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I Have A Dream Speech By Martin Luther King Jr.

Introduction Sentence : In the I Have A Dream Speech by Martin Luther King

Jr.he discussed, that black people are being treated unfairly, because of the color of
their skin.
Says : For instance Martin Luther King Jr.,was proud to give the speech, for black
people to be treated equal. Presently, blacks are treated unfairly, Martin Luther
King Jr, gave this speech to unite the people towards a common goal, equality.
There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his
citizenship rights (King 49).
Means : The passage displays, that back then blacks were discriminated against,
just because of the color of their skin. They were denied the the permission to be
treated as equals.
Matters : The line emphasizes that blacks were not of the favored people at that
time. Why this is important, no one would go near them. They dont have the same
opportunities, just because their skin color was a little bit darker than everyone
Says : As the author states in the text, Martin Luther King Jr, in the speech talks
about the promissory note. In addition, Martin Luther King Jr. mentioned that the
government is backing out of the contract, to make sure blacks are not treated
equal. It is obvious that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as
her citizens of color are concerned (King 48).
Means : The line describes all people, even the government is not honoring the
deal at hand, then the people are going to have to find another way to achieve their
freedom and rights. Which is they are going to have to work together, because
sometimes people cant work with other people.
Matters : The quote says that blacks are not treated equal. I know that back then,
blacks were considered the best people. If a person had a little bit of a darker skin
color than everyone else, they shouldnt be teased. They are still people too.
Concluding Sentence : As a result, readers can conclude, that all races of people,
even blacks can have and find freedom even if they have to struggle for it.

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