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ST PAULS MEDIA pastoral ministry issalette

ST PAULS MEDIA pastoral ministry issalette
Year 30 No. 65 Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (A) White June 18, 2017

Are We Cannibals?
T his Sunday is the beautiful
Feast of the Body and Blood
of Christ. In the gospel of St. John
the mistake of applying terms
in a human way to God who
is infinite. We could speak of
we read Jesus saying: If you do Mormons who claim God, the
not eat the flesh of the Son of Man Father, has a physical body
and drink his blood, you have no because the Scriptures speak of
life in you. He who feeds on my Gods back parts, in Exodus, or
flesh and drinks my blood has life the hand of Lord, the eyes of
eternal... the Lord, etc. Youve probably
What did Jesus mean with heard the classic rejoinder to
these words? Protestants generally these Mormon claims: Psalm
read this metaphorically since 91 refers to Gods feathers and
they say that if Jesus meant wings. Does this mean God is
his words literally, then that is some sort of bird?
tantamount to cannibalism. Is this the soul of the victim would The error here, of course, is
objection correct? The Catholic have departed. In the Eucharist, rooted in interpreting texts that
understanding is more profound we consume the entire person were not intended to be used in
for the following reasons: of Jesus Christ, body, blood, a strict, literal sense, as if they
First, in cannibalism, the soul, and divinity. One cannot were.
person consumed is, generally separate Christs body from his The Eucharist still remains
speaking, killed. Jesus is not Divine Person. Thus, this is a a Mystery of Faith. Catholic
killed. We receive him in his spiritual communion as well as a Carechism #2837 states: The
resurrected body and we do not physical consuming. We become Eucharist is our daily bread. The
affect him in the least. In fact, he one with Christ on a mystical power belonging to this divine
is not changed in the slightest. level in this sacrament. This is far food makes it a bond of union. Its
He changes us! This is far from from cannibalism. effect is then understood as unity,
cannibalism. Fifth, in cannibalism, one only so that, gathered into his Body
Second, in cannibalism, only receives temporal nourishment and made members of him, we
part of the victim is consumed. that is fleeting. In the Eucharist, may become what we receive...
One does not eat the bones, we receive the divine life of This also is our daily bread: the
sinews, etc. In the Eucharist, God through faith and receiving readings you hear each day in
we consume the total Christ but our Lord well-disposed, i.e. church and the hymns you hear
only under the appearances of we receive everlasting life (cf. and sing. All these are necessities
bread and wine. This is what John 6:52-55). This is essentially for our pilgrimage...
can be called a sacramental different than cannibalism. The Father in heaven urges
consumption. This is essentially Finally, in cannibalism, once us, as children of heaven, to ask
different from cannibalism. one eats the flesh of the victim, it for the bread of heaven. (Christ)
Third, in cannibalism, the is gone forever. In the Eucharist, himself is the bread who, sown in
accidents of blood and flesh are we can consume him every day the Virgin, raised up in the flesh,
consumed. One must tear flesh, and, as mentioned in No. 1, we is kneaded in the Passion, baked
drink blood, etc. In the Eucharist, do not change him one bit. He in the oven of the tomb, reserved
we only consume the accidents remains the same. in churches, brought to altars,
of bread and wine. This is not One always has to be careful furnishes the faithful each day
cannibalism. when applying terms and with food from heaven.
Fourth, in cannibalism, concepts to God. Many people HAPPY FEAST DAY OF
one only consumes a body, miss the mark with regard to GOD!!!

not a person. The person and the faith because they make Fr. Jesus M. Malit, SSP

Please read the reflection before or after the Mass so that you can
actively participate in the celebration.
THE INTRODUCTORY Gloria that not by bread alone does
RITES one live, but by every word that
All Glor y to God in the comes forth from the mouth of
highest, and on earth peace to
Entrance Antiphon people of good will. We praise
the Lord.
[Cf. Ps 81 (80):17] you, we bless you, we adore you, Do not forget the Lord, your
(Recited when there is no opening song) we glorify you, we give you thanks God, who brought you out of
for your great glor y, Lord God, the land of Egypt, that place
He fed them with the finest heavenly King, O God, almighty of slaver y; who guided you
wheat and satisfied them Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only through the vast and terrible
with honey from the rock. Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb desert with its saraph serpents
of God, Son of the Father, you and scorpions, its parched land
Greeting take away the sins of the world, and waterless ground; who
(The sign of the cross is made here) have mercy on us; you take away brought for th water for you
the sins of the world, receive our
prayer; you are seated at the right
from the flinty rock and fed you
P The Lord be with you. in the desert with manna, a food
All And with your spirit. hand of the Father, have mercy
on us. For you alone are the Holy unknown to your fathers.
Introduction One, you alone are the Lord, you
The word of the Lord.
(The priest may address the assembly alone are the Most High, Jesus
with these or other similar words) Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the All Thanks be to God.
glory of God the Father. Amen. Responsorial Psalm (Ps 147)
P Today is the Solemnity
of Corpus Christi, that is, the Collect
R Praise the Lord,
celebration of the Most Holy P Let us pray. (Pause) Jerusalem.
Body and Blood of our Lord O God, who in this wonder
Jesus Christ. The Eucharist is ful Sacrament have left us a
a living memorial of Christs memorial of your Passion,
redeeming sacrifice that has grant, we pray, so to revere the
sealed the new and everlasting sacred mysteries of your Body
covenant. and Blood that we may always
Our human mind cannot experience in ourselves the
fathom the sublime mystery of fruits of your redemption.
Christs sacramental presence. 1 . Glorify the Lord, O
Who live and reign with God Jerusalem;/ praise your God, O
But we dare repeat with faith: the Father in the unity of the
We adore you devoutly, O Zion./ For he has strengthened
Holy Spirit, one God, forever the bars of your gates;/ he has
Godhead unseen, who truly lie and ever.
hidden under the appearances blessed your children within
All Amen. you. (R)
of Bread and Wine.
Penitential Act THE LITURGY 2. He has granted peace in your
OF THE WORD borders;/ with the best of wheat
P Brethren (brothers and he fills you./ He sends forth his
sisters), let us acknowledge our First Reading command to the earth;/ swiftly
sins, and so prepare ourselves to [Dt 8:2-3, 14b16a] (Sit) runs his word! (R)
celebrate the sacred mysteries. 3. He has proclaimed his word
(Pause) As the Israelites wandered in the
desert, the Lord sustained them to Jacob,/ his statutes and his
P Have mercy on us, O Lord. with manna. This food from ordinances to Israel./ He has
All For we have sinned heaven prefigures the Bread of not done thus for any other
against you. Life that the Lord will give to his nation;/ his ordinances he has
people for life eternal. not made known to them. (R)
P Show us, O Lord, your
mercy. Second Reading
A reading from the Book of
All And grant us your (1 Cor 10:1617)
Through our sharing of the
MOSES said to the people:
P May almighty God have Eucharistic food and drink, we
Remember how for forty years
mercy on us, forgive us our sins become one with Christ and with
now the Lord, your God, has
and bring us to everlasting life. one another. The Eucharist is the
directed all your journeying in
All Amen. reason and the strength of our
the desert, so as to test you by
search for unity.
affliction and find out whether
P Lord, have mercy.
or not it was your intention to A reading from the first
All Lord, have mercy.
keep his commandments. Letter of Saint Paul to the
P Christ, have mercy. He therefore let you be Corinthians
All Christ, have mercy. afflicted with hunger, and then
fed you with manna, a food BROTHERS AND SISTERS:
P Lord, have mercy. unknown to you and your The cup of blessing that we
All Lord, have mercy. fathers, in order to show you bless, is it not a participation
in the blood of Christ? The eat the flesh of the Son of Man forgiveness of sins and I look
bread that we break, is it not and drink his blood, you do not for ward to the resur rection
a participation in the body of have life within you. of the dead and the life of the
Christ? Whoever eats my flesh and world to come. Amen.
Because the loaf of bread is drinks my blood has eternal Prayer of the Faithful
one, we, though many, are one life, and I will raise him up on
body, for we all partake of the the last day. For my flesh is P Let us pray to God our
one loaf. true food, and my blood is true Father, that through his Son
drink. Whoever eats my flesh Jesus, the Bread of Life, he may
The word of the Lord. and drinks my blood remains
All Thanks be to God. continue to feed his people and
in me and I in him. strengthen them in holiness.
Sequence [Short Form] Just as the living Father Full of confidence, we pray:
[May be recited optionally before the sent me and I have life because
Alleluia] (Stand) of the Father, so also the one R Nourish your people,
who feeds on me will have Lord.
Lo! the angels food is given/ life because of me. This is the
C That those who are called
to the pilgrim who has striven; bread that came down from
to a ministr y of teaching in
/ see the childrens bread heaven. Unlike your ancestors
the Church may nourish the
from heaven, / which on dogs who ate and still died, whoever
community of believers with
may not be spent. / eats this bread will live forever.
the bread of Gods word, we
Tr uth the ancient types
The Gospel of the Lord. pray: (R)
fulfilling, / Isaac bound, a
victim willing. / Paschal lamb, All Praise to you, Lord
C That as a nation we may
its lifeblood spilling, manna to Jesus Christ.
experience the transforming
the fathers sent. Homily (Sit) power of the Eucharist in us
Ver y bread, good shep to help us work together as a
herd, tend us; / Jesus, of Profession of Faith (Stand) people so that all may live in
your love befriend us./You a culture of peace, unity, and
refresh us, you defend us, / All I believe in one God,
the Father almighty, maker of
renewal, we pray: (R)
your eternal goodness sends heaven and earth, of all things
us / in the land of life to see. C That all fathers may not
visible and invisible.
You who all things can and I believe in one Lord Jesus
only provide for their children
know, / who on earth such Christ, the Only Begotten Son but also strive to become
food bestow. / Grant us with of God, bor n of the Father wor thy of their respect and
your saints, though lowest, before all ages. God from God, emulation, we pray: (R)
/ where the heavenly feast Light from Light, true God from
you show, / fellow heirs and true God, begotten, not made, C That those who struggle
guests to be. / Amen. Alleluia. consubstantial with the Father; to believe that Christ is the
through him all things were Living Bread come down from
Alleluia [Jn 6:51] made. For us men and for our heaven may be led by the Holy
salvation he came down from Spirit to the fullness of truth,
All Alleluia, alleluia. I heaven, we pray: (R)
am the living bread that (At the words that follow, up to and
came down from heaven, including and became man, all bow) C That those who have died,
says the Lord; whoever eats nourished on the Living Bread
and by the Holy Spirit was
this bread will live for ever. incarnate of the Virgin Mar y
during their earthly journey,
Alleluia, alleluia. and became man. may be raised on the last day,
For our sake he was crucified we pray: (R)
Gospel (Jn 6:5158) under Pontius Pilate, he
suffered death and was buried, (The urgent concerns of the
P A reading from the holy and rose again on the third community are prayed here)
Gospel according to John day in accordance with the
All Glor y to you, O Lord. Scriptures. He ascended into P God our Father, may our
heaven and is seated at the worship of the sacrament of
JESUS said to the Jewish right hand of the Father. He the Body and Blood of your
crowds: I am the living bread will come again in glory to judge Son help us to experience his
that came down from heaven; the living and the dead and his salvation and win for us the
whoever eats this bread will kingdom will have no end. happiness of your kingdom,
live forever; and the bread that I believe in the Holy Spirit, where you live and reign for
I will give is my flesh for the life the Lord, the giver of life, who ever and ever.
of the world. proceeds from the Father and All Amen.
the Son, who with the Father
The Jews quarreled among and the Son is adored and
themselves, saying, How can THE LITURGY OF
glorified, who has spoken THE EUCHARIST
this man give us his flesh to through the prophets.
eat? I b e l i e v e i n o n e , h o l y, Presentation of the Gifts
Jesus said to them, Amen, catholic, and apostolic Church.
amen, I say to you, unless you I confess one Baptism for the (Stand)
P Pray, brethren...
All May the Lord accept The Pauline Family
the sacrifice at your hands founded by Bl. James Alberione
for the praise and glor y Society of St. Paul
of his name, for our good (Societa San PauloSSP)
and the good of all his holy
Church. St. Paul alive today
Prayer over the Offerings Founded by Blessed James Alberione, the
priests and brothers of the Society of St. Paul
proclaim the Gospel through the media of
P Grant your Church, O social communication.
Lord, we pray, the gifts of unity
and peace, whose signs are If you are a senior high school student,
college student, or a young professional,
to be seen in myster y in the aspiring to become a priest or brother
offerings we here present. involved in the apostolate of social
Through Christ our Lord. communications, you may want to search
All Amen. with us.
Preface: The Fruits of the Vocation Director
Most Holy Eucharist 7708 St. Paul Road, San Antion Village, 1203 Makati City
(02) 895-9701 loc. 420 | 09328922091-93 |
P The Lord be with you.
P Lift up your hearts. RITES
All We lift them up to the The Lords Prayer
All Our Father... P The Lord be with you.
P Let us give thanks to the
P Deliver us... All And with your spirit.
Lord our God.
All It is right and just. All For the kingdom, the Prayer over the People
power, and the glor y are
P It is truly right and just, yours, now and for ever. P Bow down for the blessing.
our duty and our salvation, (Pause)
always and everywhere to give Invitation to Peace May the ef fects of your
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, sacred blessing, O Lord, make
almighty and eter nal God, Invitation to Communion
(Kneel) themselves felt among your
through Christ our Lord. faithful, to prepare with spiritual
For at the Last Supper with sustenance the minds of all, that
P Behold the Lamb of God,
his Apostles, establishing for they may be strengthened by
behold him who takes away
the ages to come the saving the power of your love to carry
the sins of the world. Blessed
memorial of the Cross, he out works of charity.
are those called to the supper
of fered himself to you as Through Christ our Lord.
of the Lamb.
the unblemished Lamb, the All Amen.
All Lord, I am not worthy
acceptable gift of perfect praise.
that you should enter under
Nourishing your faithful by this P And may almighty God
my roof, but only say the
sacred mystery, you make them bless you, the Father, and the
word and my soul shall be
holy, so that the human race, Son, () and the Holy Spirit.
bounded by one world, may be All Amen.
enlightened by one faith and Communion Antiphon
united by one bond of charity. (Jn 6:57) Dismissal
And so, we approach
Whoever eats my flesh and P Go and live the mystery
the table of this wondrous
drinks my blood remains in we have celebrated.
Sacrament, so that, bathed in
me and I in him, says the All Thanks be to God.
the sweetness of your grace, we
may pass over to the heavenly Lord.
realities here foreshadowed. Prayer after Communion Year of Parish
Therefore, all creatures of (Stand) as Community Catechesis
heaven and earth sing a new
song in adoration, and we, with P Let us pray. (Pause)
all the host of Angels, cry out, Grant, O Lord, we pray, that
and without end we acclaim: we may delight for all eternity
All Holy, Holy, Holy... (Kneel) in that share in your divine life,
Acclamation (Stand) which is foreshadowed in the
present age by our reception of
All When we eat this your precious Body and Blood.
Bread and drink this Cup, Who live and reign for ever
we proclaim your death, O and ever. Missalette-199444600247460/
Lord until you come again. All Amen.

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