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Test Book izabeth Anderson * Kevin McCormick Taree Ta Quiz 1 ee Unit 1 Date: : Mark: > Vocabulary A Choose the correct answer. (Sx2=10) 1. Don’t expect Mr Brown to be satistied with your work — he’s always very .. of his students, a. ambitious ». creative ©. critical 4. sensitive Sheila seems tough but she’s a very kind person at a. mind b. heart . quality 4. face 3. Mike won't be at school today because he’s come ..... with a bad cold, a. down b. under . around 4. over 4, I°s very important to Jane to have her parents... of whatever she does. 4. approval b. loyalty «. insecurity 6. patience 5. The new politcal party has .... @ Jot of support in the north of the country a. adapted b. made c. taken 4. guined B Complete the text with the words below. (0x2=20) trustworthy + active + live + looks + time + relationship + tend + activity + suggests + consider What Your CD Collection Says About You ‘What is the (1) su: between personality and the type of music people like? Two American psychologists discovered that lovers of jazz and classical music have very (2) imaginations and Giese themselves to be intelligent. People who love rock music and heavy metal, on the other hand. prefer physical (4) ..snnmmnnne and like taking risks. The psychologists’ research showed that listeners of pop and country music are (5) .inesnnnneee and Toyal, but have a hard (6) in accepting people who are different from them. And then there is “rhythmic” music, which, as the Word (7) ....20 - refers 10 ‘musie with lots of rhythm, such as hip-hop and funk. The psychologists found that fans of this type of music 8) 10 be talkative and like 10 (9) nnn life to the full. Apparently, they also have a high opinion of their own good (10) 1.0. ! > Grammar A Choose the correct answer. 1. Where .... lunch today indoors or outdoors? a, do we have bo are wehaving —c, we'rehaving—d. have we 2. While our house ..... we're staying with my grandparents. a isbeing painted —_b. is painted . does paint 4. painting 3, I would never dream ..... asking my parents for money. ato b. for con of Thope Lucy ..... of @ career in modelling, a.thinksnot —* ——b, isn'tthinking ——¢, doesn’t think. isn’t thought 5. The rule is that anyone who cheats ..... out of the school. a. is throwing Db. throws «. is thrown, 4d. is being thrown B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Continuous, active or passive. ($x4=20) 1 YOU sini (SE) that restaurant over there? That’s where L .-- (meet) Sue tonight, 2. Brian (not live) here anymore, He (stay) with his parents until he finds place of his own. 3. This church cnn (believe) to be one of the oldest inthe county. It soos (nepal) at the moment because it was damaged in a storm. 4 We vere (not know) if alternative therapies really work or not, Nevertheless, more and more people (start) o use them. 5. What this jam ne (MAKE) OF? Te sane (OE taste lke any fruit | know > Key Word Transformations ‘Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given. (0x4 =40) 1. You can never depend on Rose. => always Resets people down. 2. Everyone knows that Lucy is generous and kind. = her Lucy is and kindness 3. I'm getting really annoyed with you, # me Mi rete ei crazy. 4. The report isn’t published until the end of the month. => come The report sosinnennnesesnenesennens Until the end of the month. 5. Everyone is laughing at my ideas. -> not My ideas. 7 seriously 6. Thanks to her new teacher, Helena’s self-confidence is increasing. -> becoming Helena + thanks to her new teacher, 7. The gang is led by a criminal called Buster. =} of Accriminal called Buster the gang, 8. We won't see Trevor here ever again. “> is Trevor _ an sen BAK here 9. What is your opinion of this personality test? = you What sccisns this personality test? 10. Kate finds tall, dark men attractive. => to Kate a tall, dark men. Quiz 2 (ee Class: » Unit 2 Date: Mark: : > Vocabulary A Choose the correct answer. (6x2=10) 1. The hard part ofthe course is over and it should all be. sailing from now on a. easy be light «. happy 4. plain 2. How do you expect to... if you're not prepared to work hard? a. move over b. come up-c, getahead—d. make out 3. The woman .... With the soldiers not to take her son away. a. pleaded b. managed. asked ‘. succeeded 4, Enormous waves Were wn. against the rocks. a spilling b. crashing c. sinking. dragging » 5. Michael has been caught cheating and now he's really in... Water a. diny . muddy ¢, deep a. dark B Complete the text with the words below. (10x2=20) ‘came + destroyed + floods + swept + carrlages » droughts » damage + hit + mud + horror Rain Brings Disaster to Scotland In Britain (1) ‘are rarely a problem ~ there's usually more than enough rain, In fact, sometimes there's to0 much, In 2002, summer (2) snnnmnnnnn Caused a great deal of (3) when they 4). snenee Glasgow, Scotland. People watched in (5) as water levels got higher and many people had 0 be rescued by fire-fighters so they wouldn't be (6) away. Road and rail traffic .. sno €0 a halt When streets and railway Tines-were filled with watery (8) Passengers were stuck in train (9) for hours and main roads had to be closed. Some homes were completely (10) .snnnnnnmnennn and emergency accommodation had to be found, > Grammar A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Continuous or Past Perfect Simple or Continuous. (5x2=10) 1. When I got to the doctor’s office, I : (ind) that several people (already / wait) to see him, 2. Mark showed me the letter he . cones (Feeeived) from Betty. Why (she / not write) to me too? 3. By the time the taxi arrived, we (walt) for three hours. The driver (blame) the taffie, of course. 4. While we 3 (valk) along the beach, Katy fell a few times. It was clear that she 5 (not yet / recover} from her injury. } st : (snow) for several hours and everything was covered in white. Some | children (play) outside in the snow. B Choose the correct answer. 1 | was upset to find out that my bicycle (5x2=10) a had been stolen, Would steal c. had stolen 4. was stealing 2. Let's all wy and get along... each other, shall we? aby v.10 with 4. from 43. The concer... because one ofthe band members got sick a. ad postponed ’. was postponed «, been postponed _d. postponed 4. What... for your birthday? a you got b. did you get «. had you got were you getting 5. We arrived at the party quite late and found that most of the other guests a. were already le ——b. had already been left-c. have already left. had already eft C Change the sentences below from active to passive. (x2=10) 1. He drove the visitors around the ety The visitors 2. They were always shouting at that poor child That 3. Many people had signed the visitors’ book ia ee eet 4, When di the newspaper publish your article? When 2 5. In those days, people believed that the sun went round the Earth, Tn those days, it > Key Word Transformations Complete the second sentence s0 that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given. (lox 4=40) L ‘The hurricane caused complete devastation on the island. =} devastated The island smn i the hurricane, am usually awake before everyone else. => used I up before everyone else. knew that the project had been a waste of time and money. = on T knew that both time and money They don’t need much money to survive. = get They €€0 cannes : very little money. (Once I had the strength to lift this stone. = used I i snoninnnennne XO HAC is stone. ane took care of Pete during his recovery from a serious illness. = getting Jane took care of Pete while ‘The number of earthquake survivors surprised us. - people We were surprised to see how many Alter their day-long walk, the children were very tired. -> walking, ‘The children were very tired because ‘The news shgcked Sarah, = in the project. a serious illness the earthquake. all day. Sarah when she heard the news. Mr Phillips was unable to handle the job. = ability Mr PhIIIpS seen to handle the job. 0 0 » Quiz 3 oe Unit 3 Date: > Vocabulary Class: Mark: . A Choose the correct answer. (Sx2=10) 1. Living in te city is so expensive; its hard to keep within @ a. debt b. budget c. check d. finance 2. Docs Sally have a bank... ? a. account ». onler «. income 4. credit 3. knew this was a bad idea right from the... g a, moment ». time e. letter 4. word 4, Have you been ... record of how much you've spent? 1. doing b. writing c.Keeping taking 5. In most countries, you can’t have your own... card until you're sixteen, a credit b. spending ——_c. pocket 4. money B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words at the end of the lines. (10x 2=20) 1. My sister spends all her pocket money on beauty <— Propuce 2. Most teenagers ae influenced by peer <—— Press 3. The power of young people is greater than ever before <———-sPEND 4, Linda went to great, to make the party a success <———L0ne ES) ... of kids in my school have mobile phones. + MAJOR 6. The students will make a effort keep the school clean, <———coutect 7. Ie g0es without that you'll have to pay for any damage, « say 8. Thope you'll use this money - SENSIBLE 9. On the first day of the course, you'l learn the sn Of frst aid « BASE 10, The government must f0CU if8-.snsnssensnnns OM Fedusing erm. +—— arrenn > Grammar A Choose the correct answer. (Sx2=10) 1. If you don't see me outside the cinema, I. inside. a. will be waiting », will wait ¢. will have waited 4. am going to wait 2. Alan blew out all the birthday candles... one go. 2 through bin ©. by 4. for 3. You can't tell by looking at Harriet that she... @ baby soon, a. will have had has 6. would have 4. is going to have 4. We can't leave om 4 July because the schoo! tem... mil 8 July 2. doesn’t end not ending «. hasn't ended 4. won't be the end 5. The new fumiture .. om Tuesday. a. is going to deliver b. will deliver c. is being delivered will have delivered B Circle the correct form of the verbs to complete the text below. x2 Young and Rich Laura Jones has just become Britain’s youngest lottery winner! The 15-year-old will (1) be presented / present ‘with £1,875,000 ata special ceremony next week. “I expect my life will (2) change / have changed completely now.” the teenager said, “but my friends needn’t worry ~I won’t (3) have let / let being rich change me.” Has she thought about how to spend the money yet? “Yes,” she says, “I (4) am going to / will pay for my ‘grandmother to visit her sister in Australia, And I've already booked a plane ticket for myself. In a few weeks, 1 will (5) have enjoyed / be enjoying the sunshine in Florida!” C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. There may be more than one correct answer. 6x2=10) 1. Thear you're having a dinner party on Saturday — Who ns a smn (COREY? 2. By the end of this summer, over a billion eur... a (spend) in theme parks 3. Why ae the kids putting om their Coats? ..nnnneninnennn (they / play) outside? 44, We'll have to wait for a bit. The car park sons soos (NOL Oem) Until 8 am, 5. Did the man jump or was he pushed? wn. the truth soem (@VER [ discover)? > Key Word Transformations ‘Complete the second sentence so that it has a si lar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given. (0x 1, The training programme for my new job stars a week from today. = started By this time next Week, Tenn aa the training programme for my new job. You're unlucky because there are no tickets left. -> out Tm afraid you ... osc because there are no tickets left. 3. In my opinion, John is likely to be a big success. = sure Tam conn sr far 4, The soldiers refuse to obey the officer's orders, > will The soldiers ae out the officer's orders. 5, Advertisers try to persuade us (© spend our money. => part Advertisers try to make : our money, 6. “What are you thinking about? asked Dad. => mind What 8 cronies ot asked Dad. 7. If you look at the sky, you'll see that a storm is on the way. => to If you look at the sky, you'll see that there 7. snnnnnennnnnne SUOET, 8. You'll end up owing people money if you're not careful. => get You'll if you're not careful 9. “The plan is to increase investment in housing.” said the minister. -¥ be “More money is going soe in housing,” said the minister. 10. The book is useful but it does The Book is USF nse goes. "cover everything we need, > as % % 0) Quiz 4 ee Unit 4 Date: > Vocabulary | A choose the correct answer, % In those days, finding a job was a... of going from house to house and asking for work. a. project, b. case «. business d. concept For people in this area, life is a constant ..... for survival a. appeal b. shelter c. despair struggle ‘The hotel is going to be full in the summer so we'll need to... new staff. a. tum up ». carry out . take on put through Lionel prepared the meal so beautifully; he has the .... ofa chef a. expertise b. persuasion . industry 4. responsibility 1s just not... fo shout like that in a restaurant. a. found b. done . seen made B Choose the correct meaning ofthe sentences below. 1 Their products have wide appeal a. Everybody likes them. with a lot of paperwork. b. They're very expensive. 1 was their brainchild. Class: Mark: Gx2=10) (Sx2=10) 4. Computers have enabled us to do away a. We have acquired a lot of paperwork. . We have got rid of a lot of paperwork, a. They were the parents 5, Tim has really put himself out for us, b. The idea came from them, ‘Those guys are the best in the business. a. No one can beat them. b. They're always top of the class, C Complete the phrasal verbs in the sentences below. My grandparents have put Alice never turns... oon time. T suggest We pul ronson the barbecue until the weather improves. Has the order been put ‘or can Tadd something 10 it? My mother says she won't put ‘with my untidiness any longer. > Grammar A Choose the correct answer. L ' > ‘This is the most beautiful garden I 1. have ever been seeing b. had ever seen . have ever seen Don’t mention the party to John because he ..... about it yet. 4 has not been told b. was not told ©. did not tell Tm sorry I'm late —..., long? a you have been waiting b. you had been waiting ¢. have you been waiting Sally and I have known each other .. ages. a. since b. for ©. from “Is this your first time skiing?” “No, I... it once when I was a little girl” a, have tried b. was trying . had been trying Some money and they want to take us to Italy on holiday. 4 a. He's badly injured himself because of us. » He's gone to a lot of trouble to help us. x2=10) has not told had you waited B Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets, Use the Past Simple, Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous, active or passive. Sadahzinia For some time now, Sadahzinia (1) con (be) a familiar name to fans of Greek rap music. Since 1994, she (2) son (perform) with the rap group Active Member. They 3) snsnsnsnnee (B€) One ofthe firs hip hop bands in Greece However, since 1995, their music (4) (call) “Low Bap” rather than “hip hop”. The name (5) -» (¢hoose) to give Greek rap its own identity Sadahzinia plays the Keyboard, and in rocent years she has added to her accomplishment. She (6) i (write) Iyris forthe band and for her solo performances for a ‘while now. In addition to rap lyrics, she (7) snes (lo / write) a play which oo (perform) forthe firs time in 2003 infront of a huge audience. Several of her fairy tales (9) sna (PUbIish) too, Sadabzinia even has her ‘own record company, which she (10) (found) some time ago with Active Member > Key Word Transformations ‘Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given. 1. Aan needs some new clothes. > do Ann soon ssn With Some new clothes, 2. Granny has a bit of money in savings. -» aside Granny oe 7 abit of money. 3. Dave has only recently moved to this area. =} not Dave in this area for long. 4, This young actress is about to become a stat. => verge ‘This young actress is = becoming a star 5. They have been trying really hard to keep out of trouble. => best ‘They = : su tO Keep out of trouble. 6. His latest CD isn’t in the shops yet. -> released His latest CD. yet 17. Joe participated actively in the discussion. = was ee in the discussion, 8, When did you become manager of the company? = running How long -scsnnesnnnne the company” 9, It was the First time that someone was staying in Lara’s house. 9 never Lara anyone up before, 10. She tried sleeping pills but they didn’t help at all. -> good She tried sleeping pills but they didn’t nue vat al 0x 2=20) 20) 40) Quiz 5 co — Unit 5 Date: Mark: > Vocabulary A Choose the correct answer. (Sx2=10) 1. What ..... Mick apart from the others is his will to succeed. a, makes b. takes ©. sets 4. finds 2. Lucy has faced many difficulties and I have a lot of ... for her a, determination b. imagination ©. curiosity 4, admiration 3. He says to take the ... By the hors and deal with the problem. a. bull b. horse ©. cow 4. sheep 4, Mrs Bishop will... the running of the schoo! while the headmaster is away. a. carry off b. take over €. put forward 4, get into 5, Even though we're no longer together, Jane will always have a special... in my heart a. identity b. surface c. place 4. space B Complete the text with the words below. (10x 2=20) [ identiied * mission + enemies + achieved + unlike * appeal » mastered + evil + similarities + captured Dragon Ball ‘The Japanese comic series Dragon Ball has (1) voainu the imagination of kids everywhere and has. 2 i worldwide popularity. Is (3) ..nnsnennews iS $0 great that an industry has developed ‘round it ~ including movies, TV shows, computer games and cards. The story of Dragon Ball follows the adventures of a character called Son Guko, who has (4) ‘many martial arts. He uses them to fight against his (5) as he searches for magic dragon balls. There are seven of these balls around the world. Together these balls are powerful enough to get a dragon to make any wish come true. While on his (6) . Son Guko meets both good and (7) characters who are 8) as gods and demons, There are some (9). cones in the plot to a traditional Chinese fotk tale called Journey to the West. In the story, Son Guko grows up from child to grandfather, 10) -- American superheroes, who never seem 10 age, > Grammar A Choose the correct answer. G6x2=10) 1. You... drive without a licence ~ it’s against the lav, a. don't have to b. wouldn't . mustn't needn't Brends ..... her homework when she comes home from school ~ not last thing at night! . ought to do b. must have done . would have done 4. is able to do 1 we have the picnic here? a. Shall b. Will . Must 4. Do 4, sou to reach that switch? I'm not tall enough, . May you b. Are you able . Can you 4. Ought you 5. “saw Julie on the train.” “But you ..... ! She's in China at the moment.” a. cannot b. mustn't «. weren't able to 4. can't have oss 3 B Circle the correct form of the verb. (x2=10) 1. 10S so hot. We should have brought / should bring some water with us. Is a pity we didn’t 2. Look at that light in the sky. It might be / might have been @ UFO! 3. Jean’s good at sport. She could swim / could have swum when she was four years ol. 4. It was really kind of you but you shouldn't bring / shouldn't have brought us a gift. It was unnecessary 5. The dog ate alot. He must be / must have been hungry. C Complete the sentences below with the correct modal, semi-modal or modal perfect and the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Gx2=10) 1. “Why didn’t you come to the party?” (come) but I couldn't find a babysitter.” 2. Asa child, Pat loved sweets and cakes but SHE wnnsmsnsoninoninansnsn (not eat) vegetables, 3. I'm worried about Amy. She sean (@tive) an hour ago. 4, EXCUSE ME, sonrsmnuninaninsnansonnennnsnanne (YOU tell) me the way to Baker Street, please? 5. Ever since his accident last month, Mr Gree wu.u:mnnsnsnsnsnsonnnnansnan (Ot Walk) very Wel > Key Word Transformations ‘Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given, (10x 4=40) 1. You have been tricked, I'm afraid ~ this diamond isn’t real. -9 ride T'm afraid you have... es ~ this diamond isn’t rea. 2. This book needn't be returned for another week. > have You this book back for another week. 3. Don’ ell anyone who you really are. => your Keep ese cna sore. 4, He has committed crimes. = engaged He has been race ace an activities. 5, Itwould be wrong to say that this is Ann’s fault. -» should We. : Ann for this 6. You have no choice but to believe me. =» word You'll just have to : for it 7. ILwasn't a good idea to acct I should ice extra work, 8. You didn’t need to bring a coat. =» brought You nnn COA 9. It’s amazing that she’s become so successful in such a short time, => off W's amazing that her caPeet sins so quickly. 10. Your purse must be in the car. = left You ‘your purse in the car, 10) +10) a 40) ' ' Quiz 6 = ae Unit 6 Date: Mark: > Vocabulary A Choose the correct answer. (Sx2=10) 1, Helen's new haireut doesn’t really... het. a, match b. fit c. suit . design 2. All first-year students are... accommodation on the university campus, a. guaranteed »b. exempt ©. enabled d. admisted 3. “Today I'll be showing you the sights of New York,” said Joe, our ... guide a. route b. tour ©. travel 4. wip 4. In most countries, there is am age .... on the purchase of alcohol. a prohibition ». permission «. admission 4. restriction 5. Sir Robert Scot, the famous explorer, led... fo Antarctic, a. a destination b. a transportation «. an expedition dan excursion B Match to complete the sentences. 6x2 1, Due to ch half the passengers were misinformed. 2. Inthe event of b. comply with the regulations may result in imprisonment. 3. Failure to .-€. weather conditions, all flights have been cancelled 4, At east sod departure, all lagenge will be checked 5. Prior to e. fie, please head for the nearest ext C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words at the end of the lines. (5x2=10) 1, The two countries have agreed to ve: in the search for criminal groups. OPERATE, 21 snc With the decision tha’s been made, I think its @ bad one. <—— AGREE 3. This the job of the police 10a. so the law FORCE 4. Our budget is limited this year, so we've chosen to go on an soos holiday, <——~ EXPENSE 5. There isn't much _ between the students; they hardly tal <—— action to cach other. > Grammar A Choose the correct answer. (5x2=10) 1, Be careful! This medicine... out of the reach of children a. should keep b. you should keep «. shoul be kept 4. i shout be kept 2. 1 can't read your handwriting: you should lear to write a more clewrly . more clear . most clesrly 4. as clear 3. There's no point going to fhe market this evening ~ all the good fruit and vegetables ing to be sold «will have been sold 4 had been sold 4, will be selling b. is 4, The film is based ..... a book with the same title, a. for b. by ©. of don 5. We're celebrating my promotion! I'm going to ..... head of department! a. make . be made . be making have made B Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets. (0x 2=20) The Train of the Future Pudong International Airport lies 30 km north of Shanghai, China, Yet Shanghai (1) (can / reach) in just seven minutes and 20 seconds from the airport using the Maglev train ~ the world’s @ (fast) passenger train, What makes it 3)... mi c. (Fast) than other «- (lit) above the track by very powerful (push) forward by magnetic forces. Because there is no contact between trains? The answer is magnets. The train (4) magnets and (5) twain and track, the train can go as (6) (fast) as 431 km an hour, Yer the idea is not new — the technology (7) (develop) in the 1930s, but this isthe first train ofthis type ever to be in operation. The main reason for this delay isthe cost ~ the Maglev train is much (8) (expensive) to produce than regular trains, However, another Maglev train (9) (develop) in Japan at the moment, and over the next 10 years its likely that trains like these (10) (build) in other countries too. > Key Word Transformations Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given. (0x4 =40) 1. No one explains things as clearly as my teacher. - anyone My teacher explains things .osscrsmnsnnnnnnn sree ERBOW. 2. These rules make sure that passengers are safe. -9 of These Mule ann sone ASSENBETS, 3. There's a Cityline bus from here to Manchester every day. > runs Chay BI orecincemnen sesso sss ws service from here to Mi I said. > 4, “I'm afraid someone has given you the wrong information T'm afraid you 5. Its clear that there’s no attraction between Jenny and Steve. => not It’s clear that Jenny and Steve... i pee suns f0 each other 6. “This will be the location of the new school,” said the headmistress, => here “The new schoo! i . said the headmistress. 7. Geoff was younger than I'd expected. => as Geoff WAS ne = ia Pd expected, 8. Its prohibited to enter this room without protective clothing. = must Protective clothing when entering this room, 9. We reserved our seats a week before the show, = booked (Our seats for the show srnnnnnenes AOVANEE, 10. Nobody is less responsible than Tim! => most Ti sen stnnnnninnnnnennnnnenes pOrson 1 KROW! 20) »p) > Vocabulary A choose the correct answer. eee 1, We'd better... quiet about the wedding plans until we decide who to invite. a. make b. speak c. keep 4. hold 2. I begged my parents to buy me a mobile phone and eventually they .... to me. a. gave up b. built up ©. put up d. gave in 3, [stole a .... atthe list on the teacher's desk but I couldn't see my name, a. glare b. stare . sight . glance 4, The American athlete will be your biggest... in the race, a. rival b. contestant ¢. referee 4. coach 5. They gave me no training for this job; I was just thrown in atthe ... end! a. big b. deep c. wide 4. high B Complete the sentences with the words below. Tine « record * snap + spot + set + message | 1, [keep trying to tell him how I feel but he’s not getting the 2. Lwish you wouldn't at me like that ~ i's very rude 3. You can’t let kids do whatever they want; you have 10 dr2W the .v.seusnsnninnnan SOMEWHETE, 4. We are going 10. on up practice matches between local schools 5. The school has a good track regarding exam results 6. A professional coach watched the game to see if he could promising players. C Circle the correct meaning of the words in bold. (4x2=8) 1, Jane has got tremendous potential 3. Weare up against the bes local team in today’s match, 4 has the ability 1 achieve a fot a support b. has a great deal of support b. will have to face 2, Several problems have come up. 4. Lean’t put up with George any longer. 2. been solved 4. can’t stand George's behaviour ». occurred unexpectedly b. can't give George accommodation > Grammar A Choose the correct answer. (x2 1. If there hadn't been so much traffic, we ... on time, & would arrive b. would have arrived . will ative 4. were arriving 2. It’s a good idea to take your mobile phone .... you get lost a, incase b. provided . supposing 4. as tong as 3. IFT... in New York City, Pll look you up. a. will ever be b. am ever" . would ever be 4. ever were: 4. What would you do if you ... the lottery? a. will win b. would win ©. would have won, 4, won 5. You won't make the team ..... you practise . on condition that b. providing that . unless 4. otherwise B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (10 x 2= 20) 1. Sonia will eal as soon as she (arrive). 2. What susnosenone (YOU / do) if YoU Were me? 3. We must leave now. Otherwise we (be) late 4. He (not erash) the car if he'd looked where he was going. 5 (you / come) to the party if I had invited you? 6. It would be a lovely place t0 live if it nna : (not be) so hot. 7. Supposing I (not turn up), what would you have done? 8. You can borrow my coat as long a8 YOU enn a sno (Mt Wear) it to school 9. Ihe 7 (not be) happy. why does he stay there? 10, Providing your meeting ....0s0snnnsnsn (finish) on time, we can catch the early tain home, > Key Word Transformations ‘Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given, Use between two and five words, including the word given. (0x4 = 40) 1. Pam was expelled because she cheated in an exam, -> kicked If Pam hadn't cheated, she would of school 2. The advanced class was too difficult for me, so I tried the intermediate level. = depth Tw 8 on cea in the advanced class, so I tried the intermediate level 3. You can’t do a job like this without training. > unless You can’t do a job like this pattie ae the ropes first. 4, IF you exercise regularly at the gym, you'll soon lose weight. = work You'll soon lose weight as regularly at the gym, 5. Tommy is a boy who loves adventures. =) an ‘Tommy boy. 6, Ladvise you to stop smoking immediately. => give IL were you, I smoking immediately. id the guard, -» bounds 7. “You're not allowed to enter that building, “That building 1 said the guard, 8, Phillip will receive the money provided that he continues studying. -> condition Phillip will receive the money on ‘on studying, 9. How many people participated? =} were How many there? 10, You're wasting your time to ry and change my mind, => use It saaane trying to change my mind, =20) Name: Clase: Date: Mark: | d Vocabulary A Choose the correct answer. x2=10) 1. Working in a restaurant wil give th student chefs the... experience they need a. hands-on b. brand-new ¢. well-known 4. last-minute 2. The driver was pulled from the car... seconds befor it exploded. a. blaze b- arson c. damage 4. wreck 3. Bob, i's time for you to... your act together and find ajo. a. do b get oc. make 4. bring 4, Unfortunately some problems have come up that we didn't apply b. acquire anticipate apt 5. Trained dogs helped in the... for survivors following the earthquake. | a search ». locaton ¢. look 4. appeal B Complete the text with the words below. x vel a training centre on the school (7) [amie ieee) The Wilson Circus School |The Wilson Circus Schoot was the brainchild of John Wilson. John had (1) previous (2). Geer a clowning and so on. Having fulfilled his (6) 8 a cireus artist before he ca It doesn’t offer formal (5) train teachers in circus skills The sole (8) alotof ie up With the idea of a cireus school. He is in . of the school, which is open to any young person who wants to work in a circus for a ‘but students can take classes in juggling, to create a circus school, John now plans to build ‘of the centre would be to C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words at the end of the lines. (6x2=12) 1 Lam by Christopher because he's so clever: « INTIMIDATE 2. The prospects for are good in this job. <—_—— PROMOTE 3. Mike had changed so much I hardly him. « RECOGNITION 44. The medical students must lear to apply their effectively. KNOW 5. Abit of exereise each day can make all the tohhow you feel, <—— DIFFER 6. There are limited for employment in a small town, « POSSIBLE, > Grammar A Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronoun. Ifa pronoun isn’t necessary, ut it in brackets. (5x2= 10) 1. This isthe building onthe students study 2. It was an electrical fault caused the fire. 3. Men and women fight fires are brave 4. The profession he chose was not an easy one 5. Fireman Joe, bravery is well known, is retiring soon. as B Choose the correct answer. 1, Sally rents a flat... once belonged to the president ait b. what c. that 4. where Do you remember the day .... we got lost in Cambridge? a. where be which thea when 3. Those youths ive ina part of town. ther is ie vo do a. where . hat oe which when 4. Flying to counties hit by earnguakes is ll. day's work for many journals a throughs in . a dio 5. The boy van bike was stolen, was afraid vo goto the police 2. who be which ¢. whose ak hat C Combine each pair of sentences using a sutable relative pronoun, 1. The woman gave me the information. She was called Brenda 2. The Ants Cincma is near our house, You can see foreign films there 3, Most of my fiends have mobile phones. They use them to send text messages. 4. There are many words inthis essay. These words are spelt incorrectly 5, According to Anne Jones, children's stories are easy to write. Her book comes out next week > Key Word Transformations Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given. cox 1. “This guide book might be of use,” said the travel agent. -> come “This guide book might socuninnnenianone Said the travel agent 2. Has your salary been increased recently? =» rise Have you recently? 3. Can you work a few extra hours this week? = put Would you be able... ‘overtime this week? 4, After the storm, we looked at what was left of the ship.) remains Aller the storm, we looked at i sno UNE SID. 5. Are you applying for the job? -> sending Are you senor the j0b? ‘xcuse me, but who owns this house?” asked the man. = whose :xcuse me, but > asked the man, 7. The town of Stratford-on-Avon is Shakespeare's birthplace, > where Stratford-on-Avon is the OWN os bom, 8, Everyone except Judy is willing to take part in the show. =» who Judy is the su aa ‘not want to take part in the show. 9. He hopes to be promoted soon, “> get He hopes soon, 10. George's latest CD was released last week and itis already a big hit. -» came George's latest CD, sow last week, is already a big hit aa 40) Quiz 9 ro Class: Mark: . > Vocabulary ‘A Choose the correct answer. 6x2 1. Pve ad so many expences lately that its hard to Keep a. preference b. touch «. tack a. tine 2. Lean tell you don’t approve ofthis project i’... all over you face. 2. painted b. written «. drawn 4. marked 3, David's not very... of smal children ~ especially when they behave badly 2. laid-back b. preferable «. sensitive 4. tolerant 4, Dad's. to marriage is very old-fashioned. a. attitude b. disapproval «opinion 4. appreciation 5. The couch said that she had made her... and then named the new team members. a. deal b. selection c. preference 4. panicipaion B match to complete the sentences. (5x2 1. Remember to keep your fingers crossed because 4 itll be a disaster if you start laughing. 2, Please ty and keep a stright face because b. I've got my driving test today. 2. Texpect you to keep your word because ¢. listen o both sides of the argument before you decide. 4. Lats try and keep in touch because ned. Treally don’t ike being let down 5.1 important to keep an open mind and ¢. itwould be ashame not to see each other again C Complete the sentences with the correct particle. 6x2 1. We object the closing ofthe factory because many jobs wil be lost. 2, Danie is always complaining something 3. What’ the point plastic Mowers? Real ones look and smell beter. 4, 1.don’t mind my son owning a mobile phone bu I draw the line paying his bills! 5. Could you slow down, please? I can't keep > Grammar A Choose the correct answer. | feel shy in the company ..... people I don’t know very well a. with b. of ©. by do ‘The man at the theatre said all the tickets he would sell b. had been sold . have sold 4. had they sold 3. Lasked .... fo interfere with my plans |. my parents not b. that my parents note. not my parents 4. my parents do not 4. The teacher reminded us .... for the test a. study . to have studied studying 4. to study Are you still here? Brian told .... home already. tome you had gone ——_b. you had gone c. me youhad gone d. you would go B Circle the correct verbs to complete the text below. (5x2=10) E-mail Addict Alan Gardener (1) said / told The Daily News that he was receiving treatment for addiction to e-mail. He had been sending over 1,000 e-mails a week, mainly to his girlfriend. Alan’s addiction was discovered when his boss looked at his computer. She (2) demanded / asked him why he had been sending so many e-mails and to whom. Alan (3) confessed / told her that most of the messages had been sent to his girlfriend. His boss (4) warned / explained to hhim that he could lose his job because of this. Alan (5) says / tells it was at this point that he realised he needed help. C Change the sentences below to reported speech using the verbs given. (5x2=10) 1. “What are you doing here?” the security guard enquired, asked “I don't think you should go to school tomorrow.” the nurse said to me. advised ‘I won't tidy up my things,” said the little boy. refused 4, “Should | tell Paul my plans?” I asked myself, wondered 5. “Did you drive into town this morning?” Mum asked us. wanted to know > Key Word Transformations ‘Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given. 0x4=40) 1. “My paintings are being displayed in the town hill,” said the artist. > display ‘The artist said that her paintings ” in the town hall “Don't misunderstand me,” my friend said. -} wrong “Don't ane 2 my friend said. 3. Granny wouldn't walk on the snow because she w Grai < afraid of slipping. + fear ny wouldn’t walk on the SNOW essen oon slipping 4. “Is your privacy important to you?” the journalist asked the actress. =» valued The journalist asked the actress sow privacy, 5, I's better to be poor and happy than rich and miserable. = preferable Being poor and happy rich and miserable. 6, “Don't walk on the grass,” the park keeper said to us. => warned ‘The park keeper assassins OR 7. “We have tried not to raise our prices,” said the shopkeeper, => had ‘The shopkeeper said they .. . prices down, 8. “Don’t ever come here again!” Sally told Harry. -» show Sally told Harry never - 7 seen AN 9. “Did you call me yesterday?” asked Bob. = him, Bob asked ifT before 10. “Why did you argue?” asked Mum, = reason. Mum wanted for our argument 10) edo help. =10) =40) Quiz 10 — Cas: « Unit 10 Date: Mar > Vocabulary A Complete the text with the words below. (0x2 "growing + abroad + estimated » graduate + provided « fees « degree + awarded backgrounds * applicants Studying in Britain Lin Disheng left his native China to complete a fist (1). ‘at a British university for which he was (2) Cane erence ethan studies in the UK too. Linis one of more than half a mili Chinese studenis who are studying (4) ‘and one of 50,000 who have chosen a British education. Every year, over 200,000 students of different nationalities and ethnic (5). snes OME 19 tHE UK ~ and the numbers are (6) Ifthe trend continues, the British economy will have 0 (7) vnsnnnnennennennne InvOME OF ELT billion a year (8). by its foreign students. At the moment, Chinese students make up the largest number of foreign (9) to UK universities. This could change, however, as rising tuition (10) may encourage students to Took at universities in other countries, such as Canada or Australia. Choose the correct answer. Gx2 1. She doesn’t speak English perfectly because it’s not her mother a. talk b. speech . tongue 4. mouth, His difficulties at his new school soon ..... when he made a few friends, a. passed b. happened ©. took place" d went through 3. [still haven’t found ... for next term. I don’t know where I'm going to live. {orientation . participation d, accommodation This is long-..... loan which can be paid back over 20 years. a. life b. term «. period time Competition entries must be... to the above address no later than 31 January a. accessed b, realised . submitted 4. fultilied > Grammar A. Complete the second sentence with the correct form of the verb. 1. We don't mi Tish We suse sneninnne €a¢h other more often. often enough. see Tam always so busy. have I wish 1. ‘more free time. 3. There are so many flies in the house, leave wish you... 7 sw the door open all the time. I'm much too fat. be wish I thinner. ‘We had a miserable holiday in France. go only we somewhere else instead. B Choose the correct answer. (5x2 1. Andy has been looking so miserable lately ~ I wish he .... cheer up. a. will ». should ©. would 4. can 2. “This is Sam's meat shop. Can I help you?” “Yes, I'd Tike to have... , please. a. some delivered meat, to deliver some meat _c. me deliver some meat d, some meat delivered 3. Universi Oxford and Cambridge have been around for hundreds of years. a. like bi. likely . alike ds ike to 4. The teacher had all the students... their names on the blackboard. a. wrote b. writen . write 4. wo write 5. It's freezing here! wish I... my winter coat with me, a. brought b. had brought ©, would bring 4. would have brought C Complete the sentences with the causative and the words in brackets. (Sx2=10) 1. Your wedding dress is beautiful. Where (you / have / it / make)? 2. “Did you decorate your room by yourself?” “No, I -~ (get / some friends / help) me. 3 I {just have / my ears / pierce). How do they look? 4. If can’t come to the airport myself, 1 .~ (have / one of my staff / collect) you. 5 Ifyou soon (Mot get / the roof / fix) before winter, i'l leak; > Key Word Transformations ‘Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given, 0x 4=40) 1. “The two girls are identical in appearance,” said the reporter. => exactly “The two girls same,” said the reporter. 2, Would you write a letter recommending me to the university? = of Would you write me a letter for the university? 3. “What do you hope to achieve in your career? the interviewer asked me. => objectives ‘The imerviewer asked me an ETE 4. “Thope you will treat this house as your own,” our host said. => feel Our host said he hoped We nue svsnse home in his house. 5. The prince owns castles in England as well as one in Scotland. => addition The prince has a castle in Scotland Be the ones he owns in England. 6. You can use your credit card to pay the bill or you can write a cheque. “> payable The bill sninnsse ies 1 cheque or credit card, 7. It’s been ages since my hair was cut. + not 1 iy hair cut for ages. 8. It's a shame that girls can’t attend this school. => wish 1 co-educational, 9. Tl persuade Anne to organise the event. = take TH get . ad - the organisation of the event 10, I'm so sorry I couldn't come to your birthday party. = able I wish 1. smennanonne COME tO Your birthday party. 10) 10) Ip) me.” -t) you. Quiz 11 oe Unit 11 Class: > Vocabulary A.Choose the correct answer eee 1. Let's sn the score is 40 so there's no way our team can win the match now. nse b. look «. show a. fee Some colour-blind people .... green and red to be the same colour a. appear b. perceive ©. approve 4. exhibit 3, Taking drugs can... affect your health a. permanently b. safely ©, recently 4. increasingly 4. “Do you know what this word means?” “I'm afraid I... idea,” a. know be think ©. have 4. find 5. Computer technology has... great changes in the way people communicate. a. built up b brought about ©. leton 4. gor through B Complete the sentences with the words below. (x2=10) guidance + expert + expense 1. John had a successful career, but it Wa at Ihe sn of his family life The poor boy is confused because he has had no svonneanes Grom his parents, 3. Inher somennnsnne Janet Rad a serious illness 4, Margaret is a medical .- Who knows a lot about this illness. 5 There's very little ncncnnn .-s» between the tWo cousins. They're not close C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words at the end.of the lines. (5x2=10) [AS Young soso + girls are often taller than boys of the same age. <— ADOLESCENCE 2. When he offered me the job, he that it would involve travelling Grammar A Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (10x2=20) Yo! Diary Yo! Diary is the name of a series of books about teenagers. The author, Jonathan Meres, spent a lot of time eae (think) about what it’s like to be a teenager and succeeded in (2) (create) some very funny and realistic characters. The books sold so well that a television company decided eres (make) them itito a TV series, which has turned out (4) (be) equally popular. The main character is Seb, Who tries (5)... (impress) people by 6)... (act) like an American rap singer. Instead he just makes everyone (7) (laugh). His friends include Meera, who lets astrology (8) .. (rule) her life, Mandy, who dreams of (9) w» (become) a star, and Clare, who just wants (10) (fit) in, oui) 2s B Choose the correct answer (Sx 2=10) 1. “Why are we going back?” “T think I forgot... the front door” a, locking b. tock ©. to lock 4. having locked 2. wn late at night is not a good idea if you want to lose weight. a, Eating, b. Eat ¢, Tobecaten —d, The eating 3, Tbegged my parents... tothe party a. letting me go . let me go ©. tolet go d. to let me go. 4, At the airport, they made me... all the presents I had packed. a, to open b. open . opening 4, to be opened 5. Jack knows about the surprise party, but he's promised that he won't let a. out bein con 4. off > Key Word Transformations ‘Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given, Use between two and five words, including the word given. (0x 4=40) 1. When I failed my exams, I knew I had disappointed my parents. = let knew that I had se — when I failed my exams. ‘The school won't allow me to postpone my exam to a later date, => put ‘The schoo! won't let ee md my exam to a later date, 3. Twas in a good mood afier seeing the film. -¥ made The film .. good. 4, Everyone could see how intelligent the boy was. = evident I. mit 7 the boy was very intelligent 5, Your parents’ concern is completely understandable, => reason Your parents have good : nnn €OMCETMEG, 6. There is risk of brain damage if you use this drug frequently. =» run If you use this drug frequently, y fl rt : = damaging your brain. 7. Thave difficulty remembering things. -> to Lind . things. 8. You look like you are enjoying yourself. -® appear You Ee 1 good time, 9, We went to the beach to calm down and relax after the exam, “9 steam We went to the beach ecu i after the exam. 10, “Idon’t want to see any more of this behaviour,” the boy's mother said. => stop “L want you! . like this,” the boy's mother sai. > Vocabulary ‘A Complete the text with the words below. One word is used twice. (ox2=20 Sree Ancient Flying Machines ‘The Wright Brothers became famous when they (1) in making the first (2) in an aeroplane they'd built. That was in 1903, Some researchers however, (3) w -that there is evidence of flying much earlier in history. They have (4) oo ancient objects that are very similar to modern (5) ‘Acthe end of the 19th (6)... «an object that looked like ‘plane was found in Egypt. It dated back to 200 BC. According to some (7) «the people who found the object thought it was nothing (8) than a strange model of something. However, looking at i today one can see how similar the object is to a small plane, What is (9) «itis well known that the ancient Egyptians usually made models of objects before building them. But does this prove that they ‘knew how to produce flying machines that would (10)... properly? B Choose the correct answer. (6x2=10) 1. Tsuggest you... the boat slightly tothe lef, otherwise we'll hit those rocks. a. board b. steer e. land 4. strctch 2. Scientists believed there was a logical... forthe tales about sea monsters a. explanation ». force «©. oveurrence 4, account 3. Mark and I were going to set up a business together but things didn’t. a. make up b. getthrough —c. pick up 4. work out 4. For some... reason, the horse suddenly stopped and wouldn't go any further 4. incomplete ». inexplicable, imesponsible impossible 5. “Oh no, we've gota at tyre!” “Don’t worry 1 fix it a ime a all.” tithe ». one ©. no des > Grammar A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (5x2=10) 1. Penoo tired (g0) any further. I'm not used to scene (Wall) Jong distances, 2. SWS Hime vce vos (00k) our winter holiday ~ do you fancy going somewhere hot?” No, Pd rather (go) sking again 3. You'd better ware (tell) the kids to come in —it’s high time they (be) in bed 4. I prefer ... (cook) my own food to (eat) in restaurants. 5. “could get used to soe (OL WoFK).” “Stop being so lazy — it’s about time you (find) a job.” a B Complete the sentence with the correct word. 1. The chocolates Were sniuennn tasty T couldn't stop eating them. “Is the soup ready?" “No, it's not hot yet.” 3. Twas amazed to see tall Emily had grown, 4. Twas a moving performance that everyone in the audience was in tears 5 He suddenly realised ... ‘an amazing woman Helen was. C Choose the correct answer. 1. Mary walks... fast that I can’t keep up with her, a. such bo ©. 30 d. very 2. Tow Work in a restaurant than in a bank. a. would rather ——b, would prefer, prefer am rather 3. “It’s cold in this office, isn’t it?” “Yes, but you... to it eventually.” a. used b. are used c. will use «will get used 4, Thad no idea how .... to the next town, a. was it far b. far it was c.itwas far d. far was it 5. ['ve just met the new manager ~... & funny man he is! a. what ». how . that 4. who > Key Word Transformations ‘Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given, Use between two and five words, including the word given. 1. Exercising every day is something new for me. =» used Tam not 1 out every day. ‘We ought to collect the parcel as soon as possible. - better We sninmnennenven Up the parcel as Soon as possible. 3, We have had such good luck with the weather during this holiday! =» so We have . : with the weather during this holiday! 4, We can’t talk in here because it’s too noisy. -® enough lis... to talk in bere, 5. All the teachers noticed what a quick learner Tania was, =» how Al the teachers noticed seme eels learnt things. 6. We need to board the plane immediately. -> high Is con the plane. 7. [prefer to return by tain, > rather ie ba by tain, 8. “No one can control such a wild horse,” said the rider. => is ‘A horse as wild 7 * said the rider. 9, The missing man was not mentioned in the newspaper. => no There of the missing man in the newspaper 10. ‘The ship's destination was Bermuda, -> heading The ship . Bermuda, 0 eae Gx2 (0x 4=40) Test 1 10) Name Class: Units 1-3 Date: Mark > Vocabulary lo A Complete the sentences with the words below. One word is used twice. (8x 1=8) | good » hard « deep « pl teen + peer Pete often works a 12-hour day, so he has very litle time Tina realised she was in water when she was called tothe headmaster office Most young people stat smoking as a result of pressure Actos like Brat! Pit become popular because of their sos HOOKS “The fist day ofthe course was tough, but afer that WAS sailing At firs, Ben had @ coon time at his new school, but he soon sted in Fills ike Scream are made forthe ; market, not for older audiences You were late on the first day! That Wa8M'€ a... start to the school yeat B Choose the correct meaning of the words in bold. @x2=14 ‘Are you going to sign up for the course? 5. That man stole millions from the company a. get information about and got away with it b. register for a. was never caught $=40) I's a useful little travel guide, as far as it goes. . ran away with the money a. it could be better 6, Ul uy and get off work early tomorrow. b. it covers many areas a. start The government will carry out a survey of eS finish, teenage spending habits 7. Tare a lot about you and I take the things ado you say to heart. b. write 2, love the things you say ‘The drinks company claims that its products ee TARE I AAS RLY are healthy. a. proves b. say: > Grammar Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets, active or passive. (10x 2=20) 1. This is a temporary bus stOp: the BUS rsesnnnninnnninn (not usually /Teave) from here We can't go into the schoo! hall because it (repaint) atthe moment. «(you / pay) weekly or monthly forthe work you do? never : (use to / like) living inthe ity, but now I quite enjoy it She was shocked when she saw Leonard he snsnssunsseninsenninannnsnnans (@hamge) sO much, 1 could tell from his expression that he {not listen) to me, so I stopped talking. can pay you back on Friday —1 (receive) my pay cheque by then ‘You have a job interview tomorrow, don’t you? What {you / wear)? Don't phone Grandpa after 9 pm tonight because he (sleep), Sally behaved badly in class, so she : (punish. >B2 Exam Prac ‘A Read the text below and think ofthe word which best fits each space. Use only one word Ineach space, (2xl=2) e Fountains at Bellagio If you're travelling to Las Vegas in the USA, (1) not miss the most spectacular water display in the world — the Fountains at Bellagio. You will (2) truly amazed and delighted when you see them! ‘The fountains (3) «we located outside the Bellagio Hotel-Casino in Las Vegas. Every 15 minutes or every half-hour ~ it depends (4) the time of day ~ a fantastic show, using musie, water and light, (5) ssnesnnnene PUt ON. The Fountains move in time (0 songs such as Fly Me to the Moon, which Frank Sinatra (©) venom (0 Sing, ‘The fountains are part of a huge lake which stretches (7)... in front of the Bellagio Hotel. They (8) soesnonnonsn Created by a Californian firm called WET Design. This company also came up (9) ... the designs for many other water displays. The Bellagio fountain show cost $40 million to put on and it has. appeared (10)... Several films, such as Ocean's Eleven. WET Design wanted the show (11) be perfect so a famous composer of film music (12)... brought in to help. People driving by the fountains nearly always stop to admire the performance. I's actually possible to watch the fountains all night! B Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word glven. Use between two and five words, including the word given. (8x2=16 1. Carol talked to the director, who offered her a job immediately. =» was When Carol talked to the director, she the spot Bob hasn't accepted the situation yet. = terms Bob is still Hale eitit with the situation, 3. The balloon burst suddenly while I was holding it. -» sudden T was holding the balloon 7 ae sono i BUS 4, Atthe end of the meeting, anyone who wants to comment will be able to. + chance Ac the end of the meeting, everyone will be to comment Aone time this area was frequently flooded. => used There senron e in this area. 6. Ldon’t have any cash, I'm afraid, => out I i f ccash, I'm afraid, It’s Harry’s turn on the skateboard next. > going Harry . so . go on the skateboard next 8. You didn’t complete the form properly, = filled Your form properly. 1=12) 16) C Use the words in capitals at the end of some of the lines to space in the same line. Personality Traits of the Rich ‘A study of millionaires ~ people who have often achieved many of their 1) 2 v= found that they share certain basie esac , such as great determination and the ability (0 think (3) ‘They did not make their money just because they wanted financial (4) ‘They are people who enjoy the challenge, the sense of achievement and the (5) «that financial success brings. Many wealthy people made their fortunes through hard work and © .». of mind, One millionaire said we must ‘do many litle things to accomplish one big thing; this rule gives him (7) also tend to be (8) + they believe in themselves, 80,09) sre and negative comments do not affect them. They also know how to build up useful and important business (a0) vw. when he needs it, Most millionaires form a word that fits in the (0x1 = 10) <—— AMBITIOUS <—— QUALITY <—— CREATE <—— SECURE <—— DEPEND <—— STRONG se PATIENT <—— CONFIDENCE, <—— crITICISE <—— RELATE D Choose the correct answer. (10x2-= 20) 1A of wing abou sing Cannes in 6, Next summer, we can yf the send Besse May’ book cay you won’ find he the prt by then 2 piece wl have bu point wll hve ben bit cron 6. going to bla 6. note 6. ising bit That woman alas in hE people's 2. tm mo zing oa antl he busines wl sep a irtering bw ave topped b obsening €. saps c. anagng 6. stoping 6 criticising 8. I could tell the boy because he was out of breath. . Vicor was jesus of isis uses 2. was uming tnd ei al he ould 0. he back bs wen ning ap 6: fal een ning hold 6. had been anne EH 9. Wile er oom Anne had resis | make : ina nary cals When stated working hee was en 9 2s ing cleaned halp ta Tvs en Orsi. bs ha een leaned 2 ink 6: ined obs cleans 2. down 6. lecing dive ae 10. When we wet eile, we aways wakeup very ealy on Chess Dy. Bian wea mas he Baya had oF £40,000 based 2 finance © were aceon wold spending b. 4. income >wri ing Fel tead the task below and write your story in 120-180 words. Your English teacher following words: (100 points) asked you to write a story for your school magazine. Your story must begin with the One day I received a letter that changed my life Test 2 ee ae: Units 4-6 Date: Mare points) > Vocabulary A. complete the sentences with the correct words. aaa 1. The shop takes extra staff at Christmas, I'm saving up for a new bike, so cach week I put a Bit of my pocket money You're always changing your plans ......... the last minute! ‘The new winter coat collection has really taken ~ we selling hundreds every day! ‘The book is based .. a true story. We were all taken ...0n:nnne By Pann's story and only later found out that it wasn’t true Paul takes ..soen his grandfather; he was a fast runner too. ‘Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words at the end of the lines. (x1=8) nging lessons gave me th to perform in public: « CONFIDENT Having a dog has helped Jenny learn : « — RESPONSIBLE, After a lot of | - Bob finally agreed to join us on the trip. = PERSUADE Tam full of. for this artist's work. < ADMIRE He came to visit his new neighbours out of —— curious Tt was a strange Country ~ ss anything I had ever seen before —— LIKE . Ted is a very person. <——— oprimist Janet Baxter is to attend the meeting due to illness. <——— ABLE > Grammar A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets, active or passive. (5x1 =5) 1. 1 could no longer see the tll tree from my window BecaUse it esensnsininninaninninanninsnn (Qt GOWN). “The students srnninnsnunsinnnnsinn (BW) thei prizes after the speeches. 3. (not ride) a horse for years ~ I hope I don’t fall off! —— «. (offer) a job ata bank after leaving school, and she's been there ever since. 5. He's tired because he . -w (Sit) in front of the computer all day. Change the following sentences from active to passive. 1, People know that this part of the coast is dangerous. This part of the c088t er ‘The government is spending millions of euros on improving schools, Millions of euros ‘The company was paying Susan less because She Was a woman. Susan |. They have wasted my time. My time ‘They will have painted the whole house by the end of next week ‘The whole house C Complete the sentences with a suitable modal or modal perfect. Make any necessary changes. (5x 1=5) 1. Inced to sign this form, J borrow) your pen for a moment? 2. “Bill has broken my MP3 player.” “Well, you 1.0m (not lend) it to him” 3. Told you not to spend all your money at once but you (not listen). 4. The BOYS wren smnnnsne (ROE finish) all the food already! I only went shopping yesterday! . (we / have) dinner indoors or outdoors? What do you suggest? >B2 Exam Practice A Use the words in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. ox House Swapping Have you ever thought of taking a vacation in someone else's home? This is what house swapping is all about. The (I). is remarkably ~~ CONCEIVE. simple. Instead of (2) ...u:snnnonee YOU Vacation in a hotel room, you allow <—— SPEND someone else to stay in your home while you stay in theirs With a house swap there are many opportunites fo (3) sith the <— interact Yocal peoples (8) nn most vacations, where your main contact i with LIKE her tourists This contact with te local people ean often (5). on <—— Form ordinary vacation into a cultural adventure! Apart from being an interesting experience, house swapping has another (6) ennen featre~ theres no hotel bil 0 pay ArrRacT ‘There we a wide ) of travel agencies tat specialise in house swapping <—— VARY and they are) trained to help you find what you want All you have io + — PROFESSION| dois tell them what kind of (9) you are looking for and what you have io <— LOCATE, offer in tur, While this kindof holiday may nt befor everyone, for many itoffers an 0) way to have an exling holiday abroad. <— expense | B Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the frst sentence, 17 the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given. x2=16 1. Jack Downs isin change of tis company. -> run This company nn asset seek Downs 2. work atthe local hospital asa volunteer. -> voluntary 1 ; atthe local hospital 3. You won't finda better removal company than Crooks. > best Crooks removal company the business 4 You should have etumed these books to he brary tree weeks ayo. -> been TS! BOOKS nnn back to the library three weeks ago 5. This house has always been special for me. =» place This house has always ti : in my heart 6, Recently, Ann and Brian have constantly been in each other's company. => all Recently, Ann and Brian ms a their time together, 7. There was no need to buy a return ticket, - should You a single ticket 8. Our cat disappeared in June, => not we ‘our cat since Tune, Y= 1=10) IVE Tr ‘SSION a ISE =16) CC ead the text below and decide which answer A,B, C or D best fits each space. (2x2=1 WOMADelaide ‘One of the most important (1) .. of the year for music, arts and dance from around the world, is WOMADelaide. ‘This annual festival takes place in Adelaide, which is (2)... in South Australia. In 2005, the festival (3)... 65,000 visitors, who came to watch performances by groups from 20 different countries. Artists who have appeared at thi (4) sun festival range from India's Sheila Chandra to Greece's Savina Yannatou, although plenty of Australi n artists 100. What sets WOMADelaide (6) connection between music and place. For (7) didgeridoo (Australia) or the tonkori (Japan) which are made in their own countries from local materials. from other festivals is the way it celebrates cultural differences, showing the + many of the bands play on traditional instruments such as the WOMADelai ity’s Botanic Park is (9)... into a festival ground. Huge outdoor stages are installed and visitors begin ¢ (8) «nto audiences of all ages and it has become one of Australia’s most popular festivals, Each, year, the to (10) .... up in theit thousands. In addition to the stage performances, there are also activities For Global Village selling arts, crafts and food ~ so the whole family is (11) .... a great time, It's advisable to buy tickets in (12) ... . Both night and day passes are available or you can purchase one ticket for the whole festival ildren and a A services B events € designs D effects A located B focused C sheltered D kept A accomplished B acquired € achieved D attracted A unknown B unlikely C unique D unnatural A participate B engage C offer D organise A away B apart C out D forward A occasion B instance € addition D instant A admires B captures appeals D identifies A transformed B informed C misinformed D performed A get B take Cur D put A enabled B realised C guaranteed D permitted A onder B admission C distribution D advance D Choose the correct answer. (10x 2=20) 1. The law banning the sale of cigarettes to children should be strictly a. enabled b. ensured €- enforced a. exempt 2. don't know why Peggy her husband's behaviour takes pats stands turns up with tidy up now — we ean do it later don’t have to mustn't - haven't got might not 4, Tbecame a clown because I get a real ‘out of making people Laugh, a. punch b. bite c. seratch, d. kick 5. Surveys show that... number of consumers are buying organic food. 8, an advancing b. agrowing . a transforming 4. a developing 6. Why are you telling your mother about my problems? It's got nothi with her! a. doing bb to be doing ©. todo 4. done 7. The house .... by the same Family for several years already. 9. "This cake is .. as it looks. a. is being rented 4. not tastier b. will be rented bas not tasty ca be rented «. less tasty «has been rented 4. not as testy 8. There was no sign ofthe boat after the storm 10, ‘The drawing in this cave... 10 be the oldest 50 rescue... Wats Sent out t look for Survivors. inthe world. a. mission 4. is believing b. excursion b. is believed «. admission «. believes 4. agent 4. is believed that Dd writing FCE: Read the task below and write your e-mail in 120-150 words. (100 points) You are planning to visit your friend Tony in California, Read Tony’s e-mail and the notes you have made ‘Then write an e-mail to Tony. You must use all your notes. From: | Tony Subject [Visit or Sent [25 May ane ! Tm really Iooking forward to seeing you in July. If you like, we could spend @ Great because ... —— day in Los Angeles, There are some great shops there. We could visit Universal ‘Studios ~ the largest film and TV studio in the world —and you can see how movies are made, ‘There are plenty of fun things to do in our town as well. There's a bowling alley, Say which ———an ice rink and some riding stables, And of course, there's always the ocean. Our Ua like ana nearest beach is great for surfing and we can go there to play volleyball to. why Let me know your flight details so we can pick you up. —___________ Give detail Yours, Tony Test 3 os a Units 7-9 Date: Mark: coldest > Vocabulary A match to complete the sentences. @x1=8 Tt! need to earn a. all the difference to my day can't afford these shoes ~ Ihave to draw .b. my face at school today ‘Am I making myself clear? [hope you get this ambition of mine hope I can fulfil 4. the ropes at my new job. pene Tneed to put c. track of what's going on in my life, Getting @ good night’ sleep can make £. the line somewhere Trim so busy that it’s hard 10 keep ov 8: the message 3. Tehaved so badly lastnight that I ean’t show h. in some overtime at work B Complete the sentences with the correct word. (7x2=14) I don’t lke it when plans are changed a the .... minute If you cross the road here, you run the... of being knocked over There was an silence when the boys first saw euch other afer their argument Cost 1 don’t really have a strong opinion on this subject ~ I prefer to keep an ‘mind 5. Why are you arguing about who sits where at dinner? What's the... deal? 6, Sally isa very talented young athlete I think she has : potential 7. On my first day at the new hospital, I had to perform an operation ~ so I was really thrown in at the 2 detailgl end! > Grammar A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (5x2=10) 1. The tour guide asked if any of us (see) the Eiffel Tower before. .. Jonathan had known Mary a month when he asked her if she .. (be) his wife, 3. Billy can return to class providing he oon : (apologise) for his behaviour 4. IF Thad known you were here, (come) home earlier. 5. Ifl...... se v- (be) you, I'd take this job. B Complete the second sentence using the word given. x2 10) 1. “Don’t forget to close all the windows.” Dad said to me. reminded Dad a left . [stayed at a hotel that was near the The hotel ity. where Princeton is a very well-known university in the United States. which Princeton didn’t buy the book because it was too expensive. cheaper ie... 7 it ‘The student who writes the most interesting story will win a prize. whose ‘The student >B2 Exam Practice A\ Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. (2x 1=12) Personal Trainer to the Stars Many films stars are as well known for their good looks and great figures (1) they are for their acting talent, However, if they (2) van ROL Work out regularly, they soon lose their great bodies. Fortunately, to keep in shape, they can always employ a personal trainer, 3) Job iy a challenging one. For Darrell Foster, (4) nsoosansune tains celebrities like Will Smith, working with movie stars ean include teaching ‘@ new skill for a role ina film, For example, when Will Smith asked Darrell (5)... prepare him for his role as the boxer, Muhammad Ali, Darrell was (6) ‘against a big challenge. He had to teach Will the style Of fighting (7) so...» Ali had used in the boxing ring. In order to do this, Darrell trained Will as if he were a professional fighter. Afterwards Ali said that Darrell (8) «0. done an amazing job. But teaching fighting skills is just one part (9) sone. being a personal trainer. Darrell also asks his clients about their lifestyles and eating habits and tells (10) ... how to improve their general health, As any personal trainer will tell you, (11) . ‘you live and eat healthily, you (12) .. lose your perfect shape, B Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, ithe word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given. |. Lwon’t be able to wake up early unless I go to bed early. = stay I won't be able to wake up early late . [think you should stay away from boys like George. => steer 1 co eas .. of boys like George if I were you 3. “Lam honoured to be here tonight,” said the guest speaker, =) an The guest speaker said it sacs vo to be there that night 4, Kay will stay with the company providing they’promote her soon. “> promotion Kay will stay with the company as long ci soon. 5..LK. Rowling is a well-known writer, - most JLK, Rowling is a writer heard of 6. “Did you do as you promised?” he asked me. = kept He asked me . ; word. 7. We don’t put up with cheating in this institution,” said the headmistress. > where “This is an institution sone aeeeceeee! vs tolerated.” said the headmistress 8, Jake's parents disapproved of his marriage and refused to attend the wedding. => not Jake's parents, of his marriage, refused to attend the wedding. about Lrainer edding, C Use the words .n in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. 0x1 = 10) The Rise of the Blog Thanks to (1) vo fechnology, and Heather Armstrong, more <— pierr people are writing about themselves on the Internet. Heather was doing website design for @ (2) ‘when she stared = <— LIVE ‘writing a blog. which isan onfine diary. Her (3)... asa <— ABLE ‘writer was good and people enjoyed reading her funny, but sometimes . {comments about her colleagues at work, Unfortunately, <—~ OFFEND ter bosses (5) of the blog and Heather lost her job. But the <—~ APPROVE blog continued and it has (6) other people to write online <— COURAGE diaries too. ‘Although knowledge of computers comes in (7) when writing <— USE ‘online, itis not essential hecause the tools are (8) easy touse. <— SURPRISE ‘Writing a blog is not only fun but also challenging because, (9) <— LIKE an ordinary diary, you never know who could be reading it! For this reason, 4 blog is not for those who value their (10). <— PRIVATE D Choose the correct answer. 0x2 1. I found the lesson impossible to Follow and I felt completely out of my a. width b. length . height depth 2. Look ..... that rainbow! Isn't it gorgeous? a. at b.t0 . for d. on 3. Atalk will be given tonight by the explorer, Tim Severin, 4. renowned b. recognised . required reminded 4. The ..... purpose of this experiment is to prove that the material is completely fire-proot, a, alone b. sole . individual 4. lonely 5. Ldon’t know why Sue has such a tall b, shor ce. thin 4. long face today. 6. For today’s homework, I'd like you to... the meanings of the words on this list ». find out €. get over d. give in 7. “Do you like your new school?" "Yes, but I still miss the one a. when b. what . that who, used © go to. 8. IF Caroline a. calls b, called c. will call , would call + tell her F've gone shopping. 9, Do you have any idea... wrote this letter? a. what b. how . who . why 10, As soon as the exams. b. will ©. be a. were ‘over, I'm going on holiday. > Writing FCE: Read the task below and write your review in 120-180 words. Your English teacher has given students the following note: We want reviews for the school English magazine! Write a review of your favourite television series. Say why you like it and include information about the characters, the setting and the plot. Give your recommendation and say who would enjoy the series. receive a prize, (100 points) Test 4 ee Units 10-12 points) > Vocabulary I prefer . (tallk) face to face to chatting the phone. Class: ‘A complete the sentences with the correct words. Gx1=5) 1, We've been .... Some hard times recently, but things are better now. 2. Residents have to pay for gas and water addition fo electcity. 3. You've been very sick and you must Build...» YOUF strength now. 4. After our argument, I went for a ong walk to let steam 5. IF you invest all your money in one project, You FUR the FISK ......n Hsing everything B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words at the end of the lines. 0x2=20) 1, Ifyou want to help our charity, send a cheqUe .ossussnsiwnnsenin 0 Save The Children, <—PAY 2. suum FOF the job will be requested to attend an interview. <— APPLY 3. Students who do not fulfil the COUFSE 0.0.0: will fail. ~— REQUIRE 4, Joe has become very lately and won't even talk to is frends. <— COMMUNICATE 5, Twant to learn more about the a ofthe brain, <— DEVELOP 6. Smoking among young women is increasing ata ssn TE. <— ALARM 7. When the old man saw that is house was on fire, he started cryiM ex.n.nsmmn <— CONTROL 8. At one time, this part of the City WAS ..n.nnmnsmnnnsensen BY the poorest people. <— POPULATION 9, Students usually try to find near the universi <— ACCOMMODATE 10. A... number of students do summer courses at UK universities <—GROW > Grammar ‘Complete the sentences the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (IS x 1 = 15) 1, The wheels on my rollerblades are broken — I need to get them... Gin), 2. Please wait in my office ~ I'll have my secretary s-snens (ting) you some coffee. 3. Do you think I could get a record COMPANY seen susie (distribute) my CD? 4. Ionly my parents (not be) so strict, life would be much easier. 5. Lwish we Be (go) on that camping trip ~ everyone said it was brillant. 6. wish it : (stop) raining — this weather is really getting me down, 7. T've decided (form) a rock band. 8, My sister keeps (borrow) my clothes — it’s so annoying! 9. Did you remember (4o) your homework? 10. You've been doing all the talking ~ nove let me (say) something 11. The prisoners were made : hand over) all heir belongings. 12, We've been here long enough - it's time we (go) home, 1. I eould never get used 10 ou (wear) a schoo! uniform every day 14. You had bette sca scene (be) on time For the meeting. >p2 Exam Practice A\ Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. Chess Skills My father began teaching me chess when I started school. Fist he had (1). rmemorise the rules and the basic moves, Then, at least vice a week, he would (2) me sit down and play a game with him. [At the time I was annoyed at having (o spend time playing chess instead of (3) son OULGOOES With my friends, But over the years I grew to appreciate (4) . v=. & Wonderful game itis, “The truth is that chess is a game that develops your academic ability. First, chess players must plan each move, thinking carefully (5) suns Uheit opponent might respond. Learning (6). plan in advance can help students organise their studies, What is (7) ..u2snen 5 play 8) cone taking an exam. You have o make fast, accurate decisions under pressure. It scems that chess can even help with behaviour problems because it teaches (9) vw t0 think before you act! Finally, ‘chess can be as helpful to bright children as itis for those (10)... sun are less successful academically In fact, chess ean teach you (11) ‘many useful skills that I wish there (12) courses in a chess competition is for chess in schools, B Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given. |. Tregret postponing our holiday now. = put Tish we . our holiday now 2. L was not allowed to wear make-up when I was a teenager. => let When I was a teenager, my parents... 7 sone WEAF MAKE-UP. 3, My dad will solve these maths problems if Lask him to. -> work Lean get these maths problems, 4. Did you sueceed in contacting the president Himsell? = get Did you manage fo the president himself? 5, Mary is no longer a student at this university. = stopped Mary 2 at this university 6, Tom is such a fast learner! => things, ‘Tom picks 7 senses Mich! 7. Guy is not responsible enough to be trusted with a job like that. -¥ too Guy is to be trusted with a job like that. 8, I don’t feel at home in this house yel. = used I aaneaet living in this house sand 1 him, C Read the text below and decide which answer A,B, C or D best fits each space. (xt=1) Nancy Drew ~ Teenage Detective ver (1). the 1930s young people have been reading stories about Nancy Drew, he teenage detective. (2) ears, Nancy as solved more than 350 mysteries. In just 180 pags (the average length ofa Nancy Drew boc), she can always (3)... exactly what happened atthe scene ofa crime. the Nancy never seems to need (4) ... from anyone, which is just as well, because her mother is dead and her father is rarely home, Nancy has the kind of freedom most teenagers can only dream of. She can jump into her litte blue car ‘and (5)... for the scene of a crime in the middle of the night if she wishes. Fortunately, Nancy's father, who is a rich lawyer, (6) ... her with everything she needs (rom a car toa jet plane) in order to carry out her detective work (7) suns. Nancy is sometimes (8)... on her investigations by her friends, George and Bess. These two are completely different in their personalities, but they are (9)... in their readiness to help Nancy whenever she néeds them. In spite ‘of her wealthy (10) ..., Naney doesn’t seem spoilt and is never rude, The adults in the stories respect Naney because they (11). that despite her youth, she is clearly (12) ... when it comes to detective work, A trom B since Cas D until . A By B Past cor D Over A Teton B make up € work out D bring about A guidance B perception € explanation D recommendation A go B take C head Det A offers B provides C pives D submits A properly B completely € definitely D entirely A accommodated B cooperated C accompanied D participated 1A likely B same matching D alike 1A history B background C belongings D infancy A realise B report C roier D record A acaptain B a principal C an expert D acitizen D Choose the correct answer. 0.x 2=20) 1, Phillip won't be able to 0 0 university 4, When Tom told me he wanted to buy the house, tues he receives T that it needed lots of repair work done to i. a. aprice ‘put forward b. acost b. got over ©. an aid ¢. pointed out 4 agrant 4. kept up 2. The student... is made up of many 5. Have you decided which college you are diferent nationalities, 01g 10 0? a. being &. apply b. arm b. submit ©, body «. supply 4. head 4. claim 3. There was no... ofthe strange incident 6. L would «that question, if you don't mind inthe newspaper. ‘rather not answer a. exhibit better not answer », mention 6. have not answered © writing 4 not like the answer 4. communication 7, The thieves made... their pockets. a. everyone to emply ». everyone emptying c. everyone empty 4. that everyone empty this time but if I ever catch you you'll be in scrious trouble. 8. Til let you. stealing agai a. up b. down d. off 9, Teouldn’t help... disappointed when [saw my exam results. a, feeling b. to feel c. feel 4, but feeling 10, Lam having .... for the local newspaper because I won a chess competition. a. took my picture b. my picture taken c, to take my picture 4. taken my picture dwr ing ECCE: Read the newspaper article and the task below. Then write your ess (100 points) WORLD TIMES NEWSPAPER Every year, an increasing number of young people from around the world leave home to study at universities abroad. Local university teachers are ‘against this trend, claiming that students can get just as good an education at home "TASK: ESSAY Some young people choose to study at foreign universities rather than study in their home countries. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad and say which you would prefer. Give reasons. Mid-Year Test Units 1-6 0 points) > Reading You are going to read an article about a school that has raised a lot of money for charity. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the ‘one which fits each gap (|-7).There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. (100 points) Learning to Give Have you ever thought about what you could do with {just under £34,000? An amount like that could buy a nice car or pay for a trip around the world. It could also improve the lives of thousands of people. In 2004 at Davison High School for Girls in England, £33.76 ‘was raised for a variety of charities, both at home abroad. [1 and Pupil ofall ages he been involve in the efforts in fa, they are the ones in barge. [2] (ne af he schoo bjetves is each the importance of helping others. And by reaching out and getting involved in other people’s liv aside of school life that is rewarding and fun, pupils diseover Fundraising events often consist of sport activities in which sponsors promise to pay a certain amon ‘of money for every kilometre walked, run, swum or cycled by participants. But in fact, almost anything, 1 can be sponsored, some more unusual examples being a sponsored sence or a sponsored cake bake. Fundraising events are not always organised by Davison High Schoo! alone. [3 |_| Pupils who. participated were able to show off their singing and dancing talents or help out backstage while raising. money for a charity called “Whizz Kid disabled children in the UK. [ET Jror several years now, the pulls have heen Taping vey POR UN mu, Tha tothe Fands they have rsd, a Romanian hospital for orphans hasbeen provided with medical supplies. which helps ‘And a special personal connection was ereated when & scheme called “Friend of the Family” was introduced, Pupils and their families filled boxes with items that Romanian families badly needed, such as cooking oil, sugar, soap and toothpaste. Soon cards and letters were being exchanged between Romanian and British families, and friendships were made. Like most young people, pupils at Davison are animal lovers, s0 they particularly enjoyed raising money for aa charity called “Send a Cow”, which provides poor African farmers with cows and other animals. It costs £750 t0 buy one cow, but the girls decided they wanted to donate a whole farmyard of ariimaly ~ which would (0! This time, teachers got involved in require £2, the fundraising too. One of the male teachers was sponsored to wear a girl's school uniform for a day and another one went on a sponsored diet and raised £368. An event pupils had fun organising was @ musical one. In one lunch break alone, £1 was raised, which was enough to purchase two goats, In 2005, the school won a Giving Nation award. Giving [Nation is an organisation which shows young people hhow they can make the world a better place by giving. ‘The award is presented to schools whose pupils have given up their free time and worked especially hard to help others. [6 | ] They travelled to London to, receive their award, together with 35 other young people from around the UK. The event was filmed by 2.7 co, gorse moe sd het women 4 pany amt Athol it was niet have tei effort reared in that way for pops at Davison, is probably the il har lve bonds mosvenjoynent FEEL _ lsc omit prs hing owed sing a ape pgs UNG SCL Ha roeralas hal the sikowotktla oe emermalipend Sit wu igen oe fun ‘They are responsible For organising the events that will raise money and they decide which charities to help. Moreover, in addition to having fun through helping others, the pupils are learning something very important Davison has also joined together with other local schools to produce a successful entertainment event. Five Davison girls were chosen to represent the school ‘The money was used to help causes such as Cancer Research, the Tsunami Appeal and Children in Need, to name but a few. One contribution paid for Christmas presents for all of the children, Apart from raising money for charities in the UK. Davison School is just as committed to raising money for good causes overseas. A band performed at the school in ‘and pupils sold toys and badges. id of the charity >B2 Exam Practice A Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, Cor D best fits each space. (12x2=24 Family Holidays “Tere are four oF us in our family (my father, mother; sister and 1) andl mos ofthe time we all get (1). quite wel that uni the time for our annual holiday avives. I’ at tis poin that we start to drive each other (2)... The problem s that we have diferent ideas about what todo in our leisure (3). . Da for example, loves outdoor adventures and alas goes 1 (4)... lengths to organise challenging activities for us. His idea ofa perfect vacation isto (5) aeally early start each day and explore the countryside. These (6)... always involve mountain climbing dnd you can trust him to find the most dangerous route to follow. For adventure lovers, this is lots of fun, but Unfortunately Tam scared of (7)... AS for my sister, she would rather be (8). et pocket money’ on souvenir in the lca shops. These trips don’t have much appeal for my mother ether ~ because, (9). my father, she likes to fe ‘on the beach ll day doing noting. This means that we often argue because We can't seem to find an activity that (10) ut a W's just a8 (1 a FU soon be old enough o go away by myst, Until then, Fl just have to (12) with it, suppose! |. A along B through € ahead D away 2. A unhappy B strange C crazy D angry 3. A days B time € week D period 4A big B long € large D great 5. A take B make Cdo D leave 6. A excursions B departures C destinations D locations 7. A lengths B depths C heights D widths 8. A putting B using € losing D spending. 9. & unlike B apart C except D against 10, A fits B suits C matches D adapts 11, A likely B fine C luckily D well 12, A come round B putup C get over D take on B Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word im each space. Hydro Visitors to Oakwood Theme Park are likely to get really wet (1 vo they try out the park's amazing water tide, The fide (2) ...oc0nnnenne €alled Hydro and, 3) its name suggests, it involves a (8) vosuesnsnmnnnoe OF splashing water. In fact, itis said (5) .. produce the biggest splash of a water ride in Europe. In this ride a boat slides down a “waterfall” that is only slightly shorter (6) ....u.ene Niagara Falls. The boat travels at a speed of 80 km an hour and hits a pool, creating a 13.75 metre high wave. The first people to test the ride wete members of a diving team, “I have never been so wet (7) smenne 1” Said one of the divers afterwards, The ride has also (8) approved by the Rollercoaster Club of Great Britain. Located 0) southwest Wales, Oakwood Theme Park is among the top ten (10) successful theme parks in the UK, However, (11) sas to the director of the theme park, new attractions a2) conn be developed for the park if itis to continue competing with theme parks in England. \ C Use the words given at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space ! in the same line. 0x2 =20) : Joss Stone i i When Joss Stone appeared on a TV talent show, people noticed her f Ue . to Aretha Franklin, queen of soul musi. <— SIMILAR Joss showed the talent and (2) of a professional <— CONFIDENT performer in spite of het (3) oscwnesenoneen (she Was just 14 at the <— YOUNG time). A record company offered her a contract immediately and her i first album was an (4) success. In 2004, Joss <— NATION released a second album, which was made Up (3) ..n.sntssneuonne <— ENTIRE cof original songs. Some of these songs were written with the help Of the (6) oan sve Young artist. This really won the <— CREATE i Don ~~ of the musie industry and Joss was given <— apie i two pop music awards in 2005. Joss was also one of the (8) «ia project to raise PARTICIPATE ‘money for vietims of Hurricane Katrina. She helped make a special CD, Co big names from the music world, <— VARIETY ; such as Coldplay and Gwen Stefani. Joss is (10) .. ck <— CONSIDER to be one of the most talented singers of her generation. D Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between twa and five words, including the word given. (8x 3=24) 1. A lot of progress has been made since the school opened a year ago, => come The school way since it opened a year ago. 2. Things have not been going well for Tim at work recently. > hard Tim eae time at work recently 3. The sciemtists couldn't do their experiment, > carry ‘The scientists Wete nes os sonseus their experiment, 4, Mary refused to give away her grandmother's jewellery. +» part : Mary would vowowe her grandmother's jewellery. 5. The mecting wasn’t about recent staff changes. = nothing, ‘The meeting ee the recent staff changes. 6. “We will get rid of the old school system,” said the politician, -» done “The old school system wil. et os 2” said the politician 7. The gift was a complete surprise for Monica. =» taken ‘When Monica received the gift, she onus oe surprise 8. Should a fire break out, press the emergency button immediately. => event I nnn suoue« PRESS the emergency button immediately. E Choose the correct answer. 1. The person I was going to set up the business with decided to move abroad, so all our plans came to ‘. anything ». nothing cc. nobody 4. no one 2. Twas late and I was alone when, all of & ue ¢ there was a knock at the door: ‘a, shock b. horror . sudden 4. surprise 3. If'we want to save money this year, we must ‘within a tight budget, a. keep b. hold . act d. get 4, Twasn’t sure that the contract was fair so T went to a lawyer for some .... advice a. confident b. professional . successful unique 5. Our help desk can be Mondays to Fridays. ‘a, informed b. referred «. located 4, contacted . between 8 am and 8 pm, Dd writing ECCE: Read the newspaper article and the task below. Then write your letter. cox 20) Quick! Come and sce! Dad .... on television! a. is interviewed b. interviews. c. is being interviewed 4. has interviewed My grandparents... for 40 years and they're still, crazy about each other! a. have been married b. are married c. have got married d. have married ‘There were people atthe party that I... for years, so there was plenty to talk about a. wasn't seeing bb. hadn’t seen . didn’t see d. adn’ been seen . 1° too late to go to the mall beeause most of the ShOpS suns by the time we get there. ‘a, must have closed b. would close «. are closed will have closed ‘This salad isn’t nearly ‘as tasty from b. tastier than . as tasty as 4. tasty like «the ones you make. 200 points) LESS TRAFFIC Air pollution from traffic has been linked to various illnesses and is also contributing to global warming, ‘The local authorities have proposed limiting daily car use so that only a certain number of cars can enter the city, especially at times when pollution levels are high. ‘TASK: LETTER Write a leter to the city council expressing your opinion about this proposal and suggesting what other measures could be taken to reduce air pollution. Begin your letter, Dear City Council. End-of-Year Test Units 7-12 > Reading You are going to read an article about six women who are involved in football. For questions 1-15, choose from the women (A-F). Each woman may be chosen more than ‘once. When more than one answer is required, these may be given in any order. (100 points) Which woman became interested in football thanks to someone close in age? di 1 kept her interest in football a secret at first? 3 regrets not playing football when she was younger? 4 fsT_ says she works in an environment which supports women? 6 says that inthe past, football was not her favourite sport? s._] says that in her job, women are in a minority? B has an interest in football solely because of her job? 0 took up football to help 2 good cause? i believes she has missed the chance to be physically involved in football? 2 s not allways free to attend matches? 3 says that men often underestimate women’s knowledge of football? 4 15 A Woman’s Game? Six women talk about their involvement in football Gayle (sports reporter) Ac university, I had a boyltiend who supported the Liverpool football team and T've been & fan ever since, I was more interested in cricket, though, when T was growing up, I dreamed of being the first female cricket reporter. 1 achieved my ambition in @ way, although I report on football matches instead. I was one of the first women to do that. When T started working in broadcasting, there were hardly any ‘women covering football. really felt that I had to prove myself. D Janis (referee) | was in a football team when I was a teenager. A team had been put together for one match to raise money fora charity, but we had such a good. time that we carried on playing. There were no ‘women’s teams, though, so when I left school, 1 decided to become a referee — that way I could stay involved in the game. I even referee for my son's local team. He’s growing up thinking it's perfectly natural for women to be involved in football. I'm glad hecause [ have met a lot of ‘men who think that, because I'm female, I can’t possibly know much about the game, Sandy (works for a football association) 1've been interested in Football for as long as 1 can remember. My mum, who United supporter, started taking me to matches ‘when | was little and they became my team too. [ive in London now. but I try and see them whenever they play “away” games here. [often have to work at the weekends, though, so I don't get to gos often as Pd like. I'd have loved to have played football when I was a kid, but there ‘were no girls" teams in my area hack then. As for ‘my job, people often ask me if it’s hard working in such a male-dominated sport. But its not just a man's world any more and the Football ‘Association really encourages women to get involved. a Manchester Kate (Football player's agent) Tbecame a serious football fan when I was about 11 or 12, [used to tell my parents [ was going toa friend’s house, but really I'd sneak off to ‘watch a match. It was my cousin, Jo, who was @ couple of years older than me and a total football fanatic, who got me started, And now L represent football players for a living; it’s my job to make ssure that the contracts they have with their clubs are fair. IU’ true that it’s easier now for women t0 get involved in football, but very few agents are female. There aren't many other women doing my job. But the number of female fans has definitely increased and they usually know a lot more about the game than men expect them to. Brenda (football club manager) I got my job because of my business experience, and my appreciation of the game has developed because of the work. I've never played football and fortunately, it’s not one of the job requirements! I enjoy sports, but I was more at school, When I first started, I was amazed at the level of interest ~ especially from the media — just because I'm female, but times have changed. There are now lots of women involved in the business side of the game. into cenni Marilyn (supporter) Tm the only real football fan in our family. My sister has never shown any interest, nor has my dad, My mum has started listening to match results on the radio, though, because she knows how much I like to talk about it.I think anyone ‘who goes to a football match for the first time is surprised to see how many female supporters there are. When I travel to “away” matches by coach, the male supporters are often in the ‘minority. { don’t play myself, though. There ‘were no girls’ teams at the schools I went to ~ I ‘wanted to start one, but my schoolmates weren't that interested, So unfortunately, I never got the ‘opportunity to play then and I'm too old 10 start now, >p2 Exam Practice A\ Read the text below and decide which answer A, B,C or D best fits each space. (12 x2=24) Unlucky Escape? in (1). & plane in Portland, Oregon, in the northwestem United States. The plane was n 24 November 1971, an (2) sv. Seattle, Washington. According to his travel (3)... the man was ealled Dan Cooper ~ but this turned out to bea name he'd made up. Shortly after take-off, he 4)... note to one of the Might attendants. The nove instructed the ‘rew to (5)... him with $200,000 and parachutes when the plane reached Seattle. The note also told them he hid a bomb in his briefease, When the plane (6) ... Cooper was given the money and the parachutes. He let the (7). get off the plane and ordered the plot to take off again. Some time after that, Cooper parachuted out of the plane with the money ted to his waist. He disappeared and, to this (8)... he has never been found. The police caried out a (9)... of the entire area, but neither Cooper's body nor the parachute was ever discovered. However, nine years later, a litle boy playing near a river came (10)... $5.800 and the notes matched those given to Cooper. One possible (11)... i that Cooper hurt himself when he hit the ground and died near the water, which cared him and the money down the river, Maybe what the boy found was the (12)... of the money that had floated away, but we will probably never know for sure. 1. A steered B accessed C boarded D climbed. 2. A heading for B letting off € going on D coming across 3. A equipment B belongings C accounts D documents 4. A filled B handed © stretched D put 5. A provide B bring C get D offer 6. A struck B ended € parted D landed 7. A participants B riders C passengers D pedestrians 8. A day B time C period D age A survey B look € find D search 10. A over B across round Dup 11. A explanation B estimation C application D recommendation 12. A wreck B damage C surf D remains B Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. (2x1= 1) The Singing Professor ThyOU (1) sos a first-year physics student at Haverford College in the USA, you would probably find your first clas ofthe year a litle surprising. This is because Professor Smith, (2) teaches the subject, usually tums (3) svn tO class witha ukelele. A ukelele is a musical instrument . looks abit fike «toy guitar Professor Smith tells students that the idea of the songs is to encourage students (5) think differently about science and the students soon get 6 to his approach, “Physics can be a dry subject,” says one freshman, “but the singing and music make it more interesting.” Another student said the songs helped (7) _ remember difficult equations. ®) ‘only all our professors did that,” said another, “it (9) ‘make learning lot ‘more fun.” Apparently though, Smith is not the (10) sno «- “musical” professor. A professor at another college (11) ss written songs to go with one of the coursebookS, but so far he hasn't been brave ay to perform them! C Use che words given in capitals at the end of the line to form a word that fits in the space Inthe same Hee. 0x2 Britain’s First Environmental School ‘The St Francis of Assisi Secondary School is (1) soonen in One of <— SITUATE the poorest areas of Liverpool. Yet this school certainly has a Tot to be Q of, <— PRIDE i St Francis opened in 2006 with a (3) purpose, It was to be the <— CHALLENGE first school in Britain with an cavironmental emphasis on (4) <—— EDUCATE i ‘The school has made a (5) to teach the importance of the ~— commir environment in every way possible. For example, all classrooms for 11 to 12-year-old have a garden and the students have the (6) _ <—— RESPONSIBLE of caring for it. What is more, even the teaching of (7)... subjects <—— ACADEMY like maths can be related to the environment, For example, students lear about 8) ‘management through buying plants <—— FINANCE It scems that the environmental atmosphere in the school has also improved the students” (9) It is hardly surprising that a <— BEHAVE, 0) ‘number of schools in Britain are showing interest in <~— GRow ‘St Francis and its teaching methods, D Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given. f 1. Lam sorry now that I didn’t try and get that job. => applied I wish I that job now. Anna is responsible for sales and she works in this office. > charge AI sales, works in this office, 3. No one is allowed to see Mary's drawings. = let Mary at her drawings. 4, “T would rather talk to my customers in person,” sail the businessman. = face A prefer ns i to my customers, * said the businessman, "ease bring my daughter home from school,” said Bill. 9 asked Bill . coos daughter up from school 6. Children cannot enter the museum without an adult. -> accompanied Children cannot enter the museum unless an adult. Thad no idea you were ill, otherwise I would have come to see you. “> known I would have come 10 see you you were ill 8. That book has offended so many people! = such That is aaa book! E Choose the correct answer. 1. The soldier had several gold ..... on his uniform, which had been awarded for bravery, a. uophiies ». cups c. medals, 4. prizes ‘The snow in the film is artificial but it looks just like the real... b. thing «. life 4. world 3, I've got an important exam today, so keep {YOUE .. €r08ed for me! b. legs . fingers d. toes, 4. [know it’s a. irrational ». incomplete c. inflexible 4, uncontrollable but I'm terified of flying, 5. The police ... 200d reason to believe that the man is guilty. a. know b, make ©. say have dwriting FCE: Read the task below and write your letter in 120-150 words. ‘You went on a weekend tour of Cambridge. At the end of the tour, you were given this leaflet (0x2 =20) v« his homework from then on. 6. The boy promised that ‘he does >. he would do ©. todo d. doing 7. “Somebody has left their coat in here.” “Ob, wonder...” a. who is it ». which itis cc. whose itis . what is it 8. You'd better be here by 9 am. ‘without you. a. Unless b. Incase . On condition 4. Otherwise 1 We'll eave 9. “Do you like this draw Is beautiful. Why don’t you .... framed?” a, have it b. get itto c. Tetit dd, make 10, “Jane used to be a ballet dancer.” “Really? Does she regret... up her career?” a. to give ». giving ce. the giving 4. to be given (100 points) sad the leaflet and the notes you have made. Then write a letter to My Anna Evans, the tour organiser, using all your notes, HISTORIC CAMBRIDGE TOURS Your opinion matters! What did you think of: ~ the guides __— - the hotel Dirty! —— Great. Say why Describe How can we improve our tours? — More free We are offering a free meal at the Cambridge Royal time. Explain Where's Restaurant to everyone who sends us a letter! if ‘Anna Evans Final Test Units 1-12 Names sssessee. Glass: sessisarennaccaarpsneiss hh”! > Reading You are going to read about mountain climbing accidents and a man who is involved in mountain rescue work. For questions 1-8, choose the answer A, B,C or D which you think fits best according to the text. (100 points) Dr Bob Sharp ~ To the Rescue Recently a member of the British government has expressed concern over what he called the “unacceptably high’ ‘number of casualties among mountain climbers, However, Dr Bob Sharp feels that these comments are “a storm in a teacup”. An experienced climber and volunteer with the Mountain Rescue Committee of Scotland for over 25 years, Dr ‘Sharp is also a professor at Strathclyde University who specialises in sports studies. Sharp proudly points out that in 5. Scotland, if you take into account the increased number of climbers, the accident rate over the last decade is probably falling, Sharp thinks that climbers today are generally better prepared. Sharp wams that relying too heavily on specialised ‘equipment can be problematie, particularly when the climber lacks basic mountaineering skills, like navigating with a compass and a map, What is essential for safe climbing, he continues, is proper planning ~ particularly knowing in 10 advance what you will do if something goes wrong. ‘According to a report Sharp published in 2001, 50% of those climbers needing assistance were not locals. One expert pointed out “When you drive for hundreds of kilometres to climb a mountain, you won't be put off easily. People around here know, for example, that weather can change from one moment to the next, But these guys figure they ean ‘outrun the storm forecasts, A local climber would know better” Further findings reveal that over half of all climbing 15 casualties are experienced climbers who sometimes take unnecessary risks. One of the biggest challenges facing any rescue team is getting to people before they become victims of “white death”. ‘Someone buried under the snow Following an avalanche cannot usually survive for long. Once the snow stops moving, it quickly becomes as hard as stone, making it very difficult 10 dig oneself out. But just over 90% of vietims survive if they can be reached within 15 minutes. Avalanche vietims are lucky if there is a dog in the rescue team. A well-trained 20 avalanche rescue dog can locate a vietim in about an eighth of the time it would take twenty rescue workers. Although most rescue workers are volunteers, they devote a lot of time and energy to training. Sharp's particular team includes 25 men and five women, Not all teams requite the same taining programmes. Sharp's team has exercises in navigation, search management, radio communication, first aid and casualty management, The rescue team has indoor training fortnight and an exercise on « hill every month. Training sessions may include other forces such 28 as the police and firemen to ensure that all the different services involved in rescue work are able 10 ¢0-operate. ‘Teamwork is one of the most important aspects of trai ing, This is not always easy as team members may differ in their assessment of an emergency situation, For example, a doctor may suggest flying an injured climber immediately to.a large hospital for emergency surgery. However, the pilot might feel that, in view of the weather it is best to land quickly at a location from which the victim can be transported by ambulance. At moments like this, the safety of team 30 members must be the overriding concern. With most emergency calls happening at night or at weekends, it takes more than a sense of duty to do mountain rescue work, But Sharp says that for him the extra hours are not an issue, Sharp's personal passion for rescue work remains undiminished, as is seen in the book “Mountain Rescue” that hie co-authored. He hopes the book will leave climbers “confident in the knowledge that if you're ever caught out in the mountains and need assistance, help will be 35. on hand from a group of willing volunteers who show resolve, professionalism, kindness and compassion.” From the first paragraph we learn that Sharp A has medical experience, B is an expert in the field of sports C has been climbing for 25 years D is proud of his work as a volunteer. . From the expression “a storm in a teacup” in line 2 we understand that Sharp AA feels there is cause for concern B believes that climbing accidents are on the tise. thinks that climbing risks have been exaggerated. D agrees that snowstorms are a major cause of accidents ‘What is Sharp’s attitude to specialised climbing equipment? A Ieis not always as useful as people imagine. B Iis the best way to ensure safe climbing. C Itis heavy to carry when climbing. D tis not as important as careful preparation. Sharp's report indicates that many accidents are eaused by A. unpredictable weather conditions, B exhaustion after a long drive to reach the site, C risks taken because of lack of experience. Why are avalanches such a challenge to the rescue squad? A Finding victims isa battle against ime B Rescue dogs need a lot of training € Victims are not able to move inthe snow D You nced a large rescue team to find the victim. ‘What do we learn about the training sessions? A Men receive more training than women, B They take place on a regular basis in a variety of locations. They are run by the police and fire department, D lll rescue teams have the same training, ‘What is the main priority on a dangerous rescue operation? A Getting the victim to the hospital B Assessing the victim’s condition quickly. € Making sure the team is not at risk D Avoiding bad weather conditions, ‘What do we learn about Sharp in the last paragraph? A He does rescue work out of a sense of duty, B He remains enthusiastic and deeply involved in rescue work. C He is unhappy about the demands rescue work makes on his free time, D He wants to share his expertise with mountain climbers, ied Dee >B2 Exam Practice A Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. 24) The Imagineer ‘Asan “Tmagineer”, I spend my time designing rides for theme parks allover the world. I have been doing this (1) sn job for several yeas, after starting with the Indiana Jones show in Disney World, Florida ‘There are certain (2)... courses you need {0 (3). if you want to become an “Imagineer”. ‘These include engineering, art and architecture, but you also need to (4)... the art of using a computer as a drawing tool, Creating ‘a big ride (5) .... Space Mountain in Disneyland Resort, Paris ean take up to five years. Once you have come up with the (6) .. You may have to wait ages to get it (7) ... Then you need to make sure you have the permits required to create special effects, using smoke, fire or water. After all that, you can finally (8) .... ding and start on the building work, ‘But the ideas don’t just come from us. Kids also play a part in the (9) .... of projects because the Disney Company carries out (10)... to find out young people's opinions of the rides. And whenever a big movie (11)... we try and build a ride based on the theme of the film, which is always fun to do. Thanks to advances in technology, ride design hhas come a (12)... Way over the last few years and it's a very exciting profession (0 be i. 1. A unique B sole C alone 2. A accessible B co-educational € social 3. A make B take Cssit D practise 4. A master B catch C contro! D get 5. Aas B of C like D with 6. A ambition B concept C feat D potentiat 7. A appealed B admised C approved D gained 8. A let B come Cet D get 9. A occurrence B development € guidance D experiment 10. A. budgets B surveys € accounts D records LL. A comes out B puts forward C takes on D turns up 12. A far B high C wide D tong B Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. «(2x Drink to Help You Think ‘Schoolchildren in the north of England ae (1) .n.2.n told to drink more water if they want to do well at school. Studies (2) shown how important this is. When children become dehydrated, they do not work @) ssowsmnsneee WEIL in the classroom as pupils (4). hhave drunk enough. Apparently. (5) children drink at least eight glasses of water a day, the balance of chemicals in their bodies ean (6) monn badly affected. A water company cartied (7). an experiment in which water coolers (machines which provide drinking water) (8)... placed in three schools. As a result, there was a big rise in the amount of water that pupils drank, The company (9) ‘now planning to put coolers in every primary school in the region over, the next three years. Local headteacher, Sue Clark, said (10) she supported the idea. “We pay a price an vw Not drinking water,” she pointed out. “Everyone (12) ve drink more water and the sooner we learn this, the better” — Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits Inthe space inthe same ine. Positive Futures A group of (1) boys are warming up on a basketball court, <—-_ ADOLESCENCE, ‘They are running up and down the (2) ofthe court, and = << LONG. are keen to start playing, ‘The boys are part of a proj ct called Positive Futures, the aim of which isto) sexe Young people in poor areas t0 take up sports <— COURAGE instead of a life of erime. The kids come from (4) PRIVILEGED backgrounds and some already have a criminal record. It’s hoped that by providing them with altemative (5) ueencnsensnoey SUCH a8 <— ACTIVE sports, they will gain (6) and become more postive <— CONFIDENT Also, by playing in a team, they are learning the importance of ieee with others and taking responsibility. <— OPERATE The project has been suecessful so far and of 35,000 participants, 14,000 have started (8) son f0F jobs, which they take <— TRAIN (9) somenenines « Moreover, in areas where the projects are run, <— SERIOUS there has been a drop in erime and in antisocial (10) sven <—— BEHAVE D complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given. 1. Think some people will find this film offensive, =» by T think some people will ia sea H this film. 2. “They always say that everything is my fault," complained Tim, -» blamed “Lam the one Who son . snnsnnonen €V€Eything.” complained Tim. 3. The BBC have asked Joan if she'd like a job with them. > has Joan = 5 job with the BBC. 4. Filling in these forms is so time-consuming! => such Te takes fil in these forms! “I wish it would stop raining for a bit,” sighed Melissa, = let SAF OMY son cee se fora bit,” sighed Melissa 6, The teacher made Bob solve the maths problem on the blackboard. -> work The teacher got rapa . the maths problem on the blackboard, 17. “Henry has been experiencing difficulties at school recently.” said his mother. - going Henry's mother said that Re nn ‘ahard time at school recently 8, Is a shame I didn’t start learning the piano when I was younger, = taken T Should on the piano when I was younger. 5 E Choose the correct answer. 1. When I told Barry what had happened, his eyes .... in disbelief. a. widened b. grew «. lengthened 4. lifted 2. The doctor said I should do some exercise, in the open air, a. flexibly b. preferably c. selectively 4. approvingly 3. I'm going to ask the boss to give me a pay a. push . jump . Tift 4d. rise 4, "When will you know if you've got the job?” “They said they'd a. get back ». keep up c. put through d get aver 5. Apowerful ....of nature such as an earthquake, ccould have caused the island to sink a. strength . ambition . force 4. potential dwriting FCE: Read the task below and write your report in 120-180 words. tome in a couple of days.” - [Us high time you (10.x2=20) “You should have phoned before coming here.” “Tom if Pd had your number” would call would have ealled could call will have called T wonder... invite Jane (0 the party. a. if should ». [should ©. ifto 4. if I should taking your schoolwork seriously. a. started b. will start «. have started 4. are starting By the time you read this letter, 1... on the plane to Ameri a. am already si ». will already sit c. will already be sitting am already going to sit ing ‘The sooner you see a doctor about that problem of yours, the a best b. good e. better 4, well (100 points) ‘You have a parttime job in a music shop. The manager wants to make the shop more popular with young people and has asked you to write a report making some recommendations, Write a report for your manager

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