Heart Failure Ivabradine Is No Better Than Optimised Beta-Blocker Therapy

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Translated from Rev Prescrire March 2011; 31 12 months prior to inclusion. The 16% of patients on placebo (p<0.

(329): 209-210 patients also had to have a resting our calculations) (6).
E VALUATION heart rate above 70 beats per minute, As expected, bradycardia was more
no cardiac rhythm disorders or severe frequent with ivabradine than with
Heart failure: ivabradine valve disease, no history of myocardial placebo. In the Shift study, respective-
is no better than infarction or coronary revascularisation ly 11% and 2% of patients in the
optimised beta-blocker within the previous 2 months, and no ivabradine and placebo arms developed
history of stroke within the previous bradycardia (4). Bradycardia was symp-
therapy 4 weeks (5). tomatic in half of the cases and led to
 In a double-blind randomised place- About half of the patients had class treatment cessation in 1 out of
bo-controlled trial including about II heart failure according to the New 5 cases (4). In the Beautiful study,
6500 heart failure patients, ivabradine York Heart Association (NYHA) classi- respectively 13% and 2% of patients in
did not reduce overall mortality or car- cation, while the other half had class the ivabradine and placebo groups had
diovascular mortality. Ivabradine III heart failure (4). Median follow-up bradycardia that led to treatment ces-
reduced mortality due to heart failure, was about 23 months (4). sation (6).
but not in the subgroup of patients Ivabradine had no effect on overall Visual adverse effects (phosphenes or
receiving at least half the recom- mortality (about 17% overall) or on visual disorders) were observed in ini-
mended dose of a beta-blocker. cardiovascular mortality (about tial trials of ivabradine in angina (b)(2).
15%) (4). In the Shift study, 3% of patients in the
 In a double-blind randomised Ivabradine reduced the frequency of ivabradine group had phosphenes. The
placebo-controlled trial in about the primary outcome, which combined outcome of this adverse effect and its
10 000 patients with coronary artery cardiovascular mortality and hospital- impact on vision were not specied (4).
disease and heart failure, ivabradine isation for worsening heart failure In the Beautiful study, visual disor-
had no tangible efcacy. (24% in the ivabradine group, versus ders were reported in 0.5% of patients
29% in the placebo group; in the ivabradine group versus 0.2% of
 Treatment withdrawals were more p<0.0001) (4). This difference was patients in the placebo group. In
frequent with ivabradine than in the mainly due to fewer hospitalisations for patients who stopped the treatment
placebo arms of these trials. Adverse heart failure. because of these disorders (0.3% of
effects included bradycardia and visu- In the subgroup of patients receiving patients), the symptoms disap-
al disorders. at least half the recommended maxi- peared (6).
mum dose of a beta-blocker (56% of
 In practice, beta-blockers used at the patients included in the trial), there In practice: optimise beta-block-
optimal doses have documented ef- was no statistically signicant differ- er therapy. For heart failure patients
cacy in heart failure patients. This is ence between the ivabradine and place- in whom beta-blockers are tolerated
not the case for ivabradine, and its bo arms in terms of either overall mor- and not contraindicated because of
adverse effects have been conr- tality or the primary outcome (a)(4). clinical status and heart rate, a beta-
med. The results for the subgroup of blocker (bisoprolol, carvedilol or meto-
patients receiving less than 50% of prolol) used at an optimal dose has
the recommended dose of a beta-block- documented efcacy in reducing mor-
T he rst-choice treatment for heart er were not reported in detail (4). tality. For patients in whom beta-block-
failure is based on an angiotensin-con- er dose optimisation is not possible,
verting-enzyme inhibitor (ACE No tangible benet for patients there is no rm evidence that ivabradine
inhibitor) plus a diuretic (1). Adding a with coronary heart disease and has a positive harm-benet balance.
beta-blocker (bisoprolol, carvedilol or heart failure (Beautiful study). The The visual and cardiac adverse effects
metoprolol) reduces overall mortali- Beautiful double-blind randomised trial of ivabradine call for caution.
ty (1). compared ivabradine versus placebo, Prescrire
Ivabradine, a heart-rate-lowering in addition to the usual treatment, in
drug derived from verapamil, has a 10 917 patients with coronary heart a- For heart failure patients, the generally recommended
negative harm-benet balance in sta- disease and heart failure (systolic ejec- doses of beta-blockers are bisoprolol 10 mg/day, carvedilol
50 mg/day, and metoprolol succinate 200 mg/day (ref 7).
ble angina, mainly because of its visu- tion fraction below 40%) (6).
b- Phosphenes are transient ashes of light in part of the
al and cardiac adverse effects (2,3). The results showed that ivabradine visual eld (ref 2).
Two recent trials provide useful infor- provided no tangible benet, even in
mation on the harms and benets of the 1430 patients who were not taking
Selected references from Prescrires literature
ivabradine in heart failure. a beta-blocker (3,6). search.
1- Prescrire Rdaction Insufsance cardiaque
chronique: traitement initial et traitement des tats
No decrease in overall mortality Treatment withdrawals, brady- stables. Ides-Forces Prescrire updated June 2010;
or cardiovascular mortality (Shift cardia and visual disorders. Treat- www.prescrire.org: 6 pages.
study). A double-blind randomised ment withdrawals were more frequent 2- Prescrire Editorial Staff Ivabradine. Best avoid-
ed in stable angina Prescrire Int 2007; 16 (88): 53-
placebo-controlled trial (Shift) exam- with ivabradine than with placebo. 56.
ined the effects of ivabradine, added to In the Shift study, 21% of patients on 3- Prescrire Editorial Staff Stable angina: role of
the usual treatment for heart failure, in ivabradine discontinued the medica- ivabradine unchanged between 2006 and 2010
Prescrire Int 2010; 19 (110): 264-265.
6558 patients (4,5). Heart failure was tion, versus 19% of patients on place- 4- Swedberg K et al. Ivabradine and outcomes in
dened as a systolic ejection fraction bo (p=0.017) (4). In the Beautiful chronic heart failure (Shift): a randomised placebo-
controlled study Lancet 2010; 376: 875-885.
below 35% and at least one hospitali- study, 28% of patients on ivabradine
sation for worsening heart failure in the discontinued the medication, versus


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Copyright(c)Prescrire. For personal use only.

5- Swedberg K et al. Rationale and design of a is also weak evidence of a link with agulation seems to have little efficacy
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled out- lipid disorders and rare clotting disor- when visual acuity is less than 2/20 (3).
come trial of ivabradine in chronic heart failure: the
Systolic Heart Failure Treatment with the If Inhibitor ders such as protein S, protein C, or Intravitreal steroid injections and
Ivabradine Trial (Shift) Eur J Heart Failure 2010; 12 antithrombin III deficiency (2-5). dexamethasone intravitreal implants
(1): 75-81.
6- Fox K et al. Ivabradine for patients with stable
Screening for these disorders is rec- have transient efficacy on macular
coronary artery disease and left-ventricular systolic ommended in young patients with oedema but not on long-term visual
dysfunction (Beautiful): a randomised, double- retinal vein occlusion and in all patients acuity. However, they carry a risk of
blind, placebo-controlled trial Lancet 2008; 372:
807-816. with bilateral occlusion. serious adverse effects, especially an
7- Swedberg K et al. Guidelines for the diagnosis The other eye is affected later in increase in intraocular pressure and
and treatment of chronic heart failure: executive about 10% of cases (2). cataracts (5).
summary (update 2005): The Task Force for the
Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Heart Failure Antiplatelet drugs and growth factor
of the European Society of Cardiology Eur Heart J Generally unilateral loss of visu- inhibitors (pegaptanib, ranibizumab, beva-
2005; 26: 1115-1140.
al acuity. Retinal vein occlusion leads cizumab) do not have a positive harm-
to a variable loss of visual acuity in one benefit balance in this setting (3,4), nor
eye. It is painless and may occur does haemodilution (a)(2-4).
abruptly when the central retinal vein Surgical approaches have not been
see also page 178
is affected (2,4,5). Diagnosis is based on shown to prevent the loss of visual acu-
ophthalmologic examination: retinal ity, or to restore visual acuity (6).
Translated from Rev Prescrire April 2011; 31
(330): 289
examination shows retinal haemor-
rhage, tortuous and dilated veins, and In practice. Patients with docu-
M INI -R EVIEW cotton wool spots (2,5). mented retinal vein occlusion should
Venous occlusion, especially of the receive ophthalmologic monitoring to
Retinal vein occlusion central vein, sometimes leads to retinal prevent complications.
ischaemia (ischaemic form), with a Prescrire

 Retinal vein occlusion can provoke loss of visual acuity that depends on the
a sudden loss of visual acuity. It is gen- extent of macular involvement: more a- Haemodilution consists of replacing a volume of blood
by an equivalent volume of uid in order to reduce the red
erally unilateral. Risk factors include than 90% of these patients have a cell count and to increase uidity (ref 2).
ageing, arterial hypertension, diabetes visual acuity of 2/20 at best (2,4). Neo-
and elevated intraocular pressure. vascularisation of the iris and retina
Selected references from Prescrires literature
occurs in about 35% of patients with search.
 Neovascularisation of the retina or ischaemic forms, with a risk of neo- 1- Hamid S et al. Branch retinal vein occlusion
iris can occur in patients with macular vascular glaucoma (without retinal J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2008; 20 (2): 128-132.
2- Rennie C and Kirwan JF Haemodilution for
ischaemia, creating a risk of glaucoma. photocoagulation therapy) and vitre- retinal vein occlusion (Cochrane protocol). In: The
ous haemorrhage (2). Cochrane Library John Wiley and Sons, Chiches-
 If macular oedema develops, recov- Macular oedema is a frequent com- ter 2009; issue 1: 11 pages.
3- Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO) Interim Guide-
ery of visual acuity occurs sponta- plication of retinal vein occlusion (5). lines The Royal College of Ophthalmologists,
neously but slowly. It resolves spontaneously in about half February 2009: 33 pages.
4- Yau JW et al. Retinal vein occlusion: an approach
of the patients, with recovery of visu- to diagnosis, systemic risk factors and management
 Patients must be monitored in order al acuity after 3 to 6 months (4). Most Intern Med J 2008; 38 (12): 904-910.
to detect and treat neovascularisation patients regained visual acuity of at 5- Gewaily D and Greenberg PB Intravitreal steroids
versus observation for macular edema secondary to
as early as possible. Treatments for least 10/20 (3). central retinal vein occlusion (Cochrane review).
macular oedema are disappointing. Retinal vein occlusion does not seem In: The Cochrane Library John Wiley and Sons,
to be associated with an increase in car- Chichester 2009; issue 2: 30 pages.
6- Berker N and Batman C Surgical treatment of
diovascular mortality (4). central retinal vein occlusion Acta Ophthalmol 2008;
I n adults, retinal vein occlusion can 86: 245-252.
lead to a loss of visual acuity, usually in Treatment: prevent aggravation.
one eye. Australian authors have esti- There is currently no curative treat-
mated that retinal vein occlusion affects ment for retinal vein occlusion (2).
between 0.7% and 1.6% of individu- Management is based on diagnosis and
als over 50 years of age (1,2). It usual- treatment of precipitating factors. Oph-
ly occurs after the age of 65 (2). thalmologic monitoring, every 1 to
The decline in visual acuity depends 3 months, is necessary to detect neo-
mainly on the type of occlusion (cen- vascularisation and possible complica-
tral or branch retinal vein) and the tions (3).
occurrence of macular oedema or other Laser photocoagulation is not effec-
complications (2). Branch retinal vein tive in macular oedema secondary to
occlusion is more common than central venous occlusion (1,5). It may be ben-
vein occlusion (2). eficial if neovascularisation occurs, for
prevention of neovascular glaucoma
Risk factors. Risk factors for retinal and vitreous haemorrhage (2-4).
vein occlusion include ageing, arterial If macular oedema persists, with a
hypertension and diabetes (1,3,4). visual acuity between 2/20 and 10/20
Increased intraocular pressure associ- after 3 to 6 months, laser photocoagu-
ated with open-angle glaucoma is lation around the macula may be used
another important risk factor (4). There to reduce the oedema (3,4). Photoco-


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Copyright(c)Prescrire. For personal use only.

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