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I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King Jr.

Topic Sentence: In the speech, I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King Jr., the
struggle for freedom came with a great price.
Says: Furthermore, Martin Luther King Jr. addressed the public on the freedom
of blacks. In this time racial injustice was very clear. Now is the time to make
real the promises of democracy; now is the time to rise from the dark and
desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial injustice(King 49).
Means: This quote displays that during this time it was like the blacks were in the
dark part of racial injustice while whites were on the sunlit path.
Matters: This matters because this quote shows that the blacks had to go
through suffering because of racial inequality.
Says: In addition, Martin Luther King Jr. talks how the blacks were still not free
even 100 years after the Emancipation Proclamation. This is part of the speech
when Martin Luther King Jr. tried to bring all blacks to equality and freedom. We
cannot be satisfied as long as the negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a negro in
New York believes he has nothing for which to vote (King 50).
Means: This quote means that the blacks won't be happy or ok without equal
rights with white people
Matters: This matters because the blacks didn't have any equal rights with
Concluding Sentence: In conclusion African Americans had to push themselves
into getting equality.
Persepolis 2 by Marjane Satrapi

Topic Sentence: In the comic, Persepolis 2, by Marjane Satrapi, there had to

be great sacrifice to move forward.
Says: Furthermore, womens restricted rights were the sacrifice needed to
increase their freedom. In Iran, even wearing the wrong clothes can lead to unfair
punishments. I even remember spending an entire day at the committee
because of a pair of socks(Satrapi 5).
Means: This quote describes how the life of women was in Iran.
Matters: This lines emphasizes how rights of women in Iran were restricted and
had to face punishments for the smallest things.
Says: In addition, women were afraid to do the simplest things. Even talking
about the wrong things can lead to death. The government had imprisoned and
executed so many high-school and college students that we no longer dared to
talk politics(Satrapi 2).
Means: This quote shows how much the country had to endure to help bring
them together.
Matters: This line displays to get on the path of freedom there has to be suffering
along the way.
Concluding Sentence: In conclusion, there had to be great hardship and
freedom to get to the walkway of freedom.

Why Nelson Mandela Was A Great Leader, by Ray Williams

Topic Sentence: In the article, Why Nelson Mandela Was A Great Leader, by
Ray Williams it states that to have freedom, there needs to be suffering involved.
Says:To start, Mandela was in prison on Robben Island where he was in the sun
all day breaking rocks and after, Mandela helped to unite South Africa as it
dismantled apartheid, the cruel system of white minority rule, (Williams 1).
Means: This explains that he was on a island working hard all day and after he
helped to unite the South Africa as one.
Matters: This quote describes that by suffering, it shows part of the way to get
freedom. Also South Africa has been struggling and there freedom was when
Nelson Mandela came to help unite them back together.
Says: Additionally, in the article it mention that his time in prison led to his family
suffering, His personal pain at causing his family to suffer, seeing the nation he
led sink into corruption and admitting his own mistake, after all he fought for after
his release from prison, never overwhelmed him nor stopped his resolve to make
things better, (William 1).
Means: This line emphasizes that when he went to prison, it hurt his family, his
nation, and he has also admitted he lost, but after this he said he would make
things better.
Matters: This matters because he has struggle to get his freedom, but he wont
stop struggling because he wants to have more freedom. Also his family had
suffered a lot and the nation because he was in prison, but when he got out he
wanted to help.
Concluding Sentence: As a result, readers learn that Nelson Mandela was a
great leader that had to struggle to help the South Africa.

Suffering is part of the struggle for freedom

SWBAT synthesize sources to create a common argument.

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