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PE-4538 : Initially we started testing Login Session Check*5 Logout

40TPS 100TPS
palogincloud-nonprod-cedar - 16 legs
4G RAM | 2G HEAP | T2- Medium
bsauthcloud-nonprod-cedar - 8 legs
4G RAM | 2G HEAP | T2- Medium

- Up to 80RPS, 90 Percentile Response Times were in sub-seconds.
- From 90RPS, 90 Percentile Response Times spiked to 3 seconds and remained constant even at 100RPS.

PE-4554: Increased bsAuthcloud instances from 8 to 16

40TPS 100TPS
palogincloud-nonprod-cedar - 16 instances
4G RAM | 2G HEAP | T2- Medium
bsauthcloud-nonprod-cedar - 16 instances
4G RAM | 2G HEAP | T2- Medium

- Up to 80RPS, 90 Percentile Response Times were in sub-seconds.
- From 90RPS, 90 Percentile Response Times spiked to 3 seconds and remained constant even at 100RPS.

PE-4564: Brought DC Data Center down and ran a test only on AWS

40TPS 100TPS
palogincloud-nonprod-cedar - 16 instances
4G RAM | 2G HEAP | T2- Medium
bsauthcloud-nonprod-cedar - 16 instances
4G RAM | 2G HEAP | T2- Medium
With DC Data centers down

Observed same results as our previous test after flipping the DC data centers flag DOWN.
- Up to 80RPS, 90 Percentile Response Times were in sub-seconds.
- From 90RPS, 90 Percentile Response Times spiked up to 3 seconds and remained constant at 100RPS.

PE-4600 (Test Ran through AWS console using 12LGs) hitting ELB Directly in Cedar 2 Env:
24TPS 120TPS

palogincloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 16 instances
4G RAM | 2G HEAP | T2- Medium
bsauthcloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 16 instances
4G RAM | 2G HEAP | T2- Medium

95 Percentile response times for all the transactions are in milliseconds.

sampler_label count average median 90%_line 95%_line

login landing page stu 491689 11 11 14 15
student 491107 129 129 150 173
CB SSO check stdnt 2455505 13 11 16 19
logout 491092 10 10 13 14

PE-4612 ( Unfollow Redirects for Login ): Test ran through AWS console ( 12LGs) on Cedar 2 ELB

24TPS 120TPS

palogincloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 16 instances
4G RAM | 2G HEAP | T2- Medium
bsauthcloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 16 instances
4G RAM | 2G HEAP | T2- Medium

95 Percentile response times for all the transactions are in milliseconds.

sampler_label count average median 90%_line 95%_line

login landing page stu 507455 11 10 14 14
authenticateUser student 506870 34 32 40 45
CB SSO check stdnt 2534304 12 11 15 17
logout 506857 10 10 13 14
PE-4616 (Test ran through AWS console ( 12LGs) on Cedar 2) Going through GW

palogincloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 16 instances
4G RAM | 2G HEAP | T2- Medium
bsauthcloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 16 instances
4G RAM | 2G HEAP | T2- Medium
With DC Data centers Up

media 90%_lin 95%_lin

sampler_label count average n e e min max
Set up data root dir 6 3 3 3 4 3 4
OS Process Sampler 12 237 164 283 735 158 735
login landing page stu 476576 12 11 14 16 6 1062
authenticateUser student 476014 390 119 167 556 6 23036
CB SSO check stdnt - Unified 0 32 11 16 21 7 47717
logout 475977 197 42 62 138 3 21066

Test ran with no issues until 60TPS and 95Percentile responses times for authenticate user transaction
was less than 180ms.
Noticed few hiccups for a 15 min duration at 96TPS to 120TPS as they were timing out at GW(15s).
Test ran with no issues at 120TPS..
PE-4618 (Test ran through AWS console ( 12LGs) on Cedar 2) Going through GW

This test is same as PE-4618 ( we reran this to get a clean run )

palogincloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 16 instances
4G RAM | 2G HEAP | T2- Medium
bsauthcloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 16 instances
4G RAM | 2G HEAP | T2- Medium
With DC Data centers up

90%_lin 95%_lin
sampler_label count average median e e min max
Set up data root dir 10 3 3 4 4 3 4
OS Process Sampler 12 217 172 308 393 159 393
login landing page stu 507727 11 11 13 15 4 7007
authenticateUser student 507147 128 112 132 149 8 15147
CB SSO check stdnt - Unified 7 13 11 16 19 6 7032
logout 507129 44 39 46 51 4 9239
PE-4634 - IAM - Login-SessCheck-Logout StepUp - 24TPS - 120TPS - DC Datacenters down - Only AWS -
Cedar 2 Env ELB Directly

palogincloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 16 instances
4G RAM | 2G HEAP | T2- Medium
bsauthcloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 16 instances
4G RAM | 2G HEAP | T2- Medium
With DC Data centers up

90%_lin 95%_lin
sampler_label count average median e e min max
Set up data root dir 10 3 4 4 4 3 4
OS Process Sampler 12 231 203 297 403 179 403
login landing page stu 508369 16 14 20 24 8 7028
authenticateUser student 507785 45 41 54 65 8 15071
CB SSO check stdnt - 253886
Unified 2 13 12 16 23 7 7016
logout 507769 14 13 18 22 5 15033

PE-4752 IAM - Login-SessCheck-Logout TroubleshootingTest - 24TPS - 120TPS - DC Datacenters Down -

Cedar Env -- was a short test to collect some metrics: ( AWS Console )

Please find the file attached to the Jira Ticket

PE-4754 IAM - Login-SessCheck-Logout TroubleshootingTest - 84TPS - 300 TPS - DC Datacenters Down -

Cedar Env ( AWS Console ) ELB ( by passing GW )

palogincloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 16 instances
2G RAM | 1G HEAP | T2- Small
bsauthcloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 24 instances
2G RAM | 1G HEAP | T2- Small

sampler_label count average median 90%_line 95%_line min max

Set up data root dir 10 4 5 6 6 3 6
OS Process Sampler 12 256 173 260 926 153 926
login landing page stu 3 15 13 22 28 2 7023
authenticateUser student 8 63 57 72 81 3 13391
CB SSO check stdnt - Unified 6 14 12 17 23 6 15033
logout 8 37 33 43 50 3 11256

PE-4756 IAM - Login-SessCheck-Logout TroubleshootingTest - 84TPS - 300 TPS - DC Datacenters Up -

Disabled follow re-directs for authenticate and cbssosession directly hitting ELB

palogincloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 16 instances
2G RAM | 1G HEAP | T2- Small
bsauthcloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 24 instances
2G RAM | 1G HEAP | T2- Small
With DC Data centers Up

90%_lin 95%_lin
sampler_label count average median e e min max
Set up data root dir 1 5 5 5 5 5 5
OS Process Sampler 12 248 242 284 349 195 349
login landing page stu 1 18 14 26 37 3 11511
authenticateUser student 6 618 177 1209 3917 3 26182
CB SSO check stdnt - Unified 6 15 12 18 44 7 7032
logout 8 393 71 438 2788 3 21424

PE-4758 IAM - Login-SessCheck-Logout TroubleshootingTest - 96TPS - 312 TPS - DC Datacenters Up

CBSSOCHECK UNIFIED hitting ELB directly.

Note: For this test we are only concentrating on CBSSOSESSION UNIFIED Session Check Transaction and
it remained in less than 50ms even at 312TPS so we marked this test as a PASS.

palogincloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 16 instances
2G RAM | 1G HEAP | T2- Small
bsauthcloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 24 instances
2G RAM | 1G HEAP | T2- Small

With DC Data centers Up

sampler_label count average median 90%_lin 95%_line min max

Set up data root dir 21 5 6 6 7 5 7
OS Process Sampler 24 301 245 372 402 212 1196
login landing page stu 6 19 13 31 51 4 18656
authenticateUser student 3 639 178 1652 3759 4 30244
CB SSO check stdnt - 954457
Unified 5 16 12 19 50 6 27629
logout 5 439 71 901 3054 3 21925

PE-4762 - IAM - Login-SessCheck-Logout TroubleshootingTest - 96TPS - 312 TPS - DC Datacenters Up -

Disabled follow re-directs for authenticate hitting gateway
Note: We ran a parallel test hitting ELB directly at high load and you can see the difference in response
times in the below image.

> Restarted all gateway nodes before this test

> cbssocheck going through gateway, data centers up
palogincloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 16 instances
2G RAM | 1G HEAP | T2- Small
bsauthcloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 24 instances
2G RAM | 1G HEAP | T2- Small

With DC Data centers Up

Via GW:
90%_lin 95%_lin
sampler_label count average median e e min max
Set up data root dir 16 5 5 6 7 4 7
OS Process Sampler 24 204 209 263 270 162 274
login landing page stu 5 17 12 26 38 3 7323
authenticateUser student 7 1127 240 809 3708 4 58888
CB SSO check stdnt 5 1922 174 4266 7333 11 208716
logout 8 444 92 221 443 3 45214

sampler_label count average median 90%_line 95%_line min max
OS Process Sampler 1 332 332 332 332 332 332
login landing page stu 50974 19 12 24 31 9 2695
authenticateUser student 50956 457 230 495 1552 4 42154
CB SSO check stdnt - Unified 254776 16 13 18 24 7 2469
logout 50948 173 89 176 285 3 21057

PE-4764 - IAM - Login-SessCheck-Logout TroubleshootingTest - 96TPS - 312 TPS - DC Datacenters Up -

Disabled API Key Verification on the GW ----- Failed

palogincloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 16 instances
2G RAM | 1G HEAP | T2- Small
bsauthcloud-nonprod-cedar-2 - 24 instances
2G RAM | 1G HEAP | T2- Small
With DC Data centers Up

90%_lin 95%_lin
sampler_label count average median e e min max
Set up data root dir 13 5 6 7 7 3 7
OS Process Sampler 24 294 214 763 843 173 911
login landing page stu 1 17 13 25 35 3 10551
authenticateUser student 1 1160 240 811 4076 3 59983
CB SSO check stdnt 4 2189 175 5156 8065 25 202829
logout 6 412 92 221 373 3 27133

PE-4774 - IAM - Login-SessCheck-Logout TroubleshootingTest - 96TPS - 312 TPS - DC Datacenters Up -

Removed GW Logging

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