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Nickel alloys provide levels of
corrosion resistance not possible
with other alloys. This is part four
of a four-part series about
corrosion-resistant nickel alloys.
Paul Crook*
Haynes International Inc.
Kokomo, Indiana

ickel is an ideal base for corrosion-
resistant alloys. Not only is it inher-
ently resistant to certain chemicals, but
also it can be highly alloyed with ele-
Corrosion-resistant nickel alloys are used in the structures of chemical pro-
ments known to enhance corrosion performance, cessing plants such as this chlorine/EDC/VCM complex. Image courtesy Uhde,
such as chromium, copper, and molybdenum, a company of ThyssenKrupp Technologies.
while retaining its ductile face-centered cubic
structure. Iron is not as accommodating; thus high
Boiling point curve Boiling point curve
levels of such elements are not possible in the 120
Over 0.5 mm/year
stainless steels without structural instability. 0.1 to 0.5
In addition to commercially pure nickel, three
Temperature, C

Temperature, C

binary alloy systems also provide exceptional cor- 80 80

rosion resistance. These include nickel-chromium
Under 0.1 mm/year
(Ni-Cr), nickel-copper (Ni-Cu), and nickel-molyb-
denum (Ni-Mo). Chromium enhances the resist- Under 0.1 mm/year
40 40
ance of nickel to oxidizing acids by encouraging
the formation of passive films. Copper is very
helpful in seawater, brackish water, and reducing
acids, in particular hydrofluoric. Molybdenum is 20 40 60 20 40 60
Acid concentration, wt% Acid concentration, wt%
extremely beneficial in all reducing acids.
This article focuses on the effects on various Fig. 1 Iso-corrosion diagram for Fig. 2 Iso-corrosion diagram for
C-2000 alloy in nitric acid. G-35 alloy in nitric acid.
nickel alloys of industrially important acids, bases,
and salts. These include nitric acid, phosphoric G-35 alloys in Fig. 1 and 2. From these, the strong
acid, sulfuric acid, and caustic alkalis. influence of chromium content can be deduced.
The G-35 alloy, with a chromium content of 33
Nitric acid wt%, exhibits corrosion rates of less than 0.1
Unlike the three halogen acids discussed last mm/y at all temperatures up to the boiling point
month, nitric acid causes a high potential (oxi- curve, at acid concentrations up to 70 wt%.
dizing) cathodic reaction that readily induces pas-
sive films on high-chromium stainless steels. In Phosphoric acid
fact, the stainless steels are very resistant to nitric About ten million tons of phosphoric acid are
acid and the nickel alloys are not needed unless produced annually in the United States, 80% of
there are extenuating circumstances, such as the which is used in the production of agricultural
additional presence of halogen acids or halide salts. fertilizers. Most of this acid is made by the wet
Some nickel alloys exhibit good resistance to process, which involves a reaction between sul-
nitric acid, notably those Ni-Cr and Ni-Cr-Mo ma- furic acid and phosphate rock.
terials with high chromium contents. Nitric acid Iso-corrosion diagrams do not exist for fertil-
iso-corrosion diagrams are shown for C-2000 and izer-grade phosphoric acid. This is partly because
*Member of ASM International impurity contents vary from country to country
G-35 in acid 1 31 in acid 1
0.4 G-35 in acid 2 31 in acid 2 160 160
G-30 in acid 1 28 in acid 1 Over 0.5 mm/year
Corrosion rate, mm/year G-30 in acid 2 C-2000 in acid 1 0.1 to 0.5 mm/year 0.1 to 0.5 mm/year
0.3 120 Boiling point curve 120 Boiling point curve

Temperature, C

Temperature, C
0.2 80 80
Under 0.1 mm/year
Under 0.1 mm/year
0.1 40 40

38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80
Acid concentration, wt% Acid concentration, wt% Acid concentration, wt%

Fig. 3 Corrosion rates in wet process phosphoric acid Fig. 4 Iso-corrosion diagram for Fig. 5 Iso-corrosion diagram for
(Source: Florida. Test temperature 121C). B-3 alloy in phosphoric acid. C-2000 alloy in phosphoric acid.
and from plant to plant due to variations in the com- iso-corrosion diagrams for B-3 and C-2000 alloys
position of phosphate rock. In addition, the corro- in Fig. 4 and 5. Indeed, only at high concentrations
sivity of a particular solution can vary with time of and temperatures do the Ni-Mo, Ni-Cr, and Ni-
storage, as a result of impurity interactions. Im- Cr-Mo alloys exhibit corrosion rates in excess of
purities include fluoride ions, chloride ions, silica, 0.1 mm/y in pure phosphoric acid.
aluminum, iron (which serves to increase the oxi-
dizing potential of the acid), calcium, and sodium. Sulfuric acid
Instead, it is customary to test alloys at specific Sulfuric acid is one of the most important in-
concentrations and temperatures typical of the dustrial chemicals. Not only is it used in the man-
production process. Within the fertilizer industry ufacture of fertilizer-grade phosphoric acid, but
it is also customary to define phosphoric acid con- also it serves as a catalyst in the petroleum in-
centrations in terms of P2O5 content. Corrosion dustry and as a reactant in the production of de-
rates for G-30 and G-35 alloys in several concen- tergents, polymers, and pigments.
trations of P2O5 (supplied by plants in Florida) at Provided that the acid is pure, the Ni-Mo ma-
121C are shown in Fig. 3. terials are the most resistant nickel alloys; second
Pure phosphoric acid, which is added to foods, best are the Ni-Cr-Mo alloys. Impurities of an oxi-
is made by oxidizing elemental phosphorus de- dizing nature are extremely detrimental to the func-
rived from phosphate rock, then adding water. tion of the Ni-Mo materials, whereas the Ni-Cr-Mo
This type of phosphoric acid is much less corro- alloys generally benefit from such impurities. Iso-
sive than the fertilizer grade, as indicated by the corrosion diagrams for B-3, C-2000, 400, and 625 al-
loys are shown in Fig. 6 to 9. A 0.1 mm/y line com-
parison between C-2000 alloy, 316L, 254SMO alloy,
250 250
and 20Cb-3 alloy (designed especially for service
Boiling point curve
200 200
Boiling point curve in sulfuric acid) is shown in Fig. 10.
Temperature, C

Temperature, C

Over 0.5 mm/year Sulfuric acid is reducing to the nickel alloys at

0.1 to 0.5 mm/year concentrations up to about 60 wt% (meaning that
150 150
0.1 to 0.5 mm/year Over 0.5 the cathodic reaction is hydrogen evolution). At
100 100 higher concentrations, other cathodic reactions
0.1 to 0.5 mm/year
Under 0.1 mm/year
0.1 to 0.5 mm/year are possible, and some materials exhibit sharp
50 50 Under 0.1 mm/year dips in performance. Concentrated, industrial-
grade sulfuric acid is known to contain impuri-
20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 ties of an oxidizing nature; indeed, at tempera-
Acid concentration, wt% Acid concentration, wt% tures in excess of about 90C (194F), the oxidizing
Fig. 6 Iso-corrosion diagram for Fig. 7 Iso-corrosion diagram for potential of this acid is beyond the scope of the
B-3 alloy in sulfuric acid. C-2000 alloy in sulfuric acid. chromium-bearing nickel alloys.
250 250 316L
200 254SMO
Boiling point curve Boiling point curve 20Cb-3
200 200
Temperature, C
Temperature, C

Temperature, C

150 BP curve
150 150
Over 0.5 0.1 to 0.5 mm/year
mm/year 100
100 100 Over 0.5 mm/year
0.1 to 0.5 mm/year
50 50 0.1 to 0.5 mm/year 50
Under 0.1 mm/year
Under 0.1 mm/year
20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80
Acid concentration, wt% Acid concentration, wt% Acid concentration, wt%

Fig. 8 Iso-corrosion diagram for Fig. 9 Iso-corrosion diagram for Fig. 10 Comparison of 0.1 mm/year lines of several
alloy 400 in sulfuric acid. alloy 625 in sulfuric acid. nickel alloys in sulfuric acid.


A nickel alloy designed for such situations is the chemical process industries, several other in-
a high-silicon Ni-Cr material known as D-205 dustries take advantage of their corrosion be-
alloy. However, the mechanical properties of D- havior. These include Food: Commercially pure
205 weldments are such that it can only function nickels are easy to form and provide inherent re-
safely in the form of plate heat exchangers. sistance to mild corrosives; Marine: Ni-Cu alloys
enable resistance to corrosion and cavitation ero-
Caustic alkalis sion; Power: Ni-Cr-Mo alloys line flue gas desul-
Sodium hydroxide (known also as caustic soda) furization systems; and Metal finishing: Ni-Cr
and potassium hydroxide (known also as caustic and Ni-Cr-Fe alloys serve as pickling fixtures.
potash) are widely used chemicals. Applications
include the manufacture of soap, paper, and alu- For more information: Paul Crook is Product R&D
minum. They also serve to neutralize acids, espe- Manager at Haynes International, 1020 W. Park Avenue,
cially in the petrochemical industries. Molten Kokomo, IN 46904-9013; tel: 765/456-6241; pcrook@
sodium hydroxide functions to descale stainless;
steels and other alloys in the metals
As indicated earlier, the commer-
cially pure nickels are the premier
materials for service in caustic al-
kalis. They are resistant over very
wide ranges of concentration and
temperature. Alloys 400 (from the
Ni-Cu group) and 600 (from the Ni-
Cr group) are also favored in caustic
alkalis. For situations involving
caustic alkalis on the one hand and
chlorinated compounds on the other,
the Ni-Cr-Mo alloys are candidates.
However, it has recently been discov-
ered that high-molybdenum nickel
alloys are susceptible to caustic
dealloying in strong, hot, caustic so-
lutions. This means that elements
other than nickel are selectively
leached from surfaces. Field testing
is therefore important prior to
placing Ni-Cr-Mo materials into
service in caustic alkalis.

Welding nickel alloys

Three processes are typically
chosen to weld the nickel alloys. For
sheets and plate root passes, gas tung-
sten arc (TIG) welding is favored. For
plate welds, the gas metal arc (MIG)
process is preferred. For field welding,
the shielded metal arc process with
coated electrodes is favored.
To minimize the precipitation of
second phases in regions affected by
the heat of welding, a maximum in-
terpass temperature of 90C is rec-
ommended for the nickel alloys.
Also, welding of cold-worked ma-
terials is strongly discouraged, since
they sensitize more quickly and in-
duce residual stresses. A full solu-
tion anneal, followed by water
quenching, is recommended for
cold-worked structures prior to

While the corrosion-resistant
nickel alloys are used primarily in

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