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Journal of Sports Sciences, December 2008; 26(S3): S29–S38

Dietary intake and body composition of football players during the holy
month of Ramadan


School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK, 2National Centre for Medicine and
Scientific Research in Sport, Tunis, Tunisia, 3FIFA Medical Assessment and Research Centre, Schulthess Clinic, Zurich,
Switzerland and 4Centre d’Evaluation et d’Expertise en Médecine du Sport, Algiers, Algeria

(Accepted 14 August 2008)

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Healthy young male football players who were either fasting (n ¼ 59) or not fasting (n ¼ 36) during the month of Ramadan
were studied. Body mass, body composition, and dietary intake were assessed at each time point. Energy intake was relatively
stable in the fasting participants, but there was a small decrease of approximately 0.7 kg in body mass during Ramadan.
Mean daily energy intake increased from 14.8 MJ (s ¼ 2.9) to 18.1 MJ (s ¼ 3.2) during Ramadan in non-fasting participants,
with concomitant increases in body mass and body fat content of about 1.4 kg and 1% respectively over the month. The
fractional intake of protein increased and the fractional contribution of carbohydrate decreased for both groups in Ramadan.
Estimated mean daily water intake was high (about 3.8 litres) throughout the study period. Water intake increased on average
by 1.3 litres  day71 in line with the greater energy intake in the non-fasting group in Ramadan. Daily sodium intake fell
during Ramadan in the fasting participants from 5.4 g (s ¼ 1.1) before Ramadan to 4.3 g (s ¼ 1.0) during Ramadan, but
increased slightly by about 0.7 g  day71 in the non-fasting group. Dietary iron decreased in the fasting group and increased
in the non-fasting group, reflecting the difference in energy intake in both groups during Ramadan. These data suggest that
Ramadan fasting had some effects on diet composition, but the effects were generally small even though the pattern of eating
was very different. After Ramadan, the dietary variables reverted to the pre-Ramadan values.

Keywords: Ramadan fasting, body composition, energy intake, carbohydrate

those involved in sport, there are some clear

implications for performance in both training and
One of the most obvious effects of the observation of competition. Although there have been several
the holy month of Ramadan is a change in dietary studies on the nutritional, metabolic, and body
practice, with the intake of food and fluid being composition changes during the month of Ramadan,
avoided during the hours of daylight for the duration there has been little work on the responses in athletes
of the month. This involves a change in the timing of who continue to train throughout this period. Meckel
food intake, and a disruption of the normal circadian et al. (2008), however, reported no change in energy
rhythm. These changes can lead to a reduction in intake during the month of Ramadan, but did
total energy intake and a loss of body mass (Husain, observe some negative effects on components of
Duncan, Cheah, & Ch’ng, 1987; Sweileh, Schnitzler, performance in young football players.
Hunter, & Davis, 1992; Ziaee et al., 2006), but other The duration of each day’s period of fasting during
researchers have found no change in these variables Ramadan is relatively short, and it is not entirely
(Beltaifa et al., 2002; Finch, Day, Welch, & Rogers, clear whether short periods of fasting have any effect
1998; Karli, Guvenc, Aslan, Hazir, & Acicada, 2007; on competitive sports performance, although it is
Meckel, Ismaeel, & Eliakim, 2008). To further well established that carbohydrate oxidation is
confuse the picture, Chaouachi et al. (2008) reported decreased and fatty acid oxidation increased by even
that energy intake of young elite judo athletes a few hours of fasting (Coyle, Coggan, Hemmert,
remained constant during Ramadan but observed Lowe, & Walters, 1985). There is anecdotal evidence
significant losses in body mass and body fat. For of an increase in road traffic accidents during

Correspondence: R. J. Maughan, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Loughborough University, Loughborough LE11 3TU, UK.
ISSN 0264-0414 print/ISSN 1466-447X online Ó 2008 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/02640410802409675
S30 R. J. Maughan et al.

Ramadan (Arab News, 2007) and some evidential covered here only briefly. Dietary data were collected
support for the idea that lifestyle changes around from 95 (59 fasting, 36 non-fasting) healthy young
Ramadan may lead to an increase in accidents male volunteers who played football for one or other
(Tolon & Chernoff, 2006). This implies some loss of four teams based in Tunis. The nature of the study
of cognitive function and/or motor control, both of was explained to all participants, who then gave their
which are important elements of performance in written consent to participate. Ethical approval was
many sports. Under controlled laboratory condi- granted by the National Research Ethics Committee.
tions, moderate periods of fasting (i.e. 24–36 h) have Throughout the study period, players trained or
been shown to impair endurance (Maughan & played in competitive matches on a daily basis. In the
Gleeson, 1988) and high-intensity (Gleeson, Green- last week before Ramadan, only one team trained in
haff, & Maughan, 1988) exercise performance. the morning (at approximately 10.00 h; n ¼ 22) and
It is recognized that the intakes of protein, amino the rest in the afternoon (at approximately 18.00 h;
acids, and carbohydrate in the period just before or n ¼ 73), but in the 2-week period prior to this, two of
just after training will influence the rates of protein the teams trained in the morning and two in the
synthesis and degradation (Tipton et al., 2001). This, afternoon. During Ramadan, all four teams trained
in turn, can influence the metabolic and functional in the afternoon (between 13.00 and 18.00 h).
adaptations taking place in response to the training Training varied on a daily basis, but typically lasted
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stimulus (Andersen et al., 2005; Candow, Burke, about 60 min. Ramadan began on 23 September
Smith-Palmer, & Burke, 2006). Most sports nutri- 2006, and the body composition measurements
tion guidelines recommend intake of protein (Haw- reported here were made during the week before
ley, Tipton, & Millard-Stafford, 2006), carbohydrate the beginning of Ramadan, during weeks 2 and 4 of
(Burke, Loucks, & Broad, 2006), and fluid (Shir- Ramadan, and again 3 weeks after the end of
reffs, Sawka, & Stone, 2006) in the period after Ramadan. The climatic conditions varied little on a
training to promote recovery and to stimulate the daily basis over the study period. For the month of
process of adaptation taking place within the October, the average temperature was 268C, with a
exercised muscles. These may have long-term con- daily average minimum temperature of 188C and an
sequences, but where there is adequate time for average maximum temperature of 288C. Average
recovery, the need for food and fluid intake in the relative humidity was 72%, and total rainfall during
immediate post-exercise period is less urgent. the month was 49 mm.
The absence of fluid intake over the course of the During the initial measurement period, all parti-
day may have greater implications for performance cipants in the study were provided with breakfast at
than the absence of food intake. Daily water turnover approximately 07.30 h, lunch at 12.30 h, and dinner
for sedentary individuals living in a temperate climate at 18.30 h. The non-fasting group maintained this
is typically about 2–3 litres, but this may increase eating schedule throughout, but during Ramadan the
several-fold for active individuals exposed to hot fasting group were provided with a meal between
climates (Maughan & Shirreffs, 2004). Although 04.00 and 07.00 h (before sunrise – Souhour) and
there is much debate about the effects of mild another meal between 19.00 and 20.00 h (Foutour).
hypohydration on exercise performance (Noakes, Snacks and drinks were permitted at other times, but
2007; Sawka et al., 2007), there is no doubt that both the fasting group abstained from all food and fluid
physical and mental performance will be impaired if between Souhour and Foutour. During Ramadan,
hypohydration is sufficiently severe. Where either special meals were provided for the fasting players to
exercise or heat exposure is unavoidable during the break their fast, and these were available also to the
day, it is therefore likely that an individual who avoids non-fasting players.
fluid intake over the course of a day will perform less Dietary intake of foods and nutrients was assessed
well if called upon to exercise late in the day. before, during, and after Ramadan using a 24-h
The combined effects of food and fluid restriction recall method on each occasion for three separate
are therefore of importance to the Muslim athlete days during each of the three phases of the study
who must train and compete throughout Ramadan. (Bingham & Nelson, 1991), which was completed by
The aim of this part of the study was to assess interview with the same experienced dietician. The
changes in dietary intake, body mass, and body 3-day record has been shown to be accurate to within
composition in young professional football players 10% of the energy intake values obtained with 7-day
over the course of Ramadan. records (Burnett, O’Connor, Koltyn, Raglin, &
Morgan, 1994). A standard format was used for
each 24-h recall according to the principles described
Methods and materials
in Cameron and van Staveren (1988). Players were
The general methods and materials for this study are asked to report, in as detailed a manner as possible,
described elsewhere (Leiper et al., 2008) and are all foods and fluids consumed during the preceding
Nutritional effects of Ramadan fasting S31

24 h. For each food item mentioned by the players,

further information was asked about its type, the size
of the portion, and the amount consumed, with two- The descriptive data were checked and found to be
and three-dimensional food models being shown to normally distributed. The fasting (n ¼ 59) and non-
help the interviewee in his estimation. Dietary fasting (n ¼ 36) groups at the start of the study were
records were analysed for energy intake by the use found to be matched for age (P ¼ 0.66), body mass
of a food database created in the National Centre for (P ¼ 0.13), height (P ¼ 0.75), body mass index
Medicine and Scientific Research in Sport, Tunis, (P ¼ 0.07), and percent body fat content (P ¼ 0.87)
with values based mainly on the food composition (Table I).
tables published by the National Institute of Statistics
of Tunisia in 1978 and on other published data
Body mass and body composition
(Food Standards Agency, 2002). Body mass was
measured to the nearest 100 g with an electronic Relative to the pre-Ramadan measure, body mass
balance (Seca Instruments Ltd., Hamburg, Ger- (Table II) had marginally decreased in the fasting
many) and standing height was determined to the group by the second week of Ramadan (P ¼ 0.002)
nearest 0.001 m using a stadiometer. The percentage and remained at this level in the last week of
of body fat mass was estimated from four measure- Ramadan (P ¼ 0.88). In the non-fasting group, body
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ments of skinfold thickness (Harpenden caliper, mass had increased (P 5 0.001) by the second week
Lange, Cambridge, MA, USA) using the Durnin of Ramadan and was slightly higher still in the last
and Womersley (1974) equation. week of Ramadan (P 5 0.001). This resulted in an
Statistical analysis of all the data was assessed overall increase in average body mass for the non-
using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences fasting group of about 1.4 kg during the month of
(SPSS). The data were initially tested for distribu- Ramadan. However, no differences could be de-
tion (Shapiro-Wilks test) and homogeneity of tected in body mass between the two groups at each
variance (Levene’s test). Where the assumption that measurement occasion during the study (P ¼ 0.74).
the data were normally distributed was reasonably Based on the time of day when the players were
met, the data were analysed using two-way or one- weighed, the body mass of the players measured in
way analysis of variance (ANOVA) as appropriate. the morning and those measured in the afternoon
Where applicable, this was followed by application remained similar in the fasting group (P ¼ 0.59) and
of the Tukey multiple range test to assess any in the non-fasting group (P ¼ 0.81) throughout the
differences between groups or phases in the study. study (Table III). No differences in body mass were
All the data in the present study were found to be detected between the fasting and non-fasting group
essentially normally distributed and are reported as when compared by time of day of measurement
means and standard deviations. All tests were two- throughout the study (P ¼ 0.83).
tailed and statistical significance was set at Compared with the body fat content measured
P 5 0.05. before Ramadan (Table IV), no differences were

Table I. Baseline participant characteristics (mean, standard deviation in parentheses, and range in brackets).

Parameter Fasting group (n ¼ 59) Non-fasting group (n ¼ 36)

Age (years) 18 (1) [17–21] 18 (1) [17–20]

Body mass (kg) 71.9 (8.5) [58.0–94.5] 69.6 (7.4) [54.5–86.1]
Height (m) 1.78 (0.06) [1.66–1.89] 1.78 (0.06) [1.65–1.91]
BMI (kg  m72) 22.8 (2.3) [17.9–31.0] 21.8 (1.8) [18.5–24.7]
Body fat (%) 12.3 (3.5) [6.6–21.7] 12.4 (2.8) [8.3–18.4]

Table II. Body mass (kg), body fat content (%), and BMI (kg  m72) measured during the study (mean values with standard deviations in

Fasting group (n ¼ 59) Non-fasting group (n ¼ 36)

Study week Body mass Body fat BMI Body mass Body fat BMI

Before Ramadan 71.9 (8.5) 2.3 (3.5) 2.8 (2.3) 69.6 (7.4) 12.4 (2.8) 21.8 (1.8)
Week 2 of Ramadan 71.2 (8.5)** 12.3 (3.9) 22.4 (2.3) 70.2 (7.6)*** 13.1 (3.0)* 21.8 (2.7)
Week 4 of Ramadan 71.1 (8.0)** 12.1 (3.5) 22.6 (2.3) 71.0 (7.6)*** 13.4 (2.9)* 22.4 (2.0)

Note: Compared with the pre-Ramadan value: *P 5 0.05; **P 5 0.005; ***P 5 0.001.
S32 R. J. Maughan et al.

Table III. Body mass (kg) measured in the morning (am) or afternoon (pm) during the study (mean values with standard deviations in

Fasting group Non-fasting group

Study week am (n ¼ 34) pm (n ¼ 25) am (n ¼ 19) pm (n ¼ 17)

Before Ramadan 72.4 (6.8) 71.1 (10.8) 69.8 (8.6) 68.6 (6.2)
Week 2 of Ramadan 71.9 (7.1) 70.1 (10.5) 70.6 (8.9) 69.8 (6.3)
Week 4 of Ramadan 72.2 (7.1) 69.5 (9.1) 71.5 (8.8) 70.5 (6.5)

Table IV. Body fat (%) measured in the morning (am) or afternoon (pm) during the study (mean values with standard deviations in

Fasting group Non-fasting group

Study week am (n ¼ 34) pm (n ¼ 25) am (n ¼ 19) pm (n ¼ 17)

Before Ramadan 13.0 (2.9) 11.2 (4.1) 12.6 (3.1) 12.2 (2.6)
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Week 2 of Ramadan 13.1 (3.4) 11.0 (4.2) 13.5 (3.7) 12.7 (2.3)
Week 4 of Ramadan 12.8 (3.0) 11.2 (4.4) 14.0 (3.6) 12.8 (1.9)

found in body fat in the fasting (P ¼ 0.37) group Table V. Daily energy intake (MJ  day71) (mean values with
during the second and last week of Ramadan. In standard deviations in parentheses).
contrast, players in the non-fasting group increased Pre-Ramadan Ramadan Post-Ramadan
their percent body fat slightly during the first half of
Ramadan (P ¼ 0.03) and maintained this level of Fasting 14.6 (2.4) 14.2 (2.7) 14.8 (3.3)
adiposity throughout the rest of the study (P ¼ 0.60). Non-fasting 14.8 (2.9) 18.1 (3.2){# 14.4 (2.5)
Percent body fat was, however, similar between the Note: Compared with the pre-Ramadan value: {P 5 0.001.
two groups on each measurement occasion during Compared with the fasting group during Ramadan: #P 5 0.001.
the study (P ¼ 0.17). Based on the time of day when
the players were measured (Table IV), percent body
fat content of the players measured in the morning measurement occasions in the BMI values measured
and those measured in the afternoon remained in the morning (P ¼ 0.75) or in the afternoon
similar in the non-fasting group throughout the (P ¼ 0.62) in the non-fasting group or fasting group
study (P ¼ 0.53). There was a tendency for percent (P ¼ 0.84 and P ¼ 0.73, respectively) during the study.
body fat to be greater in the fasting group of players
measured in the morning than those in the afternoon
Energy and macronutrient intake
before Ramadan (P ¼ 0.09) and in the second week
(P ¼ 0.06) but not in the fourth week of Ramadan Dietary recall data for this part of the study were
(P ¼ 0.12). The percent body fat of the fasting group complete for all 95 players before and during
of players measured in the morning was similar Ramadan. In the period after Ramadan, dietary data
throughout the study (P ¼ 0.73), as was that of the for 86 (52 fasting group, 34 non-fasting group)
players measured in the afternoon (P ¼ 0.81). players were collected.
Compared with the body mass index (BMI) Estimated mean daily energy intake before Rama-
measured before Ramadan, no change was found in dan was similar (P ¼ 0.65) in the fasting and non-
BMI in the fasting (P ¼ 0.56) or non-fasting fasting groups (Table V). Overall during Ramadan,
(P ¼ 0.42) groups during the second or last week of the players in the non-fasting group increased
Ramadan. The BMI was similar between the two (P 5 0.001) their daily energy intake by an average
groups on each measurement occasion during the of 3.3 MJ (s ¼ 3.5), while that of the fasting group
study (P ¼ 0.49). Based on the time of day when the remained essentially the same as before Ramadan
players were measured, the BMI of the players (P ¼ 0.47). The increase in energy intake in the non-
measured in the morning and those in the afternoon fasting group meant that the energy intake of this
remained similar in the fasting group throughout the group was higher than that of the fasting group
study (P ¼ 0.31). However, the BMI in the non- during Ramadan (P 5 0.001). After Ramadan, the
fasting players measured in the morning was slightly energy intake of the fasting (P ¼ 0.38) and non-
lower than that of the players measured in the fasting (P ¼ 0.72) groups returned to essentially their
afternoon (P ¼ 0.03) throughout the study. No pre-Ramadan values and were similar in the two
significant difference was detected on any of the groups (P ¼ 0.91).
Nutritional effects of Ramadan fasting S33

The estimated daily amount of carbohydrate in the group was higher than that before Ramadan
diet was similar on all measurement occasions in the (P 5 0.001), and was higher than that in the fasting
fasting group (P ¼ 0.29; Table VI). Dietary carbohy- group at the same period (P 5 0.001). In the fasting
drate intake was similar in the fasting and non-fasting group, daily protein intake during Ramadan was
group before Ramadan (P ¼ 0.35). During Rama- slightly greater than before Ramadan (P 5 0.001).
dan, carbohydrate intake was higher in the non- After Ramadan, the amount of protein in the diet
fasting group than it was before Ramadan returned to pre-Ramadan values in both the fasting
(P 5 0.001), after Ramadan (P 5 0.001), and com- (P ¼ 0.08) and non-fasting (P ¼ 0.68) groups, which
pared with the intake of the fasting group at the same were similar (P ¼ 0.35).
time point (P 5 0.001). There was no difference in The estimated proportion of daily energy supplied
the estimated dietary carbohydrate intake between by protein in the players’ diet was similar in the two
the fasting and non-fasting players after Ramadan groups (P ¼ 0.40) before Ramadan. In the fasting
(P ¼ 0.39) or between pre- and post-Ramadan values group, the percentage of protein in the daily diet was
for the fasting (P ¼ 0.82) and non-fasting (P ¼ 0.86) greater during Ramadan (P 5 0.001) than before
groups. Ramadan. Similarly, the proportion of protein in the
The estimated proportion of daily energy supplied diet of the non-fasting group was greater during
by carbohydrate in the players’ diet was similar in the Ramadan (P 5 0.001) than before Ramadan. The
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two groups before Ramadan (P ¼ 0.11), and re- percentage of protein in the diet was similar for
mained similar during (P ¼ 0.76) and after (P ¼ 0.16) fasting and non-fasting players during Ramadan
Ramadan. In the fasting group, the fractional (P ¼ 0.99). After Ramadan, the percentage of daily
contribution of carbohydrate to the daily diet was energy supplied by protein returned to pre-Ramadan
marginally greater before than during Ramadan values in the non-fasting (P ¼ 0.54) and fasting
(P 5 0.001). Similarly, the proportion of carbohy- (P ¼ 0.40) groups, which were similar (P ¼ 0.08).
drate in the diet of the non-fasting group was slightly The estimated daily amount of fat in the diet was
greater before than during Ramadan (P 5 0.001). similar (P ¼ 0.59) before Ramadan in the fasting and
After Ramadan, the percentage of carbohydrate in non-fasting groups (Table VIII). During Ramadan,
the diet had essentially returned to that consumed in the dietary fat content of the non-fasting group
the period before Ramadan in both the fasting increased relative to that before Ramadan
(P ¼ 0.93) and non-fasting (P ¼ 0.77) groups. (P 5 0.001), and was higher than that of the fasting
The estimated daily amount of protein in the diet group at the same period (P 5 0.001). Estimated
was similar (P ¼ 0.80) before Ramadan in the fasting daily fat intake in the fasting group was similar before
and non-fasting groups (Table VII). During Rama- and during Ramadan (P ¼ 0.97). After Ramadan,
dan, the protein content of the diet in the non-fasting estimated daily fat intake was essentially the same as

Table VI. Estimated daily carbohydrate (g) content of the diets and estimated fraction of total energy intake accounted for by carbohydrate
(mean values with standard deviations in parentheses).

Pre-Ramadan Ramadan Post-Ramadan

g % g % g %

Fasting 489 (90) 55 (4) 482 (83) 52 (4){ 481 (106) 55 (4)
Non-Fasting 508 (101) 57 (4) 579 (115){# 52 (4){ 504 (79) 57 (5)

Note: Compared with the pre-Ramadan value: {P 5 0.001.

Compared with the fasting group during Ramadan: #P 5 0.001.

Table VII. Estimated daily protein content (g) of the diets and estimated fraction of total energy intake accounted for by protein (mean values
with standard deviations in parentheses).

Pre-Ramadan Ramadan Post-Ramadan

g % g % g %

Fasting 116 (21) 13 (2) 126 (27){ 16 (1){ 123 (36) 14 (2)
Non-fasting 115 (22) 13 (1) 158 (29){# 16 (1){ 117 (25) 13 (2)

Note: Compared with the pre-Ramadan value: {P 5 0.001.

Compared with the fasting group during Ramadan: #P 5 0.001.
S34 R. J. Maughan et al.

Table VIII. Estimated daily fat (g) content of the diets and estimated fraction of total energy intake accounted for by fat (mean values with
standard deviations in parentheses).

Pre-Ramadan Ramadan Post-Ramadan

g % g % g %

Fasting 123 (22) 31(3) 124 (24) 33 (3) 122 (33) 31 (3)
Non-fasting 120 (29) 30 (3) 158 (39){# 32 (3){ 118 (31) 30 (4)

Note: Compared with the pre-Ramadan value: {P 5 0.05; {P 5 0.001.

Compared with the fasting group during Ramadan: #P 5 0.001.

Table IX. Estimated total daily water intake (litres) from foods and fluids (mean values with standard deviations in parentheses).

Pre-Ramadan Ramadan Post-Ramadan

Fasting 3.85 (0.91) 3.66 (0.73) 3.48 (0.98)

Non-fasting 3.86 (0.91) 5.17 (0.75){# 3.68 (0.99)
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Note: Compared with the pre-Ramadan value: {P 5 0.001.

Compared with the fasting group during Ramadan: #P 5 0.001.

Table X. Estimated daily sodium (mg) and iron (mg) content of the diets (mean values with standard deviations in parentheses).

Pre-Ramadan Ramadan Post-Ramadan

Sodium Iron Sodium Iron Sodium Iron

Fasting 5369 (1129) 27 (6) 4299 (970){ 22 (4) 5173 (1420) 26 (6)
Non-fasting 4950 (1190) 25 (5) 5674 (1139){# 27 (5) 4752 (1137) 24 (6)

Note: Compared with the pre-Ramadan value: {P 5 0.001.

Compared with the fasting group during Ramadan: #P 5 0.001.

that before Ramadan in the fasting (P ¼ 0.86) and intake was therefore greater during Ramadan in the
non-fasting (P ¼ 0.85) groups, and was similar for non-fasting group than in the fasting group
the two groups (P ¼ 0.59). (P 5 0.001), but was similar between the two groups
The estimated proportion of daily energy supplied after Ramadan (P ¼ 0.45).
by fat in the players’ diets was similar in the two Estimated daily dietary sodium intake before
groups (P ¼ 0.11) before Ramadan. In the fasting Ramadan was similar (P ¼ 0.09) in the two groups
group, the estimated percentage of fat in the diet (Table X). Compared with before Ramadan, esti-
during Ramadan was similar (P ¼ 0.093) to that mated sodium intake of the fasting group was lower
before Ramadan. The proportion of energy supplied during Ramadan (P 5 0.001), while it was higher in
by fat was marginally greater in the non-fasting group the non-fasting group (P ¼ 0.006). This resulted in a
during Ramadan (P ¼ 0.02) than before Ramadan, significant difference between the two groups during
but similar to that in the fasting group at the same Ramadan (P 5 0.001). After Ramadan, sodium
time point (P ¼ 0.06). After Ramadan, the estimated intake returned to pre-Ramadan values in both the
percentage of fat in the diet was essentially the same fasting (P ¼ 0.43) and non-fasting (P ¼ 0.55) groups,
as before Ramadan in the fasting (P ¼ 0.36) and non- which were similar (P ¼ 0.15).
fasting (P ¼ 0.58) groups, with the two groups similar The estimated daily iron intake from the diet was
(P ¼ 0.21). similar (P ¼ 0.08) in the two groups before Ramadan
Estimated daily total water intake from ingested (Table X). Compared with before Ramadan, daily
food and fluids before Ramadan was similar dietary intake of iron was lower during Ramadan in
(P ¼ 0.86) in the two groups (Table IX). Estimated the fasting group (P 5 0.001), while it was higher in
daily total water intake of the fasting group remained the non-fasting group (P ¼ 0.02). Intake during
essentially the same before and during Ramadan Ramadan was therefore significantly different be-
(P ¼ 0.17). In the non-fasting group, total water tween the two groups during this phase of the study
intake increased during Ramadan compared with (P 5 0.001). After Ramadan, the intake of dietary
before Ramadan (P ¼ 0.01). Estimated daily water iron was similar to that ingested before Ramadan in
Nutritional effects of Ramadan fasting S35

both the fasting (P ¼ 0.45) and non-fasting Ramadan, although this returned to normal by the
(P ¼ 0.31) groups, which were similar (P ¼ 0.08). end of the month. Sulemani (1988) and Fedail
and colleagues (Fedail, Murphy, Salih, Bolton, &
Harvey, 1982) also reported a total reduction of
about 1 kg in body mass during Ramadan. In a
Changes in energy intake and the dietary intakes of group of 10 adult male university professors in
macro- and micro-nutrients during the period of Pakistan, mean energy intake fell by 857 kcal
Ramadan were generally rather small. Similarly, (s ¼ 410) during Ramadan, and body mass fell by
there was no profound effect on body mass or on 3.2 kg (s ¼ 1.7) over the month (Khan and Khattak,
body composition, although some subtle changes 2002). In a small (n ¼ 9) group of young male rugby
were observed. It is important to note the limitations players, a significant fall in energy intake, accom-
to the sensitivity of the methodologies used, and panied by falls in body mass and in body fat
changes in body composition over this short time- content, was observed at the end of Ramadan by
scale are unlikely to be detected reliably, while Bouhlel et al. (2006).
changes in body mass will be influenced by the There are reports of increased energy intake
normal day-to-day variations in hydration status that during Ramadan in Saudi Muslims (Frost & Pirani,
occur. The results of this study are consistent with 1987) and decreases in Indian Muslims (Chandalia,
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numerous reports in the literature that suggest that Bhargau, & Kataria, 1987), suggesting that there may
neither energy intake nor body mass changes be regional and cultural variations in dietary prac-
substantially during Ramadan fasting. Ramadan tices. It is important to note also that the participants
(2002) reported that no change in body composition in the study of Chandalia and colleagues were
occurred during observance of Ramadan in a group diabetic, and a reduced total energy intake may
of healthy but sedentary adult males, suggesting that reflect changes in the composition of the foods on
energy intake was not affected. El Ati and colleagues offer at this time. In the present study, the non-
(El Ati, Beji, & Danguir, 1995) also reported that fasting players were more likely to change dietary
energy intake and body composition did not change habits, body mass, and body composition during
in female players during Ramadan. Ramadan and Ramadan and an increase, rather than a decrease, in
colleagues (Ramadan, Telahoun, Al-Zaid, & Barac- food intake was observed.
Nieto, 1999) observed no statistically significant The reported values for energy intake and dietary
change in body mass during Ramadan in small composition during the pre-Ramadan period are
samples of active and sedentary players. Maislos and similar to many of the values reported for football
colleagues (Maislos, Khamaysi, & Assali, 1993) players in the literature. Energy intake of a typical
reported similar findings. More recently, Furuncuo- male player is about 13–16 MJ  day71, equivalent to
glu and colleagues (Furuncuoglu, Ender, Sükrü, & 160–200 kJ  kg71  day71 (Burke et al., 2006).
Arif, 2007) reported no change in body mass in 39 These intake data, however, are prone to reporting
players during 26 days of fasting when the mean error and to fluctuations across the competitive
duration of fasting each day was 14 h. Yucel and season, making comparisons between data sets
colleagues (Yucel, Degirmenci, Acar, Albayrak, & difficult. There was a significant increase in the
Haktanir, 2004) found no effect of Ramadan fasting energy intake (by 3.3 MJ  day71) of the non-fasting
on body mass or abdominal fat distribution, as players during Ramadan, and this reflected the
assessed by computed tomography scanning, in a mixed social setting, whereby non-fasting players
mixed group of males and females, but they did find tended to eat their own meals and then join their
small reductions in the visceral fat compartment in fasting colleagues for a further meal. This behaviour
female participants and in young participants. was most apparent during the first week of Ramadan,
In contrast to these observations, there are a suggesting a high degree of self-regulation of energy
number of reports of reduced energy intake and/or intake once the initial novelty wore off. The higher
loss of body mass during Ramadan. Sweileh et al. energy intake resulted in an increase of about 1.3 kg
(1992) reported that participants experienced a in body mass over the month of Ramadan. However,
reduction in body mass of 1.92 kg and a decrease while the rise in body mass over the first half of
in body fat content with no loss of lean tissue. They Ramadan (*0.6 kg) appeared to be entirely due to
reported an exceptionally low daily energy intake an augmentation in body fat (*0.6 kg), the further
(1220 kcal  day71) during Ramadan, but no data increase of approximately 0.7 kg in body mass
were provided to indicate the participants’ normal during the second half of Ramadan was apparently
intakes. Most (1.13 kg) of the body mass loss accompanied by an increase of only 0.3 kg of body
occurred during the first week, and based on changes fat. This might be due to a change in glycogen
in blood parameters the authors concluded that a storage, hydration status or other lean tissue compo-
state of dehydratation existed during the first week of nents, allied to measurement errors and random
S36 R. J. Maughan et al.

fluctuations. Changes in bowel and bladder habits fasting adolescent Tunisian football players in the
may also play some role. present study appear to have followed a pattern of
There was a substantial increase in the carbohy- food intake that is similar to that of the sedentary
drate intake of the non-fasting players during Rama- Tunisian women reported by El Ati and colleagues
dan, due mainly to the increased total energy intake (1995). This is presumably due to the type of foods
rather than to any major change in the composition of that are traditionally eaten by Tunisians during
the diet. Intakes of fat and protein also increased in the Ramadan.
non-fasting group during Ramadan. The increase in The mean values for dietary protein intake also
carbohydrate intake averaged 70 g  day71, or about tend to suggest that players are achieving target
1.0 g  kg71  day71. Throughout the study, the intakes, as mean daily protein intake was typically
carbohydrate intake of both the fasting and non- about 1.6–1.8 g  kg71. This is about the upper end
fasting players was about 7–8 g  kg71  day71. This of the recommended range for athletes in all sports
is consistent with the recommendation that players (Tarnopolsky, 2004) and also at the upper end of the
should eat about 5–7 g  kg71  day71 during periods recommended range for football players (Hawley
of light training and 7–12 g  kg71  day71 during et al., 2006; Lemon, 1994). It is also similar to other
periods of heavy training (Burke et al., 2006; Hawley values reported in the literature for protein intakes of
et al., 2006), and suggests that the normal dietary football players (Maughan, 1997; Rico-Sanz et al.,
Downloaded By: [Canadian Research Knowledge Network] At: 17:23 31 July 2010

carbohydrate intake of these players is probably 1998). The fractional contribution of protein to
adequate to sustain their training. It is important to energy intake was highest during Ramadan. Once
recognize, however, that these are mean values and it again, however, it is important not to let the mean
may be misleading to focus on such values because values deflect attention from those individuals at the
there was a large inter-individual variability in both extremes of the ranges. Some players had rather low
total energy intake and in the composition of the diets protein intakes, although there is no suggestion that
eaten. While some players achieved high carbohydrate these were inadequate. The available evidence
intakes, some failed to do so. Thirty-five players in the suggests that nitrogen balance can be maintained
present study reported carbohydrate intakes of with a wide range of protein intakes provided that
6 g  kg71  day71 or less during the pre-Ramadan energy intake is adequate (for a review, see Tipton &
period. The change in the composition of foods Witard, 2007).
during Ramadan meant that there was a slight The average daily water intake of these players was
decrease in the contribution of carbohydrate to energy relatively high compared with values typically ob-
intake, with increased relative contributions of protein served in young men (Åstrand & Rodahl, 1986), but
and fat, at this time in both groups. However, was not especially high compared with total daily
the amount of carbohydrate ingested by most of the water turnover values measured in active men living in
fasting players appeared to be sufficient for the a temperate climate (Leiper, Carnie, & Maughan,
training load that they undertook: there were no 1996). The water losses of players in training can be
changes over time in the performance tests that the high, especially in warm environmental conditions:
players completed during this study (Kirkendall, some players may lose more than 3 litres of sweat
Leiper, Zerguini, Bartagi, & Dvorak, 2008). There during a single training session (Shirreffs et al., 2006).
was, nevertheless, a trend for the fasting players to lose The fluid balance of players in this study is discussed
on average about 0.7 kg over the first half of in more detail by Shirreffs and Maughan (2008).
Ramadan. While this might suggest that energy intake The dietary sodium intake of the fasting players fell
was slightly less than the energy expenditure required during Ramadan even though energy intake was
by the players, it is more likely that the apparent maintained, suggesting a lower salt content of the
weight loss of about 1% of body mass was due to the foods eaten at this time. Even though the total energy
acute dehydration that is known to occur throughout intake increased in the non-fasting group during
the hours of daylight during Ramadan (Cheah, Ch’ng, Ramadan, their sodium increased less than might
Husain, & Duncan, 1990; Leiper, Molla, & Molla, have been expected. This is consistent with a lower
2003). salt content of the foods prepared for the fasting
In a population of healthy but sedentary Tunisian players, as the non-fasting players tended to consume
women, El Ati et al. (1995) reported an increase in some of these foods in addition to their own meals
the relative content of fat and protein in the diet during Ramadan. Salt intakes are generally quite
during Ramadan, with a corresponding decrease in high, relative to guidelines for sedentary individuals
carbohydrate as total energy intake was unchanged. (Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition, 2003;
It is clear, however, that there are considerable Institute of Medicine, 2005), and this is discussed in
cultural differences in the observation of Ramadan, more detail by Shirreffs and Maughan (2008).
and the types of foods eaten may or may not differ There was a fall in dietary iron intake during
markedly from the normal dietary pattern. The Ramadan in the fasting group, but this is unlikely to
Nutritional effects of Ramadan fasting S37

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