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Be Like the Date Palm: Living Islam with a Purpose

Abdullah bin Umar radi Allahu `anhu (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allahs
Messenger ( peace be upon him) said, There is a tree amongst trees, the leaves of which do
not wither and that is like a Muslim; tell me what that (tree) can be? The people began to think
of the trees of the forest. Abdullah said, I thought it could be theDATE palm tree, but I feel
hesitant (to say it). They (the companions) then asked, Allahs Messenger, (kindly) tell us
which it can be? Thereupon he replied, It is the date palm tree. Abdullah made a mention of
that to his father, Umar ibn Al Khattab (ra), whereupon he said to Abdullah: Had you said that it
meant the date palm tree, this statement of yours (would have been dearer to me) than such
and such things. Hadith no.133 (Bukhari and Muslim)

This hadith (narration) contains a parable allowing us to investigate the characters and attributes
of aDATE -palm tree so that we canAPPLY these qualities in our own lives. Islam encourages
us to seek knowledge and this hadith motivates us to understand knowledge, no matter how old
or young a person is. Knowledge is a gift from Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He) and
only Allah gives it to whomever He wills. Haya (modesty) is recommended in Islam as long as it
does not prevent one from attaining benefit, which is why Umar (ra) wished Abdullah had
spoken up at the time.

The hadith also teaches us to think and pay attention; our deen (religion) encourages us to seek
knowledge and if a question is asked we should respond accordingly if we know the answer.

I never really thought about the magnificence of theDATE palm until this hadith was explained
to me. This hadith resonates with me as a Muslim living in the West, where my actions and
speech are looked at by society through a magnified lens. I am constantly aware of how
important my actions are in the public sphere. With the growing isolation of Muslim communities,
this hadithcontains valuable lessons that we can all implement in our lives.

So, what are the parallels between the date palm and the Muslim?

Firstly, the date palm is one of the slowest growing trees. It can take up to 4-8 years before it
begins to bear fruit. The roots of the date palm are nurtured for several years before it becomes
strong and firm. When it begins to grow dates, it continues to benefit its environment for
generations into the future. As Muslims, we can use this process to understand how we ought to
nurture our spiritual selves. We all have to go through a period of absence before we can grow
and develop. It takes time and steadfastness to study and learn before we can turn knowledge
into meaningful action. How much we have benefitted from our knowledge is externalized by our
conduct with others and with our surroundings. Internally, however, ImamMALIK ibn Anas (ra)
explains, Knowledge does not consist in narrating much. Knowledge is but a light which Allah
places in the heart.

Secondly,DATE palm trees do not need a forest in which to grow. They are resourceful in and
of themselves. Allah (swt) has given each and every one of us limitless potential, and we should
never underestimate what we can achieve with this. Whether we are at the local mosque,
school, or work, or with our neighbors, friends or family, there is always anOPPORTUNITY to
help support those around us.

Thirdly, we do not grow when things are easy; we grow when we face challenges. TheDATE
palm tree grows in hot climates with harsh conditions. Nevertheless, it is still able to bring
benefit to everything around it, from its nutritious fruits to its comforting shade. The believer
embodies this idea of benefit. The believer is versatile, and (s)he will keep giving no matter what
environment (s)he is in. Therefore, like a date palm, a Muslim should thrive and be a fountain of
benefit to society, even in the most difficult of environments and conditions.

Lastly, the date palm has a purpose, just like the Muslim. We should take this prophetic
guidance to help motivate us to achieve excellence in our daily affairs in our communities. By
volunteering, giving charity, serving others, and upholding good ties with everyone we meet, we
will eventually bring nourishment and fulfillment to our own lives and to society. Just like dates,
we are societys super food.

Insha Allah (God-willing), this article will help us reflect upon this hadith and be of benefit to all
those around usin mind, body and spirit.

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