Herosjourneyproject Theodysseygirba

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The Odyssey

Heros Journey
Due Date: Friday, June 16th
Paper Option: construction paper, markers, scissors, glue, etc.
Digital Option: Thinglink.com, LINOIT, or Padlet

1. On another copy of the worksheet that you used to take notes on the Heros Journey,
you will add in the parts of the plot that relate to Odysseuss Journey on the clock.

2. After reading the entire epic, create a tangible or digital representation that shows
your knowledge of how The Odyssey can be applied to this monomyth theory.

Each hour must include the following:

a. LABEL of the hours title and time, as learned in the Flipped Lesson
b. DESCRIPTION of that stages event in the monomyth (can be found
c. LEAD-IN that provides context (who+what) for the quote
d. TEXTUAL EVIDENCE + Parenthetical Citation
from the part of the epic that proves that Odysseus experienced this stage;
correctly punctuated lead-in (EXAMPLE)
e. VISUAL that represents that stage for Odysseus

Other Requirements
must have the epics title and Heros Journey labeled somewhere
must be visually appealing and well organized
effort must be evident!
must have your MLA Heading
Be creative! If you create a physical project, integrate
handwritten/drawn information (if artistically gifted), computer printed
text/images, or cut outs of magazines/catalogues, etc. If its a digital project,
integrate engaging visuals and appealing fonts.

If trying the optional Digital choice

-ThingLink: upload an image of a clock and add links of images and text as
-Padlet: create a padlet with every stage of the journey arranged in a circular

Odyssey Heros Journey Project Score Sheet

Name:_________________________________________ Period:______

Category Score Notes/Feedback

Completion/Effort _____all 12 hours completed

_____labels & descriptions
_____/10 _____evidence & lead-ins




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