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Making Disciples: Gods Way to Transform Nations

Disciple Making
& Church Planting:
Gods Way to Transform Nations


J esus bypassed the cumbersome religious

structures and irrelevant worship practices
of his day, and started something living and
organic. The word organic is a good one to describe
Notice the way Jesus got the disciples exercising
gifts of leadership from the outset, before they were
ready. Jesus didnt wait for disciples to be born
again, baptized, trained theologically and super-
a spontaneously reproducing simple church move- vised under a safe religious system with guaranteed
ment because it describes something that grows controls before He was involving them in leadership.
naturally, without artificial additives. It consists of He got them out telling others about Him within a
elements that exist together in natural relationships few weeks of being with Him (Matt 10:114). He
that make growth and multiplication possible. That led the movement He began from underneath, very
is how a simple church movement grows: it is not a quickly involving the disciples in leadership assign-
top down hierarchical organization, but a movement ments without mentioning positions or titles. He
held together by people who share the same vision had a radically different paradigm from that of the
and values. I have observed that successful churches religious leaders of His day, and of our day as well.
in the conventional church model can actually be a He was training them to lead before they were actu-
hindrance to a simple church planting movement. ally born again, in our evangelical understanding of
what that means. After all, the journey of disciple-
ship doesnt start when a person comes to faith in
Floyd McClung is founder and Christ, but long before.
leader of All Nations, a movement
of simple churches and church
Movements not just meetings
In his book Organic Church2, Neil Cole describes
planters working together across the his journey from a static kind of church plant-
globe to catalyze disciple-making, ing model to a dynamic and rapidly expanding
church planting movements among organic movement of over 800 simple churches.
Cole describes his journey of disenchantment with
the unreached and unchurched.
church growth seminars that attributed the secret
All Nations offers church planting equipping programs of growing churches to clean toilets and plenty of
called CPx in Kansas City and Cape Town. parking spaces. Cole comments: Apparently, the
For more go to kingdom of God is held up by dirty toilets and poor
parking. Jesus will have to wait for us to clean up our
or act. In India and China, however, where the church Mission Frontiers September-October 2011 19

Making Disciples: Gods Way to Transform Nations

is growing fastest, among the most Formation, not He spent most of His time with
noticeable missing ingredients are just information His disciples. Jesus calls us to
clean toilets and parking spaces. 3 When I think about those who follow His example by reproduc-
Cole describes coming to the have influenced me most in life, ing what He has given to us in
realization that God wanted him its a few people who made a sig- others, who in turn are to invest
to help birth a movement that nificant investment in me. These in others also (2 Tim 2:2). Build-
radically lowered the bar for what are men and women who believed ing a disciple-making culture
it meant to be church, but raised in me and took time to impart to and birthing a disciple-making
the bar for what it meant to be a me what God had deposited in movement does not happen by
disciple in the church. By assert- their lives. The goal of disciple- accident. Passionate people catch
ively sharing Christ and mak- ship is not disseminating infor- the fire that burns in them from
ing disciples, their movement, mation, but life-on-life forma- someone else and in turn pass it
Church Multiplication Associates tion. I have heard a lot of great on to others. Every person who
(CMA), grew in just a few years sermons in my days. I have read is influencing other peoples lives
to over 800 churches in more many excellent books. And I have can tell you about the people who
than 30 States in the U.S.A. and interacted with world-class lead- impacted upon them.
25 countries around the world. ers. But what really changed my There are churches and move-
life were those who took the time ments today that produce these
How does such a movement hap-
to get to know me and mentor kinds of results, while others
pen? There has to be the blessing
me. Those are the ones who really dont even come close. The rea-
of God, for sure. But besides
impacted me. I can count them son? Some have caught the vision
that, simple church movements
on the fingers of two hands. God of relational disciple-making,
are spurred in their growth by
put something in each of them and others have not. How can we
personal discipleship. It is people
that was unique, and they passed expect to reproduce our lives in
discipling people. Programs dont
it on to me. I am what I am today others, and see whole cities and
disciple people, buildings dont
because of those men and women. nations transformed if we dont
disciple peoplepeople disciple
people. And discipled people People like Gordon Fee. Dr. Fee deliberately pass on to them what
transform nations. was one of my professors while I God has given us?
was studying at Vanguard Uni- Anything good in our life is the
In our church planting endeav-
versity. He was much more than a result of our being impacted
ours in Cape Town, we stress
professor, actually he became a upon by someone else. It began
the loving invitations of Jesus to
mentor. He became a friend. He with Jesus and His disciples
everyone, and then teach the lov-
took time to hear my story. He 2,000 years ago, and it carries on
ing commands of Jesus to those
would come by my room in the with us today. If you have hope,
who are serious. We lower the bar
residence hall to visit with me and passion, a sense of purpose and
for doing church so that everyone
the other students. He would stop destiny, it is because you received
can be part of it, and we raise the
by the gym and shoot hoops with it from someone else. You are one
bar for being a disciple so that
us as we practiced for our next of many in a long line of people
everyone knows what it means
game. He invited me to his office who have touched each others
to be a disciple of Jesus, a person
to chat. He poked around in my lives. And if others are changed
who lives a transformed life.
heart when he sensed I was not because of you, it will be because
Of the four kinds of soil that doing well. There has never been you gave to them what has been
received the seed in the parable of a time I have preached Gods given to you. Passion for Jesus
the sower, only one kind was deep word that I was not passing on to and His purposes in the earth is
and lasting. That is what we look others what was imparted to me received, nurtured, then passed
for to make our disciples, trans- by this man of God. on to others. Thats how it lives on
form communities, and find fu- in the Church.
ture leaders. We consciously and Disciple making is the way
unconditionally love all those we Passion and purpose come at no
minister to, but we also recognize Jesus did church less a price than Jesus and His
that some people are hungry to Jesus chose a few people and disciples paid to possess them. If
learn more about Jesus and some poured Himself into them. He Jesus walked the way of suffer-
people arent. preached to the multitudes, but ing to receive the blessing of the

20 September-October 2011 Mission Frontiers USCWM 1605 E. Elizabeth St. Pasadena, CA 91104 626-797-1111
Making Disciples: Gods Way to Transform Nations

Father, do we think we can do I want to start a church planting other leaders, the impact of one
anything less? If we are willing movement someday, and I know life is multiplied many times over.
to align ourselves with a tribe of I wont be able to do it unless It produces more fruit for the
people with proven passion, it will I invest my life in others, said kingdom of God.
mean getting out of our comfort Charles. He was right. There are
zone, taking up our cross, and no short cuts to doing church the Making disciples is
putting ourselves in harms way way Jesus did it. He built a team
personal in nature but
for the sake of the gospel and for that became a community that
nations to be transformed. If we multiplied and grew into a move- transformational in scope
are willing and obedient, we will ment. You can build a disciple- Jesus said we are to make disciples
experience the same fruit as the making church with two or three of all nations. Its Gods way of
first disciples. generations of disciples, but spreading His glory to the whole
Charles was already dreaming of earth. Personal discipleship con-
Jesus chose personal investment nects us to Gods global purposes.
in peoples lives as the primary more than one church, and more
way He did church. The Sunday- than four generations of disciples.
centric model of church will not He wanted to build a church- Making disciples is Gods
change the world. Some think the planting movement, and he knew way of transforming cities
church started on the day of Pen- it had to begin with him leading and nations
tecost, but I disagree. Jesus led people to Christ and investing in To quote Landa Cope: A reached
the first New Testament church. them one at a time. community is not a discipled
He modelled for us how to do When I quizzed Charles on what community. God uses the pro-
church by the way He gathered steps he was taking to turn his cess of personal discipleship to
and invested in the lives of a few dream into a reality, he told me bring about spiritual transforma-
men and women. He modelled about room-mates he was reach- tion in individuals lives, and in
a new way of doing church. He ing out to and new followers of turn, those transformed indi-
gathered, equipped and mobilized Jesus with whom he was meeting viduals influence their business,
faithful men and women into a weekly to have a quiet time and family, school and, in time, whole
movement of devoted followers share their faith. He was taking cities and nations. As Landa says,
(Matt 28:1920, 2 Tim 2:2). This simple, practical steps to turn it is possible to evangelize people
kind of one-on-one intentional his dream into a reality. He was by the thousands and millions,
relationship is the key to help- faithfully working away at it, but that does not mean they have
ing people get freed from their and you know what? I believe his been discipled.
brokenness and turned on to dream will become a reality. Africa, the continent where I live,
serving Jesus. Discipleship isnt a has actually been evangelized
school or program, but a lifestyle Making disciples is not an over and over again. But it has not
of passion and purpose passed on been discipled. Africa desperately
option, its a command
through personal investment and needs a new kind of Christian
Jesus said: Teach them to ob-
involvement in one anothers lives and a new way of doing church.
serve all things I have command-
(1 Thess 2:1819; 3:10). When we disciple people in small
ed you. (Matt 28:1920) Obedi-
I met a young man named Charles ent disciples make disciples. Its groups, we are doing church the
a few years ago. I asked him if the heart of what we do. There is way Jesus did it. He modeled a
he had a dream, and he eagerly nothing more important than in- new concept of church by gather-
shared it with me. I want to have vesting our lives in other people. ing a few men and women and
eight generations of disciples. I There is no more crucial role for teaching them to love and obey
am an eighth generation disciple. leaders in the church. When Him. In this sense Bill Hybels is
I have traced it back through the leaders invest their lives in other right: the church is the hope of
guys in our church, starting about leaders, its discipleship at its best. the world. Hybels declares: The
20 years ago. He named the men Why? Because only those who church is the only God-anointed
in the long chain of relationships live with apostolic intent can cre- agency in society that stewards
that Charles knew by heart, and ate a leadership culture conducive the transforming message of the
could articulate the principles that to attracting and releasing more love of Christ the local church
made it so powerful. leaders. When a leader develops is the hope of the world. Mission Frontiers September-October 2011 21

Making Disciples: Gods Way to Transform Nations

If the church is to steward the and women to bring in a great Discipling someone means inten-
message in the same manner as harvest, were commissioned to tionally identifying with Gods
Jesus, we must make disciples do the same thing in our sphere interests in that persons life.
who know, love and obey Jesus. of influence. Jesus did not come When someone says yes to your
This means that every aspect of to establish an institution called invitation to spend time together,
their life must be different: how church, but to empower people to get to know them ask questions,
they work, love their family, tell do church intentionally. God has draw them out, develop genuine
the truth, handle money with a passion to gather a great harvest interest in their lives. By prayer-
integrity, and reach out to the for His gloryand He is inviting fully affirming them, you will
poor. Personal salvation is not us to work with Him as His co- impart life to them. Tell them
enough. It is the beginning of a labourers to draw in the net. God loves them. Pray for them.
relationship with Jesus Christ, but To weave an effective discipleship Bless them. Tell them the things
if we follow the example of Jesus, net means gathering and equip- God gives you for them when
calling people to obey Jesus is ping people to be disciple-makers you pray for them, but dont use
the goal. Discipleship is intended themselves. That means modeling churchy language. Your encour-
by God to lead to transforma- disciple-making in our lives. It agement and belief in them will
tion, both on a personal level and comes down to small groups and give them courage to say yes to
in the surrounding community. Gods love. Help them realize
the great value they have to God.
when he wrote these words to his
disciple, Timothy: I remind you
If we dont disciple the hearts and
minds of our people, someone
Sadly, many leaders are getting one-on-one times with people else will do it for us. We live in a
people to make decisions about at work and school and who live pluralistic culture. There is a con-
Jesus but they are not making close to us. If we select and faith- stant battle for peoples passion.
disciples for Jesus. fully disciple a few people in our Every disciple of Jesus is on the
sphere of influence, and they in front line, frequently alone. Liv-
Weaving a discipleship net turn are discipling others, we take ing in such an environment calls
When Jesus called Simon Pe- the first steps to build a harvest for clear biblical thinking, and
ter and Andrew to become His gathering net for the kingdom. that means teaching and training.
disciples, He called them to be Memorized answers will not be
It begins with casting the vision,
fishers of men. Later, He de- enough. We must not let people
then inviting people to respond.
scribed the kingdom of God as think that by going to a meeting
Jesus began the process of train-
being like a net that is cast into once a week they will be ready
ing His disciples by letting them
the sea to catch fish (Matt 13:47). to face the challenges the enemy
in on the big plans He had for
Though Jesus cared for individu- throws at them.
their lives. He told them He was
als, He longed for many indi-
going to make them fishers of We have the awesome respon-
viduals to experience forgiveness
men. He told them, You will sibility and opportunity to help
of their sins. If we are to weave
see heaven open. Over and over shape the world-view of people
a net to catch the harvest God
again He encouraged them to and impart to them kingdom
wants to bring through our lives,
dream big dreams for their lives, values. We are preparing frontline
it means weaving a discipleship
helping them catch a glimpse of workers for the kingdom of God.
net. Weaving a net is another way
the courageous men and women God has called them, placed
of saying that God wants us to
He was calling them to become. them where He wants them, and
be intentional about winning and
For those who were willing to we get to equip them to be full-
gathering and multiplying trans-
obey Him, He invested in their time for Jesus.
formed people for Him. In the
lives, then He asked them to
same way that Jesus very deliber-
disciple others.
ately selected and equipped men

22 September-October 2011 Mission Frontiers USCWM 1605 E. Elizabeth St. Pasadena, CA 91104 626-797-1111
Making Disciples: Gods Way to Transform Nations

The cost of discipleship movements of men and women Making disciples creates a
Jesus said that for those who who will do mighty exploits for discipleship culture
believe in Him, they will do God, and that will not happen if When personal discipleship is a
greater works than He did. This we are not diligent in seeking God way of life for a church or move-
promise is not a blanket guaran- and obeying Him. ment, it ensures that what they
tee for anyone who wants to be a There are churches and move- stand for is passed on. Disciple-
disciple, but it is an insight into ments today that produce these ship helps create a culture. One
how much God wants to work kinds of disciples, while others person cannot do that by himself
through us. The cost is great, but if dont come close. The reason some or herself. A solitary individual
we are willing to pay the price, we churches and movements produce cannot possibly be in enough
will inherit the rewards of obey- these kinds of disciples is because places to influence enough people.
ing Jesus. Paying the price means their leaders have been captured By calling us to birth and nurture
making a conscious decision to by a vision of laying down their a disciple-making movement, God
live full-time for Him at work, in lives for the purposes of God. has designed a process that has
our residence hall at the university, If the people who lead have this the deepest impact on the greatest
with our neighbors, and with our kind of passion and vision, it will number of people. This is how a
family members. It means dying to be passed on to others. Unless we movement grows to impact upon
self, exchanging our life for His, make disciple-making our main thousands and even hundreds of
confronting strongholds in our agenda, all our visions are fantasy. thousands of people, all with the
lives (2 Cor 10:46), living a life of Its the difference between dream- same passions and dreams.
truth and accountability with two ing and doing. And to do the job
or three others on a weekly basis, really well, we have to make our Discipleship is the
and walking with others in honest, main business making disciples
accountable relationships. God is difference
who make disciples. All kinds of programs and strat-
calling us to father and mother
egies have been developed by
Christian organizations and local
churches to evangelize the world.

All these programs and strate-
gies are great. But programs and
strategies dont disciple people.
Great ideas dont make disciples.
Disciples make disciples. There is
Do you long to go into missions, but no shortcut and there is no other
way for a church or movement to

feel like its impossible? Its not. reproduce itself and to have a trans-
forming influence on a nation.

Have you spent years nurturing a heart for missions, yet You wont reproduce the vision and
values God has put in you if you
feeling concerned about: dont make disciples. There is no
Money? Well help you develop funding for your project! other way to pass on the spiritual
DNA God has put in you. There
Lack of training? Well teach you the hands-on practical are many methods that seem more
glamorous, and there are many
skills really needed to plant a church overseas! approaches to ministry that get
more attention. But if you want to
Career/Denominational Requirements? Well send you build a leadership culture, if you
where you want, when you want, regardless of background! want to impart apostolic passion
to your church or movement, and

Let us train + send you! if you want to see the gospel have
its desired transforming effect on
people and nations, it will happen 816.216.1353 because you make disciples.f
Three-Week Training (Kansas City): Sept 26-Oct 15 or Dec 27-Jan 10 Mission Frontiers September-October 2011 23

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