Technical Aspects of Endobronchial Ultrasound Guided Transbroncheal Needle Aspiration.

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[ Evidence-Based Medicine ]

Technical Aspects of Endobronchial

Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Needle
CHEST Guideline and Expert Panel Report
Momen M. Wahidi, MD, MBA, FCCP; Felix Herth, MD, FCCP; Kazuhiro Yasufuku, MD, PhD, FCCP;
Ray Wesley Shepherd, MD, FCCP; Lonny Yarmus, DO, FCCP; Mohit Chawla, MD, FCCP; Carla Lamb, MD, FCCP;
Kenneth R. Casey, MD, MPH, FCCP; Sheena Patel, MPH; Gerard A. Silvestri, MD, MS, FCCP;
and David J. Feller-Kopman, MD, FCCP

BACKGROUND: Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) was introduced in the last decade, enabling
real-time guidance of transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) of mediastinal and hilar struc-
tures and parabronchial lung masses. The many publications produced about EBUS-TBNA have
led to a better understanding of the performance characteristics of this procedure. The goal of this
document was to examine the current literature on the technical aspects of EBUS-TBNA as they
relate to patient, technology, and proceduralist factors to provide evidence-based and expert
guidance to clinicians.
METHODS: Rigorous methodology has been applied to provide a trustworthy evidence-based
guideline and expert panel report. A group of approved panelists developed key clinical ques-
tions by using the PICO (population, intervention, comparator, and outcome) format that
addressed specic topics on the technical aspects of EBUS-TBNA. MEDLINE (via PubMed) and
the Cochrane Library were systematically searched for relevant literature, which was supple-
mented by manual searches. References were screened for inclusion, and well-recognized
document evaluation tools were used to assess the quality of included studies, to extract mean-
ingful data, and to grade the level of evidence to support each recommendation or suggestion.
RESULTS: Our systematic review and critical analysis of the literature on 15 PICO questions
related to the technical aspects of EBUS-TBNA resulted in 12 statements: 7 evidence-based
graded recommendations and 5 ungraded consensus-based statements. Three questions did
not have sufcient evidence to generate a statement.
CONCLUSIONS: Evidence on the technical aspects of EBUS-TBNA varies in strength but is
satisfactory in certain areas to guide clinicians on the best conditions to perform EBUS-
guided tissue sampling. Additional research is needed to enhance our knowledge regarding
the optimal performance of this effective procedure. CHEST 2016; 149(3):816-835

KEY WORDS: endobronchial ultrasound; evidence-based medicine; guidelines; transbronchial needle


ABBREVIATIONS: AQuIRE = Quality Improvement Registry, Evalua- Tool; GOC = Guidelines Oversight Committee; PICO = population,
tion and Education; CHEST = American College of Chest Physicians; intervention, comparator, and outcome; ROSE = rapid on-site evalu-
EBB = endobronchial biopsy; EBUS = endobronchial ultrasound; ation; TBLB = transbronchial lung biopsy; TBNA = transbronchial
EBUS-STAT = Endobronchial Ultrasound Skills and Tasks Assessment needle aspiration; TBNCS = transbronchial needle capillary samplings

816 Evidence-Based Medicine [ 149#3 CHEST MARCH 2016 ]

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Summary of Recommendations 6. In patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA for diagnostic
1. In patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA, we suggest evaluation, we recommend that tissue sampling can be
that either moderate or deep sedation is an acceptable performed with or without rapid on-site evaluation
approach (Grade 2C). (Grade 1C).

2. In patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA, we suggest 7. In patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA for the

that ultrasonographic features can be used to predict diagnosis and/or staging of suspected or known
malignant and benign diagnoses, but tissue samples non-small cell lung cancer, we recommend that
should still be obtained to conrm a diagnosis additional samples, beyond those needed to establish
(Ungraded Consensus-Based Statement). the diagnosis, be obtained for molecular analysis
(Grade 1C).
3. In patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA, we suggest that
tissue sampling may be performed either with or 8. In training EBUS-TBNA operators, we suggest
without suction (Ungraded Consensus-Based Statement). that low- or high-delity simulation be incorporated
in training (Grade 2C).
4. In patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA, we
recommend that the use of either a 21- or 22-gauge 9. In evaluating EBUS-TBNA operators, we suggest
needle is an acceptable option (Grade 1C). that validated EBUS skills assessment tests be used to
objectively assess skill level (Ungraded Consensus-
5. In the absence of rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) in Based Statement).
patients suspected of having lung cancer and
undergoing EBUS-TBNA for diagnosis, we suggest 10. In patients with suspected sarcoidosis with
that a minimum of 3 separate needle passes be mediastinal and/or hilar adenopathy, we recommend
performed per sampling site (Ungraded Consensus- that EBUS-TBNA be used for diagnosis (Grade 1C).
Based Statement). 11. In patients with suspected tuberculosis with
mediastinal and/or hilar adenopathy who require
lymph node sampling, we recommend that
AFFILIATIONS: From the Duke University Medical Center (Dr Wahidi), EBUS-TBNA be used for diagnosis (Grade 1C).
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Durham, NC; Division
of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine (Dr Herth), University of Hei- 12. In patients with suspected lymphoma, we suggest
delberg, Heidelberg, Germany; Division of Thoracic Surgery (Dr Yasu-
fuku), Toronto General Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON,
that EBUS-TBNA is an acceptable initial, minimally
Canada; Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center (Dr Shep- invasive diagnostic test (Ungraded Consensus-Based
herd), Richmond, VA; Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Statement).
(Drs Yarmus and Feller-Kopman), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
MD; Division of Medicine (Dr Chawla), Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
Center, New York, NY; Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) is a technology that
(Dr Lamb), Lahey Clinic Hospital, Burlington, MA; Division of Pulmo- allows real-time visualization of structures adjacent
nary and Critical Care (Dr Casey), University of Wisconsin School of
Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI; CHEST (Ms Patel), Glenview,
to the airways during bronchoscopy. Linear EBUS
IL; and Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine (Dr Silvestri), incorporates an ultrasound transducer into the tip of a
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC. standard bronchoscope and guides transbronchial needle
DISCLAIMER: American College of Chest Physician guidelines are
intended for general information only, are not medical advice, and do aspiration (TBNA) of lymph nodes and parabronchial
not replace professional medical care and physician advice, which masses. Radial EBUS integrates a miniature ultrasound
always should be sought for any medical condition. The complete
disclaimer for this guideline can be accessed at http://www.chestnet.
transducer into a freestanding probe that can be
org/Guidelines-and-Resources/Guidelines-and-Consensus-Statements/ advanced through the bronchoscopes working channel
CHEST-Guidelines. into the periphery of the lung to guide sampling of
FUNDING/SUPPORT: This study was funded in total by internal funds
from the American College of Chest Physicians. peripheral lung nodules and masses. EBUS was
ENDORSEMENTS: This guideline has been endorsed by the American introduced into bronchoscopy almost a decade ago and
Association of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology, Amer- has transformed the diagnostic approach to mediastinal
ican Association for Thoracic Surgery, Canadian Thoracic Society,
European Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonol- and hilar diseases, particularly in lung cancer.
ogy, and Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
The American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) lung
University Medical Center, Box 102356, Durham, NC 27710; e-mail: cancer guidelines (third edition) summarized the data on
EBUS-TBNA in the mediastinal staging of lung cancer and
Copyright 2016 American College of Chest Physicians. Published by
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. reported an overall median sensitivity of 89% and a median
DOI: negative predictive of 91%.1 Based on these ndings, the 817

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guidelines recommended ultrasound-guided, needle-based of lymph nodes, needle size, number of needle passes,
sampling techniques over surgical staging as the rst step in use of suction, and presence of rapid on-site cytologic
the mediastinal staging of lung cancer. evaluation), and proceduralists aptitude (training). We
As EBUS-TBNA became more available and adopted specically did not address the diagnostic yield of
by clinicians, questions emerged about the optimal EBUS-TBNA in the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer
performance of the procedure and best conditions for because this topic was addressed in the third edition of
a maximal diagnostic yield. The overall objective of the the CHEST lung cancer guidelines.1 We did believe,
present CHEST guideline and expert panel report was however, that the diagnostic yield of EBUS-TBNA in
to examine the current knowledge of the technical other mediastinal diseases, such as TB, sarcoidosis, and
aspects of linear EBUS-TBNA, including patient factors lymphoma, has not been not well studied and opted to
(sedation), procedural aspects (ultrasonographic features include these questions in our report.

Methods the identied studies by using specic inclusion criteria based on the
PICO components of each key question. In the rst round of
Expert Panel Composition
screening, panel members reviewed the titles and abstracts of
The chair of the panel was approved by CHESTs Guidelines Oversight identied records for potential eligibility. Records deemed eligible
Committee (GOC), and additional members who were interested in then underwent a second round of full-text screening for nal
serving on the guideline panel were asked to submit their curriculum inclusion. For both rounds of screening, recommendations for
vitae, a statement of interest, and conict of interest disclosure forms inclusion were made independently in parallel and then compared.
to the GOC for review. The GOC then reviewed each panelist for Disagreements were resolved through discussion. Important data
possible conicts of interest as well as their credentials. The nal from each study that passed the second round of screening were
panel consisted of the guideline chair and eight panelists, who were then extracted into structured data tables. Panelists were divided into
divided among 15 topic groups as content specialists for their pairs for extraction, with one panelist performing the data extraction
particular area of expertise, as well as one additional member serving and the other panelist independently reviewing the extracted data.
as a liaison to the GOC. Completed evidence tables for each topic are available (e-Table 2).

Conicts of Interest
Quality Assessment
All panel nominees were reviewed for their conicts of interest by the
GOC. After review, nominees who were found to have no substantial The methodologist assessed the quality of all included studies.
conicts of interest were approved, while nominees with potential Randomized controlled trials were assessed by using the Cochrane
conicts of interest that were considered to be manageable were Risk of Bias Tool.2 Observational studies were assessed by using the
approved with management. Panelists who were approved with Cochrane Bias Methods Group Tool to Assess Risk of Bias in
management were prohibited from voting on recommendations. Cohort Studies.3,4 In cases in which existing systematic reviews were
A grid to track the conicts of interest for each recommendation or available, the Documentation and Appraisal Review Tool5 was used
suggestion was created for each PICO (population, intervention, to assess the methodologic quality.
comparator, outcome) question at the time of voting (e-Table 1).
Meta-analysis and Evidence Proles
Formulation of Key Questions and Systematic Literature Upon completion of quality assessment and the development of
Searches evidence tables, a computer software program (Review Manager,
The expert panel drafted a total of 15 key questions in a PICO format Version 5.1; The Nordic Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration,
(Table 1). All panelists reviewed the PICO questions and, with the help 2012) was used to create meta-analyses on topics for which the data
of the methodologist (S. P.), nalized the search terms, inclusion and were homogeneous and poolable based on predened outcomes. When
exclusion criteria, and databases that would be searched. possible, meta-analyses included studies from published systematic
reviews as well as new studies identied through updated searches.
The methodologist performed a systematic search of the literature for
Heterogeneity of the pooled results was assessed by using the c2 test and
individual studies for PICO questions 1 through 12 in July 2014 and
Higgins I2 value, and a forest plot was examined for the consistency of
for PICO questions 13 through 15 in October 2014 by using
results. A Higgins I2 value $ 50% and P values < .05 were considered
MEDLINE (via PubMed) and the Cochrane Library. A combination
to be signicant for heterogeneity. Results from the meta-analyses are
of the National Library of Medicines medical subject headings and
available (e-Table 3).
other key words specic to each topic were used to identify studies.
Reference lists from relevant retrievals were also searched, and
additional papers were manually added to the search results. To Grading the Evidence
account for all of the literature pertaining to each topic, searches Evidence proles were created by using the GRADEpro software
were not limited by language, study design, or publication date. (GRADE Working Group). This software was used to rank the
Additional details on literature searches and the selection of studies quality of the body of evidence according to four categories: high,
are available (e-Appendix 1). moderate, low, and very low (Table 2).6 The quality of the evidence
was then used to determine the strength of the supporting evidence
Study Selection and Data Extraction that informs a recommendation. Additional information on grading
After completion of the literature searches, studies were reviewed for the body of evidence can be found in the Methodologies for the
relevance through two rounds of screening. Panel members were Development of CHEST Guidelines and Expert Panel Reports.7
paired and assigned to specic topics, and each topic group screened Evidence proles for each PICO question are available (e-Table 4).

818 Evidence-Based Medicine [ 149#3 CHEST MARCH 2016 ]

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TABLE 1 ] PICO Questions
Study Characteristic Inclusion Criteria Criteria
KQ 1: Sedation
Populations Patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA procedures None
Interventions Deep sedation/general anesthesia None
Comparators Moderate sedation None
Outcomes Diagnostic yield of the procedure, patient comfort None
Study design RCT, cohort, case-control, case series, prospective studies, retrospective None
KQ 2: Articial airways
Populations Patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA procedures None
Interventions Use of articial airways (endotracheal tube, laryngeal mask) None
Comparators No articial airways None
Outcomes Diagnostic yield of the procedure None
Study design RCT, cohort, case-control, case series, prospective studies, retrospective None
KQ 3: Ultrasonographic
features of lymph nodes
Populations Patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA procedures None
Interventions Ultrasonographic features of lymph nodes None
Comparators No specic ultrasonographic features None
Outcomes Determination of benignity or malignancy of lymph nodes None
Study design RCT, cohort, case-control, case series, prospective studies, retrospective None
KQ 4: Use of suction
Populations Patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA procedures None
Interventions Suction None
Comparators No suction None
Outcomes Diagnostic yield of the procedure None
Study design RCT, cohort, case-control, case series, prospective studies, retrospective None
KQ 5: Needle size
Populations Patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA procedures None
Interventions Needle size, 22-gauge None
Comparators Needle size, 21-gauge None
Outcomes Diagnostic yield of the procedure None
Study design RCT, cohort, case-control, case series, prospective studies, retrospective None
KQ 6: Number of needle passes
Populations Patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA procedures None
Interventions $ 3 needle passes None
Comparators < 3 needle passes None
Outcomes Diagnostic yield of the procedure None
Study design RCT, cohort, case-control, case series, prospective studies, retrospective
KQ 7: Use of ROSE
Populations Patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA procedures None
Interventions ROSE None
Comparators No ROSE None

(Continued) 819

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TABLE 1 ] (Continued)
Study Characteristic Inclusion Criteria Criteria
Outcomes Diagnostic yield of the procedure None
Study design RCT, cohort, case-control, case series, prospective studies, retrospective None
KQ 8: Molecular marker testing
Populations Patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA procedures None
Interventions Testing for molecular markers None
Comparators Surgical specimens, radiographic specimens None
Outcomes Success of molecular marker testing None
Study design RCT, cohort, case-control, case series, prospective studies, retrospective None
KQ 9: Scope insertion
Populations Patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA procedures None
Interventions Scope insertion via mouth None
Comparators Scope insertion via nose None
Outcomes Diagnostic yield of the procedure None
Study design RCT, cohort, case-control, case series, prospective studies, retrospective None
KQ 10: Use of balloon
Populations Patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA procedures None
Interventions Routine use of the balloon None
Comparators No balloon use None
Outcomes Diagnostic yield of the procedure None
Study design RCT, cohort, case-control, case series, prospective studies, retrospective None
KQ 11: Simulation training
Populations Operators of EBUS-TBNA None
Interventions Simulation-based training None
Comparators Conventional training with no simulation None
Outcomes Successful performance of EBUS TBNA on either simulators or patients None
Study design RCT, cohort, case-control, case series, prospective studies, retrospective None
KQ 12: Performance metrics
Populations Operators of EBUS-TBNA None
Interventions Testing of performance metrics None
Comparators No performance test None
Outcomes Discriminatory ability of the test (novice, intermediate, and advanced None
Study design RCT, cohort, case-control, case series, prospective studies, retrospective None
KQ 13: Diagnostic accuracy
Populations Patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA None
Interventions EBUS-TBNA for sarcoidosis None
Comparators No comparator None
Outcomes Diagnostic accuracy and/or diagnostic yield of EBUS-TBNA None
Study design RCT, cohort, case-control, case series, prospective studies, retrospective None


820 Evidence-Based Medicine [ 149#3 CHEST MARCH 2016 ]

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TABLE 1 ] (Continued)
Study Characteristic Inclusion Criteria Criteria
KQ 14: Diagnostic accuracy of
Populations Patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA None
Interventions EBUS-TBNA for tuberculosis None
Comparators No comparator None
Outcomes Diagnostic accuracy and/or diagnostic yield of EBUS-TBNA None
Study design RCT, cohort, case-control, case series, prospective studies, retrospective None
KQ 15: Diagnostic accuracy of
Populations Patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA None
Interventions EBUS-TBNA for lymphoma None
Comparators No comparator None
Outcomes Diagnostic accuracy and/or diagnostic yield of EBUS-TBNA None
Study design RCT, cohort, case-control, case series, prospective studies, retrospective None

EBUS-TBNA endobronchial ultrasound-transbronchial needle aspiration; EBUS-STAT Endobronchial Ultrasound Skills and Tasks Assessment Tool;
KQ key question; PICO population, intervention, comparator, and outcome; RCT randomized controlled trial; ROSE rapid on-site evaluation.

Recommendations suggested edits or general remarks. The conict of interest grids were
The panel as a whole worked together to draft statements for each forwarded along with the voting survey, and panelists were instructed
PICO question that had sufcient evidence. Evidence tables, meta- to refrain from voting on any recommendations in which they had a
analyses, evidence proles, and all of the included studies were used potential conict of interest. Based on CHEST policy, each statement
to formulate recommendations and their associated grades. required 75% participation and at least 80% consensus to pass. Any
recommendations or suggestions that did not pass were revised by the
Recommendations were graded by using the CHEST grading system panel based on the feedback provided, and a new survey was sent out
(Table 3).7 In instances in which there was insufcient evidence, but that incorporated those changes.
a recommendation was still warranted, a weak suggestion was
developed and Ungraded Consensus-Based Statement replaced the
grade. Peer Review Process
Identied reviewers from the GOC, the CHEST Board of Regents, and
All drafted recommendations and suggestions were presented to the
panel in an online anonymous voting survey. Panelists were requested the CHEST journal reviewed the content of the manuscript. All
to indicate their level of agreement on each statement, based on a reviewers assessed both content and methods, including consistency,
accuracy, and completeness. The manuscript was revised according to
5-point Likert scale derived from the Grading of Recommendations
Assessment, Development and Evaluation grid.7,8 Panelists also had feedback from peer review, and it was subsequently approved by the
the option to provide open-ended feedback on each statement with GOC and Board of Regents prior to submission to the CHEST journal.

TABLE 2 ] Rating the Condence in the Estimate of the Effect

Quality of the
Evidence Level of Condence in the Estimate of the Effect
High We are very condent that the true effect lies close to that of the estimate of the effect
Moderate We are moderately condent in the effect estimate: The true effect is likely to be close to the estimate of
the effect, but there is a possibility that it is substantially different
Low Our condence in the effect estimate is limited: The true effect may be substantially different from the
estimate of the effect
Very low We have very little condence in the effect estimate: The true effect is likely to be substantially different
from the estimate of the effect

Wording of denitions from Balshem H et al.6 821

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TABLE 3 ] CHEST Grading System
Balance of Benet Vs Risk and Methodologic Strength of Supporting
Grade of Burdens (Strength of the Evidence (Quality of Body of Evidence:
Recommendation Recommendation: Level 1 or 2) A, B, C, or Consensus-Based) Implications
Graded evidence-based
Strong Benets clearly outweigh Consistent evidence from Recommendation can apply
recommendation, risks and burdens, or randomized controlled trials to most patients in most
high-quality vice versa with no important limitations circumstances. Further
evidence (1A) or exceptionally strong research is very unlikely to
evidence from observational change our condence in
studies the estimate of effect
Strong Benets clearly outweigh Evidence from randomized Recommendations can apply
recommendation, risks and burdens, or controlled trials with to most patients in most
moderate-quality vice versa important limitations circumstances. Higher
evidence (1B) (inconsistent results, quality research may well
methodologic aws, indirect have an important impact
or imprecise) or very strong on our condence in the
evidence from observational estimate of effect and may
studies change the estimate
Strong Benets clearly outweigh Evidence for at least one critical Recommendations can apply
recommendation, risks and burdens, or outcome from observational to most patients in most
low- or very low- vice versa studies, case series, or from circumstances. Higher
quality evidence randomized controlled trials quality research may well
(1C) with serious aws or indirect have an important impact
evidence on our condence in the
estimate of effect and may
change the estimate
Weak Benets closely balanced Consistent evidence from Best action may differ
recommendation, with risks and burdens randomized controlled trials depending on circumstances
high-quality with no important limitations or patients or societal
evidence (2A) or exceptionally strong values. Further research is
evidence from observational very unlikely to change our
studies condence in the estimate
of effect
Weak Benets closely balanced Evidence from randomized Best action may differ
recommendation, with risks and burdens controlled trials with depending on circumstances
moderate-quality important limitations or patients or societal
evidence (2B) (eg, inconsistent results, values. Higher quality
methodologic aws, indirect research may well have an
or imprecise) or very strong important impact on our
evidence from observational condence in the estimate of
studies effect and may change the
Weak Uncertainty in the Evidence for at least one critical Other alternatives may be
recommendation, estimates of benets, outcome from observational equally reasonable. Higher
low- or very low- risks, and burdens; studies, case series, or from quality research is likely to
quality evidence benets, risks, and randomized controlled trials have an important impact
(2C) burdens may be closely with serious aws or indirect on our condence in the
balanced evidence estimate of effect and may
well change the estimate
Ungraded consensus-
based suggestions
Consensus-based Uncertainty due to lack of Insufcient evidence for a Future research may well
(Ungraded evidence but expert graded recommendation have an important impact
Consensus-Based opinion that benets on our condence in the
Statement) outweigh risks and estimate of effect and may
burdens or vice versa change the estimate

822 Evidence-Based Medicine [ 149#3 CHEST MARCH 2016 ]

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Results the choice of sedation used for EBUS bronchoscopy.
The study by Yarmus et al10 was limited by its
retrospective design and comparison of two different
Sedation is dened as a continuum of altered institutions with inherent, and potentially confounding,
consciousness levels, including minimal sedation differences in practice and patients. Although the study
(anxiolysis), moderate sedation (conscious sedation), by Casal et al11 was prospective and randomized, their
deep sedation, and general anesthesia. Moderate sedation results must be viewed with caution because the sample
is dened as a drug-induced depression in consciousness size was small and the procedures were performed at
wherein patients can respond purposefully to verbal one institution and by a single experienced physician.
commands while maintaining a functional airway, The study by Dal et al12 did investigate patient comfort,
spontaneous ventilation, and cardiovascular function. but the outcomes with regard to diagnostic yield were
Deep sedation causes a deeper state of depressed not addressed in the study. No study addressed the
consciousness in which patients cannot be easily aroused difference in cost of care between the two choices of
but respond purposefully to repeated or painful sedation.
stimulation and may have compromised airway function
and spontaneous ventilation; cardiovascular function is 1. In patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA, we suggest
usually maintained.9 that either moderate or deep sedation is an acceptable
approach (Grade 2C).
The ideal type of sedation in EBUS procedures is an
important question for bronchoscopists as they seek the
Articial Airways
best conditions to optimize their diagnostic yield,
enhance patients comfort, and avoid complications. When performing EBUS bronchoscopy procedures, the
Sedation also represents a signicant contributory element bronchoscopist has the option of inserting the scope
in the economics of EBUS-TBNA as it relates to cost of through natural orices (nose or mouth), a laryngeal
care, work ow, and health-care resources utilization in mask airway, or an endotracheal tube.
terms of anesthesia services and medications. The literature search found insufcient evidence to
Three studies met the inclusion criteria and compared recommend for or against an articial airway for
moderate and deep sedation during EBUS bronchoscopy. insertion of the EBUS bronchoscope in terms of
The primary outcomes of these studies included diagnostic yield of EBUS-TBNA. Because of the lack
diagnostic yield, procedural complications, and patient of data regarding PICO Question 2 (Table 1), we are
satisfaction. The two studies that reported on diagnostic unable to make a formal recommendation regarding
yield between patients undergoing deep or moderate placement of an articial airway during EBUS-TBNA
sedation had conicting results. The retrospective study bronchoscopy. The suggestion regarding sedation
by Yarmus et al10 assessed 309 patients from two separate in EBUS-TBNA bronchoscopy and the discussion
institutions and multiple proceduralists performing of PICO Question 9 regarding route of scope
EBUS with moderate or deep sedation. The authors found insertion in EBUS-TBNA bronchoscopy offers
a statistically signicant benet of deep sedation use on further details.
diagnostic yield in a multivariable analysis. The trial by
Clearly, the level of sedation plays a critical role in
Casal et al,11 a prospective randomized controlled study of
determining the need for an articial airway; however,
149 patients, found no difference in the diagnostic yield in
PICO Question 2 specically assessed the impact on
a single-center/single-operator setup. However, fewer
diagnostic yield if an articial airway is used during
patients in the moderate sedation group were able to
EBUS-TBNA bronchoscopy. One prospective study13
complete the procedure compared with the deep sedation
looked at the use of a modied laryngeal mask airway
group (P .028). The studies by Dal et al12 and Casal
during EBUS-TBNA but did not assess diagnostic yield
et al11 also assessed patient comfort and satisfaction, and
as an outcome. This study compared 70 patients who
no differences were found overall between sedation
underwent EBUS-TBNA with intravenous anesthesia,
groups. There were no major complications or escalation
muscle relaxation, and modied laryngeal mask airway
of care in either sedation group reported in any of the
(n 46) or topical aerosolized 2% lidocaine only
studies included in this analysis.
(n 24). The laryngeal mask airway group was found
The level of evidence, size, and quality of the existing to have higher oxygen saturation during EBUS probe
studies affected our grading and conclusion regarding insertion and signicantly lower heart rate, systolic 823

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blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure during Ultrasonographic Features
the procedure. In addition, reduced body movement, EBUS can distinguish lymph nodes and lung masses
absence of choking or suffocation episodes, and no from vessels, and it can also display ultrasonographic
procedural termination were noted in the laryngeal features of the examined structures such as size, shape,
mask airway group. border, heterogeneity, central hilar structure, and
One institution14 reported their anesthesia practice for necrosis. Just as with CT and MRI scanning,
EBUS-TBNA as safe, using general anesthesia, muscle bronchoscopists are interested in identifying imaging
paralysis as needed, and a laryngeal mask airway. An features that would predict certain diseases to help them
endotracheal tube was used in the setting of difcult guide the sampling process.
laryngeal mask airway placement, obesity, or severe Nine studies met the inclusion criteria and provided
untreated gastroesophageal reux disease. No specic analysis of the characteristics of lymph nodes that
data on diagnostic yield were reported. Earlier studies of predict malignancy during EBUS.19-27 Outcomes from
EBUS-TBNA15-17 reported on the use of either the studies could not be combined because of the
combined rigid and exible bronchoscopy with general heterogeneity of the data and the fact that the
anesthesia, exible bronchoscopy alone with moderate ultrasonographic features assessed were not the same
sedation with no specied route, or local anesthesia with in each study or they had varying denitions of what
an oral route. constituted abnormal.
CHEST Quality Improvement Registry, Evaluation Fujiwara et al20 published the largest series to date
and Education (AQuIRE) bronchoscopy module assessing endoscopic lymph node features that could
captured comprehensive data on TBNA.18 Over a help distinguish benign from malignant disease by
12-month period, 891 patients were enrolled to evaluating > 1,000 lymph nodes in nearly 500 patients.
undergo TBNA procedures at six institutions, including In addition, they provided a standard classication
853 EBUS-TBNA procedures (95.7%) and 38 system to dene ultrasound features that were then
conventional TBNA procedures (4.3%). Laryngeal mask variably assessed by others. The predened features they
airway was used in 433 procedures (48.6%), endotracheal assessed were: (1) size (short-axis < 1 cm, > 1 cm),
tube in 59 (6.6%), and tracheostomy tube in 4 (0.4%); the (2) shape (oval, round), (3) margin (indistinct or distinct),
remainder were conducted via the nasal route in (4) echogenicity (homogeneous or heterogeneous),
109 (12.2%) or the oral route in 295 (33.1%) with no (5) presence or absence of central hilar structure, and
articial airway. Data for diagnostic yield by use of an (6) presence or absence of a central necrosis sign. In
articial airway were not reported. multivariate analysis, they found that a round shape,
distinct margins, heterogeneous echogenicity, and a
It is important to recognize that the placement of the
central necrosis sign were independently predictive of
endotracheal tube may block the ultrasonographic view
malignancy. Furthermore, when all four factors were
of the higher paratracheal lymph nodes (lymph node
absent, 96% of the lymph nodes were benign.
stations 1, 2R, 2L, and 3P) and should be avoided if one
of these lymph nodes is the sampling target of the Three additional studies also assessed size criteria as a
procedure. predictor; however, the results are conicting. Although
Fujiwara et al20 found that size was not a reliable
If using a transoral articial airway, a bite block should
indicator, others have found that larger lymph nodes
be considered to protect the bronchoscope from bite
are more likely to harbor metastases.21,24,26 These
damage. This approach is recommended independent of
inconsistencies are possibly due to differences in how
the depth of sedation. A minimum size of 8.0 should be
size was dened. Fujiwara et al20 and Satterwhite et al26
used if placing an endotracheal tube for EBUS-TBNA to
used a dichotomous variable (< 1 cm or > 1 cm in
accommodate the scope diameter and leave room for gas
the short-axis) and had similar ndings, whereas
Garcia-Oliv et al21 used a 2-cm cutoff and Memoli
In conclusion, there is insufcient quality of evidence et al24 used 5-mm increases in size > 1 cm. In the latter
to recommend for or against articial airways for two studies, a statistically signicant increase in presence
EBUS-TBNA. Reported practice is scattered and is of malignancy in a lymph node occurred as the size
largely based on expert opinion, operator comfort, increased. These studies also conrmed that round-
sedation type, and institutional standards. shaped lymph nodes were more likely malignant than

824 Evidence-Based Medicine [ 149#3 CHEST MARCH 2016 ]

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triangular or draping lymph nodes. Memoli et al24 could 2. In patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA, we suggest
not conrm that a distinct border conferred a higher risk that ultrasonographic features can be used to predict
for malignancy, a nding previously noted by Fujiwara malignant and benign diagnoses, but tissue samples
et al.20 They also assessed PET avidity and, after should still be obtained to conrm a diagnosis
adjusting for lymph node size, hypermetabolic lymph (Ungraded Consensus-Based Statement).
nodes on PET scans did not confer an increased risk of
malignancy. Suction
The application of suction to needles during tissue
Nakajima et al25 assessed vascular image patterns within
aspiration has been a standard practice for many
lymph nodes as a way to predict malignancy. They
decades in numerous medical specialties, including in
developed a classication system by using grades (0-3)
the use of conventional TBNA. Some theorize that
predened as increasing vascular involvement from no
suction may increase tissue trauma in the biopsy site
blood ow (grade 0) and single central vessel (grade I)
and result in more bleeding and lower yields. Others
and considered those benign. As vessel involvement
argue that suction is benecial and produces a higher
increased in the node to rich ow with > 4 vessels
number of aspirated cells. Although this question
(grades 2 and 3), the nodes were considered malignant.
has been studied in other anatomical sites, limited
The sensitivity and specicity for malignancy in patients
evaluation of the use of suction has been performed
with grade 2 or 3 blood ow in a lymph node were
87.7% and 69.6%, respectively, suggesting that increased
vascularity assessed by using power/color Doppler Only one study was found to address this question.
mode ultrasound is useful in predicting malignancy. Casal et al28 performed a randomized prospective trial
Satterwhite et al26 conrmed the benign ndings in comparing EBUS-TBNA with suction vs EBUS-TBNA
those patients with a central intranodal vessel (Nakajima without the use of suction, referred to as transbronchial
class 1). needle capillary sampling (EBUS-TBNCS). Subjects were
randomized either to undergo TBNCS in passes 1 and 3
Two studies have assessed ultrasound features of lymph
or TBNA with suction in passes 2 and 4 or the opposite
nodes in patients with sarcoidosis. Imai et al22 compared
order. Separate needles were used for passes 1 and 3
ultrasound features of patients with sarcoidosis and lung
vs those used with passes 2 and 4. Only the initial four
cancer. Lymph nodes with homogeneous echogenicity
passes were included in the analysis. The primary end
and a germinal center were more likely to indicate
point was the concordance between suction TBNA and
sarcoidosis than lung cancer. Dhooria et al19 attempted
TBNCS for diagnostic yield and the adequacy of
to use ultrasound features within lymph nodes to
samples. There were no signicant differences between
distinguish sarcoidosis from TB. They found that
the two groups in specimen adequacy, diagnosis rate, or
coagulation necrosis and heterogeneous echogenicity
specimen quality regardless of node size. Concordance
within lymph nodes were more likely to be present in TB
rates between the techniques were high, ranging from
as opposed to sarcoidosis.
83.3% to 95.8% for adequacy, diagnostic yield, and
In conclusion, the ultrasonographic predictors of specimen quality.
malignancy in lymph nodes are not reliable enough to
Other issues relating to the use of suction during
forgo biopsy to obtain a denitive tissue diagnosis.
EBUS-TBNA that remain unknown include whether
However, it is reasonable for experienced practitioners
differing amounts of negative suction have an effect on
to use ultrasound features to guide sampling such that
acquisition of material or whether the effect of suction
they obtain the highest yield from lymph nodes likely
interacts with the various sizes of the needle. These
to be malignant. Future research should attempt to
questions require further study.
replicate the ndings from these studies in a prospective
manner by using standardized criteria in consecutive In cases in which EBUS-TBNA is being performed with
patients with both benign and malignant disease. In suction and the samples obtained are bloody, operators
addition, technologies that take advantage of automated should consider switching to the use of no suction at
measurements within the EBUS processor, as well the same sampling site. If intranodal blood vessels are
as other novel approaches to aid in distinguishing visualized on EBUS imaging with or without Doppler
benignity from malignancy, should be tested on a larger imaging, operators should also consider obtaining
scale.23,27 samples without suction. 825

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3. In patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA, we suggest Saji et al32 prospectively evaluated 56 consecutive patients
that tissue sampling may be performed either with undergoing EBUS-TBNA for the evaluation of
or without suction (Ungraded Consensus-Based mediastinal lesions. Use of the 21-gauge needle produced
Statement). a higher cytologic sensitivity and overall diagnostic yield
(cytologic histologic sensitivity), but there was no
Needle Size difference in histologic sensitivity. This study differs from
Several needles are available to obtain specimens via the others in that it assessed results on a per-patient basis
EBUS-TBNA, including those of variable sizes (25-, 22-, as opposed to a per-lymph node basis.
or 21-gauge) and materials (stainless steel or nitinol).
The only randomized trial comparing 21- vs 22-gauge
The size of the needle may affect the quantity of tissue
needles was performed by Oki et al33 in 60 patients with
obtained, degree of tissue trauma, and amount of
hilar/mediastinal adenopathy or tumor adjacent to a
aspirated bloodeach of which can affect the quality of
central airway. Patients were randomly assigned to have
the specimen and the diagnostic yield.
the rst two needle passes with either the 21- or
Five trials comparing needle sizes met our criteria for 22-gauge needle, and specimens were assessed for adequacy
review, including three retrospective studies,29-31 one and diagnostic yield. There were no differences between
prospective study,32 and one randomized trial.33 Of groups in terms of target size, lymph node station, or
note, these trials compared only 21- and 22-gauge prevalence of disease. Likewise, there was no difference
needles; no data are available on 25-gauge needles. between needle gauges in either outcome measure,
although there was a trend of more inadequate samples
Nakajima et al29 reviewed 45 EBUS-TBNA specimens
with the 21-gauge needles.
in 33 patients in whom both 21- and 22-gauge needles
were used. There was no statistically signicant At this time, needle choice should be determined by the
difference in diagnostic yield, although two patients with operator. Some factors inuencing needle size choice
adenocarcinoma were only diagnosed with the 21-gauge may include location and vascularity of the node. Future
needle. The authors also found that the 21-gauge needle studies should investigate if a smaller or more exible
provided better histologic structure with an increased needle would improve sampling at station 4L (known for
number of tumor cells present, but it was also associated its slightly angulated location) or if smaller needles
with more blood contamination. The 22-gauge needle, would result in less blood contamination when sampling
however, tended to have improved preservation of more vascular nodes. Studies should also examine if a
nonnecrotizing granuloma compared with the 21-gauge particular needle size should be used depending on how
needle (P .695). the specimens are being processed (histopathology
vs cytopathology) and if needle size can affect the
Yarmus et al30 used the CHEST AQuIRE to review
diagnosis of diseases that are more difcult to diagnose
1,235 procedures and found no signicant difference
by EBUS-TBNA, such as lymphoma.
in sample adequacy or diagnostic yield. The use of
the 21-gauge needle, when combined with the presence 4. In patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA, we
of rapid cytologic on-site evaluation, was associated recommend that the use of either a 21- or 22-gauge
with fewer needle passes per lymph node (3.5 vs 4.2; needle is an acceptable option (Grade 1C).
P < .01), potentially suggesting improved quality of
specimen. Number of Needle Passes
The number of needle passes per sampling site has
Jeyabalan et al31 reviewed 303 patients referred for
implications on procedural efciency (time spent on
EBUS-TBNA over 21/2 years. Needle size was selected at
sampling by the proceduralist and interpretation of
the discretion of the operator, and samples were assessed
tissue samples by the pathologist, particularly when
by histopathologists blinded to the needle used. No
sampling multiple sites) balanced by the desire to
signicant difference in diagnostic yield for malignancy
achieve maximum diagnostic yield. For this discussion, a
was seen. The major limitation of this study was the
pass is a distinct entry and exit of the needle through
retrospective, single-center study design. It is also
the airway wall, and each pass typically includes ve to
noteworthy that specimen analysis was performed by
15 agitations of the needle within the target site.
experienced histopathologists; thus, these data may
not be extrapolated to centers using cytopathologic Lee et al34 conducted the only study that addressed this
interpretation. issue. EBUS-TBNA was performed on 163 stations in

826 Evidence-Based Medicine [ 149#3 CHEST MARCH 2016 ]

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102 patients with potentially operable non-small cell termination or additional sampling was made by the
lung cancer and mediastinal adenopathy. Every target examiner on the basis of the ROSE results. Mean
node was punctured four times. Sample adequacy was puncture number was signicantly lower in the
90.1% after the rst pass, 98.1% after two passes, and ROSE group (2.2 vs 3.1 punctures; P < .001), but
reached 100% after three passes. The sensitivity for mean bronchoscopy time was similar between
differentiating malignant from benign lymph node groups (22.3 vs 22.1 min; P .95). The sensitivity
stations was 69.8%, 83.7%, 95.3%, and 95.3% for one, and accuracy for diagnosing lung cancer were
two, three, and four passes, respectively. 88% and 89%, respectively, in the ROSE group, and
86% and 89% in the non-ROSE group. Additional
Based on this study, it seems that optimal diagnostic
procedures including EBUS-TBNA for lesions other
values with EBUS-TBNA can be obtained after a
than the main target lesion and/or transbronchial biopsy
minimum of three passes with the caveat that this
in the same setting were performed in 11% of patients
suggestion pertains to lung cancer diagnosis and staging.
in the ROSE group and 57% in the non-ROSE group
No data exist regarding the number of needle passes
(P < .001). This study showed that ROSE can decrease
required to obtain a sufcient diagnostic yield for
the number of punctures and reduce the need for
lymphoma or other nonmalignant diseases of the
additional staging and diagnostic procedures.
mediastinum. The sampling of tissue for molecular
marker testing is discussed in Statement 7. Two other trials retrospectively reviewed the value of
ROSE. Grifn et al37 conducted a retrospective analysis
5. In the absence of rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE)
of 294 EBUS-TBNA specimens; 48% had been
in patients suspected of having lung cancer and
performed with ROSE. There was no signicant
undergoing EBUS-TBNA for diagnosis, we suggest
difference in diagnostic yield, number of sites sampled
that a minimum of 3 separate needle passes be
per patient, or clinical decision-making between
performed per sampling site (Ungraded Consensus-
specimens collected with or without ROSE.
Based Statement).
Murakami et al38 analyzed the records of 780 patients by
Rapid On-Site Evaluation using EBUS-TBNA. The results of 100 EBUS-TBNA
procedures, with or without ROSE, in 98 patients with
Since the development of TBNA through a exible
a denitive diagnosis of a small cell lung cancer were
bronchoscope in the late 1960s, rapid on-site evaluation
reported. ROSE did not have any impact on the
(ROSE) has been used with conventional TBNA to
diagnostic yield (99% with ROSE vs 90% without ROSE;
improve the diagnostic yield, decrease the number of
P < .1), but it reduced the number of aspirates per
needle passes, and reduce the need for additional
procedure (mean 2.3 with ROSE vs 4.0 without ROSE;
diagnostic procedures.35 With the advent of EBUS, it
P < .01).
was unclear if the same benets would be realized
by using ROSE because EBUS provides real-time In conclusion, the current data suggest that ROSE
conrmation that the needle is in the target and may does not affect the diagnostic yield in EBUS-TBNA
obviate the need for a concurrent pathologic conrmation procedures, but it may reduce the number of needed
of tissue adequacy. aspirations as well as the number of other procedures
(ie, TBLB) required. It is noteworthy that ROSE
We identied three trials that fullled the inclusion
may be benecial in judging the quantity of available
criteria and addressed this issue.36-38 Oki et al36
malignant cells when testing for molecular markers is
conducted the only prospective randomized clinical trial
planned in patients with advanced adenocarcinoma of
on this question. They randomized 120 patients with
the lung.
mediastinal adenopathy and high suspicion of lung
cancer to undergo EBUS-TBNA with or without ROSE. 6. In patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA for diagnostic
The collected material was blown by air with a syringe evaluation, we recommend that tissue sampling can be
onto a glass slide. In patients assigned to the ROSE performed with or without rapid on-site evaluation
group, one glass slide was used for ROSE and another (Grade 1C).
was submitted for Papanicolaou-stained cytologic
examination. For ROSE, a cytotechnologist evaluated Molecular Markers
the cell material of the air-dried smears on-site Molecular marker testing in advanced adenocarcinoma
(Diff-Quik staining method). The decision regarding or undifferentiated non-small cell lung cancer of the 827

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lung is now considered standard of care and necessary Traditionally, the transnasal approach has been popular
for tailoring the best chemotherapy to the cancer for conventional exible bronchoscopy due to improved
characteristics of each individual patient. Because patient comfort, reduced gag, decreased lidocaine
EBUS-TBNA is increasingly used to diagnose lung dosing, and enhanced bronchoscope stability.
cancer, it is imperative to understand whether this Limitations can be due to nasal anatomy, scope size,
modality provides adequate tissue for molecular markers thrombocytopenia, or coagulopathy.53-55 In a
and the optimal number of aspirations to do so. prospective cohort survey study of conventional
bronchoscopy, 74% of patients who underwent nasal
Fourteen studies met the inclusion criteria and
bronchoscopy (385 of 461 [83.5%]) compared with
addressed the utility of EBUS-TBNA sample acquisition
57.1% (70 of 461 [15.2%]) via the oral route stated
for molecular analysis testing. The primary outcome was
they would denitely return for repeat exible
the success of EBUS-TBNA to acquire samples that were
bronchoscopy if indicated.56 However, preferences for
sufcient to be tested for molecular markers. A total
the oral route prevailed based on patient comfort and
of 684 cases were included. The studies by Lee et al,39
less insertion site bleeding in one prospective study,57
Bugalho et al,40 and Schmid-Bindert et al41 were
and the transoral route was noted as the predominant
prospective trials assessing the feasibility of molecular
insertion site in a Japanese national survey of
marker testing in patients with non-small cell lung
cancer. They found that mutational testing was feasible
and reproducible. The remainder of these studies were PICO Question 9 looked at the transnasal vs transoral
retrospective42-52; however, all displayed a very high approach when performing EBUS-TBNA independent
adequacy rate for obtaining tissue that was sufcient to of an articial airway. The importance of this issue
test for mutational markers, leading to the strength of compared with traditional exible bronchoscopy rests
our recommendation. on the larger diameter, more rigid distal end, and the
recessed forward oblique bronchoscopic view of an
Only one retrospective study addressed the number of
EBUS scope. The latter is of varying degrees depending
passes required to have adequate tissue for molecular
on the manufacturer. Although diagnostic yield is
testing. In 85 patients with adenocarcinoma or
the main primary end point in assessing procedural
non-small cell lung cancer, Yarmus et al52 found that
technology, feasibility, safety, and patient comfort are
93.5% of EBUS-TBNA specimens were adequate for
equally important end points. Beaudoin et al59 analyzed
molecular proling. A median of four EBUS-TBNA
196 consecutive patients at their institution who
passes, in conjunction with ROSE, were needed to
underwent EBUS-TBNA by six different attending
establish this adequacy rate. The current data are
physicians, with or without trainees. This retrospective
insufcient to identify the number of passes needed to
review was an indirect comparison of nasal vs oral
obtain adequate tissue for molecular marker testing, but
approaches, and it reported a diagnostic yield of 22 of
it is strongly suggested that additional samples, over
52 (42.3%) in the oral route group vs 74 of 155 (51.4%) in
the proposed diagnostic threshold of three passes (as
the nasal route group (P .26). This is the only
discussed in the earlier section on Needle Passes), are
published study looking at diagnostic yield based on
insertion site of a dedicated linear EBUS bronchoscope.
7. In patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA for the An early study17 of EBUS-TBNA reported only use of
diagnosis and/or staging of suspected or known the oral route with local anesthesia and an accuracy
non-small cell lung cancer, we recommend that of 97.1%.
additional samples, beyond those needed to establish
The CHEST AQuIRE captured comprehensive data
the diagnosis, be obtained for molecular analysis on TBNA.17 During a 12-month period at six US
(Grade 1C).
institutions, 891 TBNA procedures were performed.
EBUS-TBNA was used in 853 procedures (95.7%), and
Scope Insertion Site the remaining 38 (4.3%) used conventional TBNA.
Conventional exible bronchoscopy has been performed Nasal bronchoscope insertion was completed in
via a variety of entry sites, including nasal, oral, or 109 (12.2%) procedures. Data for scope insertion
articial airways. The choice of access depends on route specically by scope type, by mode of TBNA,
several variables such as type of sedation, anatomy, and diagnostic yield by bronchoscopy route were not
scope size, and institutional or practitioner preferences. reported.

828 Evidence-Based Medicine [ 149#3 CHEST MARCH 2016 ]

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In conclusion, there is insufcient quality of evidence that simulation training leads to rapid acquisition of
to support any route of bronchoscope insertion for EBUS-TBNA skills, similar to that of conventional
EBUS-TBNA over another. Translating the experience training. The remaining study61 was a randomized
and literature from conventional exible bronchoscopy controlled trial comparing wet laboratory training
given the size and rigidity of the EBUS bronchoscope vs computer EBUS-TBNA simulation. There was no
distal tip, as well as the limited bronchoscopic view, is signicant difference between the groups in the primary
difcult. outcome measure of procedure time or successful nodal
aspirates. However, accurate lymph node identication
Balloon Use
was superior in the computer-based simulation group.
The currently available EBUS scopes can be tted with Results of all three studies highlight that the same
disposable balloons over their distal ultrasound tips. The level of training can be acquired via conventional or
balloons can be lled with saline to overcome poor contact simulation-based training; however, the latter minimizes
between the ultrasound probe and the bronchial wall and novice operators practice on patients.
assist in obtaining a clear ultrasound image. Although the
8. In training EBUS-TBNA operators, we suggest that
saline-lled balloon can enhance image acquisition, it is
low- or high-delity simulation be incorporated into
unclear if that translates into a better diagnostic yield.
training (Grade 2C).
It is worth remembering that the balloons come at an
additional, albeit small, cost and are made of latex and thus Assessing EBUS-TBNA Operator Skill
cannot be used in patients with latex allergies.
Measurement of competency and procedural skill in
No studies were found addressing this issue, and bronchoscopy and numerous other medical procedures
therefore no recommendations or suggestions can be has been the subject of increased focus and research
made. From a practical perspective, balloons are in the last several years. The limitations of procedural
commonly used when the target lymph nodes are competency measurements based solely on number of
located in the paratracheal areas (2R, 2L, 4R, and 4L), procedures performed are well recognized; researchers
particularly for the slightly challenging angle of the left have thus sought other methods to measure
paratracheal lymph node (4L), and hilar stations bronchoscopy skills, including simulation skill
(10R and 10L). Balloons may or may not be needed in assessments and other performance-based metrics. A
lymph node stations 7 and 11. study in general bronchoscopy by Wahidi et al64 showed
that performance-based competency metrics could be
Simulation Training used as a tool to assess bronchoscopy skills. Skill levels
There is growing interest in moving away from were assessed by using the Bronchoscopy Skills and
conventional training on patients and relying on Tasks Assessment Tool in cohorts of new pulmonary
simulation-based training for procedures.60 Simulation fellows performing basic bronchoscopy.
technology in EBUS bronchoscopy is available in two
For EBUS bronchoscopy, a study by Davoudi et al65
forms: low-delity inanimate mechanical airway models
evaluated the validity and reliability of a similar tool,
and high-delity computer-based electronic simulation.
the Endobronchial Ultrasound Skills and Tasks
Three studies met the inclusion criteria comparing Assessment Tool (EBUS-STAT). The EBUS-STAT
conventional EBUS-TBNA training vs simulation-based scores bronchoscope introduction, navigation, image
training incorporating either a low- or high-delity acquisition, vascular imaging, nodal imaging, sampling
simulation tool.61-63 Two of the included studies of one station, and image modication. It also includes
assessed EBUS-TBNA skill acquisition in pulmonary a 25-slide test of CT and EBUS imaging knowledge.
medicine and thoracic surgery trainees. Outcomes such The tool was administered to eight operators each in
as the percentage of correctly identied lymph nodes, a beginner (< 20 EBUS procedures performed),
acquisition of lymphocytes, and procedural time were intermediate (20-50 EBUS procedures), and experienced
assessed either by the simulator63 or by experienced (> 50 EBUS procedures) category of bronchoscopists.
observers in clinical training involving actual patients.62 The EBUS-STAT was able to statistically signicantly
Although a meta-analysis regarding the percentage of distinguish the categories of beginner, intermediate,
correctly identied lymph nodes and acquisition of and experienced broncoscopy operators. The mean
lymphocytes found that there was no difference between EBUS-STAT scores for the beginner, intermediate,
the two groups, results of these two studies did nd and experienced groups were 31.1, 74.9, and 93.6, 829

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respectively, from a 100-point scale (P < .001). The two EBUS operators. It is important to recognize that none
testers had detailed knowledge and experience with the of the included simulation studies examined whether the
assessment tool, resulting in a very high inter-rater skills demonstrated on a simulation assessment are
reliability (r 0.9991, P < .00005), which may not be transferred to an improvement in clinical skills as
true for testers who are not as familiar with the tool. It performed in patients. These types of tools may prove
was also noted that the signicant difference in scores useful in determining physicians hospital procedural
among the three groups was in the technical portion of privileges or in other types of training programs.
the scores and not the test portion, suggesting that the
Although not included in the nal analysis, several other
skills portion may be the more important part of the
studies examined related aspects of EBUS performance
metrics. Three studies used cumulative sum analysis
Another small prospective study used virtual reality techniques to evaluate the learning curve of EBUS
simulation to assess EBUS performance. Konge et al66 operators and reported how many procedures are
examined simulator metrics with discriminatory ability needed to attain competency.68-70 These studies
in experienced EBUS operators (n 6), untrained included a very small number of operators and
novices (n 8), and simulator-trained novices (n 8). demonstrated signicant variability in learning
Each operator performed two simulated EBUS-TBNA EBUS-TBNA. Wahidi et al71 examined the learning
procedures on the GI-BRONCH Mentor (Simbionix curve of general pulmonary fellows with EBUS-TBNA
Products). Of eight metrics examined, the simulator and found an average of 13 procedures were required
metrics that demonstrated statistically signicant to perform the rst successful independent procedure.
differences among experienced and novice EBUS Another study assessed the EBUS learning curve among
operators were the number of successfully sampled nine interventional pulmonary fellows; it found very
lymph nodes (P .047) and procedure time (P .002). variable learning rates and noted improvement in some
These two metrics were combined into a quality score performance metrics even after 200 clinical cases.72
that demonstrated a median quality score for the These additional studies did not specically examine the
experienced group of 0.24 and 0.098 for the novice strength, discriminatory ability, or reliability of EBUS
group (P .001). This study showed that not all performance metrics tools as was done in the three
EBUS-TBNA metrics have discriminatory ability but primary studies included in the analysis.
that virtual reality EBUS simulators may have a role
9. In evaluating EBUS-TBNA operators, we suggest
in assessing operator ability prior to performing the
that validated EBUS skills assessment tests be used
procedure in patients.
to objectively assess skill level (Ungraded Consensus-
A third study examined four cohorts of EBUS users to Based Statement).
validate a different EBUS simulator, the AccuTouch Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
Flexible Bronchoscopy Simulator (CAE Healthcare).67
Twenty-two bronchoscopists were divided into the The diagnosis of sarcoidosis is based on the presence of a
following groups: novice bronchoscopists, experts compatible clinical scenario, radiographic ndings, and
without EBUS experience, basic clinical EBUS training histologic conrmation of noncaseating granulomatous
(pulmonary trainees or recent graduates), and EBUS inammation. Transbronchial lung biopsy (TBLB),
experts. Signicant differences among groups were found endobronchial biopsy (EBB), and TBNA are commonly
by the simulator for the metrics of total procedure time, used bronchoscopic techniques for determining
percentage of successful biopsies, and percentage of granulomas. EBUS-TBNA was initially introduced as a
lymph nodes correctly identied (P .05). The ndings minimally invasive modality for lymph node staging in
suggest that this simulator can accurately discriminate lung cancer. However, the use of EBUS-TBNA has been
among various skill levels of EBUS operators. expanded for the evaluation of patients with mediastinal
and hilar adenopathy. Studies have illustrated the benet
These three studies are heterogeneous and thus preclude of using EBUS-TBNA alone as well as in conjunction
the pooling of data.65-68 Although the overall sample size with other bronchoscopic techniques for the diagnosis of
of these three studies is small, they support the use of a sarcoidosis. Earlier studies of EBUS-TBNA on
validated EBUS skills assessment tool in performing sarcoidosis have mainly been retrospective case review
EBUS-TBNA in human subjects as well as the use of analyses; however, several prospective studies as well as
simulators to distinguish between the skill levels of randomized controlled trials are available on this topic.

830 Evidence-Based Medicine [ 149#3 CHEST MARCH 2016 ]

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Agarwal et al73 performed a systematic review and meta- Diagnosis of TB
analysis of the efcacy and safety of EBUS-TBNA in the The increasing use of EBUS-TBNA has led to its
diagnosis of sarcoidosis. The study included 15 studies application in the diagnosis of nonneoplastic diseases
with a total of 553 patients with sarcoidosis. The such as TB. This question focuses on the value of
diagnostic yield of EBUS-TBNA ranged from 54% to incorporating EBUS-TBNA when other modalities are
93%, with the pooled diagnostic accuracy of not diagnostic for TB. Three studies met our inclusion
79% (95% CI, 71-86). Of interest, there was no statistical criteria and assessed the diagnostic yield of EBUS for the
difference in the yield in studies using ROSE (80.1%) diagnosis of TB, although the diagnostic accuracy of
vs those without ROSE (81.3%). Ten additional studies EBUS-TBNA was not always the primary outcome
(including 573 combined patients)74-83 were identied measure. Garcia-Oliv et al76 and Cetinkaya et al84
through updated searches of the systematic review by analyzed the role of EBUS-TBNA for the assessment of
Agarwal et al.73 These studies combined with those mediastinal adenopathy with the majority of patients
previously included led to a pooled diagnostic accuracy having a nal diagnosis of lung cancer. Both studies had
of 78.2% (95% CI, 75.6-80.4). a high diagnostic yield (n 10, 80%; n 48, 79.2%), but
the prevalence of TB was relatively low within the study
Given the high cost and poor availability of EBUS in
population. Madan et al80 reported their initial 1-year
developing countries, a head-to-head comparison of
experience with EBUS-TBNA in a TB-endemic
EBUS-TBNA and conventional TBNA in combination
population. In their study, TB was diagnosed in nearly
with TBLB and EBB was performed in India by Gupta
one-third of the patient population. Despite the fact that
et al.78 This randomized controlled trial enrolled
it was their early experience in EBUS-TBNA, Madan
130 patients and randomized them (1:1) to undergo
et al80 achieved a high yield of 84.8% for the diagnosis of
EBUS-TBNA TBLB and EBB vs conventional
TB. In the rst two studies, the diagnosis of TB was
TBNA TBLB and EBB. Although there was no
reached either by positive acid-fast bacilli smears on the
difference in the two arms (92.7% for EBUS-TBNA
aspirate or the presence of necrotizing granuloma in the
vs 85.5% for conventional TBNA), EBUS-TBNA had
setting of positive tuberculin skin test results and
the highest yield of 74.5%, which was better than that
appropriate clinical context. Madan et al80 used the same
of TBNA (48.4%, P .004) and EBB (36.3%,
criteria plus the GeneXpert MTB-RIF test (Cepheid) for
P < .0001) but not TBLB (69.9%, P .54). Addition
the diagnosis of TB.
of TBLB signicantly enhanced the yield of EBUS-
TBNA. However, these results must be viewed with Although we recommend that EBUS-TBNA be used for
caution because only enlarged right paratracheal and diagnosis in patients with suspected TB with mediastinal
subcarinal lymph nodes typically accessible by and/or hilar adenopathy, it must be noted that no single
conventional TBNA were sampled, and the authors study assessed the role of EBUS-TBNA for the diagnosis
were probably more experienced in conventional of TB as the primary outcome measure. New technology
TBNA. such as EBUS-TBNA may not be readily available in
developing countries where the prevalence of the disease
Compared with conventional bronchoscopic is higher. Various diagnostic techniques are available for
techniques for obtaining tissue, EBUS-TBNA provides the diagnosis of TB and should be incorporated during
safe and minimally invasive access to the mediastinal the diagnostic evaluation.
and hilar lymph nodes with a pooled diagnostic
accuracy of 79.1%. It is therefore recommended that 11. In patients with suspected tuberculosis with
EBUS-TBNA be used for diagnosis in patients with mediastinal and/or hilar adenopathy who require
suspected sarcoidosis with mediastinal and/or hilar lymph node sampling, we recommend that
adenopathy. However, brotic lymph nodes may be a EBUS-TBNA be used for diagnosis (Grade 1C).
challenge to obtain adequate tissue for diagnosis.
Conventional bronchoscopic techniques such as TBLB Diagnosis of Lymphoma
and EBB will enhance the yield of EBUS-TBNA in
Patients with lymphoma can present with isolated
selected patients.
mediastinal adenopathy in which mediastinoscopy,
10. In patients with suspected sarcoidosis with thoracoscopy, or thoracotomy may traditionally have
mediastinal and/or hilar adenopathy, we recommend been required to obtain tissue diagnosis. These
that EBUS-TBNA be used for diagnosis (Grade 1C). surgical procedures require general anesthetic, and the 831

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potential complications cannot be ignored. Conversely, In some conditions, minimally invasive EBUS-TBNA
EBUS-TBNA can sample mediastinal and/or hilar may be the preferred modality over surgical
lymph nodes in a minimally invasive way. Currently intervention. For example, repeat mediastinoscopy or
available EBUS-TBNA needles can be used to provide even surgical biopsy posttreatment for relapsed
only cytologic specimens. There is controversy lymphoma can be challenging, with a lower
regarding the role of small-volume specimens for diagnostic yield and higher complication rate.
establishing a diagnosis of lymphoma, with reported Although the diagnostic yield of EBUS-TBNA for the
high discordance between cytologic specimens and diagnosis of lymphoma is not as high as that known
histologic specimens. We therefore looked at the role for lung cancer staging, we suggest that EBUS-TBNA
of EBUS-TBNA in establishing the diagnosis of the can be used as an initial, minimally invasive
various subtypes of lymphoma. Five studies with a diagnostic test.
total of 212 patients met our inclusion criteria and
12. In patients with suspected lymphoma, we suggest
were assessed for diagnostic yield of EBUS for
that EBUS-TBNA is an acceptable initial, minimally
establishing a diagnosis of lymphoma.85-89 All studies
invasive diagnostic test (Ungraded Consensus-Based
were retrospective case reviews of patients undergoing
EBUS-TBNA for suspected lymphoma. Although the
pooled diagnostic accuracy was 68.7% (95% CI, 61.9- Conclusions
75.5), there was heterogeneity across studies in the
This report provides an evidence-based approach to
proportion of patients with de novo lymphoma
the technical aspects of EBUS-TBNA performance.
vs relapsed lymphoma. More than one-half of the
Under the guidance of the CHEST methodologists,
patients had a history of lymphoma in the studies by
we applied a rigorous evidence-based process and
Iqbal et al85 and Kennedy et al.86 Both studies showed
explored all available literature on the chosen topics.
higher diagnostic yield for the diagnosis of relapsed
For questions with an acceptable level of evidence,
lymphoma compared with de novo lymphoma.
recommendations were developed with an assigned
Interestingly, the study by Iqbal et al85 had the lowest
grade based on the strength and quality of the
overall diagnostic accuracy (ie, 38%).
evidence. For questions that lacked sufcient data, a
The denition of diagnosis of lymphoma was also not consensus-based statement was generated from the
uniform across the ve studies. The two studies expert knowledge of the panelists who have extensive
demonstrating the highest yield (Kennedy et al86 [91%] clinical expertise and considerable investigative
and Moonim et al87 [89%]) included cases as diagnostic research in EBUS-TBNA.
even when additional tissue sampling was necessary to It is worthwhile to highlight a few ndings of this report.
subclassify their lymphoma necessary for clinical First, based on our current knowledge, various
management. With the strict criterion of achieving a procedural details surrounding EBUS-TBNA are
denitive diagnosis on the basis of a specimen obtained unlikely to inuence the diagnostic yield and are left to
by EBUS-TBNA sufcient for clinical management, the institutional practices and operators preferences. Some
diagnostic yield would drop to 72.7% and 79%, aspects of EBUS-TBNA require minimal standards that
respectively. should be considered by the proceduralists (eg, number
of needed passes, training). Second, EBUS-TBNA is not
Because treatment regimens for both non-Hodgkins
only valuable in the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer
and Hodgkins lymphoma depend on the specic
but also in the investigation of sarcoidosis, TB, and
subtype and histologic grade, a denitive diagnosis of
lymphoma. Third, additional research is needed to
lymphoma requires the evaluation of cell
address some of the questions we examined and found
morphology, immunophenotype, and the overall
scant investigation, as well as to answer novel intriguing
architecture of the tissue. Diagnosis of Hodgkins
lymphoma by using cytologic samples is generally
challenging, as Reed-Sternberg cells within the Because EBUS technology will inevitably evolve and
aspirates are usually scarce and evaluation of the advance, this report should serve as a starting point for
overall background architecture is often impossible. seeking and summarizing knowledge about the optimal
This may explain the lower diagnostic yield in some performance of EBUS-TBNA and should be updated
of the studies.11,15 regularly.

832 Evidence-Based Medicine [ 149#3 CHEST MARCH 2016 ]

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Acknowledgments 11. Casal RF, Lazarus DR, Kuhl K, et al. Randomized trial of
endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration
Author contributions: M. M. W. is the chair of the guideline and under general anesthesia versus moderate sedation. Am J Respir Crit
drafted text for the Introduction, Conclusion and Balloon Use section, Care Med. 2015;191(7):796-803.
oversaw the drafting of all sections in the manuscript, synthesized all of
12. Dal T, Sazak H, Tun M, Sahin S, Yilmaz A. A comparison of
the sections in the nal manuscript, and reviewed and provided
ketamine-midazolam and ketamine-propofol combinations used for
feedback on the entire manuscript. F. H. drafted the supporting text for
sedation in the endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial
the Rapid On-Site Evaluation section. K. Y. drafted the supporting text needle aspiration: a prospective, single-blind, randomized study.
for the Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis and J Thorac Dis. 2014;6(6):742-751.
Diagnosis of Lymphoma section. R. W. S drafted the supporting text
for the Suction and the Assessing EBUS-TBNA Operator Skill sections. 13. Li YP, Yang J, Duan RW, Jiang GN, Fan J, Zhao RM. Application of
L. Y. drafted the supporting text for the Sedation and Molecular modied laryngeal mask airway in endobronchial ultrasound-guided
Markers sections. M. C. drafted the supporting text for the Articial transbronchial needle aspiration. Acta Medica Mediterranea.
Airways and Scope Insertion sections. C. L. drafted the supporting text 2013;29:625-632.
for the Simulation Training section. K. R. C. served as a liaison to the 14. Sarkiss M, Kennedy M, Riedel B, et al. Anesthesia technique for
guideline committee, provided guidance during the development endobronchial ultrasound-guided ne needle aspiration of
process and provided feedback on the entire manuscript. S. P. mediastinal lymph node. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2007;21(6):
conducted systematic reviews for all of the sections, advised the 892-896.
committee on drafting recommendations and supporting text, assisted 15. Herth FJ, Becker HD, Ernst A. Ultrasound-guided transbronchial
with manuscript preparation and reviewed and provided feedback on needle aspiration: an experience in 242 patients. Chest. 2003;123(2):
the entire manuscript. G. A. S. drafted the supporting text for the 604-607.
Ultrasonographic Features section. D. J. F. drafted the supporting text
16. Herth F, Becker HD, Ernst A. Conventional vs endobronchial
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17. Yasufuku K, Chiyo M, Sekine Y, et al. Real-time endobronchial
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Interest details for each author. and hilar lymph nodes. Chest. 2004;126(1):122-128.
Role of sponsors: CHEST was the sole supporter of these guidelines, 18. Ost DE, Ernst A, Lei X, et al. Diagnostic yield of endobronchial
this article, and the innovations addressed within. ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration: results of the
AQuIRE bronchoscopy registry. Chest. 2011;140(6):1557-1566.
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