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197 Short Duration Discussion on [30 DEC.

1993] JPC Report in Banking Transaction 198


RAMAN (Tamil Nadu) : Madam, for the last
two days a discussion is going on about the
considered opinion of the JPC. Many hon.
Members in this House have put forward their
considered opinions. Madam, this securities
scam has rocked this country. According to
the JPC Report if started from the year 1980.
It has come to surface only in 1991-92. These
securities transactions of varied types have
been done with a view to siphon off the funds
of banks. The Report also says that the bank
officials were cooperative. It has been brought
to light right from the lowest cadre to the
highest cadre. All of them have been very
cooperative because they had their own
dividends. Through various types of
transactions, the securities have been siphoned
off and bank funds have been defrauded.
Now there are varied versions about the
total amount involved in the securities scam.
According to the Janakiraman Committee
Report, it is Rs. 4000 crores odd. According
to the Custodian, it is Rs. 3,650 crores. The
CBI says it is Rs. 8,383 crores. Therefore, the
amount is more than Rs. 8,383 crores. This
amount has been siphoned off from the banks
and the public sector undertakings. But we
have not been able to find out where it has
been hidden and who is bavins it. We have
not been able to trace it out find every one is
trying to shove the responsibility on to the
other. We have heard arguments from both
the sides. We have been sitting here like
judges. Majority of the Members in the JPC
were from the treasury benches. Members
from various other parties also participated.
We have heard arguments saying that people
sitting here should be pardoned and they
should be given another chance. But they are
not able to understand and they do not want to
see it. The Report is unanimous. There are
one or two dissensions. They have a separate
view point. They have given their viewpoint
Short duration discussion on J.P.C to show as to where they differ. There are no
two opinion, on that aspect also. But now the
Report on irregularities in securities and treasury benches want to argue
Banking transactionsContd.
199 Sort Duration Discussion on [RAJYA SABHA) JPC Report in Banking Translation 200

on this point also, in spite of the fact that the single coin in the chess board. The ball is now
Finance Minister has been given a dean chit. in the court of the Prime Minister. We are
There are no two opinions regarding his awaiting his opinion, his final decisions in the
honesty, integrity and sin-cerity. But we are matter. Madam, my learned _ friends have
not discussing his" integrity, honesty or mentioned certain things from the Report. I
sincerity. The queston is,whether he is morally would also like to point out certain facts which
responsible to the public, whether he is goes to show that the Reserve Bank authorities
morally responsible to the Parliament. On his were callous and how they remained contented
part he felt that,as a responsible man he should by merely issuing circulars They never
le-sign , although he .is not directly involved bothered to see that their circulars were strictly
in the scam. He felt that he should resign followed. The recipient of one such circular
although he is not directly involved defence never cared to follow the RBI's instructions.
lawyers on the side of the treasury benches. More so, a foreign bank, which received the
We have heard the oration of a senior lawyer circular did not reply at all. This particular
and he has also can-vased that we cannot foreign bank was involved in a major way in
blame him and that it is only an overall the scam and a lot of money was squandered.
picture. He was talking just like a Magistrate The IPC in its Report clearly states in Para
or a Munsif who says, "I put 1,100 signtures 4.31 on Page 265 : "The RBI in their circular
and initials. Some misappropriation was done dated 20 June 1992 prohibited all new inter-
by some clerk and I did not see it. How could bank ready forward deals in Government
you hold me responsible for it ? 1 put 10,000
securities except in Treasury bills.
signatures everyday and put 122. initials, how
Subsequently, however, ready forward
could you expect me to see it ?" That is the
transactions have been permitted in specific
kind of argument that they are putting forth.
Somebody argued that Shri Lal Bahadur Government securities. Tha Committee is of
Shashtri resigned. I think the Minister said it. the view that continuance of ready forward
This is an anomalous position. Shri Lal Baha- transactions in ther present form in
dur Shastri was not the person who ap-pcinted Government securities inclusive of PSU bonds
the diiver. But he felt that was his moral and units of UTI is detrimental to the system."
responsibility as he was holding the portfolio So, a circular was issued but it was not taken
of Railways at that time and so he resigned. ino consideration. And there is a deviation
So also our Finance Minister felt that it was but nobody bothers about it. Also, as regard
his moral responsibility Even to the reporters the people who were responsible for the
who have approached him he has said, "No outbreak of the scam, from the Report, we are
comments. I cannot say anything. The papers not able to say and pinpoint as to who is at the
are with the Prime Minister." bottom of the mischief. The people right from
the lowest to the highest cadres have been
Apart from that, there are two other people involved. The main part played by the brokers
also who ate involved in it and whose names is the most important thing that we have to
have been mentioned in the Report. These take into consideration. The brokers are able to
people have come out with a statement saying canvass from all the banks, including the
that they had nothing to do with that. They nationalised banks. They somehow succeded
have argued that they were not involved with in manipulating the whole thing successfully
it in any way, and they say some are indulged and thus succeeded in creating irregularities in
in mud-slinging. And, we not know what the banking transactions, as a result of which
deocision the Prime, Minister has take, as is- the whole lot of the bank money was
normally the case with him. Our Prime squandered and was invested heavily on the
Minister has not moved . a securities I would also like to bring
201 Short Duration Discussion on [30 DEC. 1993) JPC Report in Banking Transactions 202V.

to the notice of the House what the Re-port says, "No, everything was done by top-
states in Page 281. I quote : "The ; close ranking people". From a reading of the report,
nexus between certain PSUs, banks and we could only be led to the fact that each one
brokers enabled them to have un is shoving the responsibility at his own whims
authorised access to funds leading to I and fancies and according to his own
diversion at huge public funds from the intelligence. That is all one could say. Now I
banking sector to the brokers to enable I also... (Interruptions).. .
them to channelise these funds into the I
stock market as also the call money THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (SHRIMATI
market." So, to that extent, the brokeis SUSHMA SWARAJ) : Your time is over, Mr.
were having powers. As a result of the Venkatraman. You kindly conclude.
acts of the brokers or the persons who
manned these security operations, the
RAMAN : No, Madam. I request that I may
prices of the shares went sky-rocketing.
be given five minutes more.
Also, Madam, in Para 15.66 on Page 302, the
Report states : "The manner in which the THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (SHRIMATI
Augustine Kuria's report has been dealt SUSHMA SWARAJ) : No. Thirteen minutes
'with is not an isolated instance of the way the were there. You have takes 13
RBI has been functioning. minutes.
RAMAN : Madam, I don't quarrel with the
.It is inconceivable that a relatively Chair. But I may be permitted some more
junior official of RBI.. ." time because I have started only
I underline the words 'relatively junior
SUSHMA SWARAJ) : You have started only
".. .should have been able to unearth such now ! You have taken thirteen
a long set of malpractices unless there was minutes, Mr. Venkatraman.
general knowledge in the system of the
existence and persistence of these SHRI TINDIVANAM G. VENKAT-
malpractices. Yet, no one at the level of the RAMAN : It is only apreface, Madam.
Central Board, the Governor or the Deputy
Governor appears at any time between THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (SHRIMATI
October, 1986 and March, 1991 to have SUSHMA SWARAJ) : We are already
addressed the problem with the seriousness short of time.
it warranted. As things went, the country
had to pay a heavy price in thousands of SHRI TINDIVANAM G. VENKAT-
crores at rupees for the lapsesen the part of RAMAN : The Committee at page 303
the RBI top management during the says :
crucial years."
"The Committee have to comment upon
So, squarely the RBI has mishandled the the casualness with which Citibank
affair. What is it that we are going j to do and persistently responded to the queries of
how is the money which has . been lost going RBI. It prevaricated, answered partially or
to be recovered ? This j is still a big question inadequately, perhaps deliberately and
mark. What did the officials say ? Mr. never had a ready response to the
Janakiraman says, "No, I have nothing to do requirements of the Central Bank of the
with this." The j middle-level officials say, country. Unfortunately the Committee
"No, we have | nothing to do with it". The have to
lowest man
203 Short Duration Discussion on [RAJYA SABHA] JPC Report in Banking Transactions 204

also observe that this failure on the part of that some important persons of India were
RBI to have its instructions obeyed is there behind the scam facilitating these
reflection of the loss of authority that the fictitious, bogus and benami accounts. He
RBI has brought upon itself. The 'vas the person who said that the nexus
Committee have no doubt that no foreign between. the politicians, Ministries and also
bank would have responded with such the industrial houses, the beneficiaries as well
indifference to diree-tionsjqueries from the as the ultimate recipients should be exposed.
Central Bank of the country of its origin. It What is it that this Government is going to do
is the excessive accommodation shown to because Mr. Madhavan is not there now ? He
foreign banks by top management of RBI has retired for reasons best known to the
that imparted arrogance to these banks to Government.
describe as 'market practice' what was in
fact the blatant flouting of RBI directives. So the public is now looking at the
The foreign banks eventually emerged as Government. The Report is there. So
the originators as also the biggest players in many other Committees' Reports are
the scam." here which are gathering dust. I do not know
whether this Report also will gather dust or
Therefore, the foreign banks have played whether there will be any follow-up action.
their best in the game. Paragraph 187 very This is big question before the public. I only
clearly and very succinctly says how foreign hope that the Government will not sleep
banks played havoc in the scam and how they over this Report, but will
are responsible for the scam. I would like to take effective measures to see that common
submit. . . (Interruptions).. man's money is not siphoned off by
unscrupulous brokers and others. Thank you,
SUSHMA SWARAJ) : Please conclude now.
Kindly finish your speech. THE VICE CHAIRMAN (SHRIMATl
SUSHMA SWARAJ) : Now, Mrs. Renuka
RAMAN . Yes, Madam. I don't violate the
rules. I am just playing the rule of the House. SHRI SURINDER KUMAR SINGLA :
Madam, kindly allot me a few minutes.
I would now refer you to an allegation. A very
serious allegation was made by Mr. Harshad THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (SHRIMATI
Mehta who said that he had given one crore of SUSHMA SWARAJ) : Your party's time is
rupees to Prime Minister he banded over Rs. 1 over. yet 1 had given time to Mr. Ahmed
crore and all that and we read about this in the Patel and Shri R. R. Sahu. Now, Mrs.
newspapers also. The Committee also had Chowdhury. Only five minutes.
observed this. It should be investigated and
there must be a CBI enquiry because the SHRIMATI RENUKA CHOW-
Committee felt that there was inadequate DHURY : Madam, I thank you very much
evidence. The Committee also said that and I am conscious of the cvns-Itaint of time
witnesses who were examined did net give the on -me.
particulars. Secondly, the retirement of CBI
Joint Director, Mr. Madhavan, has really As my honouiable colleague earlier referred
guaranteed the people who wanted to get to the dictionary, may I also refer to the word
themselves screened. He was the man who was "moral" in terms of the dictionary ? "Moral"
able to say in the course of his observations means con-ceired with goodness or badness of
character or disposition, or with the distinction
between right and wrong. Today, Mudam, the
scam in India has become a state-of-art
robbery. We have managed
205 Short Duration Discussion on [30 DEC. 1993 JPC Report in Banking Transactions 206

to bring this to a massive cover-up operation public duly, particularly when entrusted
whereby we have systematically root-ed the with the puolic funds, then it cannot work
people of India and, worse still, in the eyes of at all."
the nations abroad, we have reduced the
Indian people, able-come here and loot our THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (SYED SIBTEY
own people. We have reduced the India RAZI) : in the Cair.
people, able-bodied people, to begging
Sir, herein lies the sum and substance of
without self-respect and pride and we have
what the JPC spoke about and we cannot
taught the able-bodied people to loot.
divorce ourselves from public accountability,
from the morality of dispensing cr
Madam, before I carry on further, nothing administering what we have been empowered
can be more obvious than what is said in this to in a democracy.
Report, if you just pay your attention to it. I
would just like to refer to paras 27 and 28 Sir, 1 also wish to draw your attention to what
which are just part of the whole Report. In we have been talking about to- , day. 1 am not
para 27, it has been said : here to give any Sermon on the Mount, but I am
here to point out that the Government is
'"The state of the country's sys- indulging in merely two points. The first point
tem of governance, the persistence of non- is to deflect from the main issue. They have
adherence to rules and regulations and made the day a "Manmohan Singh Day" and J
guidelines, the alarming decay over time in will also join the chorus and gay, "Save him
the hanking systems have been fully from the clutches of this Government that will
exposed. These grave and numerous use him so immorally and will, abuse him; save
irregularities persisted for so long that it Manmohan]) from losing his sanity and object
was not the observance of regulations. but of honesty; save him from being misused by the
their breach that came to be regarded and Government which, in its acts of
defended as "market practice." misgeveinance, has abused this man and all that
he stood for; and save him from the speeches of
In para 28, it has been said : the Lok Sabha, which have been widely quoted
"Amongst all the witnesses that ap in the Press wherein they have said that this
peared before the Committee, in an the man represented a dream for young India. This
many hours of evidence taken, the is not he dream that is translated into so
Committee seldom came across en instance grotesque a farce that has been conducted on
where responsibility for wrong was for this nation.
hightly accepted. Further, more
worrisomely, the Committee found that as a And save us from ourselves that we sit in
routine, through the entire apparatus of moral righteousness after taking an allegiance
governmental machinery, a very damaging to this nation that we will serve and restrain
approach seems to pervade, that of from moral turpitude. Sir, it is the decay of
transferring responsibility downwards." the system. We only want to prune the
branches. Yes, you want to save Mr.
It also says : Manmohan Singh. Go ahead and save him. I
think he is a nice guy. After a long time, we
"No system can work through regu- have a rational j chap out there who
lations alone. Of course, it cannot work if can speak the [ language, and who was able
they be flouted. But, much more than that, to work as an able conduit. But he never
if a system be devoid of the moral quotient, bargained Tor the corruption that the Congress
of a commonsense appreciation of right land-ed up. with. So, Sir, that is the first point
from wrong, of a sense of thai I am fighting against the Government,
207 Short Duration Discussion on [RAJYA SABHA] JPC Report in Banking Transactions 208

that they are merely projecting Save- want to show you that it is not one Ministry
Manmohan Singh-Day as an instrument to that is accountable in this, as the Report has
deflect from the reality of the issue, that said. Please turn your attention to Chapter 14
moneys have been procured of the innocent where the public sector units have been
small investors, that thousands of common accountable. I am particularly stressing on this
people have come forward and put their life's because the public sector denoted to the
savings into it, and the money has vanished. common man his aspirations of turning a
Vanished whereto ? Vanished how ? And the dream into a reality. Here is an active
modalities of how the public money has democracy where there is an opportunity for a
vanished have not been examined. There is no common man to dream about becoming a
one touching the bureaucracy which has be- king. Here is a man. And it is not public greed,
come a holy cow of this country. They are as the distinguished hon. Members earlier
unaccountable. They have retired and enjoyed mentioned. Individual greed is not a reflection
the benefits of this public money, and they are of an individual. It is merely a reflection of the
sitting in foreign positions. As politicians, of collective greed that the acts of the
course, we are accountable as much. As governance perpetuate on a nation of this size.
Opposition, we have a dual responsibility It is when collectively the Governments
that of making these Governments function, collude together to deprive a small man, as a
and fighting for the public and giving an al- Government, you pick on the smallest of your
ternative to the mandate. hierarchy, to cheat and deprive a man who has
pledged his wife's jewellery, who has
The second point which the Government borrowed from his neighbours, and in an act
seems to be obsessed with and involved in this of good faith. It is a breach of confidence that
action and reaction of the JPC Report is that has been conducted on a mass scale by the
you want to bring this debate down to a point Government.
of liberalisation or anti-liberalisation. That is
not the point. The JPC is constituted of people Sir, it is these two points that we are seized
from all parties, from different philosophies with at the moment, that you want to deflect
and ideologies of life. There is no meeting the main issue and you want to reduce it to a
ground, I believe, for the BJP and the Left concept of liberalisation. j All of us are for
Front, for example, on the ideology of liberalisation in its own right perspective.
liberalisation. JPC did not bring about a report Liberalisation is not the dictates of the
to denigrate an individual or to pin-point a Government which is seized with the limited
single criminal. We are truly questioning the viewpoints of a World Bank or an International
actions. We are questioning the establishment Monetary Fund. Sir, there are investments
of set procedures. A politician gave a direction made by the PSUs, even in other Ministries,
at the top, It was executed. By whom ? Which that of Petroleum and Natural Gas, the
is this network that manoeuvred and managed Railways, Commerce and Industry, Tourism
the smooth conduit of corruption when it went and Civil Aviation. Can we run away from the
like silk over a period of time and now we are fact that, for example, the Civil Aviation
wrestling with the warp and woof of the Ministry talked about establishing... I forgot
morality of thisnation ? Sir, I want to ask : the term. Please bear with me.
Who has to bear the accountability to the
people ? Who carried out these tasks ? Is it the
Reserve Bank Governor ? Is it the bureaucrat ? I will come back to this later. Sir,
Is it the clerk and the peon in the office ? But we spoke of public consciousness and
if it is, then they are equally accountable. interest. We also spokeand there were
Sir, I also sanctimonious statements put tip by the
Govemmentthat the people who are
209 Short Duration Discussion on [30 DEC. 1993] JPC Report in Banking Transaction 210

THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (SYED SIBTEY fered. Why is India fighting shy of houor-ing
KAZI) : I request you to conclude. Japan to go ahead with this ? We. all know that
the term of the Central Board of Reserve Bank
SHRIMATI RENUKA CHOW- of India ended eleven years ago. What is
DHURY : I am concluding now. Sir, my our intent in not renewing it 1 Who does
ardent plea with the Government is, do not not know that the Central Board of the
question the attitude or the morality of the Reserve Bank constitutes the upper cream or
people involved in the JPC. JPC is not unique the lower cream of the industrialists in our
to the Indian Government. The JPC has been country ? Are we to say that the public sec-tor,
appointed even in the U. S. Parliament and the private sector and the big houses have no
even in England. Let us not denigrate the role to play in the scam ? Are we saying that
status that the JPC enjoyed because you are we are so incompetent that we cannot gather
further, once again, bringing down another strength and correct these people V We are not
institution by casting aspersions, said or here to blame an individual, least of all, Mr.
unaid, by questioning the integrity of (he JPC. Manmohan Singh. As I told you, I like him; he
This is my plea number one. is a jolly good chap. But we are talking
about the nation whose Defence budget is
The second plea is to draw parallel or talk half of what the scam has taken. We are
of comparative issues. What Mr. talking of 36 thousand crores of rupees of
Pranab Mukherjee said, I could never public money which has been gathered, which
hope to, in terms of economics or economic has been used and which has vanished, I
awareness, and he quoted something that am asking what happened to (his public money
the F. M. did not know. We all know that and where has it gone ? How are you
it is not right. I want to know as to who promising to bail out the common man who is
gave the signal. Who gave the signal to in a debt trap, not merely external debt but
the Reserve Bank to take care of this, as internally also today ? Is this the legacy that
my other honourable colleagues have we leave ?
expressed a doubt ? They said SEBI was
asked to look into this matter and take We spoke about Goldstar. Even there, the
action. But SEBI was there without any stars are up in the Heavsns. They are heavenly
teeth. So, SEBI sat there not knowing bodies, as my hon. colleage pointed out. Good
what they are supposed to bite into and how, Heavens, they are alt in constellation up there
because they were not given dentures. But because they are the upper cream of our
when the truth is found, we talk of party politics.
lines. I hone that my conrention is not
viewed as on party lines and that my THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (SYED SIB-TEY
accountability and my commitment to this RAZI) : I request you to please conclude now.
nation is not reduced to a Lakshman
rekha or a party line. I speak as a SHRIMATI RENUKA CHOW-
citizen and I speak with a righteous DHURY : I am now concluding, Sir. You have
justification, because thousands of people been very generous and tolerant as is the
are waiting outside to whom we have to go House. I also want to point out that we are here
and give an si-count as to what happened to with irrefutable evidence. A simple thing is that
their hard-earned money. In the case of Mr. Air India floated a portfolio management
Rat-nakir, the CBI conducted scheme. Can we deny that this was done ? I am
preliminary] enquiries but they never went asking the Treasury Benches, in their right wis-
beyond that. The main case never came up dom. There the money was taken and invested
for a discussion. In the case of Mr. in a foreign bank like the Citibank. The money
Krishnamurthy, hundreds and thousands of was invested in the
crores of rupees were alleged to have been
211Short Duration Discussion on [RAJYA SABHA] JPC Report in Banking Transactions 212

Citibank but the note on record showed that thing concrete to convey to the people outside
because they are the people suffering on the
this money was allegedly invested in the State
Bank of India. This is a simple exam -to spot. The late Prime Minister, Shri Rajiv
which I draw your attention. I am drawing Gandhi, once said in this Houts Mera Bharat
Mahan'. We have a lot of people here who
your attention to more glaring, mala fide, pre-
meditated, and deliberate murder of norms make a noise when Shri Rajiv Gandhi's name
which had been set up by this House in its is mentioned as if he is a patent of the
wisdom in the past. What do you call an Congress. But let Us, at least, live up to< what
accessory to the crime, what you call a he" said. There is no greater call today that
witness to a murder, and how do you binds us together than the national spirit. I do
prosecute- him- under a simple criminal not know what to say to our young people.
procedure code There is nothing that you can say to our young
people today. When I talk to a taxi driver, he
You arrest then. It is very nice of the says ;
treasury benches to put Mr. Manmohan Singh
JA0HAV : Madam, just one minute. When
I do not know what to answer. Thank you, Sir.
Mr. George Fernandes was the Railway
Minister, he also invested the funds of the SHRI SURINDER KUMAR SINGLA : Mr.
Railways in the- Citi Bank. Therefore, it is not Vice-Chairman, Sir, I am extremely grateful to
that this was done for the. first time This has you for having given me time.
been going on for a long time. {Interruptions). I welcome this two-day discussion in
Parliament. Those who were not membsrs of
SHRIMATI RENUKA CHOWDHURY : the J. P. C. would have an opportunity to
But. he did not deposit it in one bank and express their opinion. As the discussion is
produced the receipt from another bank. Don't taking place, I would request the Government
quibble. We are not splitting hairs. It you want to take into consideration the views expressed,
to refer to history,,,you, must also learn from the various poi-nions expressed in the country
history. We are a witness to history. We make before any follow-up action is taken on the re-
tomoraw's headlines today. This only goes to
show that we are not as innocent as we appear
to be. They put Mr. Manmohan Sirjgh, with
his self-earned halo, to the front. By this, they I would now like to refer to one particular
do not want to save Mr. Manmohan Singh. thing which* every Member is talking about,
They only want to save their own neck. namely, the unanimous character of the report.
When one studies the report, one wonders
THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (SYED SIBTEY whether the report is really unanimous. What
RAZI) Please save your time also. is the character of unanimity ? I Would say, in
this case, it is a Tainted character of unani-
SHRIMATI RENUKA CHOW- mity. I present to you the view expressed by
DHURY- : He has been been exploited member of the J. P. C.
thoroughly by the treasury benches. I am
going to go out, find but Mr. Man-Mohan ,
Singh and warn him, about what he is going to THE VICE CHAIRMAN (SYED SIBTEY
be faced with in future. RAZI) : You have to sum up within ten
Sir I thank you for permitting me to speak.
I want that we should have some-
213 Short duration Discussion on [30 DEC. 1993] JPC Report in Banking Transaction 214

SHRI SURINDER KUMAR SINGLA : The third aspect, is that the mover of the
I will not take much time. This is what a Motion has said that it is the period when this
member of the J. P. C. has said : seam was noticed which should be taken into
consideration. I would like to say that a small
"I wish Committee had explored this line officer of RBI reported that the scam was
of enquiry in detail to the question of occurring from 1986 onwards to 1992. It was
missing millions, rather than allowing itself occurring, bat nobody noticed it. But in 1990-
to get involved by pursuing certain cases of 91 when this Government came and Dr.
'individual responsibility' beyond the limits Manmohan Singh became the Finance
warranted by the evidence or terms of Minister, he started taking action. No Finance
reference'." Minister took action to detect fraud, to see
Secondly, two hon. Members who spoke what was happening with the bank money,
here,Mr. Ashok Mitra who initiated the which was being funded to stock brokers to
discussion, and Dr. Murli Manohar J; shi manipulate prices in stock market. Shri Ashok
said that this report was the product of a give- Mitra is anticipating hundred years' slavery
and-take situation. I wonder whether they for the nation in future,but why did he not
should have adopted this kind of approach of anticipate in 1*91, when he was there, that the
give-and-takei When you are examining an seam was occur-ring ?
issue, either a person is an accused or he is
not an accused... (Interruptions). Dr. Manmohan Singh took three major
measures. One was that the SEBI was given
statutory powers; The second was that RBI
Now the question is about the absolute was told to keep a watch on all those people
truth. Similarly, even the Chairman of the who were funding brokers to manipulate
Committee has said that the report is a state of prices in the. stock market. And when the
compromise. I do not know how one could frauds came to be known, when this scam
really say that this is a unanimous report. One came to light, no one else but the Finance
wonders, how people are saying that this is a Minister detected ft and he is the person who
unanimous report. In the light of these took steps- to correct the system. It is he who
observations, I would request the Members came to know that the system was totally pron
sitting en the opposite benches not to assert on to fraud. In one of his budget speeches and
its unanimity. It is not a unanimous report later on also, he said that India's financial
because the final and absolute truth is needed. system was having grelK'weaknesses and was
prone to frand and he was correcting the same.
Secondly, everyone, including my friends When he was applying corrective measurses,
from the opposition, have praised Dr. he came across two frauds. And thereafter he
Manmohan Singh and said that basically he is took a number of steps to reform the system.
an honest person. If yon maintain that his But 1 am disappointed that this Committee
basic honesty is there, I would like to know was given the terms of reference to suggest
how his conduct is dishonest. How could he measures, how do we go about, to reform the
be dishonest to his duty ? It is absurd to whole Indian financial system.
conclude that he is dishonest to the interest of
this nation. If somebody is honest, he is The JPC has completely failed on that front.
honest in almost every field. It is ridiculous to To my mind, the Committee, in fact, and most
put forward an argument that from the of the members in that Committee really were
finances point of view he is honest but he is campaigning for two major things. One was
not honest to his duty. This is the most how to ridi cule the New Economic Policy,
ridiculous argument being put forward by That is
some people.
215Short Duration Discussion on [RAJYA SABHA] JPC Report in Banking Transactions216

what a lot of Marxist colleagues of miue were

doing, who said that the scam was as a result
of the New Economic Policy. They are not
aware that the scam was no? as a result of the
New Economic Policy. You art- aware that the
New Economic Policy has brought many
changes-like control of the rate of inflation;
increase of exports and plugging of leakages
in many areas where the resources of the
countries were going down the drum.
The second point that I really want to
emphasize is that basically it is the corrective
action of the Finance Minister which was
helping to put the Indian finan-ci.j.1 system in
the proper perspective so that no fraud could
take place. So my point is that one should not
be punished, and the JPC report is faulty in
the sense that it is punishing the reformers.
And 1 can tell you that the people of this
country will not really be happy with this.
Thank you.
217 Short nutation Discussion on [30 DEC.. 1993] JPC Report in Banking Transactions 218


TEY RAZI) : Now conclude, please.
Please conclude.


TEY RAZI) : You please try to conclude
because you have only two more minute
with you.
Short Duration Discussion on [RAJYA SABHA] JPC Report in Banking Transactions


BEDKAR (Nominated) : I would not take BEDKAR : My grand-father. That is j why I
more time, as already Members have dwelt en said 'Dr. Ambedkar'. Otherwise I
the Report itself. Many have cast pspersions i say Ambedkar only.
on the Report itself. Many have, said that this i
is a report of compromise. But let us agree to "I shall not, therefore, enter into the
one point that the Membeis have agreed to merits of the constitution, because I feel
some point at least that this is what is com- however good a constitution may be, it is
mon. And if the Members have agreed that sure to turn out had, because those who are
this is common, then, I think the whole House called to work it, happen to be a bad lot.
should agree that this is common arid other However bad a constitution may be, it may
things are left, which are yet to be searched turn out to be good, if those who are called
out. If we are going to make cut as to what has to work it happen to be a good lot."
been agreed upon by the Members of the JPC,
then I think this will end up in an end less
discussion and further discussion. As far as systems are concerned, they arc,
after all, organs which are set up by this
In fact, I do not find any difference in House. These organs are controlled by human
what the JPC and what the Janakuraman beings. If the intentions of the human beings
Committee have done, except that the are good, the organs become good; if the
JPC has named some of the Ministers intentions of the human beings arc bad, the
and some of the Ministries, which have organs become bad. Nobody today is blaming
failed to take action at the appropriats anybody ever here. If we go through the
time so that the institutions which are , Report of the JPC, many Members have said
saddled with responsibilities of controlling j that the JPC has not been able to lay hands on
the markets, those Ministers who are the end use of the money. If I may say so, the
saddled with the responsibility of taking JPC is not an: investigation committee. Then,
corrective measures at the appropriate j what is it ? It was a fact-finding committee. In
time, they have not done that. this fact-finding committee, the investigating
agency was the CBI. What was the role of the
j CBI ? If we see the role of the CBI now and in
the past also it was not encouraging. It has
The BR and SGL forms, which have j been widely reported in the press that no
come into vogue, in whose period they j information was coming forth from them.
have come into vogue ? That is more Even the information which was coming forth
important. The JPC says it came into held back saying that this was a secret. If this
vogue in 1985, but the process of getting. it into was the attitude of one of your organisations of
vogue by the Reserve Bank started in 1984. the Government, the scam has a relevance to
Who were the Governors at that time ? I do not the situation which we are passing through.
have to name the Governors who were there, Why did those persons who were saddled with
but the persons who have held the position of responsibilities not only in the Ministry but in
being economic advisers to the the banks also behave this way ? It was only
Government, later on, today, cannot come and because of lack of control and lack of initiative
say that they are not responsible for what to take action against those persons who wore
was j going en. found guilty much beforehand. Today, if we
allow the situation to drift as it is drifting
What is being suggested today is that : today, if we allow the political scenario to
there is a systems failure. But let me change as it is changing today, then, things
point out in this matter as to what j
will go out
Dr. Ambedkar has to say.
Ambedkar ?
221 Short Duration Discussion on [30 DEC. 1993] JP C Report in Banking Transactions 222

of contro'l I have been voicing, again and tive which is blackmailing the Council of
again, that regional leaders are becoming Ministers not to take action against them ?
more powerful than your Prime Minister. This is the question which I think the Prime
Now regional leaders are dictating to the ! Minister or those who are going to reply must
Prime Minister. If we say that hero wor- ship answer. 1 do not know if ray hon. friend,, Mr.
should continue in this country, j then, I Ram Jethamalanii has received any reply from
do not think any person is in-dispensable. the PM's office. If he has received any reply, I
Persons might come and per- j sons might go think, it must be placed on the Table of ; the
but the nation and systems j would continue. House because it is a very serious j thing.
If we are going to say i that either the Thank you, Madam.
Prime Minister or the j Finance Minister
or the other Ministers cr persons who ! THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (SYED SIBTEY
were involved in it are ! indispensable, RAZI) Shri Jagmohan.
then, I am going to add to it that they SHRI JAGMOHAN (Nominated) :
are still decaying the system in which How much time are you giving to me 1
we are living today. In this decaying
system, the powerful organisation which | THE VICE CHAIRMAN (SYED SIB-
has already become more powerful is the TEY RAZI) : In fact, your group has
executive which will one day overrule been allotted live minutes each. But you try
you. to conclude within ten minutes.

As far as putting the blame is concerned, SHRI GURUDAS DAS GUPTA : To-
the Parliament is not going to discuss what day, why are you so generous ?
its role should be. It is the responsibility of j THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (SYED SIB- TEY
the Council of Ministers to act against those RAZI) I am generous to .every-j body. Each
people who were involved from the speaker had crossed th \ time-limit which has
legislature side. But what have they done V been allotted to him
After the JPC report we find that their own
executives who were involvedI do not j SHRI JAGMOHAN : I will not repeat
want to take their nameshave been given anything that has been stated earlier. But i I
fresh appointments. Even after they have will make only one basic point which, j I think,
been pointed out as the persons responsible has not so far been made. May j T have your
for this scam, even after they have been attention please ?
hauled up by the JPC, you gave them j THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (SYED SIB-JTEY
appointments. May I know what is the reason RAZI) ; Yes, please. Carry on.
behind it ?
| SHRI JAGMOHAN : I started reading j the
My hen. friend, Mr. Ram Jethamalani had JPC report on the Scam with the eyes j of a
written a letter to Shri Manmohan Singh stoic. I had made up my mind not to get ruffled.
wherein he had requested him to launch But hardly had I gone through a few pages
FERA cases against some individuals when a sense of numb pain seized me. By the
concerned in a terrorist act. That file is time I finished reading it, two waves of
pending with the Prime Minister since three anguished thoughts sank into my mind. One
months. I was very much surprised over it. I was about the puffy soul of the present-day
do not think that he has received any reply India, saturated as it is, with the culture of
from the Finance Minister. That file had casualness in corruption, to which is now being
been kept by the Prime Minister's office for added the wrecklessness of conscience-less
more than three months. I do not know why capitalism. The second word is about the
leaders change their positions. Is it the same inevitability of stinking events that have been
case over here that the executive is recurring with
blackmailing the politicians ? Is it the same
223 Short Duration Discussion on [RAJYA SABHA] JPC Report in Banking Transactions 224

disgusting regularity. I was reminded of a SHRI RAM JETHMALANI : Respected

German poem which in translation would read Vice-Chairman, Sir, thanks for this magnificent
as under : gesture at the end of a long day. The
Government has fielded two experienced
"It has happened and it goes on happening Ministers today and they have addressed this
and will happen again. The innocent know House during the short space of one hour. You
nothing because they are too innocent. The must have rea- lised and the Members must
poor do not notice because they are too poor. have realised that the purpose of calling the
The rich do not notice because they are too second batsman was to cancel out what the first
rich. The stupid shrugged their shoulders batsman had tried to achieve. The first batsman
because they are too stupid and the clever told us that he had very carefully studied the
shrugged their shoulders because they are too Report and arrived at the final amazing
clever. The young do not care because they are conclusion, that the Report was a big zero. He
too young. The old do not care because they also told us that he considered the entire
are too old. That is why it has happened and question of the culpability of the Finance
goes on happening and will happen again." Minister and he had come to the conclusion that
Today, Sir, we have become a nation whose the Finance Minister was an impeccable knight
auditors know too much of audit and can of purity against whom uttering a word will be
certify fair as foul and foul as fair; whose an act of sacrilege. The second Minister told us
premier investigating agency possesses too that eight days was too short a time in which
much of investigating skill and can easily take you could study this Report and arrive at any
the cases to a blind alley; whose bankers have conclusion. And he said that the whole
read too many banking manuals and know Government was anxiously waiting to hear the
how to create resources, not for development, views of this House and the other House to be
but for speculators and swindlers; whose able to arrive at a final appraisal. Sir, I have
brokers have too much of an expertise and can never seen in my experience of constitutional
easily extend it to the business of politics and Government, in this country or any other
whose stock functionaries are too conscious of country this amazing spectacle of two Ministers
their authority and can use it to accept tenders
of the same Government so thoroughly
after the closing dates and the power structure
contradicting each other within the space of one
is too honourable to change its honourable
hour. I do not agree, but on this limited point I
base. Parliament is too sovereign to worry
agree with my distinguished friend, Mr. Salve,
about the sovereignty of the future and the
logic of history. that this side is not entitled to say that the whole
Government must go, because one Minister has
erred. He is absolutely right that the concept of
Sir, I have no resignation to demand, no joint responsibility ; which is being misunder-
reform to suggest. I have only to request the stood on this side, I agree with him. But the
power-wielders to look inward. Mother India Govemment must go, not because Mr.
is sick, her wanton children have drained off Manmohan Singh or one Minister is guilty ; but
her inner strength. Mother Earth seems the Government must go because I have never
helpless against the increasing desertification seen a Government of this kind in which two
of Indian mind and Mother Goddess has only Ministers have this to say to this House within
frozen pity in her eyes. What has the ruling the space of one hour. Sir, I wish to debunk two
clite done to these three great mothers ? That
or three suggestions which the hon. Minister,
is the question. Thank you.
Mr Pranab Mukherjee, made to this House.
The first has already been dur
RAZI) : Shri Ram Jethmalani.
225 Short Duration Discussion on [30 DEC. 1993] JPC Report in Banking Transactions 226

11 A;M. decency in politics and public life and

bunked by my very young friend, Mr. Prakash certainly the end of this parliamentary
who, quoting his illustrious grand-father, system of Govemment.
pointed out that there is nothing like a
systemic failure ; all systems, whether perfect Sir, this scam happens to be connected
or imperfect, are ultimately manned by human with somebody with whom I am profes-
beings like me with test of clay and full of sionally associated. AU text-books on
inanities and full of faults to which human parliamentary practice require that when a
character is obviously subject. And, Sir, it is Member of the House has some interest other
not systems that fail, but it is crooks who are than his being a Member of this House it is
posted at vantage points in the systems who his duty to disclose it. I am formally
make the systems fail. And it is a method of disclosing it, though the whole of the House
jettisoning political responsibility to transfer is aware that I am professionally interested in
the fault from human beings to a impersonal Mr. Harshad Mehta. But I am formally
concept like a system. This is an evasion of declaring it so that it should not be said that I
responsibility, and this House must be wary of didn't perform my duty under the rule of
this kind of concept being propounded by an parliamentary ethics.
hon. Minister. SHRI M. M. JACOB (Kerala) : I hope you
Sir, the second thing which the Minister has are now arguing on the duty of e Parliament
told us is that we are functioning in Member, not defending Mr. Harshad Mehta.
Committees and we have evolved a very Am-I right ? That is my understanding ending.
grandand he called it a very beautiful Which issue are yon choosing now ?
practice, that in Committees we are objective,
whereas when we speak in this House, we are
soon realise, in five minutes. Please have a
not objective and we stick to party-lines. Sir,
little patience.
speaking for myself, I am not willing to
accept this standard of low character and Sir. I propose to carry this rule of par-
public probity from a Minister, and if this liamentary ethics a little further. I will subject
Govemment has to go, it should go because it myself to a voluntary restraint of not
snoscribes, and it seems to subscribe, to this commenting on that portion of the controversy
theory. Mr. Mukherjee was not ambivalent; he which has anything to do with Mr. Harshad
at least spoke as a Minister unlike Mr. Salve. Mehta or his controversy with the Prime
If this is the view of the Government, that in Minister or about Rs. I crore payment. Nobody
this Parliament we are not honest but in need worry because the Parliamentary
Committees we are honest, I think there is an Committee refused to go into this issue and
end of parliamentary democracy. said that this matter would require to be
investigated later on. I will not go into this
7.00 P.M. controversy. In fact. I will not refer to any
What the Minister was really trying to tell transactions of Mr. Harsad Mehta.
us was, and this is shameful, that if the
SHRI JAGESH DESAI : This is not the
Committee beging to realise that mat-ters will
decision ol the Joint Parliamentary Committee.
be taken to their logical conclusion, in other
Please read ft. This is a note submitted by
words, a follow-up action will result from
some Member.
their findings, they will stop being honest and
will never return an honest finding. This is the SHRI RAM JETHMALANI : No, no. I The
thesis which I am unable to accept and the day Joint Parliamentary Committee has said that
we accept it. it will be the end of any this matter requires to be invet-tigated further
because they have not arm ed at any final
finding, that is, since they
227 Short Duration Discussion [R AJYA SABHA] JPC Report in Banking Transactions 228

have not recorded a findnig on this issue I will tidings because 1 put myself in the position of
use only those matters on which the the Joint Parliamentary Committee and I have
Committee has unanimously recorded its come to the honest conclusion that I could nor
finding and nothing more. have myself arrived at a different conclusion
had I been placed either in the JPC or in some
Sir, I have a different view about the value other capacity. I have to arrive at these
and the binding nature of the Report of a Joint findings.
Parliamentary Committee. 1 wish to share that
opinion, with the house. It is my misfortune
Sir, I shall now, therefore, deal with the
that I usually take views which are different
questions which have been raised by this
from most of my colleagues including my
debate. This debate has virtually, almost
friends in this side and it does land me into a
exclusively, centred round a single
lot of problems sometimes. But it is my duty
controversy and that controversy is : Where a
to put forth before you the correct view. No
departmental official, known or unknown, and
Pailiamentary Committee, however august or
an institution supposed to look after the
eminent, can return findings which politically
economic affairs of the nation has been guilty
or legally bind anybody. Every Member of this
of unpardonable apathy and dereliction of
House is entitled, to the best of his judgement,
duty, what is the duty of the political head in
to scrutinise that Report and if he comes to the
the inat-ler of accountability to Parliament 1
conclusion that the JPC was wrong in any as-
This is the first issue. The secondary issue
pect of its factual conclusion, he is entitled to
which has arisen is : Must the political head
say so and by argument and cogent reasoning
resign ? The third issue is : Must the Prime
and by providing suitable evidence he can
Minister accept that resignation ? The last
certainly persuade the House to take that view.
issue is : What is the consequence of one or
But, Sir, so far as the present JPC is
the other refusing to follow the convention ?
concerned, it deserves to be complimented for
two reasons and I cannot withhold in all
honesty that compliment. First of all, it 1 speak with great respect and with greater
succeeded in achieving a certain measure, a humility. Though Mr. Salve was pleased to
significant measure, of unanimity. That itself pay me a compliment on the understanding of
shows that it rose above party-lines. It the Constitution, which he thinks I have, I
jettisoned and set aside all party prejudices don't appropriate that remark to myself. But,
and party interests and persuaded on another, in all humility, my study of the Constitution
like two judges or three judges or four judges leads me to a position slightly different from
sitting together in conference and arriving at both the sides. I believe that the argument in
some least common denominator of this House, has, on both sides, proceeded in an
unanimity. Sir, I refuse to believe that the enormous vacuum of constitutional ignorance
report beats scars of compromise. These are which requires to be displaced. Sir, a Minister
Dot scars of compromise. Wisdom is not is doubtless responsible for the acts of his
somebody's monopoly. When two opinions officials, so far as the Parliament is
differ, if they come together and arrive at concerned- It is he who is answerable for their
some kind of a modus vivendi it is not & scar acts. It is he who answers questions. It is he
but it adds to the value of that Report. In that who defends them and it is his duty to defend
spirit, I accept every single finding which this them so long as he thinks that they have been
Joint Parliamentary Committee has arrived at. following his insructions and policies. But the
I say this not because it is a Report of the JPC. question of resignation is a very complex
Of course, it is entitled to great reverence and political question. It is not lite a rule of law
praise. But I accept these that a person has committed a murder and he
must be sentenced either
22.9 Short Duration Discussion on [30 DEC. 1993] JPC Report in Banking Transaction 230

to death of to imprisonment for life. No;, it is What the Prime Minister has succeeded in
a grey area in which even the Cons- j titution- doing is not that a few persons went to make
writers of the greatest eminence are at money on the rising stock market. 1 have
variance with each other and are not great sympathy with those poor people who
agreed. To put it sharply, to put it in my were lured by the stock market and wanted to
own language, the question of resignation, make a quick buck. When all is said and done,
whether a Minister or a political head of a with all my sympathies, they were
department should or should not resign, speculators. They did not go there for genuine
on his lower officials being indicated is a investments but they went there for short-term
question which depends upon the gambling profits. If they have lost, it is a well-
sensitiveness of the public conscience of a known adage that 'fools and money are
Minister and it depends upon the thickness of always likely to be parted as early as possible
his political skin. But I must compliment And so were they parted from their money.
Mr. Manmohan Singh. He is not here to
listen to me. But on more than one
occasion. I have broken ranks and It is true that this scam has caused a loss to
supported his economic policies. Only the a large number of such fools. On the other
other day, speaking to the Press I had said hand, the Prime Minister of this country has
that the Prime Minister should not accept damaged the basic structure and the
his resignation. It is stand to which I foundation of our parliamentary life and the
am committed. I wish to justify it system of rule of law...(terruptions). Mr.
because I owe this explanation not only to Ahluwalia, please don't interrupt me. Have I
the Treasury Benches, to my colleagues on ever interrupted you in spite of whatever you
this side but also to the people of this said 1 Every Member of this House has been
country in general. Sir, if I state the worried and they have been trying to pinpoint
reasons which actuate me to this this as an inadequacy of the IPC Report.
conclusion, the reasons are not going to be Where did this money go 7 Why has the JPC
flattering to the Government and the not found an answer to this question ? In fact,
reasons are such that, I am sure, whereas somebody has said that the JPC, instead of
there is peace at the moment, there is going addressing itself to this important question,
to be a turmoil in the next few minutes, had gone round victimising Ministers, indivi-
I believe that the Finance Minister duals and institutions, which was not JOTS and
ruts shown that he does not have a thick skin. which was outside the terms of reference.
He has shown that he has a very sensitive There are two answers to this question which
public conscience. These are two great has been rightly raised Where did this
attributes of character which I admire in money go ?
the man and that is reason enough
while it is possible to retain the Finance The Joint Parliamentary Committee it not a
Minister, he ought to be retained. But body equipped to investigate. It investigates
the most important reason is that the Prime only in one sense that it can-call witnesses and
Minister has no moral right to accept the put questions. It can examine documents and
resignation of this Minister My reading re-examine them.
of the Joint Parliamentary Committee's
findings is I will not travel beyond those It can agate put questions. But what is j the
findings, I will only base my conclusions kind of investigation which ultimately yields
on the findings themselvesthose findings, the truth '.' How do you extract the truth ftom
'f accepted, must lead inevitably to the unwilling and reluctant I mouths ? Every time
conclusion that not one Manmohan Singh, you arrest a scam-Iter, you arrest a Krishna
not 10 Manmohan Singhs, not 10 Murthy or his
Rameshwar Thakurs and others, all of them
combined, do not measure up to a fraction of
the guilt of the Prime Minister himself,
231 Short Duration Discussion on [RAJYA SABHA] JPC Report in Banking Transactions 232

son having taken a loan of Rs. 32 lakhs You that this is the case in which you must
kept him in custody for six months. What was record !he FIR.
the justification ? Every 15 days they went
to the court and said, "Truth can never be This took place in the month of Nov-
discovered except by custodian interrogation". ember 1992. But, Sir, how can the Centre,
In other words, a man must first be put into the how can the Central office of the CBI
tensions of a lock-up and then interrogated function with impartiality and with courage
and then alone interrogation can reveal the and conviction because* Sir, what they did
truth. Repeatedly the court was per- was that from November onwards they
suaded to accept that view point. A refused to record the first information report
person, whose son had received a loan of and again finally, on the 4th March, 1993
Rs. 32 lakhs, documented loan, remained look at what is happening the whole of
in custody for full six months because the the CBI had been paralysed as a result of *
CBI wanted to investigate under custodial . . [Interruptions) . .
interrogation. But somebody's son's
company received Rs. 2 crores. That man THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
never sat in the lock-up for even one day and MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC
no investigation was done and no GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS AND
investigation is possible. Sir, the rule of law THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
will survive in this country only when we MINISTRY OF PARLIAMENTARY
refuse to pay mere lip service to. Article AFFAIRS (SHRIMATI MARGARET
14 of the Constitution, when the highest and ALVA) This should not go on record. I
the lowest are equal before the law, when take objection to this.. {Interruptions).. He is
everybody, who is suspect of having speaking absolute *. . (Interruptions') . .
committed a crime, is first put into
custody and interrogated by an honest and
Incorruptible police officer. Then alone
can the truth, be discovered. But the
truth cannot be discovered, in this case. What
did the CBI do in this case ? Look at the
conduct of the CBI. The CBI is directly
under the control and supervision of the Prime
Minister. The CBI, first of all, came to
know about this scam or part of the scam
relating to the Andhra Bank and the Goldstar,
sometime in June, 1992. They came to know
about it as early as June, 1992. They
refused to record the First Information
Report. The matter was being mentioned in the
Tress; the matter was being mentioned in Par-
liament: and under public pressure the
whole scam has ultimately been discovered by
a brave journalist. It has not been discovered
either by the CBI or by the Finance
Ministry, but . under pressure, pressure of
vigilant people, vigilant citizens who wanted SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY : What is
the truth to be discovered. What did they do wrong in it ?. .(Interruptions)..
? Ultimately, the Hyderabad branch of the CBI
was compelled to write to the Head Office

*Expunge,d as ordered by the Chair.

233 Short Duration Discussion on [30 DEC. 1993) JPC Report in Banking Transactions 234

SHRIMATI MARGARET ALVA : He which is not contained in the Report. Mr.

is speaking. ..(Interruptions)* Home Minister, you please read the Report
SHRI S. B. CHAVAN : You will kindly try to
SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY : Mr. Vice-' understand, when the Government is
Chairman, a!! the facts mentioned by Mr requesting you to assist the Government in
lethmalani are contained in the unanimous coming to a proper conclusion on this matter,
Report of the JPC.. (Interruptions) .. you cannot jump to the conclusion that*... . .
(Interruptions) ..
RAZI) : Mr. Jethmalani, your colleague left SHRI RAM JETHAMALANI : I have not
you with only four minutes.. (Interruptions) . jumped to the conclusion. . (Interruptions) ..
.Please take your seat. . (Interruptions). .The SHRI S. B. CHAVAN : This is very wrong.
Leader of the House is on his feet. Please take Without having any substance you yourself
your seat.. (Interruptions). .Please listen to the said, the hon. Member, Siri Jethmalani himself
Leader of the House. . (Interruptions) . . said, that the JPC is no competent enough and
it is not equipped with the kind of investigating
machinery which is required for coming to a
definite conclusion. Now you yourself are
making this kind of a charge against the Pr me
Minister. You have to kindly with-i drow .
(Interruptions) ..
(The Deputy Chairman in the Chair)
SHRI S. B. CHAVAN : Unfortunately, the
kind of allegations which the hon. Member.
Shri Jethmalani made. . (Interrup-tions). .
will not allow him. . (Interruptions) . . SHRI MADAN BHATIA (Nominated) :
He is a counsel for Harshad Mehta....
(Interruptions) Harshad Mehta's conduct has
been a subject matter.. {Interruptions).
made allegations. It is in the JPC Report. .
(Interruptions) ..
It is a part of the document. . (Inteirup-
lions) . .

SHRI S. B. CHAVAN ; It is not a part of the

document. .(Interruptions) ..

SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY : Mr. Minister,

you have not read the Report. All the facts
have been mentioned in the Report. He has not
referred to anything
*Expunged as ordered by the Chair. * Expunged as ordered by the Chair.
235Short Duration Discussion on [RAJA SABHA]JPC Report in Banking Transacation


committed a breach of privilege of this
House.. {Interruptions).




acted as a counsel for Hwrshed Mehta..
(Interruptions). He has no business to speak
in this House. .(Interruptions).
Madan Bhatia, please sit down.. (Interrup-


What is he talking ? {Interruptions).
down.. (Interruptions).

AN HON. MEMBER : You must expunge


THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : I will se; the

record and I will expunge if any derogatory
remark was made. .(Interruptions). Please
sit down.. {Interruptions).
SHRl S. S. AHLUWALIA : He should not
be allowed to speak.. (Interruptions).


has been, a subject matter of enquiry in this
Report.. (Interruptions).
derogatory remark was made. .(Inter-rations).
mitted contempt of this House.. (Inter-
ruptions) He has accused.. (Interruptions) He
is indirectly pleading the ease of his client
under the garb of., (litter-rations). .. (Interruptions) Salveji wants to say
something. . (Interruptions).
SHRI N. E. BALARAM : It is most '
unfortunate.. (Interruptions). SHRI S. S. AHLUWALIA : Hs is th*
advocate of Harshad Mehta.. (Interruptions) .
at the record. .(Interruptions). SHRI MADAN BHATIA : How has he
been allowed to speak ? (Interruptums).
Transliteration in Arabic Script.
*Expuaged as ordered; by the Chair, *Expunged as ordered by the Chair.
237 Short Duration Discussion on [30 DEC 19931 JPC Report in Banking Transactions 238


down- (interruptions). Just a minute .


uttered *.. (Interruptions).
SHRI N. K. P. SALVE : They interrupted
THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN . Mr. Salve as if I had committed a serious sacrilege. My
wants to say something. only submission is, he can say what he wants
to say. But should he not use at least
SHRI K. K. P. SALVE ; Madam, we have temperate language ? (Interruptions). On such
been hearing the entire speech of the Hon. a sensitive issue, he is talking.
Member, Shri Ram Jethmalani, despite .(Interruptions).
provocations, with rapt attention. Madam, yau SHRI MENTAY PADMANABHAM :
are aware that in the morning, I only said that, What is the temperate language that he is
unfortunately, to my dislike, the Report of the using ? (Interruptions).
JPC was not received with unanimity..
(Interruptions'). All of you interrupted me.. THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : You
(Interruptions) . please sit down. Let us discass. .(Inter-
ruptions) .
What is this ? You cannot determine.. SHRI N. K. P. SALVE : You both were
(Interruptions). shouting at me. .(Interruptions). What did
I say ? This is double standard ..
THE DEAUTY CHAIRMAN : You get (Interruptions). This is democracy of the
up and ask and I will permit you. .(Inter worst type.. (Interruptions).
rupti&ns) have permitted him.
SHRI N. K. P. SALVE : All of you minute.. (Interruptions).
interrupted. At the minimum, I would expect
of Jam not to use intemperate language. What SHRI N. K. P. SALVE : You were
I talk, within the parameters of Parliament, is interrupting me. 1 ask a simple question
a sacrilege ; I was not allowed to speak at all.. ' . . (Interruptions).


asking everybody to keep quite...


of order. .(Interruptions). point of order.. (Interruptions).
in the Chair... (Interruptions). BHANDARE : Madam I am on a point of
some order in the House and then 1 can have
points of order. .(Interruptions).

*Eapunged as ordered by the Chair. *Expunged as ordered by the Chair.

239 Short Duration Discussion on [RAJYA SABHA] JPC Report in Banking Transactions 240

Then I can hear his point of order. proper language ? Why should we use a
language which agitates the Membsrs ? I must
see the records.. (Interruptions)..
on a point of order.
DR. ABRAR AHMED : Madam, I an on a
Just a minute, I promised in the House that point of order.
I would look into the record. I saw the record THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : Dr.
I did not find anything derogatory in his Abrar Ahmed . (Interruptions) ..
speech.. {Interruptions) ..
SHRI N. K. P. SALVE : You know how Jethmalani entitled to speak ? He is net
they behaved in the morning. They have entitled to speak. .(Interruptions) ..
double standards.. (Interruptions) .. This is the
hypocrisy.. (Interruptions) .. The way they THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : I nave
tried to heckle me.. (Interruptions). allowed Dr. Abrar Ahmed to speak.
proper. .(Interruptions) .. Please sit down Just
a minute. I will allow all. Just a minute,
SHRI N. K P. SALVE : Why did you all
have to do that ? At least tell me why he used
such intemperate language. . (Interruptions).
Let me finish.
SHRI MADAN BHATIA : I am on a point
of order
know your point of order. I will permit you.
Jus; a minute. I just wanted 10 say that when
Mr. Salve was speaking in the morning, I
owed it to the House, I promised the House SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY : Madam, before
that I would look into the record. I saw the you give your opinion, kindly hear me.
record and 1 did not find anything derogatory
against the JPC or against any Member or
hear you. But Mr. Bommai Wants to speak.
against anything. He was saying that the report
did net get .that, respect which it should get. In SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY : As you
fact, I saw through every word of his speech like Madam.
that was complained of. That matter is clear. I
must say that when we trake. a speech in this THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : Which one
House on a subject on which everybody is you want me to hear ? Yes, Mr. Bombay. .
charged so much, why cannot the Members (Interruptions) .I will allow you also, Mr.
use Bhatia. No problem, I will allow you. Let me
hear Shri Bommai.
*Expunged as ordered by the Chair.
* Expunged as ordered by the Chair.
241 Short Duration Discussion on [30 DEC 19931 JPC Report in Banking
Transactions 242
Member.. (Interruptions).. mitted to speak because he has been acting as
the counsel for a particular party.
Member ? This side or that side ? This amounts to contempt of this House.
.(Interruptions). .The whole conduct of the
SHRI SOMAPPA R. BOMMAI : Hon. honourable Member is shame-ful..
Member Ram Jethmalani. .(Interruptions). (Interruptions)..
practice to quarrel with the people..
(Interruptions).. I am on my point of order..
you said about the Prime Minister. What did SHRI VITHALRAO MADHAVRAO
you say about the Prime Minister ? JADHAV : What is your rutins, Madam ?..
me. I will look into the record. THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : Now we
have the Finance Minister.. (Interruptions) ..
will find it in the record. SHRI SOMAPPA R. BOMMAI : Madam,
THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : I will look you have called me.. (Interruptions) ..
into the record please. .(Interruptions) .
MISS SAROJ KHAPARADE : You are* It your point of order ? This is no point of
is very clear. I would like to request the hen. order.. (Interruptions) ..
Chair to expunge the whole speech of yours
from the record.. (Interruptions).
not completed it. .(Interruptions).. Madam,
SHRI N. E. BALARAM : Everithing this House is supreme. Whether it is the
should be expunged. Leader of the Opposition or whether it is the
Prime Minister, every Member has a right to
SHRI VITHALRAO MADHAVRAO criticize in a parliamentary way..
JADHAV .- I am on a point of order. (Interruptions)..
Member Ram Jethmalani has pointed out the He cannot speak. .(Interruptions)..
facts. From those facts, he said that the head
of the Government was responsible. And the SHRI N. K. P. SALVE : What happee-ed
Prime Minister is not a holy cow. He is not a to me when I was speaking ,? What happened
holy cow.. (Interruptions) .. Let me finish. to my right ?.. (Interruptions)..
Whoever is responsibleI am not saying 'X'
or 'Y' or 'Z'.. (Interruptions)... THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : There
is no point of order.. (Interruptions)..
even understand what the issue involved is. SHRI SOMAPPA R. BOMMAI '. No. The
Whatever he wants to speak, he is speaking. other Members made allegations against him
.You cannot allow him to speak so.. saying that he is a * of a criminal, that he is a
(Interruptions). .He cannot be per- of the ao cused.. (Interruptions) ..

*Expunged as ordered by the Chair. THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : I will

look into the record.. (Interruptions)..
*Expunged as ordered by the Chair.
243 Short Duration Discussion on [RAJYA SABHA] JPC Report in Banking Transactions 244


look into the record. I say, he is a * of the
people of this country and he is a * of the
nation.. {Interruptions)..


point of order ? I have overruled it because to decide. If you believe in my wisdom, let
there is nothing in it.. (Interruptions') . .I do me please handle it. .(Interruptions).
not think that any Member of this House,
should become a of anybody or the people or
the country. Please do not use that language.
.(Interruptions) ..


Madam, this cannot be allowed...
This is too much, Madam. .(Interruptions) ..
He has no right to say that.. (Interruptions).
.This is too much. What is this ?..
apologize.. (Interruptions)..
SHRI SIKANDER BAKHT : Is this a point
of order ? What is this ?.. (Interruptions) ..


into the record.. (Interruptions)..

*Expunged as ordered by the Chair. *Expunged as ordered by the Chair.

245 Short Duration Discussion on [30 DEC. 1993] JPC Report In Banking Transactions 246

SHRI S. JAIML REDDY : what is the record of the House ? The whole record.
this, Madam .(Intarruptions)... As I saw of Mr, Salve in the morning, the
same record I will see of this House and I will
THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : Now, you see what anybody has spoken. And I will see
want my ruling ?.. (.Interruptions') .. I will what they have spoken.
look into the record and I will have to see
what he has spoken.. (Interruptions) ,

I did not hear. Now the Finance Minister is

here. We will have his speech..


SHRI MADAN BHATIA : Madam, 1 basic principle of parliamentary -practice and
am on a point of order.. (Interruptions).. convention is that no Member can be permitted
to speak on a matter to which he has got
personal intertst (Interruptions) That
THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : Now you constitutes a brech of privilege of the House.
decide amongst yourselves. You don't want (Interruptions)
the House to run properly. When I am saying..
(Interruptions) ..

Just a minute. Bhatiaji was sitting when SHRl MADAN BHATIA : He stood up and
everybody from my right hand side got up and * the case of a person.. {Interruptions)...
started accusing each other. I am saying, I
would look at the record. I know
Mathurasaheb got up. I saw with my own
eyes. I will look at the record. I will look at
the record.
SHRI MADAN BHATIA .: It is not a press
SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY : What about the conference to be held in Bombay.
record.. (Interruptions).
record. I did not say which record. Mr. Jaipal please sit down.
Redy, do you know English ? I said, I will
look at the record. What is [] Transliterations in Arabic Scirpt.
*Expunged as ordered by the Chair.
[] Transliteration in Arabic Script.
*Expunged as ordered by the Chair.
247 Shaft Duration Discussion on [RAJYA SABHA] JPC Report in Banking
Transactions 248
SHRI MADAN BHATIA : He cannot be
allowed to speak in this House on a matter in action. That is all. (Interruptions) I can not
which he is having personal interest. We want take straightway any action. (Interruptions)
your ruling. That matter is over.


down. I will look at the record and I will see allow him further.
everything. I will see what the previous
conventions are and then 1 will give my THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : The
ruling. I cannot give straightway like this. time of his Party is over.
has not yet completed.


SHRI TRILOKI NATH CHATURVEDI : time of his Party is already over.


allowing it. .(Interruptions) ..
SHRI M. M. JACOB : Madam, we want a SHRI N. E. BALARAM : Let him
ruling. Can a, lawyer who go engaged by a conclude. Don't give much time. Let him
party.. (Interruptions) conclude.


He has not referred to any transactions by him THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN ; Just a
or about the Prime Minister.. (Interruptions)
Why is he not allowed to speak ?
(Interruptions) MISS SAROJ KHAPARDE : He has
already concluded his speech. (Interrup-
THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : I will look Just
at the record. THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN
one minute, please.
When you allow the other Members to speak, SHRI S. S. AHLUWALIA : You said that
you should allow him. He said that he would you will look into the record. Why are you
confine himself to the JPC Report. allowing him ? Don't allow him.
THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : Just minute. my job more difficult. Please sit down.
I will look at the record. (Interruptions). Please sit down. I gave my
word to the House. I will go into the entire
record. I will go into all the conventions
anywhere, and I will accordingly act. Let me
just see what he said. Secondly, I must say,
THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : I will look at Mr. Jethmalani, your party time is already
the record. I will see the previous practicies. I over.
will see the conventions. And if it is so, we
will take the appropriate
*Expunged as ordered by the Chair.
*Expunged as ordered by the Chair.
249 Short Duration Discussion on [30 DEC. 1993] JPC Report in Banking Transactions 250

SHRI MENTAY PADMANABHAM : from Practice and Procedure of Parliament'

Let him conclude. .{Interruptions). by Kaul and Shakdher.. {Interruptions). Let
me read. You cannot stop the Chair from
SHRI M. A. BABY : Let him conclude. reading anything. What is this ?'
. {Interruptions).
SHRI N. K. P. SALVE : It is worse than a
THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : Let me find school boy.
out; we have to close this debate.
"A member having a personal pecuniary
or direct interest on a matter before the
House is required, while taking part in the
proceedings on that matter to declare the
nature of that interest."
Let me find out.. {Interruptions). You
want me to give a ruling. Let me hear
from him. .{Interruptions). No, I do
not take it from you because you are not
the Member against whom they are agi
time is also over. are all Members.


cannot speak on a matter where his interest is against you ?
involved.. {Interuptions).
SHRI S. VIDUTHALAI VIRUMBI : I want to help you.
Madam, you should stop him. i
SHRI SIKANDER BAKHT : What is this very much for your offer to help. But I don't
? He must be stopped. {Interruptions). need it just now.
SHRI S. S. AHLUWALIA : Mr. Jethmalani AN HON. MEMBER : You should adjourn
cannot speak. His whole speech should be the House
expunged.. {Interruptions).
SHRI S. VIDUTHALAI VIRUMBI : not adjourn the House. Why should I adjourn
Madam, he was speaking with your the House ?
permission. He must be allowed to conclude.
Now, what he is referring to is a pergonal
THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : I am interest, what kind of personal interest Mr.
looking at it. I am reading from the chapter on Jethmalani has. What I understood is, as I
'Members having personal interest ..'. Is that heard some Members saying, that Mr.
what you are referring to ? I will read from Jethmalani is a lawyer of Mr. Harshad Mehta.
here. It is on page 259 'Conduct of the That is your allegation. Okay. Now, Mr.
Members' and it is Jethmalani, are you lawyer of Mr. Harshad
Mehta ? {Interruptions). I am not giving a
( ) Transliteration in Arabic Script. ruling.
251 Short Duration Discussion on [RAJYA SABHA] JPC Report in Bonking Transactions 252

SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY : He has already SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY : Madam, let the
said that. He is not an accused at all. House discuss..
.(.Interruptions). THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : What ?
SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY : Madam, since
we could not settle the matter, I suggest that
the House discuss. . .
SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY : ..The point of
order the other friends have raised..
THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : I was not (Interruptions).. But I don't want the Chair to
here and I don't know. I said I was not here. I give a ruling which will lead to a problem in
am not supposed to know. (Interruptions). the House.
You take the help of your Secretariat. be no problem.. (Interruptions) .. Just one
(Interruptions). minute. Mr. Jaipal Reddy, if ridings of the
SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY : If you Chair have credited problems in the House,
were not in the Chair, it was not his fault. then you won't be asking me every day, 10
(Interruptions). times, 20 times, 30 times a day, to give my
THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : I adjourn ruling. If that is so, then I reserve all my
the House for ten minutes. I will settle the rulings which I have given in the past, and in
matter. the future also.
The House then adjourned at SHRI MENTAY PADMANABHAM :
forty-five minutes past seven You please give your ruling, but before giving
of the clock. a ruling, please give us a chance to explain
our position also.
The House reassembled at fifty-fiive THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : Will you
minutes past seven of the lock, The Vice- please sit down ? My rulnig just now is that
Chairman Shrimati Sushma Swaraj in the everybody should sit down. Now, at least
abide by that ruling. The thing is, we
adjourned the House and we wanted to settle
the matter because this House is not going to
be there just for a day. It is going to be there
The House then adjourned at for 10 years, 20 years, 100 years, I do not
fifty-five minutes past seven of know. We may remain here, we may not
the clock. remain here, but we should not do anything
which becomes an example for other people
Chair. to curse us.

We have certain conventions of this House.

The House reassembled at thirteen minutes We have certain conventions in other
past eight of the clock, the Deputy Chairman parliaments. I have quoted here the rules or
in the Chair. conventions quoted to me by one of the
Members of this House, about . .just a minute,
pleaseadvocacy by members in a matter in
Transliteration in Arabic Script. which they have been concerned
SHORT DURATION DISCUSSION :.. professionally. I would like Mr. Jethmalani to
On JPC Report on Irregularities in say what he has to say about it, only about
securities mid Banking Transactions.. this.

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