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Electrical Power and Energy Systems 42 (2012) 575582

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Fuse cutout allocation in radial distribution system considering the effect

of hidden failures
Mojtaba Gilvanejad a,b, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh a,, Kazem Mazlumi c
Department of Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Substation & Transmission Department, Niroo Research Institute, Tehran, Iran
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Among the several components of distribution systems, protection devices present a fundamental impor-
Received 23 May 2010 tance, since they aim at keeping the physical integrity not only of the system equipment, but also of the
Received in revised form 5 April 2012 electricians team and the population in general. One of the protective devices playing a vital role in over-
Accepted 20 April 2012
head distribution lines is fused cutout. At the era of privatized utilities, the protection devices should be
Available online 5 June 2012
allocated and coordinated optimally to reduce capital investments and the system outage costs. Amid this
situation, the mentioned type of the protection device (fuse cutout) has not been studied for economical
allocation up to now. In this paper, responding to this need, an accurate reliability model of fuse cutout
Fuse cutout
Hidden failure
containing hidden failures is gured out in the shape of a new Markov model. This model is used for eco-
Markov model nomical allocation of the fuse cutouts. On the basis of the proposed model, a methodology for economic
allocation of fuse cutouts is presented. This methodology involves the worth of energy not supplied (ENS)
of the network and makes a balance between the cost of fuse cutout installation and the benet of ENS
decrease because of the minimizing the faulty zone by using more fuse cutouts. The methodology is
tested on a sample distribution network as well as on IEEE 6-bus distribution test system (RBTS). More-
over, its capability on decision making about the fuse cutout placement and its simplicity for implement-
ing on MV overhead lines are displayed.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction further improved in [3] by dividing the Markov model into two
main parts which are devoted to express different situations of
Protective systems are designed to recognize certain types of power component and protective devices. In [4], the effect of relay
power system disturbances and to isolate those parts of the system coordination methods on reliability indices of an interconnected
on which the disturbances occur [1]. These systems play a vital role power system has been studied. The authors evaluated the effect
in maintaining the high degree of service reliability required in of protection failures on the reliability indices using two separate
present day power systems [2]. In reality, however, protection sys- Markov models, one of them was dedicated to power system com-
tems may be exposed to two main failure modes, since they can fail ponents and the other was considered for protective devices. In [1],
either by not responding when they should or by operating when a Markov model has been proposed which is capable to consider
they should not. The reliability of protection relay can be improved redundant protection systems.
by carrying out routine maintenance or by including built-in mon- Most of the aforementioned papers have been based of two
itoring and self-checking facilities during the design stages. main assumptions. First, the power system has been assumed to
In recent years, considerable efforts have been devoted to eval- be interconnected. Furthermore, protective relays have been con-
uate the extent up which these failure modes can affect the power sidered as the main protection device to protect such systems
system reliability [17]. In [2], a Markov model which is used to [8,9]. However, the mentioned assumptions are of limited rele-
examine the effect of routine tests and self-checking intervals on vance in case of distribution systems which have usually radial con-
system reliability is described. The proposed method has been guration with fuse cutouts as the main protective devices. This
device is more economical and, therefore, is favored on a distribu-
tion level. The fuse cutouts have some different features comparing
to the protection relays which made it special in reliability model-
Corresponding author. Address: Department of Electrical Engineering,
ing. For example, the rate of hidden failures of the fuses is lower
Amirkabir University of Technology, Hafez Street, Tehran, Iran. Tel.: +98 21
than the rate of hidden failures of relays. The reason is the differ-
64543300; fax: +98 21 66406469.
E-mail address: (H.A. Abyaneh). ence between the nature of relays and fuses. The relay protection

0142-0615/$ - see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
576 M. Gilvanejad et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 42 (2012) 575582

system contains several parts such as transducers (CT1, VT2), circuit

breaker, relay, etc. Each of them has its own failure rate and makes
the total failure rate noticeable [10]. However, the fuse only operates
as a single element which is in series with the other components of
the circuit. Therefore, only its own failure rate is taking into account
[11]. Therefore, there is a knowledge gap to nd an appropriate Mar-
kov model applicable for these devices.
This paper tries to focus on this topic by bringing two main con-
tributions into the existing literature. First, a Markov model is pro-
posed which is capable to consider the distinct reliability features
of fuse cutouts. Then, the proposed Markov model is used to allo-
cate fuse cutouts in MV overhead lines by using the well-known
reliability index of energy not supplied (ENS). Finally, an economic Fig. 1. Types of fuse cutout usages: (a) at joint point and (b) primary side of
analysis is presented to investigate cost-saving benets of the pro- transformer.
posed model in protection device allocation procedure.

2. Problem statement effective place for the joint point fuse cutouts?, Should they be in-
stalled at the beginning of every joint point along the distribution
The ultimate purpose of protection is to provide power system feeders? For example, if a branch has a few meters length and only
reliability. It might seem that protection of equipments is the pur- one or two small transformers are being installed along this branch,
pose of protection systems, but this misses the global picture. It is does it need an individual fuse cutout for protecting itself or an up-
the integrity of the system which is being protected [5]. To design stream protection device could provide the required protection?
protection scheme of a specic system, various devices become In an increasingly competitive market environment where com-
available and may have signicant cost. Thus, the evaluation of panies emphasize cost control, correct modeling and allocation of
the impact of applying new device as well as its cost effectiveness, fuse cutouts which can lead to a cost-saving approach become
is required. important. To answer the aforementioned questions, it is necessary
Overcurrent relays (OCRs) and directional overcurrent relays to evaluate the reduction of frequency and duration of outages
(DOCRs) are widely used for the protection of radial and ring happening in a specic period of time and for a specic set of cus-
sub-transmission and distribution systems [12]. In some cases, dif- tomers. Placing the fuse cutout at the joint points leads to decrease
ferential protection scheme is also used in distribution feeder pro- the faulty zone; therefore, the resultant benet should be com-
tection system due to its fast operation [13]. In distribution pared to the investments that need to be expended for the required
systems, these relays have relatively considerable cost comparing number of fuse cutouts. Achieving this aim, the reliability model-
to other devices and mainly are used in the beginning of the feed- ing of fuse cutouts should be studied and the performance of fuse
ers at the primary substations [14]. They have been studied in lit- for providing an economical reliable distribution network should
erature in several areas of research such as optimum coordination be assessed. Markov model of a fuse is a suitable approach for
and advanced coordination methods, optimum routine test and reliability modeling in Monte-Carlo simulations which will be
self checking intervals, coordination of instantaneous trip func- expressed in the following section.
tions with other protective devices like current-limiting fuses,
etc. [2,1518].
Reclosers and sectionalizers, which are other distribution pro- 3. Fuse Markov model
tective devices, also have relatively high expense and are usually
installed on the beginning of distribution branches which serve The rst step in determining the reliability model for any sys-
sensitive loads. They are also used for improving the reliability of tem is to understand its function, the constraints under which it
the system especially in the DG-enhanced distribution networks operates, and the root cause of the failure [2]. Here, to better
with preserving the protection system coordination [19]. But, there understand the reliability modeling of the fuse cutout, the distinc-
is a protective device in distribution system which is inexpensive tive features of the fuse in comparison with the protective relays
and widely used along the distribution feeders and branches and are discussed.
also for protecting the pole-mounted transformers. This device is There have been a number of models established to facilitate
fuse cutout and as mentioned above, has two different usages; the reliability evaluation including protective relay failures. The
one for protecting the pole-mounted transformers. Therefore, it is models of current-carrying component paired with its associated
located at the primary side of each aforementioned transformer. relay protection system are proposed in literature [13,6]. Also, a
The other is in feeder protection where the fuse cutout is placed model that separates the component Markov model from the pro-
at the joint points and protects the main feeder from outages initi- tection Markov model has been suggested in [4]. In that paper [4],
ated at the feeder taps. These two usages are shown in Fig. 1. the model is capable of analyzing the different reactions of over-
The location of fuse cutouts which are used for transformer pro- current relays that have been installed on the both sides of a line,
tection is completely denite. They are installed at the primary when a fault occurs in an interconnected system.
side of MV3/LV4 transformers. The rating of these fuses is chosen If the fuse is placed as the protective device in an electrical sys-
based on the standard list according to its protected MV/LV trans- tem, there is a reason that makes the Markov modeling of the fuse
former capacity [20]. Such fuses should be coordinated with the up- differ. The important point is that the fuse has not an inspection
stream fuses and overcurrent relay exists at the beginning of the MV state when the current-carrying component is up. This is an intrin-
feeder. But, here questions raise as: Where is the proper and cost sic feature of the fuse which is placed in series with the line while
the network operator is not able to test this device during the oper-
1 ation period of the network. The reason is the need for load de-
Current transformer.
Voltage transformer. energizing during the test process and detrimental effects of fuse
Medium voltage. tests leading to fuse burning and fuse-link removal after the test
Low voltage. completion. Thus, the inspection state will never exist in the
M. Gilvanejad et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 42 (2012) 575582 577

reliability model of the fuse. It leads to the fact that the probability the fuse cutouts in a distribution system considering the econom-
of true or false operating of the fuse cutout can only be considered ical and technical features. Human errors are not included in the
when the component fails. In other words, it is possible to con- study hence, the mis-coordination factor is neglected. The mis-
struct a Markov model of the fuse cutout only involved when the coordination effect can be studied in each utility by applying the
current carrying component fails. related kMC in the model of g. 2. The remaining parts will be the
The Markov model of fuse cutout having ve states is shown in same as the approach presented in the following sections of the
Fig. 2. As mentioned above, all of these states, except state 1, are paper.
probable to occur only when the current carrying component is In general, in normal operating condition, load currents are nor-
down. The states in Fig. 2 are as follows: mally distributed in the network branches and fuse cutouts con-
duct the current in a normal manner. In this situation, fuse
 State 1: the fuse cutout is carrying the current. cutout is in state 1 (Fig. 2) where constitutes most time of opera-
 State 2: the fuse link of fuse cutout starts to melt. tion period. When a fault occurs in the distribution system, huge
 State 3: the fuse cutout trips. amount of current passes through the fuses and makes it start
 State 4: the fuse cutout has experienced failure to operate. melting (state 2). If the fuse cutout trips correctly, the fault will
 State 5: backup protection trips. be isolated and fuse will be placed in state 3. Otherwise, if the fuse
fails to operate in a rational time (state 4) then backup protection
The notations in Fig. 2 are: has to trip immediately (state 5). After isolating the fault, either in
normal zone or backup zone, the repair action starts and returns
lI1 sum of repair rates relevant to component and fuse the system to a good state (state 1). In some instances, the fuse
cutout in normal (main) protection zone; trips erroneous and makes the system to be de-energized unrea-
lI2 sum of repair rates relevant to component and fuse sonably. In such situations, system goes directly from state 1 to
cutout in backup protection zone; state 3.
wN normal tripping rate to isolate component; In this way, the proposed model in Fig. 2 could model the differ-
wB backup tripping rate to isolate component; ent states which could happen in the fuse cutout protected distri-
k failure rate of component; bution network. This model will be used in reliability analysis for
kp1 failure rate of fuse cutout to expose to undesired trip; the fuse allocating methodology.
kp2 failure rate of fuse cutout to state of failure to operate.
kMC rate of mis-coordination of protection
4. Fuse cutout allocation

The reason of selecting two different coefcients for main and 4.1. Fuse cutout allocation methodology
backup tripping and repair rates of protection system is the differ-
ences that exist between the operation speed and fault locating Regardless the overcurrent relays which exist in sub-transmis-
time in these two protection zones in reality. The backup protec- sion substations and being installed at the beginning of the med-
tion (relay/fuse) should act with delay when the main protection ium voltage feeders, the MV overhead lines are also protected by
(fuse) has no action. After tripping the backup protection, fault fuse cutouts. These fuses are mainly placed at the joint points along
locating process takes longer time because the zone of backup pro- the feeders. As mentioned before, determining the number of fuses
tection is more extensive than the main protection zone. The hid- that should be installed along a feeder is a problem. This problem is
den failure is not considered for the backup protection because the solved through the cost and benet balancing. Costs contain capital
occurring of hidden failures in the set of main and backup protec- expenses to be invested for fuse cutouts and benets contain rev-
tions is rare. enues obtained from the outage and maintenance cost reduction.
In the model depicted in Fig. 2, the mode of inuencing the mis- In order to estimate the outage costs of a distribution system,
coordination of protection system on the reliability model has been the reliability analysis is required. This estimation could be done
shown. As shown in this gure, the mis-coordination makes the by Monte Carlo iterative approach. The Markov Model of a fuse cut-
backup protection operate before the main protection. The rate out which is offered in Fig. 2 has been used in this Monte Carlo
of mis-coordination events greatly depends on the skill of protec- simulation.
tion staff. In this paper, we want to locate the proper place for It is necessary to mention that the reliability analysis should be
done for each fuse cutout removal on candidate places of the re-
lated MV network. In this way, the analysis provides the amount
of energy not supplied that fuse could decrease. Then, the worth
of this additional sold energy is compared with the investments
that are required for the fuse cutout installation. If the fuse cutout
installation has the economical justication, the benet of outage
reduction during the life time of the network will compensate
the investments for fuse cutouts at installation time and will ob-
tain some nancial benets for utility owners. Otherwise, the re-
lated place is not proper for the fuse cutout placement.
Since in real networks, multiple faults may concurrently occur
in different parts of the network, the reliability analysis should en-
able to model this type of failures. However, the reliability calcula-
tions should only consider one failure whenever the multiple failed
components devote to a unique protective device.
Furthermore, the magnitude of the energy not supplied (ENS),
that occurs in a feeder because of the feeder failures, depends on
two main factors: (a) the feeder load, and (b) the feeder length.
Fig. 2. Markov model of fuse cutout. The manner of affecting the load amplitude is that, whatever the
578 M. Gilvanejad et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 42 (2012) 575582

feeder load increases, the occurrence of any outage makes more failure probability based on Eqs. (4) and (5), the related component
customers be de-energized and the amount of energy not supplied is considered as a failed component. This procedure is also accom-
increases. The other factor, the feeder length, causes that what- plished in this paper for modeling the component repair process as
ever the length increases, the probability of fault and outage occur- well as the protection system malfunctioning in Monte Carlo sim-
rence increases which will lead to energy not supplied increment. ulation; through replacing k in Eqs. (4) and (5) with related failure
These two factors obviously show that making decision about plac- or repair rates (e.g. lI1, lI2, kp1, etc.).
ing or not placing a fuse cutout along a feeder strongly depends on
the feeder and load conguration. 4.3. Formulation of allocation criteria
Based on the above discussions, it is proposed a method for the
fuse cutout allocation as the following steps: If annual failure rate of an overhead line is shown with k then,
the average cost of annual energy not supplied CENS-a can be calcu-
a. Fuse cutouts are placed at every beginning and middle lated through the following equation:
points of medium voltage overhead lines.
C ENS-a kLP av e T outage C ENS 6
b. For each fuse removal, the reliability analysis is performed
and the rate of ENS changes is calculated. where L is the length of feeder, Pave is the average active power of
c. If the cost of ENS increment due to fuse cutout removal was loads which have experienced the outages, Toutage is the average
less than the investment that is required for the fuse instal- outage time and CENS is the worth of energy not supplied unit (i.e.
lation therefore, the fuse cutout should not be installed. $/KW h). As mentioned before, Eq. (6) is an average value and only
Otherwise, fuse cutout must be installed. takes into account the failure rate of the feeder. In order to involve
the failure rates of protection system in each state of Markov model
The middle point of the feeders is considered as a typical place shown in Fig. 2, a Monte Carlo simulation which utilizes random
for sectionalizing type of fuse cutouts. This type of fuse can be in- number generators to model stochastic failure occurrences in com-
stalled anywhere between start and ending points of the feeder. ponent and protection areas is employed and the related outage
time and energy not supplied are calculated simultaneously. There-
4.2. Formulation of fuse Markov model in Monte Carlo simulation fore, the annual cost of ENS is calculated as follows:

The probability of residing in each state of Markov model C ENS-a-tot ENS  C ENS 7
shown in Fig. 2 in an analytical way can be obtained via the theory where ENS is total energy not supplied which consists of energy not
of Continuous Markov Processes [1]. The steady state probabilities supplied because of occurring faults in overhead lines and energy
of the proposed Markov model can be calculated by solving the fol- not supplied because of failures in protection system and CENS-a-tot
lowing equation: is its related costs. Since CENS-a-tot is a cost that happens every year
PaP 1 during the network lifetime so, it should be converted to the pres-
ent value. With the aid of this conversion, it makes possible com-
where a is the state transitional probability matrix: pare ENS cost with the investment cost which is being spent at
2 3
0 k kp1 0 0 the present time. To achieve this aim, the following equation is used
6 0 0 wN kp2 kMC 7 [21]:
6 7
6 7
6 lI1 0 0 0 0 77 2 1 RORn  1
6 7 P:W: of C ENS  C ENS-a-tot 8
4 0 0 0 0 wB 5 ROR  1 RORn
lI2 0 0 0 0 where P.W._of_CENS is the present worth of the whole energy not
And P is the row vector of state probabilities: supplied during the lifetime of the network, ROR is the rate of
investment return that the utility owner expects (rate of interest)
P Pstate1 Pstate2 Pstate3 Pstate4 Pstate5  3 and n is the lifetime of the network in years. Proper installation of
Using Eqs. (1)(3), it is possible to obtain the average values of fuse cutouts along the feeders could reduce CENS-a-tot and make
the probabilities devoted to reside in each state. In our approach, some benet for the utilities. In general, if the following equation
however, for closing the results to reality (real values, not average has a positive value, the fuse installation at the relevant point is
values), the non-sequential Monte Carlo simulation is used to not required. Otherwise, if it has a negative value, the fuse cutout
achieve the more accurate results. Since the failure rates of the net- is required.
work devices and protection systems are supposed to be constant, NB C cap  P:W: of C ENS 2  P:W: of C ENS 1 9
their failure probability corresponds to the exponential probability
density function. The failure probability of a network component where NB is the net benet of fuse removal and Ccap is the capital
according to exponential density function is as follows: costs required for fuse cutout placement. Also (1) and (2) indices
represent the total worth of feeder ENS before and after fuse re-
pt kekt ; tP0 4 moval, respectively.
where t is the age of the network component in year. The probabil- In the next section, the proposed methodology is implemented
ity of multiple faults for a single component during a year is fullled in sample networks and the results are discussed in detail.
by the Poisson process as follows:
5. Study results
kk ek
pk ; k 0; 1; . . . 5
k! 5.1. Simple test case
where k is the number of component failures in a year.
In Monte Carlo method, a random number generator that pro- The allocation methodology is demonstrated in a constituted
duces random numbers between 0 and 1 is used for assigning a system of seven branches and seven transformers which is also
random failure probability to each network component. Whenever used in [22]. In this system, each transformer is dened with the
the random assigned number was smaller than the calculated load power of 150 KW, 1-km branch length, 13.8 kV of operation
M. Gilvanejad et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 42 (2012) 575582 579

Table 3
Network ENS results.

Branch no. of No fuse 12 34 35 16 67

removed fuse removal
ENS (kW h) (Monte 2815 3630 3230 3230 3490 2960
Priority of removal 4 2 2 3 1

Fig. 3. System example.

and a failure rate equal to one fault a year (k = 1). The re-establish-
ment time (Toutage) is 55 min. Fig. 3 shows the described system. In
Fig. 3, triangles contain electrical loads and circles are fuse cutouts.
The failure and repair probability distribution functions of the
network devices are formed according to their related failure and
repair rates and then are used in Monte Carlo simulation. For
example, the probability distribution functions related to each
branch failure will be equal to:
Fig. 4. First candidate of fuse cutout removal.
pt et ; tP0 10
And, In Table 2, in order to keep similarity with assumptions in [22],
the protection failure rates are not considered for the Monte Carlo
e1 simulations; therefore, no backup protection exists. As can be seen,
pk ; k 0; 1; . . . 11
k! the results are close to each other. But there are some differences
In [22], the aforementioned distribution system is used for between the quantities which despite low magnitude, is important
implementing the protection coordination algorithm and the aver- when the size of the network extends and the number of cutout
age energy not supplied of the system is calculated as a criterion fuses increases. Monte Carlo estimates the reliability indices based
for priority of fuse removal. The calculated ENS has not considered on the stochastic approach which corresponds to the network
the hidden failures of the fuses. In that paper, since the goal is the behavior essence. Therefore, its results are more useful for techni-
coordination of protection devices, an estimate of average values of caleconomical evaluations.
ENS is useful for prioritizing of fuse removal; and fuse allocation is The ENS values resulting from the proposed Markov model
not the subject of the study. In our study, however, in order to eco- (Fig. 2) in Monte Carlo simulations which include all of the param-
nomically evaluate the fuse cutout allocation, the real values of eters shown in Fig. 2, are presented in Table 3. According to the ta-
ENS are needed to be taken into account. Thus, it is required that ble, the rst priority of fuse cutout removal is fuse No. 6 (Fig. 4).
more real parameters affecting the operation of real network be The quantities that have been inserted in Table 3 are annual val-
considered in reliability studies such as undesired trip and failure ues and to implement the proposed methodology for the fuse allo-
to operate of protection systems, re-establishment time of main cation, the present worth of ENS cost during the life time of the
and backup protection, etc. In this study, the re-establishment time system should be calculated before and after fuse cutout removal.
of the network in backup zone of the protection system is consid- So
ered as twice (110 min) of outage time in the main protection sys-
1:120  1
tem (55 min). The value of other parameters for the cutout fuse PW of C ENS 1  2815  0:1
Markov model which is used in simulations is presented in Table 1. 0:1  1:120
In Table 2, to compare the results of analytical (Ref. [22]) and PW of C ENS 1 2396:6$
iterative Monte Carlo approaches, the quantities of ENS for differ- 1:120  1
ent fuse removals of sample network are presented. PW of C ENS 2  2960  0:1
0:1  1:120
PW of C ENS 2 2520:0$
Table 1
Fuse cutout reliability data [9]. Eq. (12) is computed according to (8), where ROR and n are assumed
kp1 (failure/year) kp2 (failure/year) WN (operation/h) WB (operation/h) 0.1 and 20. CENS is also assumed 0.1 $/kW h.
The capital cost of the installation a series of three phase fuse
0.00374 0.00876 36,000 18,000
cutouts is supposed 170 $. Now, it is possible to calculate the intro-
duced criteria (Eq. (9)) to judge about preserving or removing the
fuse cutout which can be placed on branch (67):
Table 2
NB 170  2520:0  2396:6 46:6$ 13
Comparison of ENS results.

Branch no. of No fuse 12 34 35 16 67

Therefore, Eq. (13) declares that the fuse cutout is not required
removed fuse removal in branch (67) and should be removed. After removing this fuse
ENSa (kW h/year) 2755.5 3580.2 3169.6 3169.6 3444.2 2893.1
cutout, the process should be repeated and the removal priorities
(analytical) should be determined again. Results of this stage are presented
ENS (kW h/year) 2730 3555 3160 3160 3400 2880 in Table 4.
(Monte Carlo) Two points can be achieved from Table 4. The rst one is that
Priority of 4 2 2 3 1
the next candidate for fuse removal is fuse No. (34) or (35).
The second one which is more important is that the sequence
The values of this row is obtained from [18]. of fuse removal priorities has changed comparing to Table 3.
580 M. Gilvanejad et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 42 (2012) 575582

Table 4 Now, in order to make decision about the second fuse removal,
Network ENS results after the rst fuse removal. the worth of ENS increment duo to the eliminating of the fuse of
Branch no. of removed fuse No fuse 12 34 35 16 the highest removal priority (fuse No. (34)) is again calculated:
ENS (kW h/year) (Monte 2960 3770 3370 3370 4280 1:120  1
PW of C ENS 2  3370  0:1
Carlo) 0:1  1:120 14
Priority of removal 2 1 1 3
PW of C ENS 2 2869:1$
Therefore, NB equals to:

Table 5 NB 170  2869:1  2520:0 179:1$ 15

Network ENS results after taking new rates for fuse cutout undesired trip (kp1).
The fuse removal has not any justication this time and fuse
kp1 = 0.095 kp1 = 0.95 cutout No. (34) (or (35)) should be preserved. Since this fuse
(failure/year) (failure/year)
was the rst priority for fuse removal in the network, the other
ENS (kW h/ Fuse cutout No. (34) 3030 3980 candidates certainly will not have justication for the removal.
year) preserved
In order to more clarifying the inuence of a factor which affects
Fuse cutout No. (34) 3410 4160
removed the removal or preserving the fuse cutouts during the allocation
NB ($) 153.4 16.8 procedure, some complementary studies are performed here. This
important factor is the magnitude of hidden failure rates. The
undesired trip or failure to operate of fuse cutouts will result in
ENS augmentation in distribution systems. Bigger values of hidden
Table 6 failure rates will result in bigger values of total network ENS.
Network ENS results after taking new rates for fuse cutout failure to operate (kp2). Therefore, the hidden failure rate increment in fuse cutouts may
result in more fuse cutout removal action to achieve less ENS value
kp2 = 0.015 kp2 = 0.15
(failure/ (failure/ of the network in optimum placement procedure. For example, the
year) year) second fuse cutout removal action for the test system has not eco-
ENS (kW h/ Fuse cutout No. (34) 2950 3590 nomic justication (Eq. (15)) when its hidden failure rate was
year) preserved according to Table 1. However, its removal will have economic jus-
Fuse cutout No. (34) 3320 3780 tication if the fuse cutout hidden failure rate has large enough va-
lue to make the answer of Eq. (15) positive.
NB ($) 144.9 8.3
In order of evaluation the effect of hidden failure rate magni-
tude on the economic justication which is investigated in fuse
cutout allocation process, some complementary simulations were
In Table 3, fuse No. (16) has higher priority than fuse No. (12). In performed to assess this issue and their results have been reported
Table 4 fuse No. (12) has higher priority for removal. Therefore, it in Tables 5 and 6.
can be concluded that the sequence of fuse removal should be Tables 5 consists the ENS results for changing the undesired trip
re-evaluated after any fuse cutout elimination. value of fuse cutouts in the system of Fig. 3 and Table 6 consists the

Fig. 5. Distribution system for RBTS bus 5.

M. Gilvanejad et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 42 (2012) 575582 581

Fig. 6 illustrates the conguration of the fuse cutout and the dis-
connector at the joint points [24].
In [23,24], the fuses and disconnectors are assumed to be 100%
reliable. But, here in our study, the fuses are not 100% reliable and
have failure rates corresponding to the mentioned quantities in Ta-
ble 1. The reliability data for the 11 kV lines are shown in Table 7
The failure and repair probability distribution function for the
network components and protection systems are formed and they
are used in Monte Carlo simulation. The failure probability func-
tion of the network overhead lines will be equal to as follows:

pt 0:065  l  e0:065lt ; tP0 16


0:065  lk e0:065l
pk ; k 0; 1; . . . 17
where l is the length of overhead line in both aforementioned rela-
tionships. Now, the fuse cutout allocation methodology is imple-
Fig. 6. Joint point conguration. mented on the feeder F1 of the system shown in Fig. 5.
Comparing to the previous sample test, in this case, the disconnec-
tors have been added to distribution system and are included in the
Table 7 reliability simulations. The feeder lengths and loading data are
Overhead lines reliability data. according to [23].
Failure rate (failure/year km) Repair time (h) Switching time (h)
Similarly, the rst step is the determination of the removal pri-
orities. This data has been collected in Table 8.
0.065 5 1.0
The present worth of ENS before and after removing the rst
candidate cutout fuse (i.e. cutout fuse No. 11) equals to:

ENS results for changing the failure to operate value of fuse cutouts 1:120  1
PW of C ENS 1  2750  0:1
in the system of Fig. 3. The rst row of ENS results in Tables 5 and 6 0:1  1:120
devotes to the energy not supplied values of the network which are PW of C ENS 1 2341:3$
calculated with new values of kp1 and kp2 before removing the fuse
1:120  1
cutout No. (34). As can be seen in these two tables, removal of PW of C ENS 2  2920  0:1
0:1  1:120
fuse cutout No. (34) will have economical justication whenever
kp1 and kp2 take large enough values and causes the NB takes a po-
PW of C ENS 2 2486:0$
sitive value. Furthermore, it is seen that the inuence of kp2 (failure For this state, the NB factor for cutout fuse removal is calculated
to operate) variation on the energy not supplied value of the sys- as:
tem is much more than kp1 (undesired trip). In other words, the
fuse cutout allocation procedure is more sensitive to kp2 rather NB 170  2486:0  2341:3 25:3$ 19
than kp1. Therefore, cutout fuse 11 should be removed. Prioritizing the
The ENS is also inuenced by two other factors such as load fuse cutouts at the next stage after removing the cutout fuse 11
magnitude and feeder length. Changing each of them could change is demonstrated in Table 9.
the nal decision about the fuse. Hence, in order to show the gen- In the case of evaluating the elimination of cutout fuse No. 9,
erality of the proposed methodology, IEEE distribution reliability the NB will be equal to 17.3$ therefore, it should be preserved.
test system will be studied in the next section. As the results show, in every distribution system, the problem
of placing or removing the fuse cutout on the beginning of the
5.2. IEEE 6-bus test system (RBTS) branches should be evaluated case by case. In the two samples
which are studied in this paper, one fuse cutouts was been in-
The IEEE test system for reliability assessment is a 6 bus test stalled improperly.
system with ve load buses (bus 2bus 6). The distribution net- In this way, all of MV overhead lines can be evaluated for the
work at bus 5 represents a typical urban type network consisting fuse cutout allocation and only the fuse cutouts with technical
of residential, government and institutional, ofce and buildings, and economical justications are installed. The procedure which
and commercial customers. The peak load of the distribution sys- is described in this paper can help to better modeling of the fuse
tem at bus 5 is 20 MW. The distribution network at bus 5 is labeled cutout operation in distribution systems and the network opera-
in detail in Fig. 5 [23]. tors can better manage the network investments through optimal
In this network, a fuse cutout is placed at any join point. Fur- placement of fused cutouts in distribution systems where, large
thermore, a disconnector has been installed after each join point. numbers of fused cutouts are usually installed.

Table 8
Network ENS results and removal priorities.

Branch No. of removed fuse No fuse removal 2 3 5 6 8 9 11

ENS (kW h/year) 2750 3680 3680 3410 3140 3010 2960 2920
Priority of removal 6 6 5 4 3 2 1
582 M. Gilvanejad et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 42 (2012) 575582

Table 9
Network ENS results and removal priorities.

Branch No. of removed fuse No fuse removal 2 3 5 6 8 9

ENS (kW h/year) 2920 3790 3790 3540 3320 3220 3140
Priority of removal 5 5 4 3 2 1

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