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NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS ANALYSIS 1 QUALIFYING EXAM APRIL 2009 1. Show that if 2%, an converges, then 1 lim — So kan = 0. tad 2. (a) Give the definition of a uniformly continuous function. (b) Let f : (0,1) +R be a uniformly continuous function. Show that f is bounded. (c) Give an example of a bounded continuous function f : (0,1) + R which is not uniformly bounded. 3. (a) Give the definition of a uniformly convergent sequence of functions. (b) Give an example of a sequence of functions which converges pointwise but not uniformly. (c) Prove the following theorem: If {fe(z)} converges uniformly to fo on the interval (a, )] and each fi, is Riemann-integrable on [a, 6] then fo is also Riemann-integrable on [a,b 4, (a) Formulate the inverse function theorem. (b) Let ¢: R"+* — R” be a continuously differentiable function. Suppose that f(0) = 0 and the matrix f’(0) has rank n. Show that there exits an open neighborhood V C R" of 0, such that for every c € V there exists € R"** such that f(z) =c. 5. Let w be a 2-form on R°\{0} defined by w =ady Adz. (a) Compute du. (b) Lot 5 = {(z,y,2) €R°| 2? + y? + 2? = 1} be the unit sphere in R°, Compute fg.

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