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Liliana BUJOR, Giorgiana SASCU, Elidiu TOLOLOANC,

Electromagnetic pollution began once the use of automated high-performance equipment
became widespread. From the second half of the XXth Century, these technologies have
diversified and expanded on a global level, with increasing speed. After the first decade of the
XXIst Century, by introducing the complex GSM technology in Romania and the more recent
launch of the Wi-Fi technology in 1997, questions marks have been raised frequently,
regarding the environmental pollution through electromagnetic waves. Health researchers
have conducted extensive studies to answer the pondering question: does the electromagnetic
radiation have an impact on our living environment. The purpose of this research study is to
identify the electromagnetic pollution sources present on the Ecological University of
Bucharest premises and ascertain the degree of exposure to the harmful radiations of the
teachers, auxiliary personnel and students. The quantified parameter was the magnetic field,
measured with a magnetometer (measuring device from the laboratory of physics of the
faculty). The obtained data has been processed by the students, under the careful guidance of
the speciality teacher, the final results establishing an elementary data base necessary for
further research studies in this domain.

Key words: electromagnetic pollution, environment, health, electromagnetic radiation.

The scientific nature of this study is supported by proceeding sequentially steps
necessary for a viable study under the guidance of the coordinating teacher.
In a first phase the study was based on a diverse bibliography from which the basic
theoretical concepts were mastered: terms, definitions, concepts; the second phase targeted the
working method by setting goals such as: establishing the area and precise locations where the
measurements will take place and preparing the necessary equipment; the third stage
consisted in data centralizing and interpreting.
The conclusions, as a final stage, highlight the results, correlated with the impact that
electromagnetic pollution causes to both the environment and health in general.
In this study, the measurements will be made only for the magnetic field, and the device used
was the Tri field Meter Model 100X magnetometer.

Through the discovery of electromagnetic induction in 1831, the electromagnetic field
had been anticipated by Michael Faraday (1791-1867). Initially, Faraday intended to produce
electricity using magnetism, through experiences which he had started 10 years back.
Successfully completed, his research complements the research concerning the
electromagnetic forces of Andre Marie Ampres, the French physicist.
Andre Marie Ampre (1775-1836) discovered in 1820 the interaction law of electric
currents and had put forward the current hypothesis which explains the magnetism, leading to
him being considered one of the main founders of electromagnetism. Ampre's contributions

in the field of electromagnetism made for a starting point in J.C. Maxwells (1831-1879)

34 years later, in 1865, the theoretical physicist J.C. Maxwell formulated the basic laws
of electrical engineering, using a set of equations. However, the electromagnetic waves were
experimentally confirmed in lab conditions only 23 years later, in 1888, by Heinrich Hertz
The electromagnetic field description as a whole was made by James Clerk Maxwell
through a series of four equations, the result of which being that these have remained known
in the specialty literature as Maxwell's Equations1. These are represented as following:
- Gauss's Law for the electric field; electric field flux through a closed surface is given
by the ratio of electric charge contained within this environmental surface and the electrical
permittivity of the environment;
S d s

- Gauss's law for the magnetic field; the magnetic field flow through a closed surface is

B ds 0

- Faraday's law of induction; the movement of the electric field on a closed curve is
given by the rate of change of flux through the surface magnetic field which is based on
closed curve;

C d l t S B ds

- Ampre Maxwells law; the movement of the magnetic field on a closed curve is
given by the rate of change of the electric fields flux through the surface of the electric field
lines based on the closed curve;

C d l t S E ds

If Faraday's law characterizes the production of a variable electric field using a

variable magnetic field, the Ampre Maxwells law characterizes the reversed phenomenon,
i.e. the production of a magnetic alternating field by means of a variable electric field.
The ensemble of the two fields, electric and magnetic, variable in time and which
generate each other, constitutes the electromagnetic field.
Maxwell has demonstrated that the intensity of the electric field as well as the
induction of the magnetic field make up for similar equations. Indeed, for environment
lacking sources, starting from Maxwell's equationswe obtain:
2 E 2 0

B 2 0

D. Dnciulescu, C. Dnciulescu Fizica mediului. Atmosfera i calitatea aerului, Ed. LVS Crepuscul, Ploieti,


It has been noted that both the intensity of the electric field E and induction of the
magnetic field B make up for the same type of equation, analogous to the equation of
mechanical wave propagation:

2 0
t 2

Comparing the four differential equations with that of the mechanical wave propagation
equation, Maxwell found that the four dimensions characterizing the electromagnetic field are
time variable functions, of the following propagating speed:

Therefore, if in a certain region inside the space is created an electric field variable in
time, it generates a magnetic field that is also variable in time and reciprocal, the two fields
forming the electromagnetic field, which propagates in space as waves called
electromagnetic waves.

This observation made by Maxwell in 1865 was the first of its kind, simultaneously
representing the birth of the electromagnetism theory. Yet, over 20 years passed before these
were experimentally confirmed by Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894).
Although challenged by his contemporaries, to the existing observation of Maxwell was
added another, referring to the electromagnetic nature of light. Thus, Maxwell calculated the
speed of electromagnetic waves in the vacuum, namely, the speed of light in the vacuum,
concluding that light is an electromagnetic wave.
1 m
v 3 108 c
o o s
As a result, the formation of
electromagnetic waves, Fig. 1, is explained by
the fact that the two components of the
electromagnetic wave: E
the electric field and
the magnetic field B are perpendicular on the
direction of propagation, meaning the
electromagnetic wave is transversal.
Fig. 1 Propagation of the electromagnetic waves

Additionally, these two components oscillate in phase as well.

Fig. 2 presents suggestively the manner in which the electromagnetic field is formed;
an alternating (variable) current generates a variable magnetic field (1). The next step is given
by the magnetic fields variation which generates an alternating electric field (2), which also
generates a variable magnetic field (3) and so on.2

C. Presur - Fizica povestit, Editura Humanitas, Bucureti, 2014

Fig. 2 The formation of the electromagnetic field
The electromagnetic spectrum is given by the ensemble of all electromagnetic waves,
such as: the alternating current, radio waves, infrared, visible spectrum, ultraviolet
radiation, X-rays (Rentgen), radiation (Gamma radiation) and cosmic radiation, Fig. 3.3

Fig. 3 Electromagnetic Spectrum

Since the two fields store energy, the issue here is its transportation. The energy carried by the
electromagnetic wave in a region of volume V and defined by a surface S decreases over time,
the rate of decline being determined by two mechanisms: energy transport outside the region
considered - represented by the Poynting vectors flux (the electromagnetic energy flux
through the closed surface which delimits the region) and the energy loss in the form of heat,
via the Joule effect.4
Depending on the frequency or wavelength by which radiation is repeated over time,
respectively, in space, the electromagnetic waves can appear in different forms. This
propagation process has required the classification of the electromagnetic radiations spectrum

D. Dnciulescu, C. Dnciulescu Fizica mediului. Atmosfera i calitatea aerului, Ed. LVS Crepuscul, Ploieti,

(using the wavelength criteria) in several domains, from low frequencies to high frequencies,
as follows:
1. Radio waves (106-1010 Hz) are utilized to broadcast the television signal, satellite
communications and telecommunications.
2. Microwaves (1010-1012 Hz) are utilized in both communications and microwave oven
which works based on the on the relatively strong absorption of these low-frequency
radiations in water as well as organic matter. This category also includes the milimetric waves
utilized in astronomy, but also the Terahertz waves recently discovered. The Terahertz waves
(1 THz = 1012 Hz), also referred to as sub milimetric waves and "T-rays" are defined as
electromagnetic waves belonging to the frequency / wavelength domain of 0.1 THz (3000
m) to 10 THz (30 m). Other authors refer to the Terahertz waves as electromagnetic waves
ranging from 0.3 THz (1000 m) to 3 THz (100 m). These are two of the most common
definitions of the frequency / wavelength domain of terahertz waves.5

3. The infrared radiation (1012 - 1015 Hz) is very useful in the physicochemical analysis
through spectroscopy. They are also used for data transmission (excluding cable transmission)
over small distances, as well as remote controls for TV sets and household appliances.
4. The luminous / visible radiation / (1015 - 1016 Hz) are the most common example of
electromagnetic waves. The visible radiation ranges between 700 and 400 nm.
5. The ultraviolet radiation (1016 - 1017 Hz) is responsible for producing many physical
phenomena in the terrestrial atmosphere and beyond.
6. The X-rays (1017-1021 Hz) are used in medicine.
7. The radiation (Gamma radiation) (1021-1024 Hz) are the products of nuclear reactions of
cosmic origin.


The electromagnetic sources are divided in two categories: natural sources and anthropic
In the first category are included the Suns radiations, cosmic radiations which
penetrate the Universe, therefore, by default, the solar system, and the electromagnetic
radiation emitted by planet Earth known as the Schumann Resonance frequency (7,8 Hz).
It is well known the fact that, in a normal calm state, the human brain emits
electromagnetic waves called Alpha waves, with frequencies between 7 and 9 Hz.
The second category includes the artificial electromagnetic fields, which are the result
of technological progress, especially the highly specialized ones such as the
telecommunications industry (GSM antennas, mobile phones, wireless devices, video games
consoles, TV sets etc.), all of these which emit strong electromagnetic waves. These
electromagnetic radiations superpose the existing ones, emitted by high voltage power lines,
electric cables extended across the planet, transformers and any other electricity sources.
The experts that have investigated the link between the Schumann resonance the
natural radiation emitted by the planet - and its effects on people, found that in fact, the
terrestrial magnetism can be easily and accurately measured in the nature, but it is very
difficult that these measurements are conducted in urban environments, as the big cities are

G. Stoian - Introducere n imagistica cu unde terahertziene, doctor n Radiofizic al Universitii Nanjing,
China, 2011-

heavily disrupted by artificial electromagnetic signals, which cover the natural
electromagnetic vibrations. All the devices which produce artificial electromagnetic waves
which are in use, from sockets, cables, household appliances, light bulbs, TV sets, computers,
laptops, mobile phones and up to satellite dishes have reported a wastage of electromagnetic
energy in the environment above 50 Hz environment, wastage known to the physicists as
polluting electricity.
The risk level of electric and magnetic fields emitted by alternating current electrical
installations, with higher than 50Hz frequency affect the human body, so the question is
whether, beyond the benefits of advanced technology, the impact of these artificial
electromagnetic interferences endangers the human health?
The guidelines for the maximum allowed values are represented by the figures presented in
Table. 1:
Table 1.:
Emitting field M/U Normal level Dangerous level
Electric (kV/m) 0-1 >1
Magnetic mGs 0-3 >3

The development of biological systems in an environment infused with a large variety

of natural electromagnetic radiation has led to the adaptation of living organisms, which
developed their own protection systems, at times reaching a high degree of perfection.
The problem frequently raised by the scientists relates to those situations in which
living organisms are exposed to the stress caused by electromagnetic waves, different both in
frequency and intensity as compared to the natural electromagnetic waves.
The telecommunications industry has registered a rapid growth on a global level, as a
direct consequence of technological developments. In this domain, one of the most
extraordinary growths was that of the GSM telecommunications.
Although it has become a common presence in the sphere of new technologies, mobile
telephony still gives doubts to its users, especially if used in excess. During a phone call using
a mobile phone, the body temperature in the upper layers of the skin can increase by a
maximum of 0.5 C. The temperature increase occurs, however, only during very long
conversations, the effects becoming visible at the earliest after a half hour of uninterrupted
chat. Thermal effects seriously affect the human body only after a 1 C constant local heating.
The eye makes an exception; as it is crossed by a small amount of blood, it cannot divert the
negative effects of exposure to temperature and radiation. The effects can be avoided or
minimized if the antenna is kept away from the eyes or if at times we swap the ear, during
longer calls.
The non-thermal effects are produced by the influence of electromagnetic waves on the
cells tissue and the nervous system. These waves influence the human hormones levels.
Among others, it affects the melatonin hormone produced in the epiphysis, which regulates
the sleeping process and which, further, plays an important role in maintaining a healthy
immune system. It is known that melatonin levels usually increase during the night, but
through the long lasting effect of the electromagnetic waves, the secretion of melatonin may
decrease. As a result, mood changes, depression, sleep disorders and fatigue are observed.
Also, increased immune sensitivity and predisposition to cancer may manifest.
In order to limit the user's exposure to electromagnetic fields and in compliance with the
European Commission Recommendation no.519 / 1999, the permissible limit of the Specific
Absorption Rate (SAR) in head and trunk for mobile phones, corresponding to the frequency
range from 10 MHz to 10 GHz, is 2W/kg.
The Specific Absorption Rate is the average size of expressing absorption over the
whole body or a part of the body and is defined as the rate at which power is absorbed by unit
mass of body tissue and is expressed in W / kg.

The specific absorption rate for the whole entire body is a universally accepted scale to
establish the link between adverse thermal effects of RF exposure. In addition to whole body
SAR values are necessary and local SAR values (for a portion of the body) to evaluate and
limit excessive accumulation of energy in restricted areas (small) body, as a result of exposure
to specific conditions.
According to art. 5 of the Order nr.1193 / 2006 issued by the Ministry of Health
concerning the radio and telecommunications equipment, the SAR values are shown in Table.
Table 2.:
Waveband Whole body SAR values Local SAR values Local SAR values
10 kHz 10 Ghz (W/kg) (head & torso (W/kg) (limbs) (W/kg)
0,08 2 4

The exceptional growth of users has required the expansion of the locations of GSM
transceiver antennas (microwaves) on appartment buildings, affecting especially the residents
of the apartments located on the top floors. Best possible signal coverage in populated areas is
a very complicated subject for the engineers in charge of the network planning of the mobile
telephony operators, because of the interferences and reflections which occur on the ground,
on several occasions generating situations with unexpected results.
The study conducted by the Institute for Public Health on the causes that can lead to
diseases for mobile phone users but also for those who are in immediate proximity to GSM
antennas, reveals an increased incidence of symptoms of dizziness, chronic fatigue, memory
lapses for those who are too close to generating sources of electromagnetic waves.
The epidemiological studies carried out in Eastern Europe have revealed a
considerable increase in the case of neurasthenia symptoms (fatigue, sleep disorders,
dizziness, headaches etc.) in humans exposed to electromagnetic fields. Overall, however,
these studies found no conclusive data to support the hypothesis according to which there is a
higher risk of incidence of brain tumors, leukemia, and other cancers in correlation with the
use of mobile phones. These studies may not decree on the risk of long term use of mobile
phones and daily or cumulative exposure to high levels of radiation or the emergence of rare
types of tumors.
Pending these results, the problem which arises concerns the level of exposure to which
the national and international recommendations are set. Until now, these had in mind the
observed thermal effect of the radiofrequencies, epidemiologically relevant. The assessment
of potential risks implies, however, researching other mechanisms of action.
In Romania the assessment of exposure generated by the fixed relay antennas is carried
out only upon request, according to the proximity criteria; the results of the measurements are
assesed by the health authorities in relation to the national rules and regulations, compliant
with the European standards, results making for an average that is far from eliminating any
In light of the new data, greater caution is required when placing the antennas near
residential buildings. The above example confirms once again the validity of the
precautionary principle, given that the science data fails to establish exactly the risks to

O. nr.1.193/29-09-2006 (M.S.P.) ORDER of the Minister of Public Health for the approval of the Rules &
Regulations concerning the limitation of the exposure of the population to electromagnetic fields from 0 Hz to
300 GHz in effect, as per

which we are truly subjected to, through the increasing exposure to the prolonged and more
intense emissions of this indispensable communication tool.7
To conclude, the advice that must be taken into account by the mobile phone user is: the
overuse of the mobile phone can seriously damage the health.


To assess the electromagnetic pollution inside the UEB, the following were
determined as working methods: delimitation of the area and space investigation,
identification of potential pollution-generating sources, measurement techniques (equipment),
centralization and interpretation of the obtained data.
Area delimitation and investigation of the researched space. The area set for
measurements consists of classrooms and hallways of the three bodies of buildings of the
Ecological University of Bucharest, with a number of 48 measurements performed.
Building A Building B Building C
Ground floor - library, hallway, corridor and Ground floor - Ground floor -
Service annexes hallway, corridor hallway, corridor
1st floor - hallway and four classrooms 1st floor cashier
2nd floor - corridor and three classrooms desk
3rd floor - corridor and three classrooms

a. Identification of potential pollution-generating sources. Measurements were

conducted inside the classrooms, as applicable, to the following observation points: sockets,
router, video projectors mounted on the ceiling, computers (CPUs and monitor).
Measurements were performed in the hallways / corridors of the faculties, in the
following observation points: control/lighting panels, transition pipes, vending machines.
b. Measurement techniques. Necessary equipment: magnetic field measuring device
Gauss meter: Tri field Meter 100X Model, electromagnetic wave, measuring tape, camera,
Fig. 4, notebook, pencil, charts, building plans.

Ghid de educaie ecologic, realizat n cadrul proiectului Educaie pentru calitatea mediului urban, cofinanat
de Administraia Fondului pentru Mediu, Facultatea de Ecologie i Protecia mediului, UEB, 2013

Fig. 4 Devices used to measure the magnetic field

The study aimed to measure the magnetic field with the aid of the magnetometer /
gauss meter, (device belonging to the laboratory of Physics of the Faculty of Ecology and
Environmental Protection).
Measurement ranges of the electromagnetic field as well as the used detector are shown in
Fig. 5.

Fig. 5 Detectorul electromagnetic i domeniile de msur ale cmpului electromagnetic

c. The working method
- The magnetometer is set on 0-100 scale mGs and held on the left hand; move slowly
towards the object that is being measured. We stop where the indicating needle shows the 3
mgs reading.
- The polluting source is detected, then, with the measuring tape it is measured the
distance to that point and the value is noted in the table (for the yellow zone). Continue
measuring until the value which indicated the red zone is reached and noted in the table.
- Pictures are taken for both the yellow and red zone.
- The photos will be attached selectively in the study; the remaining being attached to
the annexes. The graphic material will be arranged in order: for buildings, floors and rooms
corridors, mentioning the classroom numbers.
d. The centralization and interpretation of primary data. The measurement points
have been identified according to the building plans. In the tables were noted the measured
values for each proposed parameter along with the pertaining photos.
The interpretation revealed the following:
- Green area / normal level, B <3 mgs; the lowest values of the electromagnetic
field (35 values) were recorded on small electrical consumers: sockets, routers, video
projectors mounted on the ceiling, desktops. Although the central units of computers are
stronger polluting sources, at a distance of 30-35 cm the electromagnetic fields intensity
decreases. The situation is representative for the library and classrooms. Virtually magnetic
field emitting sources null (whose values are close to 0) are the pipes that cross the hallways
and the routers.
It is worth mentioning that the control panels servicing the outside areas have
registered low values, because the measurements were carried out during the day, when the
light generating energy consumption is basically zero.
- Yellow area / alarm signal; B 3 10 mGs the average values of the
electromagnetic field (7 values) were recorded near the old-type control panel, Fig. 5, as
well as near all electrical control panels of the three buildings at any given distance from
these, the induction magnetic field varying with the power level of the control panel, Fig. 6.

Fig. 6 Electric field near an old-type control panel

The vending machines located in faculties hallways emit magnetic fields, the high
values being recorded in their vicinity. The vending machine model makes the difference: the
newer the model, the lower the electromagnetic emission (eg. Coffee maker from Building A
as compared to the one from C building).
- The red zone / harmful effect on health, B> 10mGs; high levels of the
electromagnetic field (6 values) were recorded by the entrance of the emergency staircase

belonging to the A building, which is also where there are located 5 high power switchboards
which ensure the necessary internal and external lighting of the university.
Given the fact that the magnetic field strength decreases as the distance from the
source increases, in other words, it increases as we get closer to it, we can say that the highest
field values were obtained in this area. Therefore, we can make the following observation on
this issue, namely: values greater than 10 mGs were registered in 4 measurements, as
follows: 3 values found at very small distances from the sources (0 cm, 2 cm, 15 cm) and a
value found at a distance of 100 cm. The latter is, in fact, the source of harmful
electromagnetic field generated by the control panel no I found in building A. This makes for
a special situation among all the measured sources, because even at a distance of 165 cm an
electromagnetic field of 3mGs was recorded, at a distance of 100 cm, its value becomes
10mGs, and only 5 cm away from the source the electromagnetic field reaches 75 mgs, the
highest value among all field measurements, Fig. 7.

Fig. 7 Control panel no I, powerful electromagnetic pollution source

From the foregoing the following conclusions can be drawn:
- In the space of the three units of the Ecological University of Bucharest, especially in
classrooms or laboratories, there have not been recorded any values of electromagnetic fields
which would cause discomfort or affect the didactic activity, or that of the support staff.
- To reduce exposure to any form of electromagnetic pollution, an optimum distance to
the pollution source must be observed, the central units of the computers being the most
harmful in this respect.
- Since the measurements revealed that the vending machines are important sources of
magnetic fields, it is recommended to keep an optimum distance and avoid spending more
time than necessary near them.
- And last, but not least, avoid spending time in the neighborhood of the switchboards
located on hallways, but in particular nearby those located at the entrance of the emergency
staircase belonging to the A building, where, the four walls are installed five such electric
panels with high power.
- It is recommended to warn the administrative auxiliary staff to avoid spending time
in the above mentioned area, by informing them regarding the risks they are exposed to.


1. D. Dnciulescu, C. Dnciulescu - Fizica Mediului. Atmosfera i calitatea aerului, Editura

LVS Crepuscul, Ploieti, 2013;
2. C. Presur Fizica Povestit, Editura Humanitas, Bucureti, 2014;
3. *** - Ghid de educaie ecologic, realizat n cadrul proiectului Educaie pentru calitatea
mediului urban, cofinanat de Administraia Fondului pentru Mediu, Facultatea de Ecologie i
Protecia mediului, UEB, 2013;
2. G. Stoian - Introducere n imagistica cu unde terahertziene, doctor n Radiofizic al
Universitii Nanjing, China, 2011,
7. O. nr.1.193/29-09-2006 (M.S.P.) ORDIN al ministrului sntii publice pentru aprobarea
Normelor privind limitarea expunerii populaiei generale la cmpuri electromagnetice de la 0 Hz la
300 GHz, n vigoare cf.


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