Glossary: If You Need Any Help With Any of The Measures of Central Tendency Refer To and Check Out Our Data Analysis Lab

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If you need any help with any of the measures of central tendency
refer to and check out our data
analysis lab

-Mean of the population

Bar Graph: A chart that uses bar or columns to show comparisons

between categories.
Categorical Variable/Data- The information that is grouped.
Category: A class or division of people or things regarded as to having
particular shared characteristics.
Census- An official count or survey of a population, typically recording
various details of individuals.
Class Midpoint: the number in the middle of the class.
Class Width: the difference between the upper and lower class limits.
Continuous Data: Data that can take any value (within a range).
Data- Measurements or observations for a variable.
Data Set- A collection of data values.
Discrete Data: Information that can be classified into a classification
based on counts.
Distribution (Frequency and Relative Frequency): the numbers of
observations in each class or expressed as a proportion or a percentage of
a whole.
Distribution Shaped: the number of peaks and its symmetry and skew.
Excel- A program by Microsoft used to make a spreadsheet.
Frequency: The measure of the number of times a certain event occurs.
Groups/Class: number of things that are classed together.
Individual/Subject/Element- The thing the information is based off of.
Lower Class Limit: the smallest data value that can go into a class.
Observation- All the data on one individual, subject, or element.
Parameter- Characteristic or measure obtained by using all the data
values for a specific population.
Pareto Chart: A type of chart that contains both bars and a line graph,
where individual values are represented in descending order by bars, and
the cumulative total is represented by the line. Named after Vilfredo
Pie Chart: A type of graph in which a circle is divided into sectors that
each represent a proportion of the whole data set.
Population- The totality of all subjects that have the same certain
common characteristics that are being studied.
Qualitative Variable/Data- Variable that can be placed into distinct
Quantitative Variable/Data- Variable that is numerical in nature or that
can be ordered or arranged.
Relative Frequency: The ratio of the number of times an event occurs to
the number of occasions on which it might occur during the same period.
Sample- A group of subjects selected from the population
Spreadsheet- A way to organize data.
statistic- A characteristic or measure obtained by using the data values
from the sample.
Statistics- The science of conducting studies to collect information
Symmetric: Similar parts that face each other
Upper Class Limit: the largest data value that can go into a class.
Variable- Characteristic that can assume different values.
Addition: =sum() :When plugging in your cells, use the colon (:) if you want
to use all of your numbers but the comma (,)if you only want to use certain
Bell Shaped-a histogram that is curved in the shape of a bell
generally because the data is almost symmetrical
Bimodal- when the histogram has two classes that stick out more
than the other
Mean-the average of all of the numbers in a data set
Measures of central tendencies- These are ways that help you
find the middle or average of the data set
Median a number in a data set that is either the middle or an
average of the two numbers that are closest to the middle in a
data set with an even amount of numbers
Mode- the number or set of numbers that reoccurred the most
N- The total of the population data set
n- The total of the sample data set
Population standard deviation- The range of what is typical
(around the mean) on the population
Range- the smallest number in a data set subtracted from thee
largest number in a data set
s- Standard deviation for sample
Sample standard deviation- The range of what is typical (around
the mean) on the sample of a population
Skewed- when most of the data points are either shaped towards
the left or right of the histogram
Uniform a form of a histogram where all of the classes are equal
or almost equal
Variability consistency of a certain number
X-bar- The mean of the sample
- Standard deviation for population
Formulas for Excel:
Division: =/
Mean: =mean()
Median: =med()
Mode: =mode()
Range: =max()-min()
Standard Deviation: =stdev()

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