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Abstract and Acknowledgement”

My sincere thanks to our honourable course lecturer MR. Sri

Ramachandran who given me an excellent opportunity to do an
assignment on HRM planning. Overall findings of this assignment are
how HRM planning plays a significant role to achieve organisations
long term goal and also how to use the best human asset sweating of
an organisation.

This assignment covers proposed booklet on Human resource

Planning. The aim of this assignment is to find out how HRM planning
plays significant role in business development and also achieving
organisations goal. The first part of this assignment talks about what
is HR and HRM, and importance also objective or HMR planning. In
the second part of the assignment it talks about important of job
analysis, importance recruitment as a part of HMR planning. Third
and last part of the assignment is practical example of ideal HRM
planning and example of HRM planning “British Gas”

Introduction: Human resource management is the strategic process to manage the human
asset of a certain company. In other way we can say with the goal of human resource
management is to maintain the commitment to the strategic integration for making the best
utilization of the human asset of the company.

Now those two terms human resource and human resource management both are different
but both are interrelated. Human resources are those people who works for the company or
we can also call them human asset, in other hand human resource management is the
specific process which talks how this people will be managed.

In the multicultural environment, different people have their different needs and demands.
Human resource management in is used to find out those needs and demands, and also
appreciation of those individuals. For example we can say HRM contains, appraisal process,
creating opportunities, for people within the organization and as well as outside of the

Human Resource Planning

Human resource planning are developed in order to set a map to help the company to
achieve greater objectives. Normally human resource planning is done by HRM manager.
While doing the human resource planning HRM manager needs to consider five important
factors which are as follows:

Human asset available.

Previous recruit plan.
Organisation objective
Internal influences and forecast
External influences and forecast.

Objective of HRM planning: As I have stated earlier HRM deals with company’s human
asset. The primary objective of HRM planning is making sure of proper human asset
sweating. It also deals with determine future recruitment, control measure, anticipate
redundancies and avoid unnecessary dismissal. Every single company or organisation
weather it is small or a big multinational, HRM planning is so vital.

Optimum use of Forecast the future
currently employed welfare.
human resource.

HRM planning objectives.

Avoid unnecessary Control the cost of

dismissal. human resource.

Importance of HRM planning: Importance HRM planning is so vast it is impossible to explain

the importance of HRM planning in one paragraph, but let’s put through some important

Determine organisation goals through HRM people.

Make a ratio and consideration of variable forces like population union rules and also
Forecasting the demand and supply of organisations human asset.
Smooth recruitment process.
Redundancy of staff
Make improvement in productivity from staff
Improvement in the retention of employees.

Importance of job analysis as a part of HRM planning: It is very important to analyse a job
when a vacancies arise. It a major part of HRM planning. When the vacancy arise in the
certain company it is very important to spent some time in doing job analysis before the
advertising the job cause it can save lot of money. In another sense it will help the
organisation to employ wrong person and also advertising the wrong job. For example we
can say according to the leading recruitment specialist in UK average cost of hire a new
member or staffs is £5000, so it is very simple that the organisation is losing a big amount of

money even before the employee start working. While doing the job analysis as a part of
HRM planning a HRM planner should consider following questioners:

Purpose of the job, what result to be achieved?

What is the better way to achieve this result?
Do we need to replace at all?
Can we combine the job with another per to give him more interesting role?
Do the task or responsibility offers possibility promote internally?

Importance or recruitment as a part of HRM planning: recruitment is also another

important task and it a major part of HRM planning. When ever a organisation identifies its
needs for a new employee, organisation s HRM planner or HRM manager should carefully
consider the recruitment and selection process which is possible by establishing number of
factors. Questionnaires to be asked for an ideal recruitment process are as follows:

What will be the job entitled?

Any specific skill involved or not?
Required type of knowledge?
What type of personal characteristics required for the job?
Any supervision wills the employee required?
How much will be employee paid?

Steps of recruitment process: while doing the recruitment process every organisation or
HRM planner is recommended to follow this ten step which are given bellow:

1) Step Ideal candidate design

2) Step Value of preliminary telephone interview
3) Step Formal and casual interview
4) Step Face to face interview
5) Step Aware of negative factor during the interview time
6) Step Final evaluation
7) Step Confirmation of creativeness
8) Step Steps to be taken after interview
9) Step Reference Checking
10) Step Process evaluating.

Importance of HRM planning in assessing the performance of organisations staff: After
requiting the right per son it is very important to assess the performance of the staff or
employee. Every HRM manager should monitor employee’s performance to ensure that
they are being effective to their work. It is recommended to HRM manager to set a realistic
goal or target for his employees. By giving a target to the employee helps the HRM manager
to do measure the performance of his staff. Most of the organisation has their own
performance appraisal system, and in some circumstances performance appraisal is linked
to the promotion bonus etc. Three most important reasons of caring out performance
assessment are given bellow:

Motivating people or you staff.

Identifying the development or training required for the staff
Planning for growth.

Importance of HRM planning in developing employees skill ,expertise and productivity :

Again HRM planning is very important in developing the organisation s employees. A proper
planning of HRM helps to develop the people systematically, make them more attentive,
skilled, and improve their expertise. A model of staff development process are give bellow:

Define the Skills

Finding the people who needs these skill

Planning and organising the programme

Practical example of ideal HRM planning

Motivate the designated people to use the programme

Monitor progress and assess

As a practical example of ideal HRM planned company i have chosen “British Gas” which is
the part of Centrica group. It was established in 1997. Centrica is a multinational company
with the business in many countries. It has eight separate energy related business all over
the world. UK energy market are very dramatic customer switches their supplier constantly
and in this highly competitive market British gas made their position so strong because their
of their staff, they are very professional and ethical as well.

Centrica the mother of British Gas has to deliver a longer profitability to their staff and also
quality services to the customer as well, all those was only possible by right or ideal staff and
engineer recruitment. To ensure the best customer satisfaction British Gas engineer need to
be highly skilled and trained, they must also have good technical skill as well.

British gas academy that way has recruit all the engineer through their engineer recruitment
team by completing various task like

Planning to assess future needs.

Recruitment and selection pregame
Training operation for new recruitment and as well as old employees etc.

Another most important point of British gas recruitment process is retain its best
employees, British Gas has always tried to retaining his best employees by providing the lots
of financial and non financial benefits, good pay and pension skim. The company also
provide opportunity to its employees to buy share and also great place to work with best

HRM planning of British Gas: HRM planning is the way of assessing company’s current and
future needs. It also involves managing any training and recruitment process to ensure the
organisation has the right staff. Manager of British Gas company conduct forecasting to
predict how much the UK market for domestic gas engineering service will grow up? This
data helps the company to decide how many additional engineers it will need in future.
Recruiting the right levels of engineer is very important, British Gas is very strict about the
requirement of the job. The candidate has to at list 17 years old, minimum GCSC, and hold
at list provisional driving licence. It uses the online application process to make sure they get
the best staff, and employee’s suitability.

Conclusion: Determining the how many people are needed and what are the skill the
people needs in organisation is the key element of HRM planning getting the right people to
apply and select them train them and getting out the best from that all those are branches
of HRM planning tree.

Reference & bibliography.

Excellent employment on a shoestring, by “Ann Andrews”

How to success in job interview, by “Jeanette Benisti”

Developing your people, by “Suzy Siddond”

Complete guide to succeeding in your own business, by” Phil Stone”

From the Pre-MBA course handout given by Mr. Sri Ramachandran.


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