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Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic

in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI

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Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image

USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and
Tao South Programs

Sunday, May 28, 2017

So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI
FI[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI

LAWSUIT SHORT VERSION 20 September 2015.docx by Antzee Dancee on Scribd[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI

LAWSUIT SHORT VERSION 2 November 2015.docx by Antzee Dancee on Scribd[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI

High Holiday Prayer Book 1.pdf by Antzee Dancee on Scribd[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI

Music, film and design on

Complaint Lawsuit Detailed Descriptive Demeanor and-s Demand Cessation and Recompense - Copy by Antzee Dancee on Scribd[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI



Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI
MAY 28 2017


Identities When The U S A

Okay good morning good afternoon good evening sir it is Sunday May 28th 2017 it is 1:50 p.m. and this is Steven Van Arroyo also known as Steven Van chauffeur speaking and sharing
and William P Williamson flight navigate and supernal omnipotent creator with us has us to a bit kind of hopefully all the way or somewhat thank you sir love above will share and stipulate
come back if you like to a County of Orange California thank you I'll never did love them if you would thank you sir.

I am altercate your face oh yeah we are recording for quality assurance quality assurance if you would proceed there might be some times where people might want to get people's faces
thank you sir I am interested in barking a new impression and Folsom Prison oh yes and if you would stay clearly your name your rank where you might be Period might be situated here
Runner thank you love of the sir. Come back

Okay I am all to get your faces all the way I bet you would want to show it to say or share on this open for a military communication line as we've heard and maybe some not want to
share that sentiment and also police radio communication line for 25 years now every day a pair the last thing somebody want to understood what all to get your face and you together and
you have been in must have been taken over by Maino and Mexican fight navigate and if hours a murderer real real bad are you happy to be a murderer before you name your name is real
truth or truth and exact contentions capability and if you murdered Millions a day like some of them you might want to all Chay my face too is that maybe the reason why. Stipulated. Again

Thank you I am interplanetary well-wisher and I am into your place of encouragement Let's see Ella dictation when you can going off and on we want to be certain we can have this in
writing or type print and will pass that along and will try to get back on that so it's very much something to pick up the pieces from the society that is thought to be a regular Society with
swimming pools and commerce schools and plenty of trade when in reality it's a decoy like they were you Steve is a Decoy for binary Baldwin magician light good citizens who by
understanding last thing that I would want to know who is tell Steve that they have DNA mitochondrial far superior than Steve the whole lot of the whole population for the most and that's
what we see it earlier and so by using Steve's a decoy and if we let us proceed. This paragraph We would using Steven Van a row like in other similar situations and they proceeded to
bring it World by Steve Procreated by Xavier and I 19 type of biological Maneuvers not willing to say too much when you were working that it took and so by not telling Steve all these years
and knowing all the while especially the ones that wanna do something to his

face you were saying earlier that right there last thing I want to and I understand wait till I'm done Well it should of international planetary here in your planetary areas we really have a debt
to pay in a way if the Staggering fatality is that we say is nothing to ever say it I said it was okay to do and where am I back and saw my example no marrying Bentley uprights like yourself
see you and that was no murder ring not marrying Bentley that is the transcription Services a little off that was no murdering please yes that one please and doing to self as others as much
as possible if we could and having SE and shared that we would proceed to think any any Willow wishers been in being a long road 25 26 years and so when you speak out and have any
recollection of being not being whitewashed whitewashed what is whitewashed it's not a nice thing to do so snatched nice thing to say It's not a nice thing to say assumed identities all the
way email all assumed identities all the way now not email Alison assumed identities not all the way then hopefully love them and so what we see here is what we gave the ultimatum to
stop going out and up and around and doing devil like

sacrifices and what I mean by devil like sacrifices is stop that going up and about you think they're up 5 footer 6ft person Steve talking to Steven different in first second a psychiatric
problem Lord dilemma but to you it is because you know your murder record you side the murder side pal and I'm going to get you for that it's the last thing I do I mean I love them love
okay now remembering I'm speaking and I'd like to make bring about my evidence make it clearly stated and recorded in lines me Okay and that would be when you go about having a
Divine like Intervention which started taking place with strange ongoings December the 10th maybe the 11th 1989 Westminster California 91802 place no the street nice little home there
and proceeded to a full-blown Divine like intervention and then we're very happy so very happy and thrilled wanted to share the grace of the Sistine Chapel like finger dexterity move signs
and love love love and other characteristics that was actually is that .

Stipulate if we may motion and new another speaker thank you I am inter monetary Nick minutes well love love interplanetary omnipotence thank you sir and went remove these better not I
am monetary units so let's make sure we get that transcription right that is I am International omnipotence thank you sir love love them thank you and we are our faces all the way today[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI
thank you very much love love love that is very nice to see you in court all the way coming all the way all the way home and wanted all the way I love them love them enough within the
bounds within the means of peaceful settlement and Pacific settlement of arbitrary needs and if we could share and we have all the way to our ways to do things and bring about more
better outcome more peaceful outcome and far and for your way it's nice to see you and say especially from murder Mayhem aggravated Mayhem that is even very bad rape and binary
popping from those that need to be

retrained or re situated in some people make all this research research sub you may call it a test test repaired both words refer to Raptor by 5 or 10 or 15 years 25 years now see the very
worst as ever been that occurred over here Orange County California the epicenter well love of of ook and each and every predicate soda be so to say citizen Steven Love love love thank
you love thank you much better and what we saw in here and if you may not want to hear listen you can turn away walk away nobody's going to put a gun to your head then you're better
than this 3 country Set free Country a transcription Cypress please I freaking thank you much better not a freaking free free again free And that's something to get some more dialogue in
this we are in Eddington Beach Police Department I know you do and I'm not going to say a thing I know you too pal and your Bado the Hispanic pretend to be you want to be a pretty easy
real big-time snitch friend to Danny's you know where will speed

dealer and we were working and Manny to join the efforts with his lady leading courses around Steve lately down information to another place So haven't given you the ultimatum very
many times each and every predicate narcotics officer are your narcotics officer and Huntington Beach by the way your Westminster on the take and you know you're really not yourself
lately and you know what I'm talking about and you know what you did is capital crimes dead on sight any qualms about that speak now let's hear why you would say it is unless you got
What is your dad on Sunday nights Israeli generals if we could please give me like that and as a row murder I don't know I'm running out of time That was Millions at a time not I'm running
out of time if we can get a little bit more reserved on that not reserved we can get a little Fight Night 2 more efficient on those transcription errors okay that's what you're saying what I need
to be narcotics agent and I know who I am okay darn to know and I know what I do is that I ask you to do that you answer that true What's Google projects and all that kind of gets dumb
and love love love is this accurate you're abused flight amateur murder like Millions at a time and that ain't nothing that ain't all that seems to be any accusations being thrown around?

I'm to Beach Police Department you want to come back or did narcotics that come forward as well first is that So you don't want to comment I want to go get some men fight like a big big
fight make big stink because I'm not be made up and I may not know it but no it's either way I do enjoy that being over-watered took over the secret row and the president and we came a
little more tired and pick up the front lines coming at us disobey any more drive me to my work the situation upgrade the situation you're not working right Also for the quality assurance by
the way I'm looking at you to the transcription service being recorded with audio capability on the other side here to make sure we don't have all the typos is so bad you missed the boys
love them miss the point that miss the boys love them most the point that's right.

I got something to share Ambito in fact you got me I'm none too Beach police chief Gordon Haim name that no shorty yeah knowing that you're right and I give him a good scolding about 2
or 3 months ago as you know you didn't want to remember made oh so Ben all flying saucer cap and Company in coming over once a blue moon business Steve and Danny and then
whatever a couple others background information what not end times And that would be stipulated a speed dealer when you going to be too by the way that room at them but you better
come in and stop being an ass or when a bug you about it all and I ain't my bad man I ain't good man I don't want good I want bad this so when up the line you folks gave me American
side and 6 months ago 5 months ago and hurry of dissent for divine intervention and hated every marble of Internet you all add to that would nearly nothing to do 1 garbage garbage Let it
go in today and we got through I get bad looking like real I am about him so I want to be mean about it I don't want to be I want to dig my head I don't want to dig

man damn things link so he took over the president's identity in the Secret Service by the way it was a bad that quick after you guys came up the front knives coming to come down all
Steve come here Stipulate if we may you guys came off the line like a free 47 winning attitude 327 how to do down the line there about five or six months ago we can check the date we've
got many and much of this invoice and documented and that's the last thing I would ever want to know is that right not be so Let's stipulate again if the arguments to the left in the
argument to the right they are conclusive though pal I know you line and I'm dying to see on conclusive a non conclusive because I know you just admitted you be told you like a nasty girl
scout love love love and I know you can wiggle wiggle wiggle everybody can wiggle wiggle wiggle sometimes that's right I told you so the brand of the

United States of America I wanna bug and your right mind I mean here's a little-known that well you know don't come by a couple hello here we the real little Batman weren't any brand
little man but it's for Hispanic people I like I want to make no mistake about this about that statement people throughout the years I'm 60 years old now throughout the years you would think
that thing on anyone else by the way Classy the radio also hit on it and they're a little bit baydo and try to figure out and want to remember it doesn't do they don't that all the way in Space
Case situation made out like a little weirdo about it right and Steve here is a synonym it bigger Charlie but case[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI

Movies Westminster area Incorporated add department and mind you everything anything she has to say these days with Sandra Hutchens the scrimmage to do quiet full of extraterrestrial
beings by rectal insemination gratification rape desires and deeds rectal insemination in their butthole That is very unfortunate leading the stipulation and not really a stipulation here pal you
were doing it to recollect so Sandra Hutchens you think about 580 but really alloy that you clarify make no mistake about it in the skies like you want to go over your come over here. Me
and shoot me and made those camouflage and I like to kill you did to bail because of this information if this is true you want to go against this I didn't even get a chance to finish saying it
showing it so how much and tell her that you need to get back on track you're too busy fighting about it too busy and shame about you know you

do too so let's go over there Jack U Steve middle the reason why I don't want to reclassify The water run and they don't want to listen to the fax now to treat the facts and Truth Capital
criminal hey this out of Row dial myself and you some my example m*********** and this is you made it ride and come down here and threaten me you heard right here just now when you
no cussing with their why you coming down to make you try and not talking about trying to kill me so I see what happens what you're doing over there not really talking to watch and see if
somebody's going to kill you What do I get mad at Steve mad because so inconceivably more than a sin could ever be imagine your record somebody want to come forward don't want to
come forward 1 murder run look the other way and laugh like you thought getting Rottweilers Barbados something I bet you did not know you did what do you want to think I want to do to
you now got any ideas no idea whatsoever that didn't give any hindsight f*** you kill your ass lick my ass I'm up here even this way out space I give a f*** what the f*** you say I just
murder in f*** ass don't do that See you later man again so contending on that to that seems to be the competition or inflammable other side of your side and want to come around

the TV see and hear nothing else to say that's why Don't we add the situation before all the presidents men came up align with the county going to go get Steve we can get you cuz you
know what we do with nothing to do with up our life liberty enough of this love love love for you to be free love Imma Be Good don't be row man but that is what we saw you were being
over here What is a delivery lines murder night there's no tomorrow all the way more can't face the truth but the dwell in it or not take what I do I put a bunch stipulation many many a day
fair I tell you what I do with time make you deal I do See play if they are were doing something like that try to share those sentiments day after day after day after day after day after day
after day after day after day they are we're doing millions and billions of ETS in my safad you know what I must not is I don't want to discuss it out due to the season it or I'm kind of
snapping a little bit of it but if I was either one That can't be it that would that be something somebody would want if they course I'd like if there's somebody new that they let me

get this straight you're going to tell me I'm going to Green 11/12 + x + x hard for example of a large sum I want you to Layla make sure we got this right get out of my atmosphere now
don't come back ever you don't want to live with in the laws and means you sworn up old enough to look at your eyes you're not real people you been out in the milk storms out there that
made old made for you and with you try to kill me kill me dead because I want to do things and you swallow and you know That wasn't me that's what I want to see here I have directed
the object objective objection no money no rectal examination raping no devil sacrifices no giving false statements and false diagnosis and false reports false nut forgot to mention the
cartoon phenomenon the maps of Africa the global telepathy 24/7 365 everyday after 26 years everyday because you did that report and every chit-chat last thing you wanted ever
understood we watch you recently it was around for everybody The middle of a very bad situation to be in that would be if I could Scituate week and I don't want you to stipulate because I
need it but it in neck right there we can look at and I'll meet you in my face and I look like I can't remember all the way I think move to go on December I think it was will get the dates on
there the

other night of you the county and federal came at me me to try one too many man his head that I was asking you bear bear bear bear sure buddy stop murdering not like any old
murdering stop murdering not 10 or 20 thousand or 50,000 people not any old murdering pal know what I'm saying there speak into English no speaka English just speaking English
goodnight 10 20000 billions a rectal insemination gratification need to get your dick cut get off in Alien extraterrestrial beings a butthole real bad and somebody's parents said about that
somebody heard that kind of talk or somebody got victimized like that what are you upset about it supposed to be let me get this straight again There's an objection in law states you not
supposed to rape murder sodomized and here you are USA and color of flag Westminster police green Huntington Beach leading the scrimmage also never mad about it now a secret
double sided everybody mother f***** Knowing you're a bad bad bad bad boy bad people in the bad police and making a mockery of Steven's in our efforts to change the status grow like
the f*** you doing right the f*** now f*** you and knowing that millions and that's the one burn each person one bourbon That'd be a trouble stipulation on not have fast once a mental on
that and reclassified it up your ass anyway I see it like you did and I didn't say to do that period

Please so to share and stipulate again on that proceeding paragraph if we may the what would seem to be a popper to 6 per person with a really narrow classification that mean they turn
into a flight saucer module they abused as Flats awesome or they were flies manager when Steve I and as you will not brought you into the world down didn't want anybody to ever find out
seems to be Seem to be what the image that could talk with sharing to everybody that Steve and Johnnie Walker and you love the most part all you that's something I never want you to[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI
know about Steve or yeah Are wearing art where where where are your dad right let me think about you none Trans-Am be nice I'm going to buy them down a train of thought bugcheck
you there in a minute end up made me the right word and put it across train above give you a little break there but it is better to take it back if you're not being good see I thought we saw
something with ladies taking it like that the first couple of easy pickings are ladybugs And that was to read stipulate that Steve would have thought a better idea that you would never wanted
anything were talking about because you were mental health in your bait 02 and don't want me to finish this sentence I was pretty sure trying to share because you need me taking out with
you and so bad there's no words to describe the capitol Capital crime you committed to

telecommuting right now Brooks and the rest and all the way know your mate O2 in a double side live your life as f*** your ass and f*** you all the way whenever you got to say anything
it's funny m************ thing to see inside and say to my face think it's a funny thing to joke around like this to say Insert a f-bombs and simulated number and thing to do unless you're
concerned about the welfare of others and yourself the average syllable of Lying Eyes on the table to do other than affirmative center lanes and blatant about it back though defacto
compartment compartmentalize way didn't want to know anything about it Add resume they know if we sent some kind of you know hints and flying saucers right after they say are you
doing are you hello can you get back so we can start entering intruding in our room and please recent times without our permission too much not to a way too much he wouldn't leave and
he wouldn't even want to fight about it you took over everybody in the Brittany buddy dad everyday last 3 months you've been a dead man that may told you like a

psychopath from Hell by the way if you didn't catch our drift easy last politely but you didn't and it was made as long as you know for sure Steve number to your tension here and there
Because I'm a devil in the bad guy with a flat aperture module and undo bad instead of good hunting mail and try to uncensor my phone it beeps cut anybody wanted to do so he was
getting over on you and I'll test we're testing the waters here working the program and serve you right over there these guys only right What kind of church now let me say you think you're
being too you know you're made of and your other people and we did a silly why wash you and while she from good but what's worse but remember not to be a big queer backward
Stanford about the whole When up early buddy try to kill even me and well and I got to go and won't give her up line let him know Especially your mom and everybody or anybody in
Spanish Unity may decide to really easy good quick and we share this mang line down here bro create you know what the amount recharge won't let him down a little more about it love
love are you sure you know me again Is there a people in here to do a broken you're not real people on there something different like you want to do some to my a****** on que me and
you got other ideas here at reaYou seem to be fitting into the category of a departmental incorrigible

mistakeding people and I really be bold but now back on track Yep so to get back on track every when I want to do I want to make sure I classify this it up your ass and never let the
nuclear war in the bombs and bado f*** us all up because I'm a f****** piece of s*** and I'm a pig in the middle health care and I will f****** f*** you in for hell I hate your fault and guts and I
know it right to Pal hate your f****** good with imagine any hatred for me your eyes see your lies I know you and I know your maid or two made or especially you've been whitewashed
hoping it my mail actually round to be a real rotten apple bad bad bad guy real man not even try to talk to him End nothing to do at all at all at all stipulate stipulate with Cooperative
engagement and I know I'm you and you're me and we ain't the same Cooperative engagement so when answer dance in the omnipotent saw the front lines coming down at Steve Vai six
months ago all mad at us because we didn't even get to tell you all about how it come to be raised ours full of the Holy nebula it was your doing it to right now my face and I want you to be
as we speak Cho stipulated thousand different times anyway you do you not supposed to murder you not supposed to rape and kill inside of make me do devil deals but that's the f*** what
you doing pal I hate your ass guts and when you didn't I would be it again if we would stipulate you seem to be fitting into the category of a bomb row and incorrigible the stake creation

that we have to take a look at and by no way means I use something to do that can be rehabilitated and it looks like we're moving leaning that way and you're admitting it maybe not
wanting to meet want to fight me see if I can Corner Stevereclassify like you're not wanted to and you not want to pay the man because you need a good f****** bullet in the neck of
densities equivalents densities equivalent diplomatic immunity Some of you are so out of it don't want to be involved in the last thing you'd ever want to know when I can present for
example the president in the United States of America you trying to tell me and I don't want to cuss at you Steve none of that is Hispanic do you redo Okay let me drink that when the
regular blazer with 1 a new direct up in the record all the

regrets but he is heated with pad needs and then you can tell we touch with you before by John not to eat those kind of food if poppy what I eat I never heard of God damn mother f*****
told you You know about those with the police want to hear and the British jail scene one of your jail and prison etiquette know how I interpreted in jail cell So having you haven't even
heard enough yet either you don't even qualify you in this bed because you are angry but I feel good video everybody's see you make me love you know what I owe do I take it in the ass I
want that's why I know your ass I will kill your ass too if I can try to remember Best evening the Left Right attorney type of argument for you to give you every chance and you ever even
mad military can ever give you do I can take the right side will attorney ever give you that kind of Dad after right make it so clear f*** you which clear this bad about it excuse me that's what
your face that's why I have to do it this way see I'm never going to change Because I know every type guy answers I ever knew ever psychiatrist I knowed thank you don't get this fighter
words without stipulation so we know to get punched on the f****** news real[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI

Deposition Perjury Form

I, the undersigned, The County of Orange Each Government and Health and Mental or Behavioral Health either Employee, agent- as suchly described an stipulated Image that can speak,
cross-examine-exact contentions-intercept-implicate others or is this all or none day- to money-s gunning down our understood hiatus of exempt from prosecution for you at 04:23am
the 21st of February 2017 this day United States President in every esoteric misdiagnosis the need by the lying like if as an Omnipotent and Supernal duo in a matter in an criminal an
callous abandonment of authority in every as all that to describe nuclear composite and phony Americans who hated the word magician the rectal binary extract in Judea-Christian-s
understood need to get back on track-the differences left the 92655 epicenter .

So-ifl that--then--let-he-right-now-first-the-other-way--with-din-trump-and-lovals--they-burn-i hell next-time-t-most-of-you-ten--is-the-deal--

So by wanting-to fight sodomize and lie-has-come-to pass-and by using all-on-on-the-killing-genocide-you-must-need-to stipulateyoutoo-need the sameSo by supportive angry- I
know-kill-you by fireif fair and square-should never-bring fourth inter-dimension-al safety-screen-either firmament-s or-whatever it takes analogies to do us away
In for a lying Judges-to be-at-never a the need -for-the protection-from how-many-each-has-another-plan-to imprison-and-bone-us--keep-us-laws broken-and-neither-and-voiced-sos-in-
writing-or-process verbal--the-cop-and-cups-think any who-bring-up a-dome-a-dozen-the-reality-of never-want-understood-the-if-either-the Gaul-to-insinuate-the-killers-need---to-detain-
me-us-for-as-long-atbetter-they--are-caught-in-fiery tumult-of-their-own-doingeven a when-intended usthe-who-breathe oxygen-by-the-way---so let-it be-well-they-who-burning-up-
more-atmosphere-s or-firmaments-or-phony assimilation of societys, a by formation of the Neptunes societys mad-we-neither-let-they-lie-ascertaining-to-atmospheres-and-the-whole-all-
the-while-they-plan-and planted a deed-on-killing-anyway-you-we-rather-do-the-suicidal-Geo-national space-base-and-rank-and-file-so-fore-they-firstmountain caught-

neither-advocate-foul.html of-orange-if.html
QMYlc_uTJU 2dWLh7dcB50P8YFyIZJnKbqum3L0

MY TELE 714 486 6430 -STEVE--

714-696-1885-COMPU-PHONE off bus only leave polite text if safety screen ototherwise asking

MY TELE 714 486 6430 -STEVE--[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI


IC. Security Docket N507-A by Antzee Dancee on Scribd

Protocol 8 Stellar Diplomacy by Antzee Dancee on Scribd[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI


Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI

Central District of California.docxpleadin Papee - Copy by Antzee Dancee on Scribd[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI

Central District of California.docxpleadin Papee - Copy by Antzee Dancee on Scribd[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI

Deposition Perjury Form by Antzee Dancee on Scribd

News Room Fallacy Cemetery Dunder Cease Desist-Repatriation -Re Centralized Managemwent by Antzee Dancee on Scribd[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI

Cemetery Dunder Like Swearers at OC Courts and Jail- Every Citizen -County Orange First Up-s Stipulated- -... by Antzee Dancee on Scribd[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI

Cemetery Dunder Like Swearers at OC Courts and Jail- Every Citizen -County Orange First Up-s Stipulated by Antzee Dancee on Scribd[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI

Saucer Crew Not Allowed to Sodomize Anymore Why Sandra H Doing Suchyly Though - Copy (2) by Antzee Dancee on Scribd[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI

Saucer Crew Not Allowed to Sodomize Anymore Why Sandra H Doing Suchyly Though - Copy by Antzee Dancee on Scribd[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI

What is OFF by Antzee Dancee on Scribd[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI

Posted by Desbic Agenda at 6:54 PM

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About Me

Desbic Agenda
Desbic Agenda was a planned and purposeful use of a Celestial visual Image and vision we breathed said life intonear orfurther than1991. Also construed to be a vision of a
Lord or Lord-like facial and "cartoon-like phenomena" communication-lineon map topography Africus.[6/6/2017 3:16:22 PM]

Omnipotent and Supernal and Talking Image USA U N ET AL VS Telecare Corp Wit and Tao South Programs : So Hispanic in Joe Perez Defense Capital Crimes So Inconceivable- Assumed Everyone-s Identities SCI FI SCI FI
In so believing when given a said vision by a higher power I/we should take care coordinator's lip service and faulty desires as probable cause to suspect the "Entities" disclosed
information is applicable in our own rights however; bearing in mind we feel we do not want to hurt our self nor another despite the aggression's we see whoso dared to falsified this
descriptiverelevance and accuracy.

The governing individuals having an opinion in these areas of Faith and enlightenmentdid trick and attempting to subdue as we describe neither God's word, (love), nor a vision on maps we
seated to the Entity's a tentative discretion who see's the diabolical and double sided identitiesunder research -evaluate, who do try to sabotage and fool for a reason we see as internal and
having to do with abuse of alien technologies and Soul snatching and-s wasting racket so contending.

Also this DESBIC AGENDA stands for: Descriptive Encode in Star Based Internal Command the Articles of Genetic Disclosure, Discovery and Appeal(s') modified to include Star-based
Communication and Research for the purposes of not becoming victimized as suggests "Devil's Food" by evil and degenerate aliens in disguises near and dear to us soa said contention to
consider. lso consider Treaty Texts.

For more on Lawsuit manuscript and Texts seek

We also do business as Steve Arroyo; Steven V. Schofer; Steve Faith, SACP (Steve and Curt-s) music collaborate. Also we give an identity to Antzee Dancee inter alia the "Entity" or Image or
Vision and 'cartoon phenomena" or cartographic topography as a descriptive account-s ofAnton our higher power whose names are Will, William P Williamson, Judge-s or Justice Anton, desbic
and a few other title tracks as suchly to re-decide.

Steven, 58, has and-s did neither earn any income with his/our defactus Organization, (DESBIC), nor does he expect to accrue any earning's in this said cause and non-profit research enterprise
unless the accused reconsider and-s hand down a Claim award through the Court's for punitive and suffering damages incurred while presenting these and his said side of the material and
relevant case matter-s.
View my complete profile

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