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Webercise: Quizizz Competition- Round 1

In this exercise, you will be placed in a group of 3-4 students. Together, you will work to find the
solutions to various linear equations and inequalities presented on several sets of Quizizz. All
group members will see the same question, but you will all see different options for answers.
You must work together to determine who has the correct answer!

1. Introduce yourself to your classmates, in case they dont know your name!

2. Grab a Chromebook/iPad and sign in/power it on. Spend 5-10 minutes reviewing the
lesson on linear equations and inequalities with one another. You can always pull up the
Prezi presentation from the class website (Life of Stem)
a. Ask each other any questions you may have about the lesson, or homework
questions you struggled with. If needed, call me over for additional help. Make
sure everyone is on the same page before the start of this activity!

3. When instructed, open the web browser on the device being used and go to Quizizz
a. You will see the code for a specific quiz written/projected on the board. Once
shown, input the code for the quiz in the search box
b. Quizizz will then prompt you to input a name. Time for some fun! Come up with
a team name and have each group member type in the team name, followed by
their first initial of their first name.

4. When organized, I will write start the quiz. Each quiz will consist of 10-12 questions.
Work together to solve the question and determine the solution. The key to your success
will be communicating with your team members!

5. For each quiz, one team member will be elected as the Team Mathematician, while the
others will be considered Assistant Mathematicians. Team Mathematicians will be in
charge of writing down and solving the questions on a sheet of paper that everyone will
write on. Assistant Mathematicians will help this person solve the equation by guiding
them to the solution, but they CANNOT write down anything for them. On this sheet of
paper, I MUST see the following items:
a. Team name and group members
b. Date and Period
c. Title Quizizz Competition: Round 1 at the top of the page

6. After each round, a new team member will become the Team Mathematician. Each
time a new member is elected, their name should be written off to the left-hand side
where they begin to show their work for the problems. All work on the sheet of paper
should have a name on the left-hand side showing me who did what work.

7. At the end of the competition, I will collect your teams work and give you credit. Those
that win the competition will receive extra credit on the assignment!!

8. Make sure all Chromebooks/iPads are closed/locked and returned to their appropriate
cart. If you are the last period of the day, make sure to shut down the device and connect
it to the charger before placing it into the appropriate cart.

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