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EQ: What is a hypothesis?

Questions Notes Extra Info.

What is a A hypothesis is a testable answer to
hypothesis? a scientific question.

It has to be tastable because

since the next is to expiriment, it
Why does a will determine whether the
hypothesis have to hypothesis is correct.
be testable?

A prediction should include an

independent variable and a
dependent variable. A hypothesis helps make the
scientific method.If there is no
What needs to be A hypothesis is a guess of what hypothesis there is no scientific
included in a will happen and a prediction is a
prediction? thought of what will happen.

If it does not support the

How is a hypothesis hypothesis is incorrect and it lets
different from a you think about the natural world.
You can tell if the hypothesis is
based on the info from reference
What if the data materials about the topic, at least
from an expiriment one clear prediction, predictions
does not support resulting from the hypothesis in an
the hypothesis? expiriment and the prediction has
to have an independent and
dependent variable.
How can you tell
whether a
hypothesis is well-
written or not?

Summary: A hypothesis is and educated guess that can be testable. Hypothesiss

are very important during an expiriment because it helps with the prediction. A
hypothesis helps creating the expiriment and getting the results.

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