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University of South Alabama

Department of Civil, Coastal, and Environmental Engineering

EG 315 -101: Mechanics of Materials (Web-enhanced)
Spring 2017
Course Syllabus
Instructor: John Cleary, Ph.D., P.E. Office: Shelby Hall 3114
Phone: (251) 460-6987 E-mail:
Office Hours: W/F 9-11; W 2-4; other times by appointment
Class Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 8:00 8:50 am
Location: Shelby Hall 2119

Course Description: EG 315 (Web Enhanced Course)

An introduction to the mechanics of deformable bodies. Analysis of stress and strain. Emphasis
on axial, torsional and bending loads. Deflections, deformations, and column stability.

Course Pre-requisites/Co-requisites
Undergraduate level EG 283 Minimum Grade of D and (Undergraduate level MA 227 Minimum
Grade of D or Undergraduate level MA 234 Minimum Grade of D) and (Undergraduate level PH
201 Minimum Grade of D or Undergraduate level PH 216 Minimum Grade of D)

Required Textbook
Hibbeler, R.C. (2011). Mechanics of Materials (Ninth ed.). Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0-13-325442-9.

Additional material in the form of handouts and websites will be posted on USAOnline

Course Learning Objectives

Objective 1: Demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and physics to
engineering mechanics of deformable bodies.
Objective 2: Demonstrate knowledge of material stress and strain.
Objective 3: Demonstrate the ability to formulate and solve problems involving axial, torsional
and bending loads with resulting deflections, deformations and column instability.
Course Organization
Class Attendance
Class attendance is extremely important and students are expected to come to class prepared to
participate. This means that the students should have read the text related to the lesson prior to
class and bring their textbook and calculator to class.
Students are responsible for the material they missed because of an unexcused absence.
Students who do not attend or who attend, but stop attending will receive an F* in the course.
The last day with a record of attendance will be recorded for students that stop attending.

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Homework Homework assignments will be posted on USAOnline with due dates. All
assignments must be submitted at the beginning of class on the due date. Assignments that are
submitted within one class period of the due date or after the start of class will be graded with a
reduction of 20%. Assignments submitted later than one class period of the due date will receive
zero credit. Assignments must follow the solution format discussed in class. Incomplete
problems or answers without solutions will be considered incorrect.
Quizzes Unannounced in-class quizzes will be given throughout the semester. No makeup
quizzes will be given; however, if a quiz is missed due to an acceptable and verifiable excuse,
the quiz will not count for the quiz average.
Exams Three midterm exams and a final will be given (see the course outline for tentative
dates). The class schedule may vary and therefore affect the dates of the scheduled exams. A
minimum one-week notice will be given in advance of such change. Students must bring
everything they need to the exam. No borrowing will be allowed during the exam.
No make-up exams will be given; if you miss an exam without an acceptable and verifiable
excuse you will receive a zero for the exam. If you miss an exam with an acceptable and
verifiable excuse, the grade of the final will be substituted for the grade of the missed exam.
Final Exam The final exam will be comprehensive covering all material covered in the course.
Missing the final exam without an acceptable and verifiable excuse will result in automatically
failing the course. The final will be on the USA scheduled day and time as shown above and on
the schedule.
Course Grade the course grade policy and grade scale are as follows:
Homework - 10% Quizzes - 15% Midterm Exams - 50% Final Exam - 25%
90% or higher A 80% to 89% B 70% to 79% C
60% to 69% D Below 60% F
Academic Misconduct Policy
Academic integrity is taken very seriously in this course. All incidents of suspected academic
misconduct will be fully investigated and reported. Academic misconduct includes, but is not
limited to, copying or allowing someone to copy during an exam, communicating answers during
an exam, preprogramming an electronic device (e.g. calculator) to contain answers or
unauthorized information for an exam, using a cell phone & all other forms of electronic
communication devices during an exam, using or having in your possession any unauthorized
material during an exam, copying homework, or falsifying any documents.
Course and Teacher Evaluation
Course and teacher evaluations will be conducted near the end of the semester as per University
Policy. These evaluations are used to make improvements to the course content to better attain
student learning and success. Please take these evaluations seriously, since the instructor does.
Additional Academic Course Policies
In addition to the policies covered in this syllabus, several policies that cover all students at USA
including: Academic Disruption and Class Demeanor, Student Academic Conduct, Students with
Disabilities, USAOnline, and Operational Disruptions can be found at the following link:

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EG 315: Mechanics of Materials
Tentative Course Outline - Spring 2017

Week Lecture Day Date Topic Text

1 1 M 1/9/17 Introduction
2 W 1/11/17 Normal Stress 1.1-1.4
3 F 1/13/17 Shear and Bearing Strain 1.5-1.7
2 M 1/16/17 MLK Day (No Class)
4 W 1/18/17 Strain and Stress-Strain 2.1-3.3
5 F 1/20/17 Stress-Strain 3.4-3.6
3 6 M 1/23/17 Stress-Strain 3.7-3.8
7 W 1/25/17 Axial Load 4.1-4.2
8 F 1/27/17 Axial Load 4.3
4 9 M 1/30/17 Axial Load 4.4-4.5
10 W 2/1/17 Axial Load 4.5
11 F 2/3/17 Axial Load 4.6
5 12 M 2/6/17 Axial Load 4.7
W 2/8/17 Review
F 2/10/17 Exam I
6 13 M 2/13/17 Torsion 5.1-5.2
14 W 2/15/17 Torsion 5.3-5.4
15 F 2/17/27 Torsion 5.5
7 16 M 2/20/17 Torsion 5.5
17 W 2/22/17 Torsion 5.7-5.8
18 F 2/24/17 Bending 6.1-6.2
8 19 M 2/27/17 Bending 6.2
20 W 3/1/17 Bending 6.3
21 F 3/3/17 Bending 6.4
9 22 M 3/6/17 Bending 6.5-6.6
W 3/8/17 Review
F 3/10/17 Exam II
10 M 3/13/17 Spring Break (No Class)
W 3/15/17 Spring Break (No Class)
F 3/17/17 Spring Break (No Class)
11 23 M 3/20/17 Transverse Shear 7.1-7.2
24 W 3/22/17 Transverse Shear 7.3-7.4
25 F 3/24/17 Combined Loadings 8.1-8.2
12 26 M 3/27/17 Combined Loadings 8.2
27 W 3/29/17 Stress Transformation 9.1-9.2
28 F 3/31/17 Stress Transformation (drop Date) 9.3-9.4

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Week Lecture Day Date Topic Text
13 29 M 4/3/17 Stress Transformation 9.5
30 W 4/5/17 Beam Design (Structures Congress) 11.1-11.2
31 F 4/7/17 Shaft Design (Structures Congress) 11.4
14 32 M 4/10/17 Deflections 12.1-12.2
W 4/12/17 Review
F 4/14/17 Exam III
15 33 M 4/17/17 Deflections 12.1-12.2
34 W 4/19/17 Deflections 12.5-12.6
35 F 4/21/17 Deflections 12.7, 12.9
16 36 M 4/24/17 Columns 13.1-13.3
37 W 4/26/17 Columns 13.4, 6,7
F 4/28/17 Review
M 5/1/17 Final Exam 8:00 10:00

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