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Bacterial cystitis in
Amanda Chung
Mohan Arianayagam
Prem Rashid
Noninfective cystitis may be caused by urothelial
Background carcinoma, bladder calculi, chemicals (ifosphamide,
A woman presenting with symptoms suggestive of bacterial cystitis is a frequent cyclophosphamide) or interstitial cystitis.
occurrence in the general practice setting. One in three women develop a urinary tract Inflammation of the bladder, from either infective
infection (UTI) during their lifetime (compared to 1 in 20 men). or noninfective causes, produces the characteristic
Objective cystoscopic finding of squamous metaplasia (Figure
In this article we provide an outline of the aetiology, pathogenesis and treatment of 1) and may also lead to cystitis cystica (Figure 2).
bacterial cystitis in the primary care setting. We suggest measures that may assist before About 250 000 Australians develop a UTI
urological referral and work through a common clinical scenario. each year.1 Women are more commonly affected
Discussion than men; with 1 in 3 women and 1 in 20 men
Bacterial cystitis in unlikely if the urine is both nitrite and leuco-esterase negative. developing a UTI at some point during their
Empirical antibiotics are justified if symptoms are present with positive urinary dipstick, lifetime.2 Urinary tract infections occur more
but microscopy, culture and sensitivity of urine is warranted to ensure appropriate empirical commonly in older men, especially in the presence
therapy and identification of the causative organism. Risk factors for UTI in women include of lower urinary tract dysfunction. Nearly 1 in 3
sexual intercourse, use of contraceptive diaphragms and, in postmenopausal women, women develop a UTI requiring treatment before
mechanical and/or physiologic factors that affect bladder emptying such as cystocoele or the age of 24 years.2
atrophic vaginitis. Discussion regarding risk factors and UTI prevention is important. Women
with recurrent UTIs (defined as three or more episodes in 12 months or two or more episodes Classification
in 6 months) should be screened for an underlying urinary tract abnormality (ultrasound)
Urinary tract infections may be classified as:
and may benefit from prophylactic therapy. Patients with complex or recurrent UTIs,
persistent haematuria, persistent asymptomatic bacteriuria, or urinary tract abnormalities simple (occur in a structurally and functionally
on imaging may benefit from referral to a urologist. normal urinary tract), or
complex (occur in an abnormal urinary tract or in
Keywords: urological diseases; general practice; womens health; cystitis
the presence of other factors listed in Table 1).
In Australia, Escherichia coli is the most common
uropathogen causing up to 95% of simple UTIs.3
In addition to E. coli, complex UTIs may also
Cystitis is a clinical syndrome characterised by be caused by Proteus and Klebsiella species,
dysuria, frequency and urgency, with or without Enterococci, Group B Streptococci and Pseudomonas
suprapubic pain. Causes of cystitis can be aeruginosa.3 Complex UTIs tend to be associated
infective (bacterial, viral, other) or noninfective. with increased severity and complications. The
The commonest clinical entity is bacterial resultant treatment may be multimodal.
cystitis due to common urinary tract pathogens.
Bacterial cystitis is usually associated with bacteriuria Most UTIs are caused by normal bacterial flora
(bacteria in the urine) and pyuria (presence of entering the urinary tract via ascent through the
white cells in the urine), but both can occur without urethra from the bowel, vagina, or perineum. It
infection. Bacteriuria may be due to either colonisation is not the presence, but rather the expression
or infection of the urinary tract, or contamination of the organisms virulence factors which allow
of the collected urine specimen. Pyuria indicates their adherence to the perineum and urethra. This
inflammation, which is usually due to bacteria but can is followed by migration into the bladder with
be due to other causes. Sterile pyuria requires further invasion of the urothelium leading to symptoms
investigation for tuberculosis, bladder stones, or cancer. secondary to the inflammatory response.

Australian Family Physician Vol. 39, No. 5, MAY 2010 295

clinical Bacterial cystitis in women

Protective factors may also present with symptoms of recurrent UTI. Table 1. Risk factors for complex UTI
There is innate immunity in the lower urinary tract Complex UTIs with risk factors listed in Table 1
Patient Male child <12 years
via the flushing out of organisms by urine as well require aggressive investigation and intervention factors Pregnancy
as entrapment of bacteria by the urethral lining. with urological input if surgical causes are found. Male >50
These cells are shed in the urine leading to removal Immunosuppressed
of bacteria from the lower urinary tract. In addition,
Asymptomatic bacteruiria (diabetes, renal failure)
the normal flora of healthy vaginal mucosa and Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) is the presence of Structural/ Presence of indwelling
functional catheter
perineal area contains micro-organisms such as a positive urine culture in the absence of symptoms factors Chronic retention
lactobacilli, and an acidic pH environment, which and is more common in the elderly. Recurrent Bladder outflow
prevent the adherence of uropathogens. Factors ASB warrants further investigation to exclude obstruction
Polycystic kidneys
that cause urinary stasis and alter the vaginal urinary tract abnormalities, such as bladder stones,
Upper tract calculi
and perineal environment (spermicides or vaginal diverticulae, foreign bodies, chronic retention, Bladder stones
atrophy) may alter these protective mechanisms. malignancy and upper tract abnormalities. Bacterial Nosocomial/
Treatment and investigation of ASB is factors multiresistant organisms
Risk factors particularly critical in:
The increased incidence of UTIs in women may be pregnancy a UTI. Although it may seem cost effective to treat
attributed to urethral length, which provides an urolithiasis on history alone,8 urine culture is useful to confirm
effective barrier to bacterial ascent. The female vesicoureteric reflux infection and identify the causative organism. This
urethra is generally less than 5 cm compared to renal transplant recipients limits unnecessary use of antibiotics and identifies
the male, which is more than 15 cm. the immunocompromised, and patients who would benefit from further evaluation.
Risk factors for UTIs in younger women include: before instrumentation of the urinary tract. Urine dipstick analysis can be used as a fast
sexual intercourse Some authors7 believe that ASB does not require method of examining fresh urine9 and if nitrite (with
contraceptive diaphragms (especially with treatment in other patient groups, however, or without leuco-esterase) positive, the patient is
spermicides), and the alternate view remains that ASB should be likely to have a UTI.
past history of childhood UTIs.4,5 treated and investigated to ensure there is no Antibiotic treatment is justified in this setting
Prior antibiotic use may also increase the risk of other coexisting pathology. but a midstream urine (MSU) specimen should
UTI by altering the normal perineal flora. While counterintuitive, treatment of ASB preferably be sent for microscopy, culture and
In postmenopausal women, mechanical and/ has not been shown to improve the outcome in sensitivity (MCS) to ensure appropriate empirical
or physiologic factors that affect bladder emptying patients with indwelling catheters7 or in those therapy and identification of the causative organism.
are strong risk factors for UTI. Factors associated who self catheterise. These patients should only If leuco-esterase alone is positive, a UTI will be
with UTI in this age group include: be treated if symptomatic with suprapubic pain or present in 50% of patients and, depending upon
urinary incontinence signs of sepsis. symptoms, treatment may be delayed until MCS
cystocoele and large postvoid residual volumes is performed.8 The likelihood of a UTI is low if the
atrophic vaginitis, and Investigation of cystitis urine is both nitrite and leuco-esterase negative.
a history of UTIs before menopause.6 History and symptoms are usually adequate to Microscopy, culture and sensitivity of a MSU
While rare, diverticular disease of the urethra make a diagnosis of cystitis and to exclude complex is the gold standard diagnostic test for UTIs, and
should be performed for most patients. Quantitative
bacteriuria of 105 colony forming units (CFU) per
mL is sufficient for a diagnosis of UTI. Growth of a
single organism at lower CFUs is also diagnostic.

Follow up
After clinically successful treatment of UTI,
repeat urine examination for bacteriuria is only
required in pregnant women to ensure bacterial
clearance. Asymptomatic bacteriuria in this
Figure 2. Cystitis cystica may also occur with
Figure 1. Squamous metaplasia of the trigone inflammation. It consists of small fluid filled population is associated with pyelonephritis and
occurs in response to inflammation of the blisters sitting beneath the urothelium. The low birth weight.10
bladder and causes the trigone to have a cysts are formed by the liquefaction of small Further investigations are not required in
white furry appearance. The condition is islands of normal urothelium sitting within
premenopausal women with one or two recurrent
benign and is associated with UTI the lamina propria. This is a benign condition
uncomplicated UTIs, as anatomical or functional

296 Australian Family Physician Vol. 39, No. 5, MAY 2010

Bacterial cystitis in women clinical

urologic abnormalities are uncommon. However, as first line therapy. Alternatives include history to aid in further treatment. Continuous
urinary tract ultrasound is indicated if seemingly nitrofurantoin and amoxycillin with clavulanate. prophylaxis with bacteriostatic agents, such as
uncomplicated cystitis recurs frequently (two A 3 day course of antibiotics is similar to hexamine (methanamine) hippurate 1 g orally
episodes in 6 months or three or more episodes a prolonged course (510 days) in achieving twice daily, may also be helpful.15 Urine alkalinsing
in 12 months) or shows a pattern of bacterial symptomatic cure, but is not as effective in agents can provide symptomatic relief and may
persistence. Urinary tract ultrasound also confirms achieving complete bacterial eradication.12 It also reduce the incidence of UTI.
the degree of bladder emptying by measurement of is appropriate to prescribe a longer course of In the presence of atrophic vaginitis, the risk
postvoiding residual. Abnormalities on ultrasound antibiotics for women in whom complete bacterial of UTIs may be reduced by improving the vaginal
may require specialist evaluation and further eradication is important (such as in pregnancy, tissues with oestrogen replacement.16 However,
investigation with contrast enhanced computerised urolithiasis and in the immunocompromised) even hormone therapy is a complex and controversial
tomography (CT). though prolonged treatment is associated with a issue and beyond the scope of this article.
Postmenopausal women with recurrent cystitis higher rate of side effects.
should be evaluated by vaginal examination for Adjuvant therapy with urine alkalinisers can
Case study
A sexually active woman, 25 years of age,
pelvic organ prolapse and vaginal atrophy as these help alleviate the dysuric symptoms of cystitis.3
presents with recurrent bacterial cystitis.
conditions may mimic the symptoms of cystitis. Sufficient fluid intake (at least 2 L/day) is This is her third episode of cystitis in 12
Older patients with recurrent UTIs should also be thought to have a flushing effect on the urinary months. She is otherwise fit and well.
screened for diabetes. tract, avoiding urinary stasis and bacterial Urinary tract infection is confirmed initially
Microscopic haematuria often occurs with UTI proliferation. Other factors such as good hygiene, on the basis of symptomatology and dipstick
and, if persistent 6 weeks following resolution postcoital voiding, anterior to posterior wiping urinalysis followed by formal MCS. She has
of cystitis, requires further investigation. All patterns and the wearing of cotton underwear may a history of E. coli UTI sensitive to standard
patients with macroscopic haematuria require reduce the risk of UTIs. Alternatives to diaphragms antibiotics, and empirical treatment is
urological evaluation if they have risk factors for and spermicides should be considered. Cranberry initiated with trimethoprim 300 mg orally
urothelial carcinoma (smokers, prior exposure products may reduce bacterial adherence and may at night for 3 days.3,11 A urinary tract
to cyclophosphamide, chemicals or radiation). In reduce the incidence of UTIs, however the optimum ultrasound was normal.
the absence of risk factors these patients should dosage and formulation (eg. juice, extract, tablets)
Case study discussion
be monitored to ensure the haematuria has is yet to be established.13 Lactobacillus containing
resolved. All patients with persistent haematuria probiotic yoghurt (either vaginal or oral) to restore If UTIs occur postintercourse, then postintercourse
(macroscopic or microscopic) should be referred to commensal vaginal flora has been proposed prophylaxis may suffice. Spermicides and
a urologist with urine cytology (three specimens for prophylaxis of cystitis in postmenopausal diaphragms should be replaced with other means
on three separate days) and upper tract imaging. women, but the data remains inconclusive and no of contraception.4 If the episodes are unrelated
A urinary tract ultrasound is an acceptable recommendations can be made for its use.14 to intercourse it would be reasonable to start
preliminary investigation and if needed, can be treatment for recurrent UTIs. Evidence based
followed by contrast CT urogram or retrograde Treating recurrent UTIs prophylactic regimens may reduce recurrence of
pyelography. Cystoscopy is also performed to Women with recurrent UTIs being considered for UTIs by up to 95% and are listed in Table 2.17
evaluate the urothelium of the bladder. prophylactic antibiotic therapy may benefit from a In this young woman, self start intermittent
urological opinion to exclude altered anatomy or therapy would be a reasonable option to trial for
Treatment foreign bodies. Prophylactic antibiotic regimens 12 months, as she has only had three infections
Women with a simple UTI should be treated with for women with recurrent cystitis may reduce in 1 year. A woman with more frequent infections
empirical first line antibiotic therapy such as recurrence by up to 95%14 (see Case study). may only tolerate a 6 month trial. If this fails,
trimethoprim 300 mg orally at night for 3 days or Regimens include: then low dose continuous prophylaxis for 3
cephalexin 500 mg orally twice daily for 5 days.3,11 long term prophylaxis months would be appropriate. There should be
Other first line choices include amoxycillin with self start therapy, or a low threshold for evaluation with urinary tract
clavulanate, or nitrofurantoin. Amoxycillin (without postintercourse prophylaxis (Table 2). ultrasound. Urological evaluation may be required
clavulanate) is only recommended if the organism With self start therapy, a urine specimen should be if infections persist.
has shown to be susceptible. collected for MCS before the taking first antibiotic
Quinolones may be required in complex UTI and tablet. The most practical method is to give the Conclusion
should only be used as a second line agent when patient pathology request forms to obviate the The incidence of UTIs is high. All the evaluation
resistance has been documented or in the presence need for an urgent appointment with a GP. The and treatment measures outlined above may
of P. aeruginosa.3 patient then presents for review once the MCS be undertaken in the general practice setting.
Trimethoprim is contraindicated in pregnancy results are available. This ensures appropriate However, referral to a urologist is beneficial
and hence cephalexin (for 10 days) is recommended antibiotic use and provides a microbiologial in the setting of recurrent UTIs, persistent

Australian Family Physician Vol. 39, No. 5, MAY 2010 297

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Empirical antibiotics are justified if symptoms for Coloplast, AstraZeneca, Hospira & Abbott
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advisable that the MSU specimen be sent for initiated or contributed to the writing of this
MCS to ensure appropriate empirical therapy article.
and identification of the causative organism.
Patients with persistent haematuria Acknowledgment
The authors wish to acknowledge Dr Ian Smith,
postinfection must be investigated to exclude
urology registrar, New South Wales.
the presence of urothelial carcinoma.
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298 Australian Family Physician Vol. 39, No. 5, MAY 2010

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