: Children will develop social/
emotional skills as they engage in pretend play
to takes on pretend roles and situations, while
using appropriate language, tone, and
movements. (IELG D1, G15, #1)
Intentional Teaching: The teacher will play roles
with children that follow routines that are used in
dentist offices. Teachers will use a lot of self- talk
and parallel talk when in the dramatic play area
to describe what the teacher or children are
Creative Art: Description: Children will use stamps to leave Stamps (RR1,7&11 )
Stamps marks on their papers.

2nd: playdoh Description: Children will manipulate playdoh Playdoh (closet)

while using playdoh toys. Playdoh toys (RR2, 124)

ROTATING SNACK 2:20- 2:45 cantaloupe, crackers, water

OUTDOOR PLAY Location: South Playground

Gross Motor: : Activity Description: Children will roll the bowling Bowling set (GG)
Bowling ball into the pins, knocking down as many as Outdoor blocks (GG)
possible. *set up- set pins up (draw
Objective: Children will use gross motor skills to circles where the pins go)
throw large ball with some accuracy to knock and draw a line with chalk
the pins over. (IELG D2, G17, #5) that shows the students
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will model or use where to stand when rolling
hand over hand to show children how to throw the ball. Place ball on that
the ball underhand. line. Use blocks to create
2nd: Activity Description: Children will use Paint- W, R, B, Y- RR1
*Rock painting toothbrushes to paint rocks outside. Toothbrushes (RR1,78)
Objective: Children will practice using their fine Rocks (IWP)
motor skills as they paint rocks. Children will use
their social skills as they talk about the colors they *set up near big rock by
are using to paint with. willow hut. Children can
Intentional Teaching: Talk to the children about paint on the big rocks as
the colors they are using to paint with. Teach well.
children that when you mix certain colors they
create new colors by modeling for them.
3rd: Duck Fishing Description: Children will use nets to catch ducks Rubber Ducks- (RR2, 123)
swimming in the swimming pool. Fish Nets (with letters) (RR2,
Objective: Children will practice their hand eye 121)
coordination as they catch ducks in the nets. Splash balls (RR2, 121)
They will use their cognitive skills as they identify Pool (Small shed)
the letters on the ducks they catch. They will also
practice their social skills as they talk to other *set up on open grass area
children and teachers. by the garden. Lean nets up
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will use parallel against the swimming pool
and self talk to identify letters on the bottom of and put the rest of the items
the ducks that are caught. Teachers will identify inside.
and talk to children about words that start with *children may want to swim!
those letters.

CLEAN UP: Sing the cleanup song x2.

GATHERING TIME Im trying to get a dental assistant to come in and speak to the children.
Transition Play the song, Brush Your Teeth (youtube), and follow the actions. Pass out toothbrushes for
children to hold while singing and dancing as they make their way to gathering time. (each teacher
will pass out toothbrushes. They will have names on them)

Activity Name Description Materials

1. Going to Finger play if I was a dentist. (collect x-ray picture (IWP)
the dentist toothbrushes) Egg carton (RR2, BJ)
How many of you have been to the dentist Toothpick( IWP)
before? Did you know we are supposed to go to
the dentist 2 times a year? The dentist is one of
my favorite places to go because they clean my
teeth and help keep them healthy. The first
thing they usually do when I go to the dentist is
take an X-ray of my teeth. Do you know what an
x-ray is? Its a picture of our teeth.(show children
a picture of a tooth x-ray) X-rays help dentists
see if you have any cavities. Cavities are holes in
your teeth.
I am going to show children how dentists fill a
cavity using a toothpick as a drill, egg carton as
a tooth, and toothpaste as a filling. Children will
do hand actions for each step of filling a cavity.

2.Food sort Sometimes the foods we eat make our teeth Food (RR2, 234)
unhealthy and give us cavities. Its important that Baskets (RR1)
we eat healthy foods that are good for our
teeth. Foods that have a lot of sugars in them are
bad for our teeth because sugar eats at our
teeth and give us cavities, so we cant eat a lot
of them.
Boys and girls I have a big bag of food right
here and I need your help deciding which foods
will keep my teeth healthy and which ones are
bad for my teeth.
I will have two different baskets. One basket will
have a happy tooth and another basket will
have a sad tooth. There will be a line of tape
between the two baskets. I will have a bag full of
different foods that are good and bad for teeth.
The children will identify the foods and determine
which basket the food belongs in by standing on
a certain side of the line.

2. Brushing The foods we eat leave germs on our teeth Big mouth & toothbrush (RR2,
and flossing called plaque. Plaque can give us cavities, DP Doctor bin)
which is why it is really important that we brush Yarn (RR1,9)
our teeth at least 2 times a day. When we brush
our teeth we have to make sure we brush the
whole tooth, front, back, and top.
I will use the big mouth and show children how to
brush each part. Children will use their toothbrush
to be brushing their teeth. Sometimes our
toothbrush cannot reach the cracks between
our teeth and food can get stuck in those cracks.
We have to use floss to get in between our teeth
to make sure all the food particles are gone. I
will show the children how to floss using the big
mouth and a piece of yarn. Children will pretend
to floss using hand motions.

Transition : Say the poem My Toothbrush and do the actions. At the end of the poem call the names of
one group and send them to their table. Repeat until all groups are gone.
Miss Elissa Miss Kara Miss Brandi Miss Whitney
Bruin Mayli Gabby Jack
Izzy Julian Jane Avery
Landon Macy Makai Ellie
Hannah Ian Evie Owen
Tytan Cardon Griffyn
Your Activity: Description: Children will put a little bit of toothpaste Materials
Egg Brush on a tooth brush and scrub an egg (tooth) that has Eggs (IWP)
been sitting in soda overnight. Children will recognize Toothpaste (IWP)
the effect soda has on their teeth when they dont Toothbrushes (RR1,
brush them. 78)
Objective: Children will see firsthand the effect soda
has on their teeth and how brushing them keeps
them white. (IELG D1 G8 #1) Identifies objects that
have an effect on other objects.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will verbally explain to
children that when we drink soda it makes our teeth
turn brown like the egg. We have to brush our teeth
with toothpaste to keep them white and healthy.
Transition- We are the Dinosaurs Children will dance and follow the actions to the song.

Closing Circle

Activity Name Description Materials

Activity dice Children will roll the dice and follow the action that it (IWP)
lands on.
Dental review I will have children feed the big mouth foods that are Food (RR2, 234)
healthy for our teeth. They will put food that is not
healthy in a bag.
Simon Says Children will practice their listening skills by following the
action Simon says.
The /d/ sound I will have 6 items and 3 of them will start with the letter D. Dog&Cat
Children will decide if the items start with the /d/ sound. (RR2, B168)
Duck(RR2, 123)
Car (RR2, 178)
Orange (RR2, 234)

If You Give A Mouse Children will listen to and interact with the book. If You Give A Mouse
A Cookie by A Cookie by Laura
Laura Numeroff Numeroff (RR2, BB)
Red Light green Children will change was of movement each time we Red and green light
light play. They will move when the light is green, and stop (Closet)
when the light is red.
Mouse in a house Children will guess what house the mouse is hiding (closet)

My Toothbrush
I have a little toothbrush.
I hold it very tight.
I brush my teeth each morning,
and then again at night.
I go brush, brush, brush.
And rinse, rinse, rinse,
And then when they're all clean,
I will blow you a kiss!

If I were a dentist,
I know what I would do.
(Point to self.)
I'd tell all the children, "Brush your teeth."
(Imitate brushing teeth.)
"Keep a smile like new."
(Make a big smile and point to lips.)
And if a tiny hole should show,
I'd say, "Climb into my chair."
(Make circle with fingers.)
I'd make my little drill go buzzzzzzzzzz,
And put a filling there!
(Point to teeth.)

1,2,3 learn curriculum

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