IBM Maximo Adapter For Primavera - Ref Guide PDF

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IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera

ii IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera

Chapter 1. IBM Maximo Adapter for The Maximo Asset Management base table for
Primavera 7.1 product overview . . . . 1 exporting craft roles . . . . . . . . . . 29
The Maximo Asset Management PLUSVSESSION
table for importing EPS nodes . . . . . . . 31
Chapter 2. User interface changes with The Maximo Asset Management table for
IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera . . . 3 exporting labor and crafts . . . . . . . . 33
The PLUSVLOGIC table for importing logic . . 34
Chapter 3. Administering . . . . . . . 5 The Maximo Asset Management table for
Customizing user preferences . . . . . . . . . 5 exporting project expenses . . . . . . . . 35
Query names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The Maximo Asset Management PLUSVSESSION
Defining projects in Maximo and Primavera Project table for importing new activities . . . . . . 36
Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 The Maximo Asset Management PLUSVCACHE
Creating relationships between tasks on projects . 7 table for transferring resources . . . . . . . 37
Tracking project progress . . . . . . . . . 8 The Maximo Asset Management WORKORDER
Transferring data between Maximo and Primavera . 8 Table for exporting tasks . . . . . . . . . 38
Importing data from Primavera . . . . . . . 9 The Maximo Asset Management table for
Exporting data to Primavera Project Management 11 exporting tools as resources . . . . . . . . 39
Appending result sets . . . . . . . . . . 14 The Maximo Asset Management PLUSVSESSION
Updating projects . . . . . . . . . . . 15 table for exporting work breakdown structure
Overwriting projects . . . . . . . . . . 16 (WBS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
EPS detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 The Maximo Asset Management WORKORDER
Options for exporting data . . . . . . . . . 18 Table for importing work breakdown structure
Data transfer requirements and restrictions . . . . 20 (WBS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Deleting projects in Maximo and in Primavera The Maximo Asset Management PLUSVSESSION
Project Management . . . . . . . . . . . 21 table for transferring the work order hierarchy . 40
Excluding data from Primavera Project Management 22
Specifying scheduling information for tasks . . . 22 Chapter 4. Notices for IBM Maximo
Defining custom mapping . . . . . . . . . 23 Adapter for Primavera 7.1 . . . . . . 43
Checking error details . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Data transfer tables . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Data transfer customization: PLUSVMAP Table 24
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
The Maximo Asset Management WORKORDER
table for importing activities . . . . . . . . 27

iv IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera
Chapter 1. IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera 7.1 product
With IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera, you can view, schedule and work
with Primavera Project Management data from within IBM Maximo Asset
Management. The Maximo Adapter for Primavera integrates the work
management of Maximo Asset Management with the resource levelling and
scheduling of Primavera.

With the Maximo Adapter for Primavera, you can perform the following tasks:
v Integrate Maximo Asset Management work orders, preventive maintenance (PM)
records, assets, resources, and calendars with Primavera. In Primavera, work
orders and PM records are referred to as activities.
v Create Maximo Asset Management work orders from activities in Primavera.
v Update data in the Maximo Asset Management database with the new
schedules, logic, and activities from Primavera.
v Link operational maintenance activities that are defined in Maximo Adapter for
Primavera with project work that is planned in Primavera.
Related reference
Chapter 2, User interface changes with IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera, on
page 3
When you install IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera some new fields and tabs
are added to the user interface.

2 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera
Chapter 2. User interface changes with IBM Maximo Adapter
for Primavera
When you install IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera some new fields and tabs
are added to the user interface.
Table 1. Tabs added to the Maximo Asset Management user interface
Tab name Applications Function
Primavera v Work Order Tracking (PV) Controls the transfer of data
between Maximo Adapter for
v Preventive Maintenance
Primavera and Primavera
v Labor
Logic v Work Order Tracking (PV) Holds logic information
between tasks
v Job Plans (PV)

Fields are also added to the Work Order Tracking (PV), Labor, and Locations (PV)
applications to hold Primavera data.
Related concepts
Chapter 1, IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera 7.1 product overview, on page 1
With IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera, you can view, schedule and work with
Primavera Project Management data from within IBM Maximo Asset Management.
The Maximo Adapter for Primavera integrates the work management of Maximo
Asset Management with the resource levelling and scheduling of Primavera.

4 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera
Chapter 3. Administering
Customizing user preferences
Each user can create custom settings in IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to
exclude particular data from Primavera Project Management.
1. On the List tab of the Labor application, run a query to select the labor records
that you want to work with.
2. In the Labor application, click the Primavera tab.
3. Select from the following options for the data that you want to exclude:
v Exclude Milestone Generation on Primavera
Used with Workorders export to Activities. If you want the WBS structure
created but not the milestones, select this check box. If Workorders export to
Activities is not selected, work orders are transferred into a WBS structure
and milestones are created from target start and finish dates.
v Exclude Export of Duplicate Projects
If selected, any projects existing in Primavera Enterprise Project Manager are
not exported.
v Exclude Labor from Primavera Resource Pool
If selected, labor records are not transferred to Primavera Enterprise Project


After you set the user preferences, the preferences will be in effect the next time
you perform an export procedure.
Related tasks
Configuring settings for exporting purchase constraints on page 13
You can configure settings in the Primavera Site Options dialog box in IBM
Maximo Adapter for Primavera for exporting purchase constraints to Primavera
Project Management. You can control when the purchase constraints are exported,
based on purchase line items, requisition line items, or both.

Query names
The IBM Maximo Asset Management query function can be used to create queries
for work orders or PM records that are exported to Primavera Project Management.
When the selection criteria is defined, it is recommended that you save the query
with a name that uses a project reference so that the selection criteria can be reused
for the given project. It is recommended that you use a naming convention that
distinguishes Primavera integration queries from other queries.

Related tasks
Transferring data between Maximo and Primavera on page 8
There are several methods for transferring data between IBM Maximo Asset
Management and Primavera Project Management.

Defining projects in Maximo and Primavera Project Management

A project is a collection of one or more work orders. The project logic establishes
the relationships between the work orders. You can define a project when you
export work orders to Primavera Project Management.

About this task

If you export a work order to create a project, that project name is the selected
work order ID or the ID of the parent work order. The project description is the
work order description or the parent work order description and the project
planned start date is the date that you exported the work orders.
1. On the List tab of the Work Order Tracking (PV) application, run a query to
select the work orders that you want to export to the new project.
2. In the Work Order Tracking application, click.
3. From the Primavera tab, go to the Export tab and expand the EPS node in
which you want the new project to be.
4. Select the appropriate options from the options list.
5. In the Primavera EPS Detail section, choose one of the following export
functions to export your data:

Option Description
Work Orders Export creates a new project in Click Work Orders Export.
Primavera for each work order in the query
result set.
Project Export creates a new project in Specify the project name, project description,
Primavera that includes all work orders in and planned start date and then click
the query result set. Project Export. If you do not specify a
planned start date, the current date is used
as the planned start date on the project.


After you have confirmed the action, the project is created in Primavera.

6 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera

Related concepts
Data transfer requirements and restrictions on page 20
There are several requirements and restrictions on what data can be transferred
between IBM Maximo Asset Management and Primavera Project Management.
EPS detail on page 17
The Enterprise Project Structure (EPS) is a framework in the Primavera product
that contains details of the projects that are in the database and the ownership of
those projects. When a project is created, it is assigned to an EPS node. Every time
that you transfer data between IBM Maximo Asset Management and Primavera
Project Management, you should verify that the Enterprise Project Structure (EPS)
into which you plan to transfer data exists in Primavera.
Related tasks
Appending result sets on page 14
You can use the IBM Maximo Asset Management to append a result set to a
project. When you append a work order to a project, you are creating new
activities in Primavera Project Management.
Transferring data between Maximo and Primavera on page 8
There are several methods for transferring data between IBM Maximo Asset
Management and Primavera Project Management.
Exporting data to Primavera Project Management on page 11
You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to export IBM Maximo Asset
Management data to Primavera Project Management. The only data that can be
exported includes the actual start date, the actual finish date, scheduled start,
scheduled finish, and constraint dates.
Overwriting projects on page 16
You can use the overwrite functionality to overwrite a project in Primavera Project
Management that was created by exporting the project from IBM Maximo Asset
Management. When you overwrite a project, all work orders are removed but all
the project details, such as notes and logs are maintained.

Creating relationships between tasks on projects

The relationships between tasks on a work order is called logic in IBM Maximo
Asset Management. You can add relationships in Primavera Project Management
and export them to Maximo Asset Management where they can be viewed on the
Logic tab. All dates that are based on the relationships that are generated in
Primavera can be exported and stored also in Maximo Asset Management. You can
add logic in Maximo Asset Management but Maximo Asset Management does not
display the relationships through a visual component as in Primavera.

About this task

The Logic tab in the Job Plans (PV) application and the Logic tab in the Work
Order Tracking (PV) application provide the same functionality. You can begin this
process from either application.

Valid values for the type of relationship are the following:

v FF - Finish to Finish: The completion of the To Task activity depends on the
completion of the From Task activity.
v FS - Finish to Start: The start of the To Task activity depends on the completion
of the From Task activity.
v SF - Start to Finish: The To Task activity cannot complete until the From Task
activity starts.

Chapter 3. Administering 7
v SS - Start to Start: The start of the To Task activity depends on the start of the
From Task activity.
1. Go into the Job Plans (PV) or the Work Order Tracking (PV) application. Select
the job plan or work order for which you want to create logic.
2. On the Logic tab, in the Logic for Job Plan name section or Logic for Work
Order name section, click New Row.
3. Enter the information in the fields to indicate the relationship between the two
4. Optional: Enter a number in the Lag field to indicate the number of hours
required before the subsequent activity can start.
5. Save your changes.

What to do next

If you want to view the logic for a particular job plan or work order, you can view
that information on the Logic tab.
Related reference
The PLUSVLOGIC table for importing logic on page 34
Predecessor and successor constraints are imported from Primavera Project
Management to the IBM Maximo Asset Management WORKORDER table as task
records and to the PLUSVLOGIC table.

Tracking project progress

You can check the progress of your project by looking at the percent complete for
the work orders that make up that project.
1. In the Work Order Tracking (PV) application, click the Work Order tab.
2. In the Scheduling Information section, check the % Complete for the work
Related tasks
Specifying scheduling information for tasks on page 22
You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to specify scheduling
information for selected tasks including target, actual and scheduled start and
finish dates, primary constraint and constraint date, the duration and the percent

Transferring data between Maximo and Primavera

There are several methods for transferring data between IBM Maximo Asset
Management and Primavera Project Management.

8 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera

Related concepts
Data transfer requirements and restrictions on page 20
There are several requirements and restrictions on what data can be transferred
between IBM Maximo Asset Management and Primavera Project Management.
Query names on page 5
The IBM Maximo Asset Management query function can be used to create queries
for work orders or PM records that are exported to Primavera Project Management.
When the selection criteria is defined, it is recommended that you save the query
with a name that uses a project reference so that the selection criteria can be reused
for the given project. It is recommended that you use a naming convention that
distinguishes Primavera integration queries from other queries.
Related tasks
Appending result sets on page 14
You can use the IBM Maximo Asset Management to append a result set to a
project. When you append a work order to a project, you are creating new
activities in Primavera Project Management.
Defining projects in Maximo and Primavera Project Management on page 6
A project is a collection of one or more work orders. The project logic establishes
the relationships between the work orders. You can define a project when you
export work orders to Primavera Project Management.
Exporting data to Primavera Project Management on page 11
You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to export IBM Maximo Asset
Management data to Primavera Project Management. The only data that can be
exported includes the actual start date, the actual finish date, scheduled start,
scheduled finish, and constraint dates.
Importing data from Primavera
You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to import information from
Primavera Project Management. The types of information that you can import
include logic, activities, schedule dates, and actual dates. Activities are imported as
work orders.
Updating projects on page 15
You can use Update Work Order/Task Options to update a project. The update
process only changes work orders that currently exist in the project. It does not
create new data or new work orders.
Related reference
Data transfer customization: PLUSVMAP Table on page 24
You can use the PLUSVMAP table to customize the transfer of data between IBM
Maximo Asset Management and Primavera Project Management. Because the
information must be entered into the table manually, a System Administrator or
equally qualified person must enter the data.
The Maximo Asset Management PLUSVCACHE table for transferring resources
on page 37
Craft, labor, tools, and calendars are transferred from IBM Maximo Asset
Management base tables to the PLUSVCACHE table.

Importing data from Primavera

You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to import information from
Primavera Project Management. The types of information that you can import
include logic, activities, schedule dates, and actual dates. Activities are imported as
work orders.

Chapter 3. Administering 9
About this task

The Primavera activity ID is used as the work order number for the imported
work orders.
1. In the Work Order Tracking (PV) application, click the Primavera tab.
2. From the Projects tab, select a project for which you want to import
3. From the Import Work Order Items field, select from the appropriate options.
4. Click Import.


After you confirm the action, the data is imported to Maximo Asset Management.
Related concepts
EPS detail on page 17
The Enterprise Project Structure (EPS) is a framework in the Primavera product
that contains details of the projects that are in the database and the ownership of
those projects. When a project is created, it is assigned to an EPS node. Every time
that you transfer data between IBM Maximo Asset Management and Primavera
Project Management, you should verify that the Enterprise Project Structure (EPS)
into which you plan to transfer data exists in Primavera.
Related tasks
Exporting data to Primavera Project Management on page 11
You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to export IBM Maximo Asset
Management data to Primavera Project Management. The only data that can be
exported includes the actual start date, the actual finish date, scheduled start,
scheduled finish, and constraint dates.
Importing new activities from Primavera Project Management
You use the Import Work Order Options option to import new activities from
Primavera Project Management into IBM Maximo Asset Management via the IBM
Maximo Adapter for Primavera.
Transferring data between Maximo and Primavera on page 8
There are several methods for transferring data between IBM Maximo Asset
Management and Primavera Project Management.

Importing new activities from Primavera Project Management

You use the Import Work Order Options option to import new activities from
Primavera Project Management into IBM Maximo Asset Management via the IBM
Maximo Adapter for Primavera.
1. On the List tab of the Work Order Tracking (PV) application, run a query to
select the work orders that you want to export to the new project.
2. From the Primavera tab, go to the Export tab and expand the EPS node for the
project that contains the new activities that you want to import.
3. In the Projects tab, in the Import Work Order Options field, click Import.


After you confirm the action, the activities are imported to Primavera.

10 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera

Related tasks
Importing data from Primavera on page 9
You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to import information from
Primavera Project Management. The types of information that you can import
include logic, activities, schedule dates, and actual dates. Activities are imported as
work orders.
Related reference
The Maximo Asset Management WORKORDER table for importing activities on
page 27
Activities are imported from Primavera Project Management to the IBM Maximo
Asset Management WORKORDER table as task records.

Exporting data to Primavera Project Management

You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to export IBM Maximo Asset
Management data to Primavera Project Management. The only data that can be
exported includes the actual start date, the actual finish date, scheduled start,
scheduled finish, and constraint dates.

About this task

If you do not want to export all the child work orders and their content, you can
check Exclude work order hierarchy to exclude all child work orders from the
export procedure.
1. On the List tab of the Work Order Tracking (PV) application, run a query to
select the work orders that you want to export to the new project.
2. From the Primavera tab, go to the Export tab and expand the EPS node in
which you want the new project to be.
3. Select the appropriate options from the options list.
4. In the Primavera EPS Detail section, choose one of the following export
functions to export your data:

Option Description
Work Orders Export creates a new project in Click Work Orders Export.
Primavera for each work order in the query
result set.
Project Export creates a new project in Enter the project name, project description,
Primavera that includes all work orders in and planned start date and then click
the query result set. Project Export. If you do not enter a
planned start date, the current date is used
as the planned start date on the project.


After you have confirmed the action, the project is exported to Primavera.

Chapter 3. Administering 11
Related concepts
EPS detail on page 17
The Enterprise Project Structure (EPS) is a framework in the Primavera product
that contains details of the projects that are in the database and the ownership of
those projects. When a project is created, it is assigned to an EPS node. Every time
that you transfer data between IBM Maximo Asset Management and Primavera
Project Management, you should verify that the Enterprise Project Structure (EPS)
into which you plan to transfer data exists in Primavera.
Related tasks
Appending result sets on page 14
You can use the IBM Maximo Asset Management to append a result set to a
project. When you append a work order to a project, you are creating new
activities in Primavera Project Management.
Checking error details on page 24
If you receive an error message after an export procedure, you can check the
details of these errors on the Exception tab.
Configuring settings for exporting purchase constraints on page 13
You can configure settings in the Primavera Site Options dialog box in IBM
Maximo Adapter for Primavera for exporting purchase constraints to Primavera
Project Management. You can control when the purchase constraints are exported,
based on purchase line items, requisition line items, or both.
Defining projects in Maximo and Primavera Project Management on page 6
A project is a collection of one or more work orders. The project logic establishes
the relationships between the work orders. You can define a project when you
export work orders to Primavera Project Management.
Excluding data from Primavera Project Management on page 22
You can create custom settings in IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to exclude
particular data from Primavera Project Management.
Importing data from Primavera on page 9
You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to import information from
Primavera Project Management. The types of information that you can import
include logic, activities, schedule dates, and actual dates. Activities are imported as
work orders.
Transferring data between Maximo and Primavera on page 8
There are several methods for transferring data between IBM Maximo Asset
Management and Primavera Project Management.
Related reference
The Maximo Asset Management base table for exporting craft roles on page 29
IBM Maximo Asset Management crafts are exported to Primavera Project
Management as roles. When Maximo Asset Management crafts are exported as
roles, they are collected under a single Primavera role heading called MAXCRAFT.
The Maximo Asset Management table for exporting project expenses on page 35
IBM Maximo Asset Management material costs are exported to Primavera Project
Management as expenses. When Maximo Asset Management materials are
exported to Primavera, they are summarized as activity expenses.
Options for exporting data on page 18
You can customize how you export data using the data export options on the
Export sub-tab of the Primavera tab.
The Maximo Asset Management WORKORDER Table for exporting tasks on
page 38
Work orders identified in the PLUSVSESSION table as tasks (EXP_TASK) are
exported to Primavera Project Management as activities.

12 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera

The Maximo Asset Management table for exporting tools as resources on page 39
IBM Maximo Asset Management tools are exported to Primavera Project
Management as resources. Maximo Asset Management tools are collected under a
single Primavera role heading called MAXTOOLS.
The Maximo Asset Management PLUSVSESSION table for transferring the work
order hierarchy on page 40
Parent work orders and the hierarchy of sub work orders are transferred from IBM
Maximo Asset Management base tables to the PLUSVSESSION table.

Configuring settings for exporting purchase constraints

You can configure settings in the Primavera Site Options dialog box in IBM
Maximo Adapter for Primavera for exporting purchase constraints to Primavera
Project Management. You can control when the purchase constraints are exported,
based on purchase line items, requisition line items, or both.
1. On the List tab in the Organizations (PV) application, select an organization.
2. From the Select Action menu, select Primavera Site Options.
3. In the Transfer Purchase Constraints To Primavera Based On section, select
the one option that you want from the following:
v Purchase Line Item
If selected, purchase constraint activities are created in Primavera only when
the purchase line item is tied to a work order task that is being exported to
v Requisition Line Item
If selected, purchase constraint activities are created in Primavera only when
the requisition line item is tied to a work order task that is being exported to
v Both Purchase and Requisition
If selected, purchase constraint activities are created in Primavera when
either the purchase line item or the requisition line item is tied to a work
order task that is being exported to Primavera.
v None
If selected, no purchase constraint activities are created in Primavera. This is
the default option.
4. To specify a constraint type, click Select Value to display a list of valid values.
5. Click OK.


After the settings have been configured, the purchase constraints will be exported
as configured during the next export process.

Chapter 3. Administering 13
Related tasks
Configuring settings for exporting purchase constraints on page 13
You can configure settings in the Primavera Site Options dialog box in IBM
Maximo Adapter for Primavera for exporting purchase constraints to Primavera
Project Management. You can control when the purchase constraints are exported,
based on purchase line items, requisition line items, or both.
Exporting data to Primavera Project Management on page 11
You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to export IBM Maximo Asset
Management data to Primavera Project Management. The only data that can be
exported includes the actual start date, the actual finish date, scheduled start,
scheduled finish, and constraint dates.
Customizing user preferences on page 5
Each user can create custom settings in IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to
exclude particular data from Primavera Project Management.

Appending result sets

You can use the IBM Maximo Asset Management to append a result set to a
project. When you append a work order to a project, you are creating new
activities in Primavera Project Management.
1. On the List tab of the Work Order Tracking (PV) application, run a query to
select the work orders that you want to append to the project.
2. On the Primavera tab, click the Projects tab. Expand the project to which you
want to append the selected work orders.
3. In the Modify Project section, click Append.


After you confirm the action, the result set is appended to the project.

14 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera

Related concepts
Data transfer requirements and restrictions on page 20
There are several requirements and restrictions on what data can be transferred
between IBM Maximo Asset Management and Primavera Project Management.
Related tasks
Transferring data between Maximo and Primavera on page 8
There are several methods for transferring data between IBM Maximo Asset
Management and Primavera Project Management.
Defining projects in Maximo and Primavera Project Management on page 6
A project is a collection of one or more work orders. The project logic establishes
the relationships between the work orders. You can define a project when you
export work orders to Primavera Project Management.
Exporting data to Primavera Project Management on page 11
You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to export IBM Maximo Asset
Management data to Primavera Project Management. The only data that can be
exported includes the actual start date, the actual finish date, scheduled start,
scheduled finish, and constraint dates.
Updating projects
You can use Update Work Order/Task Options to update a project. The update
process only changes work orders that currently exist in the project. It does not
create new data or new work orders.
Related reference
Options for exporting data on page 18
You can customize how you export data using the data export options on the
Export sub-tab of the Primavera tab.

Updating projects
You can use Update Work Order/Task Options to update a project. The update
process only changes work orders that currently exist in the project. It does not
create new data or new work orders.

About this task

The parent work orders, or PM records that you want to transfer to Primavera
Project Management must be listed on the List tab in the Work Order Tracking
(PV) or Preventive Maintenance (PV) application. Child work orders are
transferred to Primavera Project Management only as part of a hierarchy. Child
work orders listed on the List tab are not transferred to Primavera Project

The activity changes that are transferred are as follows.

v All activity resource assignments
v Maximo named activity codes
v Activity fields defined in the standard integration and in the PLUSVMAP table

The update happens in two phases. The first phase identifies all activities created
in IBM Maximo Asset Management and their associated resource assignments. The
resource assignments are deleted from the adapter table. This approach does not
affect any activity information that was added through Primavera Project
Management. The second phase inserts activity information created in Maximo
Asset Management into the adapter table, including resource assignments.

Chapter 3. Administering 15
1. On the List tab of the Work Order Tracking (PV) application, run a query to
select the work orders that you want to export to the new project.
2. From the Primavera tab, go to the Projects tab and select a project that you
want to update.
3. In the Update Work Order/Task Options section, select what you want to
v Update cost only
v Update all
v Update all except
If you choose Update all except, select the check boxes that correspond to the
items that you want to exclude from the update.
You can also choose to append new data from query results and update
existing data by selecting the Append on update check box.
Related tasks
Transferring data between Maximo and Primavera on page 8
There are several methods for transferring data between IBM Maximo Asset
Management and Primavera Project Management.
Appending result sets on page 14
You can use the IBM Maximo Asset Management to append a result set to a
project. When you append a work order to a project, you are creating new
activities in Primavera Project Management.
Related reference
Options for exporting data on page 18
You can customize how you export data using the data export options on the
Export sub-tab of the Primavera tab.

Overwriting projects
You can use the overwrite functionality to overwrite a project in Primavera Project
Management that was created by exporting the project from IBM Maximo Asset
Management. When you overwrite a project, all work orders are removed but all
the project details, such as notes and logs are maintained.

About this task

The following items are replaced when you overwrite a project:

v Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
v Activities
v Resource assignments
v Activity codes
v Predecessor and successor logic

One advantage to using the overwrite function is that when the new project is
exported, rather than exporting all the data, only the changed data is exported,
which simplifies the process and cuts down on processing time.
1. In the Work Order Tracking (PV) application, click on the Primavera tab.
2. From the Projects tab, select the project that you want to overwrite.
3. In the Overwrite section, click Overwrite Project.

16 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera


After you confirm the action, the project is overwritten.

Related concepts
EPS detail
The Enterprise Project Structure (EPS) is a framework in the Primavera product
that contains details of the projects that are in the database and the ownership of
those projects. When a project is created, it is assigned to an EPS node. Every time
that you transfer data between IBM Maximo Asset Management and Primavera
Project Management, you should verify that the Enterprise Project Structure (EPS)
into which you plan to transfer data exists in Primavera.
Related tasks
Deleting projects in Maximo and in Primavera Project Management on page 21
You can delete a project from IBM Maximo Asset Management and Primavera
Project Management at the same time. If you delete a project, you delete the
relationships between the work orders that make up the project. The work orders
are not actually deleted.
Defining projects in Maximo and Primavera Project Management on page 6
A project is a collection of one or more work orders. The project logic establishes
the relationships between the work orders. You can define a project when you
export work orders to Primavera Project Management.

EPS detail
The Enterprise Project Structure (EPS) is a framework in the Primavera product
that contains details of the projects that are in the database and the ownership of
those projects. When a project is created, it is assigned to an EPS node. Every time
that you transfer data between IBM Maximo Asset Management and Primavera
Project Management, you should verify that the Enterprise Project Structure (EPS)
into which you plan to transfer data exists in Primavera.

The EPS and the Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) must be defined in
Primavera Project Management and then imported into IBM Maximo Asset
Management before data can be exported to Primavera. You must keep the EPS
detail up-to-date in Maximo Asset Management.

Refresh the EPS details from the Export tab before any transfer operation.

Chapter 3. Administering 17
Related concepts
Data transfer requirements and restrictions on page 20
There are several requirements and restrictions on what data can be transferred
between IBM Maximo Asset Management and Primavera Project Management.
Related tasks
Defining projects in Maximo and Primavera Project Management on page 6
A project is a collection of one or more work orders. The project logic establishes
the relationships between the work orders. You can define a project when you
export work orders to Primavera Project Management.
Deleting projects in Maximo and in Primavera Project Management on page 21
You can delete a project from IBM Maximo Asset Management and Primavera
Project Management at the same time. If you delete a project, you delete the
relationships between the work orders that make up the project. The work orders
are not actually deleted.
Exporting data to Primavera Project Management on page 11
You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to export IBM Maximo Asset
Management data to Primavera Project Management. The only data that can be
exported includes the actual start date, the actual finish date, scheduled start,
scheduled finish, and constraint dates.
Importing data from Primavera on page 9
You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to import information from
Primavera Project Management. The types of information that you can import
include logic, activities, schedule dates, and actual dates. Activities are imported as
work orders.
Overwriting projects on page 16
You can use the overwrite functionality to overwrite a project in Primavera Project
Management that was created by exporting the project from IBM Maximo Asset
Management. When you overwrite a project, all work orders are removed but all
the project details, such as notes and logs are maintained.
Related reference
The Maximo Asset Management PLUSVSESSION table for importing EPS nodes
on page 31
Use the IBM Maximo Asset Management crafts are exported to PLUSVSESSION
table to import EPS nodes from Primavera Project Management to Maximo Asset
Management. The PLUSVSESSION table holds project and parent work order
information. When a project is selected to import into Maximo Asset Management,
the relevant row is retrieved from the PLUSVSESSION table and the PV_PROJ_ID
is used to retrieve the project from Primavera.

Options for exporting data

You can customize how you export data using the data export options on the
Export sub-tab of the Primavera tab.
Table 2. Data export options on the Export tab
Option name Status Notes
Work orders export to Optional If selected, all work orders and tasks are
activities created as activities in Primavera; no WBS
structure is created. As a result, milestones
are not generated in Primavera.

18 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera

Table 2. Data export options on the Export tab (continued)
Option name Status Notes
Import new activities from Optional If selected, the option Import new
Primavera activities from Primavera sets the
corresponding option, Import Primavera
Activities As New WO Tasks in the
project record that is created on Maximo
Asset Management. When you import a
project from the Projects tab, the Import
Primavera Activities As New WO Tasks
option is already checked.
Include Primavera logic on Optional If selected, the option Include Primavera
import logic on import sets the corresponding
option, Import Primavera Logic Between
WO Tasks in the project record that is
created on Maximo Asset Management.
When you import a project from the
Projects tab, the Import Primavera Logic
Between WO Tasks option is already
Exclude work order Optional If selected, child work orders are not
hierarchy included in the export to Primavera unless
they satisfy the query condition.
Allocate New Wonum Optional If selected, work order numbers are
automatically generated for new task work orders that
are imported into Maximo Asset
Calculate remaining units Optional If selected, actual labor hours are used to
from reported actual hours calculate labor remaining units and labor
remaining units and time.
SQL Where clause to filter Optional If completed, the where clause is used to
child WOs and tasks determine the child work orders and tasks
to include with the work orders that are
selected for transfer. Any valid field of a
work order can be used in the where
clause as well as standard SQL logical
Specify cost transfer method Select one This option determines whether costs are
option. transferred from Maximo Asset
Management to Primavera and the level of
detail of the costs.
Transfer Detail Labor Optional If selected, detailed actual labor hours are
Transactions transferred from Maximo Asset
Management to Primavera. To enable this
option, the Transfer Detailed Work Order
and Task Costs cost transfer method must
be selected and the Exclude Labor from
Primavera Resource Pool option on the
Primavera tab in the Labor application
must be empty.

Chapter 3. Administering 19
Related tasks
Exporting data to Primavera Project Management on page 11
You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to export IBM Maximo Asset
Management data to Primavera Project Management. The only data that can be
exported includes the actual start date, the actual finish date, scheduled start,
scheduled finish, and constraint dates.
Appending result sets on page 14
You can use the IBM Maximo Asset Management to append a result set to a
project. When you append a work order to a project, you are creating new
activities in Primavera Project Management.
Updating projects on page 15
You can use Update Work Order/Task Options to update a project. The update
process only changes work orders that currently exist in the project. It does not
create new data or new work orders.

Data transfer requirements and restrictions

There are several requirements and restrictions on what data can be transferred
between IBM Maximo Asset Management and Primavera Project Management.
v Project maintenance (PM) records
To transfer PM records from Maximo Asset Management to Primavera, in the
Preventative Maintenance (PV) application, the following settings must be
The Estimated Next Due Date (that is located on the Time Based Frequency
sub-tab of the Frequency tab) must be set to a future date.
The Extended Date on the Frequency tab must equal the current date.
Adjust Next Due Date must be selected.
PM records in a hierarchy and PM records not in a hierarchy can be exported.
All PM records and job plans that you want to export must be active.
v Purchase order lines
If a work order is referenced on a purchase order line and the work order is
exported to a project in Primavera, the purchase order line becomes a constraint
activity in Primavera with a Finish-Start relationship to the work order activity.
For example: In Maximo Asset Management, PO 1068 line 1 references work
order 1032. When the project is exported, both the PO line and the work order
become activities in Primavera. The PO activity is created with a Finish-Start
relationship to activity 1032.
v Labor, crafts, and tools
All labor, crafts, and tools are exported to Primavera the first time there is an
export from Maximo Asset Management. If a resource changes in Maximo Asset
Management, the corresponding record in Primavera changes on the next export
from Maximo Asset Management.
v Calendars
If the mxe.primavera.exportcalendars parameter in the MAXPROP table is set to
Y then all calendars are exported to Primavera the first time there is an export
from Maximo Asset Management to Primavera. If a calendar changes in Maximo
Asset Management, the corresponding calendar in Primavera changes on the
next export from Maximo Asset Management.
v Dates
Actual start, actual finish, scheduled start, scheduled finish, and constraint dates
are the only date fields that are exported from Maximo Asset Management to

20 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera

Primavera. Projects that are imported back into Maximo Asset Management
update the scheduled or actual dates depending on the status of the activity in
Primavera. If the activity is not started, the scheduled dates are changed with
the values that are imported from Primavera. If an activity is started, the actual
dates are changed with the values that are imported from Primavera. Target
dates are never affected by importing a project into Maximo Asset Management.
Related concepts
EPS detail on page 17
The Enterprise Project Structure (EPS) is a framework in the Primavera product
that contains details of the projects that are in the database and the ownership of
those projects. When a project is created, it is assigned to an EPS node. Every time
that you transfer data between IBM Maximo Asset Management and Primavera
Project Management, you should verify that the Enterprise Project Structure (EPS)
into which you plan to transfer data exists in Primavera.
Related tasks
Appending result sets on page 14
You can use the IBM Maximo Asset Management to append a result set to a
project. When you append a work order to a project, you are creating new
activities in Primavera Project Management.
Defining projects in Maximo and Primavera Project Management on page 6
A project is a collection of one or more work orders. The project logic establishes
the relationships between the work orders. You can define a project when you
export work orders to Primavera Project Management.
Transferring data between Maximo and Primavera on page 8
There are several methods for transferring data between IBM Maximo Asset
Management and Primavera Project Management.
Related reference
Data transfer customization: PLUSVMAP Table on page 24
You can use the PLUSVMAP table to customize the transfer of data between IBM
Maximo Asset Management and Primavera Project Management. Because the
information must be entered into the table manually, a System Administrator or
equally qualified person must enter the data.

Deleting projects in Maximo and in Primavera Project Management

You can delete a project from IBM Maximo Asset Management and Primavera
Project Management at the same time. If you delete a project, you delete the
relationships between the work orders that make up the project. The work orders
are not actually deleted.
1. Open the Work Order Tracking (PV) application and click the Primavera tab.
2. On the Project tab, select the project that you want to delete. Expand the
project detail.
3. In the Modify Projects section, click Delete.

Chapter 3. Administering 21
Related concepts
EPS detail on page 17
The Enterprise Project Structure (EPS) is a framework in the Primavera product
that contains details of the projects that are in the database and the ownership of
those projects. When a project is created, it is assigned to an EPS node. Every time
that you transfer data between IBM Maximo Asset Management and Primavera
Project Management, you should verify that the Enterprise Project Structure (EPS)
into which you plan to transfer data exists in Primavera.
Related tasks
Overwriting projects on page 16
You can use the overwrite functionality to overwrite a project in Primavera Project
Management that was created by exporting the project from IBM Maximo Asset
Management. When you overwrite a project, all work orders are removed but all
the project details, such as notes and logs are maintained.

Excluding data from Primavera Project Management

You can create custom settings in IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to exclude
particular data from Primavera Project Management.
1. In the Labor application, click the Primavera tab.
2. Select from the following options for the data that you want to exclude:
v Exclude Milestone Generation on Primavera
Used with Workorders export to Activities. If you want the WBS structure
created but not the milestones, select this check box. If Workorders export to
Activities is not selected, work orders are transferred into a WBS structure
and milestones are created from target start and finish dates.
v Exclude Export of Duplicate Projects
If selected, any projects existing in Primavera are not exported.
v Exclude Labor from Primavera Resource Pool
If selected, labor records are not transferred to Primavera.


After these settings are configured, they will go into effect during the next export
Related tasks
Exporting data to Primavera Project Management on page 11
You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to export IBM Maximo Asset
Management data to Primavera Project Management. The only data that can be
exported includes the actual start date, the actual finish date, scheduled start,
scheduled finish, and constraint dates.

Specifying scheduling information for tasks

You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to specify scheduling
information for selected tasks including target, actual and scheduled start and
finish dates, primary constraint and constraint date, the duration and the percent

About this task

Actual start, actual finish, scheduled start, scheduled finish,and constraint dates are
the only date fields that are exported from IBM Maximo Asset Management to
22 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera
Primavera Project Management. Projects that are imported into Maximo Asset
Management change the scheduled or actual dates depending on the status of the
activity in Primavera. If the activity is not started, the scheduled dates are changed
with the values imported from Primavera. If an activity is started, the actual dates
are changed with the values imported from Primavera. Target dates are never
affected by importing a project into Maximo Asset Management.
1. On the List tab of the Work Order Tracking (PV) application, run a query to
select the work orders that contain the tasks for which you want to specify
scheduling information.
2. Click the Plans tab. The Plans tab is populated with a list of tasks for the
selected work orders.
3. Select a task and expand the detail for that task.
4. In the Scheduling Information section, enter the appropriate information.
Related tasks
Tracking project progress on page 8
You can check the progress of your project by looking at the percent complete for
the work orders that make up that project.

Defining custom mapping

Custom mapping of additional data between IBM Maximo Asset Management and
Primavera Project Management is available through a dialog box at the site level in
Maximo Asset Management. Access must be granted to the Primavera Custom
Map for Sites for the appropriate group or groups before you can define custom
1. In the Organizations (PV) application, select the organization that you want to
work with on the List tab.
2. The organization record opens on the Organization tab. From the Select Action
menu, select Primavera Custom Map for Sites.
3. In the Primavera Custom Map for Sites dialog box, enter the following
required information:
v Maximo Asset Management Field
v Primavera Object
v Primavera Field
v Transaction Type
v Maximo Asset Management Type
v Primavera Type
4. Click OK.


After you define the custom mapping, the custom mappings are incorporated into
the next export procedure.

Chapter 3. Administering 23
Related reference
Data transfer customization: PLUSVMAP Table
You can use the PLUSVMAP table to customize the transfer of data between IBM
Maximo Asset Management and Primavera Project Management. Because the
information must be entered into the table manually, a System Administrator or
equally qualified person must enter the data.

Checking error details

If you receive an error message after an export procedure, you can check the
details of these errors on the Exception tab.
1. In the Work Order Tracking (PV) application, click the Primavera tab.
2. On the Exception tab, enter the information pertaining to the work orders for
which you received an error in the search fields.
3. The following read only attributes display on the Exception tab:
v Primavera Exception The error from the Primavera API.
v Maximo Exception The translation of the Primavera exception.
v Created Date The date and time the error was encountered during the
v Created By The user who performed the transfer.
Related tasks
Exporting data to Primavera Project Management on page 11
You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to export IBM Maximo Asset
Management data to Primavera Project Management. The only data that can be
exported includes the actual start date, the actual finish date, scheduled start,
scheduled finish, and constraint dates.

Data transfer tables

You can work with the several tables in IBM Maximo Asset Management to
customize data transfer.

Data transfer customization: PLUSVMAP Table

You can use the PLUSVMAP table to customize the transfer of data between IBM
Maximo Asset Management and Primavera Project Management. Because the
information must be entered into the table manually, a System Administrator or
equally qualified person must enter the data.

The flow of data that is supported by the PLUSVMAP table is as follows:

Table 3. The flow of data from Maximo to Primavera
Maximo Asset Management to Primavera
Work order tasks >> Activities
LABOR >> Labor resource
CRAFT >> Labor resource and roles
TOOLS >> Non-labor resource

24 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera

Table 4. The flow of data from Primavera to Maximo
Primavera to Maximo Asset Management
Activities >> Work order tasks

The PLUSVMAP mapping runs after the adapter completes the standard updates
and inserts into Primavera for an export or Maximo Asset Management for an
import. Spare fields in the respective applications are intended to be used to
customize data transfer. However, the process can be overwritten. If this is done,
the client must take full responsibility for doing so.
Table 5. The PLUSVMAP table for customizing data transfer
PLUSVMAP table Notes
PLUSVMAP_ID Unique identifier for each row
PVMAP_ID The ID field, entered by user
DESCRIPTION Description of the new mapping
MXMBO Maximo Asset Management object. Use one
of the following: WORKORDER, TOOL,
MXFIELD Field name for the Maximo Asset
Management object. Value entered must be
in all caps.
PVOBJECT Primavera API Business Object. Use one of
the following: ACTIVITY, RESOURCE, WBS
PVFIELD Field name for the Primavera API Business
Object. Value entered is case-sensitive.
TRANSACTIONTYPE Use one of the following: IMPORT, EXPORT
Use one of the following:

<BLANK> - if PV_FIELD defines a

Primavera API attribute of a permitted class

VARIABLE - if PV_FIELD refers to a virtual


LITERAL - if PV_FIELD holds a literal value

MXTYPE See the following table for permitted
Maximo Asset Management/Primavera type
PVTYPE See following table for permitted Maximo
Asset Management/Primavera type pairings
Use one of the following:

<BLANK> - current transaction stops if

value for current mapping is null

SKIPIFNULL - current transaction continues

if value for current mapping is null

Chapter 3. Administering 25
Table 6. Permitted Maximo Asset Management/Primavera Class Type Pairings
Maximo Asset Management Class Type
(MXTYPE) Primavera Class Type (PVTYPE)
Double Percent
Double Cost
Double UnitsPerTime
String Objectid
Double Unit
Double Duration
Date EndDate
Date BeginDate
String PercentCompleteType
String ActivityStatus
String ConstraintType
String RelationshipType
String DurationType
String ActivityType
String CalendarType
String ResourceType
String UDF_Text
Double UDF_Number
Date UDF_StartDate
Date UDF_FinishDate
Date Date
Integer Integer
String String
Double Double

All values are case-sensitive.

The following example shows the PLUSVMAP table that contains customized data
transfer settings.
Table 7. Example of PLUSVMAP table with customized data transfer settings
1 Status to WORKORDER STATUS Activity Feedback EXPORT String String SKIPIFNULL
2 Status to TOOL DESCRIPTION Resource ResourceNotes
to MX

26 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera

Table 7. Example of PLUSVMAP table with customized data transfer settings (continued)
4 WO WORKORDER LEADCRAFT Activity v_activityCode
EXPORT Variable String String SKIPIFNULL
6 Set WORKORDER WO2 Activity Y IMPORT Literal String String
7 Location WORKORDER LOCATION Activity user_text1 EXPORT Double Duration SKIPIFNULL
8 Location WORKORDER LOCATION Activity v_activityCode
9 Status WORKORDER STATUS Activity v_activityCode
EXPORT Variable String String SKIPIFNULL
10 Priority WORKORDER WOPRIORITY Activity v_activityCode
EXPORT Variable String String SKIPIFNULL
11 Work WORKORDER WORKTYPE Activity v_activityCode
EXPORT Variable String String SKIPIFNULL
12 Supervisor WORKORDER SUPERVISOR Activity v_activityCode
EXPORT Variable String String SKIPIFNULL
13 Purchase WORKORDER WO1 Activity v_activityCode
EXPORT Variable String String SKIPIFNULL
14 Null the WORKORDER CREWID Activity PrimaryResourceObjectid

Related concepts
Data transfer requirements and restrictions on page 20
There are several requirements and restrictions on what data can be transferred
between IBM Maximo Asset Management and Primavera Project Management.
Related tasks
Defining custom mapping on page 23
Custom mapping of additional data between IBM Maximo Asset Management and
Primavera Project Management is available through a dialog box at the site level in
Maximo Asset Management. Access must be granted to the Primavera Custom
Map for Sites for the appropriate group or groups before you can define custom
Transferring data between Maximo and Primavera on page 8
There are several methods for transferring data between IBM Maximo Asset
Management and Primavera Project Management.

The Maximo Asset Management WORKORDER table for

importing activities
Activities are imported from Primavera Project Management to the IBM Maximo
Asset Management WORKORDER table as task records.

Chapter 3. Administering 27
Table 8. WORKORDER table for importing activities
Primavera table Notes
Table Column Column
TASK TASK_ID Set to Used for Logging only
does not exist in Maximo Asset
Management, this activity was
created in Primavera. The value
of the TASK_CODE is used to
create a new task work order
does not exist in Maximo Asset
Management, this activity was
created in Primavera. The value
of the TASK_CODE is used to
create a new task work order
does not exist in Maximo Asset
Management, this activity was
created in Primavera. The value
of the WBS_SHORT_NAME is
used to create a new task work
order record.
TASK TASK_TYPE Set to Used for detecting

28 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera

Related tasks
Importing new activities from Primavera Project Management on page 10
You use the Import Work Order Options option to import new activities from
Primavera Project Management into IBM Maximo Asset Management via the IBM
Maximo Adapter for Primavera.
Related reference
The Maximo Asset Management PLUSVSESSION table for importing new
activities on page 36
New activities are imported from Primavera Project Management to the IBM
Maximo Asset Management WORKORDER table as task records. When a project is
selected for import into Maximo Asset Management, the relevant row is retrieved
from the PLUSVSESSION table and the PVPROJID is used to retrieve the project
from Primavera. If the project contains an activity which does not exist in Maximo
Asset Management, a new task record is created in Maximo Asset Management.

The Maximo Asset Management base table for exporting craft

IBM Maximo Asset Management crafts are exported to Primavera Project
Management as roles. When Maximo Asset Management crafts are exported as
roles, they are collected under a single Primavera role heading called MAXCRAFT.
Table 9. The Maximo table for exporting craft roles
Maximo base table Primavera Notes
Table Column Table Column
Role ID

Related concepts
Resource records for exported crafts
If a resource record exists in Primavera Project Management for a craft that you are
exporting, the resource record is updated. If a resource record does not exist in
Primavera, one can be created during the export procedure.
Related tasks
Exporting data to Primavera Project Management on page 11
You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to export IBM Maximo Asset
Management data to Primavera Project Management. The only data that can be
exported includes the actual start date, the actual finish date, scheduled start,
scheduled finish, and constraint dates.
Related reference
The Maximo Asset Management table for exporting labor and crafts on page 33
IBM Maximo Asset Management labor and crafts are exported to Primavera Project
Management as resources. Maximo Asset Management labor and crafts are
collected under a single Primavera role heading called MAXLABOR.

Resource records for exported crafts

If a resource record exists in Primavera Project Management for a craft that you are
exporting, the resource record is updated. If a resource record does not exist in
Primavera, one can be created during the export procedure.

Chapter 3. Administering 29
Whether the Schedule by Work Location check box is selected or not determines
which resource records are created in Primavera. The Schedule by Work Location
check box is accessed through Organizations (PV)> List tab > Select Action menu
> Primavera Options > System Options. Access must be granted to Primavera
Options and System Options for the appropriate groups before you can use the
Schedule by Work Location check box.

During an export procedure, resource records are handled in one of three ways:
v If a resource record exists in Primavera for a craft that is being exported, the
resource record is updated.
v If the Schedule by Work Location check box is not selected, a resource record is
created in Primavera for the craft record that is specified on the work order or
task. The craft standard rate is included on the resource record. In a
multi-organization environment where duplicate crafts with different standard
rates could exist, only the first craft record is exported to Primavera.
v If the Schedule by Work Location check box is selected, the location specified
on the task is checked for a work location prefix value. If a prefix exists, it is
appended to the beginning of the craft to create a resource record in Primavera.
If the task location does not have a work location prefix, the location of the
parent is checked for a work location prefix. If it has a work location prefix, the
work location of the parent is appended to the craft specified on the task to
create the resource record. The craft standard rate is included on the resource

Example 1 shows a work location prefix for all locations. Schedule by Work
Location is selected for the organization.
Table 10. Work location prefixes for example 1
Location Work Location Prefix
Users Site BEDFORD
Locations under site BEDFORD ADDR01


Work Location Prefix for ADDR01 MX1
Work Location Prefix for ADDR02 MX2
Work Location Prefix for ADDR03 MX3
Craft MECH

Table 11. Resource records for example 1 that are exported to Primavera

Example 2 shows one location without a work location prefix. Schedule by Work
Location is selected for the organization.

30 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera

Table 12. Work location prefixes for example 2
Location Work Location Prefix
Users Site BEDFORD
Locations under site BEDFORD ADDR01


Work Location Prefix for ADDR01 MX1
Work Location Prefix for ADDR02 null
Work Location Prefix for ADDR03 MX3
Craft MECH

Table 13. Resource Records for example 2 that are exported to Primavera

Related reference
The Maximo Asset Management base table for exporting craft roles on page 29
IBM Maximo Asset Management crafts are exported to Primavera Project
Management as roles. When Maximo Asset Management crafts are exported as
roles, they are collected under a single Primavera role heading called MAXCRAFT.
The Maximo Asset Management table for exporting labor and crafts on page 33
IBM Maximo Asset Management labor and crafts are exported to Primavera Project
Management as resources. Maximo Asset Management labor and crafts are
collected under a single Primavera role heading called MAXLABOR.

The Maximo Asset Management PLUSVSESSION table for

importing EPS nodes
Use the IBM Maximo Asset Management crafts are exported to PLUSVSESSION
table to import EPS nodes from Primavera Project Management to Maximo Asset
Management. The PLUSVSESSION table holds project and parent work order
information. When a project is selected to import into Maximo Asset Management,
the relevant row is retrieved from the PLUSVSESSION table and the PV_PROJ_ID
is used to retrieve the project from Primavera.
Table 14. The PLUSVSESSION table for importing EPS nodes
Primavera table Notes
Table Column Column

Chapter 3. Administering 31
Table 14. The PLUSVSESSION table for importing EPS nodes (continued)
Primavera table Notes
Table Column Column
PV_USER_ID Set to the Primavera
integration user name
specified in the labor
record for the
Maximo Asset
Management user.
MX_CREATED Set to the current
date and time
MX_USERNAME Maximo Asset
Management user
MX_UPDATED Date and time when
the project is
MX_WONUM Work order number
or task ID
MXS0 Extra field
MXS1 Extra field
MXS2 Extra field
MXS3 Extra field
MXS4 Extra field
MXS5 Extra field
MXS6 Extra field
MXS7 Extra field
MXS8 Extra field
MXS9 Extra field
ORGID Organization ID

32 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera

Related concepts
EPS detail on page 17
The Enterprise Project Structure (EPS) is a framework in the Primavera product
that contains details of the projects that are in the database and the ownership of
those projects. When a project is created, it is assigned to an EPS node. Every time
that you transfer data between IBM Maximo Asset Management and Primavera
Project Management, you should verify that the Enterprise Project Structure (EPS)
into which you plan to transfer data exists in Primavera.

The Maximo Asset Management table for exporting labor and

IBM Maximo Asset Management labor and crafts are exported to Primavera Project
Management as resources. Maximo Asset Management labor and crafts are
collected under a single Primavera role heading called MAXLABOR.
Table 15. Craft mapping
Maximo base table Primavera Notes
Table Column Table Column
Resource ID

Table 16. Labor mapping

Maximo base table Primavera Notes
Table Column Table Column
RSRC ROLE_ID Set to the
Primavera Role
ID that
corresponds to
Resource ID

Chapter 3. Administering 33
Related concepts
Resource records for exported crafts on page 29
If a resource record exists in Primavera Project Management for a craft that you are
exporting, the resource record is updated. If a resource record does not exist in
Primavera, one can be created during the export procedure.
Related reference
The Maximo Asset Management base table for exporting craft roles on page 29
IBM Maximo Asset Management crafts are exported to Primavera Project
Management as roles. When Maximo Asset Management crafts are exported as
roles, they are collected under a single Primavera role heading called MAXCRAFT.

The PLUSVLOGIC table for importing logic

Predecessor and successor constraints are imported from Primavera Project
Management to the IBM Maximo Asset Management WORKORDER table as task
records and to the PLUSVLOGIC table.
Table 17. Mappings for importing logic
Primavera PLUSVLOGIC table Notes
Table Column Column
PVPREDTYPE Set to one of the
following: EXP_SMS,
Set to one of the
following: EXP_SMS,
DESCRIPTION mxPredDesc + ---> +
MXUSERNAME Set to the Maximo
Asset Management
MXCREATED Set to the date and
time of import
PVLID Primavera logic link
object ID
LDKEY Maximo Asset
Management long
description key
MXSUCCID Maximo Asset
successor work order

34 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera

Table 17. Mappings for importing logic (continued)
Primavera PLUSVLOGIC table Notes
Table Column Column
MXCHANGED The date and time
that the record was
ORGID The organization ID
SITEID The site ID
LANGCODE Language Code
MXSUCCROOTID The succeeding
parent work order
PLUSVLOGICID The record unique ID
PVSUCCID The successor task ID

EXP_SMS = start milestone

EXP_TASK = Primavera activity or Maximo Asset Management task

EXP_FMS = finish milestone

mxPredDesc = description of the work order that is identified by mx_pred_id

mxSuccDesc = description of the work order that is identified by mx_succ_id

date/time of import = date and time that is taken at the beginning of the import
Related tasks
Creating relationships between tasks on projects on page 7
The relationships between tasks on a work order is called logic in IBM Maximo
Asset Management. You can add relationships in Primavera Project Management
and export them to Maximo Asset Management where they can be viewed on the
Logic tab. All dates that are based on the relationships that are generated in
Primavera can be exported and stored also in Maximo Asset Management. You can
add logic in Maximo Asset Management but Maximo Asset Management does not
display the relationships through a visual component as in Primavera.

The Maximo Asset Management table for exporting project

IBM Maximo Asset Management material costs are exported to Primavera Project
Management as expenses. When Maximo Asset Management materials are
exported to Primavera, they are summarized as activity expenses.
Table 18. Mappings for exporting project expenses
Maximo base table Primavera Notes
Table Column Table Column

Chapter 3. Administering 35
Table 18. Mappings for exporting project expenses (continued)
Maximo base table Primavera Notes
Table Column Table Column
Material Cost

Related tasks
Exporting data to Primavera Project Management on page 11
You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to export IBM Maximo Asset
Management data to Primavera Project Management. The only data that can be
exported includes the actual start date, the actual finish date, scheduled start,
scheduled finish, and constraint dates.

The Maximo Asset Management PLUSVSESSION table for

importing new activities
New activities are imported from Primavera Project Management to the IBM
Maximo Asset Management WORKORDER table as task records. When a project is
selected for import into Maximo Asset Management, the relevant row is retrieved
from the PLUSVSESSION table and the PVPROJID is used to retrieve the project
from Primavera. If the project contains an activity which does not exist in Maximo
Asset Management, a new task record is created in Maximo Asset Management.
Table 19. Mappings in the PLUSVSESSION table for importing new activities
Primavera table Notes
Table Column Column
PVUSERID Set to the Primavera
Integration User
Name that is
specified in the labor
record for the
Maximo Asset
Management user.
PVPROJID Set to Imported
PVPROJNAME Set to Imported

36 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera

Table 19. Mappings in the PLUSVSESSION table for importing new activities (continued)
Primavera table Notes
Table Column Column
MXSESSIONID Set to Imported
of the root work
MXCREATED Set to the date and
time stamp at the
start of the

Related reference
The Maximo Asset Management WORKORDER table for importing activities on
page 27
Activities are imported from Primavera Project Management to the IBM Maximo
Asset Management WORKORDER table as task records.

The Maximo Asset Management PLUSVCACHE table for

transferring resources
Craft, labor, tools, and calendars are transferred from IBM Maximo Asset
Management base tables to the PLUSVCACHE table.
Table 20. Mapping the transfer for resources from the Maximo base table to the
Maximo base table PLUSVCACHE table Notes
table Column Column

MXOBJTYPE Set to one of the
following: CRAFT,


MXUSERNAME Set to the Maximo
Asset Management
MXCREATED Set to current date
and time

Chapter 3. Administering 37
Table 20. Mapping the transfer for resources from the Maximo base table to the
PLUSVCACHE table (continued)
Maximo base table PLUSVCACHE table Notes
table Column Column
PVTABLE Set to one of the
following Primavera
tables: ROLES, RSC,
PVRECID Set to the key field
value of the resource
record (from ROLES,
PVURL The Primavera API
host address
PVUSERNAME The Primavera user
ORGID The organization ID
SITEID The site ID

Related tasks
Transferring data between Maximo and Primavera on page 8
There are several methods for transferring data between IBM Maximo Asset
Management and Primavera Project Management.

The Maximo Asset Management WORKORDER Table for

exporting tasks
Work orders identified in the PLUSVSESSION table as tasks (EXP_TASK) are
exported to Primavera Project Management as activities.
Table 21. The WORKORDER Table for exporting tasks
WORKORDER table Primavera Notes
Column Table Column

38 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera

Table 21. The WORKORDER Table for exporting tasks (continued)
WORKORDER table Primavera Notes
Column Table Column

Related tasks
Exporting data to Primavera Project Management on page 11
You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to export IBM Maximo Asset
Management data to Primavera Project Management. The only data that can be
exported includes the actual start date, the actual finish date, scheduled start,
scheduled finish, and constraint dates.

The Maximo Asset Management table for exporting tools as

IBM Maximo Asset Management tools are exported to Primavera Project
Management as resources. Maximo Asset Management tools are collected under a
single Primavera role heading called MAXTOOLS.
Table 22. Mappings for exporting tools
Maximo base table Primavera Notes
Table Column Table Column
Resource ID

Related tasks
Exporting data to Primavera Project Management on page 11
You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to export IBM Maximo Asset
Management data to Primavera Project Management. The only data that can be
exported includes the actual start date, the actual finish date, scheduled start,
scheduled finish, and constraint dates.

The Maximo Asset Management PLUSVSESSION table for

exporting work breakdown structure (WBS)
Work orders identified in the PLUSVSESSION table as work breakdown structures
(EXP_WBS) are exported to Primavera Project Management as WBS nodes or
Table 23. The PLUSVSESSION table for exporting WBS
Maximo Primavera
Table Column Table Column

Chapter 3. Administering 39
Table 23. The PLUSVSESSION table for exporting WBS (continued)
Maximo Primavera
Table Column Table Column
parent of the current
work order

Related reference
The Maximo Asset Management WORKORDER Table for importing work
breakdown structure (WBS)
Work breakdown structures (WBS) are imported from Primavera Project
Management to the IBM Maximo Asset Management WORKORDER table. Projects
created in Primavera as a result of an export of a PM record from Maximo Asset
Management are not imported back into Maximo Asset Management.

The Maximo Asset Management WORKORDER Table for

importing work breakdown structure (WBS)
Work breakdown structures (WBS) are imported from Primavera Project
Management to the IBM Maximo Asset Management WORKORDER table. Projects
created in Primavera as a result of an export of a PM record from Maximo Asset
Management are not imported back into Maximo Asset Management.
Table 24. The WORKORDER Table for importing WBS
Primavera WORKORDER table Notes
Table Column Column
PROJWBS WBS_ID Set to Used for
Logging only

Related reference
The Maximo Asset Management PLUSVSESSION table for exporting work
breakdown structure (WBS) on page 39
Work orders identified in the PLUSVSESSION table as work breakdown structures
(EXP_WBS) are exported to Primavera Project Management as WBS nodes or

The Maximo Asset Management PLUSVSESSION table for

transferring the work order hierarchy
Parent work orders and the hierarchy of sub work orders are transferred from IBM
Maximo Asset Management base tables to the PLUSVSESSION table.

40 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera

Table 25. Mapping to the PLUSVSESSION table for transferring the work order hierarchy
Maximo base table table Notes
Table Column Column
PVUSERID Set to the Primavera
Integration User
Name that is
specified in the labor
record for the
Maximo Asset
Management user.
from Primavera
PVTASKID Set to the Task ID
from Primavera
PVPROJID Set to Project ID
the work order at the
top of the hierarchy.
PVPROJSHORTNAME Set to Project Short
MXSESSIONSTATUS Set to one of the
following: EXP_ROOT,
MXUSERNAME Set to the Maximo
Asset Management
MXCREATED Set to date and time
of export
MXUPDATED Set to the current
date and time

EXP_ROOT = work order at the top of the hierarchy

EXP_WBS = work breakdown structure

EXP_SMS = start milestone

EXP_TASK = Primavera activity or Maximo Asset Management task

EXP_FMS = finish milestone

Related tasks
Exporting data to Primavera Project Management on page 11
You can use the IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera to export IBM Maximo Asset
Management data to Primavera Project Management. The only data that can be
exported includes the actual start date, the actual finish date, scheduled start,
scheduled finish, and constraint dates.

Chapter 3. Administering 41
42 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera
Chapter 4. Notices for IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera 7.1
Copyright IBM Corporation 2008.

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Trademarks and service marks


44 IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera

activities, importing 10 labor table 33 relationships, showing 7
adapter errors, checking 24 logic 7 requirements and restrictions for data
importing 34 transfer 20
Logic tab 3 resource records 30
C resources
mapping 33
exporting 13 M transfer 37
resources transfer 35
setting 22 mapping, defining 23
result set, appending 14
craft table 33 materials transfer 35
roles, exporting 29
crafts Maximo Asset Management tables 24
exporting 30
crafts table 29
custom mapping 23 N S
customization of data transfer 24 schedule information, specifying 22
new activities
importing 36
notices 43
data tabs, new 3
appending 14
excluding from Primavera 5, 22
O task records 28
options for exporting data 18
export options 18 exporting 39
exporting 11 tools transfer 35
transfer 9 trademarks 43
customization 24 P
transfer requirements 20 percent complete 8
data transfer 24 PLUSVCACHE table 37
user preferences, customizing 5
PLUSVMAP table 24
E PLUSVSESSION table 31, 36, 39, 41
Primavera tab 3
Enterprise project structure (EPS) detail
updating 17
project maintenance (PM) records 1 W
projects 10 work breakdown structure (WBS)
cost transfer 35 exporting 39
node transfer 31
defining using work order export 6 importing 40
error details, checking 24
deleting 21 work location prefixes 30
expenses, exporting 35 work orders 1
logic 7 exporting 11, 38
F overwriting 9, 16 hierarchy 41
fields, new 3 progress, tracking 8 progress 8
updating 15 updating 9
purchase constraints 13 WORKORDER table 28, 38, 40
IBM Maximo Adapter for Primavera
product overview 1 Q
information, importing 10 query names 6


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