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by looking at the whole problem at once.


Imagine a 1000 Mips computerthat
is simple to program. That's right.
1000 million instructions per second.
And simple to program.

A computer that solves your problems

by working on all of the data at once,
instead of one word at a time.

A computer that handles words and

picturesaseasily asnumbers.

A computer that is opening new

frontiers in appWions.
The Connection Machineacom- systems. Uniting immense pro-
puter system is here. Reversing cessing power with simplicity
a twenty-year trend toward of programming. Establishing
greater and greater complex- a new standard of large scale
ity in large scale computing computing capability.
The Connection Machine system is also operations that require com-
easy to use because it has enough plex patterns of data transfer, like
computing elements to assign one network propagation and sorting.
to each piece of data. Its 64,000 We also mean that it is easy to
processors scan whole data bases, use. You interact with the familiar
process whole pictorial images, programming environment of a
and simulate whole VLSI circuits front end system, running the
simultaneously. All processors are editors, utilities, and operating
linked together in a dynamic net- system to which you are already
work that reconfigures to match accustomed. You write your
the way the problem works. The program in a simple extension of a
result is a simpler to program high level programming language,
computer, one that delivers its like C or Lisp. The compiler and
enormous computing power the Connection Machine hardware
more naturally and directly. automatically take care of how the
What do we mean by "simple to data is allocated to the processors,
program"? We mean that many of how operations are synchronized,
your most complicated and time- and what data is communicated
consuming subroutines can be from one processor to another. It's
replaced by single operations that good at those things, so you can
are executed directly by the concentrate on the application, not
machine. Not just regular opera- the computer.
tions like vector arithmetic, but
Looking at the whole problem at an airplane wing, the Connection
once means computing on every Machine system calculates the flow
element of a data structure at the over all parts of the wing simulta-
same time. The Connection neously, just like it works in reality.
Machine system's tens of thou- Speedups of 1000 or more are com-
sands of processors allow it to do mon with data level parallelism.
this in a straightforward way: by If data level parallelism is so sim-
attaching a separate processor to ple and powerful, why don't all big
each element of a data structure. computers work this way? Because
The type of data structure in order to make these programs
depends on the application. In work, tens of thousands of proces-
many language processing applica- sors have to work together.
tions, data level parallelism means They have to communicate. The
a processor for every word or Connection Machine system solves
every meaning. For data base appli- the communications problem in
cations, it means a processor for hardware, so the natural algorithms
every document. In a numeric work well.
simulation, it may mean a processor What makes the Connection
for every element of a matrix. And Machine system work are the con-
in image processing, data level par- nections. Inside the machine there
allelism means a processor for is a very flexible high-bandwidth
every picture element, or pixel, in communication network that moves
an image. data between processors at billions
The performance advantages of of bits per second. Routing circuits
data level parallelism are dramatic. on every chip automatically steer
The parallelism inherent in the data along the fastest paths, helping
data structures grows with the size to make programming simpler.
of the data. Processing all the pix- There is no need to adapt your
els in an image, for example, is as application to the structure of a
fast as processing one pixel, fixed architecture like a grid, ring,
because they can all be computed hypercube, or tree. Instead, the
at the same time. A whole data Connection Machine system adapts
base canbe searched in the time it to your application, by dynamically
takes to search one document. forming the connections that are
When computing the flow of air over needed.
(B) In picture processing, the indi-
vidual problem element is the
pixel. Pixels interact in a grid
pattern, with the state of each pixel
influencing those adjacent to it. For
image processing, the Connection
Machine .system configures itself
(A) In the simulation of a VLSI as a grid, allowing each processor
integrated circuit, the individual to pass information to the proces-
problem element is the transistor. sors above, below, and to the sides.
Transistors connect together by
their circuit wiring, which is unique
to the individual circuit. Some
transistors are wired to the transis-
tor next door, some are wired to
transistors clear across the chip,
and others are wired to both. For
every VLSI circuit it simulates,
the Connection Machine system (Dl The most demanding applica-
reconfigures its internal processor tions have no fured topology. They
connections to match the wiring of change during the course of the
the circuit. problem. So does the Connection
Machine system. A complete
vision system may, for example,
start its analysis by filtering the
image in a grid topology. Global
operations, such as computing the
average intensity, are naturally
tree-like in nature. Bringing
together features into objects
requires irregular patterns of
communication. Only the
Connection Machine system
adapts dynamically to these
changing patterns.
In short, the Connection
Machine system's simplicity is also
the source of its great power. Large
numbers of processors plus a
dynamically reconfigurable inter-
communications network combine
(C) In language processing, the to allow processing to go on
individual problem element is the directly at the data level, where
word or the meaning. Words and thousand-fold parallelism is natural.
meanings connect together in
increasingly complex structures
called semantic networks. The
Connection Machine system sets
up a connection between each
related word and meaning.
ConnectionMachine simplicity Example Application: Words. Example Application: Pictures.
and ease of programming extend The Connection Machine system Today, to gainuseful information
across the full range of applica- is allowing certain artificial intelli- from satellite images, users must
tions where the amount of data gence algorithms to be applied to analyze pictorial information
is large. In numeric and symbolic real-world problems for the first directly, and in very high volume.
applications alike, the system's time. One of the most important of Modern analysis of food production,
ability to dynamically configure these applications is data base land terrain, and weather patterns
itself to the natural structure of search. all depend on these pictures.
each problem makes algorithms The ConnectionMachine data The Connection Machine system
more natural and implementa- base system retrieves information has made it possible to automati-
tion more rapid. by whole document comparison cally generate contour maps in a
instead of by individual "key word." few seconds instead of a few hours.
The user can point to a single rele- The algorithms to do this utilize
vant document and say, in effect, two images of the same terrain
"Find me all the documents on the taken from slightly different angles.
same subject as this one." The After the noise in the images
system compares content-bearing is removed, they are "slid" over
words and phrases throughout the each other and minute features
documents. Up to 64,000 whole compared. Thinking Machines
document comparisons are comparison algorithms note the
performed simultaneously. alignment of features at each stage.
Whole document comparisons The more a feature is displaced
consistentlyfind relevant docu- between the two images, the closer
ments that keyword-based systems it is to the camera and hence the
miss, because they do not depend higher it is in physical terrain
on matching any single word. terms. This information allows the
Within a document there are system to draw and display a con-
scores of content-bearingwords. tour map of the terrain.
Many will appear in other docu- The Connection Machine archi-
ments on the same subject, assur- tecture is ideal for the whole range
ing that an overall match is found of vision algorithms and applica-
even though particular words may tions. Region labeling algorithms,
be missing. The second advantage for example, pick out areas of
of whole document comparison is consistent intensity within a picture
that it can present the best and mark them as single objects.
documents first. Documents with Other algorithms pick out addi-
the most significant matches are tional significant features, such as
selected for display at the top of lines and arcs, for further analysis.
the list. The combination of these capabili-
The Connection Machine ties, many of which operate at a
retrieval system also eliminates thousand times the speed of con-
manual indexing of unstructured ventional computers, makes the
text. Even huge volumes of incom- Connection Machine system the
ing text are analyzed automatically computer of choice for demanding
by Thinking Machines indexing vision applications.
algorithms, which pick out the
content-bearing words and phrases.
These phrases form the basis for
the subsequent search decisions.
"Whole document" algorithms
are just one of the areas of natural
language computing that the Con-
nection Machine system is making
easy to implement. Interestingly,
many of these approaches have
been known for 20 years, but until
now they have been too difficult to
The Connection
Machine system
retrieves informa-
tion by whole
document com-
parison instead of
by individual key
The Connection

Machine architec-
ture is ideal for
the whole range
of vision algorithms
and applications.
VLSI simulation
is just one of the
and three-
numeric problems
the Connection
Machine system
is solving.
Fluid dynamics is
an outstanding
example of how
the power of the
Machine system
allows innovative
users to deal with
physical behavior
Example Application: Numbers. Example Application: Aggregate
The Connection Machine system Behavior. Powerful though they
brings a new level of power and are, words, numbers, and pictures
naturalness to numeric computing are simply abstractions of the world
applications. The simulation of a around us. They simplify behavior
VLSI circuit shows how general that is too complex to deal with
communication and massive com- directly.
puting power combine to provide Fluid dynamics is an outstanding
an easy-to-program solution. The example of how the power of the
problem is to feed a wave-form into Connection Machine system allows
a circuit, then compute the wave- innovative users to cut through
form that the circuit will produce at these abstractions and reach the
any other selected point. For a physical behavior directly. By
circuit with tens of thousands of analyzing the way fluids flow, scien-
transistors, all switching on and tists design more efficient aircraft
off in parallel, the required number and make more accurate weather
of computations is immense. forecasts. Traditional methods
The C o ~ e c t i o nMachine system have modeled fluids by partial dif-
configures its communications ferential equations. The Connec-
pattern to match each individual cir- tion Machine system provides new
cuit exactly. A complete processor insights by more directly modeling
is assigned to each transistor and the behavior of actual molecules.
node. The linkages between proc- Huge numbers of packets are
essors are configured to match the introduced into the system, each
wires between transistors. The like a tiny bundle of molecules.
simulation matches the reality: all They move and jostle according to
processors (transistors) compute very simple logical rules. No arith-
(change state) in parallel. metic of any kind is involved, so
Processors evaluate mathemat- the programming is simpler than
ical equations that describe the traditional methods.
behavior of the device they are As these individual local
simulating. Then they cornmuni- interactions evolve in huge num-
cate their voltage, conductance, bers (the Connection Machine
current, and charge to other de- system can update a billion of these
vices. Finally, the system iterates individual states per second),
to reach consistent values for all the behavior of fluids emerges.
devices for that time step of the Injected from an edge, a fluid flows
simulation. in a regular way until an obstruc-
VLSI simulation is just one of tion (such as an airfoil) is encoun-
the two-dimensional and three- tered. Swirls and eddies appear.
dimensional numeric problems that Over time they lose their energy
the Connection Machine system is and trail off.
solving. Other examples include The simplicity of the model
matrix algebra and linear makes simulation an interactive
programming. process for the first time. A change
in the geometry of the object
requires no lengthy reinitialization.
Results for a new shape are
available in a minute or two.
Programming and Using the Familiar Operating Environ- If there are more, the system The C* ProgrammingLanguage.
ConnectionMachine System. ment. The user interacts with the operates in virtual processor mode, C* is a direct implementation of
We no longer have to accept com- Connection Machine system simulating a larger number of pro- the data level computing philosophy
plexity as the price of increased through a conventional front end cessors in a way that is transparent for general purpose computing.
performance in high end comput- system, such as a VAF or a Symbol- to the user's program. The system The language is so similar to C that
ers. The Connection Machine sys- ics 3600.2The front end supports can easily support up to 1,000,000 it requires no separate compiler.
tem achieves performance without the operating environment. Instal- processors in the virtual processor C* is implemented simply as a pre-
tricky compilers, ultra-fast compo- lation of a Connection Machine mode. processor to the standard C com-
nents, or exotic packaging. system does not mean introducing Variable word length program- piler. Consistent with the tenets
Simple Construction. The Con- a new operating environment into ming and dynamic reconfiguration of data level parallelism, there are
nection Machine system uses a few your data center. complete the task of matching the no changes to the basic command
simple parts over and aver again. A The system is programmed via program's data exactly. Data in a structure. The control sequence
special processor chip implements the front end, using familiar editors Connection Machine system may of a C program does not change
sixteen processors. 4096 of these and utilities. File structures and be as small as one bit or as large as within C*. Enhancements are at the
chips are used in the system as a network protocols are supported thousands of bits. For picture pro- data level, allowing data structures
whole. Design rules throughout the there as well, as are the full range cessing, one- to eight-bit values are to be connected to individual
system are conservative. There of standard VAX and Symbolics common. For numeric processing, processors for rapid execution.
are no exotic technologies to cause peripherals. 16- to 64-bit words appear most The *Lisp Programming Lan-
reliability problems. The system is A Closer Look: Programming at frequently. Language processing gufLge.*Lisp is a direct implemen-
entirely air cooled. No unusual site the Data Level. Computers oper- values, such as words and sen- hhon of the data level philosophy
preparation is required. ate by having a program (the con- tences, can vary from a few bits to for artificial intelligence applica-
If a failure does occur, fault diag- trol sequence) operating on a set of thousands. The Connection tions. *Lisp adds data structures to
nosis is rapid. Each processor data elements to solve a particular Machine system handles them all allow direct control of memory
needs only to check itself. 65,536 problem. Systems that use "control with equal efficiency. allocation and assignment of data
processors do this testing in paral- level parallelism" apply their pro- Dynamic reconfiguration values to processors. It gives the
lel. Most failures are isolated to cessors to individual sections of the matches the data's connectivity as programmer direct access to, and
the chip level within five minutes. program. The Connection Machine well as the data itself. When the control over, the Connection
Hardware is repaired by replacing system applies its parallelism data structures are set up, so are Machine hardware, but does so
modules. There are only seven directly to the data. The amount of the linkages. Any processor can from within the Lisp programming
kinds of modules in the system, so parallelism that can be exploited send data to any other processor. language. Thus the *Lisp user
a complete set of spares is easily grows with the size of the data. Within the Connection Machine retains all the productivity benefits
maintained at every site. There is no need to segment the language environment, data con- of the Lisp machine environment.
program. nections are carried out automati-
If the data structures contain cally. At the hardware level, the
fewer than 65,536 elements apiece, system supports interconnection
the Connection Machine system with a communications system
makes the assignment directly. called the router. All 65,536
processors can exchange data

The Conneetion Machine system

uses a few simple parts over and
over again. A speeid pmmmr
chip implements sixteen proms-
in the system as a whole.
The Future Belongs to Com-
puters That Look At the Whole
Problem At Once.
The Connection Machine system
operates on a problem's entire
data set at once. It is a strikingly
simpler approach that opens up
whole new possibilities for problem-
solving. For picture and image
processing, it provides performance
levels thousands of times greater
than conventional machines. For
language processing, it provides
access to information in the way
people can most easily use it. For
scientific processing, it provides
access to physical phenomena
never before captured in computer
Yet the impact of data level com-
puting is only just beginning. As
innovative scientists are becoming
conversant with the Connection
Machine system's potential, they
are inventing new algorithms and
approaches to problem-solving.
They are merging the image,
language, and numeric processing
capabilities of the system into
higher level algorithms. Thinking
Machines Corporation itself is at
the forefront of this new wave of
computing. By using knowledge in
all its forms, we see the potential
for computing systems farmore
useful and farmore powerful than
anything available to us today.

@CONNECTIONMACHINE is a registered
trademark of Thinking Machines
"The CUBE OF LIGHTS symbol is a trade-
mark of Thinking Machines Corporation
"VAX is a trademark of Digital Equipment
"SYhdEOLICS 3600 is a trademark of
Symbohcs, Inc.
It will be a truly
intelligent machine.

One that can see and

hear and speak.
ThinkingMachines Coqxmtion
245 First Street
Cambridge,Massachusetts 02142
(617) 876-XU

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