Unit 12-Present Perfect Tense With Irregular Verb List

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Tran Thi Ngoc Hue (ttnhue2412@gmail.com,ttnhue@vttu.edu.



S + have/has (not)+ V3/ed + (O)
Have/Has + S + V3/ed + (O)?
a. We havent finished our homework yet.
b. Have you ever gone to Da Lat?
c. She has seen that movie twice.
The present perfect tense is used to talk about:
1. something began in the past and continues to present and maybe continue to the future
- I have lived in Can Tho for 5 years.
- We have studied English since we were in high school.
This is often used with the following time expressions: for, since, until now, so far, up to now
2. Something happened in the past with no definite time.
- I have lost my bicycle.
# I lost my bicycle yesterday.
3. Experiences (something we have done or havent done yet).
- She has read the book, but she hasnt watched the movie.
- I have seen him several times before.
The time expressions are often used: ever, never, before, once, twice, several times, already, just
The position of the following time expressions that occur with the present perfect:
1. between the auxiliary and main verb (e.g. recently, already, always, ever, just, never)
- Ive already written the notes.
- Ive just finished my essay.
Ever is generally used with the questions or negatives:
- Have you ever been to Buenos Aires?
2. After the main verb (e.g. all my life, every day, yet, before, for ages, for two weeks, since 2003,
since I was a child etc.)
Ex: - Ive felt tired for weeks.
- I havent flown before.
If there is an object clause, the time expression comes at the end:
Ex: - Ive gone to bed early every night since then.
- Ive written more than ten assignments since I started this course.

Tran Thi Ngoc Hue (ttnhue2412@gmail.com,ttnhue@vttu.edu.vn)

Exercise 1: Supply the correct form of Present Perfect
1. I (visit) _____________ Tennessee before.
2. You (visit) ______________ Utah before.
3. We (visit) _____________ North Carolina before.
4. They (visit) ______________ California before.
5. He (visit) ______________ Texas before.
6. She (visit) ______________New York before.
7. They (take) _____________ the test. Now they must wait for their scores.
8. I (eat) _____________ dinner already. I am not hungry.
9. All of the children (brush) _____________ their teeth. Now it's time for bed.
10. You (complete) _______________ this exercise. Hooray!
11. The babysitter (often, cook) _____________________ dinner for the children lately
because their parents have been working late.
12. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson (never, travel) ____________________ overseas. They like
staying closer to home.
13. Professor Alvarez (usually, test) ___________________ his biology class twice each
semester. Occasionally, though, he gives three tests.
14. The florist (quickly, arrange) ____________________ the flowers for the wedding. Now
that he is finished, the caterers are bringing in food for the reception.
15. Mr. and Mrs. Yang (frequently, travel) ______________________ home to Shanghai since
they moved to New York City. They like living near their daughters family in New York,
but miss their old friends back home.
16. Mrs. Polanski (know) _______________ Peter since he was a little boy. She has lived next
door to his family for many years.
17. After eight hours, Angel and Roberto (arrive) ______________ in California. They drove
there today from New Mexico, and want to go to San Diego tomorrow.
18. Nastia (live) ______________ in Norway for twenty-two years. She enjoys living there. She
doesnt mind the cold winters, but she especially likes to spend summer vacations at the
North Sea.
19. Ariel (be) _______________ a gymnast for eight years. She (break) ________________ six
bones since she began practicing gymnastics. She likes to get her friends to sign her casts.
20. (You, be) __________________ to Africa before? I (hear) ______________ it is beautiful
there. I would like to go on a safari in Kenya.

Tran Thi Ngoc Hue (ttnhue2412@gmail.com,ttnhue@vttu.edu.vn)


Signal words
Simple past Present perfect simple
- yesterday - just
- ago - already
- in 1990 - until now/ till now /up to now
- last . - ever
- so far
- (not) yet
- recently/ lately

Exercise 2: Supply the correct form: Simple Past or Present Perfect

1. Do you like the movie Stars Wars?
I dont know. I (see, never) _____________ that movie.
2. Sam (arrive) ___________ in San Diego a week ago.
3. My best friend and I (know) _____________ each other for over fifteen years. We still get
together once a week.
4. Stinson is a fantastic writer. He (write) ____________ ten very creative short stories last
year. One day, he will be as famous as Hemingway.
5. I (have, not) _____________ this much fun since I (be) __________ a kid.
6. Dad, you (finish) ________________ reading the paper yet?
7. Things (change) __________________ a great deal at Coltech, Inc. When we first (start)
_____________ working here three years ago, the company (have) ___________ only six
employees. Since then, we (expand) _____________ to include more than 2,000 full-time
8. I (tell) ___________ him to stay on the path while he has hiking, but he (wander)
___________ off into the forest and (be) ____________ bitten by a snake.
9. Listen, Donna! I dont care if you (miss) ____________ the bus this morning. You (be)
______________ late to work too many times. You are fired!
10. Sam is for Colorado, which is hundreds of miles from the coast, so he (see, never)
________________ the ocean. He should come with us to Miami.
11. In the last hundreds years, travelling (become) _________________ much easier and very
comfortable. In the 19th century, it (take) ____________ two or three months to cross North
America by covered wagon. The trip (be) ____________ very rough and often dangerous.
12. Jonny, I cant believe how much you (change) ___________ since the last time I (see)
__________ you.

Tran Thi Ngoc Hue (ttnhue2412@gmail.com,ttnhue@vttu.edu.vn)

13. This tree (be) ________ planted by settlers who (found) __________ our city over four
hundred years ago.
14. This mountain (be, never) _________ climbed by anyone. Several mountaineers (try)
____________ to reach the top, but nobody (succeed, ever) ___________________.
15. Oh no! I ___________________ (lose) my wallet!
16. You ___________________ (see) Julie today?
17. I ___________________ (read) six books this week.
18. Amy ___________________ (live) in Portugal when she was young.
19. She ___________________ (visit) her grandmother last month.
20. The Vandals ___________________ (invade) Rome in the year 455.
21. She ___________________ (live) in seven different countries, so she knows a lot about
different cultures.
22. I ___________________ (go) to the cinema last night.
23. We ___________________ (see) Oliver yesterday.
24. He ___________________ (be) here all morning.
25. They ___________________ (live) here for many years (and they still do).
26. King Henry the Eighth of England ___________________ (have) six wives.

Tran Thi Ngoc Hue (ttnhue2412@gmail.com,ttnhue@vttu.edu.vn)

abide abode/abided abode / abided lu tr, lu li
arise arose arisen pht sinh
awake awoke awoken nh thc, thc
be was/were been th, l, b,
bear bore borne mang, chu dng
become became become tr nn
befall befell befallen xy n
begin began begun bt u
behold beheld beheld ngm nhn
bend bent bent b cong
beset beset beset bao quanh
bid bid bid tr gi
bite bit bitten Cn
bind bound bound buc, tri
bleed bled bled chy mu
blow blew blown thi
break broke broken p v
breed bred bred nui, dy d
bring brought brought mang n
broadcast broadcast broadcast pht thanh
build built built xy dng
burn burnt/burned burnt/burned t, chy
buy bought bought mua
cast cast cast nm, tung
catch caught caught bt, chp
chide chid/ chided chid/ chidden/ chided mng chi
choose chose chosen chn, la
cleave clove/ cleft/ cleaved cloven/ cleft/ cleaved ch, tch hai
cleave clave cleaved dnh cht
come came come n, i n
cost cost cost c gi l
crow crew/crewed crowed gy (g)
cut cut cut ct, cht
deal dealt dealt giao thip
dig dug dug do
dive dove/ dived dived ln; lao xung
drew drew drawn v; ko
Tran Thi Ngoc Hue (ttnhue2412@gmail.com,ttnhue@vttu.edu.vn)

dream dreamt/ dreamed dreamt/ dreamed m thy

drink drank drunk ung
drive drove driven li xe
dwell dwelt dwelt tr ng,
eat ate eaten n
fall fell fallen ng; ri
feed fed fed cho n; n; nui;
feel felt felt cm thy
fight fought fought chin u
find found found tm thy; thy
flee fled fled chy trn
fling flung flung tung; quang
fly flew flown bay
forbear forbore forborne nhn
forbid forbade/ forbad forbidden cm on; cm
forecast forecast/ forecasted forecast/ forecasted tin on
foresee foresaw forseen thy trc
foretell foretold foretold on trc
forget forgot forgotten qun
forgive forgave forgiven tha th
forsake forsook forsaken rung b
freeze froze frozen (lm) ng li
get got got/ gotten c c
gild gilt/ gilded gilt/ gilded m vng
give gave given cho
go went gone i
grind ground ground nghin; xay
grow grew grown mc; trng
hang hung hung mc ln; treo ln
have had had c
hear heard heard nghe
heave hove/ heaved hove/ heaved trc ln
hide hid hidden giu; trn; np
hit hit hit ng
hurt hurt hurt lm au
inlay inlaid inlaid cn; khm
input input input a vo (my in ton)
inset inset inset dt; ghp
keep kept kept gi
kneel knelt/ kneeled knelt/ kneeled qu

Tran Thi Ngoc Hue (ttnhue2412@gmail.com,ttnhue@vttu.edu.vn)

knit knit/ knitted knit/ knitted an

know knew known bit; quen bit
lay laid laid t;
lead led led dn dt; lnh o
leap leapt leapt nhy; nhy qua
learn learnt/ learned learnt/ learned hc; c bit
leave left left ra i; li
lend lent lent cho mn (vay)
let let let cho php; cho
lie lay lain nm
light lit/ lighted lit/ lighted thp sng
lose lost lost lm mt; mt
make made made Lm, ch to; sn xut
mean meant meant c ngha l
meet met met gp mt
mislay mislaid mislaid lc mt
misread misread misread c sai
misspell misspelt misspelt vit sai chnh t
mistake mistook mistaken phm li, lm ln
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood hiu lm
mow mowed mown/ mowed ct c
outbid outbid outbid tr hn gi
outdo outdid outdone lm gii hn
outgrow outgrew outgrown ln nhanh hn
output output output cho ra (d kin)
outrun outran outrun chy nhanh hn; vt qu
outsell outsold outsold bn nhanh hn
overcome overcame overcome khc phc
overeat overate overeaten n qu nhiu
overfly overflew overflown bay qua
overhang overhung overhung nh ln trn, treo l lng
overhear overheard overheard nghe trm
overlay overlaid overlaid ph ln
overpay overpaid overpaid tr qu tin
overrun overran overrun trn ngp
oversee oversaw overseen trng nom
overshoot overshot overshot i qu ch
oversleep overslept overslept ng qun
overtake overtook overtaken ui bt kp
overthrow overthrew overthrown lt

Tran Thi Ngoc Hue (ttnhue2412@gmail.com,ttnhue@vttu.edu.vn)

pay paid paid tr (tin)

prove proved proven/proved chng minh(t)
put put put t;
read read read c
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt xy dng li
redo redid redone lm li
remake remade remade lm li; ch to li
rend rent rent toc ra; x
repay repaid repaid hon tin li
resell retold retold bn li
retake retook retaken chim li; ti chim
rewrite rewrote rewritten vit li
rid rid rid gii thot
ride rode ridden ci
ring rang rung rung chung
rise rose risen ng dy; mc
run ran run chy
saw sawed sawn ca
say said said ni
see saw seen nhn thy
seek sought sought tm kim
sell sold sold bn
send sent sent gi
sew sewed sewn/sewed may
shake shook shaken lay; lc
shear sheared shorn xn lng cu
shed shed shed ri; rng
shine shone shone chiu sng
shoot shot shot bn
show showed shown/ showed cho xem
shrink shrank shrunk co rt
shut shut shut ng li
sing sang sung ca ht
sink sank sunk chm; ln
sit sat sat ngi
slay slew slain st hi; git hi
sleep slept slept ng
slide slid slid trt; lt
sling slung slung nm mnh
slink slunk slunk ln i

Tran Thi Ngoc Hue (ttnhue2412@gmail.com,ttnhue@vttu.edu.vn)

smell smelt smelt ngi

smite smote smitten p mnh
sow sowed sown/ sewed gieo; ri
speak spoke spoken ni
speed sped/ speeded sped/ speeded chy vt
spell spelt/ spelled spelt/ spelled nh vn
spend spent spent tiu xi, tri qua
spill spilt/ spilled spilt/ spilled Trn, ra
spin spun/ span spun quay si
spit spat spat khc nh
spoil spoilt/ spoiled spoilt/ spoiled lm hng
spread spread spread lan truyn
spring sprang sprung nhy
stand stood stood ng
stave stove/ staved stove/ staved m thng
steal stole stolen nh cp
stick stuck stuck ghim vo; nh
sting stung stung chm ; chch; t
stink stunk/ stank stunk bc mui hi
strew strewed strewn/ strewed rc , ri
stride strode stridden bc si
strike struck struck nh p
string strung strung gn dy vo
strive strove striven c sc
swear swore sworn tuyn th
sweep swept swept qut
swell swelled swollen/ swelled phng ; sng
swim swam swum bi; li
swing swung swung ong a
take took taken cm ; ly
teach taught taught dy ; ging dy
tear tore torn x; rch
tell told told k ; bo
think thought thought suy ngh
throw threw thrown nm ; ling
thrust thrust thrust thc ;nhn
tread trod trodden/ trod gim ; p
unbend unbent unbent lm thng li
undercut undercut undercut ra gi r hn
undergo underwent undergone kinh qua

Tran Thi Ngoc Hue (ttnhue2412@gmail.com,ttnhue@vttu.edu.vn)

underlie underlay underlain nm di

underpay undercut undercut tr lng thp
undersell undersold undersold bn r hn
understand understood understood hiu
undertake undertook undertaken m nhn
underwrite underwrote underwritten bo him
undo undid undone tho ra
unfreeze unfroze unfrozen lm tan ng
unwind unwound unwound tho ra
uphold upheld upheld ng h
upset upset upset nh ; lt
wake woke/ waked woken/ waked thc gic
waylay waylaid waylaid mai phc
wear wore worn mc
weave wove/ weaved woven/ weaved dt
wed wed/ wedded wed/ wedded kt hn
weep wept wept khc
wet wet / wetted wet / wetted lm t
win won won thng ; chin thng
wind wound wound qun
withdraw withdrew withdrawn rt lui
withhold withheld withheld t khc
withstand withstood withstood cm c
work wrought / worked wrought / worked rn (st)
wring wrung wrung vn ; sit cht
write wrote written vit


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