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Northeastern University (Department of Mathematics) Analysis 1 Qualifying Exam (Spring 2010) 1. Let A= (oy)iciycs be a 3 x Smatrix, Consider the function J: ? + R sven by the formula (A) = det A where det is the determinant of A. ? (a) Find formula forthe partial driative 2; (b) Compute the differential df of f at the point A= E where H denotes the identity matrix 2. Let £ :(a,8) + R be an (n+ 1) (2,0), n> 2. Assume that f"(z0) some 2 € (a,b) nuously diferentiable function on FON (a9) =O and f(a) #0, at (a) Show that / has a local extremum at 29; (b) Is it true that f has a local maximum at 2 if f(°)(z9) < 0? Explain, 3 Consider the I-form a= 3(e dy ~ yx) in R? = {(e,0)}. (a) Compute the differential da. Is it true that a isa differential of a function mB? (©) Compute the integral fy. wbere isthe ligne (53 + $F = 1) with parameters 0.< bo. What isthe area of (3+ & <1}? 4, Lot f : [4,0] — R be Riemann integrable on [a6]. Lot AC [a,0] be a finite set of points and let g : [a,0] -» R be a bounded function on a,6] so that ve € [a,d)\.N, a2) = (2) Show that g is Riemann integrable on (a,8| and f° f(2)de = f° g(a) de. 5. Let (an)xa1_be a sequence of complex numbers. Consider the mean sy = (Shar 4}/n. Show that if im ay = A then lim gq = A. Is it true that the convergence of (8n)n21 enh plies convergence of (@n)nz Here we Keni pac of 8 8 matrices with Rt

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