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This publication is classified as non-objective research

Latam Strategy: post-referendum positions and new

Gabriel Gersztein We believe that the long end of the IR curves in Brazil, Colombia, and Chile is the
+55 11 3841 3421 place to be now. Our G-10 interest rate team expects yields to fall further, so we expect the local Latam curves to follow through in nominal terms.
Gustavo Mendonca While we still expect local and hard currency premia to the upside (measured in terms
+55 11 3841 3445 of spread over UST yields), a compression in the coming weeks is our most plausible
scenario (albeit at a higher level to that seen prior to the Brexit vote).
Samuel Castro
+55 11 3841 3492 We reinforce that debt portfolio flows into EM are unlikely to reverse the current positive trend.

New Strategy: receive CLPxCAM 10y @ 4.45% and pay US 10y swap @ 1.35% (spread
over: 310bp); initial target (subject to be extended following market dynamics):
260bp; stop loss: 360bp; allocation: USD 7.5k DV01. Carry plus roll-down is positive
in 1.3bp/month.

Risk to the call: our only concern is the technical position.

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Previous publications
Latam/Brexit: A look from the South of Rio Grande
Brexit Impact on emerging markets

Current Latin America strategies in place

Long BRL against a basket of EUR, CLP, AUD
Link: BRL: New bullish strategy beyond the options; pnl as of 24 June 2016: +4.79%

Sell CDS 5y
Link: Brazils risk premium: Sell 5y CDS; pnl as of 24 June 2016: +15bp

Flattening between DI Jan-17 and DI Jan-19 partially protected by a payer position in DI Jan-21
Link 1: Brazil IR/DI Strategy: Paying into flattening
Link 3: Brazil DI-IR Strategy: What if?
Link 2: Brazil IR/DI Strategy: Adding to flattener; pnl as of 24 June 2016: +21bp

Long Local USD-rates

Link: Brazil: local USD rates at considerably high levels; pnl as of 24 June 2016: -21bp

Long MXN via options (USDMXN digital put with strike @ 18 with maturity in February 2017)
Link: MXN: Reshaping the option strategy; pnl as of 24 June 2016: -2.15%

Long 5y new issued USD bonds (spread over UST); focus on USD assets as we took profits on
long 3m Lebacs at +8.9%.
Link: Argentina: Re-open long 5y bonds (spread over UST); pnl as of 24 June 2016: +3bp
Link: Dont cry if you miss Argentina: Buy 3-month Lebac unhedged! / Argentina: Take profits
on Long 3-month Lebac (+8.9%)

Receive 10y CLPxCAM (spread over US Swap); new one

27 June 2016
EM Strategy
This publication is classified as non-objective research

Overall view on flows and strategy implications

We have a positive view on portfolio flows. A sharp reversal of portfolio flows is only likely if the
Fed surprises the market or there is a sharp or disorderly repricing of monetary policy, but this is
not our base scenario.

The serial correlation showed by monthly flows suggests a new cycle of EM portfolio inflows is
beginning. The conclusions, if anything, are supportive for long positions in selected EM.

See previous publications:

EM inflows are here to stay; worst is over
EM inflows are here to stay; worst is over (Part II)

In the aftermath of the UK referendum, we expected an adjustment in volatility, and local and
hard currency premia to be tilted to the upside (measured in terms of spread over UST yields).
We see premia compressing back again in the coming weeks, albeit at a higher level than that
seen prior to last week.

27 June 2016
EM Strategy
This publication is classified as non-objective research

Emerging Markets Strategy Contacts

Wike Groenenberg Global Head of EM Strategy London 44 20 7595 8746

Piotr Chwiejczak FX & IR CEEMEA Strategist London 44 20 7595 8715

Erkin Isik, CFA FX & IR CEEMEA Strategist Istanbul 90 (216) 635 2987

Muhammet Sevim CEEMEA Graduate London 44 20 7595 1581

Stoyan Dogandzhiyski CEEMEA Graduate London 44 20 7595 1416

Mahesh Bhimalingam Global Head of EM Credit London 44 20 7595 8439

Andrew MacFarlane, CFA Credit CEEMEA Strategist London 44 20 7595 8827

Clara Leonard Credit CEEMEA Graduate London 44 20 7595 1424

Mirza Baig Head of FX & IR Asia Strategy Singapore 65 6210 3262

Jennifer Kusuma FX & IR Asia Strategy Singapore 65 6210 3263

Altaz Dagha AU/NZ IR Strategist Singapore 65 6210 4994

Kun Shan China Strategist Shanghai 86 21 2896 2773

Gabriel Gersztein Head FX & IR Latam Strategy Sao Paulo 55 11 3841 3421

Samuel Castro FX & IR Latam Strategist Sao Paulo 55 11 3841 3492

Gustavo Mendonca FX & IR Latam Strategist Sao Paulo 55 11 3841 3445

Production and Distribution

Barbara Consuelo, London. Tel: 44 20 7595 8486, Email:

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June 16
EM Strategy Plus
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June 16
EM Strategy Plus

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