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A Research Note

Compositional Analysis of Powdered Cocoa Products by

Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy


Near infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy was used to measure SINCE THE NIR technique is based on the correlation of spectro-
moisture, fat, and sucrose in powdered cocoa products. Spectra of a scopic responsewith the constituent concentration, calibration of the
series of known samples were recorded and multiple linear regression NIR instrument was carried out on a set of known samples in which
techniques were used to relate the concentrations of each parameter moisture, fat, and sucrosevaried. Fifty-six sampleswere directly taken
to reflectance measurements at selected wavelengths. Precision and from production, and nine samples were specially formulated in the
accuracy were estimated to evaluate the potential application of the pilot plant by mixing the raw materials (sugar and cocoa powder
NIR spectroscopy in the quality control of powdered cocoa products. containing lO-12% fat) in different ratios (Table 1). Another set of
Results showed that moisture, fat, and sucrose could be analyzed in 10 different samples from production was used as a prediction set to
powdered cocoa products by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy test the performance of the calibration equations.
because good correlation coefficients and low standard errors were The reference chemical methods were: for moisture and fat, the
achieved in prediction study. official methods of the International Office of Cocoa, Chocolate and
Sugar Confectionery (IOCCC, 1952a, 1952b) and for sucrose, the
method from Boehringer Mannheim (1974).
INTRODUCTION For the NIR analysis, no sample preparation was required because
of the homogeneous particle size and the fineness of the product.
NEAR INFRARED REFLECTANCE (NIR) spectroscopy is Samples were scanned from 1900 to 2320 nm using a single beam
receiving widespread attention as a rapid method for deter- NIR spectrophotometer with three tilting filters (Pacific Scientific,
mining the composition of many foods. It has been applied to Gardner Neotec Division, Model Compscan 3000). It had a baseline
the rapid analysis of food and agricultural products including correction to correct the sample curves for system response. The de-
cereals and cereal products, feedstuffs, forages, milk, meat, tection system was based on lead sulfide detectors mounted at a 45
seeds, legumes and confectionery (Giangiacomo et al., 1981; angle to the surface of the sample. The reflectance data were the
Osborne, 1981, 1986; Baer et al., 1983; Suzuki et al., 1986). average of 32 scans per sample. For the development of calibration
equations a mathematical transformation of the raw optical data was
Only a few studies, however, have been reported for the analy- made to obtain the first and second derivative spectra (Fig. 1). Ref-
sis of cocoa products (Kaffka et al., 1982). erence chemical values of the 65 samples were entered into the com-
Powdered cocoa products added to milk are commonly con- puter and were correlated with the reflectance energies. Step-forward
sumed for breakfast by children. They mostly consist of sugar linear least square regression yielded an equation of the form:
and cocoa powder. Therefore, the quality control for such
products focuses on their compositional analysis. To this end, C = Ko + 5 Ki Li
the traditional wet chemical methods are involved and time- i-l
consuming. where, C is the concentration of a given constituent in the product, p
The objective of this study was to investigate the use of NIR is the number of terms in the equation, Ko and Ki are the calibration
spectroscopy as a rapid analytical method for determining constants, and Li, the mathematical transformation of the raw optical
moisture, fat, and sucrose of the powdered cocoa products data measured at the wavelength hi, i.e., first or second derivatives.
which would aid their quality control. The performance of the NIR procedure was checked by calculating
the standard error of calibration (SEC):

2 Vi- Y02
Authors Permanyer and Perez are with Analytical Research Lab-
oratory, Nutrexpa S. A., c/Lepanto, 410-414, 08025 Barcelona,
Spain. where, Yi is the reference chemical value, yi the NIR values, and n

Table 1 -Development and performance of N/R spectroscopy calibration equations for the analysis of powdered cocoa products
Calibration Prediction
Correlation Standard error Correlation Standard error
Range Calibration Wavelengths Mathematical coefficient of calibration Range coefficient of prediction
Parameter Ph.) constants (nm) treatment (r) (SEC) w.) (d (SW
Moisture 1.5 - 4.0 KO= 3.592 1 st derivative 0.978 0.157 1.6- 2.1 0.955 0.034
Kl = 1.306 1939
Fat 1.5 - 3.5 KO= 3.840 2nd derivative 0.987 0.100 2.1- 2.7 0.842 0.051
Kl= - 10.407 2296
K2= - 2.109 1959
Sucrose 51.5 - 81.5 KO= 69.726 Ist derivative 0.998 0.526 68.0-74.5 0.962 0.680
Kl= -6.505 2080
K2= 36.671 2785

768-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE-Volume 54, No. 3, 1989

mations that gave the best fit. Results are summarizedin Table
1. Only two term equations were used becausethe addition of
other wavelength provided no improvement in calibration re-
High correlation coefficients and low standard errors of cal-
ibration indicated that the calibration equations were satisfac-
tory and that good prediction of unknown samples could be
achieved. This was demonstratedby results of the prediction
study (Table 1) ivhich contains multiple correlation coefficients
and standard errors of prediction.
No significant bias was found calculating the t-value for
each constituent by the equation,

t =&xii-NIR)
IWTI where n is the number of samples and ub =
d/1/2 (olab* + ani?) and comparing with the Students t-
distribution values with n-l degrees of freedom and a two-
sided alternative hypothesis at 01= 0.05.
The precision of the NIR method was measuredby recording
ten spectral scanson the same sample and calculating the stan-
dard deviations of the prediction data for each constituent. The
coefficients of variation were 0.86% for moisture, 1.49% for
fat and 0.61% for sucrose.
Accuracy, comparedwith referencemethods, was measured
by comparing the root mean squareprediction error or standard
error of prediction (SEP) with the standarderror of calibration
(SEC) (Moen, 1976; Miner et al., 1978; Osborne and Fearn,
2816 2875 2116 2236 1986) and by the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The ANOVA
test showed no significant difference between the results ob-
tained by NIR and by chemical analysis (p<O.O5), meaning
62 &Jl that the NIR method was as accurateas wet chemistry methods
16.46 for moisture, fat and sucroseof the powdered cocoa products
I examined.
lB.64 In summary, a NIR spectroscopymethod was developed to
provide a routine, fast and efficient method for determining
moisture, fat and sucrose in powdered cocoa products. Cali-
bration equationswere checkedfor precision and accuracyand
good prediction results were achieved. Therefore, the NIR
spectroscopy technique could be used in quality control of
powdered cocoa products, for moisture, fat, and sucrose.
Baer, R. J., Frank, J. F., and Loewenstein, M. 1983. Compositional analy-
sis of nonfat dry milk by vsing near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. J
Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 66: 868.
Boehringer Mannheim. 1974. Sucrose/glucose food analysis method. In
WAVELENGTH inm) Methods of Enzymatic Analysis, Bergmeyer, H.U. (Ed.) Vol. 3, p. 1176.
Verlag Chemie Weinheim Academic Press, Inc. New York and London.
Fig. 1 -Near infrared spectra of powdered cocoa product: (a) Giangiacomo, R., Magee, J. B., Birth, G. S., and Dul!, G. G. 1981. Pre-
original spectrum; (b) 1st derivative-spectrum; (c) 2nd deriva- dicting concentrations of individual sugars in dry mixtures by near in-
tive-spectrum. frared reflectance s ectroscopy. J. Food Sci.46: 531.
IOCCC. 1952a. Met R ods of Analysis.3-F/1952. Verlag Max Glattli. Zu-
rich. Switzerland.
IOCCC. 1952b. Methods of Analysis. 8aF/1952. Verlag Max Glattli. Zu-
is the number of samples. Accuracy and precision of calibration were rich. Switzerland.
evaluated by the standard error of prediction (SEP): Kaffka, K. J., Norris, K. H., Kulcsar, F., and Draskovits, I. 1982. Attempts
to determine fat, protein and carbohydrate content in cocoa powder by
the NIR technique. Acta Aliment. 11: 271.
Miner, D. C!., Ziomek, J. V., and Landa, I. J. 1976. Near infrared instru-

J- i di* mentation for controllin the uality of chocolate products. Technical

i-l aper NIR-4800, Pa&c 8.clent.1E1~. Neotec International News Items.
SEP = - 9 oen,, R. 1976. Recommended experimental design and analysis for eval-
n uatmg the accuracy and precision of an Near-IR instrument. USDA Sem-
inar on Near Infrared Measurements. Beltsville, MD.
Osborne, B. G. 1981. Princi les and practice of near-infrared (NIR) reflec-
tance anal sis. J. Food. echnol. 16: 13.
where, di is the difference between reference and NIR values and n o;ly~mY lp
1986 Instrumental methods of flour analysis. Anal. Proceed.
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Osb&ne B. G. and Fearn T 1986. Near Infrared S ectroscopy in Food
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Suzuki, K., McDonald, C. E., and DAppolonia, B. L. 1986. Near infrared
RESULTS & DISCUSSION reflectance of bread. Cereal Chem. 63: 320.
MS received 6/20/88; revised 12128188; accepted 12/28/88.
THE COMPUTER PROGRAM determined the characteristic
wavelengths, calibration constants and mathematical transfor-

Volume 54, No. 3, 1989-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE-769

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