The Feasibility of Short Term Production Strategies For Renewable Jet Fuels

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Modeling and Analysis

The feasibility of short-term

production strategies for renewable
jet fuels a comprehensive
techno-economic comparison
Sierk de Jong, Ric Hoefnagels, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, University of
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Andr Faaij, Energy and Sustainability Research Institute, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Raphael Slade, Rebecca Mawhood, Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London,
United Kingdom
Martin Junginger, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, University of Utrecht,
the Netherlands

Received July 26, 2015; revised September 17, 2015; accepted September 21, 2015
View online at Wiley Online Library (; DOI: 10.1002/bbb.1613;
Biofuel, Bioprod. Bioref. (2015)

Abstract: This study compares the short-term economic feasibility of six conversion pathways for
renewable jet fuel (RJF) production. The assessment combines (i) a harmonized techno-economic
analysis of conversion pathways expected to be certified for use in commercial aviation by 2020, (ii) a
pioneer plant analysis taking into account technological immaturity, and (iii) a quantified assessment of
the merits of co-producing RJF alongside existing European supply chains in the pulp, wheat ethanol,
and beet sugar industries. None of the pathways assessed are able to reach price parity with petro-
leum-derived jet fuel in the short term. The pioneer plant analysis suggests that the hydroprocessed
esters and fatty acids (HEFA) pathway is currently the best option; the technology achieves the low-
est minimum fuel selling price (MFSP) of 29.3 GJ1 (1289 t1) and the technology is deployed on
commercial scale already. In the short term, nth plant analysis shows hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL)
and pyrolysis emerging as promising alternatives, yielding MFSPs of 21.4 GJ1 (939 t1) and 30.2
GJ1 (1326 t1), respectively. The pioneer plant analysis shows considerable MFSP increases for
producing drop-in fuels using HTL and pyrolysis as both technologies are relatively immature. Hence,
further RD&D efforts into these pathways are recommended. Co-production strategies decrease the
MFSP by 48% compared to greenfield production. Integration of process units and material and
energy flows is expected to lead to further cost reductions. As such, co-production can be a par-
ticularly useful strategy to progress emerging technologies to commercial scale. 2015 Society of
Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

Supporting information may be found in the online version of this article.

Keywords: renewable jet fuel; biofuel; alternative fuel; techno-economic assessment; aviation;

Correspondence to: Sierk de Jong, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, University of Utrecht, Heidelberglaan 2,
3584 CS Utrecht, the Netherlands. E-mail:

2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
S de Jong et al. Modeling and Analysis: The Feasibility of Short-term Production Strategies for Renewable Jet Fuels

Introduction plant performance as compared to actual values observed

for first-of-a-kind plants.20,21 Since RJF production is
he aviation sector is responsible for 23% of global a nascent industry and for many technologies the first

T anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.13

To lower the industrys environmental impact, the
Air Transport Action Group (ATAG) has set targets to cap
commercial-scale plant have yet to be built, pioneer (i.e.,
first-of-a-kind) plant estimates seem more appropriate to
assess the short term economic feasibility of RJF produc-
net emissions from 2020 onwards and reduce net carbon tion pathways. Last, most analyses evaluate greenfield
emissions by 50% by 2050 (relative to 2005 levels).4 The production only, while co-production strategies (e.g. add-
introduction of renewable jet fuel (RJF), a drop-in alterna- ing bolt-on units or co-locating additional units adjacent
tive to fossil jet fuel derived from biomass, is expected to to existing production plants) have been argued to yield
make the most important contribution to reaching this cost reductions and reduce investment risks, particularly
target.4 for emerging technologies in cellulosic biofuel production
To date, production volumes of RJF have been negligible, (e.g. the plants operated by POET-DSM (Emmetsburg IA,
owing to low demand as a result of high prices. In 2013, USA) and Raizen (Costa Pinto, Brazil)).20,2226
batches of RJF were about two to three times as expensive Th is paper aims to assess the short-term economic
as petroleum-derived jet fuel.5 Most commercial flights on feasibility of RJF production. Therefore, it presents (i) a
RJF have been powered by fuels produced using the hydro- harmonized techno-economic comparison of conversion
processed esters and fatty acids (HEFA) technology, which pathways which are expected to be ASTM certified for
converts oils and fats to hydrocarbons in the jet and diesel use in aviation before 2020, (ii) a pioneer plant analysis
range. This technology has been demonstrated on a com- to translate the nth plant results to pioneer plant results
mercial scale, primarily for diesel production.6 However, in order to reflect the current state of play, and (iii) a
the high price and limited availability of sustainable oil quantified assessment of the potential economic merits
feedstocks are major challenges that constrain the ramp- ofco-production strategies for RJF production in the
up of HEFA RJF production volumes.7,8 Therefore there is EU28.
a need to develop new RJF conversion pathways that can
bridge the existing price premium and enable large-scale
Methods and data collection
production. These pathways should make use of feedstocks
that are abundantly available, have a low economic value, This study employs a harmonized techno-economic
and do not compete with food production, such as forestry framework based on existing process modelling data to
residues, agricultural residues, or municipal solid waste. A compare RJF conversion pathways. The following sections
comparative techno-economic analysis of such emerging provide an overview of the conversion pathway scop-
pathways can aid in formulating a strategy for the develop- ing procedure, a literature survey, the techno-economic
ment of RJF. framework, the data collection process, and the adjust-
Techno-economic analyses of RJF conversion pathways ments made to the base model to assess pioneer plants
are widely available.6,919 However, several factors impede and co-production strategies. More information regard-
a comprehensive assessment of the short-term economic ing methods and input assumptions can be found in the
feasibility of RJF production. First, the majority of exist- Supporting Information (SI).
ing analyses are limited to conversion pathways that have
already received the mandatory technical certification
Conversion pathway selection
from the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM), thus omitting technologies that are expected For the purpose of this analysis, the term conversion
to receive certification in the coming years. Second, fair pathway describes a technology and feedstock combina-
comparison of techno-economic studies is a delicate tion, which is further characterized by its degree of inte-
exercise due to different input assumptions, economic gration with existing plants (hereafter referred to as
evaluation metrics, temporal scales and geographical loca- incubator facilities). Since ASTM certification is man-
tions. Third, current analyses generally rely on nth plant datory before fuel can be used in commercial aircraft and
estimates, which present techno-economic performance the certification process takes several years to complete,
as if the technology were already mature and deployed at the current scope only includes certified technologies or
commercial scale. Historically, nth plant estimates have technologies under review, namely: HEFA, Fischer-
tended to underestimate capital cost and overestimate Tropsch (FT), hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL),

2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. DOI: 10.1002/bbb
Modeling and Analysis: The Feasibility of Short-term Production Strategies for Renewable Jet Fuels S de Jong et al.

Figure 1. A visualization of different degrees of integration (adapted from Ereev and Patel40). This image
serves as a schematic example of possible co-production strategies. In some cases a co-production
strategy might, for example, also require additional service or storage facilities.

pyrolysis, alcohol-to-jet (ATJ) and direct sugars to hydro- are referred to as examples of co-production strategies
carbons (DSHC). 27 * (Fig.1). As these terms are often used interchangeably,
In line with the aviation industrys commitment to definitions are provided below:
use non-food feedstocks only, wheat straw and forestry
residues were considered for FT, HTL, pyrolysis, ATJ, Greenfield strategies involve building a stand-alone
and DSHC; used cooking oil was used for HEFA. 28 facility at a new industrial site.
Existing plants in the pulp and paper, wheat ethanol, Co-locating strategies involve installing a separate
and beet sugar industries were selected as incubator entity adjacent to an existing facility in order to utilize
facilities, since these industries show substantial accu- part ofthe feedstock supply, feedstock infrastructure
mulation of residues along their supply chain and have and/or utilities of the existing facility (i.e., producing B
a wealth of experience with biomass logistics and con- alongside A without changing the existing production
version. Residues produced in the beet sugar industry line).2931
(i.e., A-molasses and unpressed beet pulp) and pulp Retro-fitting strategies involves altering the current
and paper industry (i.e., black liquor and hog fuel) were production line of an existing facility (e.g. adding a
also included as feedstocks for the conversion pathways bolt-on unit), such that by-products or unutilized
involving co-production. components of the feedstock can be used for alternative
Four degrees of integration between industrial pro- purposes (i.e., producing B alongside A by altering the
cesses can be discerned in the literature: greenfield, co- existing production line);3137
locating, retro-fitting, and repurposing. The latter three Repurposing strategies involve adjusting the production
process of an existing (mothballed) facility to produce
a different output (i.e., producing B instead of A).22,38,39
*RJF produced by the HEFA pathway are also commonly referred to as

hydrotreated renewable jet (HRJ). Fuels produced by the DSHC pathway are Based on these defi nitions and possible feedstock-tech-
also commonly referred to as synthesized iso-paraffinic (SIP) fuels. nology combinations, ten greenfield, three retro-fitting,

2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. DOI: 10.1002/bbb
S de Jong et al. Modeling and Analysis: The Feasibility of Short-term Production Strategies for Renewable Jet Fuels

Figure 2. Feedstock-technology combinations in the current scope.

and nine co-locating strategies were selected (Fig.2). normalized to 500 or 1000 t (metric tonne) hydrocarbon
All the co-locating strategies were also evaluated on a product output per day (hydrocarbon products include jet
greenfield basis. The retro-fitting strategies were not fuel, diesel, naphtha, gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas
evaluated on a greenfield basis, as these strategies require (LPG) and propane). The following general scaling equa-
integration by defi nition. No repurposing strategies were tion was used with a scaling factor of 0.6.40,43,44
(Cost of equipment)x = (Cost of equipment)base
scaling factor (1)
Literature survey (
* Capacity x
Capacity base )
A literature survey was conducted to investigate the ranges
of key technology-specific assumptions for RJF production Table 1 shows a considerable range in TCI and yield esti-
pathways. The survey compared estimates of total capital mates for the pathways in scope, particularly for HEFA,
investment (TCI) and yield from techno-economic stud- FT, and pyrolysis. It also illustrates the uncertainty regard-
ies of RJF production, published between 2005 and 2015. ing process performance and cost estimates. Furthermore,
Studies examining drop-in diesel production were also the survey showed that data availability for black liquor
included, because of the limited availability of RJF studies gasification (BLG), HTL, ATJ, sugar extraction, and DSHC
and specifications of both products being reasonably simi- is relatively limited. This impedes a solid comparison and
lar. Also, data from three operational HEFA plants and increases uncertainty surrounding the performance of
one lignocellulosic ethanol plant were included. these technologies.
The TCI was normalized to 2013 or US$2013 using the
Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index (CEPCI).41,42
US$2013 were converted to 2013 using the average euro-dol-
It must be noted that scaling based on output instead of input favors the

lar exchange rate in 2013 (0.753 $1). To allow for a com- TCI of studies reporting high yields. In addition, the choice of scaling factor
parison across conversion pathways, output capacities were and normalized capacity size affects the TCI range.

2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. DOI: 10.1002/bbb
Modeling and Analysis: The Feasibility of Short-term Production Strategies for Renewable Jet Fuels S de Jong et al.

Table 1. Process characterization for each conversion pathway including reported TCI and yield ranges
Key process Hydrogen for Non- Yield Normalized TCI at Ref(s).
design variations upgrading hydrocarbon output normalized
required co-products Energyb Massc capacitya capacity
Unit GJ GJ1 t t1 (dm) t day1 fuel M2013
Gasification Gasifier type, No Electricity 0.40-0.53 0.13 - 0.22 500 (254) 327-1186
+ FT syngas cleaning
Black liquor Gasifier type, No Electricity and 0.65-0.70 0.13 500 (254) 330-722
gasification syngas cleaning steam
+ FT technology
HTL On/ex-site Yes 0.64 0.18 - 0.36 500 (254) 273-513
upgrading, on/
ex-site hydrogen
Pyrolysis On/ex-site Yes 0.63-0.77 0.16 - 0.36 500 (254) 156-482
upgrading, on/
ex-site hydrogen
ATJ Yes 0.91e 0.5659 500 (254) 68-7217,59
Fermentation Separate/simulta- No Electricity 0.49 0.20 - 0.33 500 (156) 215-426
(dilute acid) neous saccharifi-
cation, on/ex-site
enzyme production
DSHC Yes 0.50e 0.17 500 (254) 292 16

Sugar No Electricity 0.51 0.59 1000 (165) 206
HEFA Ecofining/Neste Yes 0.92e 0.75 - 0.83 1000 (254) 200 - 644 6,10,16,6466

a. The capacities were normalized to 500 or 1000 t day1 output to avoid excessive scaling. As sugar extraction and HEFA have high mass
yields, these were scaled to a higher output capacity. The energy output (in MW) is calculated based on an average (non-weighted)
energy density for gasoline, naphtha, diesel and jet fuel (43.85 GJ t1). Energy densities for ethanol and sugars are listed in SI-8.
Additional useful outputs (e.g. electricity, steam, etc.) are not included in the output capacity.
b. The efficiency from biomass and other inputs (e.g. hydrogen, natural gas) to fuel outputs and electricity was tabulated only when
reported in the reference study. Only efficiencies estimated on lower heating value (LHV) basis were included.
c. The mass yield is defined as tonne (fuel) product output (i.e. sugar or ethanol in case of fermentation and sugar extraction, and jet fuel,
diesel, gasoline and/or naphtha in case of the other pathways) per tonne dry matter (dm) feedstock input.
d. The processes differ in process design (UOPs Ecofining process also includes isomerization besides hydrotreatment) and production
flexibility to alter the RJF/diesel ratio in the product slate.
e. No energy yield data for these conversion pathways were available. Estimates are based on dividing the energy input from feedstock
and additional hydrogen inputs by the energy content of the product outputs.

Variation in TCI and yield originated primarily from dif- were caused by partial diversion of the hydrolysate to the
ferences in process design and uncertainties in parameter seed reactor.60,63 For HEFA, the Ecofining process utilizes
estimates. For most pathways, the largest yields variations increased cracking to produce RJF, thereby also produc-
were caused by different process designs. For instance, ing more light components.6 A broader range of FT yields
yields for pyrolysis were considerably lower when biomass was observed amongst the sample ( = 0.09 t t1) than
or part of the intermediate product (biocrude) was used for within individual comparative studies with different gasifier
hydrogen production.50,56 Modest yield reductions for fer- designs ( = 0.04 t t1), suggesting study assumptions have
mentation pathways including on-site enzyme production a larger impact on the yield than gasifier type.

2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. DOI: 10.1002/bbb
S de Jong et al. Modeling and Analysis: The Feasibility of Short-term Production Strategies for Renewable Jet Fuels

On-site production of hydrogen or enzymes (for fer- Table 2. Financing and production assumptions.
mentation) and bio-crude upgrading (for pyrolysis and
Parameter Value Unit
HTL) all lead to TCI increases, but also reduce operational
Plant lifetime 25 yr
expenditure (OPEX). Zhu et al. calculated that on-site
hydrogen production is economically favorable when Depreciation period 10 yr

prices are above 1.39 2013 kg1 hydrogen.45 FT process Rate of principal payments 15 yr
designs including an entrained flow gasifier were generally Debt-to-equity ratio 80:20
associated with higher TCI than those assuming a fluid- Interest rate on debt 8%
ized bed gasifier. A clear relation between feedstock type Corporate tax rate 22%
and yield did not emerge from this survey. Discount rate16,45,55,61 10%
Uncertainty in the yield and TCI estimates also contrib- Depreciation schedule Straight line
utes to the observed ranges. Due to limited publicly avail-
Capacity factor 90%
able data from commercial plants, the majority of yield and
total purchased equipment costs (TPEC) estimates in the
literature are derived from process modeling tools, pilot Table 3. Plant start-up schedule, adopted from
test data or cost curves from comparable industries (e.g. Towler and Sinnott.43
petroleum industry) and hence come with uncertainties. Year TCI schedule Plant
Furthermore, the translation from TPEC to TCI introduces availability
additional uncertainties inherent to the factorial estima- -1 30% of fixed capital 0
tion methods that are often employed to estimate costs 0 50% of fixed capital 0
for installation, piping, buildings, service facilities, etc.47
1 20% of fixed capital + working capital 30%
As cost estimation methods are dissimilar in terms of cost
2 70%
items and cost factors, different methods can arrive at
3 100%
other TCI estimates while starting from the same TPEC.
Moreover, ambiguity about what is included in reported
TPEC and consequent cost items impedes a transparent The fixed capital investment (FCI) was estimated from
comparison. total purchased equipment cost (TPEC) using Lang factors
(i.e., the ratio between TPEC and FCI) of 4.69, 4.77, and
Techno-economic model structure 4.86 for high (>76M), medium (876 M) and low
The model structure as discussed in this section was used to (<8M) TPEC, respectively. These Lang factors are higher
assess the greenfield nth plant performance for all conver- compared to the 4.28 as reported for solid-fluid plants in
sion pathways. Nth plant economics are to be interpreted as Peters et al.44 The TCI was computed by adding the required
the (future) cost of the technology after several commercial working capital (assumed to be 5% of FCI) to the FCI. The
plants have been commissioned and the technology can be OPEX was calculated from mass balances and utility
considered mature.58,61 The alterations made to the base requirements, complemented with reported factors for other
model to assess pioneer plants and co-production strategies OPEX cost items, such as maintenance and repairs (6% of
are discussed in the sections on Pioneer plant analysis and FCI), local taxes (1.5% of FCI) and insurance (1% of FCI).
Assessing co-production strategies. Production and financing assumptions were harmonized
across all technologies (Table 2). A 80:20 debt-to-equity
Techno-economic framework ratio was assumed with a discount rate of 10%. The aver-
age EU corporate tax rate (22%) was used.68 Towler and
The techno-economic model was constructed according to Sinnotts production start-up schedule was deemed most
the Standardized Cost Estimation for New Technologies appropriate for novel technologies (Table 3).43
(SCENT) method developed by Ereev and Patel (SI-1).40
This method was preferred over others as it provides a

transparent factorial method to estimate full OPEX and In the literature, the term Total Purchased Equipment Cost (TPEC) is used

total capital investment (TCI) by combining cost estimation ambiguously. Whereas delivery charges are excluded from the TPEC in the

methods of, amongst others, Towler and Sinnott,43 Peters et SCENT method, Peters et al.s44 method includes delivery charges in TPEC.
al.,44 and Couper.67 This method has a claimed accuracy of As both methods estimate delivery charges at 10% of bare equipment costs,
30%.40 TPEC in one method could easily be converted to the other method.

2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. DOI: 10.1002/bbb
Modeling and Analysis: The Feasibility of Short-term Production Strategies for Renewable Jet Fuels S de Jong et al.

Data selection large European pulp mill (approximately 0.3 million tonne
annual pulp production).74 Specific scaling factors were
Technology-specific mass balances, utility requirements,
applied for individual pieces of equipment when reported
and TPEC were retrieved from reference process model- in the literature. Where no specific scaling factors could be
ling studies focusing on RJF production. No studies tar- obtained, a scaling factor of 0.6 was used.40,43,44
geting RJF production could be identified for the FT, BLG,
HTL, and pyrolysis pathways. Instead, studies tailored
Variable costs and revenues from
to diesel production were used, assuming that 25% of the
produced diesel consists of jet fuel-ranged hydrocarbons.
As all process designs already include a distillation col- Variable costs and revenues were determined by the quan-
umn to separate the hydrocarbon products, no additional tities and prices of the materials and utilities involved.
costs were taken into account. Quantities were obtained from reported mass and energy
Table 4 shows the values for TPEC, TCI, yield and input balances; prices were based on reported prices for feed-
capacity used in this study. The selection of reference stud- stocks and quoted prices for other raw materials (Table 5
ies was based on (i) the match with conversion pathway and SI-3). No price was assumed for hydrocarbon products
configurations in the current scope and consistency in (i.e., RJF, diesel, gasoline, naphtha, LPG, and propane) as
process design and (ii) moderate TCI and yield estimates their cost price is the targeted output of the model. Labor
relative to other studies where possible. More practically, costs were determined using Wessels method for well-
the source should have complete disclosure of TPEC, mass instrumented processes.75 Average EU prices for electric-
balances and utility requirements to allow reproduction. ity, natural gas prices, operating and construction labor
The modeled HTL, pyrolysis and fermentation pathways were retrieved from Eurostat.7679
all include on-site hydrogen or enzyme production. The
TCI estimate for HEFA was based on the FCI from a com- Economic evaluation
mercial facility (Neste Oils Rotterdam plant) as this was A discounted cash flow rate of return (DCFROR) analysis
deemed more accurate. For ATJ, fermentation and sugar was used to determine for each conversion pathway the
extraction yield and TPEC data were obtained from mul- minimum fuel selling price (MFSP) of RJF and other
tiple sources to complete the dataset or allow for feedstock hydrocarbon products, i.e., diesel, gasoline, naphtha, LPG,
flexibility. A sensitivity analysis was performed to quantify and propane. The MFSP reflects the cost price at which the
the impact of TCI and yield ranges observed in the litera- products need to be sold to achieve a zero equity net pre-
ture survey (Sensitivity analysis). sent value (NPV) (SI-4). The costs of production were pro-
The TPEC was obtained from the reference studies or portionally allocated to the outputs based on their market
deduced from aggregate cost items by subtracting the price per tonne (Table 6). This approach was chosen to
included cost components using the respective factors for facilitate a fair comparison of the conversion pathways
these as described in SCENT. Costs for general service with high and low RJF yields (relative to other hydrocar-
facilities (e.g. wastewater treatment) were systematically bon products).
omitted from the TPEC, as these components are already
included in the SCENT framework. Pioneer plant analysis
Costs were actualized to 2013 using the same procedure
The reference studies report production costs for nth
as discussed in the Literature survey section. In most cases
plants, presuming a commercial scale facility using com-
the capacity of the reference study was used and no scaling
mercially available technologies, and thus bearing lower
was applied. For beet pulp and molasses conversion, how-
risk. However, nth plant estimates have historically tended
ever, the input scale of all conversion units was adjusted
to underestimate capital cost and overestimate plant per-
to fit the production of these feedstocks at the incubator
formance as compared to pioneer (i.e., first-of-a-kind)
facility. The equipment for lignocellulosic sugar extraction
industrial facilities.20,21 As the first commercial plants are
was scaled to fit the fermentation unit in the DSHC facil-
still to be built for almost all conversion pathways (except
ity. The input of the ATJ conversion unit was scaled to fit
the output from the fermentation island. The input capac-
ity of the black liquor gasification (BLG) conversion facil-
The MFSP for other products than RJF can be calculated from the MFSP of
ity was scaled to the capacity of the other thermochemical RJF using the ratio between the market prices as displayed in Table 6. For
conversion pathways (i.e., 454 MW), corresponding to a example, a RJF MFSP of 480 t1 implies a diesel MFSP of 446 t1.

2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. DOI: 10.1002/bbb
S de Jong et al. Modeling and Analysis: The Feasibility of Short-term Production Strategies for Renewable Jet Fuels

Table 4. Capacity, TPEC, TCI and yield values used in this study (SI-2).
Technology Key process design Feedstock Product Reference TPEC (TCId) Yielde Ref.
assumptions inputa output(s)b input capacityc
Unit t (dm) day1 M2013 t t1
(MW) (dm)
Gasification Directly heated, oxygen- FR J, D, N 2000 (454) 96 (471) 0.17
+ FT blown, pressurized, fluidized WS J, D, N 2178 (454) 96 (471) 0.16f
bed gasifier
Black liquor BLG (Chemrec gasifier) and BL J, D, G 2991 (454) 95 (384-394)g 0.11h 52,69

gasification biomass gasification (fluidized

+ FT bed), rectisol cleaning
HTL On-site upgrading, on-site FR J, D, G 2000 (454) 89 (436) 0.36
hydrogen generation WS J, D, G 2178 (454) 89 (436) 0.33f
Pyrolysis On-site upgrading, on-site FR J, D, G 2000 (454) 102 (504) 0.27
hydrogen generation WS J, D, G 2178 (454) 102 (504) 0.25f
ATJi EtOH J, G 482 (150) 10 (48) 0.56 17,18,59

j,l 61,70
Fermentation Separate saccharification, FR EtOH 2,000 (454) 71 (350) 0.24
on-site enzyme production WS EtOH 2,000 (417) 74 (365) 0.22
BP EtOH 2,000 (288) 46 (186-191) g 0.40
DSHC Sug J, D, N 1,420 (262) 42 (205) 0.17
Molk J, D, N 1,420 (153) 42 (169-174) g 0.09
Sugar FR Sug 2,000 (454) 69 (337) 0.52
extractionl WS Sug 2,000 (417) 69 (337) 0.48
HEFA6,66 Ecofining and Neste processm UCO J, D, N, 2,500 (1,042) 133 (657) 0.83
a. BL = Black liquor, hog fuel and forestry residues, BP = Beet pulp, EtOH = Ethanol, FR = Forestry residues, Mol = A Molasses, Sug = C5
and C6 sugars, UCO = Used cooking oil, WS = Wheat straw.
b. D = Diesel, EtOH = Ethanol, G = Gasoline, J = Jet fuel, LPG = Liquefied Petroleum Gas, N = Naphtha, P = Propane.
c. Unlike Table 1, the reference capacity is based on feedstock input.
d. The TPEC was retrieved from the indicated reference; the TCI is calculated from the TPEC using the SCENT method.
e. The mass yield is defined as tonne product output (i.e. jet fuel, diesel, gasoline, naphtha, LPG and/or propane) per tonne dry matter (dm)
feedstock input.
f. The yields of hydrocarbon products were adjusted on the basis of the lower heating value (LHV) of the feedstocks with respect to the
feedstock used in the source. See SI-8 for feedstock characteristics.
g. The range in TCI for retro-fit strategies is caused by the variation in construction labor costs in the country of production. In addition, the
TCI was calculated using a lower Lang factor because these are retro-fit strategies and therefore have a reduction in capital cost, see
also the section on Assessing co-production strategies.
h. The yield to FT liquids (0.13 t t1 (dm)) was based on Consonni et al.52. It was assumed that the produced FT liquids were upgraded in
an existing refinery, yielding 0.62 tonne diesel and 0.22 tonne gasoline per tonne of FT liquids.69 The 2014 average of the NW European
2:1:1 crack spread (0.053 L1 crude oil) was taken as a measure of the refiners profit margin for upgrading the FT liquid in an existing
i. The TPEC was retrieved from Atsonios et al.17 The yields were taken from Crawford59 due to limited data disclosure in Atsonios et al.17
Hydrogen requirements were based on Pham et al.18
j. TPEC were obtained from Humbird et al.61 As beet pulp has a low lignin content, no boiler was installed and a lower sulfuric acid loading
to break the lignin was assumed.72 Feedstock-specific sugar and ethanol yields were calculated based on the glucan, xylan, arabinan,
galactan and mannan content of forestry residues, straw and beet pulp. See the SI-8 for feedstock characteristics. Conversion yields
were based on the reported yields for dilute acid pretreatment of lignocellulosic feedstocks and beet pulp.62,70 Moreover, feedstock-spe-
cific lignin contents were used as an approximation of electricity production from the burnable components.73
k. It is assumed A molasses has a 55% sugar content.16
l. Concentrations of produced ethanol and sugar solutions were adjusted to fit the input requirements of ATJ and DSHC conversion, also
accounting for increased gas usage as a result of additional concentration activities.
m. The FCI was based on the Rotterdam Neste facility.66 As hydrocarbon yields of the Ecofining and Neste process are quite similar,
Pearlson et al.s study (using the Ecofining process) was selected due to more complete data disclosure.6,64 For the HEFA pathway, it
was assumed that the soybean oil used in Pearlson et al.6 has similar LHV, product yields and hydrogen input requirements as filtered,
de-watered used cooking oil.

2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. DOI: 10.1002/bbb
Modeling and Analysis: The Feasibility of Short-term Production Strategies for Renewable Jet Fuels S de Jong et al.

Table 5. Assumed feedstock prices for greenfield strategies.

Value used in this study Rangea Comments
Unit GJ 1
t 1
(dm) GJ 1
t1 (dm)
Forestry residues80,81 4.8 95 3.6-6.1 70-120
Including handling and transport
Wheat straw80,81 10.6 190 7.9-12.3 142-222
Used cooking oil82 20. 3 730 15.9-31.8 573-1146 Delivered NWE
a. The ranges are based on reported ranges for forestry residues, and historic price variations for wheat straw83 and used cooking oil

(historic palm oil trends were used as a proxy)84 in the period 20102014. Please note these are European averages; national or local
prices can be higher or lower than the reported range. National prices for forestry residues and wheat straw were taken for assessing the
co-production scenarios.

Table 6: CIF NWE market prices of fuel products plants followed the predictions of the RAND study, show-
(December 2014). ing a higher capital investment and lower availability
Product Price ( t1)
during operation start-up.20 Also, plant availability in the
85 first year of early Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
Jet fuel 480
(IGCC) plants has been shown to be particularly low,
Diesel 446
ranging from 040% in the first year to 3060% in the
Gasoline85 420
third year after formal commissioning.88
Naphtha 363 The RAND method was employed in this analysis to
LPG/Propane86 288 estimate the increase in MFSP for pioneer plants. It must
be stressed that these estimates do not necessarily reflect
HEFA), a pioneer plant estimate seems more appropriate the actual cost of a pioneer plant; rather they quantify the
to assess the short term economic feasibility of RJF pro- technology risk and the associated potential cost increase
duction pathways. because of unforeseen problems in the start-up phase. The
In 1981, the RAND corporation performed a multi- calculated cost growth factor and plant performance in
factor linear regression analysis on 44 production plants the first year of production for the technologies in scope
to identify key drivers for capital investment growth are displayed in Table 7. It was assumed plant availability
and decreased plant performance during the second six ramps up by 20 percentage points per year in subsequent
months after production start-up.21 They formulated two years until full nameplate capacity is reached.50,87 The TCI
equations to describe the cost growth and the plant perfor- for the pioneer plant was calculated using the following
mance of a pioneer plant as a function of certain process equation:
features (e.g. the number of commercially unproven pro-
TCIpioneer = TCINth
cess areas, the complexity of the process; SI-5). Although Cost growth factor
there is little recent empirical evidence to validate the
RAND method, it continues to be used in techno-eco-
nomic assessments for a range of novel biofuel produc-
Assessing co-production strategies
tion technologies.46,50,60,87 Fulton et al. found that some Two aspects were added to greenfield calculations in the
recently commissioned cellulosic ethanol and pyrolysis base model to evaluate co-production strategies at the

Table 7. Cost growth factors and plant performance for pioneer plants (SI-5).
Technology FT HTL Pyrolysis DSHCa ATJ HEFA
Cost growth factor 0.45 0.47 0.40 0.37 0.73 0.58 0.42 0.86
Plant availability year 1 32% 22% 22% 22% 78% 31% 21% 86%
a. The assessment for DSHC was made separately for molasses and cellulosic sugar as the latter requires additional pre-treatment
b. BL = Black liquor, hog fuel and forestry residues, EtOH = Ethanol, FR = Forestry residues, Mol = A Molasses, UCO = Used cooking oil,
WS = Wheat straw.
c. The techno-economic model runs with timesteps of one year. It was therefore assumed that the plant availability in the first six months
after start-up is equal to the availability in the second six months.

2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. DOI: 10.1002/bbb
S de Jong et al. Modeling and Analysis: The Feasibility of Short-term Production Strategies for Renewable Jet Fuels

Figure 3. Comparison between the inputs of greenfield, localized greenfield and co-production facilities.

location of incubator facilities: local parameters and the Table 8. Assumed feedstock prices for co-
quantified benefits of co-production (Fig.3). Since the production strategies (SI-6).
difference in MFSP of greenfield (using EU averages) Feedstock Value Unit
and co-production strategies (using local parameters)
Black liquor 34.3 t 1
(80% solids content)52
is affected by both aspects, a localized greenfield facil-
Hog fuel 28.3 t1 (50% moisture content)52
ity was introduced to isolate the effect of co-production
Beet pulp 16.3 t1 (22% dry matter)92
benefits. The fictional localized greenfield facility is situ-
ated next to an incubator facility but not integrated with A Molasses 144 t1 (55% sucrose content)16

it. It shares the incubator facilitys local parameters, but Forestry residues Local cost-supply curve (SI-6)
does not experience the merits of co-production. As such, Wheat straw Local cost-supply curve (SI-6)
localized greenfield facilities also give an indication as to
how production costs vary across the EU28. The following
sub-sections describe how local parameters and the ben- Quantifying the economic merits of co-
efits of co-production were incorporated in the greenfield production a novel approach
Co-production strategies aid producers in gaining
experience in the handling and conversion of cellulosic
Local parameters
feedstocks whilst benefiting from shared supply chain
Co-production strategies were evaluated at potential incu- infrastructure, distribution networks, chemical and
bator facilities in the pulp and paper, wheat ethanol and energy recovery facilities and an experienced existing
beet sugar industries. A detailed survey identified 290 workforce thus reducing costs and investment risks.
potential incubator facilities in the EU28: 150 pulp mills, General methodologies to quantify these benefits could
40 wheat ethanol facilities, and 100 beet sugar mills.8991 not be identified in the literature; most studies either
At each incubator facility, cost supply curves for forestry qualitatively describe the benefits or quantify these by
residues and wheat straw at NUTS-3 (i.e., sub-regional) performing process optimization for specific processes
level were constructed based on local feedstock prices and or locations.9399 Based on such studies, the benefits of
transport costs (Table 8).80,81 Nation-specific hourly wages co-production were generalized, quantified, and added to
for construction and industrial labor, corporate tax rates, the greenfield model. Depending on the degree of integra-
and gas and electricity prices were used.40,68,7679 tion, several parameters were adjusted in the greenfield

2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. DOI: 10.1002/bbb
Modeling and Analysis: The Feasibility of Short-term Production Strategies for Renewable Jet Fuels S de Jong et al.

Table 9. Quantified benefits of co-production for all three degrees of integration with respect to
greenfield projects.
Unit Repurposing Retro-fitting Co-locating Greenfielda
Capital expenditures
Buildings % of TPEC 7% 7% 29% 47%
Service facilities % of TDECb 0% 45% 45% 55%
Landc % of TDECb 0% 0% 6% 6%
Yard works % of TDEC 0% 0% 12% 12%
Contingency % of TDECb 10% 37% 37% 37%
TPEC New + repurposed New + retro-fitted Only new Only new
equipment equipment equipment equipment
OPEX reductions
Operating labor costd % reduction w.r.t. greenfield 0% 41% 41% 0%
Local taxes % of Fixed Capital Investment 1.5% 0% 1% 1.5%
Production ramp-up
Production year 1 % of nominal capacity 50% 50% 30% 30%
Production year 2 % of nominal capacity 80% 80% 70% 70%
Production year 3 % of nominal capacity 100% 100% 100% 100%
Plant lifetime
Plant lifetime Residual lifetime of Residual lifetime New equipment New equipment
repurposed asset of the incubator lifetime lifetime
a. The greenfield values for capital expenditures and OPEX are based on the SCENT model.
b. Total delivered equipment cost (TDEC) represents TPEC including delivery charges.
c. It is assumed that the co-located facility requires about two-thirds of the land of the incubator facility. It is assumed that retro-fitted
equipment is bolted-on to the incubator facility and therefore does not require additional land.
d. The reduction of 41% is based on the reduction in labor costs per processing step according to Wessels method75 when comparing
two separate facilities to one joint facility. It was assumed that the incubator facilitys capacity is twice that of the co-located facility.

calculations to account for co-production benefits the shutdown of the incubator facility for retro-fitting can
(Table9). take place during its usual maintenance cycle.
Capital expenditure factors for buildings, service facili- It was assumed that labor costs are reduced because the
ties, land and yard works were decreased because these are work force can be shared between facilities.29,36 Also local
usually available at an existing site.22,29,40,97,100 The con- property taxes were reduced based on the assumption that
tingency on a repurposed plant was lowered because the (part of) the land is shared. The production ramp-up for
existing production line likely consists of units that have greenfield and co-located factories was defined according
proven robustness.22 to Towler and Sinnott;43 ramp-up values for the repurpos-
For repurposing scenarios, the bare equipment cost ing and retro-fitting scenarios were taken from Gonzalez
items to be excluded from the TPEC should be assessed on et al.22
a case-by-case basis.22 Furthermore, remuneration to the In case of repurposing or replacing existing equipment,
(former) owner of the facility should be included for the plant lifetime depends on the remaining lifetime of the
repurposing or retro-fitting strategies, preferably using the repurposed equipment or the lifetime of the retro-fitted
book value of the piece of equipment (the initial cost of the incubator facility. In this study it was assumed that all
asset minus the accrued depreciation). For repurposing
strategies, the residual value should be compared to the
A first approximation of the remuneration costs for a 10-year-old Tomlinson
costs of dismantling the facility and environmental reme- boiler, assuming initial capital cost of 91-182 M201352 and a useful eco-
diation costs. For simplicity, these costs are often assumed nomic lifetime of 25 years, showed an increase of roughly 30% in the MFSP
to be equal, such that the costs of repurposed assets for Black Liquor Gasification. It is therefore plausible to assume that imple-
amount to zero.22,39 In this study, it was assumed that menting retro-fitting and repurposing strategies will only be worthwhile at the
retro-fitted equipment has been fully depreciated and that end of the equipments lifetime.

2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. DOI: 10.1002/bbb
S de Jong et al. Modeling and Analysis: The Feasibility of Short-term Production Strategies for Renewable Jet Fuels

Figure 4. The cost breakdown of the MFSP for greenfield (nth plant) production.

incubator facilities will continue to operate for at least 25 pyrolysis is caused by relatively high conversion yields
years. and modest TPEC. Pyrolysis has a slightly higher MFSP
compared to HTL because of its increased TPEC due to
higher biocrude upgrading requirements and a lower yield.
Results HEFA performs well due to an exceptionally high yield
since only few chemical transformations are required to
Nth plant greenfield production results convert oil feedstocks to RJF. Biochemical pathways (i.e.,
Figure4 illustrates a cost breakdown for greenfield nth ATJ and DSHC) show relatively higher MFSPs, largely due
plants. The costs are subdivided in feedstock, capital to the lower conversion yields (on a dry matter basis) and
expenditures (CAPEX; including debt principle payments the high capital cost of lignocellulosic sugar extraction
and interest), maintenance and repairs, other OPEX and fermentation. Forestry residues are generally preferred
(including amongst others corporate taxes, labor costs, over wheat straw due to their lower price.
fi xed production costs), utilities and raw materials, and Based on Fig.4, the conversion pathways can be roughly
non-hydrocarbon co-products (e.g. electricity). characterized according to their determining cost com-
The results show a clear preference towards HTL, pyroly- ponents: (i) capital expenditures, (ii) feedstock, and (iii)
sis and HEFA, which yield minimum fuel selling prices of OPEX. FT and ATJ are the most capital-intensive con-
2129, 2941, and 30 GJ1. None of the nth plant MFSPs version technologies (in terms of TPEC per tonne RJF
reaches the top tenth percentile of petroleum-derived jet produced). The gasification unit is the major cost com-
prices over the last decade. The low MFSP for HTL and ponent for FT, while the pre-treatment, hydrolysis and

2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. DOI: 10.1002/bbb
Modeling and Analysis: The Feasibility of Short-term Production Strategies for Renewable Jet Fuels S de Jong et al.

fermentation units represent the greater share of the costs facilities in regions such as Eastern EU and Portugal were
for ATJ. The same holds for sugar extraction units in the found to have MFSPs up to 28% lower than the average
DSHC pathway. Fig.4 shows that feedstock costs comprise MFSP, whilst MFSPs for incubator facilities located in
70% of the MFSP for HEFA. As such, the performance of Scandinavia showed an increase up to 39%. As the capac-
the HEFA pathway is very dependent on the economics of ity of beet sugar mills varies significantly, the spread
sustainable oils and fats. Pyrolysis and HTL have relatively between the minimum and maximum MFSP is relatively
high shares of OPEX due to substantial usage of utilities large due to scaling effects.
and raw materials, predominantly caused by the cost of Occasionally the average MFSP for co-production strate-
natural gas for hydrogen production in the upgrading pro- gies exceeds the greenfield MFSP. This effect is ascribed to
cess. Furthermore, the bio-crude upgrading units require local parameters for some locations being less attractive
substantial capital investments. For DSHC the majority of than the average European conditions. For example, co-
the operational costs arise from natural gas (used for pro- production strategies involving pulp mills (which are often
cess heat for sugar concentration) and glucose used during located in Scandinavia where labor costs are relatively
the extraction of lignocellulosic sugars. high) tend to result in higher average MFSPs than green-
field production at an average European location. Hence,
Pioneer plant production results although co-production can yield lower MFSPs at specific
locations, it also limits the choice of location, which some-
Figure5 illustrates that pioneer plants show significantly
times leads to higher production costs.
higher MFSPs than nth plants, both for greenfield and
Co-locating strategies show an average reduction in
co-production strategies. A particularly high increase
MFSP of 4-8% for nth plants and 58% for pioneer plants
is shown by capital-intensive technologies such as FT
with respect to localized greenfield production (Fig.6).
(+57-82%) and ATJ (+64%-86%) and technologies with
The reduction can largely be ascribed to a reduction of TCI
relatively high cost growth factors due to technologi-
and related costs (e.g. maintenance costs). Consequently,
cal immaturity, such as HTL (+63-87%) and pyrolysis
the most capital-intensive technologies (i.e., FT and ATJ)
(+77-105%), or technological complexity such as BLG
show the largest cost reductions. The reduction in MFSP
(+93%). The HEFA technology shows a mere 1% increase
for pioneer plants is on average 1.4% larger than for nth
in MFSP as it has already been employed at commercial
plants, mainly because pioneer plants are generally more
scales. Hence, when looking at the short term develop-
capital-intensive. In absolute terms this represents a con-
ment status, HEFA shows the best economic performance.
siderable reduction, since MFSPs for pioneer plants tend to
Although HTL and pyrolysis demonstrate considerable
be substantially higher than those for nth plants.
cost increases, they emerge as the best alternatives in the
short term.
Sensitivity analysis
Co-production results
A sensitivity analysis was performed to examine the
Figure5 shows that co-production strategies follow a simi-
impact of selected inputs on the model results. Also, the
lar trend to greenfield strategies. Due to the better perfor-
opportunity costs of producing RJF (rather than selling
mance of thermochemical pathways, pulp mills and wheat
the intermediate products) for the ATJ and DSHC path-
ethanol facilities prove better incubator facilities than beet
ways were quantified. The base case is greenfield nth plant
sugar facilities. In addition, RJF production from beet
pulp is the least economically attractive due to the limited
production of beet pulp at the sugar facilities. BLG yields
TCI, yield, feedstock price, and hydrogen
the best performance of all retro-fitting strategies, which
is largely due to the relatively low price of the feedstocks consumption
used, particularly hog fuel and black liquor. A sensitivity analysis was performed on the parameters
The spread between the bottom and upper MFSP (as TCI, yield, feedstock price and hydrogen consumption to
indicated by the connector line in (Fig.5)) is caused by quantify the variations and uncertainties in these param-
variation in local parameters, particularly wages and eters (section on Literature review). Ranges for TCI and
feedstock prices. MFSP variation due to feedstock prices yield were determined based on lower and upper values
is more profound for production involving straw, because identified in reference studies with comparable process
large ranges in straw prices exist across Europe. Incubator designs (e.g. studies with ex-site hydrogen or enzyme

2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. DOI: 10.1002/bbb
S de Jong et al. Modeling and Analysis: The Feasibility of Short-term Production Strategies for Renewable Jet Fuels

Figure 5. MFSP for all conversion pathways, both nth plants and pioneer plants, greenfield and
co-production. The markers indicate the spread between the minimum (square) and maximum
(triangle) nth plant MFSP for co-production strategies at different locations. Please note that the
two vertical axes of the upper and lower panel are scaled differently.

production were excluded), and the values used in the margins and potential feedstock subsidies. As hydrogen is
current study. Feedstock prices were varied across the an important utility input for nearly all pathways (except
ranges detailed in Table 5 and Fig.7. The future low case FT), hydrogen consumption was varied between -25% and
for feedstock prices aims to show the impact of possible +50%. The ranges were inserted as single permutations to
feedstock cost reductions in the medium term due to yield the base model. Simultaneous permutation of optimistic
increases and learning effects. As such, it uses feedstock or pessimistic values in all four parameters is indicated by
costs based on European cost supply curves for dedi- All (hence the future low case is not included in All).
cated wood, grass and oil crops in 2020.101 It should be Figure7 shows the result of the sensitivity analysis.
stressed that this case is based on production costs rather HEFA is most sensitive to shocks in feedstock price.
than prices (as in the base case), hence excluding profit Considerable variation in MFSP was also observed for

2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. DOI: 10.1002/bbb
Modeling and Analysis: The Feasibility of Short-term Production Strategies for Renewable Jet Fuels S de Jong et al.

Figure 6. Reduction in MFSP of co-locating production with respect to localized green-

field production for nth and pioneer plant, averaged over all production locations.

FT, ATJ, and DSHC. Whereas ranges in TCI estimates Opportunity cost involved with the ATJ
predominantly cause the MFSP variation for FT (and to and DSHC pathway
a lesser extent pyrolysis), ranges in yield estimates domi-
nate for HTL, ATJ and DSHC. For FT the range originates Although the airline sector provides a huge potential
from diverging literature estimates; the range for ATJ and market for biofuel producers, RJF is a rather unattractive
DSHC can be ascribed to the wide ranges for yield esti- product in terms of selling price when compared to chemi-
mates as a result of limited research available. The impact cals. The trade-off between these markets is especially
of variation in hydrogen consumption is particularly significant for the ATJ and DSHC pathway which produce
prominent for HTL and pyrolysis, but relatively marginal high-valued intermediates. Amyris, industry leader in
compared to feedstock price, TCI, and yield variations. the DSHC pathway, produces a wide range of isoprenoids,
The sensitivity analysis nuances the base case results; which can be used for the production of cosmetics, flavors,
although the ranges of HEFA, HTL, and pyrolysis are fragrances, lubricants and biopharmaceuticals. One of
found on the lower side of the spectrum, the lower bound these isoprenoids, farnesene (5465 t1) can also be
MFSPs of DSHC and ATJ fall within the uncertainty upgraded to RJF.103 The ATJ pathway utilizes either etha-
range of the other pathways. Whereas base results for nol (599 t1) or butanol (which has an even higher sell-
HTL appear relatively optimistic, base results from ing price), as a precursor for RJF.104
pyrolysis are relatively pessimistic. In fact, using opti- The opportunity costs of producing RJF are quantified
mistic assumptions pyrolysis yields a lower MFSP than by the NPV which can be used to compare two investment
HTL and touches the average petroleum-derived jet fuel decisions. Fig.8 shows that a higher NPV is achieved when
price in 2014. It is, however, questionable whether these selling the intermediate products, leading to considerable
low MFSPs for pyrolysis are feasible given that cost esti- opportunity costs, especially for DSHC. It is possible that
mates have risen with improved knowledge in recent market price for farnesene will decline in the future as
years.45,50,5558 In addition, the future low scenario shows DSHC technology players scale up their production, thereby
that reduction in feedstock price can have a substantial also saturating the relatively small alternative markets they
impact on the economic viability of RJF conversion path- target. However, it seems unlikely that DHSC and ATJ can
ways; the HEFA technology would even reach fossil jet make a sensible business case for dedicated RJF produc-
fuel prices when oil based feedstocks become available at tion at current production volumes and market prices. Joint
lower prices. production of biochemicals and biofuels in a biorefinery,

2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. DOI: 10.1002/bbb
S de Jong et al. Modeling and Analysis: The Feasibility of Short-term Production Strategies for Renewable Jet Fuels

Figure 7. A sensitivity analysis on greenfield nth plant production.

2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. DOI: 10.1002/bbb
Modeling and Analysis: The Feasibility of Short-term Production Strategies for Renewable Jet Fuels S de Jong et al.

conversion pathways, identify their major cost compo-

nents, and facilitate a well-informed decision about direct-
ing support or research efforts to promising conversion
pathways.40,61 However, the results should be interpreted
DSHC (FR) - GF as ranges rather than points, given the large uncertain-
ties in feedstock prices, TCI and yield estimates in current
DSHC (WS) - GF literature that perpetuate in the model results. Taking
these ranges into account, a cost preference was found for
-3.000 -2.000 -1.000 0 1.000 2.000
NPV (million )
HEFA, HTL, and pyrolysis out of the six conversion path-
ways assessed.
Legend Abbreviations

Base case NPV GF = Greenfield

Intermediate product NPV ATJ = Alcohol-to-Jet Comparison with existing literature
DSHC = Direct Sugars to Hydrocarbons
FR = Forestry residues Greenfield production
WS= Wheat straw
The general merit order of the six conversion pathways
Figure 8. A comparison of the equity NPV of RJF (base investigated in this study is similar to cost ranges found
case) and ethanol and farnesene (intermediate product in the literature. However, Table 10 shows that the cost
NPV) for ATJ and DSHC. The NPV was calculated using ranges found by this study are generally higher than other
market prices for the hydrocarbon products (based on their studies, especially for Pyrolysis, ATJ and HTL. Some
petroleum-derived counterparts, Table 6), ethanol (599 t1 variation originates from different feedstock choices,
(22 GJ1)), and farnesene (5465 t1).
process configurations and economic evaluation meth-
ods. However, the major discrepancies can be ascribed to
however, is more robust to market volatilities as they can the higher feedstock prices used in this study, especially
serve both the chemical and fuel market.105 Moreover, such compared to US-focused studies. Th is underlines the fact
biorefinery concept can stimulate RJF development by ena- that feedstock prices are highly dependent on region.
bling producers to gain experience with RJF production Most references included in the literature survey assume
while enjoying the higher profit margins of biochemicals. lignocellulosic feedstock prices ranging from 1.7 to 3.8
GJ1.17,45,46,49,50,5459 For oil feedstocks, prices of 1418
Discussion GJ1 were reported.6,10 Th is study uses feedstock prices
found for the current European context, with an average
The harmonized techno-economic framework allows price of 4.8, 10.6, and 20.3 GJ1 for forestry residues,
for a fair comparison of the conversion technologies and straw and used cooking oil, respectively. Furthermore, the
is, as such, useful to reveal certain trends amongst the timeframe is important as more lower-cost sustainable

Table 10. A comparison of the study results with reported production cost ranges.
Production cost ranges (2013 GJ1)
This studya Literature survey IEA111 IPCC-SRRENb, 108
Timeframe nth plant nth plant or unspecified 10th plant 20202030
HEFA 29 2028 28 1327
FT 3855 1842 35 1427
HTL 2129 151645,54 1322
Pyrolysis 3041 1320 1322
ATJ 5278 2437
DSHC 104140 9516
a. These values are based on greenfield n plant results. Lower and upper values for all pathways except HEFA were based on forestry
residues and straw, respectively.
b. The IPCC-SRREN values are based on reported ranges for oil plant-based, pyrolysis-based and FT diesel or jet fuel.

2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. DOI: 10.1002/bbb
S de Jong et al. Modeling and Analysis: The Feasibility of Short-term Production Strategies for Renewable Jet Fuels

feedstocks might come available in the future due to cost and second-generation ethanol production plants.Their
decreases resulting from large scale cultivation, learning results show a decrease of 44% in overall ethanol MFSP
effects and yield increases.101,106110 The sensitivity analy- can be achieved compared to a stand-alone second genera-
sis confi rms that lower feedstock prices can have a sub- tion ethanol plant because of sharing electricity and steam
stantial impact on the MFSP, albeit not so much on the generation units. Also, the Italian refiner Eni reports an
relative performance of technologies. 80% reduction in TCI for their renewable diesel facility in
As shown in the sensitivity analysis, the TCI estimates Venice due to utilization of existing assets.112 Including
used in this study are relatively conservative for pyrolysis, such TCI reduction in our model translates to an MFSP
ATJ, and sugar extraction. For pyrolysis this is due to the reduction of 14% for HEFA. In addition, other non-quanti-
reference study of Jones et al.58 being on the high end of the fied merits of co-production can also accelerate the growth
TCI range. For ATJ and sugar extraction this is because of of novel technologies. For example, production adjacent to
the higher Lang factor employed in the SCENT cost esti- incubator facilities can benefit from reduced lead times
mation method with respect to the reference study.58 The due to fewer construction requirements, existing experi-
SCENT method also prescribes high maintenance (6% of ence with biomass handling and existing links between
FCI) and fixed cost factors relative to other studies. the incubator facility and feedstock providers. The latter
This comparative analysis, as well as the sensitivity two factors can be particularly effective in alleviating key
analysis presented, underlines the uncertainty inherent to supply chain issues for novel technologies.113
forward-looking techno-economic analyses. Transparent
comparison of the results with other studies is a delicate The value of pioneer and nth plant
exercise due to different economic evaluation methods, analysis
base years, capacities and input assumptions. Convergence
The pioneer plant analysis estimates the potential cost
of cost ranges is expected when assumptions can be
increases for a first-of-a-kind commercial plant, as if it was
validated with commercial plant performance data.
built today. Nth plant results represent the (future) cost of a
Nonetheless, the literature is relatively consistent about the
currently known technology after several commercial
overall order of the investigated conversion pathways in
plants have been commissioned. However, nth plant eco-
terms of economic performance.
nomics does not entail information about a timeframe nor
a cumulative capacity required to come from a pioneer
plant to an nth plant. An assessment of the technology or
Compared to reported reductions in MFSP resulting from fuel readiness level can shed more light on the current
co-production strategies, the methodology proposed here technology status and its pace towards commercializa-
appears to provide a conservative estimate of potential tion.** Furthermore, an nth plant analysis does not suffice
process integration as it excludes the integration of mate- to find the silver bullet amongst conversion pathways;
rial flows and specific process units. Jones et al.55 calcu- learning effects and technological breakthroughs can
lated a decrease of 15% in MFSP for co-locating a pyrolysis influence the development timeline and alter the merit
plant with a refinery, thereby leveraging existing hydrogen order of the technologies over time.
production and hydrocracking capacity and exchanging
off-gases.55 Purchasing hydrogen or enzymes from (co- Geographic location
located) ex-site sources in case of pyrolysis, HTL, sugar
The spatial analysis linked to the assessment of co-produc-
extraction and ethanol fermentation decrease the TCI and
tion strategies reveals lowered MFSPs for RJF production
thus investment risk, but increases OPEX. Model calcula-
in Portugal and countries in Eastern Europe. Key differen-
tions show ex-site purchase is favored when the hydrogen
tials are labor cost and feedstock price. However, the geo-
price is below 1.00-1.65 2013 kg1 (for pyrolysis and HTL
graphical preference is likely to change when more coun-
respectively) and the enzyme price is below 7.36 2013
try-specific parameters are added, such as discount rates
kg1.# Ou et al.99 analyzed the benefits of co-locating first-
as a proxy for investment risks or the possibility of (extra-
EU) feedstock imports by ship. Moreover, the optimal
The break-even hydrogen purchase price is lower in case of pyrolysis rela-

tive to HTL as the process produces more off-gases which can be converted **Mawhood R, Gazis E, Cobas AR, Hoefnagels R, Jong S de and Slade R,

to hydrogen in an on-site steam reformer. It was assumed that these gases Aviation biofuels: commercialisation status and future prospects. Submitted

did not have economic value in a hydrogen purchase scenario. to BioFPR.

2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. DOI: 10.1002/bbb
Modeling and Analysis: The Feasibility of Short-term Production Strategies for Renewable Jet Fuels S de Jong et al.

production locations for RJF are not determined by MFSP impact on the economic performance and merit order of
only; other factors such as existing infrastructure, the conversion pathways for RJF production. It is of cardinal
interest of local airlines and the political climate can be importance to start gaining experience across the entire
of equal importance for the development of a RJF supply supply chain in the short term in order to reach price par-
chain. A comprehensive multi-criteria analysis incorporat- ity in the long term. Bridging the valley of death of tech-
ing these factors could give a more complete answer. nologies in their pioneer status requires significant RD&D
efforts and stable policy support in the form of grants,
loan guarantees, biofuel mandates or significant carbon
Conclusion prices. The results of this study can provide direction to
industry, research and policy efforts on the short term.
This paper assesses the short-term economic feasibility of However, a comprehensive long-term strategic roadmap
RJF production, calculating the MFSP for conversion path- requires more insight in the future learning potential as
ways expected to be ASTM certified for use in aviation well as the current and future sustainability performance
before 2020. This assessment can facilitate a development of RJF production pathways. Developments of current
strategy for the short term, especially since production and emerging technologies as well as biorefinery concepts
costs are of key importance for large scale adoption of RJF. (producing RJF alongside products for other markets such
From an economic perspective, this analysis shows as biochemicals) should be fostered. Furthermore, opti-
HEFA is the best short-term option with HTL and pyroly- mization of feedstock logistics, yield improvements, large
sis as the most feasible alternatives. However, none of the scale cultivation (without jeopardizing food supply) and
conversion pathways are expected to reach price parity the commercialization of new sustainable feedstock types
with petroleum-derived jet fuel in the short term. The can boost cost reductions of RJF production in the longer
sensitivity analysis shows that large uncertainty ranges term. Lastly, co-production strategies, transitional tech-
still exist in the economic performance of RJF pathways nologies (e.g. co-gasification of coal and biomass) or strat-
due to the nascent nature of the technologies and/or large egies involving existing infrastructure (e.g. co-processing
variation in feedstock prices. Convergence of cost ranges oil feedstocks or bio-crude in existing refineries) should be
is expected when the industry matures and assumptions explored further. The aforementioned advancements will
can be validated with commercial plant performance data. not be driven by developments in the RJF sector alone; an
In general, co-production can reduce the MFSP with 4-8% integral approach towards bioenergy is required to take
for nth plants and 5-8% for pioneer plants. Leveraging the necessary incremental steps towards a sustainable
site- and technology-specific integration options have been bioeconomy.
reported to further reduce the MFSP.
Although HEFA, HTL, and pyrolysis have emerged Acknowledgements
as best performing technologies in the short term, they
are not necessarily the silver bullet in the long term. This analysis is part of the Renewable Jet Fuel Supply
Given the status of the technology, the HEFA pathway is Chain Development and Flight Operations (RENJET)
expected be the primary accelerator for global RJF uptake project which is funded by the EIT Climate-KIC. The core
in the coming years. However, locking-in to this technol- project partners (University of Utrecht, Imperial College
ogy may not be desirable given the limited availability of London, SkyNRG, KLM, and Schiphol Airport), aim to lay
sustainable oil feedstocks and the fierce competition with the basis for a self-sustaining network of regional renew-
mandated and incentivized road fuel sectors in the EU and able jet fuel supply chains based on sustainable (European)
the USA. Moreover, a price premium for HEFA is likely to feedstock sources. A preliminary report of the current
remain as long as oil feedstock prices stay close to the price analysis is publicly available.
of petroleum-derived jet fuel. The commercial perfor-
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Rebecca Mawhood
Sierk de Jong
Becky Mawhood is a researcher at
Sierk de Jong is a junior researcher the Centre for Environmental Policy,
assigned to the RENJET project Imperial College London. Her current
at the Copernicus Institute research focuses on the dynamics of
(Utrecht University) and a business bioenergy system transitions in the UK
analyst at SkyNRG. His research and on policy issues for aviation bio-
focuses on assessing the current fuels. She also has experience in rural
and future techno-economic and electrification, policy evaluation metrics and commu-
environmental performance of biojet fuel supply nity energy schemes. Becky holds an MSc in Environ-
chains. He holds an MSc from Utrecht University in mental Technology from Imperial College London.
Energy Science.

Ric Hoefnagels Martin Junginger

Dr Ric Hoefnagels is a researcher Dr Martin Junginger is Associate
at the Copernicus Institute, Utrecht Professor at the Copernicus Insti-
University. He is involved in many tute, Utrecht University and works
projects related to bioenergy, on biomass sustainability, trade and
biomass trade and logistics. logistics, amongst other issues. He
Furthermore, he has experience coordinates research activities on the
with greenhouse gas balances of biobased economy within the Coper-
biofuels, technological learning and CO2 capture nicus Institute, and is leader of IEA Bioenergy Task 40
and storage. on sustainable international bioenergy trade.

2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. DOI: 10.1002/bbb

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