@ManganParkGunRange-Final Assessmt Report 03-19-15 PDF

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Facility Condition Assessment

March 19, 2015

Mangan Park Gun Range | City of Sacramento

Facility Condition Assessment

Executive Summary

DLR Group was selected by the City of Sacramento to perform an inspection and assessment of the needed and
required facility upgrades for the James Mangan Park Gun Range building. The items encompassed by the
assessment process to develop this report consisted of the following areas of review:

General adequacy of building and structural components taking into account their age, useful remaining
life, condition and functional adequacy.

ADA Code Review - issues such as path of travel, hardware functioning and door operation, restroom
accommodations, and adequacy of signage.

General Code Review - adequacy of exiting per current code requirements, and the adequacy of
mechanical venting and electrical service with regard to current code requirements.

In addition to reviewing code compliance issues, the assessment team also reviewed the age, capacity,
condition and functioning of the HVAC, electrical and plumbing systems and have incorporated
suggestions for improvements for the operation, maintenance and/or replacement of those systems in
this report.

Note that a review of the Zoning Ordinance was not conducted. This building has been the same use category
since its inception and there is no alternative use proposed for the building if a renovation program were to be
implemented. While there may be some issues not strictly in accordance with current zoning standards - such as
on street maneuvering for parking along 34 Avenue - this facility has remained unchanged for 55 years and
presumably such variations from the Zoning Ordinance would be allowed to remain as is by the City of

The analysis and assessment process was accomplished by an architectural review team from DLR Group, and
a mechanical engineer and electrical engineer from Stanton Engineering. The facility review was accomplished
th th
during the period between February 9 and February 24 of 2015. The conditions noted by the assessment team
in this report were restricted to visually observable components or systems no destructive investigation was
conducted and no testing was done to further investigate any underlying causes or influences for observed
deficiencies in building components or systems.

This report is comprised of 4 sections that follow the two pages of this Executive Summary. These sections are
noted below with their associated page numbers:

Section 1 Description of Building Systems and Components Pgs. 3-9

Section 2 Deficiency Corrections Spreadsheet Pgs. 10 - 13
Section 3 Original Building Floor Plan Pg. 14
Section 4 Facility Photographs Pgs. 15 - 21

The description of Building Systems and Components in Section 1 and the Section 2 Description of Specific
Deficiencies and Suggested Corrective Action are divided into six (6) general scope classifications. These
general scope classifications are identified on the following page. Each Scope Item noted has a short description
of the specific systems, components or elements encompassed by the general scope classification:

Executive Summary 1
Mangan Park Gun Range | City of Sacramento

Facility Condition Assessment

Scope Item I. SHELL - Includes exterior walls and finishes, roofs and drainage, doors and windows.
Scope Item II. INTERIORS - Includes interior wall, floor and ceiling finishes, doors and windows.
Scope Item III. SERVICES - Includes electrical, lighting, power, data, signal, fire alarm, HVAC equipment,
ductwork and controls, plumbing and fire sprinklers.
Scope Item IV. EQUIPMENT & FURNISHINGS - Includes gun range equipment, casework, shelving, kitchen
equipment and other accessory items.
Scope Item V. OTHER BUILDING CONSTRUCTION - Includes life safety components, ADA compliance,
and other code-related issues.
Scope Item VI. SITEWORK - Includes underground utilities, asphaltic & concrete paving, grading, parking,
landscaping and irrigation.

Executive Summary 2
Mangan Park Gun Range | City of Sacramento

Facility Condition Assessment

Section 1 Description of Building Systems and Components


The Mangan Park Gun Range building was initially constructed in 1960 and underwent an expansion at an
indeterminate time, but most probably within roughly 5 years of the original building construction. The facility is
located along the northern edge of the Sacramento Municipal Airport property with a physical address of 2140
34 Avenue; Sacramento, CA 95822. The nearest major cross streets are Freeport Blvd. and Fruitridge Road.

The building is a one-story structure design as two distinct sections, each with a different function and building
system. The portion of the building housing the gun range is a simple rectangle in shape and was constructed
using concrete wall panels. The remaining portions of the building are constructed using brick exterior walls. The
roof structure in both areas is exposed wood beams and exposed wood dimensional planking spanning between
the wood beams.

The roof on both building sections is a flat type configuration with built-up roof covering and minimal slope. The
higher roof over the gun range has a short parapet wall and drainage is accomplished through roof drains. The
lower roof is equipped with a perimeter rainwater gutter system with vertical downspouts.

The physical exterior dimension of the gun range area is 87-6 x 62-4 comprising an area of 5,454 square feet.
The remainder of the building is approximately 2,526 square feet, making the overall gross building size
approximately 7,980 square feet.


The building shell is showing some signs of age and several areas are in need of some degree of attention or
improvement. The exterior concrete wall panels on the gun range portion of the building and the brick exterior
walls on the remainder of the structure are mostly aging well. There are however, two concrete panels on the
west wall with several diagonal cracks that do not present an immediate concern, but should continue to be
monitored for future degradation. There is one area of the exterior brick wall system at the southeast corner of
the original structure that is showing signs of moisture infiltration and subsequent degradation of the mortar

The roof was re-covered within the last 3 years according to the Citys maintenance staff. Several areas of the
roof were observed to have standing water (a rain event had not occurred for several days prior to this
observation) - some areas with up to 2 inches of water - indicating an improperly functioning roof drainage
system. At least two of the roof drains on the higher roof area over the gun range appear not to be properly
aligned with the roof level to allow some of the ponding water to enter them. If the roof drains were adjusted to
roof level, the standing water problem would not be totally resolved, but the depth of standing water would be
reduced. To completely resolve the standing water issue, the roof slopes would have to be structurally re-
worked. The lower roof areas have a perimeter gutter section, portions of which are in need of attention and
repair. Rain water downspouts are connected to the gutter system and all appeared to be in acceptable
condition. All downspouts daylight above-grade. Some have splash blocks and some do not.

Most of the wood fascia trim at the brick exterior walls is showing signs of sun and weather damage and will
need to be replaced in the near-term. The minimal soffit areas below the fascia are also of wood construction
and are also showing significant signs of deterioration.

Section 1 - Description of Building Systems & Components 3

Mangan Park Gun Range | City of Sacramento

Facility Condition Assessment

Windows are 1950s era metal angle frames with glazing sealant stops. The metal and glazing stops remain in
acceptable condition; however, the wood surround and sill plates at window locations are in marginal condition
and consideration should be given to their replacement. Glazing throughout is single-pane and should be
switched at some future point to energy efficient double-paned glazing.

The exterior doors throughout are in marginal to poor condition. None are equipped with properly functioning
accessible hardware and frames and sidelites are in poor condition. All doors and frames should be replaced.


Building interiors are generally in marginal to poor condition and in need of a general modernization for
aesthetics as well as for function. The floors throughout the building are exposed concrete. Some floor areas
have a thin coating of indeterminate nature. There are several cracks evident, but none are critical and most
floors seem to be in acceptable condition. Artificial lighting throughout is with energy inefficient fluorescent lights.
The lighting in the gun range area is particularly poor and should be replaced with new energy efficient lighting
that provides better overall illumination levels. Ceiling systems throughout are exposed wood beams with wood
dimensional planking spanning between beams. The wood has been painted but this was several years ago and
all wood ceiling areas are in need of scraping and re-painting. Most windows have mini-blind coverings that are
old and in need of replacement.

Numerous bullet holes were observed in the exposed wood ceiling areas of the gun range. Some metal
baffle/deflectors have been installed at ceiling level, but obviously there are many places where the deflectors
are not preventing bullet strikes to the ceiling. Continued bullet strikes could cause splintering of the wood which
may eventually lead to compromised structural members. Consideration should be given to installing more metal
baffle/deflectors to protect the wood structure from further damage. A structural analysis should be undertaken
prior to installing additional baffle/deflectors to verify the capability of the structure to accommodate more weight.

There are numerous nooks, crannies, and other areas within the firing range area on which lead dust can easily
accumulate. Consideration should be given to removing as many of these components or items to eliminate dust
collection areas and make the area easier to clean. The shooting range itself has many areas where dust can
collect as well as ceiling drop-downs which will cause unwanted air turbulence and keep the air evacuation
system from removing as much lead dust-laden air as it should. Consideration should be given to streamlining
the gun range portion of the facility as much as possible to create smooth, cleanable surfaces for floors, walls
and ceiling areas wherever possible.

Little has been done to mitigate noise reduction within the range area or sound transmission out of the firing
range. An appropriate acoustic door at the lobby entry to the range would help reduce sound transmission to
non-shooting portions of the building. Conventional acoustic treatment on ceilings and walls could be used
behind the firing line to improve noise reduction along the firing line. Neither the noise reduction or sound
transmission issue is code-related or critical in nature, but noise mitigation is a Best Practices concern in modern
indoor shooting range designs. Measures to reduce noise should be considered if other major modernizations
and improvements are implemented for the facility.

The kitchen area is dated with old, inefficient equipment. It was not known whether all the equipment was still
operational. Cabinetry throughout is the originally installed components and while dated, is still serviceable;
however none of the cabinetry complies with ADA accessibility guidelines.

Section 1 - Description of Building Systems & Components 4

Mangan Park Gun Range | City of Sacramento

Facility Condition Assessment

Testing for lead was done at this facility by the Entek Consulting Group in November of 2014. Entek found
through taking 39 on-site samples that virtually every interior surface, as well as some areas of the roof nearest
the fans that exhaust air from the gun range area, was contaminated by lead dust in excess of the California
Department of Public Health criteria established in Title 17. The lead dust present must be cleaned in operations
performed by a contractor with a CDPH certified Lead Supervisor and certified Lead Workers in accordance with
Title 17 requirements. The cost for lead clean-up is included on the Deficiency Corrections Spreadsheet in
Section 2 of this report. Lead clean-up must be undertaken and completed prior to the commencement of any
interior or exterior improvement or modernization work.


The existing plumbing fixtures in the facility are in a state of dis-repair. Some of the fixtures are cracked and most
likely leaking into the wall and/or floor. As noted below under the Other Building category heading, the restroom
and other plumbing related components in the building are not in compliance with ADA accessibility guidelines.
All plumbing fixtures will need to be removed and replaced with fixtures that meet ADA guidelines.

The existing HVAC system consists of gas fired infra-red heaters at the shooters position, various gravity intake
vents and supply air fans on the roof serving the range, window mounted PTACs in the meeting room, and a gas
fired unit heater in the meeting room. The window mounted PTACs and gas fired heaters are clearly an after-
thought as they werent coordinated with the architectural wall and roof systems. It is suggested that all existing
mechanical systems be replaced with new, energy efficient systems.

The gravity intake vents and supply air fans that serve the range do not meet the minimum standards published
by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) for lead exposure. The existing systems are
undersized, and they do not have the required filtration in place. In addition, the existing systems are in a state of
disrepair and in some cases, may not function.

For occupant comfort and for the safety of building occupants with regard to the elimination of airborne lead
contaminants, a completely new HVAC system and air removal and filtering system should be installed for this
facility. The proposed solution is suggested to be a new makeup air unit supplying tempered air at the shooters
back. This unit would be mounted outside on the ground in a fully enclosed vandal-proof enclosure, with
ductwork that runs through the outside wall into the gun range. New roof mounted exhaust fans with HEPA
filtration would draw air out of the gun range near the bullet trap. A new monitor and alarm system would alert
the occupants when the airborne lead levels exceed the OSHA standards.

Electrical power is 200 amperes at 120/240 volts single phase 3-wire, based on interior panelboard nameplate
(single phase). There is no SMUD transformer of any kind in evidence. The facility is located in the middle of a
residential neighborhood with an exterior 2 underground service riser conduit into an exterior surface-mounted
metering can with adjacent Zinsco distribution panelboard. Both items are padlocked closed. The Zinsco
distribution panelboard is probably original equipment.

Another branch panel is located in on the east wall of the gunnery room, labeled Sub Panel A, 225A MLO,
120/240 1 phase, 3 wire, surface-mounted, apparently fed underground through the adjacent lighting control
cabinet. This panel appears to be 15 to 20 years old.

Past electrical upgrades at the facility relied on installation of exposed conduits on the interior of spaces.
Consideration should be given to the removal of unused conduit runs and the protection of active, exposed

Section 1 - Description of Building Systems & Components 5

Mangan Park Gun Range | City of Sacramento

Facility Condition Assessment

conduits within chases or behind permanent construction to reduce the number of projecting areas where lead
dust can accumulate.

Lighting in most of the rooms consists primarily of surface and suspended wrap-around fluorescent fixtures. Most
fixtures are probably original equipment that has be retrofitted with T8 lamps and presumably, electronic ballasts.
Target lighting in the gunnery range consists of a series of 150 watt PAR 38 and R30 lamps. These were likely a
higher wattage lamp in the original building. The gun range lighting can, at best, be described as poor.
Consideration should be given to replacing all lighting throughout the facility with modern, energy efficient
fixtures that provide satisfactory levels of illumination throughout.

Few telephone outlets were observed. There is a Bay Alarm panel that is served by a phone line for dial-out
annunciation. There is no cable television present. A low quality video surveillance system is present and is
approximately 10 to 15 years old. A security system monitors exterior doors and utilizes passive infra-red
sensors to cover the choke points inside of the building. The operable toilet windows do not appear to be
alarmed nor is there an occupancy sensor in either of those rooms.

There is parking on the south side of the building with a driveway on the east side. Presently, the parking area is
lit from two wall-mounted shoebox fixtures mounted on the higher concrete walls. A third shoebox fixture is
mounted at the northwest corner of the building. While there are a couple additional wall packs observed, it is
reported that exterior lighting levels are minimal. Consideration should be given to replacing all exterior fixtures
as exterior lighting is inefficient and provides insufficient lighting levels around the facility which raises nighttime
safety concerns.

There are neither fire sprinklers nor a fire alarm detection and alarm panel currently in the building.


The main pieces of equipment in this facility are in the target range area. Reports are that the target retrieval
equipment is functional but extremely dated. A new target retrieval system would improve functionality of the
shooting experience by reducing down time, and may improve safety considerations by reducing or eliminating
the need to venture into the shooting range area to repair or otherwise make adjustments to targets and the
retrieval system.

The bullet baffles and deflectors are quite old but seem to be functioning adequately for the most part. However,
as noted under the previous Interiors section, more baffles and deflectors are needed to properly protect the roof
structure in the gun range area from direct bullet strikes.

Wood cabinetry throughout is old but seems to be functional. Several areas - particularly the Kitchenette off the
Classroom - have cabinetry that should be reworked or replaced to bring the room into ADA compliance.

Food service equipment is old and may not be functional. All food service equipment in the Kitchenette should be
replaced and electrical outlets servicing this equipment should also be replaced.

Section 1 - Description of Building Systems & Components 6

Mangan Park Gun Range | City of Sacramento

Facility Condition Assessment


Code/Life Safety Compliance

The building is of such a size and separation from other structures that it can be regarded as a Type V-B
Construction Type. The building as currently constructed complies with most aspects of a V-B construction type.
There may be some negotiation with the Building Official regarding whether an automatic fire sprinkler system is
required. It is assumed for the purpose of this report that a fire sprinkler system will be installed as it does not
seem there are enough exterior door openings to eliminate the need for automatic sprinklers as described in the
exceptions noted in subparagraphs 903.2.11.1 of the California Building Code (CBC).

There is no specific Occupancy Classification for an indoor shooting range in the CBC. The non-shooting range
portion of the building falls into the B Occupancy Group classification, but the shooting range area is more
difficult to classify. While there is perhaps some validity in calling this area an A-3 Occupancy (under the
category of Amusement Arcade per Section 303.4), the more appropriate Occupancy Group for the gun range is
Group B, an occupancy group that is a catch-all for occupancy types that do not clearly fit in other occupancy
groups. The Building Official will be the final arbiter of which occupancy classification is ultimately used. If the
gun range is deemed a B Occupancy, no occupancy separation is required in the building. If the gun range is
considered an A-3 Occupancy, a 2-hour separation is required between the A-3 and B occupancies in a non-
sprinklered building and a 1-hour occupancy separation is required for sprinklered buildings. A 1-hour or 2-hour
separation is already in place with the 8-inch thick concrete walls around the gun range portion of the building,
but a rated opening between the Lobby and the gun range will be required.

Without a meeting with the Building Official to ultimately settle the issue of building occupancy classifications, the
issue of occupant load must remain indeterminate. For this report, we have analyzed the occupant load for the
gun range using the factors for both an A-3 and a B Occupancy Group, as follows (please note that per section
1004.1.2, the net area for A-3 Groups may be used in lieu of the gross area to determine the occupant load and
for this analysis, the net area is taken to be the space behind the firing line):
Gun Range occupant load calculation:
Occupancy Group A-3 1,240 net sf / 15 sf per occupant = 83 total occupants
Occupancy Group B 5,454 gross sf / 100 sf per occupant = 55 total occupants
Remainder of building occupant load calculation:
Occupancy Group B 2,526 gross sf / 100 sf per occupant = 26 total occupants
Recap of occupant load calculations:
81 total building occupants if the entire building is considered a B Occupancy Group.
109 total occupants if the building is considered a mix of A-3 and B Occupancy Groups.

With the occupant load determined, the minimum plumbing facilities required can be calculated using Table
422.1 of the California Plumbing Code (CPC). However, since the occupant load is indeterminate, the plumbing
facility calculations will also be somewhat indeterminate. Calculation of required plumbing facilities is as follows
for each of the occupancy group scenarios previously noted:
Water Closets Lavatories Urinals Drinkg
Men Women Men Women Fountns
If building is all B Occupancy (41 men, 41 women) 1 3 1 1 1 1
If building is mixed A-3 & B Occupancies:
A-3 Occupancy reqmts (42 men, 42 women) 1 2 1 1 1 1
B Occupancy reqmts (13 men, 13 women) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Total Requirements for Mixed Occupancy Scenario 2 3 2 2 2 2

Section 1 - Description of Building Systems & Components 7

Mangan Park Gun Range | City of Sacramento

Facility Condition Assessment

Regardless of whether the building is considered to be a B Occupancy Group throughout or whether it is

considered a mixed occupancy building, the current space for the existing mens and womens restrooms will be
inadequate (even by totally reconfiguring the existing space) to house the scenario with the fewest required
plumbing fixtures i.e. the scenario of the entire building being considered a B Occupancy. For the purpose of
this report, in order to accommodate the necessary plumbing fixtures dictated by the CPC, a building expansion
of approximately 200 square feet has been included on the Deficiency Corrections Spreadsheet in Section 2 of
this report. This 200 square foot building addition, when coupled with the 140 square feet area of the existing
restrooms, should provide adequate space in which the minimum plumbing facilities required for this facility can
be accommodated. Please note that the expansion of the restrooms is included on the Deficiency Corrections
Spreadsheet under the ADA Compliance subcategory of Scope Item V Other Building Construction.

ADA Compliance

Since the original construction of this building in 1960 (with a slightly more recent addition) there have been few
upgrades to the physical layout of the building, so it stands to reason there are numerous areas that are not in
compliance with ADA Guidelines. Restrooms were redone in the recent past (probably less than 10 years ago) in
an attempt to provide as much accessibility within the space as could be achieved without a major remodeling
effort. Additionally, there was an attempt to create an accessible parking space and ramp near the building front
entrance that was fairly successful, but still does not meet ADA accessibility standards with regard to signage,
paint striping, ramp width, etc. To affect full compliance with current ADA Guidelines, a substantial renovation
project would need to be undertaken for this building. Such a renovation would include the complete
reconfiguration the existing restroom facilities (as well as a building addition as discussed previously), adjustment
or replacement of kitchen cabinetry, installation of an accessible shooting position on the gun range,
replacement of all exterior doors and several interior doors, installation of ramps and handrails in various
locations, and several other relatively minor additions and adjustments to various building components.

General Note regarding facility design standards

While a gun range is not a recognized building type in the California Building Code, there are a whole host of
design guide criteria that can be used to assist in the design of indoor firing ranges. Very few of these Best
Practices have been employed in the design of the Mangan Park gun range area. If an extensive modernization
program is undertaken for this facility, consideration should be given to reconfiguring some areas in the gun
range to improve safety and functionality of the shooting range and to bring the facility more in line with current
design thinking for indoor gun range facilities.


There are several areas of concrete along the front walkway that have thrust to the point of not being in
compliance with ADA guidelines. These areas should be removed and replaced. As noted earlier in the Other
Building Construction Section, there are several other areas of walkways that are not in compliance with ADA
guidelines - such as improper slopes or steps in the path of travel - that will need to be replaced with new

An attempt has been made to create an ADA accessible asphaltic concrete ramp near the front main entry
doors, but it is not in strict compliance, nor is there proper striping or signage for the space. This area of asphalt
will need to be removed and re-worked to provide compliant accessibility. The asphaltic concrete on the back
parking area is cracked to the point where vegetation is evident. This entire rear paved area should be removed

Section 1 - Description of Building Systems & Components 8

Mangan Park Gun Range | City of Sacramento

Facility Condition Assessment

and replaced if it is to remain in use. There are no ADA accessible parking or van accessible stalls in the rear
parking lot. These must be provided during any parking lot renovation project.

The driveway to the rear parking area is cracked but not nearly in as poor condition as the parking lot itself. An
asphalt overlayment may be all that is needed to keep the drive in operational condition for the near future.

Section 1 - Description of Building Systems & Components 9

Mangan Park Gun Range | City of Sacramento

Facility Condition Assessment

Section 2 Deficiency Corrections Spreadsheet

The Deficiency Corrections Spreadsheet following is a compilation of individual deficiencies observed by the
inspection team along with a suggested improvement or correction for each and a cost to achieve the
improvement or correction.

As noted in the Executive Summary, the Deficiency Corrections Spreadsheet is divided into six general scope
classifications. Each general scope classification is further broken down into a total of 32 smaller sub-
classifications. This detailed level of component and system classifications allows building assessors to be sure
all aspects of the building are being satisfactorily reviewed.

The third column of the spreadsheet contains a Priority designation for each identified deficiency item. A number
1 Priority item indicates corrections that must be undertaken immediately. These deficiencies are typically code
or life safety issues that need to be corrected prior to allowing re-occupancy of the building. Number 2 Priority
issues are not as critical as the life safety and code priority items, but are building performance issues. These
issues, while not life safety or code related matters, are nevertheless concerns that should be addressed before
allowing re-occupancy of the building. Number 3 Priority items are not critical in nature but consideration should
be given to implementing the suggested corrections to improve performance or functionality, or simply to make
the facility more easily maintainable by city staff and building occupants in the future.

The right 9 columns of the spreadsheet deal with the anticipated cost for the suggested deficiency correction. It
should be noted that soft costs in the amount of 35% to cover non-construction related costs have been added to
the anticipated construction or implementation costs in order to determine a total cost to achieve the corrective
action. The total cost is then aligned in the priority column that was determined for the individual item as noted in
Column 3.

Please note that all costs are indicated in current 2015 dollars and contain no escalation or inflation amount as it
is not known at this time when or if any of these corrective measures may be implemented.

Section 2 - Deficiency Corrections Spreadsheet 10

Improvement cost - categorized by priority
2:immediate -
1: immediate - building
Unit Soft code & ADA performance 3: non- critical
Scope Description of deficiency and suggested corrective action Priority Qty. Unit Cost Base Cost Cost/Contin. issues issues issues TOTAL
A. Structure 1. Re-engineer high roof sections on the east, south and west side of the gun range portion of the 2 1,200 SF $24.00 $28,800 $10,080 $0 $38,880 $0
bldg to improve drainage pattern.
2. Provide structural upgrades to areas where new HVAC, exhaust, and make-up air units will be 2 1 Allow- $25,000 $25,000 $8,750 $0 $33,750 $0
installed. Reference Item III.B. for additional information. ance
B. Exterior Walls, Soffits & Fascia 1. Remove brick mortar/grout joints at southeast corner of building and replace with new. 2 80 SF $12.00 $960 $336 $0 $1,296 $0
2. Remove damaged painted wood fascia boards and replace with new, including paint. 2 120 LF $15.00 $1,800 $630 $0 $2,430 $0
3. Remove damaged wood soffit areas and replace with new, including paint. 2 75 SF $20.00 $1,500 $525 $0 $2,025 $0
C. Door Openings 1. Replace non-accessible exterior door, hardware and sidelite framing at building entrance. 1 1 EA $7,000 $7,000 $2,450 $9,450 $0 $0
2. Replace non-accessible exterior door, hardware and sidelite framing at east entrance to building. 1 1 EA $5,000 $5,000 $1,750 $6,750 $0 $0
3. Replace non-accessible exterior doors and hardware at 2 locations near southeast corner of 1 2 EA $3,000 $6,000 $2,100 $8,100 $0 $0
building - one out of gun range area & one out of storage room.
D. Window Openings 1. Replace damaged and cracking wood frame surrounds and sill pieces with new, including new 3 3 EA $1,800 $5,400 $1,890 $0 $0 $7,290
2. Replace single-pane glazing with energy efficient double-pane glazing. 3 80 SF $60.00 $4,800 $1,680 $0 $0 $6,480
E. Roof Coverings 1. Repair and replace roof covering at areas where roof structure has been improved per Item 3 1,200 SF $10.50 $12,600 $4,410 $0 $0 $17,010

Total Cost of Shell Improvement Projects $24,300 $78,381 $30,780 $133,461

A. Partitions 1. No critical issues observed or noted by staff $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
B. Openings 1. Doors from Lobby into gun range area are not ADA compliant. Replace with fully accessible, 1 1 LS $10,000 $10,000 $3,500 $13,500 $0 $0
noise reducing acoustic-type, rated doors and hardware.
C. Window Coverings 1. Horizontal mini-blinds at "classroom" are broken and inoperable. Replace with new. 3 50 SF $8.75 $438 $153 $0 $0 $591
D. Wall Finishes 1. Provide heavy body semi-gloss or gloss paint to walls in the gun range area to make future 3 3,600 SF $2.10 $7,560 $2,646 $0 $0 $10,206
clean-up easier.
E. Celing Finishes 1. Repair bullet holes, marks, and splintered areas in exposed wood ceilings. 3 3,600 SF $4.00 $14,400 $5,040 $0 $0 $19,440
2. Provide heavy body semi-gloss or gloss paint to ceilings in the gun range area to make future 3 3,600 SF $2.35 $8,460 $2,961 $0 $0 $11,421
clean-up easier.
F. Floor Finishes 1. No critical issues observed or noted by staff $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Cost of Interior Improvement Projects $13,500 $0 $41,658 $55,158

A. Domestic Plumbing 1. Cost for new restroom fixtures is included in the cost to demolish, reconfigure and replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
existing restrooms to ADA guidelines. See Item V.B.1.
2. Provide new condensate drains for new HVAC units as noted under Scope Item III.B. 2 2 EA $1,000 $2,000 $700 $0 $2,700 $0
3. Existing water heater is old and corroded. Provide new. 2 1 EA $2,800 $2,800 $980 $0 $3,780 $0
B. HVAC System 1. Existing exhaust systems behind firing line area is marginally functional. Provide new filtered 2 4 EA $48,000 $192,000 $67,200 $0 $259,200 $0
exhaust systems that will service the entire gun range space.
2. Exhaust systems will require additional air to be introduced into the space. Such capability is 2 2 EA. $150,000 $300,000 $105,000 $0 $405,000 $0
currently not existing. Install new make-up air units.
3. Rigging, installation and start-up for new exhaust and make-up air units. 2 1 LS $12,000 $12,000 $4,200 $0 $16,200 $0
4. Replace existing ductwork with new ductwork system. 2 1 LS $21,000 $21,000 $7,350 $0 $28,350 $0
5. Install new HVAC system in non-gun range portion of the facility. 3 8 Tons $2,700 $21,600 $7,560 $0 $0 $29,160
6. Provide new lead monitoring and alarm system. 2 1 EA $25,000 $25,000 $8,750 $0 $33,750 $0
C. EMS System 1. Not Applicable. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
D. Electrical Distribution System 1. The existing 200A single phase service will not support the new poly-phase exhaust fans. 2 1 LS $10,000 $10,000 $3,500 $0 $13,500 $0
Provide new SMUD service with padmount transformer
2. Provide new service switchboard: 400A, 120/208V, 3-phase, 4W. 2 1 LS $8,000 $8,000 $2,800 $0 $10,800 $0
3. Replace existing single-phase panels with 3-phase panels and feeders 2 2 EA $2,500 $5,000 $1,750 $0 $6,750 $0

Section 2 - Deficiency Corrections Spreadsheet 11

Improvement cost - categorized by priority
2:immediate -
1: immediate - building
Unit Soft code & ADA performance 3: non- critical
Scope Description of deficiency and suggested corrective action Priority Qty. Unit Cost Base Cost Cost/Contin. issues issues issues TOTAL
4. It is assumed that all HVAC will be replaced and expanded. As a result, provide new power 2 5 EA $3,000 $15,000 $5,250 $0 $20,250 $0
connections for HVAC equpment
5. Provide new connections for new kitchen equipment per Item IV.F.1. 2 3 EA $500.00 $1,500 $525 $0 $2,025 $0
E. Interior Lighting 1. Replace all existing interior lighting fixtures with new, energy efficient fixtures 3 7,980 SF $6.00 $47,880 $16,758 $0 $0 $64,638
2. Building is not in compliance with Title 24 requirements. Many new system controls will be 3 7,980 SF $3.00 $23,940 $8,379 $0 $0 $32,319
required to achieve compliance. Provide new interior lighting controls system.
F. Exterior Lighting 1. The existing exterior lighting system is the wrong fixture in the wrong location. Provide new 2 1 LS $5,500 $5,500 $1,925 $0 $7,425 $0
exterior lighting fixtures & controls to improve efficiency and increase safety.
G. Fire Sprinkler System 1. No fire sprinkler is present. Install new automatic firs sprinkler system 1 7,980 SF $1.85 $14,763 $5,167 $19,930 $0 $0
H. Fire Alarm 1. Building needs a new fire alarm system that will be addressable system, with pull stations, horns, 2 7,980 SF $1.25 $9,975 $3,491 $0 $13,466 $0
strobes, and duct smoke detectors.
I. Intrusion Alarm 1. Building needs a new intrusion alarm with door/window contacts, motion sensors, glass-break 3 7,980 SF $0.60 $4,788 $1,676 $0 $0 $6,464

2. The existing video surveillance system is marginal and quite fragile. Provide new video 3 1 LS $9,000 $9,000 $3,150 $0 $0 $12,150
surveillance system.
J. Technology 1. Provide new voice and data outlets, for cabling and jacks only. Active devices would be an FF&E 3 7,980 SF $0.55 $4,389 $1,536 $0 $0 $5,925

Total Cost of Services Improvement Projects $19,930 $823,196 $150,656 $993,782


A. Gun Range Equipment 1. Target retrieval system is old. New system would improve functioning of the firing by speeding 3 14 Lanes $3,000 $42,000 $14,700 $0 $0 $56,700
the target exchange system and could improve safety along the firing line.
2. The remainder of equipment in the gun range is old, but seems to be performing at an $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
acceptable level for functionality and safety.
F. Food Service 1. Replace all kitchen equipment in the kitchenette area with new. 3 3 EA $600.00 $1,800 $630 $0 $0 $2,430
G. Built-in Casework 1. See issues re: cabinetry under ADA Compliance, Item V.B. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Cost of Equipment & Furnishings Improvement Projects $0 $0 $59,130 $59,130


A. Life Safety/Code Compliance 1. Clean all surfaces within facility to remove lead contaminated dust. 1 7,980 SF $6.00 $47,880 $16,758 $64,638 $0 $0
2. Install illuminated exit signage 1 5 EA $800.00 $4,000 $1,400 $5,400 $0 $0
B. ADA Compliance 1. Remove and replace existing restrooms with all new construction. 1 140 SF $500.00 $70,000 $24,500 $94,500 $0 $0
2. Building addition to create additional space for required restroom expansion to accommodate 1 200 SF $675.00 $135,000 $47,250 $182,250 $0 $0
minimum plumbing facilities per California Plumbing Code.
3. Remove existing single drinking fountain in Lobby and replace with two accessible units with 1 1 LS $5,000 $5,000 $1,750 $6,750 $0 $0
protective guardrails.
4. Provide ADA compliant interior signage. 1 4 EA $350.00 $1,400 $490 $1,890 $0 $0
5. Provide ADA compliant exterior signage at new accessible parking spaces. 1 3 EA $900.00 $2,700 $945 $3,645 $0 $0
6. Remove concrete step at east entry door and replace with ramp and handrail. 1 150 SF $40.00 $6,000 $2,100 $8,100 $0 $0
7. Remove concrete at southeast exterior doors and create accessible concrete walkways at this 1 300 sf $25.00 $7,500 $2,625 $10,125 $0 $0
8. Remove one shooting position and replace with ADA accessibility compliant position. 1 1 LS $1,000 $1,000 $350 $1,350 $0 $0
9. Rework sink cabinetry in Kitchenette to provide wheelchair accessibility. 1 1 LS $750.00 $750 $263 $1,013 $0 $0
10. Create accessible parking space near front entry by removing and replacing asphalt and 1 360 SF $27.50 $9,900 $3,465 $13,365 $0 $0
concrete to meet current ADA guideline requirements.

Total Cost of Other Bldg Construction Improvement Projects $393,026 $0 $0 $393,026


A. Hardscape - concrete 1. Remove and replace concrete along front walkway where thrusting has occurred at panel joints. 1 400 SF $11.25 $4,500 $1,575 $6,075 $0 $0

B. Hardscape - asphaltic concrete 1. Remove and replace A.C. parking area south of the building. 3 5,400 SF $6.85 $36,990 $12,947 $0 $0 $49,937

Section 2 - Deficiency Corrections Spreadsheet 12

Improvement cost - categorized by priority
2:immediate -
1: immediate - building
Unit Soft code & ADA performance 3: non- critical
Scope Description of deficiency and suggested corrective action Priority Qty. Unit Cost Base Cost Cost/Contin. issues issues issues TOTAL
2. Numerous cracks are evident in driveway to rear parking area. Provide 1" AC overlay. 3 3,800 SF $2.00 $7,600 $2,660 $0 $0 $10,260
3. Re-stripe parking areas to comply with ADA accessibility guidelines. 1 1 LS $1,200 $1,200 $420 $1,620 $0 $0
C. Site fencing/furnishings/equipm't 1. Vandal-proof enclosures for ground-mounted HVAC/exhaust systems. 1 1 LS $8,000 $8,000 $2,800 $10,800 $0 $0
D. Landscape 1. No critical issues observed or noted by staff. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
E. Landscape Irrigation 1. No critical issues observed or noted by staff. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
F. Site Utilities 1. No critical issues observed or noted by staff. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Cost of Site Work Improvement Projects $18,495 $0 $60,197 $78,692

Total Cost of All Proposed Building & Site Improvements $469,251 $901,577 $342,420 $1,713,248

Section 2 - Deficiency Corrections Spreadsheet 13

Mangan Park Gun Range | City of Sacramento

Facility Condition Assessment

Section 3 Original Building Floor Plan

The original floor plan of the James Mangan Gun Range, dating from a 1960 newspaper article, is shown below.
The floor plan is oriented so that north is toward the bottom of the page. Below the floor plan is an image of the
elevation of the building as viewed from 34 Avenue, which would be the North Elevation.

Please note that the area shown with a red line indicates the location of a building addition of unknown
completion date, but undoubtedly at some point not long after the original building construction.

Section 3 - Original Building Floor Plan 14

Mangan Park Gun Range | City of Sacramento

Facility Condition Assessment

Section 4 Facility Photographs

The following photos are a sampling of the existing conditions observed within the Mangan Gun Range Facility.
This is not intended to be an exhaustive review or survey of all components and aspects within the facility; but
moreover, is intended to give the reader of this report a general sense of the condition of the building.

Front of Building from 34th Avenue frontage Back of firing line area

Close up of back of firing line ceiling area View of shooting stations along firing line

Section 4 - Facility Photographs 15

Mangan Park Gun Range | City of Sacramento

Facility Condition Assessment

View looking toward firing line area from gun range View looking toward target area from gun range

Deflectors in gun range area Close-up of target retrieval system

Bullet collection area Exit door viewed from interior of gun range Gun range exit door from exterior

Section 4 - Facility Photographs 16

Mangan Park Gun Range | City of Sacramento

Facility Condition Assessment

Front entry doors from exterior Front entry doors from interior

Doors between Lobby and gun range area Gun range exit doors looking into Lobby

Door from Storage area viewed from exterior Door from Storage area viewed from interior East exit door viewed from exterior

Section 4 - Facility Photographs 17

Mangan Park Gun Range | City of Sacramento

Facility Condition Assessment

View of Womens restroom Water closet in Mens restroom

Cracked urinals in mens restroom Sink in womens restroom, mens similar Water closet in womens restroom

Section 4 - Facility Photographs 18

Mangan Park Gun Range | City of Sacramento

Facility Condition Assessment

Non-accessible drinking fountain Non-accessible sink in Kitchenette

View of classroom space. Note that this space has been used for View of typical fluorescent light fixture with exposed tubes
pistol practice in the past

Section 4 - Facility Photographs 19

Mangan Park Gun Range | City of Sacramento

Facility Condition Assessment

Damaged wood fascia - typical of several areas Damaged wood soffit area - also typical of numerous locations

Cracking and peeling wood window sill Diagonal cracking at concrete wall panel

Rear parking area

Section 4 - Facility Photographs 20

Mangan Park Gun Range | City of Sacramento

Facility Condition Assessment

Asphaltic concrete ramp at front of building

Handicap accessible signage turned away from parking space

Section 4 - Facility Photographs 21

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