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Procedures – Updated 2010

Entering the classroom

Students will enter the classroom quietly in a line and walk straight to La
Oficina Postal and pick up the guided notes for the day and their binders.
Students will then walk straight to their assigned seats and open their
binders. Students will take out homework, HA sheet, and homework tracker,
and begin to work on the HA.

Exiting the classroom

The bell does not dismiss the students; Sr. Rabin dismisses the students.
Students will not pack up their materials or get up from their seats until Sr.
Rabin gives them permission, at which time they will quietly pack up their
materials, clean up their spaces, and calmly line up at the door in a straight
line. Sr. Rabin will walk them to class.

Call to Attention
When Sr. Rabin needs to get the class’ attention, he will count down from 5
to 1 in Spanish - “Cinco, Cuatro, Tres, Dos, Uno”. By the time he reaches Uno,
students must be silent and sitting in their seats, waiting for the next

The Invisible Line – “La Linea Invisible”

In the classroom, there is a sink and water fountain near the door. While
there is no separation between this section of the room and the rest of the
classroom, students will not be permitted past “La Linea Invisible” – the
invisible line – without Sr. Rabin’s permission during class. The boundaries
will be clearly marked in the classroom.

Failure to adhere to this guideline will result in a negative consequence and

possible further action from Sr. Rabin

Food, gum, and drink will not be permitted in class, according to IJGMS

Students are encouraged to use the bathroom during lunch or before/after
school. Each student will be given 2 bathroom passes per quarter, on which
each student will write his/her name. Students should keep these bathroom
passes in their in-class binders so that they do not get lost. Students will
only be allowed to use a pass for the bathroom during non-instructional time;
if Sr. Rabin is teaching the class, students will not be permitted to use the
bathroom. Once a student uses his/her passes, he/she will not be permitted
to use the bathroom for the rest of the quarter, unless other circumstances
are arranged.

If the passes are not used at the end of the quarter, students can use them
towards extra credit – they will be worth one point each.

Following IJGMS policies, there will be absolutely no cell phones, IPODS,
MP3 players, or any other electronic devices allowed in the classroom. If
students bring these devices to school, they must be turned off and kept in
the student’s locker, bag, pocket, or purse. If they are taken out during
class, Sr. Rabin reserves the right to take them away from the student.

Students must keep all garbage at their desk until the end of the period
when they will be permitted to throw it out.

If students have questions, they are expected to raise their hands and wait
until Sr. Rabin calls on them.

Students are expected to follow the IJGMS uniform policy. Under no
circumstances will students be allowed to wear anything that does not
adhere to this policy. If students do violate the uniform policy, Sr. Rabin will
complete a uniform violation form and refer it to the administration for
further action.

During exams, students will be expected to follow the Code of Conduct.
Students will remain quiet, clear their desks, raise their hands if they have
questions, keep their eyes on their own papers, and do the best that they

There is no reason for a student to be tardy to class. If a student does
arrive late to class, he/she must have a pass from the teacher that HE/SHE
CAME FROM, or from the office. Students will not be permitted to enter
class without an appropriate pass, and will be sent straight to the office for

Absent Policy
If a student is absent from class, it is his or her responsibility to make up
the assignments that he or she missed. There will be a Make-Up work binder
for each class subject, which will have notes and worksheets for every day
of the unit. Students must find the worksheets that they missed and fill
them out on their own time, outside of class. If students have any questions,
they can come and see Sr. Rabin outside of the class period to get extra

Sr. Rabin will have a binder for each class with completed Guided Notes
from which students can copy if they were absent. This binder should never
leave the room, and materials should never be taken out of the binder.

If students miss a day when a quiz or test was given, they will be responsible
to take it the day that they return, unless special permission under certain
circumstances is given by Sr. Rabin or the administration.

In-Class Binders and Binder Checks

Each student will receive a binder to keep in class for the duration of the
year. Students will also receive dividers. Students will put first and last
name on a piece of tape on the side of the binder to identify their individual
binder. Students will divide the binders into the following categories:
- Notes
- Practice Worksheets/Homework
- Assessments
- Hacer Ahora
- Miscelleneous (bathroom passes, syllabus, etc)
Sr. Rabin will complete periodic binder checks, which will be graded
according to the following criteria:
- 30 point binder checks (every 2 weeks)
o 5 pts organization/binder in class
o 10 pts for Guided Notes, worksheets, and
HW in place
o 5 pts for homework tracker and assessment
o 10 pts for HA’s – completed and in binder

Homework Check and Tracker

Each day, students will enter the classroom and have their homework on
their desks. Students will also take out their homework trackers and write
the date and name of the HW assignment on it. Sr. Rabin will come around
and stamp the students homework tracker if the assignment is on time and
complete (worth 5 pts). If the assignment is late but complete, Sr. Rabin will
mark the tracker accordingly (worth 3 pts). If the assignment is never
turned in, the tracker will stay blank (no stamp or initials), and the student
will receive zero points.

Participation Tracker
The participation tracker is part of the homework tracker. Every time a
student receives a consequence in class for misbehavior, Sr. Rabin will mark
an “x” on the students participation tracker. Every “x” takes away a
participation point for the day, and students will also receive consequences

Assessment Tracker
Every time students receive a graded exit slip, quiz, test, or project, they
will track it on their assessment tracker. If they received a 80% or higher,
they will write in their personalized logo to show their mastery of the topic.
Sr. Rabin will check for updated trackers during binder checks.

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