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Tarlac State University Debate Society

Constitution and By-Laws

Article I. Organization

Section 1. The organization governed by this constitution shall be named the

Tarlac State University Debate Society

Section 2. All business of this organization will take place according to these

Article II. Purpose

Section 1. The purpose of this organization shall be:

1.1. To promote campus wide speaking through parliamentary debate,
public speaking and creative writing in the university and community
at large.
1.2. Through meeting attendances and inter-collegiate tournaments in
parliamentary debate and speech related contests, the societys
activities supplement the universitys academic curriculum by
promoting public speaking, oration and critical thinking.
1.3. To provide an opportunity for the students to further and improve
their education through forensic activities.

Article III. Membership

Section 1. All Tarlac State Universitys student who are officially registered at
the university and who are interested in the society are eligible for

Section 2. A student in good standing with the University will be eligible for
general membership.

Section 3. All Tarlac State University students who are taking speech classes
are required to join.

Section 4. Active member is defined as follows:

4.1. To be an active member, one must participate in at least 70
percent of activities in which any of the society participates in and/or
organizes, including but not limited to weekly meetings, tournaments and
other campus activities.
4.2. Membership is established in this manner and must be maintained
in the same way for subsequent semester.
Article IV. Meetings

Section 1. Meetings will be held at a regular interval agreed upon by the

general members of the society. Until the general membership is
determined, meetings will be held weekly.

Section 2. The day and time of meetings will be vote upon the same time as
the interval of meeting.

Section 3. Emergency meetings shall be called upon by the president of the

society or by a majority of board. For an official meeting to take place under
these circumstances, a quorum need be present. For all purpose regarding
quorums within this constitution, a quorum shall be defined as only those
who are present regardless of the number of members present.

Section 4. Meetings will be led by the President. In the absence of the

president, the Vice President, together with the Parliamentarian shall lead
the meeting.

Article V. Elections

Section 1. Elections will be held during the last month of the school year.

Section 2. During the election, the order of the vote shall be as follows:
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Parliamentarian,
Public Relations Officer and Business Manager. Down slating will be
permitted. No proxy voting shall be allowed.

Section 3. Each active member is allotted one vote which must be cast in
person at the time of vote.

Section 4. In case of a demotion or impeachment of the President, the

Executive Vice President will become President, whilst the Vice President for
External Affairs will succeed the Executive post, and a special election of the
External-Vice Presidency will take place in the meeting.

Section 5. All elections shall be determined by a simple plurality with a

quorum of the active members and shall be run by the Parliamentarian.

Article VI. Officers and Duties

Section 1. The executive board shall be defined as consisting of the

following: President; Executive Vice President; Vice President for External
Affairs; Executive Scribe; Scribe for External Affairs; Treasurer; Auditor;
Parliamentarian; Public Relations Officer; and Business Manager. Any action
called from the executive board must have an involvement of all members.

Section 2. President- the president shall preside over all meetings of the
2.1 Representative of the society in all its dealings with the University
and the community at large.
2.2 The president may also set-up temporary administrative
committees or positions if necessary.
2.3 Break all ties in votes of the executive board.
2.4 All decisions with regards to the societys welfare shall be
contemplated upon by the executive board with the presidents knowledge
and approval.

Section 3. Executive Vice-President The Executive Vice-President shall

assist the President in all relevant matters and assume responsibility of
conducting the business of the society in the absence of the President.
3.1 He/She shall also be responsible with regards to the societys
campus activities as well as oversee any temporary administrative
committees or position.
3.2 In the event of the inability of the President to fulfill of his/her office
for whatever reason, the Vice-President shall assume the office of the
3.3 Performs tasks that may seem necessary for the benefit of the

Section 4. Vice-President for External Affairs The Vice-President for

External Affairs goes hand in hand with the Executive Vice President in
assisting the President in all relevant matters and assume responsibility of
conducting the business of the society in the absence of the President.
4.1 He/She shall also be responsible with regards to the societys
community activities outside the campus as well as oversee any temporary
administrative committees or position.
4.2 In the event of the inability of the President to fulfill of his/her office
for whatever reason, the Vice-President for External Affairs shall assume the
office of the Executive Vice President as the later will assume the presidency.
4.3 Performs tasks that may seem necessary for the benefit of the

Section 5. Executive Scribe the Executive Scribe will be responsible for all
team documentation on campus-related affairs.
5.1 Keeps an accurate attendance record of all the societys meetings
and/or all activities.
5.2 Keeps an accurate minute of all regular and special meetings of the
society that will be presented at each subsequent meeting.
5.3 Handle all of the correspondence done by the society and to
coordinate any publicity done by the society within the university.
5.4 The Executive Scribe shall be assisting the Scribe for External
Affairs should the situation demands it so.
5.5 Performs tasks that may seem necessary for the benefit of the

Section 6. Scribe for External Affairs the Executive Scribe will be

responsible for all team documentation on community-related affairs.
6.1 Is responsible for any documentation in accordance to coordinating
any publicity done by the society for the community at large.
6.2 The Scribe for External Affairs shall be assisting the Executive
Scribe should the situation demands it so.
6.3 Performs tasks that may seem necessary for the benefit of the

Section 7. Treasurer the officer shall be responsible for the budget of the
society and informing the members about the societys financial status.
7.1 The treasurer shall also be responsible for preparing and defending
the budget proposal each academic year.
7.2 The officer will also be responsible for collecting monthly dues.
7.3 All documentation with regards to the societys funds shall fall
under the Treasurers responsibilities.
7.4 Performs tasks that may seem necessary for the benefit of the

Section 8. Auditor ascertains the funds of the society.

8.1 Performs tasks that may seem necessary for the benefit of the

Section 9. Parliamentarian The Parliamentarian shall be responsible for

keeping all meetings of the society in adherence to this constitution and by-
9.1 In the event that the secretary finds a member of the society who
does not meet the requirements of the society, the Parliamentarian will be
responsible for making the issue known to the executive board and
recommending appropriate action.
9.2 Furthermore, the parliamentarian shall be responsible for
conducting all elections of the society.
9.3 The Parliamentarian is expected to criticize the society and its
officers, should there be any need for it with respect and accordance to the
9.4 Performs tasks that may seem necessary for the benefit of the
Section 10. Public Relations Officer the officer will be responsible for
ensuring adequate communications with the Tarlac State University and to
the community at large.
10.1 Performs tasks that may seem necessary for the benefit of the

Section 11. Business Manager the officer shall be officiating all the
business transactions of the organization. He is accountable for the projects
or programs initiated by the Society.
11.1 The officer shall work under the regulation of the Treasurer. They
will be accountable to any and all monetary and/or tangible dealings with
respect to the necessities of the organization and its events.
11.2 Performs tasks that may seem necessary for the benefit of the

Article VII. Policy

Section 1. The societys participation in international, national, local and

other tournaments shall be determined by a majority vote of the quorum.

Section 2. Special events (i.e. hosting a tournament) must be voted for by a

majority of the society positions necessitated by special events shall be filled
by a majority vote of the society.

Article VIII. Adviser

Section 1. An adviser will be selected by the Executive Board.

Section 2. The adviser shall assist in the planning, organizing, and

implementing of any concerns of the organization.

Section 3. The adviser has the power to recommend a person for post in the
Executive Board.
3.1 He/She also has the power to terminate an officer should the latter
acts inadequately to the detriment of the society.

Section 4. Any and/or all seminars and competitions initiated or participated

by the organization shall need to undergo the approval of the adviser.

Article IX. Co-Adviser

Section 1. The Co-Adviser will be selected by the Executive Board.

Section 2. He/She shall assist the Adviser in any and all dealings of the
Section 3. In the event of the inability of the Adviser to fulfill of his/her office
for whatever reason, the Co-adviser shall assume the position of the Adviser.

Article X. Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws

Section 1. Amendments shall be presented to the executive board. The

Executive Board will contemplate if such an amendment shall be deemed
relevant. If an endorsement is made, the amendment must pass two
consecutive readings before a quorum of the active members by a two thirds
vote. If the amendment passes both the first and second reading, it shall be
added to the constitution. If the amendment fails either the first or second
reading, it shall be put under reconsideration and shall undergo a third
reading. Failure to pass the third reading means the amendment is
considered dead.

Article XI. The societys official logo

Tarlac State University

Office of the Student Affairs
Tarlac State University Debate Society
San Roque, Tarlac City
A.Y. 2014-2015
Compiled by:
The Tarlac State University Debate Society Officers
AY. 2014 2015

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