Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery: The Times They Are A-Changin'

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-- Head and Neck Surgery

The Times They Are A-Changin'

John H. Krouse
Otolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery 2014 151: 707
DOI: 10.1177/0194599814550782

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Head and Neck Surgery

The Times They Are A-Changin 2014, Vol. 151(5) 707708

American Academy of
OtolaryngologyHead and Neck
Surgery Foundation 2014
Reprints and permission:
DOI: 10.1177/0194599814550782

n 1964, Bob Dylan released this timeless song on his retooled and reconfigured and prepared for a future that
third studio album, also titled The Times They Are A- remains unclear. The one thing that is certain, however, is
Changin.1 The 1960s were a time of turmoil, of dis- that change is underway.
content, of challenging accepted norms and practices, of Beginning with a new section introduced in this current
promoting justice and equity, and of railing against war and issue, Health Policy and Economics, and in the coming
conflict. There was new hope for America, celebrated with months, the journal will seek and publish papers that focus
the election of John F. Kennedy, and the blunt realism of on important topics in health care financing and organiza-
lost promise that occurred on that fateful November 1963 tion that impact all otolaryngologists. Success among oto-
day in Dallas. There were sharp contrasts between the easy laryngologists in the rapidly changing health care
optimism of the 1950s and the tension of the following landscape will depend on all of us understanding the speci-
decade. Discussions and demonstrations around civil rights fics of health care reform and leading the way for our sus-
held center stage, and great speakers and leaders presented tained role as part of the health care team. We will
eloquently their views for a new America. The nation and examine health care structures, organizations, and financ-
its people truly were going through times that were a- ing and relate these issues directly to their impact on the
changin. field of otolaryngologyhead and neck surgery. We will
It was also a turbulent time for US health care. Prior to solicit health services research that relates to the practice
1965, about half of Americans over age 65 had no health of otolaryngology and lead the way in providing a venue
insurance, and many others were poorly insured.2 Once for investigations of health economics, patient safety and
workers retired, many had no ability to provide health care quality, and evidence-based outcomes of the illnesses we
for themselves and their spouses. In recognition of this treat and the interventions we offer.
social concern, Congress, under Title XVIII of the Social So, as it is clear that the only constant is change, it is
Security Act, authorized Medicarea program of health important that we keep otolaryngologists current with health
insurance for almost all Americans age 65 and over. care reform and its implications. To those with vision, times
President Lyndon Johnson signed this act into law, and of change provide times of great opportunity. In our speci-
effective July 1, 1966, Medicare became the largest public alty, we have the vision and the leadership and the commit-
program of health insurance enacted in the United States. ment to succeed.
Under Medicare, the life expectancy at age 65 increased Just as the journal has taken the lead on steering practice
and poverty decreased by half among the nations elderly.2 through the dissemination of evidence-based guidelines
There were great debates at the time about the role of gov- developed by our Academy, we also look forward to leading
ernment in providing health care to its citizens and the this health care discussion through the publication of
nature of how health care could and should be delivered and impactful research and insightful reviews and commentaries
paid. in this critical area.
Here we are again. We are in perhaps the most rapidly
changing period that US health care has ever experienced. John H. Krouse, MD, PhD
We are rekindling old debates about who should sponsor Editor in Chief,
and pay for health care, the role of government versus pri- Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery,
vate payers in providing coverage, and the size and nature Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
of social programs and their implication for American soci-
ety. Over the past 5 years, debates have been loud and often
acrimonious, with a government and a people polarized
over these critical issues. On March 23, 2010, President
Barack Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Corresponding Author:
Affordable Care Act, also known as the ACA or John H. Krouse, MD, PhD, Professor and Chair, Temple University,
Otolaryngology/HNS, 3440 N. Broad St., Kresge West #300, Philadelphia,
Obamacare, amid great fanfare but great partisan strife.
PA 19140, USA.
The implementation of this sweeping act of health care Email: John.Krouse@tuhs.temple.edu
reform has been rocky, yet all of us as physicians have
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708 OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery 151(5)

References 2. National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare.

http://medicare.commission.gov/medicare/history.htm. Retrieved
1. Dylan B.The times they are a-changin. Copyright 1963,
August 18, 2014.
1964, Warner Bros., Inc.

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