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Erin Allen & Jenni Speer Grade Level

Social Studies: 7th

Micro Teach #1

Micro-Teach #1

Lesson Title/Topic: 7TH Grade Social Studies | Texas History & Culture

Target Concept: Texas culture & religious transitions: Then & Now

Standards/Rationale: 19 (B) describe how people from various racial, ethnic, and religious groups attempt to
maintain their cultural heritage while adapting to the larger Texas culture.

Lesson Objectives: Given a graphic organizer and access Assessment (Authentic): completed graphic
to a Texas Almanac, TSW identify and differentiate the organizer
religious group compositions of Texas at the beginning of
its statehood and now with 75% accuracy.

Materials: Graphic organizer, wordstrips, Internet access and/or Texas Almanac

Lesson Cycle: (Direct Instruction)

The teacher will: The student will:

Focus/Mental Set:

Write the objective on the board as a hint at the days lesson *Speed Drill & Round Robin*
to get students thinking, and hand out blank graphic
organizers to each student. Using seven wordstrips for each era (1850 &
now) the student groups will apply individual
Begin speed drill instructions. The teacher will display on and collective knowledge of Texas traditions,
the overhead the list of the Then & Now religious culture, and religions. Student teams will be
affiliations allowing for the students to memorize the data given 2 minutes to a consensus about
for 30 seconds. Following the timers buzz, the groups will religious groups in Texas and arrange those
be required to reach a consensus on listing the religions for groups from from largest to smallest (left
their appropriate time period from largest to smallest. side of room gets 1845 and right side of room
gets current religious compositions.)
Following their group discuss, TSW use the
graphic organizer and wordstrips in front of
them to create their own personal list. The
teacher will end the activity by giving the
correct order.

In a later lesson well discuss why the left

side and right side of the rooms lists are
different/similar as well as why some groups
were larger/smaller at different times in Texas
Erin Allen & Jenni Speer Grade Level
Social Studies: 7th
Micro Teach #1

Teacher Input:
Asks questions and takes notes relating to the
Talk about the seven largest religions within Texas starting different religious affiliations of our state.
with largest and concluding with the smallest. Share a few Contributes to class discussion.
interesting facts about each religion including where and
when it was founded.
1. Methodist churches (173)
2. Baptist churches (70)
3. Presbyterian churches (47)
4. Roman Catholic churches (13)
5. Episcopal churches (5)
6. Unaffiliated churches 5
7. Jewish synagogues 01
Number of Adherants
1. Atheist, Agnostic, or nothing in particular
2. Catholic Family 4,673,500
3. Baptist Family 4,590,143
4. Non-denominational Family 1,546,542
5. Presbyterian & Methodist Family 1,497,735
6. Pentecostal Family 677,083
7. Jewish 60,645
Information about different religious groups:
Christians: All Christian groups including the Methodists,
Baptists, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, Pentecostals and
Episcopalian churches have as their foundation a belief in
Jesus Christ.
1. Methodism grew out of a movement to reform the
Church of England and founded by John Wesley.
There is living figurehead in the Methodist church,
but both men and women can serve in the clergy of
the Methodist church.
2. One view of the Baptist movement is that it also
grew out of a movement to reform the Church of
England, these separatists were first lead by John
Smyth and are different from other Christian
religions because they believe that baptism should
only be performed if the person being baptised is a
believer, as opposed to infant baptism (sometimes
called Christening)
3. Presbyterians are also reformist who have their
foundation in Scotland. This group was greatly
influenced by the French theologian John Calvin
who was a leading reformer. John Knox, a Catholic
priest, studied with Calvin and then brought his
ideas back to Scotland. There is not a leader or head
Erin Allen & Jenni Speer Grade Level
Social Studies: 7th
Micro Teach #1

of the church. Members are baptised as infants.

4. Catholicism claims its founder as Jesus Christ and
its first Pope as the His disciple Peter. The believe
the Bible is the word of God and contains no errors,
the Ten Commandments are a moral, ethical
compass by which to live, and the belief of the Holy
Trinity (one God in three persons.) Those who serve
as clergy in the catholic church must remain celibate
and unmarried. Members are baptised as infants.
5. The Episcopal church is an offshoot of the Anglican
church (or Church of England.) It was founded
around the time of the Revolutionary war because
one of the tenets of Anglicanism require the clergy
to swear allegiance to the king and to pray for the
king, his family, and the British parliament.
6. Pentecostalism is not a religion but like Baptist is a
movement. Different denominations can identify
themselves as Pentecostals. Pentecostalism is said to
come from Methodism as well as Baptists but
Pentecostals are baptised by the Spirit which is
manifest as the speaking in tongues. In comparison
to other religions and movements Pentecostal
services are much more dramatic with loud singing,
clapping, and proclaiming.
1. Being Jewish is more than just a religious belief.
Judaism is also ethnic and cultural. That is not to say
that all who are Jewish ascribe to the Jewish faith
but many do. Judaism was founded by Abraham of
old Testament fame. Of the prophets in the Old
Testament, Moses is the greatest.
Agnostics, Atheists, and nothing in particular
1. An agnostic believes that the existence or nature of
God or any creator of the universe is not just
unknown, but also unknowable.
2. An Atheist believes that there is no God or gods.

Guided Practice:
Model for the students how and where to look up
information about Texas religious composition in an online Take notes on procedure for accessing the
almanac. This site will be used for the independent practice Texas Almanac so that they can look up the
portion where the student and their partner will research 3 information they need about the religious
religions of choice we discussed and find 1 additional fun makeup of Texas.
fact about the religion on their graphic organizer by
drawing a line and bubble with the information
researched (left side is early statehood composition & right
side is current religious composition.). Guide students
through the online resource with the following steps:
Erin Allen & Jenni Speer Grade Level
Social Studies: 7th
Micro Teach #1

1. Show the students how to log on to
2. Show the students where to enter religion in the
search bar
3. For those researching religious affiliation now,
demonstrate where to find the statistics used by:
a. searching for religion on on the texas
almanac webpage.
b. clicking on the first entry under religion
c. then selecting Church Membership Figures
for Texas, 1990, 2000 and 2010.
4. For those researching religious affiliation during
early statehood, demonstrate where to find the
numbers from the US 1850 census by:
a. Clicking on the Texas Almanac homepage,
click on History in the left-hand column of
topics. From the drop-down, select
b. then scrolling down majority of the features
page, select the Religion in Early Texas
link under the Religion subject. This link
will provide religious affiliations and church
5. Instruct the students to explore the statistics of at
least 3 different religions.

Independent Practice:

Give instructions on Almanac assignment. Have students In their assigned groups of 2 and based on the
work with their assigned teammate (only 2 per group). modeled behavior on locating religious
Please see instructions under The student will column groups in the online Tx Almanac, students
of the independent practice. Walk around room observing will research information on era assigned (ex.
students at work. Left side is early statehood composition &
right side is current religious composition.)
Remind students that following the independent practice, Student and their partner will research 3
we will be paring back up for a Timed Pair Share activity religions of choice we discussed and find 1
as an exit ticket for todays lesson. additional fun fact about the religion on
their graphic organizer by drawing a line and
bubble with the information researched.


Timed Pair Share: In pairs, students are required to share Listen to teacher for instructions on the
their thoughts on the questions below, following a 30 Timed Pair Share activity.
second think time alone. Following the 30-second think
time, Partner A will share their thoughts for 30 seconds Based on the religious information and
Erin Allen & Jenni Speer Grade Level
Social Studies: 7th
Micro Teach #1

while Partner B listens. After 30 seconds, the partners will available resources weve learned in this
switch roles. lesson, the student and their partner will share
their thoughts on the teachers closing
Teachers closing questions to discuss: questions. As an exit ticket, TSW reiterate
what their teammates response was to
With partner, discuss why student thinks certain teachers closing questions on a piece of
groups have dramatically increased or decreased paper. TSW hand me the piece of paper on
since Texas became a state in 1845. their way out. Students are required to have
Ask what these religious groups have done or are their name and teammates name on paper.
currently doing to maintain their cultural and
religious individuality?

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