Week 6 Journal PDF Flexibility

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Sierra Hagar

Week 6 journal

I. Your journal should include Reading Insights:

1. The results of assessment are used to adapt curriculum and meet the learning needs of children. We
have been taught about how we must have preassessment before we can teach a lesson. We use that
preassessment to determine what children know and what they dont know so we can make sure they
are learning during our lessons.

2. Assessment allows us as teachers to see what children can do on their own as well as with other
people. In our labs children interact with teacher and other children. We are able to see what they can
do as they put two minds together compared to just their own. We use child webs where we can write
down these assessments and accomplishments so we can refer to them later.

3. Methods of assessment need to be appropriate for the age and experiences of young children. If we
want to get accurate assessment of children they must be provided with materials that can make sense
to them. In lab we use two forms of assessment, observation and communication. These are great for
children because it allows us to see what they know naturally.

II. Your journal entry should include how you implement what you are learning:

Implementation of learning


a) Room awareness- This week I really worked on my room awareness. I did much better at
making sure I was sitting in a spot where I would see the majority of the classroom at all times. I
did find myself sitting in a bad spot once and moved my chair to fix the problem. I still want to
continue to work on this.
b) Personal relationships- I talked to a lot of the children this week and I felt like I made strides
with this goal. I need to continue to work on this goal and having meaningful conversation with
the students to continue to grow that relationship with those that I dont have as close of a
relationship with.
c) Communication strategies- I was really proud of myself this week. I found that I used a lot of
parallel talk this week and that it paid off. When Gryffin went up the stumps I said red, yellow,
blue. Every time he went up the stumps after that he would say the color he was on. I also used
parallel talk with Julian in the block area. I said, Julian you found two dinosaurs that are the
same and you have a blue dinosaur in the house. I still want to continue with this goal
because it think it is important to make sure I am using different methods if communication.
III. Support Teacher or Lead teacher

Reflect on the top set of questions if you were not a Lead teacher this week. If you were the lead
teacher even on day this week reflect on the second set of questions.

Lead Teacher

What went well today? Provide 2 specific examples of childrens actions/comments that occurred
during self-selected activities. What evidence do you have for your conclusion? DO NOT use the words,
loved, liked, enjoyed; rather describe the evidence of childrens reactions to the learning experience.

Children were really drawn to the slime activity. First thing when children came in they went to the
slime area and asked for someone to help them make the slime. Throughout the day there were usually
children at that center. The children also spent a lot of time at the post office and the blocks. Multiple
children told me they had mail coming in the mailbox, and then they went and pulled it out of the
mailbox to show me. Bruin, Hannah, and Landon were playing in the blocks together. Bruin made a
house for all the baby dinosaurs and Hannah made a house for two matching adult dinosaurs.

Evaluate gathering time. What were some positive aspects of gathering time? What were the
participation needs of the children and how were they met? What would you change for next time?

Gathering time went really well for the most part. I needed to have a song transition to get the children
over to the area and then do my finger play song. The children participated in the finger play and were
really engaged when I showed them my turtle. They did a great job at listening when I told them not to
touch the turtle. They really respected him. They children were really engaged when I had actions for
them or let them guess foods turtles eat.

Evaluate small focus groups. What were some positive aspects of small focus groups? What were the
participation needs of the children and how were they met? What would you change for next time?

I was really nervous about small focus groups because I didnt know if the children would stay engaged
trying different foods. However, the children stayed engaged the whole time. Owen even drew a picture
of a turtle, with eggs in the sand, eating different foods. I would pick different books next time because
some of them werent DAP.

Evaluate closing circle. What were some positive aspects of closing circle? What were the
participation needs of the children and how were they met? What would you change for next time?

My closing circle went really well. The children were really engaged the whole time. They all participated
in my transition song, We are the dinosaurs accept for Owen. He stood by and plugged his ears. When
the song ended multiple children wanted to do it again but we didnt because I saw that Owen didnt
want too. Then we played with the parachute where the children did a great job at listening to
directions. Last time we tried to do the parachute, we had to put it away because they didnt listen to
what they were asked to do. I only did 4 closing circle activities before all the children were gone.

How did you set clear expectations for childrens learning/ behaviors throughout the day? Arent
these the same question?

I set clear expectations to the children by making sure they knew they could not touch the turtle
because he carried diseases. I reminded them throughout the day and we had no problems. If they were
too loud I would remind them that they were scaring the turtle and they would quiet down.

What changes, or deviations, from the written plan did you make? Were they helpful? Why or why

I took my turtle to each small focus group so that children could get a closer look at Drizzle on a more
personal level. I also forgot to feed Drizzle in front of the children during gathering time. So I used him to
get the children to transition to closing circle. I let each child feed him a pallet of food.

If you were to teach this plan again what would you do differently? A reflective practitioner is able to
identify those things that would make a lesson more effective more engaging more appropriate for
children as well as those things that went well! Provide specific examples!

I would have a song transition to gathering time so that all the children would be there and not be
distracting before I start my lesson. When children are still coming over to gathering time, they tend to
distract all the other children.

How was your lead teaching better this time compared to the last time you taught?

I thought my lead teaching was better this time when I came to my self -selected activities. Children
seemed to spend more time at each area instead of only 2 or 3. I also thought I did a better job with
closing circle. All the children were engaged and stayed in closing circle. My first time children would
leave and go play in other places. They were not as engaged.

What did you learn about yourself as a preschool teacher? What are some specific goals you would
like to work on for your next lead teaching day?

I learned that there is always room for improvement. I need to make sure I move around more next lead
teaching day and that I go outside and inside. I also want to work on communicating with all children
more instead of staying with those ones that just seek me out.


Record the time in minutes that you spent outside of lab and class time doing the following:

Reading assigned reading _____ Minutes

Writing your insights _____ Minutes

Writing and reporting Goals_15___ Minutes

Writing Reflections on Lead or Support teaching _30___ Minutes

Writing a preplan __na___ Minutes

Writing a Lesson Plan 6 hours

Other (specify) _____90_____Minutes. Preparing for lesson and getting materials.

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