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Chapter 1

The Strategy

The PSRA Strategy

The important strategy for reading comprehension is learning to approach a passage in an

organized. First, make a Prediction about the passage, then Scan it, next Read it and
finally Answer the question. We can abbreviate this strategy to PSRA.


Learning how to make prediction about what you are going to read BEFORE you read
will help you establish a context for understanding the passage. This will improve your
reading score. Before you begin to read, one of the reading passage .you should first look
at the question introduction line. This line looks like this:

Questions 161- 163 refer to the following office memo.

In the question introduction line, you will learn how many questions there are and what
kind of reading passage it is (in this case an office memo). The look of the reading
passage will also give you a clue: a fax will look like a fax; a phone message like a phone
message, a graph like a graph, etc. This will help you PREDICT what a passage is about.

There are generally two or three questions for every reading passage. Look at the
questions and the four answer options. This will give you a clue what to look for. These
clues will help you PREDICT what the passage is about.

According to the memo, which equipment has multiple uses?

(A) Computer

(B) Fax machines

(C) Answering machines

(D) CD players


We can predict that the memo has something to do with electronics. When we Scan the
passage ,we look for the Key Word. You may not find the exact words, but you might find
words with similar meanings. Try to think of words that have meanings to those in the
Key Words. The key words for this questions are :

Questions Answer Options

Key Words Similar meanings Computers

Fax machines

Equipment electronic tools; hardware Answering machines

Multiple uses useful in a variety of settings CD-players

Look first for the Key Words from the question; then look around the Question Key
Words for the Key Word from the answer options. When you find the answer Options
Key Word s, see if the words answer the question. Try to answer the question ( in your
head , not in the answer sheet. Heres a sample:


To : Lafite,Pierre

Purchasing Department

From : Clement,Marie France


We need computer for use in the office, answering machines for

our consultants, fax machines for the shipping department, and CD-
players for everyone. This last piece of hardware can be used in a
variety of ways.
According to the memo, which equipment has multiple uses?

(A) Computers

(B) Fax machines

(C) Answering machines

(D) CD-players

The correct answer is (D). A CD- player is the last piece of hard ware mentioned. This
last piece of hardware can be used in a variety of ways.

Note how much different the answer would be if the last sentence were:

This first piece of hardware can be used in a variety of ways.

The word First changes the answer completely from (D) CD-players to (A) Computers.
This is why you must NOT rely on Prediction and scanning alone.


You must READ the passage as well. However, when you read, read quickly. Read to
confirm your predictions. You should not make on your answer sheet until you have made
a prediction based on all of the questions. SCANNED the passage looking for key word
s, answered the question in your head and READ the passage to confirm your answer
choices. The answer to the first question is found in the part of the reading passage. The
answer to the second question is found in the next part and so on. The questions follow
the sequence of the passage.


Now you are ready to mark your answer sheet. ANSWER the easy question s firs. If you
dont know an answer, scan the passage again; look for the key word, read part s of the
passage if you still dont know GUESS. Do not leave any answer blank.

These strategies are easy to remember; just memorize PSRA Predict, Scan, Read and


Strategies for Reading Comprehension


Look at the introduction line.

Look at the question and answer options.

Scan the passage

Look for Key Words from the question.

Look for Key Words from the answer options.

Answer question (in your head, NOT on answer sheet).

Read the passage.

Read quickly, but carefully. Dont stop if you dont know a word.
Confirm your predictions.
Answer the questions on the answer sheet.
Answer the easy question first.
Guess if you dont know.

Now practice the PSRA strategy with the tellowing reading passages. There are more
questions on each reading passage in this book than on the TOEIC test. This will give you
more practice.

For each reading passage, you should circle the Key Words; answer the questions
in your head; time yourself as you read; and finally answer the questions.

Try to finish quickly. You should not spend more than one minute on each
question. At the most, you will have only three minutes to read the passage and answer ail
the questions. Try to do each passage in less than two minutes.

Problems Analyzing Reading Passages

The reading passage on the TOEIC test can be anything that is written in English. The
most likely types of the reading passages on the TOEIC test are :

1. Advertisements

2. Form

3. Reports

4. Letters, Faxes and Memos

5. Tables and Indexes

6. Charts and Graphs

7. Announcements and Notices

8. Newspaper and Magazines Articles

9. Schedules and Calendars

Those type of questions will be discussed in the next chapters of this book. Examples of
each type follow. Do the exercises for each for each Reading Comprehension problem.

Chapter 2

Questions on Advertisements

Advertisements on the TOEIC are similar to those found in magazines or newspapers.

You can find other examples in English-language newspaper and magazines and ask
yourself questions about the product s being advertised.


Part VII : Reading Comprehension

Choose the one best answer to each question.

Questions 1-2 refer to the following advertisement.


We introduce and distribute your products to 125,000

distributors in 155 countries, FREE !

For a FREE information kit call :

Tel : (310) 553-4434 Ext. 105 . Fax (310) 553-5535


1. Who is the advertisement written for ?

(A) Distributors A B C D

(B) Sales representatives

(C) Manufacturers

(D) Information specialists

2. How many countries are mentioned ?

(A) 125 A B C D

(B) 155

(C) 310

(D) 501

Chapter 3

Questions on Forms

A form is a template : a standard form that an individual adds information to. These could
include magazine subscription forms, purchase orders, immigration forms, hotel check-in
forms, telephone massage blank, etc.


Part VII : Reading Comprehension

Choose the one best answer to each question.

Question 1-4 refer to the following form.

Special Subscription Offer

Subscribe tothe journal that recently received the Editorial Excellence Award
from the Society of Industrial Designers.
YES! send me INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRY for 1 year (12 issues) at
just $48, a savings of 20% off the full cover price of $5.00.

Payment anclosad Bill me

Name : Anne Kwok

Title : Design Specialist
Company : Pharmaceutical Supply Co.
Address : Tong Chong Street
Quarry Bay Hong Kong

Please allow four weeks for first issue.

1. Why did Anne Kwok complete this form ? A B C D

(A) To win an award

(B) To apply for a design job

(C) To enroll in design school

(D) To receive a journal

2. How much is the full cover price per issue ?

(A) $4 A B C D

(B) $5

(C) $12

(D) $48

3. How long will it the full the first issue to arrive ?

(A) One week A B C D

(B) One month

(C) One Year

(D) Unknown

4. The magazine comes

(A) Daily A B C D

(B) Weekly

(C) Monthly

(D) Once a year

Chapter 4

Questions on Reports

A report is a short paragraph containing the kind of information that might be included in
a capsule summary. A report could appear in a newspaper; it could be part of a larger
document such as annual report; it could be most any kind of descriptive or narrative


Part VII : Reading Comprehension

Choose the one best answer to each question.

Question 1-3 refer to the following report.

In October, Market On-Line acquired Peptel Visual of Berlin, one of Europes

leading educational software companies. The deal calls for market (a $49 million
Toronto-based company) to pay $5 million up front for peptel and as much as $5
million up front for Peptel and as much as $5 million more over the next few
years, depending on the German companys performance. Peptel posted $4.2
million in sales last year.

1. If Performs well, what is the largest total price Market will have to pay ?

(A) $4.2 million A B C D

(B) $5 million

(C) $10 million

(D) $49 million

2. Peptel is based in

(A) Canada A B C D

(B) The United States

(C) Great Britain

(D) Germany

3. What field are these companies in ?

(A) Computers software A B C D

(B) Postal service

(C) Visual arts

(D) Toy manufacturing

Chapter 5

Questions on Letters

The TOEIC will generally always have one letter on the test. The important information
is generally contained in the body of the letter-the part between the greeting (Dear) and
the closing (Sincerely yours).


Part VII : Reading Comprehension

Choose the one best answer to each question.

Question 1-3 refer to the following letter

EUTECH, s.r.o.
Zborovska 23, 150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
Tel : (021) 513.2343 Fax : (02) 513.2334

December 3, 20__
Post Comptoir
43 Griffith Road
Dinsdale, Hamilton
North Island, New Zealand

Dear Sir or Madam :

We are interested in becoming distributors for your software products in the Czech
Republic. Would you please send us your latest catalogs, descriptive brochures,
and terms (syarat dan ketentuan/harga) ?

We are a hardware company that would like to add software to our sales offerings.
Out annual report is enclosed.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Peter Zavel

1. Which was NOT requested ?

(A) Catalogs A B C D

(B) Brochures

(C) Samples

(D) Pricing information

2. What does EUTECH sell now ?

(A) Software A B C D

(B) Computers

(C) Financial reports

(D) Printing services

3. EUTECH wants to

(A) distribute software A B C D

(B) manufacture computers

(C) purchase hardware

(D) receive an annual report

Chapter 6

Questions on Faxes

A fax (facsimile) is like a letter except it is delivered electronically on a fax machine. The
main difference in format is the additional piece of information that tells how many pages
were sent as part of a fax.


Part VII : Reading Comprehension

Choose the one best answer to each question.

Questions 1-4 refer to the following fax.


Avenida Diagonal 673-683
08028 Barcelona
Tel : (3) 318-4300
Fax : (3) 318-4308

To : All Board Members

From : Fernando Murillo
Accounting Department
Date : Octobers 23, 19__
Pages : This + 10
Ref : 19__ Budget

Please review the attached budget before the meeting tomorrow. The meeting will
begin Tuesday, October 24 at 10:00 a m. In room : 42 in Building 5. It was fast
through Thursday and will at 5.00 p.m. There will be a reception at the Solitel
Hotel Thursday evening.

1. Where will the meeting be held ?

(A) In Room 42 A B C D

(B) In Building B

(C) Next door

(D) At the softer Hotel

2. How many days will the meeting last ?

(A) Two A B C D

(B) Three

(C) Four

(D) Five

3. What day was the fax written?

(A) Monday A B C D

(B) Tuesday

(C) Thursday

(D) Friday

4. How many pages are in the whole fax ? A B C D

(A) One

(B) Two

(C) Ten

(D) Eleven

Chapter 7

Question in Memos

A memorandum (memo) is an internal form of communication that is sent from one

member of a company to a member of the same company. Today these memos
(memoranda) are other sent by computer. Computer mail is referred to as e-mail, short for
electronic mail.


Part VII : Reading Comprehension

Choose the one best answer to each question

Questions 1-4 refer to the following memorandum


To : All Personal

From : Simon Gonzales

Personal officer

Date : May 15, 19__

Sub : Company Travel

Effective June 1 all personal traveling on company business must use the most
economical means possible. No flights under five hours can be booked in Business
Class. No flights regardless of duration can be booked in first class or on the

1. If a flight is over five hours, What class can be booked ?

(A) Economy A B C D

(B) Business

(C) First

(D) Concorde

2. When will this rule go into effect ?

(A) In about two weeks A B C D

(B) At the end of the summer

(C) At the first of the year

(D) In five months

3. Why was this memo written ?

(A) To save time A B C D

(B) To save money

(C) To reward the company travel

4. Who is affected by this memo ?

(A) Only the Board of Directors A B C D

(B) Only frequent travelers

(C) Only the personnel department

(D) All personnel

Chapter 8

Question on Tables

The TOEIC will often have a table on the exam. A table is a compilation of data that is
useful for quick comparison. Tables could be on most any subject. Look for tables in
English-language newspapers or magazines or also material printed in your own


Part VII : Reading Comprehension

Choose the one best answer to each question

Question 1-4 refer to the following table


January 5

Amsterdam 5/41 3/37 c
Athens 13/55 8/46 sh
Bangkok 32/90 27/80 sh
Beijing 12/53 1/34 pc
Brussels 4/39 1/34 sh
Budapest 3/37 0/32 r
Frankfurt 3/37 1/34 r
Jakarta 29/84 24/75 sh
Kuala Lumpur 31/88 24/75 t
Madrid 9/48 1/34 sh
Manila 33/91 21/70 pc
Seoul 9/48 -2/29 s
Taipei 21/70 14/57 c
Tokyo 9/48 -2/29 pc
Weather : s-sunny; pc-partly cloudy; sh-showers; t-thunderstorms; r-rain

1. Which two cities were cloudy on January 5 ?

(A) Amsterdam and Taipei A B C D

(B) Beijing and Manila

(C) Athens and Tokyo

(D) Bangkok and Seoul

2. Which city had the highest temperature ?

(A) Athens A B C D

(B) Bangkok

(C) Jakarta

(D) Manila

3. Which city had the closest spread between high and low temperature ?

(A) Brussels A B C D

(B) Frankfurt

(C) Seoul

(D) Tokyo

4. Kuala Lumpur had A B C D

(A) sun

(B) thunderstorms

(C) rain

(D) showers

Chapter 9

Question on Indexes

An index is a compilation of information that people can use to find additional

information. A telephone book is an example or an index.


Part VII : Reading Comprehension

Choose the one best answer to each question

Questions 1-2 refer to the following index

Company Index

This index lists businesses mentioned in

this issue of Global Economy

Acme Power and Light 44

Allied Steel 53
Best Iron Ore Supply 56
Canadian Rail Service 83
Chemical Times 15
Consumers Electric 41
Ford Gas 4
Health. Inc 12
International Oil 16
Liberty Funds 46
Network Travel 52
Pride Hotels 76
TNT Air 34

1. This Index is most likely found in A B C D
(A) a magazine

(B) An interoffice memo

(C) A newsletter

(D) A book

2. What type of industries are NOT represented? A B C D

(A) Travel

(B) Computer

(C) Heavy industries

(D) Utilities industries

Chapter 10

Question on Charts

A chart can be either a table or a graph. Charts are found in most printed materials.


Part VII: Reading Comprehension

Choose the one best answer to each question

Question 1-2 refer to the following chart

Top Ten Companies in Total Sales

Top Ten Companies Sales (in billion)

Sankyu, Inc $2.890

Executive Jet $1.450

Inter Con $1.400

Continental, Ltd. $1.380

Hospital Supply $1.370

Tislak Leasing $1.300

Leber Bank $1.250

Euro Data $1.250

Inter Access $1.220

Tele Vide $1.200

1. What does this chart show? A B C D
(A) Selling price of companies

(B) Corporate salaries

(C) Relative position of successful companies

(D) Number of investors

2. What can be said about Sankyu, Inc? A B C D

(A) It performed better last year

(B) Its sales almost double the next ranking company

(C) Its sales are half as much as Tele Vide

(D) Its earnings equaled that of executive Jet

Chapter 11

Question of Graphs

A graphs, is a drawing that shows the relationship between variables. On the TOEICH
test there can be line graphs, bar graphs, or pie graphs.


Part VII: Reading Comprehension

Choose the one best answer to each question

Questions 1-2 refer to the following graph.


Insert Graph!!

1. Who would be most interested in reading this graph? A B C D
(A) Tourists

(B) Competing hotels

(C) Landscape architects

(D) Job hunters

2. According to this graph, Lowit A B C D

(A) is the top-ranking hotel chain

(B) is only in Latin America

(C) has less of a share than torte

(D) has one-quarter of the market

Chapter 12

Questions on Announcements

An announcement is similar to a report except it has more immediate information. There

is usually an announcement on the TOEIC test


Part VII: Reading Comprehension

Choose the one best answer to each question

Questions 1-4 refer to the following announcement

The Omnicable Company representatives said yesterday

that John A. Kaspar, its president and chief operating
officer, would resign on April 30. The announcement
added to speculation that the worlds third-largest cable
television system could be bought within a few weeks.
Mr. Kaspar, 62, said he was leaving after more than 22
years for personal reasons

1. What is the companys world ranking? A B C D

(A) 3

(B) 22

(C) 30

(D) 62

2. What might happen to the company A B C D
(A) It may be bought

(B) It may expand

(C) It may diversify

(D) It may become international

3. How long has Mr. Kasper worked for Omnicable? A B C D

(A) For a few weeks

(B) Since April 30

(C) Since he was 40

(D) 62 years

4. What kind of business is Omnicable? A B C D

(A) Communications

(B) Computer

(C) Manufacturing

(D) Service
Chapter 13

Question on Notices

A notice is information that the writer feels the general public of specific product users
must be made aware of. There are often notices attached to walls and public buildings or
enclosed with product literature.


Part VII: Reading Comprehension

Choose the one best answer to each question

Questions 1-2 refer to the following notice

Corporate Police Change

Moving Expenses. You can be reimbursed for your expenses of

moving to a new home only if your new home is at least 50 miles
away from your former home. In addition, expenses are limited to
the costs of moving your household goods and personal effects
from your former home to your new home. Meals pre-move
house hunting expenses, and temporary quarters expenses are no
longer reimbursable.

1. Who would be most affected by this notice? A B C D

(A) Hotel chains

(B) Furniture rental companies

(C) Real estate agents

(D) New employees moving from another city

2. Which of the following will be reimbursed? A B C D

(A) Lunch for the movers

(B) Shipping household goods

(C) Gas used looking for a house

(D) Hotel expenses

Chapter 14

Questions on Newspaper Articles

A Newspaper article is a passage written by a journalist for a newspaper. Usullay thetopic

is very current, but there are many kinds of newspaper: some out daily, others weekly.
Even companies may have their own internal newspaper which, because of their small
size, are often called newsletters.


Part VII: Reading Comprehension

Choose the one best answer to each question

Questions 1-3 refer to the following newspaper article

Before the fall of the Berlin Wall, boom can be attributed to the fact
East Berlin was like the rest of East that the national government of
Germany drab and depressed. Germany will move to Berlin. The
Today I is a different story. The are city will once again be Germanys
over 40 mayor construction projects leading city and a gateway to the
underway and investments in new expanding markets in Poland, the
construction are expected to Czech Republic, and other,
exceed $20 billion. Part of this countries east of the German border

1. According to the article, what caused the change in A B C D
East Berlin?

(A) Expanding markets in Poland

(B) Border Changes east of Germany

(C) The Completion of 40 construction projects

(D) The collapse of the Berlin Wall

2. Which is NOT given as a reason for increased A B C D


(A) The location of Berlin

(B) The destruction of the Berlin Wall

(C) The completion of 40 construction projects

(D) The collapse of the Berlin Wall

3. A sum of at least $ 20 billion will be invested in A B C D

(A) Moving the government

(B) New construction

(C) Expanding markets

(D) border control

Chapter 15

Questions on Magazine Articles

Like a newspaper article, a magazine article is written by a journalist. The topic could be
any subject.


Part VII: Reading Comprehension

Choose the one best answer to each question

Question 1-3 refer to the following magazine article

he information Highway is the road that links computer users to an
infinite number of on-line services using communication technology
like the telephone, cable lines, and satellite links. On the information
Highway a person sitting in from of this or her computer can have
access to news, electronic mail, public forums, and software, to
mention a few services. The lower prices of computers have put more
computers in the home and set the stage for the information revolution.
In 1994 only 4 million households used on-line services, but by 2000
that number should exceed 30 million. The growth potential in this
market is enormous

1. What is this article about? A B C D
(A) The information revolution

(B) Cheaper computers

(C) Traveling by high way in the 1990s

(D) The importance of news

2. What is described as enormous? A B C D

(A) The information highway

(B) The cable system

(C) The market potential

(D) The on-line services

3. According to the article, what has but more computers A B C D

in homes?

(A) Increased services

(B) Better software

(C) Lower costs

(D) The information revolution

Chapter 16

Question on Schedules

A schedule is a printed form with lists of information: stock prices, train departure times,
payment schedules, etc


Part VII : Reading comprehension

Choose the one best answer to each question

Questions 1-4 refer the following schedule

Airline Schedule

All Flights From : Mexico City

Reservations : 202- 1308

Lv Ar Flt(s) Stp(s) Miles/Frequency


11:10 7:20 +

Los Angeles 1552

8:00 9:59 345 0 Daily

5:10 6:53 57 0 Daily

6:55 8:56 377 0 X,67

Moscow 6653

10:10 10:30+ 782/34 C X,27

11:10 5:45 339/40 C 3


11:10 9:55+ 339/40 C 6021


x except

Boldface PM

+ - next day

1 Monday; 2 Tuesday ; 3 Wednesday; 4 Thursday; 5 Friday; 6 - Saturday

7 Sunday

1. Passengers Change planes in Los Angeles en route to A B C D

(A) Amsterdam

(B) Honolulu

(C) Moscow

(D) New York

2. Flight 40 make a stop in A B C D

(A) Mexico City

(B) Honolulu

(C) Los Angeles

(D) Zurich

3. It can be inferred that A B C D

(A) Flight 339 stops in Los Angeles

(B) The Moscow flights operate daily

(C) Flight 40 operates only on Wednesday

(D) Flight 44 originates in Los Angeles

4. The flights to Los Angeles A B C D

(A) do not operate on Wednesdays

(B) Make one stop

(C) Are longest in miles

(D) Are the shortest in miles

Chapter 17

Question on Calendars

A calendar is a from for keeping track of future events or activities. The calendar could be
personal, like a daily diary, or professional, like a timeline for completion of a project.


Part VII: Reading Comprehension

Choose the one best answer to each question

Questions 1-4 refer to the following calendar

1 2 3 4 5 6

Holiday 10:00 Mtg 11:00 Brkfst AM:Mtg

Golf w/JR w/Travel Fly to Rio Hotel Mtg With tour

agent Copa With hotel refs Guides

Assoc 12:City

tour 5:00 P.M

Flight home
7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Golf w/JR 7 A.M. 3 P.M. 6:00 A.M 10 A.M

at club 6 P.M. Brkfst mtg Meeting train to Ny 4 P.M Golf at

with agents
Company w/editor of Dr.s club
travel mag
dinner 8 P.M. Appointment

1. What filed is this person probably in? A B C D
(A) Tourism

(B) Medicine

(C) Education

(D) Sports

2. How many out-of-town trips are planned A B C D

(A) One

(B) Two

(C) Three

(D) Four

3. How many night will the person be away? A B C D

(A) One

(B) Two

(C) Three

(D) Four

4. For recreation this person probably A B C D

(A) Plays golf

(B) Dances

(C) Cooks

(D) Learns Portuguese

Chapter 18

Sample Questions and Explanation

This chapter will provide some sample questions on Part VII: Reading
Comprehension. The answer and the discussion is provided at the end of the chapter.

We are looking for a Canadian to join our Vancouver office as Controller. This is a
temporary contract lasting 8-9 months, starting June 1, 2003. The successful
candidate must have auto dealership experience. Job responsibilities include
preparation of monthly financial statements, cash flow, forecasts, account
analysis, and www control & supervision of our accounting department. You must
be organized and have excellent computer skills. Fax your resume to 604-222-

1. Question:
To whom does this advertisement apply?
(A) Car salesmen.
(B) Cahiers
(C) Canadians
(D) People without computer skills.
2. Question:
What should applicants do with their resume?
(A) Submit it by e-mail.
(B) Call the company and ask them what to do.
(C) Submit it in person.
(D) Submit it by fax.

Pasta Salad Serves 3-4

2 cups of cooked spiral pasta

cup of olive oil
1 tomato, chopped
1 red pepper, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 yellow onion, chopped
1 tablespoon of dried oregano
Salt and pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, toss gently, and season to

taste. Make 2-3 hours before serving, cover, refrigerate, and
allow to marinate. Serve with a dry white wine.

3 Question:
For how many diners is this recipe intended?
(A) One
(B) Two to three
(C) Three to four
(D) Four to five
4 Question:
What should be done before serving this dish?
(A) Let it warm in the oven for several hours.
(B) Add dry white wine.
(C) Keep it in a plastic bowl
(D) Allow it to marinate for a few hours.


To: Conference organizers
From: Marlene Simmons
Subject: Conference program

This is to remind you that I would like to have the first session
on Monday morning, July 15th. My presentation will be entitled
Time Management for Sales Professionals. I need
approximately two hours, one for the presentation and one for
the discussion and feedback.

Could you please put the Canadian and American sales targets
sessions together on the same day?

I would appreciate it if you would send me a copy of the

program when it is ready.

John Lee
John Lee
Can-Am Sales Manager

5 Question:
How much time is needed for the feedback part of the session?
(A) One hour
(B) One hour and a half
(C) Two hours
(D) All morning
6 Question:
When does the writer request that the sales targets sessions take place?
(A) July 14th
(B) July 15th
(C) July 16th
(D) July 17th



31 km east of Marysville at Skagit Falls
The Ministry of Transportation advises travelers of delays on
Highway #3, approximately 31 kilometers east of Marysville for rock
Minor delays: September 2 - October 3, 2003
Expect minor delays up to 20 minutes on weekdays from 8 am to 5
Two-hour closure: September 12, 2003
Highway #3 closed to all traffic from 9 am to 11 am for blasting.
Watch for overhead message signs and allow extra time to reach
your destination. Construction speed zone in effect. Watch for flag
persons and help keep our work zones safe!

7 Question:
Why will there be delays and closures on this highway?
(A) Because of an accident
(B) A new bridge will be built
(C) The highway will be paved.
(D) For rock stabilization.
8 Question:
When will the highway be closed completely?
(A) September 2nd
(B) September 12th
(C) October 3rd
(D) October 31st
9 Question:
What are motorists advised to do?
(A) Drive much faster to reach their destination.
(B) Ignore all traffic signs.
(C) Watch for road crews and pay attention to overhead messages.
(D) Take a plane instead of driving.


June 8, 2003
United Cookware, Ltd.
Customer Service Department
5555 Boundary Road,
Vancouver, BC
V7E 2J5

To whom it may concern,

Five weeks ago I made a catalog purchase from your company for a 45-piece
deluxe cookware set, item #1345. As of today I still have not received this
product. Your catalog specifically states that delivery in the Greater Vancouver
area should take no more than 3-5 days. I have sent several e-mail messages
to you and no one has even bothered to respond. I have also tried to contact
you by telephone but the line is always busy. This is simply unacceptable.
Your company has had my money for five weeks. Either send the sewing kit
immediately, or refund my credit card payment.
Thank you. I look forward to hearing from soon.
Martha Lyon
Ms. Martha Lyon

10 Question:
Approximately when did this customer place her order?
(A) January 8th
(B) May 1st
(C) May 8th
(D) June 8th
11 Question:
What is the purpose of this letter?
(A) To thank the company for excellent service.
(B) To request a new catalog with order forms.
(C) To request permission to return a product for a refund.
(D) To make a complaint about not receiving a product.


Interoffice Memo

To: All staff

From: Mr. J.P. Morgan
Date: February 27, 2003
Subject: lunch/coffee breaks

The general manager has asked me to remind all staff members that
Universal Office Equipment observes a 36-hour workweek, from 8:30 am to
4:30 pm Monday through Thursday, and 8:30 am to 5:30 pm on Friday. A
one-hour lunch period from 12 pm to 1 pm and two fifteen-minute coffee
breaks per day are permitted.

Individual employees may create different schedules ONLY with their

supervisors approval. Any deviation from the above company rules will not
be tolerated and disciplinary action may be taken against those who do not

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

12 Question:
What is the topic of this memo?
(A) Layoffs
(B) Break times
(C) Recruitment
(D) Approval
13 Question:
How many hours a week do the employees work?
(A) 26
(B) 27
(C) 26
(D) 40
14 Question:
Who must approve any schedule changes?
(A) Each individual employee
(B) The employees supervisor
(C) The director of personnel
(D) The general manager


Park Drive Hotel

Re: Annual Sales Conference

To whom it may concern,
We would like to confirm the arrangements discussed over the phone
earlier today for your annual sales conference to be held in our hotel
next month.

Monday, April 16th: morning session only
Tuesday, April 17th: morning and afternoon sessions
Wednesday, April 18th: morning and afternoon sessions

Mornings: 9 am 12 pm
Afternoons: 1:15 pm 4:15 pm

Sessions - The Ambassador RoomBuffet lunches Grand Dining
Room, 12 pm 1 pmBuffet dinners Grand Dining Room, 5:30 pm
7 pmSocial events Cocktail Party, Reception Hall, Monday, 7:30 pm

Would you please confirm the above scheduling details and let us
know what time you would like your coffee breaks?

Thank you.
Kathryn Ryman

15 Question:
What is the main purpose of this letter?
(A) To request confirmation for a conference schedule.
(B) To cancel a room reservation.
(C) To book a room at a hotel.
(D) To request payment for a service.

16 Question:
When will the conference be held?
(A) In February
(B) In March
(C) In April
(D) Next year
17 Question:
Where are the sessions going to be held?
(A) In the Grand Dining Room
(B) In the Reception Hall
(C) In the lobby
(D) In the Ambassador Room


The price of a good haircut in the 1950s was $3. That deal is here again today. Today
and tomorrow, Sukis Hair Studios in Kerrisdale, Orca Bay, Mt. Pleasant, Richmond
Hill, and Sukis on Main Street will offer select salon services at 1950s prices. Its a
good time to ask for a trendy 50s look, too! A portion of the proceeds (60%) will be
donated to the Young Futures program that helps fund after-school activities in low-
income areas of the city.

18 Question:
When will haircuts be available at 1950s prices?
(A) 1950
(B) Today only
(C) Tomorrow only
(D) Today and tomorrow
19 Question:
What percentage of the proceeds will fund the Young Futures
(A) 0%
(B) 3%
(C) 50%
(D) 60%


Whale Watching Tours

Join us for a 40 to 60 km, 5-hour trip aboard our modern 65 m

vessel: The Island Caper.

ONLY $70 per person! Book before June 1st and get $10 off!

If you dont see any whales, well keep taking you free until you

Call 1-888-223-5678 now for reservations.

Whale watching season starts June 5th and ends August 15th!

20 Question:
How long does a trip last?
(A) 40 minutes
(B) 60 minutes
(C) 65 minutes
(D) 5 hours
21 Question:
What is the cost if you book a trip before
June 1st?
(A) $40
(B) $60
(C) $65
(D) $70


C.E.O. says: Dont forget your backpack!

Its the biggest boardroom in the world but there are no tables and
no chairs. Larry Graham, Chief Executive Officer of the Link-Up
Group, holds his board meetings in the middle of the New
Hampshire countryside.

Its a grey, wet morning in Concord, New Hampshire. A group of

men are walking around a small lake. They are laughing and
joking. They are wearing boots and waterproof jackets. They look
like tourists. But it is Monday, 9am, and they are talking business.

Larry Graham, C.E.O. of Link-Up, is leading the group. Link-Up is

a recruitment agency with an annual turnover of $25 million a year.
The others are the board directors and senior managers. This top
New Hampshire company is holding a board meeting. Every three
months they spend a morning in the countryside, discussing a
wide variety of company issues. Graham is certain that these
board walks help his management team to work more efficiently.

22 Question:
Where does this company hold its board meetings
(A) In a lake
(B) In the countryside
(C) In a boardroom
(D) In New Jersey
23 Question:
What kind of company is described in the article?
(A) A recruitment agency
(B) A law firm
(C) A tour company
(D) An outdoor equipment company
24 Question:
How often do they hold this kind of meeting?
(A) Once a year
(B) Twice a year
(C) Three times a year
(D) Four times a year


Our best 5-year mortgage. A great rate without haggling.

Getting a good deal feels pretty good. But getting the best deal
- without haggling feels even better! At Metro Bank we want
everyone to feel that way. So we offer our lowest 5-year fixed
rate upfront on our Best Rate Mortgage.

It doesnt matter if youre purchasing a home, transferring your

mortgage from another bank, refinancing, or simply renewing.
Youre automatically offered this exceptional fixed rate for a full
five-year term.

Weve made it easy for you to get our best rate. Come in and
see one of our mortgage specialists today. And if youre
purchasing a home, dont forget to ask about our Home Buyer
Incentive of up to $750!

25 Question:
What does this advertisement want people to do?
(A) Sell their home.
(B) Obtain a mortgage through this bank.
(C) Visit the bank and haggle for a good mortgage rate.
(D) Go to another bank and inquire about mortgage rates.
26 Question:
What benefit is NOT mentioned?
(A) A $750 incentive for home buyers
(B) A mortgage specialist can visit you at home
(C) A fixed rate is offered for five years
(D) A haggle-free deal


A business plan can serve several purposes: In the world of banking and
venture capital, business plans play a very important role for people who
are trying to secure start-up funding from banks or investors. The better
the business plan, the better the chances of getting a big initial

For smaller companies, who luckily do not need to rely on outside funding
to get started, a business plan serves more as a company blueprint. It
identifies the companys purpose, products, market, and goals. It also lists
the steps the company plans to take to reach those goals.

Before you start writing a business plan, you will need to decide what
purpose your business plan is going to serve. If you are writing a formal
business plan to obtain financing, you will need to be much more
concerned about detail and format than if you are just preparing one for
your personal use. There are a number of business plan resources that
can be found in full-length books on the subject and on the Internet. Be
sure to look at several of these and then follow the format that you think
best matches your own objectives.

Once you have written your business plan you will be surprised at how
often you refer to it. It will become your battle plan, as well as the tool
you will to measure how close you are to meeting your goals or by how
much you are surpassing them!

27 Question:
What is the primary focus of this passage?
(A) How to write a book
(B) Obtaining financing for a new business
(C) The importance of writing a business plan
(D) Internet marketing
28 Question:
Which of the following is NOT mentioned as part of a company blueprint?
(A) Identification of the companys market.
(B) Identification of the companys main competitors.
(C) Identification of the companys products.
(D) Identification of the companys purpose.

29 Question:
According to the article, what should one do before writing a business
(A) Decide what purpose the plan will serve.
(B) Go to the bank
(C) Talk to some friends
(D) Think of a name for the company


The Toronto Tribune Newspaper

Online Classified Ads Order Form

Rates: $1 per word per day. Minimum charge is $15
for 15 words or fewer.

Deadline: 3 pm daily for next day insertion

Postal code___________________
Number of days ad will run________
Start date__________________
Section _________________________________
Ad text _________________________________

E-mail info Clear form

A customer service representative will call you within
24 hours to confirm your advertisement, provide you
with a full cost quotation, and verify your credit card
or other payment information.

To contact a member of the Toronto Tribune

Classified Ads team, click here: ____

30 Question:
How much would a message containing 30 words cost?
(A) $3 every day it is run (C) $30 daily
(B) $15 per day (D) $75 from Monday to Friday

31 Question:
When should the advertiser submit the form?
(A) Before 3 pm the day before publication
(B) Before 3 pm the day of publication
(C) Anytime
(D) Within 24 hours of publication
32 Question:
How is this order form to be submitted?
(A) By regular mail
(B) By fax
(C) By phone
(D) Through the Internet



Parts returned by a customer for any reason must be returned

postage paid by the customer. We gladly exchange or refund any
parts with which you are not satisfied as long as those parts are
returned in the original condition within 20 days of the original
shipping date. Be sure to include a copy of your purchase invoice!
Shipping charges are non-refundable. Any items that are returned for
refund without a valid reason are subject to a 15% restocking charge.

Ship to: Jitney Auto Parts, 137 Industrial Ave., Calgary, Alberta T3A

33 Question:
What is the topic of this notice?
(A) How to place an order
(B) How to return a product
(C) A description of products for sale
(D) A bargain sale

34 Question:
According to the notice, which of the following is NOT true?
(A) There is no restocking charge for refunds without a valid reason.
(B) Parts must be returned within 20 days for a refund.
(C) Customers must pay for return shipping.
(D) An invoice must be included with the return.


San Francisco-based computer chipmaker Micron Corporation

has agreed to invest $150 million US in a memory-chip joint
venture between Chinas PGC Ltd. and Shenzhou Corporation.
The investment by Micron Capital, the venture-capital division
of one of the worlds largest chipmakers, will go toward
expanding Infinite Memory Inc.s manufacturing capacity,
Infinite Memory spokesperson Jiang Chen said yesterday.
Infinite Memory was launched in 1998 as a 50-50 joint venture
between PGC and Shenzhou at a time when Chinese
chipmakers were struggling with intense market competition
from South Korean and Japanese manufacturers.

35 Question:
Where is Micron Corporation based?
(A) In China
(B) In South Korea
(C) In Japan
(D) In San Francisco
36 Question:
According to the passage, what will be provided by this agreement?
(A) A partnership with a Japanese manufacturer
(B) A settlement with unionized workers
(C) A joint venture with two Chinese computer chipmakers
(D) The creation of a new company
37 Question:
Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Micron will invest $150 billion US in the joint venture.
(B) Infinite Memory started in 1998.
(C) Chinese chipmakers struggled with competition from American
manufacturers in the late 1990s.
(D) This announcement was made last week.


Chicago trip to SynGen Corporation

Provisional Schedule forMr. J.P. Morgan

Day One (March 12th)

TWA Flight 213 London to Chicago
Dep. 12:45
Arr. 18.00
SynGen car at airport; meet driver at information desk
Prince Hotel - 3 nights
Dinner at hotel with Mr. Roberts (Export Sales Manager, SynGen), 20:00

Day Two (March 13th)

09:00 - SynGen car at hotel Visit SynGen Head Office
09:45 - Meet Mr. Roberts and Ms. Armstrong Discuss new software
12:45 - Lunch with Ms. Armstrong
15:00 17:30 - Visit R&D departmentEvening Jazz concert

Day Three (March 14th)

Morning free12:00 Meet SynGen driver, visit SynGen sales office
13:00 16:00 Seminar in Meeting Room 3 at SynGen: Integrated
Solutions. 17:30 Dinner with seminar participant

Day Four (March 15th )

06:45 Taxi to airportTWA Flight 131 Chicago New York London
Dep. 08:55
Arr. 21:40
Company car at airport, Level 3, return home

38 Question:
At what time will Mr. Morgan have dinner with Mr. Roberts?
(A) 09:45
(B) 12:45
(C) 18:00
(D) 20:00
39 Question:
Who will Mr. Morgan meet for lunch with on March 13th?
(A) Mr. Roberts
(B) Seminar participants
(C) SynGen driver
(D) Ms. Armstrong

40 Question:
Where will the seminar take place?
(A) At the hotel.
(B) After meeting Mr. Roberts
(C) In Meeting Room 3 at SynGen
(D) Level 3 at the airport

Answers and Discussion

1. (C) The advertisement states that they are looking for a Canadian to join
their company. Choice (A) is incorrect because the ad says they are want to hire
a controller, not a car salesman. Choice (B) is not mentioned, and tries to
confuse you with the phrase cash flow. Choice (D) is contradicted by the fact that
applicants must have excellent computer skills.
2. (D) The last line of the advertisement asks applicants to fax their resume
to the company. Choices (A), (B), and (C) are not mentioned.
3. (C) At the top right corner of the recipe it says it serves 3-4. Choices (A),
(B), and (D) are not mentioned.
4. (D) The recipe says to make this salad 2-3 hours before serving and allow
it to marinate. Choice (A) is not mentioned. Choice (B) is incorrect because you
are to serve the salad with a dry white wine, NOT add the wine to it. Choice (C) is
not mentioned; the recipe does not specifically require a plastic bowl.
5. (A) The writer of this letter requests a time slot of approximately two
hours, one hour of which will be for discussion and feedback. The other
options are thus incorrect.
6. (B) In the letter the writer says, Could you please put the Canadian and
American sales targets sessions together on the same day? Since this
session is to take place on July 15th, choice (B) is the correct answer here.
7. (D) The notice states that the there will be delays and closures on this
highway because of rock stabilization work. Choices (A), (B), and (C) are not
8. (B) The notice states that the highway will be closed to all traffic from 9
am to 11 am on September 12. Choices (A) and (C) try to confuse you with
other dates mentioned in the notice. Choice (D) is not mentioned.
9. (C) Choices (A) and (B) would not make sense in this situation. Choice (D)
is not mentioned, either.
10. (B) Since the letter is dated June 8th, choice (C) would be the best

answer here. Choice (A) is incorrect because this date is approximately five
months ago, not five weeks ago. Choice (C) would only be four weeks ago, not
five. Choice (D) is the date of this letter.
11. (D) The overall theme of this letter is that it is a complaint about not receiving a
product purchased from a catalog. Choice (A) is contradicted by the sentence this is
completely unacceptable. Choice (B) is not mentioned. Choice (C) is incorrect because
the writer has not received the product so would not make this type of request under the
12. (B) In the subject line of this memo you can read lunch/coffee breaks.
The other choices are thus incorrect.
13. (C) The memo states that this company observes a 36-hour workweek.
The other choices are not mentioned.
14. (B) The memo states that individual employees may create different
schedules ONLY with their supervisors approval. This is contradicted by
choice (A). Choices (C) and (D) are not mentioned.
15. (A) The writer of this letter says that she would like to confirm the
arrangements discussed over the phone. The other choices are not
16. (C) This letter is dated March 2nd, and refers to a sales conference
being held at this hotel next month. Therefore, (C) is the only correct answer.
17. (D) Under the heading Venue you can see that the sessions will be held
in the Ambassador Room. Choices (A), (B), and (C) are not where the sessions
will be held.
18. (D) The notice says that today and tomorrow, Sukis Hair Studios will
offer select salon services at 1950s prices. Choice (A) would not make sense
in this context. Choices (B) and (C) are contradicted by the phrase today and
19. (D) The last line of the passage states that a portion of the proceeds
(60%) will be donated to the Young Futures program. Choice (A) would not
make sense in this context. Choice (B) tries to confuse you with the price of a
haircut. Choice (C) tries to confuse you with 50s. Choice (D) is the answer to the
previous question.
20. (D) The ad states that this is a 5-hour trip. The other choices refer to
numbers found elsewhere in the ad.
21. (B) This trip costs $70 per person but if you book a trip before June 1st
you get $10 off. Therefore, $60 is the correct answer. The other answer choices
try to confuse you with other numbers from the passage.
22. (B) The article says that the board meetings are held in the middle of the
New Hampshire countryside. Choice (A) is incorrect because it would be
impossible to hold a board meeting in a lake. Choices (C) and (D) are

contradicted by the phrase holds his board meetings in the middle of the New
Hampshire countryside.
23. (A) The article states that Link-Up is a recruitment agency. The other
answer choices are thus incorrect.
24. (D) The article says every three months they spend a morning in the
countryside. Since there are twelve months in a year, we could also say that this
company holds a board meeting four times a year. The other answer choices are
not mentioned.
25. (B) This advertisement tries to convince people to come to this bank for
the best mortgage rate. Choice (A) is not mentioned. Choice (C) is contradicted
by the title which says a great rate without haggling. Choice (D) would not make
sense in this context.
26. (B) The ad does not mention home visits by mortgage specialists. The
other answer choices are all mentioned.
27. (C) The overall theme of this passage is that writing a business plan is a
good idea. Choices are (A) and (D) are irrelevant. Choice (B) is a supporting
28. (B) The article does not specifically mention identification of the
companys main competitors. The other three choices are specifically
mentioned in the passage.
29. (A) The article says before you start writing a business plan, you will
need to decide what purpose your business plan is going to serve. Choices
(B), (C), and (D) are sensible but not mentioned in the passage.
30. (C) According to this form, the rate is $1 per word per day. A message
containing thirty words would then cost $30 daily. Thus, (C) is the only correct
answer here.
31. (A) The form says that the deadline is 3 pm daily for next day insertion.
This implies that an advertiser should submit the form before 3 pm the day before
publication. Choice (B) is contradicted by the day before publication. Choice (C)
is incorrect because there is a deadline. Choice (D) is not mentioned.
32. (D) Key phrases that tell you this form is to be submitted through the
Internet (e-mail) include online classified ads order form, e-mail info, and
click here. The other answer choices are thus not applicable for this particular
33. (B) This notice is titled Returns and describes the procedure for
returning a product to this company. Choice (A) is incorrect because this
notice applies to goods already purchased. Choices (C) and (D) are not related to
this notice.
34. (A) Choice (A) is not true because the notice states that items that are

returned for refund without a valid reason are subject to a 15% restocking
charge. The other choices are true according to the notice.
35. (D) The announcement says San Francisco-based computer chipmaker
Micron Corporation. The other answer choices are counties mentioned in the
passage but are not where this company is based, which is in the USA.
36. (C) This announcement gives details about a memory-chip joint venture
between Chinas PGC Ltd. and Shenzhou Corporation. The other answer
choices are not mentioned in the passage.
37. (B) The passage says that Infinite Memory was launched in 1998.
Launched means the same as started in this context. (A) is not true because
Micron will invest $150 million US, not $150 billion US. Choice (C) is not true
because Chinese chipmakers struggled with competition from South Korean and
Japanese manufacturers, not American manufacturers. Choice (D) is not true
because this announcement was made yesterday, not last week.
38. (D) On Day One, the schedule says dinner at the hotel with Mr. Roberts,
20:00. The other answer choices try to confuse you with times mentioned
elsewhere in the schedule.
39. (C) On Day Three, the schedule says visit SynGen sales office
seminar at Syngen. Choices (A), (B), and (D) are therefore incorrect.
40. (D) On Day Two, the schedule says lunch with Ms. Armstrong. Choice (A)
is incorrect because Mr. Morgan will meet Mr. Roberts for dinner on Day One, not
lunch on Day Two. Choices (B) and (C) are incorrect because the schedule says
Mr. Morgan will meet Ms. Armstrong only for lunch on that day.


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