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I love travelling in Europe. Its so close to our country, doesnt take much time to get there and it is
full of beauty and history. I am a great fan of art and museums so Louvre had really impressed me. It
is the place that I will definitely go back to! Enormous old building full of pieces of art. I found many
new artists for me, many new paintings. The day of visiting Louvre was my greatest day in Paris. I did
not feel tired there, I just wanted to see more and
more. I cant say I know Paris very well cause Ive
stayed there only 3
the Paris but for me
city itself felt
like a deserted
one. There werent people in the centre and it
seemed a bit empty. The only places that seem to
be lively are quarters Marais and Montmartre. The
food I ate there wasnt that good as it should be.
All the people say that French cuisine is the best in the whole world dont believe that stereotypes
anymore. It is not true! Only the prices of those dishes (the prices for all the staff, in fact) are very high
but scarcely will you be satisfied with it. But, surely, it was a great pleasure to visit ex-capital of
Europe, capital of love and romanticism .

The city of Mozart, Strauss and Habsburgs. The city without

immigrants, the city made for comfortable life, so lively and
lovely. Ive been to Vienna in November and at those times there
began the Christmas sales. Sweets, spice cakes, Christmas tree
decorations, tees, condimentAll you want to get for the New
year elation you will find there.
All the city was
many new-year Vienna decorated with
lamps, wreaths,
festoonslike in some fairy tale.
Vienna is not too big everything is so close and it doesnt make
you walk for hours to get to other part of the city. Everything is
made for comfort life! The historical heritage is very rich there
too. The pair of the main museums, Kuntshistorisches Museum

Naturhistorisches Museum, are beautiful. Their collections are

Rome & Florence & Venice
so diverse, rich and interesting. Vienna the city of relax,
comfort and beauty!

Italy is one of our closest European countries. It was not my first

time going to Italy, but this one was the longest. First we stayed in Rome for 2 days just walking and,
of course, visiting museums. Italy is perfect for people who are keen on things like that it is full of
museums, the history there is at every turn, at every corner. We have visited Museums of Vatican and
Musei Capitolini. That was exiting, amazing! And Rome itself is such open armed and warm, such
beautiful, such atmospheric. Our
second destination was
Venice. I hadnt known such a
touristic city before visiting Venice.
That town is really dead. There are
no people who live in the city centre
and I understand that
because pretty all the houses are old,
broken, quite ruined. It is the part
for tourists. Real venetians are
living away from the centre, in
new modern and very sweet
quarters. Museums and
churches in Venice are also interesting. There are things to see. After Venice was Florence.

I miei studi a Firenze

Sono stata a Firenze, nella scuola Accademia Europea di

Firenze per imparare italiano per 25 giorni in gennaio.

Vivevo in una famiglia italiana di signora Maria, una

donna meravigliosa. Le lezzioni cominciavano alle 9 di

mattina e poi cerano le attivita` extrascolastiche molto

interessanti. Ho conosciuto la citta` bene, ho fatto tante

buone amicizie e ho mangiato tanti piatti italiani

buonissimi. La citta` e` antica, molto bella e ricca di

storia. E anche con i musei. Citta` darte, Firenze.

Michelangelo, Rafaello, Brunneleschi...tantissimi artisti famosissimi sono di Firenze. E` la

citta` di Rinascimento. Ho parlato molto, ho visto molto e ho studiato tante cose che non

sapevo prima, a casa. Ho alcune amiche che mi aspettano per il prossimo inverno li`, a



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