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s p ec i al r e p or t may 2017

Pro insight
the Colour affeCtS
SyStem in aCtion
pOwerfully BOOSt a BrandS perfOrManCe
uSIngangela wrIghtS fOur-grOup SySteM

ccording to the Wright Theory, Currently, Wright is working on a
the psychological effects of colour digital version of the Colour Affects
are near-universal. If harnessed System, which will be launching at the
correctly, designers can control the endof this year. The software enables
message of their colour palettes and, usersto select their starting colour
crucially, kill subjective debate around thedominant logo colour, for instance
1 colour with evidence to back up their and then classifies it into one of the four
decisions. Heres how it works groups, removing all colours from the
Every shade, tone or tint on the colour other three groups. Users are left with a
spectrum can be classified into one of four huge, harmonious selection from which
colour groups, based on how warm or cool tothen develop a brands colour palette.
it is. All the colours within each group You pick the subsequent colours for
2 correlate mathematically and naturally your branding scheme in the same way
harmonise, while colours combined from asyou do now, Wright explains. Youve
different families dont. got a large framework there are millions
There are also four basic personality of colours to choose from except there
types ranging between extrovert and are no bum notes, because there are
introvert and each type has a natural mathematical correlations that underpin
affinity with one colour group. Universally, each colour, she adds.
everyone will find a palette chosen with
3 colours from the same group harmonious, hoW effecTiVe iS The coLour
but theyll find a palette drawn from their affecTS SySTeM?
personality types corresponding colour A few years ago, Wright was asked by
group even more attractive. amail order company to adjust the
Music and colour work in much the coloursof a leaflet selling an opera CD.
same way, explains colour psychologist The in-house design team had created
Angela Wright, who developed the Colour aleaflet and they wanted me to tweak
Affects System from her findings using the thecolours into harmony, she recalls.
4 Wright Theory. Shes provided colour The ones theyd used were okay quite
palettes for clients ranging from Shell familiar but theyre werent right, either
bP uses group 1 colours; International Petroleum Company and psychologically or harmoniously.
bedding firm dreams Procter & Gamble to BT, Unilever, and Wright adapted the colours so that the
uses group 2 colours; more. One musical note has its own chosen palette came from the same tonal
Mcdonalds corporate properties, but it doesnt do much until you family. They sent out two identical mail
colours are mainly put it with other notes. There are no wrong shots, and they sold 560,000 more CDs
group 3, while texaco notes, and there are no wrong colours, with the tweaked leaflet than the original,
uses a group 4 palette. either. Its how you use them. If you put she says. And all I did was tweak the
them together in harmony, they produce a harmony after it had been designed I
positive response. But it only takes one didnt specify the colours used in the first
bum note to throw the whole thing out. place. It seems the right colours do sell.

c o m putera rts.creati

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may 2017 C olour t he or y


paNtoNe 176 c paNtoNe 692 c
c0 M35 Y 18 K0
group 1 c2 M26 Y7 K 2
group 3

pe acocK BlUe


paNtoNe 310 c paNtoNe 313 c
c48 M0 Y9 K0 Group 1 colours are clear, delicate c100 M0 Y 11 K 2 Group 3 colours are warmer than
and warm, and contain yellow, but no group 1 (they contain more yellow-

WarM GreeN
black. examples include soft cream, based hues), are intense and fiery,
e Me r a l D

turquoise and cobalt. theyre lively, and they contain black. examples
paNtoNe 2420 c sharp, fresh, clean and youthful all paNtoNe 362 c include olive green, burnt orange and
c65 M0 Y73 K0 about new beginnings, says Wright. c78 M0 Y 100 K 2 aubergine. theyre quite flamboyant
its very common to use them in and unusual; you dont get many
WarM YelloW

ricH WarM
the branding of things like childrens primaries in there, says Wright.

toys, pr, sales, sport, and fun sectors and the personalities are strong.
paNtoNe 106c paNtoNe 123c
c0 M0 Y75 K0 of anything. However, if misused, c0 M19 Y89 K0 like type 1, theyre externally
these colours can be perceived as motivated but theyre fiery, even
frivolous and immature. if it isnt immediately apparent.

sK Y BlUe

personalities that reflect these Friendly, traditional and reliable,

paNtoNe 284c colours are externally motivated and paNtoNe 2200c these tones are popular in branding
c59 M17 Y0 K0 eternally youthful. light on their feet, c82 M1 Y 17 K3 and work for well-established
these people love to dance and are companies. However, they can convey
clever, but dont like being bogged Fire Y pUrple bossiness or appear old-fashioned

down with academic debate. if they are misused.

paNtoNe 2577 c paNtoNe 2355c
c40 M54 Y0 K0 c55 M100 Y0 K0

group 2 group 4

paNtoNe 2064 c paNtoNe 232c

c13 M45 Y0 K0 c6 M70 Y0 K0
cool MiD GreeN cool se a BlUe

BriGHt BlUe

Group 2 colours are cool (they Group 4 colours contain blue and
paNtoNe 7696c contain blue), mid range (most process cYaN are cold rather than cool. theyre
c56 M9 Y9 K 21 contain grey) and delicate, but c100 M0 Y0 K0 pure and either very light, very dark
not necessarily light for example or very intense. the personalities
colD eMer alD

raspberry, maroon or sage green. are the same - very clear;


characteristics include understated everythings black and white,

paNtoNe 7723 c elegance and timelessness. paNtoNe 3275c says Wright, adding that type 4
c69 M0 Y54 K 7 c90 M0 Y52 K0
the personalities are cool, calm personalities are internally
and collected, says Wright. theyre motivated, often very efficient
cool YelloW

colD YelloW

internally motivated, but very and dont suffer fools.

sensitive to how others are feeling. containing black, white,
paNtoNe 607c paNtoNe 102c
c3 M0 Y34 K0 they dont want to be at the forefront c0 M0 Y95 K0 magenta, lemon and indigo, this
of anything, but theyll be the power groups characteristics include
cool NaV Y BlUe

colD NaV Y BlUe

(reFle X BlUe )

behind the throw. in branding terms, efficiency, sophistication and

these colours are rarely if ever excellence but misused, the
paNtoNe 2150c used, because theyre very reFle X BlUe colours can be seen as unfriendly,
c83 M39 Y 15 K13 recessive, she explains. c100 M89 Y0 K0 materialistic and expensive.
roYal pUrple
cool MaUVe

paNtoNe 2705c paNtoNe Violet

c40 M36 Y0 K0 c70 M76 Y0 K0

c o mputera rts.creati

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