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Turning Shoppers into Buyers

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For further information, or to discuss how Ogilvy can help optimise your CONTENTS
budget and marketing plans, please contact:

Toni Lee, North America (toni.lee@ogilvy.com)

Paula Bernasconi, Latina (paula.bernasconi@ogilvy.com) Winning in the Last Mile 4
Serge Nicholls, Europe, Middle East/Africa (serge.nicholls@ogilvy.com) or
Soames Hines, Asia Pacific (soames.hines@ogilvy.com) Shoppers are feeling the pinch of this recession 6

Other Ogilvy & Mather Booklets available:

Retailers are drawing the battle lines for a price war 10
Optimising the marketing budget in recession
Digital in a downturn: smart strategies for tough times
How to get more effective advertising
What this all boils down to 12
The new PR leveraging digital influence to drive sales and reputation
Improving sales force performance Winning is about smart people and strong strategy 14
Optimising production expenditure and creative assets
Igniting the Last Mile applies our insights into execution 15

Great tools and strategy are nothing without flawless execution 16

Strategies for every brand to grow 17

Broader thinking and what to do next 22

Next Steps 24

Published in 2008
by Ogilvy & Mather

Ogilvy & Mather 2008

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INTRODUCTION Who this booklet is for
CEOs, CFOs and CMOs. Your marketing department
It is not the strong, nor the intelligent who survive, must estimate the profitability of marketing spend. This
but those who are quickest to adapt. booklet shows how to do it.
Charles Darwin How to use this booklet
Your company needs to estimate, even roughly, the
How to increase your profit when times consequences of cutting or maintaining or increasing
are tough marketing spend. Averages based on what other
companies have done in recession are useful guides, but
We face one of the most challenging business you do not manage an average business or an average
environments for years. Recessions caused by liquidity brand. You need to know about your specific case.
problems are particularly severe. In recent months we
have seen major financial institutions and the worlds
stock markets collapse. Your company needs to take
urgent action to win through.

Some companies do succeed in recession. They see it

as an opportunity for growth. While competitors panic,
they stick to a plan.

Turning shoppers into buyers is only one of the issues

that confront you. Ogilvy also offers practical advice
on other potential pain/gain points in your company,

Optimising the marketing budget in recession

Digital in a downturn: smart strategies for tough times
How to get more effective advertising
The new PR leveraging digital influence to drive
sales and reputation
Improving sales force performance
Optimising production expenditure and creative assets

These booklets are available on www.ogilvyonrecession.com

2 3

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WINNING IN THE LAST MILE Put simply, in challenging economic times a one size
fits all approach will not connect with shoppers to
Industry press and newswires are filled with stories unlock new opportunities for brands, and likely frustrate
of how consumers are reacting to recessionary times retailers. Its the ability to understand and react to these
and what marketers should expect. From doomsayers changes that will help marketers and retailers succeed in
to optimists we will help to balance the outlook for this economic downturn.
marketers to help turn more shoppers into buyers for
their brands. Much of the shopper and retailer behaviour we will
discuss can occur in any economic climatebut in the
This booklet zeroes in on the space where marketers times we face today, marketers need to understand how
today are more and more focusedshopper behaviour certain behaviour is magnified or completely turned
on their path to purchase, which OgilvyAction frames on its head. And yes, how can we use it to survive the
as the Last Mile. We will provide a global perspective economic downturn?
on what to expect from shoppers and retailers during
this recession, advice on how to engage shoppers to turn This booklet leverages our global knowledge of shopper
them into buyers...and how to gain retailer support for attitudes and behaviour to offer practical suggestions
your brands in uncertain economic times. that help marketers and retailers gain a competitive
advantage by turning shoppers into buyers from
In a study of 14,000 shoppers in 24 countries, we China to the US, to Brazil to the UK. It does not attempt
discovered that more than two thirds of the worlds to address issues like supply chain management, labour
shoppers decide what they will buy inside the store; costs, real estate prices, distribution etc.
making the retail environment one of the most active
marketplaces for consumer goods. Recessions are a
common occurrence in many countries and shoppers
do keep spending. But shopping habits change in a
recession, becoming more complex depending on the
product or category and where they are shopping.

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SHOPPERS ARE FEELING The retailers weekly catalogues and circulars detailing
THE PINCH OF THIS RECESSION the promotions on offer will determine where shoppers
stock the pantry, often sending shoppers to different
Most consumers shopping habits change to some retailers from week to week
degree in a recession: putting off replacing the car, not
buying that extra handbag or pair of shoes, cutting back Promotional prices are a draw card for shoppers in any
on non essentials and paying by cash or debit cards to economic climate and, in recessions, you can expect
manage the household budget better. lower income households to be even more attracted to
deep price promotions
So, too, are lifestyles changing in this recession. For
many consumers, dining out will happen less often and The key principle when understanding a shoppers
family vacations often become stay-cations where the behaviour is that attitudes to buying product categories
family holidays at home or close to home versus long are always complex, and change during a recession. This
distance travel. is supported in a recent study revealing how shoppers
will prioritise spending by product category. The first
The change in shopping habits and lifestyle during a five items they stop buying are; air fresheners, cookies,
recession drives different behaviour in-store. Here are beer & wine and soda. Recession-proof items we never
just a few examples that marketers need to watch for: stop buying include pet food, toilet paper, deodorant,
pain reliever, hair care products, fresh meat and canned
Shoppers will buy according to a family meal plan vegetables*.
more often, enabling more meals to be prepared at
home and dining out less often The changing shopper behaviour simply means that
marketers need to use all the tools and resources they
The choice of private label or house brand products have to identify the in-store behaviour as it happens in
will be more common in many categories, particularly their category. Marketers can then make insight-based
food or beverage categories decisions on how to leverage shopper behaviour to grow
their brand.
Shoppers will be more disciplined in where they
shop, for some this means turning to lower cost/high
discount retailers like Wal Mart, Aldi & Lidl and for Shopping on the Internet and
others this means buying in bulk from warehouse club your Mobile phone
retailers like Costco
The impact of the recession is also being felt online,
Many shoppers will plan their shopping trip to be more with consumers clicking for very different reasons in
disciplined by buying more from fewer channels recent months.

Many shoppers will reduce the number of quick trips

to stores, often combining errands to limit gas/fuel

* US News: Reporting the findings of a Unilever survey (26 August 2008)

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Growth in online shopping is still in double digits Having said which, given the severity of this
but the pace of growth is slowing. The latest global recession, it will have a more significant impact on
Capgemini e-Retail Sales Index reports that year-on- shopper attitudes and behaviour, both in the short
year growth in online shopping in September was and long term. As a consequence of the value shift
down from 72% in the same month a year ago. from consumer idealism to consumer realism, we
are already seeing a rapid change in the profile of
In other countries, however, consumers are going shopper types and shopper missions. Brand owners
online not to shop, but to seek out coupons and must understand these new shopper types; how they
discounts to take with them to the store. For example, select where to shop, and how they shop the category
22% more US consumers are shopping at retail with once inside the store. Distribution, assortment,
coupons they accessed online. merchandising and in-store activation needs to be
optimised based on this new understanding.
Similarly the advent of mobile smart phones as a
coupon or discount vehicle is growing rapidly in this
recession. The worlds 10th biggest retailer (Kroger
Brand owners and retailers should take
Supermarkets) is entrenched in the delivery of coupons note of an emerging consumer group.
direct to the shoppers mobile phone. The system was
tested with Krogers most loyal shoppers and coupons The Middle-Aged Simplifier
sent to mobile phones were linked to recent purchases John Quelch in How recession will accelerate consumer
in the store. By 2011, its estimated that 3 billion downsizing (Harvard Business Publishing, October 15
coupons or incentives will be sent to mobile phones 2008) suggests that the consumer boom of recent years
globally. A digital innovation that will influence the was fuelled by must-have lifestyles where consumers
shoppers path to purchase well beyond the current bought much more than they really needed. As the
recession. world economy slumps, he predicts the emergence of a
new super segment the Middle Aged Simplifier. The
Will shoppers come out of this recession Simplifiers have four characteristics: they have more
and revert to their previous habits? stuff than they need, they want to collect experiences not
possessions, the goods they have acquired are starting to
Previous recessions have shown that as consumers embarrass them and they have wealth that is assured so
tighten their belts, they also loosen them as quickly they no longer need conspicuous display.
when credit flows again and the economy picks up.
This growing segment will present a challenge to
marketers as their increasing reluctance to consume
could help to slow down economic recovery.
Manufacturers of consumer goods will need to find new
audiences and new markets.

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RETAILERS ARE DRAWING Exclusive activation promotions that manufacturers
THE BATTLE LINES FOR A PRICE WAR develop with retailers will increase as they help
differentiate a retailer and build a stronger partnership
The growth markets of recent years brought with between the manufacturer and retailer
them a proliferation of retailers in varied formats, for
example big box retailers like Woolworths, Tesco & Wal Price comparisons will be used on-shelf, highlighting
Mart launched convenience & small format stores for savings on key products compared to local retail
in between or top up shopping trips. At the same time, competitors, particularly supermarkets
retail channels fulfilling the consumer demand for
the latest must-have items like vending machines for A broader range of private label products will emerge in
consumer electronics emerged, often in transit hubs. food retailers, both extending into new categories and
The worldwide economic downturn is forcing retailers new private label brands, creating price tiers
to behave differently, with new trends that marketers
need to plan for. Retailers will guarantee the success of their own label by
dedicating the best shelf space and often prime visibility in
The impact of the economic downturn and changing the store, at the expense of other brands
shopper habits is forcing retailers to respond to survive,
involving more aggressive marketing efforts to attract Pressure on cash flow will impact on inventory levels
shoppers to the store and in some cases changing and many retailers will reduce stock (or days) of supply
the landscape where well known retail banners are coverage in the supply chain
merging with stronger competitors.
Most retailers will slow the expansion of new store
As the recession bites harder, we can expect a number openings and store renovations, placing more pressure on
of trends to emerge: current stores to drive growth

Retailers will lure shoppers to their store using heavily Retailers around the world are locked in a battle for the
discounted price promotions on traffic building shopper at a time when the behaviour on a shoppers
categories, in most cases forcing manufacturers to pay path to purchase is changing. Some retailers will balance
the cost of the discount aggressive marketing with sustainable pricing, while
others will be less strategic. The challenge for marketers
Retailer spending on advertising and promotions is helping retailers better navigate the recession with an
will grow to support a more aggressive marketing insight-based approach to engaging shoppers in-store, and
campaign, in many cases it will be manufacturers that keeping them loyal to the retailer.
fund this through new programs and fees

The majority of retailers will reward brands that

continue to innovate and launch new products with in-
store marketing support. They will punish those with
under-performing SKUs and low marketing support

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WHAT THIS ALL BOILS DOWN TO 20% of shoppers buy products impulsively in-store

As weve highlighted in this paper, shoppers are Its a product display that triggers impulse buying more
changing their behaviour and attitudes to where than any other activity in-store
they shop and how they choose what to buy. While
this presents a myriad of challenges for retailers and Promotional pricing was the least effective of all
marketers to navigate, they essentially boil down to: marketing activities in-store at triggering an impulse
purchase or brand choice
1. Getting a shopper into the store
Now that shoppers are reappraising the way they shop,
2. Making sure they buy your product retailers and marketers must do the same. This requires
an understanding of the dynamic between the shopper,
The challenge can be answered by a combination the retailer and the brand.
of subtle persuaders that push, pull, influence and
ultimately satisfy the shopper. This means:

The solution to drawing shoppers to the store could be Know your shoppers habits inside and outside the
about enhancing communication with a value message store, how they get to the store and what they do when
like how much the family saves eating breakfast not shopping or whats important to them
cereal bought at Wal Mart versus a quick serve
restaurant. Similarly, activation events near the store Understand the equation between cost and value, for
are a powerful draw card, events that help shoppers live both the consumer and the shopper
better - like the Flora Pro Activ heart health draw
a crowd and make the retailer the good guy in the Use technology and information, whether its a loyalty
community. program or shopper research data should be the
currency that drives your tactics
The solution when the shopper is in-store to make
them buy your product is complex. To make sense of Understand your competition or it will ambush
the complexity, we spoke to 14,000 shoppers in 24 your plans
countries around the world when they were at the store.
They told us that:

30% of shoppers decide their brand inside the store

The choice of brand in-store is triggered by a product

demo more than any other promotional activity

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How we win starts with a disciplined process that In the journey a shopper takes as they become a buyer,
generates credible results. We call it Checkpoint Planning. there are many touchpoints that can trigger the purchase
Our process looks deep into the critical relationship for our Clients brands. Using insights from the
between a consumer and a brand how that consumer Checkpoint Plan, we prioritise and ignite the touchpoints
behaves as a shopper and how retailers approach the to trigger the purchase. Activating touchpoints is the
category and brand. single biggest investment most brands make today. An
insight based approach to identifying the touchpoints that
OgilvyAction has seasoned shopper and trade marketing will work for brands in a recession will be the difference
experts to leverage the global Ogilvy network. We also between good ROI and a lost opportunity.
have the tools to generate powerful insights in each stage
of our Checkpoint planning process. The breadth of our The Last Mile tool structures the shoppers journey to
network is engaged in planning and strategy for FMCG, identify where the best touchpoints are, and those we
consumer durables, luxury brands and retailers around need to ignite first.
the world.
Some touchpoints will help build brand awareness
The process we use may appear simple but we apply it on the journey, while others will physically trigger the
rigorously to generate exciting and effective activation purchase in the store. No matter what the role of each
solutions. We probe to understand shoppers and how touchpoint is, we tie them together on the shoppers
they shop different categories, channels and retailers. journey to generate more sales for our Clients brands.
Then we apply that understanding to generate insights
Figure 2: The Last Mile
that create activation events, which bring brands and
retailers together.
So how do we influence shoppers along their path to purchase in The Last Mile?
Figure 1: The planning process
to SHO

What can we Brand/Marketer What can we Media SHOP

Channel PER to
learn about the learn about the Out of BUYE
relationship real-world Store In-Store R
between our business dynamics Category
360 Fixture CLOSE
Clients brand between our Context Engage Reward THE
and potential Clients and their Inspire SALE
shoppers? key customers? Interest N
Attract ACTIO
Aware TS
Close H POIN
the Sale TION
Shopper/Buyer Channel/Retailer U DE

What can we learn

about how different
shoppers behave in
different channels
or retail outlets?

(Source: OgilvyAction Checkpoint Planning Tool)

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Joint marketing with affinity partners
If the worlds shoppers tell us 67% of purchase decisions Make the brands communication stretch further by
are made in the store, and shoppers buy in more than enrolling partners that build the brand experience.
one retail channel, then executing the idea has to be Partners could be complementary products or a financial
consistently flawless everywhere. Whether the execution services brand; if the brand targets the same shopper,
is a volume building promotion inside the store or an then speak in one voice and drown out your competitor.
activation event outside the store, if the message is not Motorolas partnership with Absolut Vodka is a good
shopper-centric or the visibility mediocre, then success example that opened up a new communications channel
will be limited. for Motorola. Motorola wanted to target the trend/style
setters with its new KRZR mobile phone and partnered
We measure our success every time; to help our Clients with Absolut Vodka to create a limited edition Absolut
create and measure results, we use proprietary retail KRZR phone. In addition to exploiting brand synergies
tracking tools to provide visibility on the execution in communications, joint-marketing activities took place
performance and ultimately their ROI. Used extensively in clubs and bars that opened up a new channel for
in different product categories in Asia, Europe and Motorola to reach this important target.
the US, our tools monitor in real time:
Create events to drive foot traffic not deep price cuts
Distribution and speed to market of new or limited Build meaningful partnerships and influence with
edition products retailers by creating exclusive events outside the store
that provide a benefit or value to shoppers beyond a
Point of Purchase compliance cheap price. Identify an insight to build the event that
matches your brand and the retailers positioning to
In-store activation visibility and effectiveness make the retailer stand out - made possible by your
brand. For example free cholesterol and heart checks for
Field Sales team performance shoppers make sense for brands that deliver this type of
health benefit, and will make the retailer the destination
Ensuring our success is about control over for many shoppers. Similarly, celebrity icons can be a
implementation and our extensive network of real draw card, even in a recession. Motorolas use of
OgilvyAction field staff delivers just that. Our own David Beckham for the launch of its new RAZR phone
field team help drive the execution of our activation, in Japan drew thousands of potential shoppers to stores.
implementing our ideas and measuring their success.

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Activate touchpoints with digital technology More effective use of in-store signage and
The shoppers journey in the Last Mile can be ignited shopper messaging
with many touchpoints, and as technology evolves, many
new touchpoints are digital. Often digital touchpoints are With an improved understanding of a shoppers path to
efficient and more economical, as technology providers purchase and the most appropriate in-store POS items
are looking for brands to partner with so their technology by channel type, brand owners can significantly improve
can grow. A recent Motorola promotion in China is a good the effectiveness of their shopper messaging, and cut out
example where digital touchpoints were coordinated waste by eliminating the less effective POS items from
in the Last Mile. A promotion involving a gift with their POS toolkits. Most brand owners now recognise
purchase was delivered to the consumer via SMS, and the the importance of treating the shopper differently to
gift redeemed on a website. This made the promotion easy the consumer in terms of in-store communications
to implement with retailers and avoided the huge cost of moving to more shopper-centric messaging rather than
delivering physical gifts across China. simply using the key visual from the TV commercial and
the TV campaign end-line.
Using mobile content to drive store traffic Figure 3: Path to purchase shopper messaging.
and activate sales
The Mobile Concierge has been created by Ogilvy to
drive shoppers to participating retail outlets. It uses GPS
satellite technology to locate your nearest retailer and will STORE INSIDE AT THE SHELF
send you relevant offers when you are in the vicinity. A
personalised concierge tailors your offers against your pre-
defined interests.

Build promotional events not just tactics

The insights to create new consumption occasions are
out there waiting to be discovered; a new consumption Although the marketing budget is an easy target
occasion means new sales and retailers will line up when costs need to be cut, smart brand owners will be
to secure their share of new sales. A great example in redistributing part of their marketing and sales budgets
Australia is the Dental Health month, now an annual to shopper and customer marketing, rather than cutting
event that started because shoppers didnt change their back on the marketing budget alone. They will also be
toothbrush often enough. So the Dental Association was going after the huge wastage that exists across their
enrolled to endorse retailers engaged on the new selling marketing and sales operations. The horror stories of
opportunity and Dental Health month is an annual warehouses full of unused point-of-sale materials and
event with displays, product demos & widespread PR promotion premiums miraculously disappearing are all
coverage and 20% more sales. too familiar.

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One major Client recently estimated they could recover Focus on improving retail execution performance
10% - 20% of their marketing budget by cutting out To drive more profitable growth, brand owners will need
waste and inefficiency across brand marketing and trade to align their trade marketing coverage (reps) and in-store
marketing. After a review of their combined operations, merchandisers/promoters with their most important stores
they were able to deliver significant cost savings as well and growth hot-spots. Huge amounts of money are already
as improvements in operational efficiency. being spent in this area and this is set to continue given
the critical importance of retail execution excellence. As
Another Client estimated that 40% of their POS pressure intensifies on indirect costs, many brand owners
materials were wasted with every merchandising will look to out-source these functions to partners that can
changeover because of a one-size-fits-all mentality. deliver enhanced field-force operations at a reduced cost.
Through shopper research, they understood the Developments in IT systems for promoter and sales-force
shoppers in-store path to purchase and were able to automation will accelerate further improvements in
identify which point-of-sale items were the most effective productivity and cost efficiency.
and thus reduce their POS toolkit from 25 items to 10
items. In addition, they were able to develop tailored Stay close to your brand analyst
toolkits for their different channels and key customers. Shopper habits are changing and retailers arent sure how
This not only saved huge sums of money, it also resulted to respond. Stay close to what is actually happening by
in more effective in-store communications by being rigorous and regular reporting so you can respond quickly
tailored for each channel type, as well as delivering more to changing landscapes. Marketers that are slow to respond
relevant shopper messaging along the path to purchase. will miss the opportunity or could damage their brands
Create theatre in-store to drive excitement & purchase
Displays and visibility trigger impulse buying more than Understanding the shoppers buying repertoire and
any other activity in-store go beyond a stand carton the relationship between those and similar consumers
stack or end cap and engage the shopper with theatre helps to identify opportunities to drive incremental
to attract them to your brand. Use theatre that holds the profits through cross-selling promotions. We saw an
shoppers attention so that you can subsequently close uplift of 5% in sales using Market Basket analysis for a
the sale. packaged goods Client in Malaysia.

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BROADER THINKING AND WHAT TO DO NEXT Invest in smarter marketing at retail
As more and more manufacturers realise the benefits of
If ever there was a time for manufacturers and retailers marketing to shoppers in-store, investment is increasing
to build a meaningful business partnership, the current quickly. A recent study found that in the last 12 months,
economic downturn is it. At a time when retailers need manufacturers with dedicated shopper marketing teams
brands to survive, and marketers need retailers to balance jumped from 6% to 29% and retailers skyrocketed
their marketing efforts sustainably, there is no better from 0% to 60% with only interactive/web marketing
opportunity to collaborate. attracting higher investment. Building capabilities
by investing to understand shopper behaviour and
There are a few simple steps that marketers can take to activating against insights in the store can deliver
help their organisations enhance relationships with key measurable ROI faster than traditional media.
retailers here is a quick overview:
Figure 4: The importance of shopper & customer marketing

Category centric thinking Investment growth in the next 3 years

Put yourself in the buyers seat and focus on initiatives
50% 40%
that will grow the categories total sales. Focusing on Interactive/Web
45% 44%
building a bigger category will structure a brands In-Store Shopper centric Programs
42% 37%
priorities and trigger retailer support by helping them In-Store Communication/Advertising
38% 38% 1%
sell more product the more support a retailer gives, In-Store Co-Marketing Programs
38% 27% 2%
the more the brand can do in-store where two thirds of In-Store Couponing
15% 35% 6% 2%
shoppers decide what to buy. 12% 15% 20% 5%
Trade Promotion Displays
10% 22% 14% 24%
8% 19% 22% 8%
Provide value beyond product & price Out-of-Store Couponing/FSIs
8% 17% 8% 10%
Retailers have heard for years about consumer Sponsorships
7% 14% 21% 17%
research, but there are limits on what retailers can Print
4% 26% 18% 11%
do to influence consumption. Educating retailers on Outdoor/Billboard
4% 16% 18% 11%

shopper research is highly valued given the potential 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
to influence shopping behaviour. Manufacturers that
Increase more than 5% Increase 0-5% Niether increase or decrease Decrease 0-5% Decrease more than 5%
are able to help retailers understand their shoppers
behaviour will influence the in-store activation (Source: The Deloittle OMA Report 2008, USA)

strategies and be a valued business partner.

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Start the process now by becoming a buyer yourself

contact us for a free, confidential consultation from
which you can get a greater understanding of how to
win in The Last Mile.

For more information please contact:

Toni Lee, North America (toni.lee@ogilvy.com)
Paula Bernasconi, Latina (paula.bernasconi@ogilvy.com)
Serge Nicholls, Europe, Middle East/Africa
(serge.nicholls@ogilvy.com) or
Soames Hines, Asia Pacific (soames.hines@ogilvy.com)

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