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2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center TEST 22 1, RME Board April 2003 ‘Members of the Board of Electrical Engineering are appointed by: ‘The President of the Philippines ‘The Professional Regulations Commission I. The Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines. A lll B ce) D. tend 2, EE Board April 2003, ‘Which of the following is NOT a quaification of the BEE board members? | Beat least 36 years of age Il, Be a resident of the Phiippines for atleast 10 consecutive Ill, Be a registered electrical engineer IV. Have practiced electrical engineering for a period not less than 5 years, f Registration has been revoked may, after ym the surrender thereof, be reissued with ‘such certificate upon approval by the commission after he has established to the Board that he is stil ft to continue practicing his profession. 4. RME Board April 2003 The ‘shall be the executive officer ofthe board (BEE). A. Preside. B. BEE Bo: C. Commissioner 3f the Philippines 22-34 . BE Qualifications of applicants for re ‘Chapter 22 - Electrical Engineering Laws D. Chairman of the board (BEE) RME Board April 200 By definition in RA. No. 7920, refers to the installed capacity of an alternating current electric plant or supply equipment, or the ‘connected load of industrial piants, commercial establishments, institutional buildings expressed in kilovolt-amperes, ‘A. Industrial plant B._Ulilization equipment Cc KVA Dw RME Board April 2003 ‘An RME may install electrical systems on systems in excess of 500 KVA or in excess of 600 volts provided 1, heisaholder of BSEE degree Ii,_he has more than 5 years of electricat installation experience Hil,he shall be under the supervision of a PEE or REE pom> |. EE Board September 2003, April 2005 ‘Section 4 (¢), Powers and Duties of the Board of Article Il, Board of Electrical Engineering is, 2 ‘A. Promulgate rules and regulations including code of ethics icles, orders and issuances to carry cut the Act valuate the qualifications of the applicants for 1on with or without licensure examinations for special regi permits ©, Supervise and regulate the practice of electrical engineering in the Philippines. 1. Coordinate with the Commission and the Department of Education, snd Sports (DECS) in prescribing amending and/or September 2003 jon as PEE who were isRue of RA. 7920, AssistanvAssociate EE under R. AB B14 c 15 22-35 ; D1 9. EE Board September 2003 Rule 7 RA. 7920s? ‘A. Enforcement and execution B. Assignment of Duties ©. Offcia! business with the commission 1. Promuigation of decisions 110, When we refer tothe old Electrical Engineering Law, we are referring t Which ofthe following Acts? sail mate ©. Ra7919, 412, The oficial seal of a Professional Electrical Engineer as provided in Section 4(q) of Repubic Act 7820 must have an outer cicle diameter of A. 40mm B 48mm C. 50mm D. 52mm 412, EE Board September 2003 Rule § of RA 7920 states that the official action of the Board other than a decision, resolution or order issued in an administrative case shall be. valid, enforceable and effective only afte it shall have been approved by the Commission and published in the Official Gazette or newspaper of general circulation. ‘A. Needs approval by the President of the Republic B. This is Rule 14 C. False DB. The 13. EE Board September 2003 Requirements for examination as an RME is Rule__ of RA7920, 22-36 ‘Chapter‘ha ~ Electrical Engineering Laws 414. RE Board September 2003 RA 7920 Rule 2 (1) is defining? A. Commission BRA 184, old Electrical Engineering Law ©. Commissioner D. CPE 15. EE Board September 2003, ‘Section 4 (p) Powers and Duties of the Board of Article It of Electrical Engineering is to ‘A. adopt an official seat prosecute or institute criminal action against any violator of the Act and or the rules and regulation of the Board C. Supervise and regutate the practice of electrical engineering in the Philippines . Issue subpoena or subpoena duces tecum to secure the attendance of respondents or witnesses relative to the investigation conducted by the Board 126, The program of examinations provided in what particular rule ofthe implementing rules and regulations of RA 79207 ‘A. Rule 10 B. Rule 12 C. Rule 11 D. Ruleo 17. EE Board September 2003 refers to the installed capacity of an alternating current ‘lect plant or supply equipment, or the connected load of industrial plants/commerciet building per Section 2 (h) Article | RA 7920. ‘A. Computed load B. Total connected foad C. Electric plant D. Kilo Volt Ampere. 18, EE Board April 2001 ‘Section 4 of Article Il states the powers and duties of the Board. What does it mean by quast-legisiative power? A. Evaluation B. Control ©. Supervisory BD. Rule-making 22-37 ‘2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center 19. RE Board April 2001 ‘Section 2 (a) (8) Article | of RA 7920 i: ‘A. Consuttation, investigation, valuation and management of services requinng electrical engineering knowiedge B. Supervision of erection, installation, testing and commissioning of ower plants. ©, Taking charge of the sale and distribution of electrical equipment. 1D. Teaching of electrical engineering professional subjects 20. EE Board April 200% Section 18 (3) of Article Il: Examination and Registration, Qualifications, ctricians states that: A. He has graduated from a 2-year electrician course of instruction ‘9 trade school recognized by the Philippine ‘equipment, ©. He has completed a four year high school education or its equivalent and, in addition, has a subsequent record of at least five (5) years of electrical practice. D. He has completed a 1 year electrician course of instruction from a vocational school recognized by the Philippine government and in addition has at least 3 years of electrical practice. 21, EE Board April 2001 ‘Section 29 of Artice Ill: Revocation of Certificates of Registration and ‘Suspension from the Practice of the Profession. The Board shall have the spon natice of hearing, revoke any certification of y registrant, to suspend him from the practice of his profession, for fraud, decelt, gross negligence or incompetence. Which A B. ©. PRC ruling 1D. Rules and regulation, policies and code of professional ethics of this Act 22, EE Board Aprit 2003 Section 1 Article Il states: An electrical engineer shall be fair, impartial ‘and reasonable in rendering professional service to his clients. A. Party false 23. EE Board April 2003 Section 2 Aric It states: An electrical engineer shall before ‘any contract which calls need the use of t have such situation D. lawyers interest 24, EE Board April 2003 Section 16 (6) of Arce Ill; Examination and Registration Qualifications, fof Applicant for Registered as Professional Electrical Engineer states that [A He is of good reputation with high moral values B._He as not been finaly corvicted by the court of an offense involving moral tupitudes CG. Hots a czen of the Philippines 1D. He's a holder ofthe degree of BSEE from a university, schoo), College, ete. recognized and accredited by the Philippine government 25, EE Board April 2003 ‘Section 33 of Article IV: Sundry Provision Relative to the Practice of Electrical Engineering states that: A. Practice not allowed for fms and corporations 8B Personnel required ©. Preparation of plans, supervision of installation, application of PEC * code 22-39 2001 Sotved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center ‘Chapter 22 ~ Electrical Engineering Laws 1D. Prohibitions in the Practical Electrical Engineering ‘A Electrical room B. 26, EE Board April 2003 po Section 18 (4) of Article Il: Examination and Registration, Qualifications ‘of Applicants for Registered Master Electricians states that ‘A. He has graduated from a 2-year electrician course of instruction 2 and installation intenance of utilization devices and co uur year high schoo! education or its equivalent and, in addition, has @ subsequent record of at least five (8) years of electrical practice. 1D. He has completed a 1 year electrician course of instruction from a vocational schoo! recognized by the Philippine government and in addition has at least 3 years of electrical practice. 127, EE Board April 2003 ‘Section 23 of Article Il Issuance of Certificates of Registration. The professional is required to renew license every ___ years upon payment of registration fee. C4 D6 28. EE Board April 2003 Section 4 (0), Article I! states: ‘A. Coordinate with the Commission and the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS in prescribing, amending and or revising the courses. 8. Submi enna! reperts onthe prooodings end accomplishments juring ete, c. Admit in connection with the administratio 29. EE Board April 2003 1 any building, room or separate place which houses or ‘encloseS electric supply equipment connected to transmission or distribution ines per Section 2 (e) Article of RA 7920. 22-40 °c. house D. Substation 30. EE Board April 2003, Section 18 (b) of Article Il: Examination and Registration, Qualifications ‘of Applicants for Registered Master Electrcians states that: ‘A. Heis at least eighteen (18) years of age B._He is atleast twenty-one (21) years of age C._ Hes of good reputation with high moral values D. He is a citizen of the Philippines. ‘34. What is otherwise known as "Tye New Electrical Engineering Law"? A. RATE Under Article! of RA 7920, what refers to any equipment, which 3 roduoes, modifies, reguates, or controls the supply of electrical energy? ‘A. Electric supply equipment B. Power plant equipment ©. Electric plant equipment D. Power generator In Section 2, Article | of RA 7920, what refers to the power plant 37 Nounted on wheels as used in the railroad transportation industry? ‘34. Teaching electrical engineering professional subjects is provided in of Article lof the RA 7820. 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center 35. Under Article I of RA 7920, "kVA" refers to: ‘A. the installed capacity of an alternating curre ‘supply equipment, or the connected load kilovott-amperes B. is the highest effective potential dtference between any two Conductors of the circuit concerned C._ refers to the installed capacity of a direct current (DC) electric plant ‘on board watercraft D._allofthe choices. 136, In Article 1 of RA 7920, what refers to the ‘monitoring, coordination and interlocking of others? ‘A. Electric supply equipment B. Electrical design system c ant design system 1D. instalation design system 37. What section in RA 7920, defines the Powers and Duties of the Board? 38. In a section in Article I, it states that the Board shall exercise executive/administrative or quasi-judicial powers in carrying out the provision of RA 7920. What does “quasi-judicial” means? ‘that one of the duties of the ution on preliminary or inquiry ‘adm cases against examinees or registrants me final and executory unless appealed with the Commis __— days from receipt of the copy thereof. A 10 B15 Cc 20 B30 22-42 7920 states that each board member tment be a resident of the Philippines for must, at the time. atleast__conse ars. AS B 4 c 3 B. 10 ‘44. What is the minimum age for a person to become a member of the Board of Electrical Engineering? A 30 B35 c. 40 D. 45 " ga. Section 5 (fof Article I of RA 7920 states each amber ofthe board session for @ period ‘must have practiced the electrical engineering proiession rotless than ____ years prior to his appointment. c. 10 D. 12 43. Section 38 of Article IV is about: A. Posting of Certificates B. Certificate of Specialty CC. Foreign reciprocity D. Penalty clause ‘4a. When was the RA 7920 passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate? A February 14, 1995 22-43 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center. TTT Elba pter 22 ~ Electrical Engineering Laws RAS ~ Excel Review Center _—_- Sieger 2a = Biectrical Engineering tawe re ne Sfectvty clause of RA 7820 is provided in what section of ‘$0. Section 32 (d) of Article IV of RA 7920 states that no person shall: a , ‘ Jed oF to any |A._ give false or orgd evidence of any kind tothe Boar A. Section 42 i certificate of registration or B. Section 43 member thereof in obtaining a regis C. Section 44 int of like or different manner B. Section 45 8 a ou of suspended cerificate of registration or se. ‘electrical engineering in the Philippines obtained a certificate of registration and ym the Board of Electrical Engineering 14 of this Act. 47, Section 32 (b) of Article IV states that no person shall: A ‘give false or forged evidence of any kind to the Board or to any apc ie layer B. " " . a é a. & setter epaulets s+ scone vA Te eet pan s an expired personal cor forged evidence of any D._se, or attempt to use as his own, cortfcate of registration, FO eared n cbiaiang scart professional ioence or the seal of nother professional practice ae 4 Secten 2) ot Ac 1 of RA 720 sate ao pee sha Fe ee oe ‘A. give false or forged evidence of any kind to the Board or to any ‘an expired personal license. istration ice electrical engineering in the Philippines. ‘member thereof in obtaining a certificate of regi or D. Practice or offer to practi ined a certificate of registration and professional practice without having previously obtai 8 Provided in section 14 ofthis Act attempt to use a revoked oF suspended cerieate of regevation of Speen pewteed secs 2 7 fe that no person shal Practice or offer to practice electrical ‘engineering in the Philippines: St Section $2 (fof Article V ste without having previously obiained a certificate of registration ana 8 professional license from the Board of Electrical Engineering except as provided in section 14 of his Act ‘4% Section 32 (c) of Article IV of RA 7920 states that no person shal | ‘A. Give false or forged evidence of any kind tothe Board or to any | ‘member thereof in obtaining a certificate of registration or professional practice A, give false or forged evidence of any kind to the Board or to any ‘member thereof in obtaining a: falsely impersonate any registrant of lke or different manner ‘a professional license from the Board of Electrical Engineering B. falsely impersonate any registrant of tke or different manner ! i tered master 3n without holding a valid C. attempt to use @ revoked or suspended certificate of registration or \ eaiteate ore valid Hoense {an expired personal license. { Practice or offer to practice electrical engineering in the Phiippines ! cle TV states that no person shall: without having previously obtained a certifcate of registration and ——=ao“ pwuey 2 Professional license from the Board of Electrical Engineering, fence of any kind to the Board orto ar ‘except as provided in section 14 ofthis Act A. gio fale oF fore oe i member thereof in obtaining a certificate of registration or invobng elctical design plan ecrical ton, and the ike on behal of roessional 22-45 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center Rese Sotved Problems inESAS~ExcelReview Center C. attempt to use @ revoked or suspended certificate of registration or an expired persorial license, . Practice or offer to practice electrical engineering in the Philippines, ‘without having previously obtained a certificate of registration and ‘professional license from the Board of Electrical Engineering except as provided in section 14 of this Act. ‘$4. Section 2, Artie | of RA 7920 defines “electric plant” as: ‘An establishment or a system for the production and modification of electric energy ‘Any equipment, which produces, modifies, regulates and controls the supply of electrical energy Any building that encloses electrical supply equipment connected to transmission or distribution lines and the interior of which is, ‘accessible, as a rule only to property qualified ‘A manufacturing assembly plant including engineering shops, shipyards and other business endeavors where electrical ‘machineries and equipments are installed, '55. Section 2, Article | of RA 7920 defines “industrial plant or factory” as: A 8. ‘An establishment or a system for the production and modification of electric eneray ‘Any equipment, which produces, modifies, regulates and controls the supply of electrical energy ‘Any building that encloses electrical supply equipment connected to transmission or distribution lines and the interior of which is accessible, as a rule only to property qualified, ‘A manufacturing assembly plant including engineering shops, shipyards and other business endeavors where electrical ‘machineries and equipments are installed, ‘56. Section 2 (), Article | of RA 7920 defines the A KW 8. Utilization equipment ©. Substation D. Power plant design c D. 57. Under Section 2, Article! of RA 7920, states that “industrial buildings™ include all ofthe following except: A B. Stadiuras CC. Hospitals D, Museums 22-46 ‘Chapter 22 - Electrical Engineering Laws’ —___ Ghapter 22 ~ Electrical Engineering 1aws 5 ial ‘Section 2, Article i of RA 7920, states that “commerci 5 Craeisnreent include a ofthe flowing cet ‘A. Department store B. Condominiums ©. Theaters ©. Display centers ‘59. Allare considered as a practice of electrical engineering profession ‘except one. Which one? A. Testing mathemati sujet 8 Repa f elect onuprents © Seng and ccubuion of cecal eaupments 5 Testng of power plants ‘60. The Board of Electrical Engineering is composed of a chairman and members, A 2 B83 © 4 DS ‘ex. The members of the Board of Electrical Engineering are appointed by the A. Gommssioner of PRC eres of the Philippines President of the 5. Commision on Aopentrents jncring i provided in RA ompostion of the Board of Electra Engineering is © Soot unde what pricier secon of re I? A. Section 3 B. Section 4 G. Section 5 ©. Section 6 ts. Wino s autnorzed to nominate an individual tothe Board of Electical Engineering? senators Congressmen ented association of Electrical Engineers Commissioner of PRC gpa> 22-47 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center ‘64 ‘Adopt an official seal is one ofthe duties of the Board of Electrical Rpaineering, This is provided in what particular section of Artes trot A. Section 4 (c) B. Section 4 (r) ©. Section 4 (g) 1D. Section 4 (a) ‘os: A member of the Board, atthe time of his/her appointment, must not be artical member nara member of a faculty of nor have a pecunary rasrestin. any university, college, school or institution conferring 2 Dachelor's degree in electrical engineering for atleast yours A 2 B 3 C4 Oo 5 ‘Ge. The members ofthe Board shal hold office for aterm of __ years {fom the date of appointment or unti their successors shall have ‘appointed and qualified, A 2 Ba 3 C4 Ds 67. Section 14 of Article Il, refers to: ‘A. Registration and License required 8. Exemption from examination and registration ©. Examination fee D. Holding of examination ‘6e An applicant for registration as Professional Electrical Engineer must fave atleast ___ years of active practice reckoned from the date of bis registration as registered electrical engineer, A 2 83 C4 os ‘69. Section 15 states that to qualifed applicants fr examination; notice of Sfenesion shall be issued not later than ___ days prior to tho fret day of the examination A5 22-48 ‘Chapter 22 - Electrical Engineering Laws ‘Te. Section 14 states that no registration with the Board shall be required to persons in charge of supervising the operation, tending and maintenance of an electric generating set for private use employing voltages not exceeding KVA. ‘Vand capacity not exceeding ‘7% To qualify for Registered Master Electrician's Examination, the applicant ‘must be atleast __years of age. A 18 B 19 c 20 DB. 2t ‘73. An individual may quality to take the Registered Master Electrician's 22-49 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center ‘74. Two (2) years of apprenticeship in electrical wiring, installation, ‘operation and maintenance of utilization devices and equipment is required only for an applicant for Registered Master Electrician's Examination, provided he ts: A agraduate of BSEE -year vocational electrician's course -year vocational electrician’s course take the Registered Master year(s) of apprenticeship in electrical tion and maintenance of utlization devices and equipment opera At B 2 C3 04 ‘7. Can a BSEE student who compieted at least three years of the five-year BSEE program be allowed fo take the Registered Master Electrician's Examination? A. No B Yes C._Yes, provided he has at least 1 year apprenticeship in electrical Wiring and installation, operation and maintenance of utilization devices and equipment D. Yes, provided he is atleast 21 years of age. Registered Electrical Engineering Examination, what is the weight of Electrical Engineering Subject? "78. The applicant of Professional Electrical Engineer must submit how ‘many certifications from different Professional Electrical Engineers to effect that the experience record of the applicant is factual and the technical paper submitted was actually prepared by the applicant? Ad goo Chapter 22 - Electrical Engineering Laws ‘79. The professional electical engineer registered electrical engineer or registered master electrician shall be required tc indicate the documents he signs, uses or Issues in connection wt Te practice of his profession. ‘A. Registration license number B. Date registered C. Date of expiry D. Allof the choices 80. A registered master electric work under ths supervision of a professional electrical engin istered electrical engineer if the ‘machinery is rated in excess of kVA. A 500 B. 600 C750 D. 1000 82. A registered master electrician shall work under the supervision of a "professional electrical engineer of registered electrical engineer ifthe machinery is rated in excess of, Vv. Xn oF frm be registered or licensed to practice electrical . C._Yes, depending on the nature of business of corporation or firm D._ Yes. upon approval of government regulating body 183. A person who violates any of the provisions of RA 7920 shall be guity of misdemeanor and shall, upon convicted, be sentenced to a fine of not less than P10,000 but not more than A. 100,000 B P50,000 cP 75,000 B. P 150,000 22-51 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center (94: A person who violatesrany of the provisions of RA 7920 shall be guilty of misdemeanor and shail, upon convicted, be sentenced to an imprisonment for a period of not less than 6 months but not more than year(s) At B 2 c 3 D5 ‘85. Who will preside the investigation (according to Section 4, Article I of RA 7920) ifthe case to be investigated by the Board of Electrical Engineering concerns strictly the practice of the profession? ‘A. The chairman of PRC B. The PRC attorney ©. The Board of Electrical Engineering D. The chairman or member of the Board of Electrical Engineering assisted by the PRC attorney ‘86. Issuance of special permits to individual foreign electrical engineer and electricians for specific projects and for a specific duration of time is: Provided by RA 7920 in which of the following sections? A. Section 4 (2) B. Section 4 (f) ©. Section 4 (c) D. Section 4 () ‘87. All are grounds for the Board to refuse issuanag of certificate of registration based on Section 28 of RA 7920 except: A Person of unsound mind 8. Person convicted by court of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude . Person of questionable character * D. Person guilty of immorality and dishonorable conduct ‘88. Section 30 of RA 7920 states that “Subject to the approval of the Commission, the Board may, after the expiration of date of re (Chapter 22 ~ Electrical Engineering Laws ‘89. In Section 39, “Enforcement of the Act by Officers of the Law’, who shall act as legal adviser of the Board and renders such legal ‘assistance as maybe necessary in carrying out the previous of this Act? A NBI Director B PRCAttomey C. Secretary of Justice or his assistant D. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court ‘90. Republic Act 7920 contains how many sections all in all? A 40 B41 Cc 42 DB. 45 ‘94. What is Section 9 of Article Il of the RA 7920? ‘A. Executive Officer of the Board B. Removal of Board Members ‘©. Compensation of the Chairman and the Board Members D. Term of Office 192, The seal ofa professional electrical engineer bears the following except: A Registrant's name B. The certificate number C. The PTR (professional tax receipt) number . The legend "Prpfessional Electrical Engineer” ‘93. In section 20 of RA 7920, the board of electical engineering shall within days after the completion of the examinations report the ratings obtained by each candidate to the Commission, ‘A 100 days B. 150 days C. 60days D. 30days ‘94. The Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) was created under: DB. PD232 99. What is 2 system of non-statutory, non-mandatory canons of personal conduct? '3001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center ‘Ghaptet 22 - Electrical Enginecring Laws (95. Inwhat year isthe Professional Regulation Commission created? 7 KEY To TEST 22 A 1370 8 len & is c mc sc 7.6 D. 1973 c a7. A 62.0 7c - BOB BB 18.6 ‘96. Whatisothersise known a8 “PRC Modernization Law? € 20 BA 7.0 6 oA 0 2.8 A Ragar9 6 oa.e 58. 8 an B. RABI 0 oA a8 A C. RA 1898 Cc 33. :B 68. D 83. B BRA 1988 5 Me 5. A be BOA oA 3D 177. What's considered asa legaly binding agreement or promise to BOB bic 8 xchange goods or services? Doe 62 A ec ec 8D & ¢ Be A A. Contract B 30. B 64.0 3a Cc & Assignment clause BOA 6 8 2D B48 6. 8 ot A De or 8 26 D 43. 6 68. C 3. B csvaly encompasses several ues? 8 40 0 | OMA DC me 0 DD TA & 8 8 oO ie A oA BD me | 88 DA m6 oe A | Boe 6 100.0 A Code B. Tort C. Creed D. Statute 1100.What is 2 civil wrong committed by one person causing damage to i ‘another person or his property, emotional well-being, or reputation? i A. Punitive damage B. Negligence C. Tort D. Fraud 22-54 22-85 “ TEST 25 RME Board October 1996 In general, layout of motors and power outlets not exceeding a total of _ Maybe included in the lighting layout provided such inclusion will ‘Ro make the reading, interpretation and or checking of the said plan difficult. . EE Board October 1993 ‘Supports of AC cable should have intervals NOT exceeding: ‘Communication conductors shall NOT be smaller than which of the following sizes? A 20mm? B 125mm RME Board April 2003 ‘Type SE service-entrance cable shall be permitted in interior wiring systems where all of the circuit conductors of the cable are of the _ I, Thermoplastic til, Metal 2003 Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center 5S. RME Board October 1996 ‘As @ general rule, equipment rated 1,200 A or more and measuring more than 1,900 mm wide, containing overcurrent devices, shall have an entrance at both ends of the switchboard room. The width and height of each entrance shall be NOT less than the following dimensions. Which one is correct? ‘A. 800mm wide x 2000 mm high B. 600mm wide x 2000 mm high ©. 600 mm wide x 2200 mm high D. 800 mm wide x 2200 mm high ©. RME Board April 2003 Communication conductors shall NOT be attached to a crossarm below electric ight and power conductors under Art 10.1:3.1 (a) (2). ‘A. Noone cares 8 Tue C. False D. Allowed with approval from utility 7. RME Board April 1996 The Code requires that all energized part of electrical equipment ‘operating at __or more shall be guarded against accidental contacts by approved enclosures, What is this voltage? ‘A. 24 volts B 110volts C. 230 volts B50 volts ‘8. RME Board April 1995 ‘Who shall make the final decision in the interpretation of controversial provisions of the Philippine Electrical Code? A IEE Board of Governors B. Board of Electrical Engineering ©. Building Official D. IEE Code Committee 9 RME Board April 1995, RME Board April 1996, RME Board October 1996 What is the minimum insulation resistance of a building's electrical wiring for circuits using 2.0 mm2 or 3.5 mm2 conductors? ‘A. $00,000 ohms B. 250,000 ohms ©. 1,000,000 ohms D. 750,000 ohms 23-2 (Chapter 23 - Philippine Electrical Code 20, Branch circuits are classified according to __ ‘A. voltage rating of the circuit B._number of loads connected ©. type of ioads connected 1D. maximum permitted ampere rating 11. EE Board March 1998 ‘Which of the following raceways is NOT suitable for installation in wet locations? ‘A. Rigid metal conduit B. Rigid non-metallic conduit C._ Flexible metal conduit . Intermediate metal conduit RME Board October 1996 *™ ‘men testing the InSuGtON infogriy of @ new or od electrical wing installation circuit of 5.5 mm2 conductors, the Code specifies a ‘minimum insulation resistance of what value? 13. The circuit conductors between the final overcurrent device protecting ‘the circuit and the outlets A. Transmission tine B. Transmission media C. Branch circuits D. Service wires 14. RME Board October 1995 Branch lighting circuits shall be protected by overcurrent devices not raled more than A 404 B 20a C308 D. 50a 4S. RME Board April 2003 The fr other descriptive marking by which the organization responsible for the product maybe identified, shall be placed on all | Trademark M. Cost Ill Manufacturer's name 23-3 only ©. Lonly 16, RME Board October 1995 17. 19. For voltages above 600 V, the minimum insulation resistance shall be ‘A. 1,500,000 ohms per kV rating B. 500,000 ohms per kV rating C. 1,000,000 ohms per KV rating . 2,000,000 ohms per kV rating RME Board April 1995 ‘Which of the following colors identifies the grounded conductor of a branch circuit? A. Green B Black C. White D. Blue AME Board October 1995 Insulated ground conductor of 14 mm2 or smalier shall be identified by 2 continuous white outer finish along its entire length or another color which is. A green B. natural gray C._ striped green D. striped white IRME Board October 1996 A154 oF a 20-A branch circuit shall be permitted to supply lighting units and other utilization devices. The rating of any one cord and plug ‘connected eppliance shall NOT exceed a certain percentage of the branch circut rating. What is this percentage? A 80% 8 90% Cc. 70% DB. 60% RME Board Apcil 1995. ‘A continuous electrical load is one where the maximum current is expected to continue for a minimum duration of ime. What is this, ‘minimum duration of time? A. thour 22-4 ‘Chapter 23 - Philippine Electrical Code 8. 4hours: C. 3hours. 1D. 2hours, 21, RME Board April 1995 Im all cases where there are energized parts on the front of the ‘switchboards or motor control centers, the working space in front of ‘such equipment shall NOT be less than a minimum distance. What is this distance? +22. A wiring method using knobs, tubes, and flexible non-metallic tubing for the protection and support of single insulated conductors concealed in hollow spaces of walls and ceilings of buildings ‘A. Open wiring on insulators 'B. Open wiring with knobs, tubes, etc C. Concealed knob and tube wiring ©. Knob and tube wiring 123. What is the minimum size of aluminum or copper clad aluminum ‘conductors, used as service entrance conductors? A 8.0mm? B 14.0mm? 5.5mm? DB. 35mm ‘24. RME Board April 2003 ‘When removing insulation from the wire before making the splice, care should be taken to avoid nicking the wire (sightly cutting into the wire) because of one of the following. Which one is this? A. the wire might break B. the ampacity will be reduced C.__the wire tinning (protective coating) will be injured 1. the resistance will increase ‘a5. RME Board April 1996 ‘Where receplacies are connected to a 30-A branch circuit, the maximum allowable cord and plug connected load shall not be more than A 30A ‘Gotved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center ‘Chapter 23 = Philippine Electrical Code B 24a c 6A GC. 26 watts D. 200 D. 16.watts 26, RME Board April 1996 ‘The branch ercuit conductors that supply one or more units of data processing systems shall have an ampacity NOT less. than percent ofthe total connected oad, 27. RME Board October 1994 Tne point of connection is considered to be the point of entrance of the service conductors into the building A. Service entry B Service raceway C. Service lateral D. Service drop 28. RME Board October 1994, RME Board April 1995 ‘Appoint in a wiring system af which current is taken to be sed in some equipment. A Grounded 29. Outlets installed in a dwelling unit for specific appliances, shall be installed within what distance of the intended location of the appliance? A 200mm B 1500mm ©. 1800mm D. 2500 mm 30. AME Board April 1994, RME Board October 1994 ‘Tae un ihn for 2 Gling unt expressed in wats per square meter shall be A Bwatts B 40watts ‘32. The equipment grounding conductor of a branch circuit shall be identified by what color? ‘A. Green B. Black C. White 0. Gray 32, RME Board April 2003 Wires or cables used in dry and wet locations for over 2000 volts insulation and ozone resistant with moisture and heat resistant rubber ‘and has @ maximum operating temperature of 90°C is_ type. A MI B RHW Cc. THW BD. THHN 133. In dwelling units, when the actual number of receptacie outlets is not known, an additional load of ____voll-ampere per square meter shall bbe included. 10 pom> oon 34. RME Board April 1994 The circuit conductors between the service entrance equipment or isolated generating plant and the branch circuit overioad device or devices. A, Overcurrent protector B. Feeder C._ Motor controller 1D. Disconnecting switch 35. RME Board October 1995 In estimating the loading of a branch circuit, what loading shall be used for each receptacle? A. 160 voltampere B. 120 volt-ampore C, 180 voltampere D. 150 volt-ampere ‘2001 Solved Problems In ESAS - Excel Review Center ‘36, If the project is extensive and requires more time for checking and for ‘Computation of fees, the issuance of the electrical permit need not be 'ssued immediately but the delay shall not be longer than how many ‘working days? As B 4 C3 D6 37. RME Board October 1994 For dveling units, the demand factor forthe fist 3000 voltamperes of A 5% 8 85% Cc. 100% D. 80% '39. Service entrance cabies shall be supported by straps or other approved. ‘means at intervals NOT exceeding 40. RME Board April 2003 Conductors of AC and DC rated up to 600 V nominal shall be permitted ‘to occupy the same equipment wiring enclosure, cable tray or raceway (ipes). Is this being allowed under Sec () (1) At 5.17 (Chapter 23 ~ Philippine Electrical Code 41, RME Board April 1994, RME Board October 1995 ‘Service entrance conductors passing over roofs shall have a clearance ‘over the roof which they pass of 42, RME Board October 1994 ‘Where the voltage between conductors does not exceed 300 V and the roof has a slope of not less than 100 mm in 300 mm, the clearance can be reduced to ‘A 500mm B. 800mm C1000. mm D. 900mm 43. What is the minimum horizontal clearance for open conductors from ‘windows, doors, porches, fre escapes or similar locations? 44, EE Board March 1998 ‘What is the exception in the advantages when comparing solid wires with stranded wires of the same cross section? ‘A Itis larger in overall diameter 1D. Ithas a higher current rating ‘48. Service entrance cables shall be supported by straps or other approved means within ‘of every service head, gooseneck or connection pn ee ee a 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS-- Excel Review Center 46, RME Board April 1995 ‘The minimum size of service drop copper conductors allowed by the Philippine Electrical Code is one of the following. Which is this size? A 3.5mm B 55mm? C. 20mm? D. 80mm? 47. Ifthe service conductors are aluminum of copper-clad aluminum, what is the minimum size permitted? A 80mm2 B 14.0mm2 C. 5.5mm2 D. 35mm2 48. RME Board April 1995 A buiiding or other structure served shall be supplied by only one service drop EXCEPT for ‘A. multiple occupancy building B. fire pumps C._emergency electrical system D. allofthese ‘49. What is the minimum vertical clearance for service drop conductors (not ‘over 600 volts) above finished grade or sidewalks accessible only to pedestrians? ‘A. 3100mm B 3700mm ©. 4600 mm B. 5500 mm 50. RME Board April 1996 . Give the minimum vertical clearance from finished grade of a service ‘drop conductor installed between buildings on residential properties and driveways? ‘54. The point of attachment of the service drop conductors to a building or ‘other structure shall NOT be less than __ above finished grade, A. 310mm 23-10 Chapter 23 ~ Philippine Electrical Code : | | | ‘52. RME Board October 1995 ‘Which of the following statements is NOT correct?” ‘A. Overcurrent devices shall be located where they will not be exposed to physical damage h occupant shall have ready access toll overcurrent devices protecting his occupancy | Macnee ea onan ol ame Etceoey ob AG ence og ae et et oe | ‘A Minus 5% to plus 10% B. Minus 6% to plus 10% C. Minus 10% to plus 6% D. Minus 10% to plus 10% ‘54. What is the minimum vertical, horizontal or diagonal clearance for open | ‘conductors from signs, chimneys, radio and television antennas, tanks, ‘or other non-building structures? A. 1000 mm B. 1500 mm C. 1800 mm D. 1200 mm 55. RME Board April 2003 ‘Which type of temperature detector is used in motor windings? ‘A. Capacitance B. Resistance C._ Inductance D. Reluctance ‘56. If there will be six or more 2-wire branch circuits for a one family }oW much is the minimum service entrance capacity "gobs Solved Problenss in ESAS - Excel Review Gcater ‘57. RE Board April 1997 In the computation of the size of building wie, the PEC requires that at {east a certain percent increase must be added. What percent is this? A 20% B 15% C. 50% 58. RME Board April 1996 ‘Which of the following wiring cables is most suitable for shipboard installations? ‘A. Flat cable assembly B. Shielded non-metallic sheathed cable 59. RME Board April 1994 Connection between conductive or inductive metal object in an element of a lightning protection system to accomplish electrical continuity, 60. RME Board April 1996 ‘The usual function of a disconnect switches in high voltage circuits is to ‘A. isolate from energized buses, equipment which are not in service B. open or close the circuit under load C. open the circuit in the event of an overload ©. maintain continuity of service (61, RME Board October 1996 ‘According to the PEC, the minimum insulation level for neutral conductors of residential installations, which have solidly grounded system, shall NOT be less than this voltage, which one is this? ‘are non-combustible? A 25mm 23-12 tT Chapter 23 ~ Philippine Electrical Code 63. RME Board October 1996 {In each conduit run entering an enclosure for switches, circuit breakers, relays and others that may produce high temperatures, seals on the ‘shall be installed within a certain length before entering the enciosure. What is this length? 64, EE Board April 1996 5. RME Board October 1995 ‘The total load on overcurrent device located in a panelboard shall NOT ‘exceed a certain percentage of its rating. What is this percentage? 66. RME Board October 1995. When circuit oreakers are installed in enclosed switchboards, they are usually derated to a certain percentage. What is this percentage? 67. RME Board October 1995 What is the maximum number of overcurrent devices of a lighting and appliance panel board that shall be installed in a cabinet? C. 48 devices * "geen Getved Proticas in ESAS - Excel Review Center D. S2devices (68. RME Board April 1995 The rating of the overcurrent device shall not be less than the non- continuous load plus a percentage of the continuous toad, A 125% B 80% Cc. 100% D. 140% 69. RME Board April 2003 ‘A.20 ampere rated branch circuit with 3.5 mm2 wire supplying a duplex receptacle can be loaded to a maximum of _ amperes. 70. RME Board October 1996 The grounding electrode for grounding communications systems may ‘accessible location on any of the following 1D. Grounding terminal of service equipment if provided by the utility ‘company ‘71. RME Board April 1996 ‘According to the Code the minimum insulation level for neutral ‘conductor of residential installation which have solidly grounded system shall be ‘7%, RME Board October 1995 ‘The surge arrester for services less than 1,000 volts connected by ‘copper conductor to grounding electrode conductor or the equivalent ‘grounding terminal shal NOT be smalir than 23-14 (Chapter 23 - Philippine Electrical Code D. 20mm 73. RME Board April 1996 The construction of metal cabinets and cutout boxes shall be such as to ‘secure strength and rigidity. If constructed of uncoated sheet steel, the metal thickness should NOT be less than A. 155mm 74. RME Board October 1996 ‘A three-phase general purpose squirrel cage motor draws a full load ‘current of 40 A. What is the maximum size of time delay fuses that may be used for short ciruit protection? ‘75 Whats the minimum burial depth required for rigid non-metallic conduit ‘approved for direct burial without concrete encasement? 76. RME Board October 1995 ‘What is the maximum allowable voltage drop from the main circuit breaker to the farthest lamp load? ‘71. RME Board April 1994 In wiring using rigid metal conduits, conduit smaller than __ shall not be used A 15mm B 32mm C. 8mm DL 25mm 23-15 P "goes Golved Probleme in ESAS ~ Excel Review Genter "7%. For a dwelling unit having a floor area not more than 50 square meters ‘shall be permitted to have a single 20-A, 2wire branch circuit provided the total load shall NOT exceed how many vo-amperes? 79. RME Board April 1995 The uses of non-metallic extensions are NOT allowed in all but one of the following. Which one is this? A. Asan aerial cable 81. EE Board October 1996 Determine the minimum appliance and laundry load required for a ‘dwelling unit, 1D. 2000 volt-amperes 82. RME Board April 1996 1 460-V switchboard has exposed parts on one side and grounded parts or concrete on the opposite side, what working clearance between the two sides is permitted by the Code? ‘Chapter 23 - Philippine Electrical Code 83. AME Board October 1995 For a rigid steel conduit of trade diameter 50-mm, the field bend shall bbe so made that the radius of the inner edge shall not be less than a certain radius for conductors without lead sheathed. What is this radius? ‘84. What is the maximum operating temperature of type THWN conductor? A 15°C B. 60°C c 90°C D. 110°C 85. RME Board October 1995 What does the symbol consisting of rectangle with solid shading indicate? A. Fuse cut-out B. Telephone exchange C. Safety switch D. Lighting panelboard 186. The altemate or back-up source of power in a hospital shall have @ capacity to sustain its connected loads fora minimum of how many hours? 87. EE Board April 1994 Branch circuit conductors. supplying a single motor shall have an ampacity in terms of the full load current of NOT fess than A 100% Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center 88. RME Board October 1996 ‘Medium vaitage cable shall be permitted for instalation on the following EXCEPT one. Which one is this? ‘A. Where installed in cable trays B. Where exposed to direct sunlight C. Power systems up to 35,000 volts in dry locations D. Power systems up to 35,000 volts in wet locations, ‘89. RME Board April 1995 The maximum size of liquid tight fexibie metal conduit shall be __ trade size. A 50mm B. 125mm C 150mm D. 100mm ‘90. Cable trays shall NOT be used in which ofthe following applications? ions. D. Allofthese 91. RME Board April 1995 Wirings allowed to be installed outside buildings are enumerated below EXCEPT one, Which one is this? A. Type MC cable B. Flat conductor cable C. Rigid metal conduit D. Open wires on insulators. ‘9%, For installation consisting of not more than two 2-wire branch circuits, the service disconnecting mains shall be rated NOT less than what rating? ing cables or raceway type wiring method parallel to the ibers Such as joists, rafters or studs, the cable or raceway shall be installed and supported so that the nearest outside surface of the cable or raceway is NOT less than a certain “stance from the nearest edge of the framing member. What is this dis.20ce? Bt (Chapter 23 - Philippine Electrical Code A. 20mm B. 30mm 10mm BD. 50mm RME Board April 1995 According to its make, conduits maybe classified as A. figid metal B. rigid non-metal C. flexibie metal D. allof these ‘AME Board April 1996 ‘Any unguarded metal sheathed service cable, service conduits, metal fixtures and similar non-current carrying parts, if located in’ urban districts and where liable to be charged to more than a certain voltage to ground shall be isolated or guarded so as wot ‘accidental contact by unauthorized persons, What is A 1,000V B. s00V c. 150V D. 300V RME Board October 1994 ‘What is the maximum number of conductors permitted in a wireway at any cross-section, signal circuit or starter-control wires are not included? A. 30conductors B. 50.conductors ©. 40.conductors B. 25 conductors, |. RME Board April 2003, Underground communication conductors in a raceway, handhole or ‘manhole containing electric light and power conductors, shall be in a section ___ from such conductors by means of a separator (brick, ‘concrete Or le) under Art (a). A. combined B. separated CC. included D. inside 23-19 (98. RME Board April 1996 Busways shall be permitted to be installed behind panels if means of ‘access are provided and ifthe conditions below are met. One of them is NOT valid. Which one is this? ‘ype D. The space behind the panels is not for air handling purposes, ‘99. Wireways shall be supported at intervals NOT exceeding a certain ‘minimum distance. How much is this distance? 100-RME Board October 1995 ‘The use of rigid metal cenduits shall be permitted under all atmospheric, conditions subject to the following conditions EXCEPT one. Which one is this? ‘A. Aluminum fitings and enclosures shall be permitted to be used with rigid steel conduits, B. Ferrous metal conduits shall be permitted to be installed in ‘concrete ©. Conduits shall be permitted to be used in sand fil which is subject to permanent moisture D. Where the ferrous raceways are protected solely by enamel, the use is permitted only indoors. Y0I.RME Board October 1995 Flat conductor cables maybe installed in any of the following location EXCEPT one. Which one is this? ‘A. Onhard conerete fleoring B._Inwet locations ©. For branch circuits D._ Indamp locations 102.RME Board October 1995 . {In indoor wet locations, the entire wiring system including all boxes, fittings, control boards and panelboards shall be installed on walls with ‘a minimum clearance, What is this clearance? A. 10mm 23-20 | 8. 5mm c. 20mm D. 15mm 103.RME Board April 1994 ‘A type of cable which is a single or multi-conductor solid dielectric insulated cable rated 2001 volts or higher. A MC B MV c FCC Dac 104.RME Board October 1994 Consists of three or more flat copper conductor placed edge to edge Separated and enclosed within an insulating assembly A. Armored cable B. Flat cable assemblies C. Sheathed cable ©. Flat conductor cable idhererice to the provision of the PEC by virtue 106.RME Board April 1996 "An outlet box should be fastened to a concrete wall by the use of ‘A. Weod plug en B. Toggle bots C. Porcelain insert and screw D. Expansion bots 107-RME Board October 1995 ‘When wiring a raceway at least a certain length of free conductors shall be left at each outlet. What is this minimum length? * pom> gs 3 5 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center 106:RME Board April 1996 Power and control tray cables (type TC) maybe used under one of the following condition. Which one is this? ‘A. Where exposed to physical damage B. Where installed as open cable on brackets C._ Where installed in industrial establishment where a registered master electrician will service the installation D. Where direct buried underground 109.RME Board April 1994 | igid metal wiring conduit, conduits shal! be supported at least every ‘110.RME Board October 1995 Metal clad cables shall be permitted for installations in the following locations EXCEPT one. Which one is this? A. Signal circuits ~ ©. Aerial cable ‘AEE.RME Board April 1994 ‘Non-metallic boxes not over ‘cu, cm shall be permitted only on non-metallic wiring method, 112. RME Board April 194 For raceway 20 mm trade size of larger containing conductors 22 mm2 oF larger, the minimum length of the box in straight pulls shall NOT be less than __ times the trade diameter of the largest raceway. (Chapter 23 ~ Philippine Electrical Code 14113.RME Board April 1994 ‘Are rectangular sheet metal enclosures equipped with removable ‘covers providing access to conductors inside. ‘A. Metal clad cable 8. Muttiple cable conductors 114,RME Board October 1994 The largest size of electrical metallic tubing is A 75mm 115.RME Board October 1995 Which of the raceway methods is NOT allowed to be used in a hazardous location? ‘A. Rigid metal conduit B. Liquidtight flexible metal conduit C._ Rigid non-metallic conduit D. None of these 116.RME Board October 1995 Concealed knob and tube wiring conductors shall be rigidly supported fon knobs not more than a certain minimum distance apart. What is this distance? 127-RME Board April 2003 ‘Where raceways are exposed to widely different temperatures they shal be, A. grounded B. sealed C. isolated D. bonded 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center 148.RME Board April 1994, AME Board October 1994 ‘A un conduit between cutlets, between fitings, between outlet and ‘iting shali not contain more than the equivalent of __quarterbends. 119.RME Board April 1995 Flat conductor cable (FCC) system shall NOT be used in the locations ‘enumerated below EXCEPT one. Which one is this? ‘A. Locations where subject to corrosive vapors. B. Damp iocations C._ Residential buildings D. Outdoors 120.EE Board April 1996 ‘Conductors must have a clearance from windows, porches, fre ‘escapes of NOT less than 1121.RME Board April 1994 Flexible metal conduits must not be used in ©. storage battery rooms D. allofthese 122. RME Board October 1996 ‘Which of the following statements on lighting fixtures NOT correct? Friures and ighiing equipment operating at over 250 V shal be ‘groun 23-24 (Chapter 23 ~ Philippine Electtical Code 123. RME Board October 1995 ‘Where the conduits enter @ switchboard at the bottom, a sufficient ‘and the nor-insulated bus bar shall be _ A 155mm B 300mm C. 255mm D. 200 mm. 4124,RME Board April 1995 ‘What is the total number of mechanical degrees that a PVC conduit run maybe bent between pull points (pull boxes, junction boxes or uliity boxes)? ‘A. 360 degrees B. 180 degrees C. 120degrees DB. 270degrees 425.RME Board April 2003 ‘Art 1.10.2 of PEC 1 requires working spaces for equipment operating 600 V. nominal oF less to ground, This is required for live parts on the other side, like concrete, brick or tle walls and shall be considered as ‘grounded. What is this minimum distance for Condition 27 A. 1300 mm B. 1400 mm ©. 1200mm ©. 1100 mm 120,.RME Board October 1994 ‘This type of cable is a fabricated assembly of insulated conductors enclosed in a fiexible metal sheath. A. Ground wire B. Integrated gas spacer cable C. Medium voltage cable D. Armored cable 427.RME Board April 1995 ‘The surface nonmetallic raceway may NOT be used in the following locations EXCEPT one. Which one is this? A. Indry locations B. Where concealed C. Where subject to severe physical damage 23-25 | 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center D. Inhoistways: ‘128,RME Board October 1995 The clearance form the top of a switchboard to a ceiling which is ‘combustible shall NOT be less than 129.RME Board April 1995 The use of surface non-metal raceway is NOT permitted in all those ‘mentioned below EXCEPT one. Which one is this? ‘A. Dry locations B. Where subject to severe physical damage C. Where the voltage is over 300 voits 230.RME Board April 1996 Ina switchboard there shall be an air space of at least between the energized metal part and the door of the cabinet 131.RME Board October 1995 ‘What is the minimum depth of clear working space in front of a switchboard rated at 4,160 volts, where there are exposed energized parts on both sides of the workspace? 132.RME Board October 1995 In the installation of power resistors, a thermal barrier shall be required if the space between the resistors and any combustible material is lees than ___mm. Whatis this minimum clearance? . ‘Chapter 23 - Philippine Electrical Code 133. RME Board October 1996 “The following are common splicing rules EXCEPT one. Which one is this? ‘A. Asplice must provide a path for the current to pass through B. Ajoint must be mechanically as strong as the wire itself C. All splices must be mechanically and electrically secured by means of a solder D. Wires of the same size should be spliced together in line 134.RME Board April 1997 ‘Where galvanized steel conduit is used, the primary purpose of the galvanizing is to A. retard rusting B. provide good electrical contact for grounding C._ increase mechanical strength D. provide a good surface for painting 1135.The Code has been approved and adopted by the Board of Electricat ‘Engineering, PRC. What does the acronym PRC stands for? ‘A, Philippine Regulation Commission 1D. Philippine Registration Committee 136.RME Board April 1995 In concealed knob and tube wiring, the clearance to be maintained between conductors is A 55mm. B 45mm C. 76mm D. 50mm 137-RME Board October 1994 “The sum of the cross sectional area of all conductors in a wireway must not exceed ___ percent of the cross-sectional area of the wireway. 5 20 40 pom> 25 2003 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center 138.RME Board April 1995 In rigid metal conduit wiring, conduits shall be supported at least every 139.RME Board April 1995 Each transformer up to 600 V nominal shall be protected by an individual overcurrent device on the primary side at not more than a certain percentage of the rated primary current ofthe transformer. What is this maximum percentage? A 110% B 125% 140.RME Board October 1994 - The multiplying factor for determining the size of branch circuit protection for non-time delay fuse is 4141.RME Board April 2003 ‘A protective device for assembly as an integral part of a motor or motor ‘compressor and which when property applied, protects the motor against dangerous overheating due to overload and failure to star. 142.RME Board April 2003 ‘Chapter 23 — Philippine Electrical Code +243.How many sets of electrical plans and specifications must be submitted the office concerned in cases an electrical permit is fled? pom> s 144.RME Board October 1995 ‘Transformers that contain liquid that will burn shall be installed only in ‘appipved vaults and shall also comply with the following conditions EXCEPT one. Which one is this? ‘A. Ample ventilation shall be provided for the continuous removal of 414$.RME Board October 1996, RME Board April 1997 ‘Bonding jumpers which connect communications cable grounding conductors and the grounding electrode of the building shall NOT be ‘smaller than what copper size? 146-EE Board April 1997 Where receptacies are connected to a 20-ampere branch circuit, what should be the maximum allowable rating of a cord and plug connected toad? 247-RME Board April 1996 “The usual nameplate data on DC motors include the following EXCEPT ‘one. Which one is this? ‘A. Manufacturer's name B. Rated frequency 23-29 | "2002 Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center ©. Rated voltage ©. Rated speed 148.RME Board October 1995 For grounding electrode to which portable or mobile equipment system ‘neutral impedance is connected, shall be isolated from the ground by at least a certain distance from any other system or equipment grounding electrode. What i this distance? :249.Rigid metal conduit shall be fimnly fastened within what distance from ‘each outlet box? 150.EE Board October 1993 ‘oof which they pass of ‘4151.RME Board April 1997 This type of loads will NOT require Electrical Permits nor Certificate of Inspection. Which one is this? ‘A. Fixed water heater B. Fixed electric range ©. Window type room air conditioners D. Portable appliances rated not more than 1200 volt-amperes, 1152.The ampacity of capacitor circuit conductors shall NOT be less than ‘what percentage of the rated current of the capacitor? A 125% 8 115% (Chapter 23 - Philippine Electrical Code 1S3.RME Board April 1996 ‘The Philippine Electrical Code, Part 1 does not cover wiring of cuipment installed within ort o fom one ofthe folowing. Which one is this 154.RME Board April 1996 ‘When thermal overload relay are used for the protection of a three- pphase induction moter, their primary purpose is to protect the motor in case of 155.EE Board March 1998 ‘Communication cables and wires shall have a voltage rating NOT less than A 400 volts B. 300volts C. 600volts D. 250 volts 156.RNE Board April 1997 The electrical drawing of single family shall show the following, EXCEPT one, A. Floor pian B. Computation of illumination ©. Location Plan ©. Onedtine diagram -457.Before starting any electrical work, iteration, repair or extension on any electrical system, which ofthe following permit is needed? A. Building Permit B. Extension Permit C. Wiring Permit D. Electrical Permit 2002 Sotved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center 158.RME Board October 1995 ‘The electrical plans for residential house include the following items EXCEPT one. Which one is this? ‘A. Substation plan B. Location plan ‘C. Floor plan showing location of service D. Layout of wiring plan for general lighting and receptacle outlets 4159.RME Board October 1996 A lighting ficture shall be wired with a flexible lighting cord with a cross ‘sectional area of NOT less than a certain minimum area. Which is this? A. 0.75 mm? B. 200mm? 160.RME Board April 2003 Where extensive meta in or on buldings may become energized and is, ‘subject to personal contact ___will provide additional safety. A. bonding B. suitable ground detectors C._ suitable arresters D. adequate bonding and grounding ‘161. RME Board October 1995. For a motor starter to be in sight of the controlled motor, it must NOT be ‘more than __ meters away. 14162.RME Board April 1995 ‘A continuous electrical load is one where the maximum curre eat ie expected to continue for'a minimum duration of time, What is ‘minimum duration of time? A. thour ‘Chapter 23 - Philippine Electrical Code 163. RME Board April 1994 Branch circuit conductors supplying a single phase motor shall have an. ‘ampacity NOT exceeding A 100% B 125% Cc. 200% DB. 115% 164.RME Board October 1994 ‘Lamp protection shall be provided by elevation of at least __meters from the normal working surface. ‘165.RME Board October 1995, RME Board April 1996 “The disconnecting means for motor circuits rated up to 600 volts, shall have an ampere rating of at least _ percent ofthe fll load current of the motor. A. 200 B15 c. 150 D125 £66.What is the maximum al owed operating temperature of type TW 107.B8 Board October 1998 WT nhat the macmum alonable distance interval between supports securing busways? » R801 Golved Problems in ESAS - Extel Review Center ‘168.Where does the electrical permit for buildings, trailers, mobile homes or other premises be fled? ‘A. Department of Public Works and Hiways (DPWH) B. Local Building Office C. Office of the Electrical inspector D. Office ofthe Local Utility Engineer 169.RME Board October 1996 Resistors and reactors shall not be installed in close proximity to Combustible materials such that it constitutes a fire hazard, What ‘minimum clearance is required by the Code? 8 300mm C400 mm, DB. 100mm 370. lated metal sheathed cable shall be permitted in any of the fol tallations EXCEPT one, Which one is this? A. For control circuits, B. Where exposed to oil and gasoline ©. For feeder circuits ©. Where exposed to corrosive atmosphere 271.RME Board October 1995 {1 judging the suitability of electrical equipment for proper mounting, the following factors should be considered, one of which is the LEAST Important, Which one is this? D. Mechanical strength ‘172.RME Board October 1995 In every draw block shall be a standard strip, which shall roject, ower, ttle of the sheet, scale used, ‘the PEE. How wide is this strip? A 38mm 8 C. 40mm D. Ss _ (Chapter 23 - Philippine Electrical Code : ge ee ‘transformer circuit, one of the procedures should be followed. Which ‘A. Primary winding should be shorted B. Secondary winding should be shorted Primary winding should be opened 14-RME Board April 1996 am ‘Which of the following statements is NOT correct? 2 Cattage to moe than 0 V shall be supped only by @supot yer which grounded 0. Rrecoplale out insaled outdoors shal be located 20 that water ‘accumulation is not likely to touch the outlet cover or plate .RME Board April 1995 is ‘The primary winding of a step down transformer shall be protected on the primary side by an overcient device Cert perentage othe pamary caren Wh X76.RME Board April 1996 1D. wires do not support the fixture A71RME Hoard October 1994 7 R ‘storage battery supplying emergency lighting and power oat Imation oles han 87 9% ofl via a tl ead fr pet cio AL 4Shoure ee 2003 Solved Problems in EGAS - Excel Review Center 17@.RME Board April 1995 What is the nominal supply votage specified by the PEC for residential jomes? A. 225 volts AC B. 230volts AC ©. 240 volts AC D. 220volts AC 179.RME Board April 2003 ‘The ampacity of type UF cable shail be that of __ conductors. A 6OF B 140°C c. 6c D. 75°C 190.EE Board October 1996 For service drop conductors not exceeding 600 volts, its minimum clearance over commercial areas, parking lots subject to truck traffic 's DB. 3100 mm ‘161.RME Board October 1996 ‘The Electrical Code requires that electrical plans and drawings shall be drawn on sheets of the following standard size. Which one is NOT ‘considered standard? D. 500mm x 760 mm 1162, Where buildings exceed three stories or 15 m in height, overheed lines Shai! be arranged, so that a clear space atleast wide willbe left 10 facitate the raising of ladders when necessary for fire fighting. A 1800mm 8. C. 2000 mm D. (Chapter 23 - Philippine Electrical Code 183.RME Board April 1995 ‘What locatons do NOT allow the installation of PVC rigid conduits? ‘A. * Hazardous locations B. Corrosive locations C. Wet locations D._Inconcealed locations 184.RME Board October 1995, Where no standard electrical equipment of the exact size or rating is ‘A. Barrio Captain B Mayor CC. Electrical Inspector D. Fire Chief 185.RME Board April 1994 ‘Which of the following wires has 75-ohm impedance? 186.RME Board April 1996 Wiring methods & materials allowed by the Code for gasoline stations include ail the following EXCEPT on. Which one is this? ‘A. Type MI cable with approved terminal fiting jiate conduit AME Board April 1996 i Explosion hazards exist due to the presence of the following material EXCEPT one Which one sth? A Combustible dust 8. C. Flammable liquids 0. ‘2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center 188.RME Board April 2003 ‘Employees shall read ___and ____ and warn others who are in danger near energized equipment or ines. ‘A. first aid equipment or lines B._manhole and vaults C. warning signs and signals D. body belts and safety straps 189.RME Board April 1995 ‘tn hazardous location, the use of non-metallic conduit shall be permitted provided itis buried NOT less than __ below the earth level 191.RME Board October 1996 Refers to the power plant mounted on wheels as used in the railroad transportation industry A. Electric locomotive B. Electric train c. LRT D. None of these 192.RME Board October 1995 Hazardous locations are classified by the Philippine Electrical Code in how many classes? ‘Two classes Four classes Three classes One class poop (Chapter 23 - Philippine Electrical Code 193.RME Board April 1996, RME Board April 1997 "A phase converter is usually employed to convert single-phase to three- ‘an ampacity of NOT less than ____of the full ioad current rating of ‘motor or load being served where the input and the output voltages are identical 194.RME Board October 1996 ‘Which of the following statements on wiring in commercial garages and shops is NOT correct? A. The ground conductor shall be connected to the ground terminal of the utilization equipment B._ Receptacies, attachment plugs and similar devices shall be of the polarized type C. Lamps and lamp holders for fixed lighting that are located above vehicles shall be installed not ower than 2,500 mm D. in location classified as hazardous 1195. Type IGS cable is using a dry kraft paper tape and an SFs gas. What do "you mean by SFe? A. Sulfur fluoride B. Sulfur hexafluoride ©. Sulfur chioride D. Sulfur hexachionde 196.RME Board April 1996 ‘Communication wires and cables shall be separated at LEAST a certain conductors, which are not installed in a raceway or in cable. What is this ‘minimum distance? A. 150mm B 175mm C. 300nim D. 200mm 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center 197.RME Board October 1996 Flexible cords used in locations where fers shal comply with folowing EXCEPT one. Which one fe has) Kew To TE6T 25 ‘Chapter 23 ~ Philippine Electrical Code ‘A, It shall be approved for use in locations which are vapar-filed 1B 41D 81. 421.0 5. Itshall contain in ation tothe conductors, a grounding conductor 2¢ 42. © 81. D 122.0 S_Ishal be of ype approved fr extra hard usage 2A 43.0 82. 123.6 hl be proved in stabs reve nance 42 4 CBA BER $8 8S A 8b 196.RME Board April 1994 7 DO 47. B 86. B 127.4 Atay gio hot cron moe tan _ caren ayo 8 8D 7 8 BA cross vendo, $A A TBA 8. 8 BA 10D A 14. SLA 90. B 131.8 8 2 be ac oe ize c. 30 13.6 53. A 92, 0 133. D> D. 24 14, iB 54. A 93. D 134.8 ee 8 oD tA 199 owing goverment ogeacyh at oe SECU fom wich of he i Se $8 Sea ts BS 8b we tee ‘A. Philippine Coast Guard 19. A 59. D 98. A 139.8 B. Philippine Pots Authority 20.6 A 99. 440.8 ime Industry Author ' 21.0 a. B 100.B 141.0, D. Martime Shipping Industry mC | A HOTA BS &o wwe we 290 Raed Aor one Ra fe) wD tae re coaial cables attached to bul a eT eT Separation of atleast” “fom clesticightr power cases, °° ® Bo 8 18 A. 400mm ! 28.0 68 A 148.B B. 50mm 20. 69 A 149.8 © 250mm Be OA soe D. 200mm 3A 1A 151.0 BA 2 ise 33. 73.0 153.0, : ue m8 tee Se | oe ieee Ba tes ioe : RO OA er Be OBA Ise So fee 1A oe m0 1800

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