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Ministrry of Municippality & Enviroonment

Engineerrs & Engineeringg Offices Accredditing & Classify

fying Committe e
Date: ________________ ___________________:
Issue daate: 2/2016 Form No.: F-EECOC-22 Issuee No. : 01

ment of Contacct Data

Office/ company data

Nationality Namee in Arabic

Passport No. 8306846 ID Noo. 2 7 9 8 1 8 1 0 2 3 5
Enrolmennt expiration daate 02 08 2018 Enrolm
ment date 03 08 2015 Enrol ment No. 10597
Current contact
c data

Mobile 66982031
Tel. 44431622 Fax 44369280 PO Box
B 1108 .
Email (2) (2) Emaail (1) (1)

Changingg sponsor (forr residents onlyy) ()

Former spponsor
Current sponsor

Enclosed doocuments Unnenclosed Enclosed

Copy of engineer's
e enrolment

Copy of ID
D card and residency


Amendinng engineeringg office/ comppany data /

Name in Arabic
Name in English
Enrolmennt expiration daate Enrolm
ment date Enrol ment No.
Current contact
c data

Tel. Fax PO Box
B .
Email (2) (2) Emaail (1) (1)

Enclosed ddocuments Unenclosed

U Enclosed

Copy of office
o enrolmennt document
1. Originnal copy of officce document & certificate for update
u purpose by the
. .1


2. Office enrolment doccument which isi stamped andd signed by in charge

engineer shall
s be filled beffore committeess approval. (Attacched CD)
Applicannts Name
In his/heer capacity as

For officcial use only

Application received onn Appplication No.

Recipient signature Recipieent name

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Ministrry of Municippality & Enviroonment
Engineerrs & Engineeringg Offices Accredditing & Classify
fying Committe e
Date: ________________ ___________________:
Issue daate: 2/2016 Form No.: F-EECOC-22 Issuee No. : 01

Enrolmennt Document aat Local Engineering Consultations Officee s

Name in Arabic
license No.
N Name in English
Enrolment expiration date Enrolmentt date Category
C ment No.


practicing fields

Streeet Offiice location

Office adddress
Property No.
Email adddress
O Box .
Tel. Fax No.
Nationaliity Permitted to

Fax Mobile ID Caard

In charge engineer namee

Category Enrolment No.
N ID Card
Nationaliity Enrolment expiration
e date Spec ialty
Email adddress

Office stamp In charge

c engineeer signature

According to committee's ddecision by recorrd No. ( ) ( )

Head of Committee
C Siggnature

Issued onn: :

*Notice: Enrolment mustt be renewed wiithin 30 days of expiration date according 2005/19 ( 11) :*

to article No.
N (11) of the llaw No. 19/2005. Violators will be subject to caancelation 30
from the register
- Engineerr and local enginneering consultaation office are not
n allowed to ppractice in
any speciaalty or category that they are not licensed for (Artticle No. 7 of the law). .( 7 )
a not allowed tto carry on -
- Local enggineering consulltation offices of third category are

engineerinng works for proojects of building up area exceeeded 2,000m; oor projects
that its vaalue exceeds thrree millions Riyaals or equivalent, as per their sspecialty. (
24 )
article 24 of
o bylaws) (
- Local enggineering consultation offices off second categoryy are not alloweed to carry -
on engineering works for pprojects of building up area exceeded 5,000m; oor projects
that its vallue exceeds ten m
millions Riyals or equivalent, as per 24 )
p their specialtty. ( article

24 of bylaw ws) .(
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Ministrry of Municippality & Enviroonment
Engineerrs & Engineeringg Offices Accredditing & Classify
fying Committe e
Date: ________________ ___________________:
Issue daate: 2/2016 Form No.: F-EECOC-22 Issuee No. : 01

Enrolmennt Document aat International Engineeringg Consultationns Office

Name in Arabic
license No.
N Name in English
Enrolment expiration datee
Enroolment date Ennrolment No.


practicing fields

Street Officce location

Office adddress
Landdlord Property No.

Tel. Fax No.

Email adddress PO Box
B .

Permittedd to

Fax Mobile
M Nationaality
In charge engineer namee

Category Enrolment No.
N ID Caard
Nationaliity Enrolment expiration
e date Spec ialty
Email adddress
Mob ile
Office stamp In charge
c engineeer signature

According to committee's ddecision by recorrd No.( ) ( )

Head of Committee Siignature

Issued on: :

*Notice: Enrolment must be renewed within 30 days of exxpiration date acccording to
2005/19 ( 11) :*
article Noo. (11) of the law No. 19/2005. Violators
V will be subject
s to cancel ation from 30
the registeer
- Engineeer or engineering consultation office
o are not allowed
a to practtice in any

specialty or
o category that they are not licensed for (Article No. 7 of the law
.( 7 )

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