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N 37 May 2014

European Geologist
Journal of the European Federation of Geologists

Metallic mineral resources - Meeting future demand

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Vtor Correia 4

Topical - Metallic minerals

The 23rd century paradigm for minerals in Europe Is De re metallica

still up to date?
Carlos Almeida 5

Zinc Potential in Eastern Belgium

Pierre J. Goossens 7

The future of metal minerals mining in the EU

Pekka A. Nurmi and Ferenc Molnr 12

The need of mineral resources for low-carbon energy production

Olivier Vidal 20

Economic geology of rare-earth elements in 2014: a global

Bernd Lehmann 21

Exploration adventures in the Recsk Ore Complex

Jnos Fldessy, va Hartai and Tibor Zelenka 25

Skarn-type tungsten deposits of Tabuao area, northern Portugal

A. Filipe Faria 29

A brief overview of the metallic mineral resources of Serbia

Rade Jelenkovic 34

Geometallurgy A tool for better resource efficiency

Cecilia Lund and Pertti Lamberg 39
Peer reviewers:
We would like to express a particular thanks to all
CRIRSCO modifying factors - a brief guide for exploration and those who participated in the peer reviewing of this
resource geologists issue and thus contribute to the improvement of
Ruth Allington 44 the standards of the European Geologist magazine.
The content of this issue has been reviewed by E.
Metal supply security and sustainability: understanding the Pirard, J. Fldessy, K. Hanghoj, G. ODonovan, F.
whole system Tornos, J. Valente, F. Viljoen, F.-W. Wellmer.
Andrew Bloodworth and Gus Gunn 46
EFG Member initiatives Rockware (pages 2 and 56); MOL (page 45).

Rock of the Year An initiative of German geoscientists Cover photo:

Ulrike Mattig and Werner Plchen 49 Bernd Lehmann. Ok Tedi mine in Papua New
Guinea. 2011.

Book review:
Copyright 2014 The European Federation of
Isabel Fernndez Fuentes 51 Geologists.
All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or trans-
PanGeo - Rome (Italy) case history mission of this publication may be made without
David Norbury 51 written permission. No responsibility is assumed
by the Publisher for any injury and/or damage to
News corner: EGU General Assembly - UAG new EFG member persons or property as a matter of products liabil-
- PERC - Geotrainet - EAGE/EFG Photo contest 2014 ity, negligence, or otherwise, or from any use or
EFG Office 53 operation of any methods, products, instructions or
ideas contained in the material herein. Although all
advertising material is expected to conform to ethi-
cal (medical) standards, inclusion in this publication
does not constitute a guarantee or endorsement
of the quality or value of such product or of the
claims made by its manufacturer.
ISSN: 1028 - 267X

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 3

is published by the EurGeol. Vtor Correia, EFG President
European Federation of Geologists

C/O Service Gologique de Belgique
Rue Jenner 13 his edition of European Geologist is dedicated to metallic
mineral resources, to complement the previous issue, which
B-1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
focused on industrial minerals and construction materials. The
Tel: +32 2 7887636
majority of the articles now published describe metallic ore deposits in Europe, and this is an interesting consequence of shifting political attitudes that, until recently, were against mining.
The opposition to mining and the disinvestment in European mines
arose after the 1970s, induced by growing environmental standards
EFG BOARD and the transfer of mining activities to third world countries. This
situation had advantages to all parties involved: the European industry
PRESIDENT bought raw materials at lower prices; the third world countries obtained an opportunity to
EurGeol. Vtor Correia develop their economies; and the European politicians took credit for domestic environmental achievements.
The change started after China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001. In a couple
VICE-PRESIDENT of years China became the tool shop of the world, producing all kinds of domestic and indus-
EurGeol. Nieves Snchez trial appliances. Attracted by low labour costs and higher productivity, many global brands transferred their sourcing to China, leveraging the countrys know how and capabilities. In
just 6 years China became an industrial giant, capable of producing high quality products,
ranging from iPhones to nuclear submarines. As a consequence of Chinas huge growth, its
domestic income was multiplied, boosting the Chinese internal market.
EurGeol. Domenico Calcaterra Suddenly China was the worlds biggest importer of raw materials, competing with Europe, Japan and the USA. The history of iron ore (the most important commodity after oil) pric-
ing illustrates this impact. After the 70s the iron price was dominated by Europe and Japan,
TREASURER and prices had been stable for decades at around 20USD/tonne. In 2003 China slipped past
Bob Hoogendoorn Japan to become the worlds biggest importer of iron ore, and the pressure for increasing the prices started. By 2008, Chinese iron ore imports accounted for 60% of total world imports,
and the pricing system that had developed between European and Japanese steelmakers and
EU DELEGATE the biggest three miners (Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton and Vale) broke down. The iron ore prices
EurGeol. va Hartai exceed the 50-dollar barrier in 2008 and reached 190USD/tonne in February 2011. Iron ore prices have recovered a bit since, settling at around 100USD/tonne.
The increasing global competition for raw materials (Russia, India, Brazil, Turkey and
Mexico are also new players) left Europe in a vulnerable position. As mentioned in the 2010
EDITORIAL BOARD European Commission report of the Ad-hoc Working Group on defining critical raw materi-
als1 : Europe is highly dependent on imports for many raw materials which are increasingly
va Hartai (Editor in chief )
affected by growing demand pressure from emerging economies and by an increasing number
Edmund Nickless
of national policy measures that disrupt the normal operation of global markets. Moreover,
Manuel Regueiro
the production of many materials is concentrated in a small number of countries, e.g. more
Isabel Fernndez Fuentes than 90% of rare earths and antimony, and more than 75% of germanium and tungsten are
Hans-Jrgen Gursky produced in China, or 90% of niobium in Brazil and 77% of platinum in South-Africa. In
Pierre Christe addition, high tech metals are often by-products of mining and processing major industrial
metals, such as copper, zinc and aluminium, which means that their availability is largely
Translations by determined by the availability of the main product.
Antoine Bouvier This explains why there is currently an unprecedented interest in raw materials at the
Isabel Fernndez Fuentes highest political levels within the EU2 . Europe is very far from self-sufficient in the supply of
metallic minerals, and, although recycling rates and efficiency are growing, and substitution
technologies are being fostered, the percentage of the EUs self-sufficiency concerning the
COPY EDITOR supply of metallic raw materials ranges (depending on the mineral/metal), between 0% and 5%.
Robin Lee Nagano This is good news for geoscientists. Contrary to the views of some, Europe has valuable ore
deposits and much under-explored and unexplored geological potential. But we also have a
strong competition for different land uses and environmentally and socially high standards
to meet. The challenge ahead will be to combine advances in exploration, sustainable exploi-
tation and public involvement, much provided by, and all with significant involvement of a
Anita Stein
skilled geoscience workforce.
This is Anthropocene.

2 The growing EU political support to the mining activity is expressed by recent initiatives such as
the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials or the Horizon 2020 specific Societal Chal-
lenge Ensuring the sustainable supply of non-energy and non-agricultural raw materials.
Topical - Metallic Minerals

Introduction by the EFG Panel of Experts on resources and reserves - Minerals and their sustainable use

The 23rd century paradigm for minerals in

Europe Is De re metallica still up to date?
Carlos Almeida*

s Georgius Agricolas book still up to on the need for critical minerals for glo- in his paper of the
date in the European Metallic Mineral balised economic geology, including rare relationship of
Resources scenario? According to its earth deposits, tungsten deposits and economic viability
Wikipedia article, De re metallica On base and precious metals deposits in dif- of REE deposits
the Nature of Metals, in Latin was an ferent countries in Europe. This issue also with the compari-
extremely influential book on mining that includes references to environmental and son of two of the
was considered the authoritative text in energetic issues regarding the demand for largest deposits
Europe for 180 years after its publication. these mineral resources with the inevitable in the world, with
Georg Bauer, better known under his Lati- need of the standardisation of reporting for the focus on their
nized name Georgius Agricola, worked in the markets of public mineral exploration ratio of grade and
Joachimsthal and later in Chemnitz. His companies in Europe. tonnage and future feasibility.
treatise on the state of the art of mining, The paper by Bloodworth and Gunn A very specific approach is presented by
refining, and smelting metals in the German refers to issues related to metal supply secu- Lund and Lamberg in a paper focussed on
mining industry was published in 1556, a rity and sustainability. They state that mine geometallurgy as a tool for better resource
year after his death. production of many metals has grown by efficiency. Higher environmental and socio-
The papers in this issue of European one, two or three orders of magnitude economic demands in the exploitation of
Geologist Magazine emphasise the occur- since the beginning of the 20th century in the future mineral resources require com-
rence of metallic mineral resources in response to the growing global population prehensive knowledge on orebody type
different types of ore deposits and focus wishing to live a Western middle class life- even in early stages. They explain that
on the sustainability and security of their style. They also emphasise that along with geometallurgy combines geological and
supply to the geometallurgy industry. They volume, the variety of metals we utilise mineral processing information to create
also provide us with a global perspective has expanded considerably in response a spatial model for production planning and
to accelerating technological change. As management. Applying a geometallurgical
a result, historic fears regarding metal concept can improve the resource efficiency,
scarcity and resource depletion have been reduce the operational risks and help in
reawakened Western industrialised econo- optimising the production in a way that also
mies in the last ten years. They conclude considers sustainability and socio-economic
that this paper argues for a holistic, whole factors. In conclusion, they state that with
systems approach to the management of a geometallurgical model it is possible to
both primary (earth) and secondary (recy- run different production scenario starting
cled) metal resources. even from an early exploration stage up to
Lehmann presents a paper concerning the feasibility and production stages. The
the economic geology of rare-earth deposits model can be built using a couple of alterna-
with a global perspective. The main focus tive ways but the mineralogical approach is
of the article is on Rare Earth Elements generic and can be adapted to any kind of
(REE) and he refers to the REE market as mineral resources. Their paper describes
currently still dominated by China, which how the geometallurgical concept has been
has a share in global REE mine production used in the mining industry and demon-
of about 90 %. He says that this percentage strates its benefits in terms of improved
will decrease over the coming years with resource efficiency in different ore deposits.
important mine developments in the USA The paper presented by Faria concerns
and Australia. He also refers to the fact that another kind of critical mineral commodity
the decision taken by the Chinese govern- for the EU related with Skarn-type tungsten
ment in 2011 to impose export quota for deposits. The area that is referred to by the
MSc. EurGeol C.Sci. ProfGradIMMM, REEs has made the public and policy- author is the Tabuao area in northern Por-
Exploration Geologist - AM Almada makers aware that some key industries in tugal, which is host to important skarn-type
Mining SA, Coordinator EFG PE on the western world are critically dependent tungsten (scheelite) deposits, which bear
Minerals, PERC Secretary, CRIRSCO on a safe supply of these modern metals. the potential to become one of the most
Lehmann provides us with information important European producers of tungsten

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 5

a critical raw material for the EU. Faria future mining in Europe. They give infor- completely separate from the exploration
makes a description of these deposits with mation on one response to the challenges and modelling of the deposit itself. She also
regards to their history, geologic setting, for mining in Europe through the Green states that these activities typically involve
local geology and mineralisation, explora- Mining concept of Finland. many professionals, including engineer-
tion and evaluation work. Goossens presents a paper focussing on ing, production, processing, environmental
The paper presented by Fldessy and the zinc potential in Eastern Belgium. The assessment and operations, legal and finan-
Hartai is entitled Exploration adventures author tells us that Eastern Belgium has cial specialists. She explains that there may
in the Recsk Ore Complex. They focus their been known for its lead and zinc deposits be one Competent Person taking overall
article on a large base metal and precious for centuries, and that in the early 19th cen- responsibility for co-ordinating the team
metal ore zone in the centre of Europe tury, Belgium became one of the leading and bringing together the reporting or there
that has been awaiting development and countries for zinc metallurgy. The Belgium may be several, each taking responsibility
commissioning for more than forty years ore deposits are contained in Paleozoic for their own discipline area.
this is the Recsk Ore Complex in northeast limestone and shales (Namurian, Visean Anticipating which of the modifying fac-
Hungary. They explain the complexity of and Tournaisian sedimentary sequences). tors will be important in eventually proving
the complex and explain that it involves It is highlighted that the new exploration reserves can save time and money (e.g. by
skarn, porphyry Cu, high sulfidation and programs in the Bleiberg concession in the undertaking non-geological data collection
low sulfidation epithermal mineralisations. 1980s have defined the following drill-indi- and establishment of long-term monitoring
They tell us that the Hungarian government cated resources: 1.7 Mt of ore containing 11 when exploration and other geological field
plans to open it again, and following a sig- % Zn, 2 % Pb and 30 g/t Ag, open laterally work is underway). In conclusion it is said
nificant face-lift a revised geological model and at depth. The mineralised intersections that this approach is also conducive to sup-
and resource assessment has been inserted are at least 7 m wide and the mineralized porting public participation and achieving
in the data package for the investors. structure extends for 5 km. Only 1 km has a social licence to operate.
The paper presented by Vidal, entitled been drilled and in the Vieille Montagne
The need of mineral resources for low-car- concession other rich zinc mineralisation Corollary
bon energy production, is directly related has been intersected.
to the environmental sustainability issue The paper that Jelenkovic presents gives Europe is making a huge effort to be
of modern times. The author explains that information on the metallic resources of reborn as a potential federation regarding
fossil fuels have been at the origin of the Serbia. The author focuses on five pillar mineral resources. The Raw Materials Ini-
industrial revolution, which brought major points regarding this issue: 1 Mineral tiative and the ERA-MIN Platform are a
benefits to humanity but has also caused resources which are in exploitation and are very good example of the joint work done
pollution and environmental damage. already provided with processing capacities by several European countries regarding
The author also focuses on the fact that (Cu, Pb-Zn); 2 Mineral resources with the mineral resources issue. All the pro-
the mineral supply to most developed identified, economically interesting, pre- jects and initiatives regarding these topics
nations comes mainly from foreign sources. dominantly small reserves which are not in will have success in my opinion if the
European industries consume more than exploitation, and mineral resources occur- politicians join efforts with the technical
20 % of the metals that are mined glob- ring in small quantities, sufficient for brief people in order to establish practical and
ally, yet European mines produce only 1.5 periods of production and the supply of usable legislation for companies to work
% of global iron and aluminium, and 6 % domestic requirements (Sn, Mn, U, Mo and inside Europe. Its very important that the
of global copper production. This situa- Ti); 3 Potentially significant resources European standard for mineral reporting
tion is highly unsatisfactory for security, with partly defined reserves, the valorisa- (the PERC standard) is adopted in a practi-
economic and ethical reasons, and makes tion of which depends on technical and cal way by ESMA (the European Securities
European industry vulnerable to short or economic parameters, as well as the partly and Markets Authority) and recommended
long-term supply restrictions. The author explored mineral resources with favourable for the principal Stock Exchange from sev-
emphasises that green technologies should prospects for reserve increase (Ni, Co, Sb, eral different countries to qualify mineral
incorporate domestic mining, which Al, mixed Fe ores, Au and Ag); 4 Mineral resources reporting, similar to what hap-
reduces the financial and environmental resources likely to be found in the territory pens in Canada, the USA, South Africa,
costs of transporting metals from far-flung of Serbia (Au, Ag and rare elements) and Australia, etc.
sources and decreases the carbon footprint, 5 Mostly exhausted or non-economic Another thing is the capability to reinvent
whilst providing jobs and wealth to the mineral resources (Cr, Fe and W.). In the exploration and mining techniques for
local community. In conclusion the paper conclusion their metalogenetic position, European internal resources needed not
states that currently, much of the pollution basic geological characteristic and mineral just for the present, but for the 23rd century.
associated with mining is out-sourced to potential are described in this paper. We really need to take strong steps in order
regions where the environmental impact is The paper presented by Allington is enti- to potentiate projects like Onegeology and
often uncontrolled. In Europe, things can tled CRIRSCO modifying factors - a guide support organisations like EuroGeoSource.
be done better. for exploration and resource geologists. The Lets put our hands to work and apply the
The paper presented by Nurmi and author focuses on a critical issue concern- state-of-the-art knowledge provided by our
Molnr has to do with the challenges and ing mineral reporting under the CRIRSCO outstanding universities to create a keep it-
opportunities for future mining of metallic standards for reporting resources. Alling- simple line of work in order to obtain our
mineral resources in Europe. The authors ton clarifies that working with the modify- own European metallic mineral resources,
refer to several topics in the paper regard- ing factors to establish technical feasibility, thus avoiding the dependency on other con-
ing this issue, as follows: the global impor- minimise environmental impact and ensure tinents. And lets do that of course respect-
tance of metallic resources and the Euro- economic viability is often considered to ing the rules of a free globalised market. So
pean challenges; where metallic resources be a distinct stage in the evaluation of a in the bottom line: is Georgius Agricolas
can be found in Europe; and challenges for deposit and planning of a mine or quarry, book De re metallica still up to date?

Topical - Metallic Minerals

Zinc Potential in Eastern Belgium

Pierre J. Goossens*

Eastern Belgium has been known for its Dans lEst de la Belgique, des gisements de El este de Blgica es conocido por sus depsi-
lead and zinc deposits for centuries. In the zinc et plomb sont connus depuis plusieurs tos de plomo y zinc desde hace siglos. A prin-
early 19th century, Belgium became one of sicles. Au 19me sicle, la Belgique est un cipios del siglo19, Blgica se convirti en
the leading countries in zinc metallurgy, des pays les plus avancs dans la mtal- uno de los pases lderes en la metalurgia
with ore deposits contained in Palaeozoic lurgie du zinc. Les gisements se trouvent de cinc, con depsitos de minerales alojados
limestone and shale (Namurian, Visean and dans les calcaires et shale palozoques en caliza y pizarra del Palezoico (secuencias
Tournaisian sedimentary sequences). We (Namurien, Visen et Tournaisien). Nous sedimentarias Namurian, Visano y Tour-
believe that the region still hosts substan- pensons que la rgion contient encore des naisiano). Creemos que la regin sigue
tial zinc reserves that should be exploited. ressources importantes qui pourraient tre albergando reservas de zinc sustanciales
Exploration programmes in the Bleiberg exploites. Dans les annes quatre-vingt, un que deben ser explotadas. Los programas
concession in the 1980s defined drill-indi- programme dexploration dans la conces- de exploracin en la concesin Bleiberg en
cated resources of 1.7 Mt of ore containing sion de Bleiberg a permis de dfinir une res- la dcada de los aos ochenta han definido
11% Zn, 2% Pb and 30 g/t Ag, open laterally source de lordre de 1,7 Mt contenant 11% recursos de perforacin indicada de 1,7 Mt
and at depth. The mineralised intersections Zn, 2% Pb et 30g/t Ag. La minralisation de mineral que contienen 11% de Zn, 2%
reach a width of at least 7 m. The mineral- pourrait se prolonger en profondeur et de de Pb y 30 g / t de Ag, abierto lateralmente
ised structure extends for 5 km and only 1 part et dautre de la structure. Les intersec- y en profundidad. Las intersecciones min-
km has been drilled. Other rich zinc miner- tions minralises ont au moins de 7 m eralizadas alcanzan una potencia de al
alisations have been intersected in the Vieille dpaisseur. La structure minralise stend menos 7 m. La estructura mineralizada se
Montagne concession. sur 5 km et seulement 1 km a t sond. extiende durante 5 km y slo 1 km se ha
Dans la concession de la Vieille Montagne, perforado. Otras mineralizaciones ricas en
dautres riches minralisations en mtaux zinc se han intersectadoen la concesin
de base ont t reconnues. Vieille Montagne.

or centuries, galena was mined for and Tournaisian sedimentary sequences).
production of ceruse and minium The orebodies range from massive to veins,
pigments. According to Prof. Eric stockwerks and lenses at the Palaeozoic and
Pirard (written communication), galena Mesozoic unconformity. See Figures 1 and
was already mined by the Romans (for sani- 2, Table 1.
tary use). Nice Roman lead ingots can be
seen at the Museum of Tongeren. Calamine Massive ores are almost exclusively
was largely used as an additive in copper composed of oxides. They occur at the
metallurgy to get a more yellow alloy (brass, lithostratigraphic and tectonic contacts and
aurichalcum). After the discovery in the are characterised by the existence of sulfides
early 19th century of an industrial method veins underneath. For example the famous
to transform zinc oxides into zinc metal, La Calamine (Kelmis) massive deposit,
Belgium became a leader in the production which has produced 665,000 tons of zinc
of zinc from surficial oxide minerals, mostly metal, is located at the contact between the
calamine. During the period running from Tournaisian and the Famenian, while the
1837 to 1936, mines in Belgium produced Schimper massive ore near Bleiberg (past
a total of 692,987 tons of zinc from 2 Mt of production: 55,000 tons of zinc metal) is at
calamine (35% Zn) and 382,247 tons of zinc the contact of the Namurian and the Visean.
from 0,8 Mt of sphalerite (47% Zn) or a total Vein-type ore is mostly composed of Zn-
of over 1 Mt of zinc metal and 250,000 t of and Pb-sulfides only. The Bleiberg veins
lead metal (Dejonghe et al. 1993). feeders for the Schimper massive oxide
ore occur within the Namurian and the
Ore types Visean. The Lontzen vein is situated within
the Famennian.
Ore deposits are contained in Palaeozoic Stockwerk-type ore is encountered at
limestone and shales (Namurian, Visean Bleiberg.
Lens-shaped orebodies are characterised
* Vigilant Financial Advisory, Waterloo, Figure 1: The Zn-Pb metallic province in
by the absence of feeder veins and are found
Belgium, Belgium.
at several localities.

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 7


Two concessions have recently been

explored: Bleiberg and Vieille Mon-
tagne (Figure 3). They are contiguous
and together cover about 100 km. Both
concessions were relinquished in 2005
by their holders (Umicore of Belgium for
Vieille Montagne, and BRGM of France for
Bleiberg). The licences have reverted to the
Walloon regional government authorities
(Rgion Wallonne), but, as of today, nine
years later, the department responsible for
mining activity has yet to confirm the relin-
quishment. This omission blocks all further
applications by any company wishing to
enter into any exploration activity in this
part of Belgium.

The potential at Bleiberg

The Bleiberg concession covers an area

of 1,879 hectares. The concession was held
by the Socit Minire et Mtallurgique
Figure 2: Location of the main Zn-Pb (abandoned) ore bodies (from Dejongue,
de Penarroya, a French mining company.
et al., 1993).
In 1980, Penarroya was acquired by S.A.
Metaleurop who sold it in 1988 for an
undisclosed amount to Nicron Resources Table 1: Major orebodies with more than 10,000 t of Pb-Zn concentrates produced (from Dejonghe
Limited, an Australian mining company. et al. 1993)
In 1988, the Socit Anonyme Nicron
France, a subsidiary of Nicron Resources Concentrate. Pb+Zn (t) Contained Zn metal (t) Contained Pb metal (t)
Ltd., signed a contract with Goossens & La Calamine 1,900,000 760,000 -
Associates (which became Bugeco s.a. in
1989) to explore the concession for new Schmalgraf 377,463 157,835 13,763
orebodies. A total of 59 drill holes with Bleiberg 225,500 60,675 80,500
a combined length of 14,000 metres was Fossey 185,544 60,879 1,000
drilled. In 1994, a ministerial decree from
Eschbroich 113,318 47,641 2,976
the Region Wallonne authorized the trans-
fer of the concession from Metaleurop to Rocheux-Oneux 102,000 25,000 18,700
S.A. Nicron France. The shareholding of Lontzen 78,194 38,928 3,618
S.A. Nicron France has changed since then
Saint Paul 102,534 37,401 2,115
and it no longer has any link to Australia.
Socit Minire de Chessy S.A. (100% La Bruyre 81,408 30,166 3,711
BRGM) is currently Nicron Frances sole Mtzhagen 46,467 13,824 3,088
shareholder. Pandour 42,000 16,800 -

Local geology Dickenbusch 18,592 5,444 3,056

Roer 12,868 6,048 894
Namurian formations crop out in Total 3,285,889 1,260,621 133,421
the northern part of the concession in a
sequence of NE trending folds. The thick- Famennian mica-rich sandstone and Bleiberg Mineralisation
ness of the Namurian units varies between shale
300 m close to the Dutch border, where the Tournaisian limestone and dolomite Pod type (massive ore) occurs at some
beds dip under the Cretaceous, to 100-110 Visean limestone intersections of transverse faults and spe-
m in Sippenaeken and 200 m underneath Namurian sandstone and shale. cific receptive stratigraphic contacts (in
Bleiberg village. French, amas de contact) and may owe
The Dinantian formations display the To the south, the Namurian is disturbed its origin to karstic phenomena. Some of
same reduction in thickness from 140 m by a NW-verging thrust fault, known as the the pod type bodies carry very important
underneath Bleiberg to 80 m in Sippe- Bleiberg (or Plombires) fault with older tonnages.
naeken (45 m of Visean silica-rich lime- (Visean limestones) overlying younger Vein type mineralisation is represented
stones and 35 m of Tournaisian limestones). (Namurian shales). Vein mineralisation is by steeply dipping linear bodies paral-
The main rock types hosting the Bleiberg controlled by NW transverse faulting. lel to the transverse faults which locally
orebodies are: form large orebodies at some stratigraphic

Topical - Metallic Minerals

Three orebodies have been recognised in

the concession: Bleiberg, Sippenaeken/Ter
Bruggen and Graat. See Figure 4.

Bleiberg, in the center of the concession,

is controlled by a transverse fault. It is the
only orebody to have been mined in the
past, both by open pit and underground.
Sippenaeken/Ter Bruggen, in the NE of
the concession, is controlled by a NS trans-
verse fault, only recognised from explora-
tion workings.
Graat oxide ore (calamine), in the SW of
the concession, only recognised by explora-
tion workings. The hole intersected cala-
mine ore with 32% Zn and 4% Pb.

Drilling and mine workings have demon-

strated the existence of mineralisation over
a length of 3.5 km, along a transverse fault,
from Boffenrath in the NW to Maarveld in
the SE. The mineralised structure is open
along strike to the NW and the SE, as well
as at depth (Figure 4).
North of the Bleiberg fault, the veins
are between 25 and 90 cm wide from the
surface down to the contact between the
Namurian schists and Visean limestones.
The vein, however, often thickens from
25 cm to a massive orebody of 10 m thick
by 20-50 m high, underneath Namurian
schists. The roof of this orebody is Namu-
rian schists. This body is situated at a depth
of 180 m near the Bleiberg fault and at -350
m underneath Boffenrath. The swelling is
important and is followed by pinching.
Nicron drill holes have shown this struc-
ture to be continuous over a length of 2.5
km, from Maarveld in the SE to Braesberg
in the NW. Metal grades are generally over Figure 3: The two main concessions: Bleiberg (CB) and Vieille Montagne (CVM).
13% Zn and 5% Pb (with silver). Nicron
exploration work shows that the same min-
eralisation occurs for at least another 2 km
to the north, toward Sippenaeken.
South of the Bleiberg fault, massive ore
has been shown to exist over a strike of
more than 500 m, with 70 m width and
60 m vertical extent. This is called the
Schimper mass which changes to a stock-
werk of 20 m wide.
Bleiberg ores are composed mainly of
sphalerite and galena; pyrite, pyrrhotite
and chalcopyrite are minor constituents.
The gangue consists of calcite and small
amounts of quartz.
BRGM estimated measured and indi-
cated resources of the new deposit explored
by Nicron at 850,000 tons with 13.5% Zn,
5% Pb and 24g/t Ag. The Nicron work has
also identified an extension of the ore to the
north (Boffenrath), potential for an exten-
sion to the south and interesting mineralisa- Figure 4: Drillholes near Bleiberg (Plombires) and the extension toward the NW of the possible
tion underneath the Schimper pod. mineralised structure.

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 9

Table 2: Diamond drilling results (unpublished records kept by Bugeco). The potential at Vieille Montagne
Drillhole Depth of mineralised intercept (m) True width (m) Zn% Pb%
The Vieille Montagne concession covers
NB1 205 - 208 3 17.9 0.2 an area of 8,146 hectares. The local geology
NB1 205 - 213 6.85 9.5 2.6 consists of Famenian sandstone and shale,
Tournaisian and Visean dolomite and lime-
NB1 221.5 - 232.25 10.25 13 2
stone and Namurian shale. Deformation
NB2 187.7 - 195.7 3.65 22.5 0.2 during the Variscan orogeny is expressed
NB4 109.6 - 205.7 6.5 4.6 0.8 by folding around NE trending axial planes
NB4 200.75 - 206.4 5.5 4.3 0.8 and NW verging thrusts. NNW trending
transverse faults of post-Variscan age have
NB4 229 - 244 14.8 14.1 4 dislocated the lithological contacts. The
NB6 220 - 232 12 8.1 3 same NNW trend controls a series of ore
NB8 220 - 230 10 16.8 6.2 deposits.
NB9 221.9 - 227 5.1 4.6 0.6
Bleiberg to La Calamine
NB10 283.5 - 285 1.5 26.2 3.0 Elsembach to Schmalgraf-Lontzen
NB12 90.6 - 93.5 2.9 15.4 1.1 Mtzhagen to Dickensbuch
Koschlaeg to Wilcour-Saint Paul-La
NB12 124.2 - 125.2 1 26.8 0.4
NB13 147.35 - 150.35 3 10.8 0.1
NB14 169.3 t - 173.3 4 9.5 2.9 All the orebodies are found below the
NB15 128.85 - 131.5 2.65 9.1 1.0 Palaeozoic-Mesozoic unconformity where
a series of karsts were formed. The majority
NB18 207 - 215 8 16.9 0.2
of the deposits occur within the Dinantian
NB19 206 - 217 11 9.2 0.2 limestone formation, including:
NB22 191.75 - 194.2 2.45 6.9 0.1
Massive mineralisation at the con-
NB25 225.7 - 227.25 1.55 17.0 0.1
tact between Visean limestone and
NB26 84.2 - 89.6 5.4 7.0 Namurian shale or at the contact
NB26 221.35 - 222.85 1.5 22.7 between Famenian sandstone and
NB28 201- 208 7 4.13
Tournaisian dolomite
Massive mineralisation at tectonic
NB29 190 - 191.55 1.55 14.8 contacts (thrust faults)
NB30 209.7 - 217.2 7.5 18.35 Massive mineralisation associated
Average 7.3 11.1 with the Palaeozoic-Mesozoic uncon-
Diamond drilling results are given in Subvertical mineralised veins follow-
Table 2. The total length of cores drilled ing transverse faults
for exploration is approximately 1.5 km. The Stockwerk mineralisation.
mineralised body has an average thickness
of 7.3 m, an average zinc grade of 11.1% Ore mineralogy is similar to that encoun-
and the density is estimated at 2.9 kg/m. tered in the Bleiberg concession.
We estimate the drill-indicated resource The concession contains important
oon the order of 1.7 Mt of ore grading at deposits, most of them mined in the past:
11%Zn, 2% Pb and 30 g/t Ag, i.e. with metal La Calamine, Schmalgraf, Lontzen, Esch-
contents of around 187,000 t Zn, 34,000 t brosich, and others.
Pb and 1.7 Moz (51 t) Ag. In the 1980s, Union Minire and Vieille
Mineralisation is open at depth and along Montagne started a new exploration pro-
strike in both directions, i.e. NW and SE. gramme including several diamond drill-
In addition, since all historical drill cores holes. The Lontzen ore deposit was selected
have unfortunately been discarded, with to perform a pre-feasibility study carried
only the original drill logs and the original out in 1985.
assay results (Omac lab, Ireland) remain- Total resources were estimated at 537,000
ing, a dozen new holes need to be drilled t of ore grading 21.9% Zn and 3.6% Pb for
to confirm existing results. The objective of orebodies thicker than 1.20 m and an aver-
this exploration programme is to double or age thickness of 1.7 m. Ore density was
triple the present estimated resource. estimated at 2.9 kg/m, the dilution at 10%
Figures 5 to 7 show examples of drill and the mine recovery at 85%. Taking into
mineralised intersections from the Bleiberg account dilution, head grades are 19.7%
concession. Zn and 3.3% Pb.
Figure 5: Three drill mineralised intersections
(NB25, NB26 and NB28).

Topical - Metallic Minerals

Figure 6: Mineralised intersections of four drill holes (NB1, NB2, NB3 and NB4). Figure 7: Mineralised intersections of three drill holes (NB6, NB7 and NB8).

Final remarks relinquishment, to modernise the current, assist the efforts of the University of
obsolete mining code and to set up a Geo- Lige to define the Zn-Pb resources
The significant discoveries at Bleiberg logical Survey department able to properly and the presence of accompanying
(Plombires) and Lontzen show that the monitor exploration programmes by private rare metals;
area merits further exploration work. The stakeholders. 3. Rgion Wallonne should give a clear
geological context and the structure are very The present article, being focused on the mission to its geological survey
similar to the Irish type Pb-Zn minerali- economic side, does not cover the scientific to evaluate the regional mineral
sation. The infrastructure in the region is work performed by a couple of university resources, to issue new exploration
excellent, with roads, railways, proximity laboratories, among them the Katholieke permits and to monitor exploration
to an important zinc metallurgical plant Universiteit Leuven geological department programmes;
owned by Nyrstar at Baelen, the presence (Muchez et al. 1994, Heijlen et al. 2001). 4. Rgion Wallonne should modernise
of nearby ore processing plants and labs, In 2014, due to the liquidation of the the present mining code, which is
and ready availability of qualified labour. Bugeco Company, the Bleiberg and Vieille obsolete;
Discovered in 1875 by a French chem- Montagne archives were donated to the 5. The author proposes a drill campaign
ist, Gallium was extracted from zinc sul- University of Lige. to test the NW extension.
phides provided by Vieille Montagne (Prof.
E. Pirard, oral communication). In recent Recommendations
years, the ore at Bleiberg has not been ana- Acknowledgements
lysed for rare metals such as Ga, Ge, In or Following are the actions that need to be
others. performed in order to enhance the potential The author wishes to acknowledge the
Stimulating interest for further explora- of the Zn-Pb mineralisation: help of Andr Tahon and Arnaud W. Goos-
tion, however, requires the government of 1. Rgion Wallonne should rapidly sens in correcting and improving the text.
the Rgion Wallonne to free the conces- relinquish both concessions;
sions by officially acknowledging their 2. Rgion Wallonne should financially


Dejonghe L., Ladeuze, F. & Jans, D. 1993. Atlas des gisements plombozincifres du Synclinorium de Verviers (Est de la Belgique).
Mmoire pour servir lExplication des Cartes gologiques et minires de la Belgique, 33: 1-483, Bruxelles.

Muchez, P., Slobodnik, M., Viaene, W. & Keppens, E. 1994. Mississippi Valley-type Pb-Zn mineralization in eastern Belgium:
Indications for gravity-driven flow. Geology, 22(11):1011-1014. DOI: 10.1130/0091-7613(1994)022<1011:MVTPZM>2.3.CO;2

Heijlen, W., Muchez, P. & Banks, D.A. 2001. Origin and evolution of high-salinity, Zn-Pb mineralising fluids in the Variscides of
Belgium. Mineralium Deposita, 36(2): 165-176. DOI:10.1007/s001260050296

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 11

Topic: CCS
The future of metal minerals mining in the EU
Pekka A. Nurmi and Ferenc Molnr*

The availability of ferrous, base and critical La disponibilit de minraux mtalliques La disponibilidad de metales frricos, bsi-
minor metals has become one of the key pri- ferreux, essentiels et secondaires, est dev- cos y menores crticos se ha convertido en
orities for modern high-tech societies, and enue lune des priorits fondamentales una de las prioridades clave para las socie-
the mining and metals industry will have a des socits modernes, de technologie dades modernas de alta tecnologa, y la
significant role to play in creating a sustain- avance. Lindustrie minire et des min- industria de minera y metales tendr un
able future. The EU is one of the major global raux mtalliques va prendre une place papel importante en cuanto a la creacin
users of metals, but is heavily dependent significative dans lmergence dun futur de un futuro sostenible. La UE es uno de los
on the import of metals from increasingly durable. LEurope est globalement lun des principales usuarios mundiales de metales,
unstable world markets. In this paper, we utilisateurs principaux des ressources mtal- pero depende en gran medida de la import-
discuss the opportunities and challenges liques mais est profondment dpendante acin de metales de mercados mundiales
in promoting the availability of metals from de limportation de minraux mtalliques cada vez ms inestables. En este articulo
the EUs own mineral resources. There are provenant de marchs de plus en plus se discuten las oportunidades y desafos
a number of important operating mines instables dans le monde. Dans cet article, en la promocin de la disponibilidad de
and undeveloped deposits in Europe, and nous faisons le point des opportunits et metales a partir de los recursos minerales
the geology indicates significant potential dfis rencontrs, en mettant laccent sur la propios de la UE. Existe un nmero de minas
for discoveries of new ore deposits. How- disponibilit des minraux mtalliques au en operacin importantes y depsitos no
ever, many challenges remain to be solved. sein des propres ressources minires euro- desarrollados en Europa, y la geologa
Can we develop improved technologies pennes. En Europe, il existe de nombreuses indica un potencial significativo para los
and practices for sustainable and accept- exploitations minires et aussi des gise- descubrimientos de nuevos yacimientos.
able mining in the EU? Do we have access ments qui restent exploiter. Les donnes Sin embargo, an quedan muchos retos por
to land, and companies ready to invest gologiques indiquent lexistence de relles resolver. Podemos desarrollar mejores tec-
in mining and in mineral exploration to possibilits pour la dcouverte de nouveaux nologas y prcticas para la minera sosteni-
make new discoveries? Can we technically gisements miniers. Cependant, de nom- ble y aceptable en la UE? Tenemos acceso
and economically mine the more complex, breux dfis restent gagner. Pouvons-nous al terreno, y empresas dispuestas a invertir
lower grade and deeper-seated deposits dvelopper des technologies et moyens effi- en la minera y en la exploracin de min-
already known or yet to be discovered? For caces pour confrer lexploitation minire erales para hacer nuevos descubrimientos?
societal and environmental reasons, will un caractre durable et acceptable, en Podemos tcnicamente y econmicamente
we be allowed to mine at all in sites with Europe? Avons-nous accs aux futurs sites explotar los depsitos ms complejos, de
economically viable ore deposits? Do we miniers et les Compagnies sont-elles prtes bajo concentracion y ms profundos que
have enough skilful people to work for the investir dans le minier et lexploitation estn ya conocidos o an por descubrir?
intelligent mining industry of the future? minrale pour faire de nouvelles dcou- Por razones sociales y ambientales, ten-
The EU and its member states have much vertes? Pouvons-nous exploiter, du point drmos el permiso para explotar depsitos
to improve to gain better self-sufficiency in de vue technique et conomique, les gise- de minerales econmicamente viables ?
metals and to achieve the aims of the EU ments complexes, moins riches et profonds, Tenemos suficiente gente qualificados para
Commissions Raw Materials Initiative and connus ou qui restent dcouvrir? Pour des trabajar para la industria minera inteligente
Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials. raisons de socit ou environnementales, del futuro? La UE y sus Estados miembros
ne nous sera-t-il pas dfendu dexploiter les tienen mucho que mejorar para obtener
gisements miniers conomiquement renta- una mejor autosuficiencia en metales y
bles? Disposons-nous dun nombre suffisant para lograr los objetivos de la Iniciativa de
de personnel comptent pour rpondre aux materias primas de la Comisin Europea y
besoins dune industrie minire intelligente, el Partenariado de Innovacin en materias
celle du futur? Il reste lEurope et ses Etats primas.
membres beaucoup de travail pour tendre
vers une autosuffisance en minraux mtal-
liques et atteindre les objectifs de lInitiative
lance par la Commission europenne pour
les matires premires, Initiative commune
aux Etats membres.

lobalisation, the growth of the industries at the dawn of the 21st century population and number of middle-class
middle class and sustainability of have generated considerable renewed inter- people, although consumption per capita
the accelerated development of the est in mineral resources. According to the will decrease due to improved resources
traditional, high-tech and environmental United Nations, the world population will efficiency, recycling, better product design
rise to 9 billion and 3 billion new people and new materials (World Economic
*Geological Survey of Finland, Espoo, will move to cities by 2050. The total con- Forum, 2014). The availability of metals is
Finland,, ferenc.
sumption of metals will definitely be higher critical for European industry and welfare.
in the future due to the increasing world The combined annual turnover of the con-

Topical - Metallic Minerals

struction, chemical, automobile, aeroplane,

machinery and equipment-manufacturing
industries is about 1,300 billion euro, and
they provide employment for 30 million
people (Tiess 2010). EU member countries
consume 20-30 % of the metals produced
globally, but metal mine production within
the EU accounts for an average of only
about 3 % of global production (Fig. 1).
Furthermore, many important metals are
not produced in Europe at all.
Resources efficiency will reduce our
dependency on primary minerals, but EU
industries will remain vulnerable to dis-
ruptions in the metal supply and to market
volatility for many decades to come. Thus,
one of the challenges for the sustainability
of the raw material supply chain in Europe
is to enhance domestic production of not Figure 1: Mine production and apparent consumption (= production + import export) of
only the critical metals but also the tra- ferrous and base metals in the EU27 countries (data from BRGM, 2008).
ditional ferrous and base metals (Fig. 1).
The entry of new leading players such as
China and India and other rapidly devel-
oping countries into the raw materials
market and subsequent re-arrangement of
the global structure of the mineral supply
chain has strongly influenced the access
of the traditional centres of technologi-
cal and industrial development to mineral
resources, and even to recyclable scrap
metals. Among these traditional centres,
the EU is the most severely affected eco-
nomic region, where accelerated urbanisa-
tion, the development of environmentally
sensitive societal legislation of industrial
activities, and the protection of remaining
pristine ecosystems and agricultural lands
led to the suppression or total abandon-
ment of mineral exploration and mining,
even in traditional mining districts, by the
end of the 20th century.
Evaluation of the state of mineral
exploration, exploitation and processing
methods has revealed that new innovative
Figure 2: Tectonic map of Europe and locations of the most important mining fields. FL
technologies in mining, mineral process-
Finnish Lapland; S-N Skellefte-Norbotten; Be Bergslagen; IBM Irish Base Metal district;
ing and recycling are needed in the EU
to support the sustainable use of avail- IBP Iberian Pyrite Belt; PK Polish Kupferschiefer; Ba Balkan mining district.
able resources (European Commission, industrial development is in the use of years ago), Variscan (300400 mill. years
2008). Industrial development continu- mineral resources. Europe was the leading ago) and Alpine orogenies (during the past
ously generates needs for new raw materi- continent for the production of mineral 60 million years) were the major growth
als: the most widely known example is the commodities up until the early 1900s. periods of the European continental crust
enhanced interest in rare earth elements The geological evolution of the European around the old Fennoscandian and East-
(REE) and some of the platinum group terrains repeatedly provided favourable ern European shields (Fig. 2). Each of
elements (PGE), among other critical conditions for the formation of a variety of these orogenic cycles included the recur-
raw materials, for the high-tech industry mineral deposits and made Europe rich in rent development of geological conditions
(European Commission, 2010). metallic mineral resources. The nucleus of suitable for the formation of many types of
the European continent formed more than metallic mineral deposits. Thus, the Euro-
Important metallic mineral deposits and 3 billion years ago, and the cyclic moun- pean orogenic belts contain quite different
critical metals in Europe tain-building processes led to the periodic resources of metallic commodities. This is
growth of the Fennoscandian Shield during due to the variable geological processes in
Europe has a rich history of mining, the Svecofennian and Sveconorwegian crustal evolution and the ages of the ter-
mineral processing, smelting and the inno- orogenies (1.91.8 and 1.10.9 bill. years rains affecting the depths of erosion.
vative use of metals, and the background ago, respectively). During the Phanerozoic For example, the erosion level of the Fen-
of the traditional European leadership in Eon, the Caledonian (400500 million noscandian shield is mostly 5-20 km, and

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 13

mineral deposits formed at depth a few bil-
lion years ago now crop out on the present
Earths surface. The large mafic-ultramafic
layered complexes in northern Finland,
which were emplaced at depths of several
kilometres in the Earths crust at around
2.44-2.05 billion years ago, and the mafic-
ultramafic intrusions in the deep root
zones of the Svecofennian subduction-col-
lision zones became accessible for mining
because of the deeply penetrating level of
erosion. These intrusions host important
magmatic nickel resources (Fig. 3). The
Keivitsa deposit produced 8963 tons of
nickel in 2013 (
The ore potential of the region is high:
this is well demonstrated by the recent
discovery of the potentially world class
Sakatti copper-nickel-platinum group ele-
ments magmatic sulphide deposit. Similar
ore deposits are essentially absent from
other parts of Europe. The exception is the
Aguablanca magmatic sulphide deposit in
the Ossa Morena zone, which is in the
Figure 3: Ore deposits and occurrences of selected ferrous and base metals in Europe
Variscan belt of Iberia (Tornos et al., 2006).
(EU27 countries). A important; B significant; C medium-sized; D small; E mineral
This deposit formed at a relatively shallow
occurrence with unknown potential; M active mine. The figure was compiled using the depth (ca. 2 km), about 350-330 million
ProMine database available at years ago. The Aguablanca deposit pro-
duced 6242 tons of nickel in 2013. Another
type of nickel ore occurs in the young-
est, Alpean orogenic belt in southeastern
Europe. In this area, the level of erosion
is locally so shallow that the weathering
crusts that have developed during the
warmer climatic periods of the past 60
million years on the surface of ultramafic
rocks are still preserved. The cumulative
production of nickel from these lateritic
deposits of Greece, Kosovo and Macedonia
was 39,100 tons in 2010 (www.euromines.
org). A similar pattern in the distribu-
tion of chromium deposits in Europe may
also be recognised. The mafic-ultramafic
layered complexes of the Fennoscandian
shield are the most significant suppliers of
chromite for the European steel industry,
whereas the other important occurrences
of magmatic chromite ores are related to
the obducted ophiolites of Mesosoic age
in southeastern Europe.
In contrast to nickel, the occurrences of
the most important copper deposits are
more diverse in Europe (Fig. 3).
The porphyry copper type deposits,
which form at shallow levels (1-5 km) of
the Earths crust, are mostly preserved in
the least eroded, subduction/collision-
related Alpine intrusive-volcanic com-
plexes in southeastern Europe (e.g. Bor in
Serbia, Assarel in Bulgaria in the Banat-
Srednogorje Zone). Subduction-related
Figure 4: Critical metal bearing ore deposits and mineralisations in Europe (EU27 coun- intermediate-felsic shallow intrusions with
tries). A significant; B occurrence. The figure was compiled using the ProMine database copper mineralisation are also exception-
ally preserved in the western and central
available at

Topical - Metallic Minerals

part of the Fennoscandian Shield. The Aitik schiefer and even in the porphyry-copper Challenges for future mining in the EU
porphyry copper deposit in the Skellefte deposits of southeastern Europe. The
district of Sweden, with 710 million tons active mines of the Polish Kupferschiefer The European Raw Materials Initiative,
of reserves and an average copper con- Belt also produced 1274 tons of silver in first launched in 2008, is a political frame-
tent of 0.25 wt% (, is an 2012 ( work aiming to improve the availability of
outstanding example of this type of ore Lead and zinc deposits are also potential minerals from European ore deposits and
deposit. However, more important copper resources of such minor metals as silver, guarantee undisturbed imports from third
mines can be found in the post-Variscan indium, gallium, antimony and bismuth, countries, and to reduce the dependency on
intracontinental Zechstein Basins (Kupfer- among others. Indium is a typical minor primary minerals by improving resource
schiefer copper shale, Silesia, Poland). metal in some of the world class volca- efficiency (European Commission, 2008,
The active mines of the Polish Kupfer- nogenic massive sulphide deposits of the 2011, 2013, 2014). The lifespan of many
schiefer Belt (Fig. 2) have 1,166 million Iberian Pyrite Belt. Enhanced recovery of metal products is long and metals are
tons of cumulative reserves with an average these critical metals from base metal ores recyclable in most applications. Therefore,
copper content of 1.56 wt% (http://www. through the development of new mineral once produced, metals remain available for processing and smelting technologies is a future generations, and sustainable socie-
Ore deposits of zinc with substantial possible way to increase the efficiency of ties will create effective mechanisms for
copper and other base metal credits are mining and to support industry needs. recycling and reducing the growing need
widespread in Europe (Fig. 3). Important Figure 4 presents known mineral occur- for primary resources. Future manufactur-
resources are related to the volcanogenic rences, old mining sites, active exploration ing will pay particular attention to product
massive sulphide deposits in the preserved fields and mines, in which the selected crit- design, which will allow effective recycling
subduction-related back arc basins of the ical metals (European Commission, 2014) of commodities, and technological devel-
Fennoscandian Shield (the Raahe-Ladoge are the potential major targets of mining opment will allow the substitution of some
zone in Finland, Skellefte and Bergsladen and exploration according to the ProMine critical metals by other compounds. On the
districts in Sweden). In terms of cumula- database ( In comparison other hand, rapid technological develop-
tive resources (1,923 mill. tons of ore with with Figure 3, it is evident that critical ment and innovations will require the use
40.3 Mt Zn, 21.0 Mt Cu and 15.9 Mt Pb; metals are more scattered than base metals, of new mineral commodities for the next-
Tornos, 2006), the Iberian Pyrite Belt in although some geographic diversity is also generation low-carbon, hi-tech society
Spain and Portugal, in the southernmost present. Platinum group elements and (Vidal et al., 2013). The economy, society,
part of the Variscan orogenic belt (Fig. 2), is cobalt have more potential in the Fennos- energy, infrastructures, transportation and
one of the largest volcanogenic massive sul- candian Shield, whereas tungsten, beryl- the materials will look very different in the
phide ore belts in the world, with more than lium, niobium and tantalum have potential latter half of the 21st century compared to
10 world class deposits of this kind of ore for exploration and mining in the Variscan the present. Therefore, it is impossible to
(e.g. Neves Corvo, Aguas Teidas, Aljustel granite plutons in France and Iberia. At this estimate with a high level of confidence the
and Las Cruces). In fact, more than 20% time, European tungsten ores are mined global need for various metals and miner-
of the largest known volcanogenic massive in Austria (Mittersil), Portugal (Panasqui- als for the next generations. In the future,
sulphide ore deposits can be found in this era) and in Spain (Los Santos). The devel- metal consumption per capita will decrease
belt. Important zinc(-lead) deposits also opment of the Barruecopardo deposit in but global consumption will increase due
occur in the carbonate sedimentary rocks western Spain is considered to be one of the to the growing population and a couple
of the post-Caledonian basins of Ireland most important projects in the world for of billion new middle-class people (World
and the post-Alpine Krakowian-Silesian opening up new tungsten resources outside Economic Forum, 2014).
district of Poland. The initial resources for of China. Beryllium, niobium, tantalum As discussed earlier in this paper, Euro-
the world-class Navan deposit in the Irish and rare earth elements also have enrich- pean geology provides excellent oppor-
Base Metal District (Fig. 2) were 69.9 mil- ments in alkaline igneous complexes and tunities for exploitation of the currently
lion tons with 12.7 % average zinc+lead carbonatites in the Fennoscandian Shield. known ore deposits, and for discoveries
concentrations ( The currently most important exploration of new deposits containing a wide range
The already known and currently project for a rare earth element deposit is of essential minerals, including base, fer-
exploited base metal deposits and mining running at Norra Krr in Sweden (www. rous, noble and critical metals and miner-
districts of Europe provide an important Further research and als. However, many questions remain to
basis for the future development of mining exploration are needed to better under- be answered. Can we develop improved
in Europe. In most areas, there is a good stand the formation of economically viable technologies and practices for sustainable
potential for new mineral discoveries, par- rare earth element deposits in the Earths and acceptable mining in the EU? Do we
ticularly at depth down to 2 km, where crust. have access to land, and companies ready
geological information is very limited but The diversity of deposit types and dis- to invest in mining, and in mineral explo-
mining would be economically feasible. tribution of metallic mineral deposits in ration to make new discoveries? Can we
The base metal deposits also contain Europe also warrants the application of dif- technically and economically mine the
minor metals that are critical for the high- ferent approaches to mineral exploration more complex, lower grade and deeper-
tech industry. For example, magmatic and mining. In addition to the geological seated deposits already known or to be dis-
nickel-copper sulphide deposits may con- background, the environmental circum- covered? For societal and environmental
tain enrichments of platinum group ele- stances and societal legislation are highly reasons, will we be allowed to mine at all in
ments (mostly platinum and palladium) variable in different regions, which are fur- sites with economically viable ore deposits?
and cobalt. It is interesting that the Euro- ther challenges for the future development Do we have enough skilled people to work
pean copper deposits are also associated of the mining industry. for the intelligent mining industry of the
with locally elevated platinum and palla- future?
dium concentrations in the Polish Kupfer-

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 15

Figure 5: The role of the mineral system concept and geo-modelling in targeting areas for mineral exploration.

Mineral exploration is the key to future gies, fast drill-core analysis and data pro- The exploration industry is looking for
mining cessing has the potential of increasing rates new opportunities globally. The decision
of discovery. Better geological understand- making of exploration companies is not
Today, the ferrous and base metals com- ing of the mineral systems in relation to only based on the grounds of prospec-
prise more than 70 % of global mining by crustal evolution and the geological struc- tivity, but increasingly on issues such as
mine value. These metals will also rule the tures in three dimensions down to a few access to land, mining and environmen-
global mining industry for the decades to kilometres is definitely needed to promote tal legislation, infrastructure, the safety
come, but accelerating technological devel- future discoveries. Geological surveys, of investments and the availability of the
opment will change the future demand research institutes and universities should social licence to operate, which define the
for metals and minerals in an unpredict- take a much stronger role in these studies. country risk for operations.
able way. Commodity prices will remain Governments and various funding organi- The Fraser Institute, a Canadian think
very volatile and new deposit types will sations need to understand that new geo- tank, annually ranks various mining
become economically interesting. Can we scientific data, research and models are regions on the basis of their favour-
find deposits for future mining in the EU? the necessary basis to promote exploration ability for exploration investments. This
We are currently constructing EU-wide investments by the mining industry. is based on a survey among mining com-
uniform databases of known mineral Evaluation of old base metal mining dis- pany executives. With regard to Europe,
resources and the geology of ore-potential tricts for the extension of resources and the Policy Perception Index rankings are
areas (e.g., in EU-funded projects such as potential by-production of critical metals very biased in their survey (Wilson and
ProMine and Minerals4EU). Although and exploration for metallic resources in less Cervantes, 2014). The Nordic countries
this is a necessary starting point for future known target areas requires the application of Sweden (No. 1), Finland (No. 2) plus
mining, these databases do not provide of new geological concepts and exploration Norway (No. 10) are at the top of the list of
any definitive answers concerning the true methods. The mineral system approach, a all the 112 jurisdictions evaluated in 2013,
existence and resources of various metals holistic approach to understand sources, demonstrating the sound policy climate
in the EU. In most ore-potential areas, very transportation pathways, deposition and of the Fennoscandian Shield for explora-
little exploration or intensive geoscientific preservation/re-mobilisation mechanisms tion companies (Fig. 6). Ireland (No. 4) has
mapping and modelling have been per- of metals in the Earths crust, forms the basis improved its ranking and France (No. 18)
formed during the past decades, or ever, for the application of modern concepts in is new on the list. Other European mining
at a scale detailed enough for exploration mineral exploration. The mineral system regions exhibit modest to poor rankings:
purposes, or applying modern deep-pene- approach combined with new exploration Portugal (No. 42), Spain (No. 45), Bulgaria
trating geoscientific techniques. Therefore, methods such as high-resolution seismic (No. 49), Poland (No. 59), Romania (No.
new geological, geophysical and geochem- and magnetotelluric surveys and in situ 86) and Greece (No. 89). The Frasers Best
ical data are lacking for most of Europe. (real time) borehole/field geochemical Practices Mineral Potential Index meas-
Exploration in most areas of the EU has analytical methods, and the application of ures the regions geological attractiveness
been considerably less intensive than in these data in computerised mineral pro- for exploration investment assuming best
the major mining regions elsewhere, such spectivity mapping enhance the efficiency practice policies, and European countries
as Canada, Australia and South America. of exploration and support the recognition have variable rankings. Denmark (Green-
Information on new deposit types and on of hidden resources (Fig. 5). land) has the best position (No. 8), and
geology and possible mineral deposits at Mineral exploration is perhaps the most Finland (No. 21) and Sweden (No. 27) have
depth is particularly scarce, and in most important R&D activity for the mining good rankings, whereas other countries are
cases non-existent. The average global industry, and without successful explora- in the middle or lower half of the ranks
exploration cost per discovery increased by tion there will be no sustainable mining. (Fig. 6).
160 % in real terms between the 1980s and It is, however, a highly risky business. Today, only a modest 4 % of global explo-
2000s and, in mature exploration jurisdic- Typically, only one out of one thousand of ration investments are directed to Europe
tions such as Australia, by as much as 260 exploration projects leads directly to mine (World Exploration Trends, 2014). Europe
%. A technological breakthrough allowing development, and at least several tens of has much to improve to attract more explo-
easy discovery of the very contrasting types millions of euro are needed to discover an ration investments in the future in order
of ore deposits at depth is very unlikely, ore deposit. Therefore, intensive explora- to reduce its dependency on imports and
although cheaper, faster, safer, and more tion expenditure is key to future mining safeguard the availability of raw materials
environmentally friendly drilling, com- activities. from European sources, as stated by the
bined with down-hole sensing technolo- European Raw Materials Initiative.

Topical - Metallic Minerals

Societal acceptance of mining Eldorado Gold Corporations mine pro- of resource nationalism are strengthening,
jects in northern Greece. The mindset has demanding special mining taxes or domes-
Decision making for exploration invest- also rapidly changed in Finland since 2011, tic, often public involvement in the mining
ments is never based only on the geological following the environmental problems business, and limits on foreign ownership,
potential, but needs to take into account that occurred at the large-scale Talvivaara or mandated beneficiation and export
numerous other issues. Tightening leg- nickel mine. In Sweden, there has been a levies. Companies need to improve stake-
islation and competition with other land long battle to open a carbonate rock quarry holder relationships and partnerships with
use purposes, such as agriculture, hous- on the Island of Gotland. In all regions, a commitment to delivering shared value to
ing, nature conservation and recreation, anti-mining groups are well organized and industry, governments and services. Socie-
are causing increasing hurdles for mineral have good visibility in the media. People ties, governments and investors will not
exploration, and there is a threat that in the are also increasingly opposed to mineral tolerate unsustainable mining companies
future only limited areas will be available exploration, and it is very difficult to make in the future (World Economic Forum,
for surveys. Since mineral raw materials are them understand the difference between 2014).
unevenly distributed across the Earth (e.g., exploration projects, which can operate
Figs. 3 and 4) and are concentrated in very over large areas, cause very low impacts Mining technology and skills crisis
small volumes of the crust through distinct and seldom lead to mining operations,
geological processes, their location, quan- and mining itself, which may cause high An important approach to better
tity and quality is not known in sufficient impacts in small areas. acceptance and lower impacts comes from
detail to make reliable scenarios for future A question has often been raised con- improved technology and new innova-
land use and economic models of mineral cerning the sharing of benefits. Is it right tions. Many of the future intelligent mines
potential regions. Many deposits in the EU that foreign companies, as the companies will be based on safe robotics, digital tech-
remain undiscovered and many are too often are in this global business, utilise nologies and safe automatic processes; they
poorly known to define true resources. non-renewable mineral deposits, and will use less energy and water, and employ
The only way to obtain better infor- what is the benefit for the region? Stud- the concepts of zero waste and zero acci-
mation is to invest much more in geo- ies in northern Finland, for example, dents. Several projects and programmes
scientific mapping, research and mineral have demonstrated that the Kittil gold are focused on developing mining tech-
exploration. Because intensive exploration mine, operated by a Canadian company, nology, such as the EU-funded I2Mine
is the only way to define the true exist- brings important positive impacts for the project or Finlands Green Mining Pro-
ence of possible, and in rare cases, rich local communities through employment, gramme and Swedens Smart Mine of the
mineral deposits, it should be allowed in opportunities for economic growth and Future programme. Future societies will
most areas. Exploration-related surveys diversification, a positive public mind- also demand that mines be nearly invis-
can be performed in such a way that their set and government revenues. However, ible. Although mining will evidently be
impacts on the environment and sur- there are challenges in converting natural increasingly based on underground deep
rounding societies remain minimal. An resource wealth into sustainable economic operations, it will be difficult to find and
example is the very promising Sakatti growth and the long-term development of economically extract all the commodities
copper-nickel-platinum group elements mining regions. In various countries, voices needed by future communities deep from
deposit in northern Finland discovered
by Anglo American Exploration, which is
located inside a Natura 2000 wetland area.
The deposit is a grass-roots discovery in
a very poorly studied area located 12 km
from the Kevitsa nickel-copper-platinum
deposit, which was put into production in
2012. These deposits could possibly allow
profitable large-scale production of base
metals and platinum for several decades.
Societal judgement between contrasting
land use purposes and a decision on pos-
sible mine development cannot be made
in a balanced way without detailed knowl-
edge of the reserves and feasibility of the
mineral deposit.
People in Europe are heavily dependent
on mineral-based products in their every-
day lives and they are not ready to radically
reduce their consumption. Despite this,
many are increasingly opposed to mining
activities in nearby communities, or within
environmentally vulnerable areas, such as
the Arctic regions, or even anywhere in the Figure 6: Ranks of some European countries according to the Policy Perception Index (black)
world. There are many such examples in and the Best Practices Mineral Potential Index (red) for the mining industry according to the
Europe, including the Rosia Montana gold 2013 mining company survey by the Fraser Institute (Wilson and Cervantes, 2013). The study
project in Romania, which was recently includes 112 jurisdictions. Note: indexes for Denmark refer ranks of Greenland.
rejected by a parliament committee, and

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 17

the crust, and large, low-grade, open-pit
deposits cannot be avoided.
The expanding mining industry is
struggling with a rapidly aging workforce
and shortage of professionals. During the
last two decades, economic geology and
mining engineering departments and edu-
cation programmes have been reduced or
closed down. The problem is global. It has
been estimated that the mining indus-
try in Canada would need over 145,000
new employees by 2023 (Mining Indus-
try Human Resources Council, 2013).
A survey by the Finnish Mining Cluster
(Suomen Vuoriklusteri) in 2012 indicated
Figure 7: The Green Mining Concept of Finland.
that the expanding minerals industry in
Finland would need 5,600 new people by a globally significant mining technology tion, and the development of exploration,
2022, with over 800 having at least MSc- cluster that today serves the minerals sector mining and processing techniques.
level academic training. in all aspects of extraction, concentration, One of the goals is to minimise adverse
New education programmes have metallurgical refining and fabrication, as environmental and social impacts in all
recently been established in various uni- well as technical services. stages of mining operations. At the same
versities and lower-level institutions in the Although almost all mines in Finland time, the operations strive to maximise
EU and globally, but it is uncertain whether are performing in a sustainable way and social and local benefits, which requires
these will be able to train all the people according to so-called stress tests recently research, communication and meth-
needed. Mining has a reputation for being performed by the Ministry of Environ- ods that allow broad-based community
an old-fashioned and polluting industry, ment no major environmental risks have participation.
which is not seen as a career of the future been encountered, there have been envi- Work must be organised in such a way
by most young people. Therefore, it will ronmental problems, particularly with that it is safe and meaningful to employ-
not be easy to attract talented students to the Talvivaara nickel mine. This has been ees. This can be achieved by automating
the minerals industry, which is undergoing the trigger for strengthening anti-mining processes and making them more efficient,
rapid change and increasingly employing activities and debate in the media from as well as by developing new practices and
high technology. 2011 onwards. The government reacted working methods in cooperation with the
by starting so-called round-table discus- entire staff. Occupational safety aiming
Finlands perspective on sustainable sions involving a vast range of stakehold- at zero accidents is an important starting
mining: the Green Mining Concept ers, led by the Prime Minister and involv- point in all development.
ing the Ministers of Economic Affairs and Green Mining requires sound mine clo-
Finlands bedrock is rich in a variety the Environment. This process resulted in a sure. Mining areas will be restored to make
of mineral commodities, including chro- government Action Plan, Making Finland them safe and allow other kinds of land
mium, nickel, copper, zinc, gold, platinum a leader in the sustainable extractive indus- use. Planning of the controlled ending of
metals, phosphorus, different high-tech try (Ministry of Employment and Econ- mining operations and the proper meas-
metals and industrial minerals (Nurmi and omy, Finland, 2013). The plan includes 35 ures for achieving this is started well before
Eilu, 2012). There is a long mining tradition recommendations for the development of commencing mining operations, and is
in the country and the industry is currently mining for better sustainability, as well as developed throughout the projects life
booming. A number of new mines have acceptance by society through strengthen- cycle with the broad-based participation
been opened, many deposits are under fea- ing societal interactions and pointing out of local residents and other stakeholders.
sibility study and about 40 companies are positive impacts on mining regions. The Finnish Funding Agency for Inno-
performing mineral exploration. Finlands Green Mining concept was vation (Tekes) initiated a 60-million-
Finlands government has been proac- developed in 2011 as a major tool to make euro Green Mining RDI programme in
tive in promoting the development of the Finland the forerunner in sustainable 2011. Today, the program includes over
minerals sector. Finland was one of the mining. This concept is based on five pil- 50 projects involving close co-operation
first EU countries to release its mineral lars, as presented in Fig. 7. Green Mining between companies, public research insti-
strategy in 2010 (Finlands Mineral Strat- promotes material and energy efficiency, tutes and universities (http://www.tekes.
egy, 2010). The long-term objective of the which reduces the environmental foot- fi/en/programmes-and-services/tekes-
strategy is to make Finland a global pioneer print of mineral-based product life cycles. programmes/green-mining/). Last year, the
in the ecologically efficient mineral indus- The purpose is to allow the recovery of all Academy of Finland launched a research
try. According to the vision, the minerals useful minerals and by-products, and to programme on mineral resources and
sector will become one of the foundations minimise the amount of waste. Solutions alternative materials to promote knowl-
of the Finnish national economy. Mining for reducing raw water and energy con- edge-based growth in the raw materials
has an important role, particularly in the sumption are being developed. Further- sector. The European Innovation Partner-
development of rural areas in the east- more, Green Mining aims to ensure the ship on Raw Materials and the Horizon
ern and northern parts of the country, in availability of mineral resources for future 2020 Programme are both targeting out-
sparsely populated areas where it is difficult needs through sustainable development, comes similar to the Green Mining Con-
to create other types of industries. Finn- which requires geoscientific mapping and cept at the EU level.
ish expertise and innovation have created research, investment in mineral explora-

Topical - Metallic Minerals

Conclusions development of new concepts and methods icies in harmony with the overall EU inter-
of mineral exploration and exploitation. est; an example is Finlands Green Mining
The economy, society, energy, infra- The European Innovation Partnership on Concept. The education of future experts
structure, transportation and materials Raw materials and the Horizon 2020 pro- for a modern extractive industry in the EU
will look very different in the latter half of grammes open up good opportunities for is also a major challenge. The development
the 21st century than at present. Though the innovative development of new explo- and re-vitalisation of national and interna-
metal consumption per capita will decrease ration technologies, better use of currently tional centres in mining schools and initia-
in the circular economies, global consump- available resources, and for seeking envi- tion of new RDI programs are essential for
tion will increase; therefore, the mining ronmentally friendly and sustainable solu- resolving the skills crisis in this field.
and metals industry will have a significant tions to the metal supply for EU industry. Future mining has to be based on
role to play in future societies. Different types of metallic mineral deposits resource-efficient technology, automatic
The EU has a good geological back- occur in separate parts of Europe, and their processes, high environmental standards,
ground for a modern mining industry exploration and mining face different envi- and a shared understanding of economic
producing base, ferrous and critical metals. ronmental and societal challenges. Thus, and social development. Societies, inves-
Available metallic resources can be each European country and region must tors and governments will not accept
increased through investments in the develop its own strategies and mineral pol- unsustainable mining.


BRGM, 2008. World mining and metals yearbook. BRGM RP-59646.

European Commission. 2008. The raw materials initiative meeting our critical needs for growth and jobs in Europe. COM(2008)

European Commission, 2010. Critical raw materials for the EU. Report of the ad-hoc working group on defining critical raw

European Commission. 2013. On the implementation of the Raw Materials Initiative. Report from the Commission to the Euro-
pean Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of Regions. COM(2013) 442.

European Commission, 2014: Report on critical raw materials for the EU.

Finlands Mineral Strategy. 2010. Geological Survey of Finland.


Mining Industry Human Resources Council. 2013. Canadian Mining Industry Employment, Hiring Requirements and Available
Talent: 10-year Outlook.

Ministry of Employment and Economy, Finland. 2013. Making Finland a leader in the sustainable extractive industry action

Nurmi, P. A. and Eilu, P. 2012. Metallic mineral resources in Finland and Fennoscandia: a major European raw-materials source for
the future. In Haapala, I. (ed.), From the Earths Core to Outer Space. Berlin: Springer. p. 81-101. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25550-2_6

Tiess, G. 2010. Minerals policy in Europe: Some recent developments. Resources Policy, 35(3). 190-198. DOI: 10.1016/j.

Tornos, F., 2006, Environment of formation and styles of volcanogenic massive sulfides: The Iberian Pyrite Belt. Ore Geology
Reviews, 28(3), 259307. DOI: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2004.12.005

Tornos, F., Galindo, C., Casquet, C., Pevida, L.R., Martnez, C., Mratnez, E., Velasco, F., Iriondo, A., 2006, The Aguablanca Ni(Cu)
sulfide deposit, SW Spain: geologic and geochemical controls and the relationship with a midcrustal layered mafic complex.
Mineralium Deposita, 41, 737-769. DOI: 10.1007/s00126-006-0090-6

Vidal, O., Goff, B., and Arndt, N., 2013. Metals for a low-carbon society. Nature Geoscience. 6, 894896. DOI 10.1038/ngeo1993

Wilson, A. and Cervantes, M. 2014. Survey of Mining Companies 2013. Fraser Institute.

World Economic Forum. 2014. Mining and metals in a sustainable world.

World Exploration Trends. 2014. A special report from SNL Metals & Mining for the PDAC Convention.

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 19

The need of mineral resources for
low-carbon energy production
Olivier Vidal*

ossil fuels have been at the origin The demand in raw materials for renew- recycling of the infrastructure needed for
of the industrial revolution, which able energy will compete with other indus- the production, distribution and storage of
brought major benefits to humanity trial sectors. The introduction of new tech- renewable energy, including those of rare
but has also caused pollution and envi- nologies in the ICT, transport and green metals, must be built into future programs.
ronmental damage. We now look forward energy sectors requires a diverse set of pre- Designs of new products need to take
to a low-carbon society where renewable viously little-used metals. In addition, 10% into account the realities of mineral supply,
solar, wind, geo-thermal and tidal sources of the current world energy consumption is with recycling of raw materials integrated
of energy at least partially replace fossil used for extraction and processing of min- during a products entire life cycle (Vidal et
fuels. Currently wind and solar energy pro- eral resources and without extraordinary al., 2013b). This necessitates better coop-
vide only about 1% of global energy, but advances in mining and refining technol- eration in research and design in the recy-
the contribution from wind turbines and ogy, this fraction is set to rise as poorer and cling and substitution technologies. Finally,
solar energy may increase from the current more remote deposits are tapped. Initially, dependence on the foreign import of metals
400 terawatt hours to 25,000 Twh in 2050. the energy needed will come from fossil should also be considered when assessing
Since most renewable energy sources are fuels, before renewable energy come to the criticality of a resource. Mineral supply
diffuse and intermittent, harnessing this the fore. There is a risk that the competi- to most developed nations comes mainly
energy requires complex infrastructure tion for metals and fossil energy that are from foreign sources. European industries
distributed over large areas, both on land already becoming more difficult, and more consume more than 20% of the metals
and at sea, and these facilities will consume expensive, to secure will put some limit to that are mined globally, yet European
large amounts of metals and other mineral the transfer to renewable energy. mines produce only 1.5% of global iron
products. To match the power generated by What should be done to address these and aluminium, and 6% of global copper
fossil fuels or nuclear power stations, solar problems? The transition to renewable production. This situation is highly unsat-
and wind facilities require up to 15 times energy can only work if all resources are isfactory for security, economic and ethi-
more concrete, 90 times more Al, and 50 managed simultaneously, as part of a cal reasons, and makes European industry
times more Fe, Cu and glass, as well as sand global, integral whole. Earths resources are vulnerable to short- or long-term supply
and industrial minerals to make concrete rich and manifold, but they are finite. As restrictions. Green technologies should
and glass (Vidal et al., 2013a), and hydro- demand grows, we must fully acknowledge incorporate domestic mining which reduces
carbon derivatives for resins and plastics. the inherent trade-off between the co-pro- the financial and environmental costs of
These materials will be sequestered for duction of metals and energy, and optimise transporting metals from far-flung sources
several decades and cannot immediately procedures and technologies to use both and decreases the carbon footprint, while
be recycled. In 2050, about 3,200 million as efficiently as possible. This requires a providing jobs and wealth to the local com-
tonnes (mt) of steel, 310 mt of Al and 40 coordinated effort involving scientists from munity. Currently, much of the pollution
mt of Cu will be required to construct various disciplines (earth and environmen- associated with mining is out-sourced to
the infrastructures that will generate the tal sciences, material sciences, economy, regions where the environmental impact is
25,000 TWh planned by the Ecofys sce- social sciences), engineers, industrials and often uncontrolled. In Europe, things can
nario (Deng et al., 2011). In the next 40 decision makers. The environmental and be done better.
years, the yearly global demand in these energy costs of the construction, use and
elements will be boosted by 5 to 18% of the
2010 world supply; an increase similar to References
that driven by all industrial sectors between
1970 and 2000. The anticipated demand Vidal, O., Goff, B. and Arndt, N. (2013) : Metals for a low-carbon society, Nature
for the minor metals that are extensively Geoscience, 6(11), 894-896.
employed in the green energy sector is
more worrying: between 2010 and 2030,
the yearly global demand in Ga, In, Se, Te Deng, Y., Cornelissen, S. & Klaus, S. The Energy Report: 100% Renewable Energy by
and rare earths for photovoltaic panels and 2050 (WWF with ECOFYS and OMA, 2011).
wind turbines will increase by 10 to 230%
of the 2010 world supply (hrlund, 2011). hrlund, I. Science and Technology Options Assessment: Future Metal Demand
from Photovoltaic Cells and Wind Turbines (European Parliament, 2011).
* CNRS, Universit Grenoble Alpes, 1381
Rue de la Piscine BP53, F-38041 Grenoble, Vidal, O., Weihed, P. Hagelken, C., Bol, D., Christmann, C. and Arndt, N. (2013):
Cedex 09, ERA-MIN Research Agenda, 112 p.

Topical - Metallic Minerals

Economic geology of rare-earth elements in

2014: a global perspective
Bernd Lehmann*

The rare-earth element (REE) market is Le march des lments rares (REE) est El mercado de elementos de las tierras
still dominated by China, which currently toujours domin par la Chine qui, actuel- raras (REE) sigue dominado por China, que
has a share in global REE mine production lement, produit 80% des REE, en diminution actualmente tiene una participacin en la
of about 80 %, down from about 95 % in depuis 2011 (sa part tait gale 95%). Ce produccin mundial de alrededor del 80%,
2011. This percentage will decrease further pourcentage va continuer dcrotre dans frente al estimado 95% en el 2011. Este por-
over the coming years, with the two large les annes venir, en tenant compte des centaje se reducir an ms en los prximos
carbonatite-related REE deposits of Moun- deux vastes gisements de terres rares asso- aos, con los dos grandes explotaciones
tain Pass (USA) and Mount Weld (Australia) cis des carbonatites, de Mountain Pass de carbonatitas con depsitos de tierras
coming to full production. These two high- (USA) et de Mount Weld (Australie), arrivant raras, REE, que estan llegando a la plena
grade open pit mines (both with about 8 % un tat de pleine production. Ces deux produccin, en Mountain Pass (EE.UU.) y
rare earth oxides) will add capacity to the exploitations ciel ouvert dun minerai Mount Weld (Australia). Estas dos minas a
global REE supply of about 50 %, and they riche (contenant chacun de lordre de 8% cielo abierto que tienen un alto grado de
are the reference points for any economic doxydes de terres rares), vont augmenter la mineral (ambos con alrededor del 8% de
evaluation of other REE development pro- production globale de REE denviron 50% et xidos de tierras raras) aadirn capaci-
jects. Only very few of the more than 200 constituent une rfrence pour toute valu- dad de oferta mundial en REE de alrededor
REE exploration projects around the world ation conomique dautres projets de dvel- del 50%, y son puntos de referencia para
will be able to survive in an increasingly oppement des REE. Seul un trs petit nombre la evaluacin econmica del desarrollo de
competitive market. parmi plus de 200 projets dexploration dans otros proyectos de REE. Slo unos pocos de
le monde sera capable de survivre un los ms de 200 proyectos de exploracin
march de plus en plus comptitif. de REE en todo el mundo sern capaces
de sobrevivir en un mercado cada vez ms

here was a time, only about three The price range expected for the coming
years ago, when the western world years is about 2.5 times the pre-2010 prices,
suddenly became alarmed that which had been relatively static for many
China was going to crush the high-tech years and drove all non-Chinese competi-
sector of western economies due to its tors out of the market. There is now fear of
dominance in rare-earth-element (REE) oversupply, given the discovery of several
mining and processing. China then had a large and high-grade REE deposits outside
share of 95 % of the global REE production of China. Only a few major low-cost REE
and began to impose export restrictions. mine projects will survive out of the more
Prices rose dramatically in 2011, for some than 200 REE exploration projects of recent
REEs up to a hundredfold. It appeared that years. This report aims to delineate some
Deng Xiaopings famous strategic forecast main features of the economic geology of
The Middle East has oil - China has rare the rare-earth elements with a perspective
earths would become true. for the coming years.
However, the alarm was short-lived. The
elevated REE prices were the incentive for Economic background and geology
a multitude of exploration and develop-
ment projects around the globe. It turned Rare-earth elements are the 15 lantha-
out that rare earths are not as rare as their nide metals at the bottom of the periodic
name would suggest. The Chinese share table, from lanthanum (atomic number
of rare-earth production now stands at 57) to lutetium (71), plus the chemically
about 80 % of the world market (Fig. 1), similar metals scandium (21) and yttrium Figure 1: REE world mine production (top) and
and several new projects outside China (39) (Fig. 2). Some of these elements are reserves (bottom) based on information from the
will add additional REE production in the exceptionally useful for high-tech applica- U.S. Geological Survey (USGS, Mineral Commod-
coming years. Prices in 2012 were half of tions such as supermagnets, lasers, solar ity Summaries, Rare earths, February 2014). The
their 2011 peak, and half again in 2013. panels, and advanced catalysts. Much of USGS definition of reserves includes here what is
the industrial potential of these modern internationally known as resources. REE resources
* Mineral Resources, Technical University metals is still in the research stage, and are very large relative to current and expected
of Clausthal, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, demand for particular REEs is dynamic
Germany; bernd.lehmann@tu-clausthal. future demand and are increasing with current
and may quickly change with technological
de progress. Some of the REEs are common exploration.

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 21

in the Earths crust, i.e. comparable in
abundance to the base metals copper, zinc,
or nickel, with a few tens of g/t (=ppm).
These are the light REEs (atomic numbers
57-63; LREE) such as lanthanum, cerium
and neodymium. Some of the heavy REEs
(atomic numbers 64-71; HREE) such as ter-
bium or lutetium, but also europium, have
abundances around 1 g/t, which is similar
to tungsten or bismuth, but still orders of
magnitude more than gold or platinum.
The prices of individual REEs are very
variable and depend on both geological
availability and technological demand.
The group of REEs always occurs together
in ore deposits, but in a specific mix for
each deposit, and cannot be mined sepa-
rately. This situation of coupled elements
(Wellmer 2008) leads to an imbalance Figure 2: Abundance patterns of the rare-earth elements in the average upper continental crust and in
between the proportion of different REEs two representative REE ore types, i.e. high-grade carbonatite ore from Mountain Pass, USA, and lateritic
produced and that required by the market. ion-adsorption ore from southern China. The gap at atomic number 61 is due to the fact that promethium
There are one or a few elements in high has no long-lived or stable isotopes and does not occur in natural materials. From Haxel et al. (2002).
demand (and consequently high-priced)
which drive REE production. Such driv-
ers are europium and terbium, used for
phosphors in video screens and LEDs, and
neodymium together with praseodymium
and dysprosium in permanent magnets.
Other REEs are relatively cheap, but tech-
nological progress may quickly modify
the demand structure. The market value
of the global 2013 REE mine production
of approximately 115,000 t REO (grade and
production of REEs are usually given as
rare-earth-element oxides in the mining
industry) is about 3-4 billion USD, which
is orders of magnitude less than that of
iron ore or copper. Most of this value
comes from the processing of the ore, i.e.
separation and purification of the individual
metals or metal oxides, which is difficult Figure 3: Major REE mines (larger symbols) and exploration/development projects (smaller symbols).
due to the chemical similarity of the REEs. Current REE production is mainly from China (Bayan Obo and Maoniuping, as well as many smaller
The mining cost of the ore is only about 5 % deposits working on lateritic weathering crusts) and from Mountain Pass in the USA. The Mount
of the total production cost. This is different
Weld deposit in western Australia is scheduled to produce 11,000 t REO in 2014. Several mines in
to most other raw materials.
the Lovozero district (Russia) on the Kola Peninsula produce about 1000 t REO/year as by-product of
In terms of value, neodymium and prase-
odymium dominate the global REE market, niobium-titanium mining.
with 1.9 billion USD (23,000 t) combined. are mainly used in nickel-metal-hydride or it can be part of the laterite profile above
These two metals are mainly used for batteries, super-alloys, and as catalysts for a carbonatite intrusion (supergene enrich-
Nd2Fe14B permanent magnets, and demand pollution control and refining of oil. There ment), such as at Mount Weld, Australia,
is forecast to grow at 10 % per annum, are a number of emergent markets, such or Ngualla, Tanzania, with pristine low-
driven by the wind turbine, automobile as LREE polybutadiene rubber for green grade REE mineralised carbonatite below.
and personal electronics sectors. Rare earth tyres with less road resistance, i.e. lower fuel The carbonatite-related REE deposits are
magnets are significantly stronger and have consumption, and many more. all strongly dominated by LREEs (Fig. 2)
greater temperature resistance than con- concentrated in the two major REE miner-
ventional ferrite magnets. The next impor- REE deposit types als of bastnaesite [REECO3F] and monazite
tant market by value is phosphors (light- [REEPO4]. Nevertheless, each ore deposit
emitting electrodes) in which europium The major REE mines are related to car- has its individual mix of REEs and therefore
and terbium are mainly used (about 600 t bonatite intrusions (Fig. 3). REE mineralisa- a specific ore value. Tonnage-grade data for
@ 680 M USD). The big-volume elements tion can be part of a magmatic intrusion, the major mines and prospects are compiled
lanthanum and cerium represent the largest such as at Mountain Pass, USA; or it can be in Fig. 4.
share in the REE market in terms of ton- part of a carbonatite-associated hydrother- REE production from carbonatites
nage (about 72,000 t @ 550 M USD); they mal system, such as at Bayan Obo, China; started in the 1960s with the Mountain Pass

Topical - Metallic Minerals

deposit in California, which dominated the

REE market until the mid 1980s, when it
was replaced by the Bayan Obo mine in
northern China, where REEs were (and are)
a by-product of large-scale iron ore mining.
The resources of Bayan Obo are estimated at
1.5 Gt @ 35 % Fe with part of the orebody
at 5-6 % REO. The Mountain Pass mine
was a world leader in REE production from
1965 until 1985, when the cheap Chinese
REE production from Bayan Obo forced
this mine to stand-by for more than twenty
years. Mountain Pass came back to life in
2013 after a 1.4 billion USD investment
in state-of-the-art mining and process-
ing technology. Production in 2013 was
13,100 t REO with proceeds of 42.3 USD/
kg REE metal and oxide products, and
production in 2014 is scheduled at 19,000
t REO. The Mountain Pass open-pit mine
has reserves of 18 Mt (million tonnes) at an
average ore grade of 8 % REO (cut-off grade
of 5 % REO), but a much larger resource.
The Mount Weld project in western Aus-
tralia has reserves of 24 Mt at an average
ore grade of 7.9 % REO. The open pit was
scheduled to operate with a cut-off grade of
2.5 % REO, but the cut-off is now revised to
4-7 % REO given the still decreasing world
market prices for REEs. Figure 4: Tonnage-grade plot for major REE mines and exploration/development projects (for location
Alkaline rocks host another type of see Fig. 3). Numbers in parenthesis for some deposits are cut-off grade in % REO. The large-tonnage
mineralogically more complex REE min- deposits of Kvanefjeld (Greenland), Olympic Dam (Australia) and Palaborwa (South Africa) have
eralisation which has elevated contents of REEs as possible by-products only. Resource data for the recently announced Jongju deposit in North
HREEs. These deposits usually are poly-
Korea are currently insufficient, and the Tomtor (Russia) data are inferred resources only. The box for
metallic and also carry mineralisation of
Bayan Obo (China) locates the various grade-tonnage estimates for this deposit. Ion-adsorption clay/
Nb, Zr, Hf, Ti and U, but still need to prove
their economic viability. A classical type weathering crust deposits from South China are not shown; individual deposits of this type are small
example is the Lovozero district in the Kola and usually have grades around 0.1 % REO (with a dominance in HREEs and Y). The Storkwitz REE
alkaline province of NW Russia, with very occurrence in Germany is shown for comparison; this carbonatite prospect is not only small and low
large apatite and titanite deposits with cur- grade but also at >600 m depth. Monazite placer deposits are not shown; they have a grade of <0.1 %
rent (Umbozero and Karnasurt mines) and REO. Base data from Orris and Grauch (2002), actualised and complemented by company information
planned (Alluaiv) REE by-production from (Alkane Resources, Arafura Resources, Avalon Rare Metals, Commerce Resources, Frontier Rare Earths,
loparite, a REE-bearing titanium-niobium Greenland Minerals, Lynas Corporation, Molycorp, Pacific Wildcat Resources, Peak Resources, Quest
Resources, Rare Element Resources, Seltenerden Storkwitz), and Hoatson et al. (2011), Eilu (2012) and
The Kvanefjeld REE-U-Zn deposit is in
Elsner (2012). See the rare-earths blog at for updates and in-situ
the Ilimaussaq alkaline complex of south-
western Greenland, which is similar to ore value based on proportion of REEs and actual REE prices (basket price).
the alkaline rocks of the Kola Peninsula, Monazite is a common accessory min- monazite mining for both Th and REEs
and has a very exotic mineralogy. The eral in all igneous rocks and can be con- may become attractive again.
Kvanefjeld deposit was explored since the centrated in placer deposits together with A particular type of REE deposits is
1970s for uranium, bound in the complex other erosion-resistant heavy minerals such lateritic weathering crusts over granitic
sodium-zirconium silicate of eudialyte, as ilmenite, zircon or cassiterite. Monazite- terrain. Tropical/subtropical weathering
which carries elevated contents of U and rich placers were an important source for leads to residual enrichment of REEs with
REEs, together with other exotic minerals REE production until the mid-1960s. Their preferential enrichment of HREEs and Y by
such as steenstrupine, a U-bearing Na-REE grade is <0.1 % REO. There is currently a adsorption to the clay fraction. This type of
silicate-phosphate. The deposit is most valu- very minor REE by-production from tita- residual lateritic enrichment deposits has
able for its uranium resource with planned nium placer mining. The major problem very low grade, commonly <0.1-0.3 % REO,
by-production of REEs and Zn (956 Mt @ of monazite mining is radioactivity due to and small tonnage, but is mined at many
273 g/t U3O8, 1.1 % REO, 0.24 % Zn; at a elevated thorium content, which imposes localities in South China due to its valuable
cut-off grade of 150 g/t U3O8). However, a high cost for handling and disposal of HREE content (Fig. 2), and low investment
although mining can be by open pit, REE radioactive material. However, if thorium cost. Mining, mostly in a semi-industrial
recovery may be difficult and expensive, as should become an attractive raw material way, is by acid leaching and produces seri-
for most alkaline rock-hosted REE deposits. for thorium-based nuclear power, then ous environmental problems of which the

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 23

local population and the Chinese govern- Conclusions the next few years. Only low-cost producers
ment are now becoming aware. with high ore grade, favourable mineral-
A similar enrichment process by prefer- The decision by the Chinese govern- ogy, and know-how in complex processing
ential adsorption of HREEs, but by iron- ment in 2011 to impose an export quota technology will survive. Development of the
manganese oxides/hydroxides from seawa- for REEs has made the public and policy- giant Tomtor deposit in northern Siberia
ter, is known from deep-sea nodules/crusts makers aware that some key industries in or confirmation of the recent reports on
and sediments with very low clastic or bio- the western world are critically depend- the apparently very-large and high-grade
genic input. Such REE-rich pelagic muds in ent on a secure supply of these modern Jongju deposit in North Korea could mark-
the South Pacific have around 0.1 % REO, metals. This is particularly true for electric edly disturb the REE price structure.
easily recoverable by dilute acid attack (Kato power from wind turbines (a modern 3 There may be short-lived supply short-
et al. 2011). Due to their vast extent, these MW wind turbine uses 300-600 kg Nd+Pr), ages (and corresponding price increases) for
oceanic muds hold enormous resources, automobiles (a conventional car has cur- some specific REEs, but it can be expected
although their recovery from 4,000-5,000 rently about 0.5 kg of REEs, and electric/ that global reserves and resources of REEs
m water depth is currently illusionary. hybrid cars need 20-30 kg of REEs), or for are large enough to meet global demand
A more accessible and very large REE billions of smart phones and light-emitting for a very long time to come, even if high
resource is locked in apatite, which occurs phosphors (LEDs) with <1 g REE each. growth rates in demand should actu-
both in magmatic and sedimentary phos- The rare-earth metals are not rarer than ally occur. The REE market of the last
phate deposits. The giant sedimentary the more familiar industrial base metals years has shown the effectiveness of the
phosphate deposits (annual world mine such as lead, zinc, copper, or tin. Their self-regulating feedback control cycle
production of 224 Mt of phosphate rock perceived rareness is a consequence of the of mineral supply, i.e. increase in price
in 2013, with Morocco and USA as major apparent rareness of their occurrence in ore triggers response both on the supply side
producers in the western world) have a deposits, which is largely due to decades (mine development, recycling) and in
few hundred ppm REEs on average, and of low REE prices and consequent lack of demand (substitution and new technolo-
magmatic-hydrothermal apatite deposits exploration. The price hike in 2010/2011 gies) (Wellmer and Dalheimer 2012). In the
carry a few thousand ppm REE. There are induced a significant global exploration past, a Chinese monopoly in REE produc-
innovative low-cost processing technologies effort with the discovery of dozens of new tion came about due to too low prices, even
currently in development to extract REEs REE deposits. For some applications, it also though REE resources are widespread over
from phosphoric acid and phosphogyp- induced the substitution of REEs by other the globe. Now, however, the supply risk is
sum which could strongly impact the REE raw materials. Exploration and develop- decreasing due to a more geographically
market (Christmann 2014). ment success led to an increase in REE mine balanced mine production pattern, and
production outside China, concomitant this situation is expected to continue for
with significant decreases in price. Several the near future.
new mines will add REE mine capacity over


Christmann P (2014) A forward look into rare earth supply and demand: a role for sedimentary phosphate deposits? 2nd Intern
Symp on Innovation and Technology in the Phosphate Industry, Procedia Engineering, in print.

Eilu P (2012) Mineral Deposits and Metallogeny of Fennoscandia. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 53: 1-401

Elsner H (2012) Das mineralische Rohstoffpotenzial der nordeuropischen Arktis (Mineral Raw Material Potential of the North-
ern European Arctic). Hannover: DERA Rohstoffinformationen.

Haxel GB, Hedrick JB, Orris GJ (2002) Rare earth elements - critical resources for high technology. U.S. Geological Survey Fact
Sheet 087-02.

Hoatson DM, Jaireth S, Miezitis Y (2011) The Major Rare-Earth-Element Deposits of Australia: Geological Setting, Exploration and
Resources. Canberra: Geoscience Australia.

Kato Y, Fujinaga K, Nakamura K, Takaya Y, Kitamura K, Ohta J, Toda R, Nakashima T, Iwamori H (2011) Deep-sea mud in the Pacific
Ocean as a potential resource for rare-earth elements. Nature Geoscience 4: 535-539. DOI:10.1038/ngeo1185

Orris GJ, Grauch RI (2002) Rare earth element mines, deposits, and occurrences. US Geol Survey Open-File Report 02-189: 1-174

Wellmer F-W (2008) Reserves and resources of the geosphere, terms so often misunderstood. Is the life index of reserves of
natural resources a guide to the future? Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft fr Geowissenschaften159/4: 575-590.
DOI: 10.1127/1860-1804/2008/0159-0575

Wellmer F-W, Dalheimer M (2012) The feedback cycle as regulator of past and future mineral supply. Mineralium Deposita 47:
713-729. DOI: 10.1007/s00126-012-0437-0

Topical - Metallic Minerals

Exploration adventures in the Recsk Ore

Jnos Fldessy, va Hartai and Tibor Zelenka*

A large base metal and precious metal ore Un vaste gisement de minerai mtallique Una gran zona de metales comunes y de
zone in the centre of Europe has been wait- incluant une zone de mtal prcieux, au metales preciosos en el centro de Europa
ing for development and commissioning centre de lEurope, est en attente de dvel- ha estado esperando su desarrollo y puesta
for more than forty years this is the Recsk oppement et dinvestissement depuis plus en marcha durante ms de cuarenta aos
Ore Complex in NE Hungary. Being a deep de quarante ans il sagit du Complexe se trata del Complejo Recsk Ore en el
undeveloped complex of ore bodies, it has minier de Recsk, au Nord-Est de la Hongrie. noreste de Hungra. Siendo un yacimiento
offered great challenges for both explora- Constitu par un ensemble complexe, non profundo, no desarrollado y complejo,
tionists and mining engineers. Now its open- dvelopp, de corps minraliss profonds, ha ofrecido grandes desafos tanto para
ing is again being planned by the Hungarian il a reprsent un dfi majeur la fois pour los profesionales encargados de la explo-
Government, and following a significant les ingnieurs en exploration et en exploi- racin, como para los ingenieros de minas.
face-lift, a revised geological model and tation. Aujourdhui, son exploitation est El Gobierno de Hungra est planificando
resource assessment has been inserted in nouveau programme par le Gouvernement ahora su apertura, y despus de un impor-
the data package for the investors. hongrois, et, la suite dune rnovation sig- tante lavado de cara, un modelo geolgico
nificative, un nouveau modle gologique revisado y evaluacin de los recursos ha sido
et une nouvelle valuation des ressources insertado en el mercado de valores para los
potentielles ont t incluses dans le dossier inversores.
des donnes, destin aux investisseurs.

Recsk a large ore complex in the centre

of Europe

or economic geologists the Recsk ore
complex is a textbook item. A cluster
of ore deposits, significant enough to
rank among the worlds largest occurrences,
and yet undeveloped, has been sleeping
silently under water. Recsk, a village some
120 km east of Budapest, has experienced
several ups and downs over the last five dec-
ades (Fig. 1). Large-scale long-term plans
mingle with real-time short-term down-
turns. The town of 3,000 people is awaiting
a better future.

Enargite breccia ores a century old small Figure 1: Location of the village of Recsk.
enterprise at the Lahoca Hill
an annual production reaching maximum life of mining by almost ten years. Between
The discovery and mining of small 50,000 tons of low grade 0.6 % Cu refrac- the beginning and 1979, 3.1 Mt of siliceous
copper ore veins near Recsk goes back tory copper ores with significant gold and hydrothermal breccia was exploited with
to the 1770s. Adits and drifts testify to silver credits, under frequently changing enargite copper mineralisation and gold
the early efforts of miners, which were ownership. After becoming state owned indications (Fldessy & Szebnyi 2008).
unsuccessful until the first larger finds of in 1926, a flotation mill was installed in
copper ores in Lahca Hill in 1852. Since 1931, and actively served the mine until Porphyry copper and skarn complex in
that time the artisanal mine has served its closure in 1979. Meanwhile, repeated the depth
as a workplace for several generations, exploration campaigns were aimed at stabi-
through intermittent active periods with lising the resource background of the small One of the exploration models used in
mine, leading to the discovery of eleven searching the continuation of the Lahoca
*Institute of Mineralogy and Geology, small, isolated enargite-luzonite-pyrite was, in brief: go deep. This strategy was
University of Miskolc, 3515 Miskolc- breccia ore bodies in Paleogene andesite tested successfully in the thirties by drill-
Egyetemvros, Hungary, foldfj@uni- volcanics. The last of these discoveries was ing a 1000 m deep hole (Pard-3) in Lahoca made by accident in 1970, prolonging the Hill, which discovered mineralised deep

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 25

Privatisation failures

Once the need to pull in external funds

became obvious, starting in the late 1970s
several attempts were made by the Hungar-
ian Government to attract investors to take
part in the financing of the project. Sev-
eral major mining companies visited the
occurrence but declined the opportunity.
Other interested parties were also involved
at a certain stage in the negotiations. The
last public tender was announced in 2008.
These attempts, however, have not been
successful, mainly due to the significant
geological risk, time and investment needs
of further explorations at this great depth.
Figure 2: W-E cross-section showing the position of the Mesozoic/Paleogene interface relative to the
surface and the mineralisation types. Siltstone, limestone, shale: Mesozoic; andesite, diorite, quartzdi- Gold an exploration alternative
orite: Eocene-Oligocene; claystone: Upper Oligocene. Mineralisation types: 1: HS Cu-Au, 2: LS Au-Ag,
3: Cu-pyrite-enargite-luzonite, 4: stratiform Zn-Cu, 5: mesothermal porphyry Cu, 6: skarn Cu, 7: skarn From 1993 an interesting alternative
Zn, 8: low-grade porphyry Cu. exploration direction has been opened by
the re-interpretation of the Lahoca Cu-Au
roots of a known orebody. The next plan of the porphyry ore-body. The shafts were mineralisation, and commencement of
in 1962 was to drill four 1000 m deep holes connected by drifts at 900 m and 1100 m gold explorations by an Australian junior
in the northern and southern foreground, depths for underground drilling exploration company, Rhodes Mining. In three years
and the unexpected result was intersecting (more than 500 diamond drillholes, with a more than 10,000 m of diamond holes were
significant Pb-Zn metasomatic orebodies at total length of 88,000 m). As a result, the drilled and a 1.5 M ounce gold deposit
greater depth, in the underlying Mezozoic central core of the occurrence was explored (inferred and indicated) was defined near
carbonate rocks. In 1965 the subsequent to indicated-inferred level, and 7.3 Mt 2.34% the surface, some 1 km east of the porphyry
step-out drilling westward also brought a Cu, 3 Mt 5,53 % Zn ore was delineated copper mineralisation. The relatively low
surprise: two drillholes discovered miner- (Fldessy & Szebnyi, 2008) (Fig. 3). grade (1.45 g/t Au) ore did not prove to
alised Cu-Mo bearing diorite porphyry in The increasing financial difficulties in cov- be economic, due to the depressed gold
170-330 m mineralised thickness, from 700 ering the exploration costs finally resulted in prices at that time, at levels around 250-
to 1000 m depth. This hit rapidly triggered a the suspension of the underground explora- 280 USD/oz. The junior company gave up
large-scale drilling exploration, which was tions (1983), although the facility was main- its efforts in 1997. Although the presence
completed in 1980, after deepening 130 tained in operation until 1998. Dewatering of juniors has been continuous since that
holes for a total length of 155 km and an was carried out by the draw-off of 2.5 m3/s time, exploration efforts have been only
average depth of 1200 m. Several impor- water. In 1998 the pumps were stopped, and sporadic.
tant other mineralisation types have also the facility has become flooded.
been identified (Fig. 2), like skarn Cu-Au
orebodies on the contacts and large high
grade metasomatic Pb-Zn ore zones in the
limestones (Baksa et al. 1988).
The resource estimates in that period gave
779 M tonnes 0.65 % porphyry and skarn
Cu ore (JORC non-compliant, inferred)
with an additional 85 Mt 1.01% Pb, 2.68%
Zn, and 0.37% Cu hydrothermal metaso-
matic ores (Cseh-Nmeth et al. 1984).
The state-owned mining company was
financed from the central government
budget to make steps towards the opening
of the mine.

A full scale mine for exploration? Shafts

to 1250 m depth

The chosen strategy was to build a fully

installed mine for the exploration stage,
parallel with the underground definition
drilling. Shaft sinking was started in 1970,
and two 1200 m deep shafts (8 m internal Figure 3: Spatial arrangement of underground exploratory works in the Recsk Deep. Thick line drift
diameter, located 2 km apart from each
or shaft, thin line borehole, vertical scale altitude in m, northing and easting national (EOV) co-
other) were completed diagonally to the axis
ordinates in m, elevation contour interval is 10 m (Szebnyi et al. 2008)

Topical - Metallic Minerals

Going underwater flooding and main- rhenium content of the Recsk Deeps ore the economic parameters of the Recsk Ore
tenance types, increasing the importance of the Complex. This finally raises again the hope
unexplored and neglected geological details for a happy end to this half-century-long
Flooding of the Recsk Deeps was decided of the mineralisation. exploration story, and gives challenging
and executed in 1998. This step meant stop- tasks to a series of geologists, technologists
ping the pumps and letting water rise to New decisions coming and market experts to overcome the dif-
flood the deep mine levels. The headframes ficulties and weaknesses of this important
were demolished, and the shafts plugged The EUs Raw Material Initiative (2008) but problematic resource.
with concrete. When the last of the tenders was the first moment of the dramatic
for the Recsk Deeps in 2008 brought no recognition of the growing demand and Acknowledgements
success, the government decided to cut back deficiency of raw materials in Europe.
the maintenance costs further and put the The initiative and the consequent actions This work was carried out as part of the
facilities in the status of long-term closure. regarding the EU mineral policy have also TMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV -2012-0005
This period meant the surface reclamation had an impact on the Hungarian mineral project as a work of the Center of Excellence
of the dumps and shaft yards. The sample policy, which has slowly turned back to of Sustainable Resource Management, in
materials and the database have been kept recognising and appreciating the domestic the framework of the New Szchenyi Plan.
in good standing. Academic research how- mineral resources. As their crown jewel, the The realisation of this project is supported
ever, did not stop, and substantial new Recsk Complex is among the first on the by the European Union, co-financed by the
interpretations have emerged since 2008, list. With a resolution brought in December European Social Fund.
like the re-interpretation of the gold and 2013, the government decided to re-assess


Baksa, Cs., Szebnyi, G., Gasztonyi, E., Cseh-Nmeth, J., Polgr, I., Szilgyi, G., Holl, S. 1988: sszefoglal jelents s kszletszm-
ts a recski mlyszinti polimetallikus rceseds rszletes felszn alatti kutatsrl (Final report and reserve calculation on the
detailed underground exploration of the polymetallic ore in the Recsk Deeps. Manuscript. O-O Rzrc M, Budapest-
Recsk, MBFH Archive

Cseh-Nmeth, J., Baksa, Cs., Fldessy, J., Fldessyn-Jrnyi, K., Gasztonyi, ., Szilgyi, G., Zelenka, T. 1984: A recski mlyszinti
rcelforduls klszni mlyfrsos kutatsnak sszefoglal jelentse (Final report on the surface drilling exploration program
of the Recsk Deeps). Manuscript. OA-KBFI, Budapest. MBFH Archive

Fldessy, J., & Szebnyi, G. 2008: The mineralizations of the Recsk Deeps and Lahoca short geological overview. A Miskolci
Egyetem kzlemnyei. A sorozat: Bnyszat, 73: 85-99. Available at

Szebnyi, G., P. Kovcs, G., . Kovcs, L. 2008. Exploration methodology as a factor of geological uncertainty in evaluation of Recsk
Deeps ore mineralizations. A Miskolci Egyetem kzlemnyei. A sorozat: Bnyszat, 73: 145-167. Available at


EFG/PERC Conference
> Safe the date: 20 and 21 November 2014
> Venue: Brussels, Belgium
> More information : p. 28
Photo: EAGE/EFG 2013.

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 27

EFG/PERC Conference
> Safe the date: 20 and 21 November 2014
> Venue: Brussels, Belgium
> Organisers: European Federation of Geologists (EFG) and Pan-European Reserves & Resources
Reporting Committee (PERC)
> Supported by: CRIRSCO, EuroGeoSurveys, Euromines, ICMM, IMA, IOM3, IUGS Task Group on
International Geoscience Professionalism
Photo: EAGE/EFG 2013.

The continuing rise in global population and living standards, as well as technological innovation, leads to increasing requirements for a broader range of
metals, minerals and other raw materials.
EU manufacturing and improved positioning of EU enterprises in the global value chain is currently highly dependent on imports of mineral raw materials from
outside Europe. This dependency is associated with the contraction of primary mining in the EU over several decades, driven by lower costs outside the EU and
pressures to protect the natural environment within the EU (not in my back yard). Increasingly, EU supply chains for raw materials are adversely affected by
growing demand pressure from emerging economies and by an increasing number of national policy measures that disrupt the normal operation of supply
chains. This dependence on supply chains that are largely beyond EU control gives rise to risks related to security of raw materials supply, but also highlights
opportunities for expanding primary extraction and recycling within the EU in line with sustainable development objectives.
In this context, the European Commission launched the European Raw Materials Initiative (RMI) in 2008. The principal objectives of the RMI are:
to stabilize long-term commodity prices by removing market distortions;
to provide alternative approaches to meeting demand;
to support the transition to a low carbon and resource-efficient economy.
The RMI itself is structured around three pillars:
access to raw materials on world markets;
increasing the sustainable supply of raw materials from within the EU;
enhancing resource efficiency and promoting recycling.
Fundamental to the second pillar of the RMI is an improved knowledge base of mineral deposits at EU level. Any improved knowledge base requires comparability
and harmonization of national reporting where this includes information relevant to the exploration for and the exploitation of primary mineral resources. To
face this challenge, standard definitions and approaches for the estimation and reporting of mineral reserves and resources is vital to ensure data comparability
and of ensuring consistency at a range of scales and with a range of objectives:
Maximising opportunities at EU or Member State level - updating raw material resource inventories, and developing and implementing spatial planning
policies aiming to avoid sterilization of raw materials that could be exploited sustainably;
Reducing risk and creating opportunities at financial market level ensuring that investors have access to reliable information to underpin investment
decisions, and providing regulators with consistent information to ensure the highest standards;
Reducing risk and creating opportunities at company level and for regulators maintaining mineral resource information using a standard basis that
is suitable for business planning and monitoring, regulatory compliance and return of reliable and relevant information to planners and policy makers.

This conference aims to promote the adoption of a common reporting standard in the EU. Such an approach will contribute to the convergence of terminology
and the comparability/compatibility of data, thus facilitating the creation of a solid European Knowledge Database on mineral resources and to the successful
delivery of the RMI. Such harmonization is equally important to government policy-makers and to companies within the minerals industry - the users and the
providers of data on mineral resources and reserves.

There will be presentations from speakers representing a range of relevant European policy areas linked to solid mineral raw materials, as well as from experts
drawn from EU regulatory authorities (including those of Member States). There will also be contributions from representatives of financial investment com-
panies, the mining industry and academia.

Audience who should attend?

The conference provides a unique opportunity to learn about and discuss concrete steps regarding mineral reporting in a cross-disciplinary environment,
including EU policy makers, national government officials, academics, minerals company executives, finance and industry experts.

More information and registration soon available at and

Topical - Metallic Minerals

Skarn-type tungsten deposits of Tabuao

area, northern Portugal
A. Filipe Faria*

Economic skarn-type scheelite deposits Un gisement conomique de scheelite, de Depsitos econmicamente rentables
occur at Tabuao, in the Douro valley region type skarn, existe Tabuao, dans la rgion de scheelita tipo skarn se encuentran en
of northern Portugal. Tabuao has the de la valle du Douro, au Nord du Portu- Tabuao, en la regin del valle del Duero
potential to become an important European gal. Tabuao peut devenir un producteur en el norte del Portugal. Tabuao tiene el
tungsten producer. The deposits are hosted europen important de tungstne. La min- potencial de convertirse en un importante
by meta-carbonate horizons included in ralisation est contenue dans des niveaux productor europeo de tungsteno. Los
a lower-Cambrian sedimentary sequence, mta-carbonats appartenant la srie depsitos se encuentran dentro de niveles
within the contact metamorphic zone of a sdimentaire du Cambrien infrieur, dans de meta-carbonato formando parte de
Variscan granite intrusion. The mineralisa- la zone de contact mtamorphique dune la secuencia sedimentaria del Cmbrico
tion was first discovered and explored, to intrusion varisque de granite. La minralisa- inferior, dentro de la zona de contacto
a limited extent, around 1980. Extensive tion fut dabord dcouverte et explore, metamrfico en una intrusin de granito
exploration work conducted since 2008 un degr limit, dans les annes 1980. Des Varisco. La mineralizacin se descubri y
has delineated two deposits, with a total travaux intensifs dexploration excuts en explor, de forma limitada, en torno a 1980.
resource of 2.7 Mt averaging 0.56% WO3, 2008, ont dlimit deux gisements, avec des Trabajos de exploracin extensiva llevados
and there is potential to increase this sig- ressources globales estimes 2.7 Mt et une a cabo desde el ao 2008 han delineado dos
nificantly. The orebodies are thick, gently teneur moyenne de 0.56% de wolfram, et il depsitos, con un recurso total de 2,7 Mt y
dipping and richly mineralised. Their com- existe des possibilits daugmenter ces chif- un promedio de 0,56% WO3, y un potencial
position is very favourable for the produc- fres de faon significative. Les corps minral- de aumento significativo. Los yacimientos
tion of high-purity scheelite concentrates, iss sont massifs, avec un pendage modr son depositos, moderamente inclinadas y
with plant rejects free of contaminants. et une teneur leve. Leur composition est ricamente mineralizados. Su composicin
trs favorable la production de concen- es muy favorable para la produccin de
trs trs purs de scheelite, avec des rejets concentrados de scheelita de alta pureza.
dexploitation dpourvus de contaminants.

Tungsten in Portugal

n June 2010 the European Union
declared tungsten as a critical raw
material for the EU. Tungsten is in
great demand worldwide due to a short-
age of supply, and tungsten prices are close
to all-time highs.
Portugal is well endowed with tungsten
deposits in its central and northern regions
(Figure 1), where tungsten mineralisation
occurs throughout the Central Iberian and
the Galicia Trs-os-Montes zones of the
Iberian Variscan Orogen (Martins, 2012).
The country has historically been one of
the most important tungsten produc-
ers in Europe, and several mines were in
operation until the 1980s. Most of these
have since closed down, as a consequence
of low tungsten prices in the intervening Figure 1: Location of main tungsten deposits in northern and central Portugal.
years. Only the Panasqueira mine, ranking
among the largest tungsten mines in the Portuguese tungsten deposits are spatially as their most frequent tungsten mineral,
world, has remained in production almost and genetically related to Variscan (Upper while scheelite may occur locally; economic
continuously to date. Palaeozoic) granite intrusions, and may concentrations of the tin mineral cassiterite
be of two distinct types, namely vein-type (SnO2) can also be present in some deposits.
* Colt Resources Inc, ffaria@coltre- deposits and skarn-type deposits (Figure 1). The tungsten skarns, on the other hand, The former have wolframite ((Fe,Mn) WO4) have scheelite (Ca WO4) as their primary

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 29

Geologic Setting

The Tabuao tungsten deposits are

located within the Central Iberian Zone
of the Variscan orogen, positioned in the
contact zone between two major geologic
units, the Beiras orogenic granite batho-
liths and the lower-Cambrian sediments
of the Schist-Greywacke Complex (SGC)
Figure 2.
The SGC comprises several recognised
sedimentary formations (Ferreira and
Sousa, 1994), mostly made up of metape-
lites and metapsamites, with subordinate
conglomerate and carbonate beds. These
rocks were folded and regionally meta-
Figure 2: Geologic setting of the Tabuao tungsten deposits Simplified geology of the morphosed during the Variscan orogenic
Douro valley region. cycle (Upper Palaeozoic). They were also
tungsten mineral, and are hosted by meta- rupted due to a combination of a compli- intruded by Variscan granitoids, which cre-
sedimentary suites within the contact meta- cated landownership situation and low ated the important contact-metamorphic
morphic zones of Variscan granite plutons. tungsten prices in the early 1980s. aureoles. Late to post-orogenic faulting has
Two distinct sequences can host potentially Exploration rights over the area were caused several significant displacements,
economic tungsten skarn deposits, namely: granted to Colt Resources Inc. in December both vertically and laterally.
the lower-Cambrian Schist Graywacke 2007, as part of its wider Armamar-Mda The most promising tungsten deposits
Complex (e.g. at Tabuao, Rgua, Tarouca exploration licence. The company resumed are hosted by the lowermost unit of the
Figure 2); and the Silurian volcano-sed- tungsten exploration at Tabuao in 2008, SGC, the so-called Bateiras formation,
imentary suite (e.g. at Covas, Cravezes). with surface geological work, prospecting which is characterized by black graphitic
Most of the outcropping wolframite vein and sampling, which confirmed the very schists at the base, and grey schists with
deposits in Portugal had been discovered by favourable widths and grades of the skarn intercalated carbonate beds above. This
the mid-20th century; however, the gener- beds outcropping east of the Tvora River formation outcrops only at the core zones
ally inconspicuous scheelite skarn deposits (Faria et al., 2009). A diamond drilling pro- of Variscan anticlinoria, being easily recog-
remained mostly undetected, until modern gramme carried out in early 2010 (9 holes) nised by the distinct appearance of its basal
exploration programs were implemented, verified the SPE-SEREM results and con- graphitic schists. The carbonate beds are the
initially by government geologists in the firmed the economic potential of the SPA host rocks for the tungsten mineralization,
1970s (Pinto, 1979; Ramos and Viegas, deposit (Gruenwald, 2010). This provided after being exposed to the metamorphic and
1980), and then followed up by explora- the basis for further exploration and evalu- metasomatic processes at the contact zone
tion companies. ation, via an intensified drilling programme of granite plutons. These processes originate
that started in late 2010, and continued the transformation of the original mineral
Exploration History without interruption until January 2013 assemblages of the carbonate rocks (car-
(ODonovan et al., 2012). In addition to bonate minerals, clay minerals, silica, etc.)
The Tabuao tungsten project is situated the drilling at SPA, the Aveleira deposit was into new mineral assemblages of the so-
in the scenic Douro valley region of north- also discovered in February 2012 by drilling called calcsilicate minerals (epidote, garnet,
ern Portugal, well known for its extensive based on a geochemical anomaly. amphibole, pyroxene, vesuvianite, etc.) that
vineyards, and the world famous port wine. The company has now progressed well make up the skarns and calcsilicate rocks.
The outcropping scheelite-bearing skarns beyond the exploration phase of the project,
were first discovered by government survey having already done a great deal of deposit Project Location and Geology
geologists in the late 1970s through geologi- modelling and resource estimation work,
cal and UV-light prospecting, oriented by engineering studies, geotechnical work, Skarn tungsten mineralisation out-
new mapping developments in the region metallurgical testwork and environmental crops some 5 km southeast of the town of
(Sousa et al., 1980). studies, culminating in September 2013 Tabuao, along both banks of the Tvora
Shortly after discovery, the Tabuao with a Preliminary Economic Analysis of river, a 1st order tributary to the Douro
area became part of a vast exploration the tungsten deposits. The deposits are now River. The Tvora runs in a northeast trend-
licence held by a joint venture between a covered by an experimental mining conces- ing narrow valley with steep slopes, and
Portuguese state mining company, SPE, sion held by Colt, and the plan is to develop heights ranging from 175 m AMSL at the
and a French company, SEREM (a branch a sustainable underground tungsten mine valley bottom, to above 900 m AMSL at
of BRGM). Their campaign at Tabuao, with minimal environmental impact, main- the top of the adjacent Armamar-Tabuao
between 1980 and 1982, comprised sur- taining the port wine vineyards and the his- granite mountain (Figure 3).
face geologic and exploration work, and torical architecture at the So Pedro das Land occupation mostly consists of vine-
the drilling of six holes (Alves, 1982). The guias medieval convent. This will involve yard farms, with minor olive, almond and
results from this drilling pointed towards locating the industrial infrastructure of the fruit tree groves; there are a couple of small
a significant resource potential for the So mine at the Passafrio plateau, where it will village settlements, and a proportion of the
Pedro das guias (SPA) deposit. Neverthe- be mostly hidden from view by the visitors project area is covered by forest, bush and
less their exploration program was inter- to the Tvora river valley (Figure 3). grassland.

Topical - Metallic Minerals

The geology of the area (Sousa et al.,

1980; Alves, 1982; Faria et al., 2009) is
characterised by a granite-metasediment
contact zone, where the SGCs Bateiras
metasedimentary formation nears the
late-Variscan Armamar-Tabuao granite
pluton, the youngest of the several syn- to
post-tectonic granite intrusions that crop
out along the Tabuao-Penedono-Escalho
antiform (Ferreira and Sousa, 1994).
Regional metamorphism is low in grade
(low greenschist facies), whereas the super-
imposed contact metamorphic phenom-
ena are very strong. The local structure is
Figure 3: Panoramic view of the Tabuao tungsten project area, at the western slope
marked by the Tvora anticline, which has
of the Tvora river valley. The So Pedro das guias and Aveleira vineyard farms are at
a NW-SE trending axis with a gentle plunge
to NW. Its core zone is marked by the black the lower part of the slope, with the Tabuao granite mountain above.
graphitic schist unit, which outcrops at the
bottom of the Tvora river valley (Figure 4).
The northeast and southwest limbs of this
anticline outcrop at the eastern and western
slopes of the valley, respectively.
Scheelite mineralisation is hosted by the
meta-carbonate beds, which are stratigraph-
ically close above the basal black graphitic
schists, and include skarns, calcsilicate rocks
and calcschists, of which only the skarns
have economic mineral contents.
Scheelite-bearing skarns have been rec-
ognised on both limbs of the Tvora anti-
cline. Those on the NE limb (Quinta do
Pao, Azenha Velha) are generally narrow in
width, poorly mineralised, and dip around
45-55 to NE, and are therefore of less eco-
nomic interest.
The most prospective scheelite skarns
(e.g., SPA and Aveleira) are located on the
SW limb of the anticline, i.e. on the west-
ern slopes of the valley, spreading south to
north from the Herdias farm, through the
So Pedro das guias and Aveleira farms, to
the area around the Quint village (Figures
3, 4). They are generally thicker, richer in
tungsten mineralisation (due to their close
proximity to the granite) and have gentle
westerly dips, features that, when combined,
make them attractive for mining. Figure 4: Geology of the Tabuao tungsten project, at the western bank of the Tvora
river, showing the most important skarn outcrops and the outline of the So Pedro das
Exploration Work guias and Aveleira resource areas.
Night-time Mineralight (UV-lamp) anomalous values for both W and
After the initial discovery of tungsten- prospecting, in order to detect anom- skarn indicator elements (such as Ca,
bearing skarns at Tabuao, a number of alous areas with scheelite-bearing Ti, Sr, Mg, Mn) were instrumental
exploration methods were employed, with outcrops, float, or even scheelite in the positioning of the first drill
varying rates of success, to fully investigate debris in soils, since this mineral hole that led to the discovery of the
the known mineralisation and to try and glows with a bright bluish white fluo- Aveleira skarn tungsten deposit, a
locate additional mineral occurrences (Faria rescence under short-wave UV light; sub-outcropping hidden under the
et al., 2009; Gruenwald, 2010): Geologic prospecting and reconnais- vineyard terraces of the Aveleira farm
Stream sediment surveys, including sance mapping, accompanied by the (Figure 4);
both geochemical and pan-concen- collection or rock chip samples of Trenching in order to expose, map
trate sampling geochemical W and skarns and other calcsilicate rocks, and sample the bedrock in anoma-
(especially) anomalous scheelite in for examination under UV light as lous areas unfortunately this was
pan-concentrates are both good well as chemical analysis; limited, in order to avoid damaging
indicators of mineralisation in the Soil geochemical surveys, with the vineyards.
catchment area; multi-element chemical analysis Follow-up, advanced exploration and

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 31

Mineral Deposits

Two economic mineral deposits have

been delineated thus far at Tabuao, west
of the Tvora River, namely at the So Pedro
das guias (SPA) and Aveleira deposits
(Figure 4), which have the following geo-
logic features in common (Gruenwald,
2010; ODonovan et al., 2012):
Two skarn horizons richly min-
eralised in scheelite (Main Skarn
and Lower Skarn), separated from
each other, as well as from the basal
black schists, by micaceous, pelitic to
psamitic schists; each of these skarn
horizons may be displaced by fault-
Figure 5: Cross section of the So Pedro das guias deposit; illustrating the extension ing, or repeated by folding, leading
of the metasedimentary suite and the mineralised skarns underneath the Tabuao to the bifurcation shown in the drill
granite, and the bifurcation of the skarn zones. sections of the SPA deposit (Figure 5);
Occurrence locally of one carbon-
Table 1: Selection of Mineralised Drill Intersections from Tabuao Deposits. ate, or calcschist horizon (sometimes
with moderate scheelite mineralisa-
Hole Inclination Azimuth From (m) To (m) Interval (m) True Width (m) WO3% (avg.)
tion), above the Main Skarn, and
So Pedro das guias deposit also separated from it by micaceous
DHT-01B -90 - 19.15 37.95 18.80 17.67 0.71 schists (Figure 4);
DHT-02 -90 - 52.60 66.20 13.60 12.78 0.99 Both the skarn and carbonate
DHT-08 -90 - 42.40 54.40 12.00 11.28 0.60
horizons have widths occasionally
exceeding 20 m, and generally gentle
DHT-09 -45 N210 93.60 115.20 21.60 19.40 0.54
dips (~20) to W or SW;
DHT-12 -90 - 58.35 68.00 9.65 9.07 1.33 The deposits are in very close proxim-
DHT-13 -50 N030 92.80 100.45 7.65 7.13 1.11 ity to the marginal, leucocratic facies
DHT-14 -90 - 77.30 85.65 8.35 7.84 1.29 (albitic-muscovitic) of the Armamar-
Tabuao granite intrusion (Figure 4);
DHT-15 -60 N055 108.35 122.55 14.20 13.95 0.89
The metasedimentary sequence,
DHT-25 -65 N210 53.78 64.62 10.84 10.75 0.95 including the skarns and carbonates,
DHT-26 -90 - 14.10 27.50 13.40 12.59 0.76 have been confirmed by drilling to
DHT-31 -60 N126 147.75 154.75 7.00 5.88 0.74 extend westerly under the edge of
the granitic intrusion (Figures 4, 5);
DHT-33 -50 N330 18.20 24.40 6.20 4.11 0.84
Aplitic rocks (sills), often with metre
DHT-51 -90 - 60.35 66.35 6.00 5.64 0.99 widths, frequently intrude the skarns
Aveleira deposit as well as their enclosing schists;
DHT-49 -90 - 24.40 30.35 6.05 5.69 1.25 Late faults, with several orientations,
DHT-70 -90 - 67.00 78.00 11.00 10.34 0.88
cut through the whole sequence and
sometimes have significant vertical
and/or strike-slip displacements.
Table 2: Tabuao Resource Inventory.
Resource category tons of ore avg. grade (% WO3) contained metal (MTU WO3) The mineral assemblages of the Tabuao
Indicated 1,495,000 0.55 815,000 skarns are made of various combinations of
Inferred 1,230,000 0.59 720,000 sodium-plagioclase, K-feldspar, vesuvian-
ite, epidote, zoisite/clinozoisite, diopside,
Total 2,725,000 0.56 1,535,000
garnet (grossular), hornblende, tremolite-
Note: 1 MTU (metric ton unit) = 10 kg actinolite, quartz, sericite, calcite, fluorite,
apatite and scheelite.
evaluation of the identified tungsten occur- mineralisation at depth; then grid During exploration drilling, two distinct
rences comprised: drilling for resource delineation. In types of skarn have been distinguished in
Detailed geologic mapping and struc- total 82 exploration and evaluation the project area, which are interpreted to
tural studies; holes (9,760 m) have been drilled by have resulted from original carbonate rocks
Channel sampling of skarn outcrops Colt to date; with distinct compositions, namely:
for tungsten assay and multi-element In addition, a number of diamond M-type skarn, most frequent in the
analysis; drill holes were drilled for metal- Main Skarn Horizon (upper); coarser
Diamond drill hole campaigns, first lurgical testwork (8 holes, 736 m), and more massive, largely composed
comprising reconnaissance holes as well as for geotechnical purposes of albitic plagioclase and vesuvianite;
for confirmation of the extent of the (2 holes, 154 m). generally richer in scheelite;

Topical - Metallic Minerals

L-type skarn, most frequent in the ity and flotation methods; neath the granite (Figure 5);
Lower Skarn Horizon; finer grained Possibility of recovering fluorite as Increasing the Aveleira resource
and more layered, principally made of a by-product with significant com- through additional drilling;
K-feldspar, epidote-group minerals, mercial value; Delineating additional resources in
vesuvianite and diopside; generally Good quality ore gangue, mostly the gap between the SPA and Ave-
lower in scheelite contents, though made up of silicate minerals and leira deposits, where some scout holes
still of economic value. practically without sulphides or have already intersected well miner-
heavy metals (contaminants), alised skarns (Figure 4);
Economic Potential therefore minimising the need for Locating the likely continuation
the treatment of plant tailings, and of the mineralized skarn horizons
The SPA and Aveleira deposits also share being furthermore suitable for con- beyond Aveleira, buried at depth to
a number of characteristics that make them stitution of material for the back- the northwest of the Quint skarn
particularly attractive from a mining per- filling of the underground mine. outcrop (Figure 4).
Thick mineralised bodies (skarn hori- The current resource inventory of the Acknowledgements
zons), normally in the 5-20 m range Tabuao tungsten project (ODonovan et
(Table 1), with strike and dip extents al., 2012), comprising both indicated and The writer is grateful to the manage-
of some hundred metres, and a gentle inferred resources from the SPA and Ave- ment of Colt Resources Inc for allowing
inclination (Figures 4, 5); leira deposits, totals 2.725 million tons the publication of this article about the
Richly mineralised in scheelite, with of ore averaging 0.56 % WO3, equating companys Tabuao project. The current
generally high tungsten grades (Table to a total contained metal of 1.535 mil- status of knowledge about the deposits, as
1); lion metric ton units of WO3 (Table 2). summarised in this paper, owes much to all
The scheelite mineral has a high Around 71 % of this total resource origi- geologists and prospectors of Colts explora-
degree of purity, being essentially nates from So Pedro das guias deposit, tion team, as well as to external consultants
devoid of molybdenum (a penalis- and the remainder from Aveleira. who contributed to the exploration project
ing element); Colt still considers that there is signifi- between 2008 and 2013. Finally, a particular
Metallurgical testwork indicates the cant potential to increase the resource word of gratitude to geologist Rosa Santos
possibility of obtaining high-grade inventory in the near future, namely by: for having prepared most of the figures for
(70%) WO3 concentrates through the Confirming the extension of the this article.
application of a combination of grav- SPA deposit to the West, under-


Alves, P. 1982. ndice Scheeltico do Tabuao (Tabuao scheelite prospect). Unpublished report for Sindicato SPE/BRGM-Norte
de Portugal.

Faria, A F, Amaral, P K, Corrula, L M, and Lopes, F L. 2009. Progress Report on the Tabuao Tungsten Prospect (Armamar-Meda
Concession). Unpublished report for Colt Resources Inc.

Ferreira, N M R, and Sousa, M B. 1994. Notcia Explicativa da folha n 14-B, Moimenta da Beira (Explanatory note for map sheet
No. 14-B, Moimenta da Beira). Instituto Geolgico e Mineiro, Lisbon.

Gruenwald, W. 2010. Technical Report (NI 43-101) on the Armamar Meda Concession, Northern Portugal. Report for Colt Resources
Inc, available at

Martins, L P. 2012. Mineral Resources of Portugal. Direco Geral de Energia e Geologia, Lisbon.

ODonovan, G, Pittuck, M, and Olin, E. 2012. Tabuao Tungsten Project, Portugal, Technical Report (NI 43-101). Report for Colt
Resources Inc, available at

Pinto, A F. 1979. Rochas Calco-silicatadas Portuguesas e Mineralizaes Scheelticas (Portuguese calc-silicate rocks and scheelite
mineralization). Comunicaes dos Servios Geolgicos de Portugal, 65. 131-135.

Ramos, J M F, and Viegas, L F S. 1980. Algumas notas sobre a prospeco de mineralizaes scheelticas no Norte de Portugal
(Some notes about prospecting for scheelite mineralization in northern Portugal). Comunicaes dos Servios Geolgicos de
Portugal, 66: 151-165.

Sousa, M B, Ramos, J M F, and Viegas, L F S. 1980. Skarns da regio de Tabuao Importncia da sua descoberta para a prospeco
de novas ocorrncias (Skarns of the Tabuao region importance of their discovery for the prospecting of new occurrences).
Boletim de Minas, 16: 209-214.

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 33

A brief overview of the metallic mineral
resources of Serbia
Dr Rade Jelenkovic*

The most important group of metallic min- Le groupe le plus important de minraux El grupo ms importante de minerales
eral deposits of Serbia includes Cu (+Au) and mtalliques de Serbie inclut le cuivre (+ lor) metlicos de Serbia incluye Cu (+ Au) y
Pb-Zn (+Ag).Considerably less important et le plomb-zinc (+ largent). En quantit Pb-Zn (+ Ag). Considerablemente menos
are the Sb, Mo, Ni-Co, U, Sn, W, Mn, Ti and nettement moins importante, on rencon- importantes son los minerales de Sb, Mo,
Fe ores. They were formed during numer- tre des minralisations dantimoine, de Ni-Co, U, Sn, W, Mn, Ti y Fe. Se formaron
ous geological epochs. In future geological molybdne, de nickel-cobalt, duranium, durante numerosas pocas geolgicas. En
exploration, greater attention should be dtain, de wolfram, de manganse, de exploracines geolgicas futuras, mayor
given to the porphyry Cu-Au, the related titane et de fer. Elles se sont formes lors atencin se debera dar a las prfidos de
high sulphidation Cu-Au massive-sulphide des diffrentes priodes gologiques. Pour Cu-Au, sulfuros de Cu-Au de alta concen-
ores, sediment-hosted gold deposits local- les futures explorations gologiques, on tracion, los depsitos de oro alojados en los
ized in the Bor region, the porphyry Cu-Au devrait privilgier les minerais porphyriques sedimentos, regin de Bor; los depsitos de
deposits in the Lece district, the Pb-Zn-Ag cuivreor, les sulfures massifs cuivre-or avec prfido Cu-Au en el distrito Lece; los depsi-
deposits in the Serbian-Macedonian prov- un fort degr de sulfitation, les dpts sdi- tos de Pb-Zn-Ag en la provincia de Serbia-
ince, and to deposits of ferro-alloy metals. mentaires aurifres localiss dans la rgion Macedonia, y a los depsitos de metales
The potential of uranium ore will depend de Bor, les dpts porphyriques cuivre-or ferroaleaciones. El potencial del mineral
on the strategy of the state concerning dans le secteur de Lece, les minralisations de uranio depender de la estrategia del
the planned utilisation of these energy de plomb-zinc-argent de la province serbe- estado relativa a la utilizacin prevista de
resources. macdonienne, et les dpts mtalliques estos recursos energticos.
avec alliage ferreux. Le potentiel du minerai
duranium dpendra de la stratgie gou-
vernementale en matire dutilisation de
ces ressources nergtiques.

he metallic mineral resources of territorial grouping of these units is based classified as: 1) deposits related to intra-
Serbia and the metallogenic units on an analysis of the relationship between continental rifting; 2) deposits related to
within which they are located are mineral deposits and the geological envi- ophiolite complexes; 3) deposits of subduc-
constituents of larger regional metallogenic ronment with which they are genetically tion-related setting and 4) deposits related
and geotectonic units that extend outside and territorially associated (Jelenkovic et to continent-continent collision (Jankovic,
of its territory. Accordingly, the position, al., 2008). 1990).
time and conditions of their formation Deposits related to intra-continental rift-
depended to a large extent on the geotec- The origin and evolution of mineralisa- ing. The processes of rifting, both of the
tonic evolution of that broader territory and tion initial and advanced stages, lasted from
accompanying volcanic, sedimentary and Early to Late Triassic, but in some sectors
metamorphic processes. From the metal- Metallic mineral deposits of the Serbia of Serbia (Dinarides, Vardar zone) the con-
logenic point of view, all of them are incor- are concentrated into four regional metal- tinued lateral spread of the sea-floor led to
porated into the NE Mediterranean Sector logenic units that spatially extend out of the the opening of an ocean during the Late
of the Tethyan-Eurasian Metallogenic Belt territory boundaries of the country: 1) the Triassic Late Jurassic. This tectonic set-
(Jankovic, 1990, 1997), or, the Alpine-Bal- Dinaridic metallogenic province (DMP), ting is now characterised by elongated and
kan-Carpathian-Dinaride metallogenic and 2) the Carpatho-Balkan metallogenic prov- mostly subparallel horst-graben structures.
geodynamic province, which is part of the ince (CBMP), 3) the Serbo-Macedonian Two principal groups of magmatic rocks are
Tethyan (or Alpine-Himalayan) orogenic metallogenic province (SMMP) and 4) the distinguished in relation with these pro-
system that extends from Western Europe Dacian metallogenic (DcMP). All these are cesses: 1) quartz-keratophyres, porphyrites
to South East Asia (Heinrich and Neubauer, subdivided into several metallogenic zones, and albite-granites (formed by processes of
2002; Schmid et. al., 2008). A more detailed ore districts and ore fields (Figure 1). intracontinental rifting) and 2) diabases
According to the current understanding and basalts (spilites) (formed by processes
* University of Belgrade - Faculty of of plate tectonics and of the geotectonic and of opening and spreading). The dominant
Mining and Geology, metallogenic development of the terrain in metals of ore mineralisation include lead-
Djusina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; rade. Serbia, the most important metallic min- zinc and subordinate copper. They are clas-
eral resources within its territory can be sified as follows: 1) hydrothermal volcano-

Topical - Metallic Minerals

sedimentary and hydrothermal stockwork

and vein types, and 2) hydrothermal mas-
sive sulphide ores and hydrothermal veins
in relation to the ophiolite melange. Several
other groups of mineral deposits are also
present: high temperature hydrothermal
Fe-veins and lenses, Fe-Mn oxides and
carbonates accompanied by minor Pb-Zn
and Fe sulphides; Hg-deposits and bauxite
deposits developed on karstified limestone.
Ore deposits related to ophiolite com-
plexes. The ophiolites form two distinct
belts: the Western Belt located in the Inner
Dinarides, and the Eastern Belt extend-
ing from the Vardar zone. The ophiolites
of the Western Belt are characterised by
the dominance of lherzolite-peridotite,
gabbro-pyroxenite and ortho-pyroxenite.
Endogenous ore deposits related to these
ophiolitic complexes are mostly the Ni-Co-
Cu-Fe sulphides, pyritic copper ore depos-
its, sporadic magnetite deposits and also
minor gold mineralisation. The ophiolites of
the Eastern Belt consist mainly of Mg-rich
peridotite and dunite. Their metallogeny is
characterised by major chromite and sig-
nificant pyritic copper ore deposits, locally
Ni-silicate and Ni-Fe deposits.
Deposits of subductionrelated setting
are located in East Serbia (the Upper Cre-
taceous subduction related magmatic rocks
and mineral deposits, referred to as the
Banatitic Magmatic and Metallogenic Belt,
or the Apuseni-Banat-Timok-Srednogorie
Belt). The most important deposits include
those of porphyry copper mineralisation,
related high sulphidation Cu-Au massive-
sulphide mineralisation, and less important
Pb-Zn ores. The ore elements are derived Figure 1: The main metallogenic units and metallic mineral deposits of Serbia.
mostly by lateral secretion from the host Iron deposits: 1. Beljanica, 2. Mokra gora, 3. ar Sedlar, 4. Duge Njive, 5. Lipovac, 6. Rudna Glava, 7.
rock (andesites and analogous plutonic Suva Ruda, 8. Suvo Rudite, 9. itni potok, Manganese deposits: 10. Draa, 11. Laznica, 11. Novo brdo.
rocks) by convectional systems using fluids Nickel deposits: 12. Ba, 13. Glavica, 14. Staro ikatovo, 15. Rudinci, 16. Velue. Chromium deposits:
derived from the subducted oceanic plate 17. Brezovica, 18. Deli Jovan, 19. Deva, 20. Nada, 21. Orahovac, 22. Planinica, 23. Trnava, 24.Velua.
and partly dehydrated continental crust
Titanium deposits: 25. ukovaka reka. Lead-Zinc deposits: 26. Ajvalija, 27. Babe, 28. Belo Brdo, 29.
mixed with descending solutions.
Blagodat, 30. Bobija, 31. Conjev kamen, 32. Crnac, 33. Crveni breg, 34. Dranja, 35. Farbani potok, 36.
Deposits of continent-continent collision-
related setting. The closure of a branch Jelakce, 37. Kiseli potok, 38. Kinica, 39. Kopori, 40. Kuajna, 41. Lece, 42. Ljuta strana, 43. Marui,
of the Tethyan Ocean along the Vardar- 44. Podvirovi, 45. Rekovica, 46. Rudnik, 47. Sastavci, 48. Tisovik, 49. Trepa, 50. Valja Saka, 51. Veliki
Izmir-Central Anatolia zone started in Majdan, 52. Zijaa, 53. uta prlina. Copper deposits: 54. Bor, 55. Cerovo, 56. adinje, 57. Karavansalija,
the Oligocene. This event was followed by 58. Lajkovaa, 59. Lipa, 60. Majdanpek, 61. Veliki Krivelj, 62. ukaru Peki, 63. Valja Str, 64. Kiseljak.
the progressing collision between Africa Tungsten deposits: 65. Blagojev Kamen. Bismuth deposits: 66. Aljin do. Molybdenum deposits: 67.
and Europe plates, resulting in increased Makatica. Tin deposits: 68. Cigankulja, 69. Cernika reka, 70. Lenika reka. Antimony deposits: 71.
magmato-tectonic activity. Ore deposits Brasina, 72. Dobri potok, 73. Dolii, 74. Glije, 75. Krajnji del, 76. Lisa, 77. Rajieva gora, 78. Rujevac,
formed along the active continental margin
79. Stolice. Mercury: 80. uplja stena. Uranium deposits: 81. Paun stena, 82. Preturica, 83. Dojkinci,
are related to intermediate volcanic and
84. Iverak, 85. Mezdreja. Gold deposits: 86. Bela reka, 87. Beli Timok, 88. Blagojev kamen, 89. Pek, 90.
magmatic rocks. Magmas are derived from
the lowest levels of up-domed continental Poreka reka, 91. Trgoviki Timok, 92. Vratarnica, 93. Gindua, 94. Rusman, 95. Korkan, 96. Bigar Hill,
crust, but during upward movement they 97. Kraku Peter, 98. Zlae. Bauxite deposits: 99. Babunica, 100. Aluge.
can be contaminated by some elements
from ophiolite complexes (Cu, Au), or by an increased content of lead and zinc and the Vardar zone and the Serbo-Macedonian
some lithophile elements taken from the by a diminished content of copper. The Massif) occur as skarn-type, hydrothermal
continental crust (Sn, W, Nb, Ta). The Ter- principal ore deposits associated with this metasomatic and veins, locally porphyry
tiary volcanic rocks are characterized by geotectonic condition (in the territory of Cu-Au and stockwork-disseminated Mo-

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 35

types. The dominant metals are Pb-Zn, Ag Mineral resources likely to be found Non-ferrous metals and precious metals
and Sb. Ore elements were leached from in the territory of Serbia. The met- are economically the most important group
host rocks by fluids from the subcrustal allogenic analyses carried out so of metallic mineral resources of Serbia.
magmas of I-type, strongly contaminated far show that new resources of gold
by the crustal material and mixed with the are likely to be discovered in Serbia Copper. The most important copper ores
heated descendent solutions. (sediment-hosted gold deposits, of Serbia are located in: 1) the Bor metal-
porphyry copper-gold and related logenic zone (porphyry copper and related
The present state and potential of the epithermal Cu-Au deposits, low sul- high sulphidation massive-sulphide depos-
metallic mineral resources of Serbia phidation epithermal gold minerali- its), 2) the Lajkovaa ore district (Cyprus
sation, etc.). Today metallic mineral type of hydrothermal volcano-sedimentary
There are 214 registered metallic mineral resources are being explored in 86 massive-sulphide deposits), and in 3) the
deposits and 990 metallic mineral occur- exploration licence areas in Serbia Lece ore district (Kiseljak porphyry Cu-Au
rences within the territory of Serbia (Jelen- (42 Au, 22 Cu, 14 Pb-Zn, 3 Sb, 2 Ni, deposit).
kovic, 2011). Many of them were exploited 1 Mo, 1 Fe, 1 REE). The metallogenic analyses and geologi-
until as late as the end of the 20th century. Mostly exhausted or non-economic cal explorations carried out so far in Serbia
Today, however, mining production has mineral resources include metallurgi- have indicated areas with geological features
been either abandoned (Fe, Cr, Mn, W, Ni cal grade Cr and Fe deposits and W. that show that they are likely to contain
and others) or greatly reduced (Pb-Zn, Cu, Prospects for the discovery of new, new Cu-Au deposits, predominantly of
Au, Ag, Sb) as a consequence of the previ- economically significant reserves are porphyry type, and, to a lesser extent, of
ous high-grading of their ore reserves in small (Table 1). massive-sulphide ore types. One of them
order to reduce production costs. There
has also been an exhaustion of economic Table 1: Metallic mineral resources of Serbia (Ministry of Natural Resources, Mining and Spatial Planing
reserves of Cr, Mn, W and other ores, as of Serbia,2013; modified).
well as a considerable reduction in the
volume of geological exploration. Base Measured + Indicated Resources Inferred Resources
metals (Cu, Pb-Zn), precious metals (Au, Tonnage Grade Metal Tonnage Grade Metal
Ag), occasionally Ni, Sb, and some others,
Cu 1
1250 Bt 0.38 % 4.75 Mt 1350 Bt 0.37 % 4.99 Mt
have been more thoroughly explored and 0.138 g/t 173 t 0.11 g/t 149 t
their resources have been augmented, so Au1
Ag1 1.04 g/t 1295 t 0.95 g/t 1285 t
that they still represent, in spite of numer-
ous problems attending their exploitation, Cu2 300.5 Mt 0.27 % 811.4 t
the developmental potential for Serbia. Au2 0.26 g/t 78.13
The economically most important metal- Cu3 63 Mt 2.6% 1.638 Mt
lic mineral resources of Serbia may be Au3 1.5 g/t 94.5 t
grouped as follows (Jankovic et al., 2003): Au4 46.3 Mt 1.56 g/t 72.3 t 8.7 Mt 1.3 g/t 11.31 t
Metallic mineral resources with sig-
Pb 16.27 Mt 4% 0.65 Mt 2.69 Mt 4% 0.11 Mt
nificant reserves, which are in exploi-
Zn 3% 0.49 Mt 3% 0.08 Mt
tation and are already provided with Ag 95 g/t 1545 t 82.8 g/t 223 t
processing capacities, and which con-
Pb5 31.26 Mt 4.1 % 1.28 Mt 24.47 Mt 4% 0.98 Mt
tinue to be the basis of the industrial
Zn5 3% 0.94 Mt 3% 0.73 Mt
development of the country. The basic Ag5 110 g/t 3438 t 70 g/t 1713 t
characteristics of these deposits are a
predominantly low metal content and Fe + 3.97 Mt 37.53 % 1.49 Mt 115.4 Mt 23.99% 27.68 Mt
Ni6 - - - 90 Mt6 0.7% 0.63 Mt
substantial ore potential. Currently
6 Pb-Zn deposits, 4 Cu deposits and Mn - - - 9.5 Mt 20 % 1.9 Mt
4 Sb deposits are in operation (WEB
Cr 89000 15.7% 13973 t 0.02 Mt 15 % 3000 t
GIS, 2014)
Mineral resources with identi- Ti - - - 56000t 42% TiO2
fied, predominantly small mineral Ni 19.92 Mt 0.75 % 149400 t 18.73 Mt 1.14 % 213522 t
resources which are not in exploi- Co 19.92 Mt 0.08% 15936 t 18.73 Mt 0.07% 13111 t
tation, or mineral resources occur-
ring in minor quantities, sufficient Sb 0.98 Mt 1.53 % 14994 t 1.2 Mt 1.3 % 15600 t
for brief periods of production and Al 2.69 Mt 44-48% - 1,2 Mt 35-40% -
the supply of domestic requirements. Al23 l23
This group includes Mo, Sn, Mn, U, SnO2 5.49 Mm3 286.3 g/m3 1572 t 20Mm3 167 g/m3 3340 t
and Ti. Ta-Nb 4.96 Mm 3
86.01 g/m3
427 t 20 Mm 3
10 g/m 3
200 t
Potentially significant, partially
defined metallic mineral resources, Mo 150 Mt 0.044 % 66000 t 164.5 Mt 0.07 % 115150 t
the value of which depends on W 0.33 Mt 3.5% WO3 11500 t WO3 0.025 Mt 1.65% WO3 412.5 t WO3
technical-economic parameters (Fe, Hg 0.083 Mt 0.33 % 27390 t - - -
Al, Au), as well as partly explored
U 2.154 Mt 338 g/t 728.1 t 1.5 Mt 310 g/t 465 t
deposits with favourable prospects
for reserve increase (Ni, Co, Sb). Explanation: 1: RTB Bor. 2: Kiseljak deposit. 3ukaru Peki. 4: Potaj uka-Tisnica. 5: Kosovo. 6: Mokra
Gora basin.

Topical - Metallic Minerals

has been recently discovered, the ukaru Iron. The economically most impor- Only preliminary explorations have been
Peki deposit, located ~5 km south of the tant iron ores are: 1) the easily workable made in the case of the other occurrences
Bor. The inferred resource of massive-sul- limonitic ores from Majdanpek deposit; (the contact zones of the granitoides of the
phide mineralisation includes 65.3 Mt @ 2) the magnetite ores from skarn deposits, Podrinje district, Kopaonik zone, and the
2.6 % Cu & 1.5 g/t Au (Reservoir Miner- metamorphic deposits and porphyry Cu Mo-mineralization in the Majdanpek por-
als, 2014). The underlying porphyry type deposits; 3) the complex oxide-carbonate- phyry copper deposit).
mineralisation has been drilled to ~700 m silicate ores of the volcano-sedimentary Tungsten. The resources of tungsten
with 0.8-0.9 % CuEq grade; the potential type and 4) lateritic and re-deposited lat- are small. They are mainly concentrated
size of resources is 0.5-1.0 Bt, respectively. eritic Fe-Ni-Cr ores. The mineral potential in quartz-scheelite veins in the Blagojev
Gold occurs either together with copper of the re-deposited Fe-Ni-Cr ores is great, Kamen zone, the Golija district and the
deposits or separately. The potentials for but they have not been sufficiently tested Kopaonik zone. It is possible that future
gold are great. According to results of from a metallurgically point of view (Mokra exploration will lead to the discovery of new
geological explorations performed in Gora basin). occurrences of scheelites within skarns, but
the period 2008-2013, along the western Manganese. The most important manga- the economic significance of this is impos-
margin of the Timok magmatic complex a nese ores in Serbia are: 1) the oxide and sil- sible to assess.
previously unrecognised sediment-hosted ico-manganese ores from the volcanogenic-
style of gold mineralisation has been discov- sedimentary deposits which originated in Resources of minor metals and related
ered; it extends over a strike length of more association with ophiolitic mlange, or non-metals are of limited economic impor-
than 30 km and is up to 8 km wide. The less frequently, porphyrite-chert forma- tance in Serbia. The most important of them
most important is the Potaj ukaTisnica tion of Middle Triassic age, and 2) the are antimony deposits.
ore zone, where the Korkan, Kraku Peter Fe-Mn carbonate ores. The first type was
and Bigar Hill gold deposits are located. exploited in the past, but at present there Antimony. The western part of Serbia,
Mineral resources estimated in 2013 are: are no more known reserves. The poten- despite the prevailing exhaustion of known
indicated resources of 46.3 Mt ore @ 1.56 tial environments for the discovery of new ore bodies, is still the most interesting area
g/t Au and inferred resources 8.7 Mt ore @ deposits are the Priboj-Tutin and the Rzav in terms of antimony mineralisation. Min-
1.3 g/t Au (Avala Resources, 2013). zone. Another area is umadija, but here eral resources in a number of deposits are
Lead and zinc. The Pb-Zn deposits of the technological characteristics have not significant but marginal or sub-economic.
Serbia are numerous and economically been fully tested. The determination of the Special interest has been paid to the com-
significant. The greatest number of these mineral potential of manganese in Serbia plex Sb-Pb-Zn-As Rujevac deposits. Its
deposits are located within the territory of requires systematic geological exploration resources may be treated only as condition-
Kosovo. The unexplored potential resources and technological analyses. ally economic until technological issues are
are also substantial and are located in the The Fe-Mn carbonate ores of manganese resolved obtaining commercial antimonite
vicinity of known deposits, and in environ- in Serbia originated in association with the concentrate. Potential yet un-identified
ments with favorable metallogenic condi- sulphide Pb-Zn deposits in the Kopaonik mineral resources of jasperoide antimony
tions, predominantly in the region of calc- metallogenic zone. They have not been ore-type, especially in western Serbia,
alkaline, volcano-intrusive complexes of much exploited in the past, although they are considered significant but an under-
Neogene age within the SMMP. The conver- contain iron in addition to carbonates. researched and under-explored target.
sion of lead-zinc mineral resources or a part Titanium deposits of Serbia are small Radioactive metals. The most significant
of them, into reserves will however require and economically limited. In contrast to concentrations of uranium in the territory
considerable time and further exploration primary types, the mechanical sedimentary of Serbia are associated with the granitoide
investments. deposits have significant amounts of ilmen- complexes of Hercynian and Tertiaty age,
Tin. The resources of tin are small and ite, which under certain conditions may be sedimentary series of Permian age, and
cannot meet domestic demand over a long of economic importance (ukovacka reka, Neogene basins in the fringe zones of
period. Tin is found in greisen and placer Knjaevac). granitoides. Uranium deposits associated
deposits. The primary Sn occurrences are Chromium was exploited in Serbia from with the granitoide complexes belong to
not economically interesting because of the 1945 to 1970. Mining production was pri- the group of hydrothermal vein and stock-
small resources and low grade, while the marily from the mining complexes in Dja- work types located in the fault zones, while
placer deposits are on the verge of economic kovica and Brezovica (Kosovo). Today, the uranium deposits related to the sedimen-
viability. It should be pointed out, however, production of chromium has ceased due to tary series belong to the group of ore of
that not much attention has been devoted the exhaustion of known reserves and lim- roll-front type mineralization. The further
to the prospecting of the Sn deposits in the ited possibilities for finding new resources. exploration of uranium resources will
past. Nickel and cobalt deposits of Serbia are depend on the strategic decision of the
Aluminium. Deposits of bauxite are associated with the lateritic zones of ser- state to use them as the raw material for
located in western part of Serbia (Aluge), pentinites of Drenica district, within the the production of energy.
within Kosovo (Klina), and in the Eastern Rudjinci-Velue ore zone, etc. More detailed
part of Serbia (Babunica). They are of small exploration is necessary, however, to deter- Conclusion
economic significance, limited extent and mine the economic potential of this area.
poor quality. Molybdenum. There is only one molyb- The end of the 20th century and the begin-
denum deposit in Serbia (Makatica). Sev- ning of the 21st century marked a period
Resources of iron and ferroalloy metals eral occurrences of molybdenum have been of substantial decline in mining produc-
are rather limited and do not meet the found in the Besna Kobila metallogenic tion of many metallic mineral deposits of
requirements of domestic metallurgy. zone, but no full geological and economic Serbia. This is a consequence of several fac-
estimate of them has been made so far. tors, the most important being: 1) intense

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 37

exploitation of higher-quality ores; 2) sub- lower quality ores. Further development ment and introduction of new technological
stantial reduction of investments in basic of the metallic mineral resources of Serbia methods of ore processing, the adaptation
and applied geological exploration, and 3) will depend on the mineral policy of the of the existing procedures of ore processing
inadequate investments in the develop- country, the new mining law, the strategic to newly discovered deposits of mineral
ment of new technologies for the prepara- decisions concerning future investment into resources, and the increased profitability
tion and processing of mineral resources systematic geological exploration of depos- of exploitation.
which would enable the valorization of its and prospective terrains, the develop-


Avala Resources. 2014. Timok Gold Project NI 43-101 Technical Report and Mineral Resource Estimates. Retrieved from: http://

Ministry of Natural Resources, Mining and Spatial Planning of Serbia. 2013. Bilans mineralnih resursa i rezervi Republike Srbije
(Balance of Mineral Resources and Reserves of Serbia).

Heinrich, C.A., Neubauer, F. 2002. Cu-Au-Pb-Zn-Ag Metallogeny of the Alpine-Balkan-Carpathian-Dinaride Geodynamic Province.
Mineralium Deposita, 37(6-7): 533-540. DOI 10.1007/s00126-002-0271-x

Jankovic, S. 1990. The ore deposits of Serbia: Regional metallogenic settings, environments of deposition, and types. Faculty of Mining
and Geology, Belgrade. (in Serbian, with a summary in English).

Jankovic, S., 1997. The Carpatho-Balkanides and adjacent area: a sector of the Tethyan Eurasian metallogenic belt. Mineralium
Deposita, 32 (5): 426-433. DOI 10.1007/s001260050110

Jankovic, S., Jelenkovic, R. & Vujic, S. 2003. Mineral resources and potential prognosis of metallic and non-metallic mineral raw
materials in Serbia and Montenegro at the end of the 20th century. Engineering Academy of Serbia and Montenegro. Belgrade.
(in Serbian, with a summary in English).

Jelenkovic, R., Kostic, A., Zivotic D. & Ercegovac, M. 2008. Mineral Resources of Serbia. Geologica Carpathica, 59(4): 345-361.

Jelenkovic, R. 2011. Atlas metalinih mineralnih sirovina Srbije (Atlas of metallic mineral deposits of Serbia). Ministry of Natural
Resources, Mining and Enironment: Belgrade.

Reservoir Minerals. 2014. NI 43-101 Technical Report on a Mineral resource estimate on the Cukaru Peki deposit, Brestovac-
Metovnica exploration permit, Serbia. Retrieved from:

Schmid, S. M., Bernoulli, D., Fgenschuh, B., Matenco, L., Schefer, S., Schuster, R., Tischler, M., Ustaszewski, K. 2008. The Alpine-
Carpathian-Dinaridic orogenic system: correlation and evolution of tectonic units. Swiss Journal of Geosciences 101: 139-183.
DOI 10.1007/s00015-008-1247-3

WEB GIS Mining and Geology. Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection and Ministry of Natural Resources,
Mining and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Serbia. Retrieved from:

Topical - Metallic Minerals

Geometallurgy A tool for better resource

Cecilia Lund* and Pertti Lamberg

Higher environmental and socio-economic Les demandes accrues du point de vue Exigencias ambientales y socio- econmi-
demands in the exploitation of the future environnemental et socio-conomique, cos ms altos en la explotacin de los
mineral resources require comprehensive touchant lexploitation future des res- futuros recursos minerales requieren un
knowledge on ore bodies even in the early sources minrales ncessitent de connaitre conocimiento amplio sobre minerales met-
stages of the mining process. Geometal- parfaitement les corps minraliss partir alicos, incluso en las primeras etapas del
lurgy combines geological and mineral mme des phases initiales de traitement. proceso minero. Geometalurgia combina
processing information to create a spatial La Gomtallurgie associe les donnes la informacin geolgica y de procesami-
model for production planning and man- gologiques et de traitement des min- ento de minerales para crear un modelo
agement. Applying a geometallurgical con- raux pour crer un modle spatial destin espacial para la planificacin y la gestin
cept improves resource efficiency, reduces faciliter lorganisation de la production de la produccin. La aplicacin de un con-
operational risks and helps in optimising et sa gestion. Utiliser un concept gom- cepto geometalrgico mejora la eficiencia
production in such a way that sustainability tallurgique amliore la gestion des res- de los recursos, reduce los riesgos operativos
and socio-economic factors also are con- sources, rduit les risques oprationnels y ayuda en la optimizacin de la produccin
sidered. With a geometallurgical model it et optimise la production de telle manire de tal manera que los factores de sostenibi-
is possible to study different production que les critres socio-conomiques et de lidad y aspectos socio-econmicos tambin
scenario starting from exploration to the durabilit sont galement considrs. Grce se consideran. Con un modelo geometalr-
feasibility and production stages. There are au modle gomtallique, il est possible gico es posible estudiar diferentes escenarios
some alternative ways for building a geo- dtudier diffrents scenarii de produc- de produccin a partir de la exploracin
metallurgical model but the mineralogical tion, depuis la phase dexploration jusqu hasta las fases de viabilidad y de produc-
approach is generic and can be adopted to celles de la faisabilit et de la production. cin. Hay algunas formas alternativas para
any kind of mineral resources. This paper Il existe quelques autres moyens de crer la construccin de un modelo geometalr-
describes how a concept like this has been un modle gomtallique mais lapproche gico pero el enfoque mineralgica es gen-
used in the mining industry and demon- minralogique est fondamentale et peut rico y se puede adoptar a cualquier tipo de
strates the benefits in terms of improved tre applique nimporte quel type de res- recursos minerales. Este artculo describe
resource efficiency in different ore deposits. source. Cet article dcrit comment un tel cmo un concepto como este se ha utili-
concept a t utilis pour lindustrie minire zado en la industria minera y demuestra
et met en vidence ses avantages en termes los beneficios en trminos de mejora de la
de gestion optimise des ressources pour eficiencia de los recursos en los diferentes
diffrents types de minralisation. depsitos de minerales metallicos.

he cross-discipline approach known the ore deposit. The geometallurgical con- the sulphides as the pyrrhotite is monoclinic
as geometallurgy connects two dif- cept ranges from ore characterisation to and thus magnetic (Arvidson, 2013).
ferent but closely related areas in the the economic optimisation of the mining Today, only few mines have a geomet-
mining industry, namely geology and min- operation (GeoMet 2011 and references allurgical program but this concept will
eral processing. It involves understanding therein, 2011). become more common in the future due to
and measuring of the ore properties relevant Northern Scandinavia is famous for the requirements for more effective utilisation
to its successful processing. Geometallurgy Kiruna type of iron-apatite ore bodies, with of the existing ore resources. The challenge
takes both geological and metallurgical Kiirunavaara and Malmberget being the is to create a predictive metallurgical model
information to create a spatially-based largest. They are high grade and show only of the ore body during development of the
(3D) predictive model for a mineral process moderate variation in their mineralogy and deposit. When the geometallurgical model
(Lamberg, 2011). Industrial applications are processing properties. The potential benefits finally is incorporated with economic infor-
called geometallurgical programs and they of applying geometallurgy in these types of mation the model will inform us accurately
improve the knowledge of the resource and existing mines are relatively low. However, whether the project will be feasible or not.
therefore lower the risk in the operation there are a number of iron deposits in the The aim of this paper is to describe what
related to the unknown variation within region showing lower grades, large geologi- the geometallurgical concept is and how it
cal variations within the ore and much more can be used in the mining industry. In addi-
* MiMeR Minerals and Metallurgical challenging mineralogy for the production tion, we demonstrate how geometallurgy
Research Laboratory, Lule University of of saleable iron concentrate (Fig. 1). An is an essential tool in improving resource
Technology, 971 87 Lule, Sweden, cecilia. example of such is Hannukainen (Finland) efficiency in different types of ore deposits. where magnetite needs to be separated from

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 39

important for processing. This information
is to be used to designing a suitable mineral
process for a given ore body, to manage and
optimise the production (Batterham et al.,
1992). The last decade has been a period
of fast evolution in the field of geometal-
lurgy, and one of the large contributors
has been the development of automated
mineralogy (Gottlieb et al., 2000). Due to
this important tool many regard geometal-
lurgy a synonym for process mineralogy.
The latest and broadest view uses the term
geometallurgical sustainability performance
(GeoMet 2011 and references therein, 2011)
by incorporating other external factors that
influence the context of geometallurgy in a
global market perspective, such as the busi-
ness dimension (interpretation, analysis,
evaluation and validation of all technical
aspects), mine planning, risk management,
sustainability (water, energy consumption
and CO2 emission levels) and the geotechni-
cal approach (e.g. identification of variable
rock mass conditions (GeoMet 2011 and
references therein, 2011) that also embraces
socio-economic demands when exploiting
mineral resources.

Figure 1: Grade and tonnage relationship of iron ore deposits in northern Finland, Norway and Sweden. Benefits of the geometallurgical concept
Lines show equal metal content.
The aim of geometallurgy is to run and
What is geometallurgy? cess plant they provide daily forecasts on simulate different production scenario even
head grades, tonnages and main ore types in the exploration stage and thereby pre-
Geologists have a long tradition of creat- or lithologies. The idea of geometallurgy dict factors affecting the production both
ing 3D models of ore bodies for variation is to improve the knowledge of an ore by in cost and technical aspects. Justification
in metal grades and lithology. For the pro- developing methods to measure parameters for the geometallurgical program comes

Table 1: There are few applied geometallurgical programmes implemented to control the production (Leinonen, 1998; Alruiz et al., 2009; GeoMet 2013 and
references therein, 2013; Lamberg, 2011; Niiranen and Bhm, 2012).

Mine site Type of deposit Geometallurgical approach Resource efficiency

Making better use of the resource, daily targets give better
Collahuazi Copper (Cu) ore Geometallurgical tests possibilities for optimisation -> better recoveries
Making better use of the resource by increasing the vari-
Western Australia Iron ore Iron (Fe) ore Geometallurgical tests ables in the database for optimisation
Predicting the processing quality of crude ore such as low-
Kiirunavaara Iron (Fe) ore Geometallurgical tests ering the risk of high SiO2 in the magnetite concentrate
Forecasting production by incorporating ore variation in
Mogalakwena* Platinum (Pt) ore Geometallurgical tests the mine plan and comminution and flotation circuits
Predicting mineral processing characteristics -> optimis-
ing production (recovery, Au, Bond work Index) in terms of
Morro do Ouro* Gold (Au) ore Geometallurgical tests ounces per hour
Gold-Copper-Silver (Au-Cu- Improving the ore characterisation by the identification of
Canahuire Ag) ore Geometallurgical tests key drivers to impact the process recovery
Gaining the knowledge for making a good blend of the ore
Kemi Chrome (Cr) ore Mineralogical qualities
Improving ore characterisation and making a proper
blending -> allows optimisation of the mineral resource
Namakwa Sands mine Titanium-Zircon (TiZr) ore Mineralogical management processes
Copper- Gold (Cu-Au VHMS) Gaining knowledge of geological and process variation for
DeGrussa ore Mineralogical optimisation -> better Cu recoveries and grades
These mine sites do not have fully established programmes yet

Topical - Metallic Minerals

Figure 2: The particle-based geometallurgical concept, modified from Lamberg (2011). Modal mineralogy and textures link the geological model and the
process model. In the process model minerals are treated as particles. From the mineral information, the particle population is generated through the
particle breakage model.

uling might be difficult or even impossible the samples. 3) Laboratory testing of these
from the potential to bring some of the fol-
to change, especially in underground opera- samples in order to extract process model
lowing benefits compared to the traditional
tions. Similarly, to run the process in cam- parameters (sometimes called ore variabil-
paigns, i.e. one ore type at certain periods, ity testing). 4) Checking the metallurgical
Better utilisation of the ore resources might not be possible or not feasible. The validity of the geological ore-type defini-
because ore boundaries are defined benefits can therefore come from know- tions and, where necessary, developing new
also in order to forecast the metal- ing what the limitations are of the mate- ore-type definitions called geometallurgical
lurgical performance. rial coming at different times. Alruiz et al. domains. 5) Developing mathematical rela-
Better metallurgical performance (2009) developed a predictive geometal- tionships for the estimation of important
because it is possible to tune the lurgical model for Collahuasi copper. The metallurgical parameters across the geologi-
models are able to forecast the throughput cal database. 6) Developing a metallurgical
process according to information of
and copper recovery on a daily basis. This model of the process. The model consists
the plant feed beforehand. knowledge in itself will not lead directly to of unit operations which use the metallur-
Better controlled mining due to more any improvement in production but having gical parameters defined above. 7) Plant
comprehensive knowledge of the ore realistic daily targets makes it easier to reach simulation using the metallurgical process
body. this maximum level. model and the distributed metallurgical
Better changes in plant optimisation parameters as the data set. 8) Calibration
because the variation in the plant feed Applying geometallurgy in practice of the models via benchmarking for exist-
is low, or at least better controlled. ing operations.
Better changes for new technologi- Applying a geometallurgical approach in In geometallurgical programs the weakest
an ore project includes many challenges that points are normally in inadequate informa-
cal solutions because ore-derived
require careful consideration. The concept tion collected from the drill cores and the
problems are identified well ahead of geometallurgy should be implemented as small number of samples collected for vari-
and research programs can focus on early as possible in the ore project; prefer- ability testing. In the laboratory tests quite
solving these. ably already in the exploration stage. Ore a small number of samples should repre-
Lowering risks in the operation characterisation techniques applied should sent large tonnages of the ore. Commonly,
though better knowledge of the ore be fast, inexpensive and above all practical. 30 to 50 carefully selected and prepared
body and the process and through a This means that they would give quantita- samples are tested but there are examples
more controlled process chain. tive data relevant to processing of the ore where the whole program is based on less
Better possibilities for economi- and they could be applied routinely. than ten samples (Lamberg, 2011 and ref-
Developing an industrial application erences therein)). This sets high require-
cal optimising of the full operation
called a geometallurgical program com- ments for sample selection, sampling and
considering metal prices, alternative monly includes the following steps (modi- sample preparation to avoid the sampling
products and costs of commodities. fied after Dobby et al., 2004; Lamberg, 2011 error rising so high that it limits the useful-
and references therein). ness of collected data (Gy, 1982). There lies
These benefits can only be fully utilised 1) Collection of geological data through also a dilemma in selecting and preparing
if the geometallurgical model is available drilling, drill core logging, measurements, metallurgical samples based on geological
in the feasibility study stage. rock mechanical analyses, petrophysical information: tested samples should repre-
In existing mines such as the Kiiru- parameters and chemical analyses. 2) An sent the full variability of the ore in terms
navaara deposit (Niiranen and Bhm, 2012) ore sampling program for metallurgical of metallurgical response and this can be
the expected benefits of a geometallurgical testing where geological data is used in known only after the tests have been done.
program may be limited. Production sched- the identification of preferred locations for Basically two different approaches exist

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 41

for linking the steps listed above to estab- ogy directly for ore samples after chemical comminuted. Using this definition the ore
lish a geometallurgical model. The first one assays. If the mineralogy is complex, an body is divided into textural classes called
relies on geometallurgical testing and the additional technique may be needed, e.g. archetypes. The comminution behaviour
other approach is based on mineralogy Satmagan or quantitative X-ray. The com- is characterised for different types with a
(Lamberg, 2011). bination of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and method developed by Mwanga (2014). The
X-ray diffraction (XRD) for modal mineral- behaviour of different type of particles is
Approach based on geometallurgical testing ogy has the potential to be a powerful tool determined using particle tracking meth-
with a high capacity. odology (Lamberg, 2011 and references
The majority of geometallurgical pro- Besides variation in modal composition, therein).
grams rely on the metallurgical response many ores show variation in mineral grain In the process model finally comminu-
measured by geometallurgical testing with- sizes and in other mineral texture param- tion and other unit operations are com-
out the mineralogical information (Table eters. Therefore the ore texture information bined, providing a forecast of the metallur-
1). Geometallurgical tests are small-scale is needed in the second part of the geo- gical response of any given ore type or block
laboratory tests which aim to directly logical model. The traditional geological given by the geological model. Different
measure the metallurgical response of the description of textures is mostly qualita- flow sheets and processing strategies can
samples. Examples of such are the GeM tive and includes parameters like grain be tested, e.g. to find the most optimum
Comminution Index test, the JK Mineral size (coarse, moderate, fine), grain shape grinding fineness for different geometal-
Separability Indicator test (Lamberg, 2011 (euhedral, prismatic, anhedral) and associ- lurgical domains.
and references therein) and the Davis tube ated minerals. Descriptions such as these
test (Niiranen and Bhm, 2012). are insufficient from a geometallurgical c. The production model
perspective, and there is a need to develop
Mineralogical approach a textural analysis which gives a numeric In the production model the geological
description of the textural properties by model and the process model are combined,
A pure mineralogical approach in geo- using additive parameters. Only then can and this tool is used to manage the pro-
metallurgy means that the geometallurgi- the textural information be used both in duction for the best possible result. This
cal model is fully based on the mineralogy. modelling and geostatistics. includes the production schedule and eco-
The model uses mineral parameters, such There is no generally accepted method to nomic model with product value and pro-
as modal mineralogy, mineral textures, measure and quantify mineral texture but a ductions costs, giving an approach that is
mineral association, mineral grain sizes technique developed by Lund (2013) proved applicable to any kind of mineral resource.
and their relation to the liberation char- that information like mineral textures was
acteristics. Based on a particle approach essential and must be included in the geo- Conclusion
modified after Lamberg (2011), a geometal- logical model to forecast the metallurgical
lurgical model can be established in three outcome. Much more work is needed before A geometallurgical model combines geo-
sub-models (Fig. 2): a geological model, a this technique can be implemented and logical and mineral processing information
process model and a production model. used in a routine process and this research to create a spatial model for production
is now being addressed by a research con- planning and management. To run and
a. Geological model sortium called REsource CHAracterisation simulate different production scenarios a
at the Nordic Rock Tech Centre, Lule Uni- concept like this should be implemented
The geological model relies on a proper versity of Technology. from the exploration stage through the
ore characterisation and provides quan- feasibility and production stages. While
titative mineralogical data in such a way b. The process model only a few mines have a geometallurgi-
that elemental grades or lithology are not cal program today, this will become more
needed. The components of the geological The process model takes the informa- common in the future due to requirements
model are the modal composition (mineral tion of the geological model and transfers for more effective utilisation of the existing
composition by weight percent) and the it to information on the metallurgical ore resources. The mineralogical approach
texture information (mineral association performance. In mineral processing, ore described here is generally valid, mean-
and grain sizes). is comminuted to liberate the minerals ing that it could be applied to any type of
The mineralogical approach requires and to make the particle size suitable for deposit.
a quick and inexpensive modal analysis downstream processes. As mineral textures
method considering the need to produce and the liberation characteristics are closely Acknowledgements
that information in a large number (>10 associated with comminution target par-
000) of samples. The element to mineral ticle size, an effort was made to link the We thank Abdul Mwanga, Mehdi Parian
conversion is a technique where the mineral textural properties and the mineral libera- (LTU) and Kari Niiranen (LKAB) for their
grades are calculated from chemical assay tion distribution by particles (Lund, 2013). support and knowledge. The research pro-
using the information on the chemical com- A new definition for mineral texture has jects in which the authors are involved have
position of the minerals. Mathematically, been developed: two samples are texturally recently received financial support from the
the problem is a system of linear equations, different if the liberation distribution by size Centre of Advanced Mineral and Metal-
and generally it is solved with a non-nega- (compensated against modal mineralogy) lurgy (CAMM) and Hjalmar Lundbohm
tive least squares technique (Paktunc, 1998). is different after being comminuted under Research Centre (HLRC), which is highly
This method is a robust and cost-effective similar conditions (Lund, 2013). In other appreciated.
method which is developed with emphasis words samples are texturally similar if they
to routinely calculate the modal mineral- produce a similar type of particles when

Topical - Metallic Minerals


Alruiz, O.M., Morrell, S., Suazo, C.J. and Naranjo, A. 2009. A novel approach to the geometallurgical modelling of the Collahuasi
grinding circuit. Minerals Engineering, 22. 1060-1067. DOI 10.1016/j.mineng.2009.03.017

Arvidson, B.. 2013. Kaunisvaara Process Development and Process Plant Implementation. Proc. Conference in Mineral Engineer-
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Batterham, R.J., Grant, R.M. and Moodie, J.P. 1992. A perspective on Process mineralogy and Mineral processing: Proc. The first
International Conference on Modern Process Mineralogy and Mineral Processing, Beijing, China, pp. 3-12.

Dobby, G., Bennett, C., Bulled, D. and Kosick, X. 2004. Geometallurgical modelling The new approach to plant design and
production forecasting/planning, and Mine/Mill Optimization. Proceedings of 36th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral
Processors, Ottawa, Canada, paper No.15.

GEOMET 2011. 2011. Proc. First AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference (GeoMet), Brisbane, Australia, pp. 1-348.

GEOMET 2013. 2013. Proc. The second AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference (GeoMet), Brisbane, Australia, pp. 1-354.

Gottlieb, P., Wilkie, G., Sutherland, D., Ho-Tun, E., Suthers, S., Perera, K., Jenkins, B., Spencer, S., Butcher, A. and Rayner, J. 2000.
Using Quantitative Electron Microscopy for Process Mineral Applications. JOM, 52(4). 24-25. DOI 10.1007/s11837-000-0126-9

Gy, P. 1982. Sampling of Particulate Materials: Theory and Practise. New York: Elsevier.

Lamberg, P. 2011. Particles the bridge between geology and metallurgy: Proc. Conference in mineral engineering, Lule,
Sweden, pp. 1-16.

Leinonen, O. 1998. Use of chromite microstructure image analysis to estimate concentration characteristics in the Kemi chrome
ore. Doctoral thesis, Institute of Geosciences and Astronomy, University of Oulo, Finland.

Lund, C. 2013. Mineralogical, chemical and textural characterisation of the Malmberget iron ore deposit for a geometallurgical
model. Doctoral thesis, Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Lule University of Technol-
ogy, Sweden.

Mwanga, A. 2014. Test methods for characterizing ore comminution behaviour in geometallurgy. Licentiate thesis, Department
of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Lule University of Technology, Sweden.

Niiranen, K. and Bhm, A.. 2012. A systematic characterization of the ore body for mineral processing at Kiirunavaara iron ore
mine operated by LKAB, Northern Sweden. Proc. XXVI International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC), New Delhi, India.
Paper No. 1039.

Paktunc, A.D. 1998. MODAN: an interactive computer program for estimating mineral quantities based on bulk composition.
Computers & Geosciences, 24(5). 425-431. DOI 10.1016/S0098-3004(98)00018-1

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 43

CRIRSCO modifying factors - a brief guide for
exploration and resource geologists
Ruth Allington*

ll of the codes and standards for
reporting resources, reserves
and exploration results in the
CRIRSCO[1] family include identical defi-
nitions, which are represented in Figure 1.
Progression from inferred to measured
resources is primarily the province of geo-
scientists and is all about reducing uncer-
tainty regarding the quality, recoverable
quantity and continuity of the minerals.
The Competent Person (CP) responsible for
public reporting of resources is likely to be
an exploration or resource geologist. How-
ever, exploration and resource geologists
may not have much experience or expertise
pertaining to the modifying factors and
may consider that such things are really
nothing to do with them.
Working with the Modifying Factors
to establish technical feasibility, minimise Figure 1: The CRIRSCO standard classification now used by all reporting standards that are aligned
environmental impact and ensure economic
viability is often considered to be a distinct
stage in the evaluation of a deposit and modifying factors plays no part in the eval- Resource in a remote location with no
planning of a mine or quarry, completely uation of Mineral Resources but that they access to market without significant
separate from the exploration and model- are used, once a Resource has been defined, investment in transport infrastruc-
ling of the deposit itself. These activities to convert to Mineral Reserves. Whilst the ture, rendering the project uneco-
typically involve many professionals includ- author agrees that a thorough considera- nomical.
ing specialists in engineering, production, tion of the impact of modifying factors is A need for significant quantities of
processing, environmental assessment, essential to allow any deposit or part of a water for mineral processing and a
operations, legal and financial disciplines. deposit to be classified as a Reserve, this deposit in a desert location with no
There may be one Competent Person taking is not the same as saying that there need groundwater available.
overall responsibility for co-ordinating the be no consideration of modifying factors Very high stripping ratio in an open
team and bringing together the reporting or until the resource evaluation is complete. pit setting making the extraction
there may be several, each taking responsi- This view is supported by the definition of inherently uneconomic.
bility for their own discipline area. Mineral Resources as a concentration or
Modifying Factors are defined in the occurrence of solid material of economic Giving appropriate weight to Modifying
CRIRSCO family of codes and standards interest in or on the Earths crust in such Factors throughout the progression from
as considerations used to convert Min- form, grade or quality and quantity that exploration through resource evaluation
eral Resources to Mineral Reserves. These there are reasonable prospects for eventual to feasibility studies and operational plan-
include, but are not restricted to, mining, economic extraction[3]. In order to state ning depends not only on ensuring that
processing, metallurgical, infrastructure, that a mineral resource has reasonable the right team is assembled but also that
economic, marketing, legal, environmental, prospects for eventual economic extraction, all members of the team have an aware-
social and governmental factors. Modifying those responsible for classifying a deposit ness of the major constraints on reasonable
factors also include any other factors which or part of a deposit in this way will need prospects for eventual economic extraction
impact on the feasibility of the project.[2]. to have assessed whether this pre-requisite in addition to their specialist geoscience
This seems to say that consideration of has been satisfied in short, it would be or engineering skills. The following simple
expected that, whilst detailed feasibility model illustrates the appropriate balance
* PERC Honorary Treasurer, Joint Senior assessments would not have been carried that must be achieved at every stage (Fig.2).
Partner, GWP Consultants LLP, Upton out at the resource evaluation stage, any Establishing iteration and inter-discipli-
House, Market Street, Charlbury, Oxford-
show stoppers would have been identified. nary co-operation and information sharing
shire, OX7 3PJ.
Examples of such show stoppers might be: helps to ensure that even early stage, con-

Topical - Metallic Minerals

ceptual, broad brush mine designs, created

for the purpose of estimating resources, are ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT
based on realistic, inherently economic Environmental assessment, mitigation and
enhancement at design stage, management and
assumptions and working limits. These compliance at operational stage, and
provide a framework for planning a feasi- environmentally sustainable final restoration and
after-use schemes.
bility study and anticipating more extensive
studies that will be needed to support the
move from resources to reserves.
Anticipating at an early stage which of
the Modifying Factors will be particularly MINE
important in eventually proving reserves
(and which are critical to success or failure) COMMERCIAL OBJECTIVES SAFETY AND EFFICIENCY
can save time and money (e.g. by under- Business planning and management, financial risk Inherently efficient, safe and secure operations
taking non geological data collection and assessment, and optimisation of reserve quality
and asset values based on robust designs that can
(including after closure for public and workers)
through design that delivers compliance with
establishment of long term monitoring be costed. appropriate regulations and best practice.

when exploration and other geological

field work is underway, or by developing
cutoff values for ratios or other parameters Figure 2: Design objectives achieving an appropriate balance.
that are critical to economic viability). The
early consideration of Modifying Factors in
a manner that aims to achieve the balance
illustrated in Figure 2 is also conducive to References
public participation and achieving a social
licence to operate because the considera-
[1] Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards, www.
tion of matters of special concern to the
public (particularly mitigation of social and
environmental impacts) is integral to the
process right from the start. [2] PERC Standard 2013, Clause 11;

This short paper is based on part of a pres- [3] PERC Standard 2013, Clause 20 (underlining added by the author for emphasis);
entation made by the author at the Mineral
Deposits Study Group Conference, Janu-
ary 7th 2014, Keble College, Oxford, United



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European Geologist 37 | May 2014 45

Metal supply security and sustainability:
understanding the whole system
Andrew Bloodworth* and Gus Gunn

In the last 100 years, the volume and variety Durant les cent dernires annes, le volume En los ltimos 100 aos, el volumen y la
of metals we utilise has expanded consider- et la diversit des minraux mtalliques uti- variedad de metales que utilizamos se ha
ably in response to population growth and liss se sont considrablement dvelopps expandido considerablemente en respuesta
accelerating technological change. More en rponse laugmentation de la popula- al crecimiento demogrfico y la aceleracin
recently, old concerns about metal scarcity tion et lacclration du changement tech- del cambio tecnolgico. Como resultado,
and resource depletion have returned to the nologique. En consquence, les proccupa- viejas preocupaciones en cuanto a la
Western industrialised economies. Thus far, tions anciennes sur la raret des minraux escasez de metales y el agotamiento de
metal resources from the Earths crust and mtalliques et lpuisement des ressources los recursos han vuelto a las economas
the anthropogenic environment have been sont nouveau au cur de lconomie des industrializadas occidentales. Hasta ahora,
treated as wholly separate sources of supply. pays industrialiss occidentaux. Jusqu los recursos de metales de la corteza de la
This article argues for a holistic, whole sys- prsent, les ressources minrales mtalliques Tierra y del medio ambiente antropognico
tems approach to the management of both issues de la croute terrestre et de lactivit se trataron como fuentes totalmente inde-
primary (earth) and secondary (recycled) humaine ont t traites comme des sources pendientes de suministro. En este artculo
metal resources. dapprovisionnement, totalement spares. se argumenta a favor de un enfoque hols-
Cet article dfend une approche globale, tico de sistemas completos con respecto al
holistique, de la gestion concernant la fois manejo de los recursos metlicos primarios
les ressources minrales et mtalliques pri- y secundarios (reciclados).
maires (la croute terrestre) et secondaires
(par recyclage).

n response to human population in 2009 brought this issue to global promi- which tend to be relatively small, complex
growth and demand created by the nence. The distribution in the Earths crust and volatile when compared to industrial
aspirations of millions in the emerg- of technology metals such as rare earths, metals.
ing economies to a Western lifestyle, mine indium, niobium and rhenium and the Growing demand for technology metals
production of many metals has grown by geological processes which lead to their and their vital role in delivering a prosper-
one, two or three orders of magnitude since concentration are poorly understood com- ous low-carbon future presents a series of
the beginning of the 20th Century (BGS, pared to industrial metals such as iron, problems that the scientific, industrial and
2014). Along with volume, the variety of copper and aluminium. Despite growing policy communities must work together to
metals utilised has expanded considerably, demand linked to their importance in key solve. The initial response to this challenge
generally in response to the accelerating technologies, they are generally produced was (and continues to be) the commission-
pace of technology change and uptake. As in low volumes (hundreds or thousands ing of numerous generic metal criticality
a consequence, over the past decade old of tonnes) compared to industrial metals assessments (Graedel et al., 2014). Whilst
fears relating to security of metal supply (millions or billions of tonnes). For exam- these are useful in identifying key issues
and physical depletion of resources have ple, global mine production of tungsten and bringing these to the attention of indus-
returned to the Western industrialised in 2012 was just 74800 tonnes, compared try and policy makers, they also generate
economies. to 47.0 million tonnes of primary alumin- a good deal of sterile argument as to what
ium and 1.5 billion tonnes of crude steel metals should or should not be on the criti-
Critical metals in the same year (BGS, 2014). As a conse- cal list.
quence, production of technology metals Many of these overview criticality stud-
A disparate group of metallic elements has commonly become concentrated in a ies are difficult to utilise at a practical
that are considered critical in delivering very few locations. Because of geopolitical level because they tend to apply a generic
new digital and low-carbon energy tech- and socio-economic risks, this production approach to identify generic solutions. In
nologies are the focus of worries about concentration is widely regarded as a risk part, they have led to the development of
supply security and environmental sus- to supply security. This is compounded by high-level resource management strate-
tainability. Threats of interruption to the barriers to the commercial development gies which imply that technology metal
export of rare earth elements from China of both primary and secondary (recycled) supply security in Europe and the UK
technology metal resources. These barri- can be achieved largely through recy-
* British Geological Survey, United ers include difficult extractive metallurgy cling. Although politically appealing, this
Kingdom, (which might attract environmental oppo- approach does not fully recognise the essen-
sition in some locations), as well as markets tial role of primary resources in meeting

Topical - Metallic Minerals

rapidly rising demand for some technology motor vehicles (OECD, 2010). In most of
metals. Whilst recycling is a very important these applications the technology metals
tool in our management of industrial metal are effectively dissipated because, within
stocks, its application to technology metals an individual manufactured unit, they are
is more limited and not as straightforward present in very small quantities, often in
as some imply. A more subtle approach combinations that are not found in nature.
based on understanding the whole system Whether or not a metal is recovered at
of stocks and flows of individual technology the end of life of the device depends on its
metals is required if interventions aimed intrinsic value, concentration and technical
at securing supplies, improving resource recyclability when combined with other
efficiency and mitigating environmental materials in the device (UNEP, 2013).
impacts of resource use are to be effective. Unsurprisingly, the recovery of high value Figure 1: Niobium metal process scrap for recy-
precious metals (platinum group metals and cling, Brazil NERC Copyright 2014.
Primary resources gold) is the main target in pyrometallurgical
processing of end of life circuit boards. Sep- combined with other materials from which
Demand for metals used in digital and aration of these metals is achieved through they cannot readily be separated.
low carbon energy technologies has grown the co-recovery of lower value copper as
strongly in the last 40 years from a low base a carrier metal, as well as antimony and Understanding whole systems
(Hageluken and Meskers, 2010). Subject to indium. However, the thermodynamics of
technology development and uptake, this this process mean that incompatible metals Measurement of individual technology
growth looks set for the foreseeable future. such as tantalum, gallium, germanium and metal stocks and understanding the manner
In the face of this demand, concerns have rare earths are oxidized and are effectively in which these move through the natural
been expressed about physical scarcity of lost in the form of minor constituents in and anthropogenic environments will high-
technology metals and some commentators the smelter slag (Hageluken and Meskers, light potential supply constrictions and help
have concluded that exhaustion of some 2010). Recycling of technology metals is identify resource inefficiencies. This analysis
metal stocks is likely (Cohen, 2007). How- most economically attractive where target requires appraisal of metal flow through a
ever, most of these rather apocalyptic fore- metals are present in high grade concen- whole system comprising discrete stages
casts fail to take into account that reserves trates such as those from manufacturing which include mining, concentration,
are dynamic entities which depend on a scrap. For example, current technology used extractive and process metallurgy, manu-
combination of scientific/technical know- in the production of flat screen displays is facturing, use, re-use, re-cycling, dispersal
how and the price of the mineral or metal. not very efficient and approximately 70 per- and disposal (Cullen et al., 2012). This can
Reserve levels will therefore expand or con- cent of the indium used in this process finds be measured directly in terms of metal
tract depending on changes in one or both its way into manufacturing scrap which is recovered or lost, or indirectly in the form
of these variables. Advances in technology then recycled (Schwarz-Schampera, 2014). of energy or water consumed in the process.
and/ or price increases have ensured that, However, the reality is that most of the tech- Quantification of losses as metals flow
despite substantial increases in produc- nology metals used in complex assemblies along the whole system is likely to be reveal-
tion over the last 50 years, global reserve such as circuit boards are not currently ing about where the most effective interven-
levels of most metals (including technol- recovered at end of life because they are tions can be made in improving resource
ogy metals) have remained similar or have too low value, too dispersed and may be efficiency. Only about 75 percent of the
actually grown (Crowson, 2011). Beyond
reserves, our knowledge of global resources
is relatively poor, especially for technology
metals, many of which have been of little
economic interest until relatively recently.

Limits to metal recycling

Secondary metals, recycled from end of

life products provide a valuable supplemen-
tary resource which generally require less
energy to recover than those from primary
sources. However, in a world of increasing
resource use, the stock of secondary metal
available for recycling will always be insuf-
ficient to meet growing demand, even if
recycling efficiency is 100 per cent.
Once mined and refined, technology
metals are utilised in a very wide range
of applications. A pallet of approximately
45 different elements is used in the manu-
facture of digital electronic components
which then go on to be incorporated into
devices ranging from mobile phones to Figure 2: Train loaded with bauxite, Western Australia NERC Copyright 2014.

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 47

tungsten content of mined ore ends up in autocatalysts to a scheme which attempted has, in some cases, given way to a danger-
the concentrate which goes to the smelter. to recover PGMs from road sweepings. ously complacent assumption by certain
This compares to recovery rates of over 90 Mapping a whole system for an individ- policy makers that recycling is the answer
per cent for gold in sulphide ores and sug- ual technology metal is a challenging activ- to addressing future supply problems.
gests that improvement in concentration ity. In many cases, volumes produced are The shift toward increasing consump-
technology would have a major impact on relatively low. As a result, data for the whole tion of a much broader suite of metallic ele-
tungsten resource efficiency. Although plati- life cycle of many of these metals is hard to ments presents an opportunity to develop
num group metals (PGMs) can be recovered find and can only be acquired through close a more holistic approach to resources. The
from used autocatalysts with an efficiency cooperation between researchers and those one size fits all notion that recycling is
of more than 90 percent, only 50-60 percent working in the supply chain. always good and material from primary
is actually recovered from European end sources is always bad needs to be challenged
of life cars because the remaining mate- Living in a material world because it ignores the reality of delivering a
rial is lost as old cars are exported to places low carbon economy. Although uptake of
where no autocatalyst recycling facilities Like it or not, we live in a material world. all the environmental and energy technolo-
exist. Understanding how PGMs move As the global population and economy gies currently under development seems
through the whole system would allow an expand we are consuming mineral and unlikely, large-scale adoption of some is
objective comparison of say, an interven- metal resources at an increasing rate. inevitable and demand for metals such as
tion to improve recovery from these lost Managing these resources efficiently is lithium, rare earths, gallium, tellurium and
imperative if we are to survive, prosper and germanium will grow rapidly from what is
avoid irrevocable damage to our natural currently a relatively low base. Restricted
environment. Whilst the industrial metals availability of recyclable stocks of these
will remain fundamental to our economy, technology metals means that much of this
a secure and sustainable supply of a larger growth in demand will have to be supplied
group of technology metals will be increas- from primary sources. If we consider both
ingly important as we move to a digital, low primary and secondary sources as part of
carbon economy. the same system, then we can understand
Responses by the Western industrialised the entirety of metal flows and effectively
economies to concerns over securing sup- target interventions to improve resource
plies of technology metals have changed in efficiency and reduce negative environmen-
Figure 3: Cobalt ore - skutterudite - cobalt nickel the last few years. Near panic over physical tal impacts.
arsenide, Morocco NERC copyright 2014. depletion and geopolitical muscle-flexing


British Geological Survey (2014) World Mineral Production 2008-2012. BGS, Nottingham.

Cohen, D (2007) Earths natural wealth: an audit. New Scientist 2605, pp34-41.

Crowson, P C F (2011) Mineral reserves and future minerals availability. Mineral Economics, 24, 1-6.

Cullen, J M, Allwood, J M and Bambach, M (2012) Mapping the global flow of steel: from steelmaking to end-use goods. Envi-
ronmental Science and Technology 46(24) 13048-13055.

Graedel, T E, Gunn, A G and Espinoza, L (2014) Metal resources, use and criticality. In: Gunn, A G (Ed) Critical Metals Handbook,
Wiley, AGU, BGS. Chichester.

Gunn, A G (2013) Critical metals: scarcity, security of supply and solutions. Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world. Pro-
ceedings of the 12th Biennial Meeting, Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, Uppsala.

Hageluken, C and Meskers, C E M (2010) Complex lifecycles of precious and special metals. In: Graedel, T E and Van der Voet, E
(Eds) Linkages of Sustainability. MIT Press, Boston.

OECD (2010) Materials Case Study 1: critical metals and mobile devices. OECD Environment Directorate. OECD, Paris.
Schwarz-Schampera, U (2014) Indium. In: Gunn, A G (Ed) Critical Metals Handbook, Wiley, AGU, BGS. Chichester.

UNEP (2013) Metal recycling: opportunities, limits and infrastructure. A report of the working group on global metal flows to the
International Resource Panel.

EFG Member initiatives

Rock of the Year An initiative of

German geoscientists
Werner Plchen* and Ulrike Mattig**

Geosciences and the public

p until the turn of the century, the
German public was largely una-
ware of the geosciences. At most it
was disasters, such as earthquakes or vol-
canic eruptions, and of course the interest
in dinosaurs, notably awakened in children
through the film Jurassic Park, that called
attention to the field. However, the Year
of Geosciences proclaimed in 2002 has
led to a significant upturn in this relation-
ship. Several major events focused around
the themes of air, water, fire and earth, as
well as various local events, found a broad
resonance among the public, thus creating
a much better understanding of and general
interest in geological phenomena and their
impact on our daily lives. In this context ini-
tiatives which are now established as perma-
nent events emerged for the first time. The
German Society for Geosciences (DGG)
created the Day of the Geotopes, which
has been celebrated nationwide since then
each year on the third Sunday in September,
with a variety of local field trips, confer-
ences and presentations. The certification
of the first German national Geopark also
dates from this period.

New approaches
Figure 1: Flyer of the State Office for Geology and Mining Rhineland-Palati-
nate in Mainz about the Rock of the Year 2012 - quartzite (detail).
In 2002, the Professional Association of
German Geoscientists (BDG) created the by UNESCO, the BDG picked up an idea listing. The original idea of the exposure
Stein im Brett Prize, which is awarded on which has been practiced in the field of to loss and thus the need for protection
the occasion of the biannual Geology Day. nature conservation since several decades, has gradually faded into the background.
The award winners are public figures, politi- and decided to introduce it in continuation The objective now is rather to direct public
cians, journalists, writers and institutions and completion of the above-mentioned attention to elements of living nature. So
that have made, as non-geoscientists, a sig- activities for the popularisation of geo- far, geological objects have not been taken
nificant contribution to the popularisation sciences. In 1971, the Association for Nature into account.
of geoscientific knowledge and contexts. and Environment (NABU) had proclaimed Such exclusion of geo-objects from the
On the occasion of the declaration the peregrine falcon (whose population had whole complex of nature is without any
of the International Year of the Planet been decimated and had therefore been doubt unjustified and challenges us to
Earth (IYPE) for the years 2007 and 2009 placed under protection) Bird of the Year. portray the role and function of rocks in
Over the years, more animal and plant spe- the natural environment and in public life
*D-09633 Halsbrcke, wer.paelchen@t- cies have subsequently been marked with and to spread knowledge about them. The; **Hessisches Ministerium fr the attribute Species of the Year. Currently declaration of the Rock of the Year, which
Wissenschaft & Kunst, D-65185 Wies- 32 natural beings of the year are included in took place for the first time in 2007 on the
baden, Ulrike.Mattig@HMWK.Hessen. this list. In addition to representatives from initiative of the Professional Association
de; Professional Association of German a variety of species of the animal and plant of German Geoscientists (BDG) and the
Geoscientists (Berufsverband Deutscher world, complex categories such as soils and German Society for Geosciences (DGG),
Geowissenschaftler, BDG). landscapes have also been integrated in this serves this objective.

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 49

Figure 2: Presentation of the Rock of the Year 2013 - Kaolin - in an open-cast mine close to Oschatz in Saxony (Photo: AKW Amberg).

What should be taught with the initiative material for many mass products, including topes (3rd Sunday of September). Compa-
Rock of the Year? cement, porcelain, ceramics, fertiliser, filler nies that exploit the respective rock as raw
for paper, and rubber and polymer materi- material and commercialise it are usually
Rocks cross our way every day, be it as als, as well as many other applications. happy to support this campaign in order
paving stones or road gravel, as a build- to gain effective public advertising (Fig. 2).
ing block in churches, palaces or railway How is this action implemented? Since the start of the initiative the fol-
stations, as a sculpture in museums, as a lowing rocks have been declared Rock of
cliff or mountain peak, as boulders in rivers Each year an expert group selects a rock the Year: 2007 - Granite, 2008 - Sandstone,
or brooks raw or processed into various of the year for the following year. The group 2009 - Basalt, 2010 - Limestone, 2011 - Tuff,
products and objects of daily life. Neverthe- is composed of competent persons of the 2012 - Quartzite, 2013 - Kaolin, 2014 - Pho-
less, rocks are often hardly or even not at all two geoscientific associations involved nolite (Fig. 3).
noticed. Opening the conscious perception the Professional Association of German The excellent resonance that the initiative
of rocks as a fundamental part of nature Geoscientists and the German Society for Rock of the Year has experienced so far
and their function as raw material is thus Geosciences as well as representatives of encourages us to proceed further and to
the main concern of the initiative Rock of other associations; the expert group on the carry knowledge about rocks to the gen-
the Year. In this respect, especially schools Certification of National Geoparks in the eral public in a popular way, as well as to
and other educational institutions are the GeoUnion Alfred-Wegener Foundation and communicate on the role and acceptance
addressees of this action. During the initia- the network Stones in the City (Steine in of geoscientists and their activities in an
tive, two main aspects are involved. der Stadt) is always involved, and in some appropriate way.
Rocks as part of nature: Rocks are the cases additional experts from other fields. In
material that forms the solid earths crust. In the early years, widespread and well-known
conjunction with other factors, the type of rocks were selected in order to achieve high
rock determines essentially the morphology acceptance among the public. The selected
of landscape. The formation of soils, their rock is presented with a brief description
composition and structure and the resulting of the geological contexts and its use in the
characteristics such as permeability, soil fer- journal Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen
tility and nutrient potential are significantly (GMit) as well as in a press release. In the
affected by the rocks present at the Earths electronic media the rock of the year may be
surface. In this sense, the vegetation is also found at its own website http://www.gestein-
considerably influenced by the bedrock. and on the homepages of its
Rocks as raw materials: Since the supporting organisations.
beginnings of mankind, rocks and miner- It is a declared purpose of the initiators
als have been used for various purposes, of the action to proclaim rock types without
at the beginning without changing their any specific local context. It is thus pos-
structure or composition, merely through sible that local initiatives in different parts
external processing: as tools, millstones, of Germany may organise events or field
abrasives, jewellery, construction mate- trips in connection with the selected rock.
rial, for sculptures and many other uses. Most regional geological surveys, but
Through the centuries until today, countless also museums and different educational
sacral and secular buildings of all types, as institutions, have taken up this idea and
well as sculptural representations bear wit- published flyers or other publications or
ness of this. Crushed hard rocks of all grain organised presentations for this occasion Figure 3: The Rock of the Year 2014 - phonolite -
sizes and non-cohesive loose rock such as (Fig. 1). In the past years, a public pres-
is baptized in the quarry Rupsroth close to Fulda
sand and gravel are essential for building entation has been organised several times
in Hesse (left to right: Managing Director of the
mass products in the transport, industrial around concrete objects. The dates where
and residential sectors. After physical or usually scheduled around the International company Ndling; A. Gnther Plnes, W. Plchen,
chemical processing, rocks are the starting Earth Day (22 April) and the Day of Geo- U. Mattig / all BDG; photo: F. - J. Enders).


Book review:
Canadian Professional Engineering and Geoscience Practice and Ethics
Isabel Manuela Fernndez Fuentes*

Canadian Professional Engineering and Geo- The book is divided into five parts:
science Practice and Ethics (Fifth Edition) Professional Licensing and Regulation;
by Gordon C. Andrew, University of Waterloo Professional Practice; Professional Ethics;
Environmental Practice and Ethics, and
Obtaining and Maintaining Your Profes-
Published by: Nelson Education Ltd
sional Status. The five parts of the book
ISBN 13: 978-0-17-650990 cover all practice and ethics topics recom-
ISBN 10: 0-17-650990-9 mended by engineers and geoscientists in
Copyright 2014, 2009 Canada, and advice from the author to help
More information: readers become effective professionals.
Geologists from other countries can find
Canadian Professional Engineering and information in this book about the aca-
Geoscience Practice and Ethics (Fifth edi- demic and experience requirements, the
tion) is a textbook for engineers and geo- licensing process and the role of associa-
scientists on all aspects of professional tions in professional status. The concepts
practice, and is an important professional of Professional Practice and Professional
resource both for professionals who want Ethics are described theoretically and with
to work in Canada and for finding defini- several examples that help the reader to
tions of professional concepts relevant in understand the important responsibilities
professional practice worldwide. of professional work.
This textbook introduces readers to Dr. Gordon C. Andrews, P.Eng., is an
the structure, practice and ethics of the emeritus professor at the University of certified to provide engineering advice to
engineering and geoscience professions Waterloo. He is a graduate of the Royal industry. He is the author or co-author of
in Canada. It is a comprehensive reference Military College (B.Sc), the University of over one hundred publications and two
for practicing professionals such as immi- British Columbia (BA.Sc., MA.Sc.), and textbooks. Dr. Andrews is a former member
grants who want to practice geoscience in the University of Waterloo (Ph.D.). He is a of the Academic Requirements Committee
any province of Canada. licensed Professional Engineer (Ontario), of Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO).

PanGeo Rome (Italy)

case history This interesting initiative arose from the
opportunity provided by PanGeo in linking
The PanGeo project is drawing to a close and networking the two institutions and as
at the end of January 2014, but feedback such should be regarded a successful exam-
recently received from Rome illustrates the ple of efficient collaboration which could be
substantial benefits that can accrue when promoted and extended to the advantage of
a Local Authority (LA) and the Geological other LAs and GSs working for PanGeo in
Survey (GS) combine to form a team that other European cities.
is greater than the sum of its parts. The feedback from the LA representa-
Representatives of the Rome city author- tive highlighted the positive stimulus that Figure 1A: Location of the project.
ity and the Italian Geological Survey (Il a project such as PanGeo can provide for
Servizio Geologico dellISPRA) combined developing critical knowledge and practi-
their expertise to create a PanGeo geohaz- cal applications (partly derived from space
ard product integrating their respective technologies) for better management of
expertise and uniting the different databases the urban environment. An ongoing pro-
to produce a geological mapping hazard gramme of collaboration between the two
product for Rome that could exploit all the institutions is now envisaged to continue in
available aspects of knowledge. Results from the future. In order to lead to real success,
the Rome experience seem to confirm that this type of collaboration needs to integrate
effective sharing of local resources, special a number of different professional compe-
expertise and databases can achieve results tencies. In the specific case of Rome expe- Figure 1B: Location of the project in relation to
not easily produced by the individual enti- rience, the team members included geolo- the evaluation of the maximum carrying capac-
ties and have an impact well beyond the gists, urban planners and GIS specialists ity of the land, through the analysis of PSI points,
initial goal for the benefit of a larger com- able to integrate the products. highlighted by the movements of the adjacent
munity of users. buildings.

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 51

Figure 1C: Location of the project in relation to
the Ground Stability Layer information which
here indicates compressible ground associated
with fluvial deposits.

The Rome LA gave some practical exam-

ples of the application of Pangeo. First is Figure 2A: Location of the project. Figure 2B: Location of the project in relation to
an analysis of the area of construction of
the evaluation of the maximum carrying capacity
underground parking (as shown in the
figure below). In this instance, the pres- Combination of the potential ground haz- of the land, through the analysis of PSI points on
ence of compressible ground and the rates ards and the existing ground movements adjacent buildings which indicate that potentially
of ground movement that are taking place allowed the LA to review and prioritise significant movements are taking place.
enable the city planners to optimise the the inspection programme for the school
location of the proposed car park devel- buildings.
Given the large number of school build-
The second example presented from ings within the portfolio it was decided to
Rome is the monitoring of industrial use the geo-hazard ranking identified by
structures producing dangerous material, the project PanGeo and their points of PSI
and therefore an activity classified at high to help in prioritising action areas.
risk within the city limits. The Pangeo data
allow checking of the presence of geohaz- Finally, the successful experience of
ards that could be a cause of movement of Roma Capitale and its direct involvement
some structures in an industrial complex in the PanGeo production phase provides
producing dangerous material. an important example of the benefits of
close collaboration and the outcome of Figure 2C: Location of the project in relation to the
The third case presented relates to the products that assist in planning use of the Ground Stability Layer, which indicates compress-
planned monitoring of school buildings. urban environment. ible ground here.

Figure 3: Plan for maintenance of school buildings.


News corner:
Compiled by Isabel Fernndez Fuentes and Anita Stein*

UAG new EFG member

Delegates of the Ukrainian Association their interest in becoming a full member of of January 2014.
of Geologists (UAG) attended the Novem- EFG. Subsequently this request was unani- For more information on UAG you may
ber Council meeting of EFG on 23 and 24 mously approved by the Council and UAG consult the associations website at: http://
November 2013 as observers and expressed joined EFG as a full member from the 1st

GEOTRAINET The official founding members are: EFG consistent voluntary further educa-
- EGEC - ANIG hp (Italy) - RGS (Romania) tion in participating countries.
- BWP (Germany) - GEOPLAT (Spain) - The training programme is aimed at
SGC (Sweden) - APG (Portugal) - HHPA GSHP installers and designers and will
(Hungary) provide the market with trained experts
The statutes of the new GEOTRAINET in the field of shallow geothermal technol-
international not-for-profit association GEOTRAINET is now established as an ogy who can design, install and operate
under Belgian law (aisbl) were officially association which will: efficient systems.
signed on 25 February 2014. The statutes deliver training and certification
shall be published within the next two to programmes in the field of shallow More information:
three months in the Belgian Official Journal geothermal energy recognised all
(Moniteur belge) which will complete its over Europe,
registration as a legal entity. provide benchmark standards for

IUGS Task Group on Global Chairs presented the annual report for 2013 5. To continue to identify, approach
Geoscience Professionalism to the IUGS which lays out the work plan and engage additional countries in
for 2014. The main tasks will be: the Task Group. As well as additional
Formed by the Inter- 1. To continue to raise awareness of the countries, every effort will be made to
national Union of Geo- existence of the new Task Group right search out and embrace already exist-
logical Sciences (IUGS) across the geoscience community ing focus groups within the global
at the 34th International globally and to multiple geoscience geosciences community that are
Geological Congress in communities; directing attention to different pro-
Brisbane, Australia, in August 2012, the 2. To increase direct involvement in the fessional and ethical issues impacting
Task Group on Global Geoscience Profes- Task Group by professional organisa- both our science and its practitioners,
sionalism (TG-GGP) provides a single tions from additional countries and worldwide.
global forum for interchange on profes- collaborating organisations;
sional affairs in geoscience worldwide. Its 3. To create a series of working groups One of the first activities of 2014 was
main purpose is to ensure that geoscientists, focused on specific practice areas in participation in the 67th IUGS Executive
active in all areas of geoscience, are fully professional affairs, including pro- meeting in Goa, India (8-10 February
engaged in the transformation of their pro- fessional ethics in practice, mineral 2014) where a presentation was given on
fession a profession that is increasingly resources reporting, and human the objectives and activities of the Task
relied upon by the public to provide expert resources capacity; and Group. As stated by the IUGS President, the
opinions and service, and to safeguard the 4. To support the 36 th INTERNA- organisation appreciated the positive coop-
public interest. The European Federation of TIONAL GEOLOGICAL CON- eration of the two new Affiliated Organisa-
Geologists is one of the sponsoring organ- GRESS in South Africa with a work- tions on ethics - the International Associa-
isations of this Task Group and backs its shop or session proposal (or both) on tion for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG) and
activities through administrative support. Global Geoscience Professionalism. the International Association for Geoeth-
Subsequent to the official release of the Plans are to organise the 5th Interna- ics (IAGETH) - under the guidance of the
Task Groups website in November 2013 tional Professional Geology Confer- IUGS Task Group on Professionalism, and
(, reported in the last issue ence (held every four years, the last recognised the successful symposia these
of the European Geologist magazine, the in 2012 in Vancouver) as part of (or groups held on ethics during several inter-
at the same time as) 36IPGC in South national meetings.
* EFG Office, Africa.

European Geologist 37 | May 2014 53

PERC Contribution to ERA-MIN MESR in 5. Interest from the Spanish Association
January 2014; of Mining Engineers to enter PERC;
Participation in the EGRC of the 6. Joint organisation of a conference
UNFC in Geneva in April 2014. focused on mineral standards to be
The Pan-European Reserves & Resources held in November 2014 in Brussels.
Reporting Committee, PERC, have partici- PERC, represented by Steve Henley, also
pated in several events and publications in had a meeting in Brussels with the EFG The 2014 Annual General Meeting of
Europe and worldwide as follows: President Vtor Correia and the Office PERC was held in Dublin on 29 March in
CRIRSCO Annual General Meeting Executive Isabel Fernandez in order to draw the IGI installations with the presence of
in Bogota in November 2013. Repre- up a memorandum regarding the follow- representatives from EFG, GSL, IGI, and
senting PERC were Eddie Bailey and ing topics: IOM3. This event was preceded by a Train-
Steve Henley; 1. Reporting codes and conflict min- ing Workshop entitled: Best Practice for
EPCAT EFG/PERC Competence erals; Assessment and Reporting of Exploration
Accreditation and Training Profes- 2. Standards for secondary sources of Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral
sionalism and Standards for the SIP raw materials; Reserves with Edmund Sides from AMEC
of the EIP-RM in December 2013; 3. Establishing a warranty seal to use in as the instructor.
MDSG presentation in Oxford, UK public and industry communication;
by Eddie Bailey and Steve Henley in 4. EFG participation in the Pickman
January 2014; project;

EFG participation in the EuroGeoSurveys (EGS) generously

European Geosciences Union invited EFG to join its booth. The booth
General Assembly 2014, had a very good position, just next to the
Vienna, Austria, 27 April 02 main EGU stand. EFG contributed with
May 2014 a banner, the last four issues of the Euro-
pean Geologist magazine, and a Powerpoint
For the first time, EFG was present at the presentation. EFG thanks EGS for its gen-
EGU General Assembly as an exhibitor. The erosity and this important opportunity to
EGU General Assembly is the most relevant participate together in the EGU exhibition.
geosciences event in Europe. With 4,829 For EFG Executive Director Isabel Fer-
oral, 9,583 poster, and 483 PICO presen- nandez, EGU2014 was also the opportu- EFG. Various interesting possibilities for
tations EGU2014 was a great success. In nity to establish closer contacts with EGU future collaboration were discussed, such
all, 12,437 scientists from 106 countries Executive Secretary Philippe Courtial. The as a common photo contest, and shall be
attended the conference, of whom 27% aim of this meeting was to develop collab- confirmed within the next few months.
were students. oration opportunities between EGU and

EAGE/EFG Photo Contest 2014 and EFG members were invited to submit May the voting closes and the 12 most pop-
photos that portray some aspects of the ular photos will be printed and included in
theme by, for example, depicting geological a travelling exhibition that will visit several
features of the earth relevant to geoscientific EAGE and EFG events throughout Europe.
activities (such as field geophysics, mapping During the travelling exhibition it will still
After the success of or modelling) or the geoscientists roles in be possible to cast your vote online for one
last year, the European particular sectors (such as oil and gas, natu- of the top 12 photos. In October 2014 great
Association of Geosci- ral hazards, water resources, construction prizes will be rewarded to the photogra-
entists and Engineers or mining and minerals). phers of the three most popular pictures.
(EAGE) and the Euro- The deadline for submitting photos was The contest is kindly sponsored by
pean Federation of Geologists (EFG) are 1 April and following the selection by an Prospectiuni.
again joining forces for the organisation of internal professional jury, a total of 34 pic-
the photo contest. As in the past year, the tures is now online for the public voting More information and online voting at:
topic is Geoscientists at work and all EAGE open to all EAGE and EFG members. On 11

Submission of articles to European Geologist magazine
Notes for contributors Spanish can be provided by EFG. parentheses). If the industry standard is not
The abstract should summarise the essential SI, exceptions are permitted.
The Editorial Board of the European Geologist information provided by the article in not Illustrations
magazine welcomes article proposals in line with more than 120 words. Figures should be submitted as separate
the specific topic agreed on by the EFG Council. It should be intelligible without reference files in JPEG or TIFF format with at least
The call for articles is published twice a year in to the article and should include informa- 300dpi.
December and June along with the publication tion on scope and objectives of the work Authors are invited to suggest optimum
of the previous issue. described, methodology, results obtained positions for figures and tables even
The European Geologist magazine publishes fea- and conclusions. though lay-out considerations may require
ture articles covering all branches of geosciences. Main text some changes.
EGM furthermore publishes book reviews, inter- The main text should be no longer than 2500
views carried out with geoscientists for the sec- words, provided in doc or docx format.
tion Professional profiles and news relevant to Correspondence
Figures should be referred in the text in italic.
the geological profession. The articles are peer Citation of references in the main text should
reviewed and also reviewed by a native English All correspondence regarding publication should
be as follows: Vidas and Cooper (2009) cal- be addressed to:
speaker. culated or Possible reservoirs include
All articles for publication in the magazine should EFG Office
depleted oil and gas fields (Holloway et Rue Jenner 13, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium.
be submitted electronically to the EFG Office at al., 2005). When reference is made to a work
info.efg@eurogeologists according to the follow- E-mail:
by three or more authors, the first name fol-
ing deadlines: lowed by et al. should be used.
Deadlines for submitting article proposals Please limit the use of footnotes and number
(title and content in a few sentences) to the them in the text via superscripts. Instead of
EFG Office ( are using footnotes, it is preferable to suggest All information published in the magazine
respectively 15 July and 15 January. The pro- further reading. remains the responsibility of individual contribu-
posals are then evaluated by the Editorial Figure captions tors. The Editorial Board is not liable for any views
Board and notification is given shortly to Figure captions should be sent in a separate or opinions expressed by these authors.
successful contributors. doc or docx file.
Deadlines for receipt of full articles are 15 References Subscription
March and 15 September. References should be listed alphabetically
at the end of the manuscript and must be Subscription to the Magazine:
Formal requirements laid out in the following manner:
Journal articles: Author surname, initial(s). 15 Euro per issue
Layout Date of publication. Title of article. Journal
Title followed by the author(s) name(s), place name, Volume number. First page - last page. Contact
of work and email address, Books: Author surname, initial(s). Date of
Abstract in English, French and Spanish, publication. Title. Place of publication.
EFG Office
Main text without figures, Measurements and units
Acknowledgements (optional), Measurements and units: Geoscientists Rue Jenner 13, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium.
References. use Systme International (SI) units. If the E-mail:
Abstract measurement (for example, if it was taken
Translation of the abstracts to French and in 1850) was not in SI, please convert it (in

Advertisements Prices for advertisements

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