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2. Relevance & Reasons.
Triple bottom line.
11. acknowledgement

CSR is about how companies manage the business

processes to produce an overall positive impact on society. Corporate
Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave
ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the
quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local
community and society at large. CSR is a commitment to improve
community well being through discretionary business practices &
contributions of corporate resources.
It is the sense if obligation on the part of companies to
build certain social criteria & manage the business activities by taking
strategic decision. Socially responsible companies should consider various
issues, from the organisation of the firm to building relationships with the
community. The issue of corporate responsibility has come into focus
through industrial revolution. CSR is about Business Giving Back to the
CSR is also referred to corporate or business
responsibility , corporate or business responsibility, corporate or
business citizenship, community relations& social responsibility.
1. Public Expectations General Public expects that apart from supplying quality
goods, fair prices, good services etc, company should not disturb any balance
in the society pollution, crimes and corruption.

2. Government laws and preparations: to avoid government regulations

businessmen should discharge its duties voluntarily business firm should
engage itself in maintaining a pollution free environment rather then polluting
it and coming under strict government regulation.

3. Long-term survival of the company. It is possible only if the organisation has

established loyal brand customers, repeat customers from the society.

4. Goodwill: It helps the business in creating goodwill.

5. Better environment to operate: by fulfilling its responsibilities to the

stakeholders of the organisation they help in forming friendly environment
where they can operate their business freely
Business, Ethical Values, and Social Responsibility are not
contradictory. An enterprise adopting value-driven management can
manage Profit and can also assure the common good. Such an enterprise
represents business with a soul. This is also Indian Ethos in Management.
In value-driven Management four aspects are taken into
Fair Competition
Social Responsibility
Consumer Autonomy
Corporate Behaviour etc

1. Responsibility towards Owners:

Owners are the persons who own the business. They
contribute capital and bear the business risks. The primary responsibilities
of business towards its owners are to:

a. Run the business efficiently.

b. Proper utilization of capital and other resources.
c. Growth and appreciation of capital.
d. Regular and fair return on capital invested.

2. Responsibility towards Investors:

Investors are those who provide finance by way of
investment in debentures, bonds, deposits etc. Banks, financial institutions,
and investing public are all included in this category. The responsibilities
of business towards its investors are:

a. Ensuring safety of their investment,

b. Regular payment of interest,
c. Timely repayment of principal amount.
3. Responsibility towards Employees:
Business needs employees or workers to work for it.
These employees put their best effort for the benefit of the business. So it
is the prime responsibility of every business to take care of the interest of
their employees. If the employees are satisfied and efficient, then the only
business can be successful. The responsibilities of business towards its
employees include:

a. Timely and regular payment of wages and salaries.

b. Proper working conditions and welfare amenities.
c. Opportunity for better career prospects.
d. Job security as well as social security like facilities of provident
fund, group insurance, pension, retirement benefits, etc.
e. Better living conditions like housing, transport, canteen,
crches etc.
f. Timely training and development.

4. Responsibility towards suppliers

Suppliers are businessmen who supply raw
materials and other items required by manufacturers and traders. Certain
suppliers, called distributors, supply finished products to the consumers.
The responsibilities of business towards these suppliers are:

a. Giving regular orders for purchase of goods.

b. Dealing on fair terms and conditions.
c. Availing reasonable credit period.
d. Timely payment of dues.
5. Responsibility towards customers
No business can survive without the support of
customers. As a part of the responsibility of business towards them the
business should provide the following facilities:

a. Products and services must be able to take care of the needs of

the customers.
b. Products and services must be qualitative
c. There must be regularity in supply of goods and services
d. Price of the goods and services should be reasonable and
e. All the advantages and disadvantages of the product as well as
procedure to use the product must be informed do the customers.
f. There must be proper after-sales service.
g. Grievances of the consumers, if any, must be settled quickly.
h. Unfair means like under weighing the product, adulteration,
etc. must be avoided.
6. Responsibility towards
Competitors are the other businessmen or organizations involved
in a similar type of business. Existence of competition helps the business
in becoming more dynamic and innovative so as to make itself better than
its competitors. It also sometimes encourages the business to indulge in
negative activities like resorting to unfair trade practices. The
responsibilities of business towards its competitors are:

a. Not to offer exceptionally high sales commission to distributers,

agents ECT.
b. Not to offer to customers heavy discounts and /or free products in
every sale.
c. Not to defame competitors through false or ambiguous

7. Responsibility towards
Business activities are governed by the rules and regulations
framed by the government. The various responsibilities of business
towards government are:

a. Setting up units as per guidelines of government

b. Payment of fees, duties and taxes regularly as well as honestly.
c. Not to indulge in monopolistic and restrictive trade practices.
d. Conforming to pollution control norms set up by government.
e. Not to indulge in corruption through bribing and other unlawful
8. Responsibility towards Society
A society consists of individuals, groups, organizations, families etc. They
all are the members of the society. They interact with each other and are
also dependent on each other in almost all activities. There exists a
relationship among them, which may be direct or indirect. Business,
being a part of the society, also maintains its relationship with all other
members of the society. Thus, it has certain responsibilities towards
society, which may be as follows:

a. to help the weaker and backward sections of the society

b. to preserve and promote social and cultural values
c. to generate employment
d. to protect the environment
e. to conserve natural resources and wildlife
f. to promote sports and culture
g. to provide assistance in the field of developmental research on
education, medical, science, technology etc
CSR within organization
In recent years many organizations have established
separate departments to document the best practices of CSR and
integrate them into the Organizational Fabric. They are investing
huge amounts in creating Special Foundation for the
implementation of these practices with a view to make a
difference in the life of people around them. They have also
drafted special policies to ensure better working conditions and
promoting family welfare of the work force
Tata Group of Companies, G.E Foundation, Infosys, TVS Group
and Sundaram Finance have evolved new approaches to CSR.
Within the organization CSR cultivates a sense of trust and loyalty
amongst the employees. Also it offers a soothing divergence from
the monotonous work place routine and gives them a sense of
satisfaction and fulfillment.
CSR and Labour
Relations, Exploitation
and Harassment
Workers should be treated as human beings and not just a
worker and Dignity of worker should be preserved.
Workers should be treated as first customer and a human
Safe, friendly and healthy work environment and adequate
job security should be offered.
It should give equal opportunities employees, pay equally to
On recruitment, professional ability should be given first
Business should uphold the freedom of association ad the
effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
It should eliminate all forms of forced and compulsory
Effective and abolition of Child Labour.
Elimination in discrimination in respect of employment and
Encourage whistle blowing.
Firing or dismissal should be done for a just cause.
Concerned employee should be given a reasonable and fair
chance to explain his case and plead it.
Harmful effect of dismissal should be mitigated as far as
Discrimination between genders, due to origin, disabled,
pays, promotion etc., while employing or while in
There should not be any sexual harassment.
Perquisites and Remuneration should be just and according to
the performance. They should be able to compensate the
rising Cost of Living, and offer them a decent family life.
To build good relationship workers and their representatives
must be heard/listened to and tackled warmly.
Try to upgrade the skills.
Push the practice of ergonomics in practice.

Role and Responsibility of the

Local Community in Business

As per the definition of CSR, it is Business giving back to the

society. Therefore society should take positive/ proactive role in the process of
development to be initiated by the Corporates. Through their representatives or
local NGOs working in the area, they should identify the immediate the future
needs of the society and distinguish between the role of Government and the
Corporates. These roles have to supplementary and not complimentary. The role
areas could be in the fields of health, education, environment etc. Having done
this there should be a monitoring Community jointly of NGO, representatives of
Community and Corporates.
Interventions of Business to
fulfill Social Responsibility
The business can fulfill the Social Responsibilities
through the following measures:-

1. Make the decisions to commit to Ethics.

2. Recognize that Business is role model by definition, by action and by

its values.

3. Assume the responsibility to instill ethical behaviour in the entire

business structure.

4. Articulate values.

5. Train Staff.

6. Encourage Open Communication.

7. Be Consistent.

8. Abide by the Laws of the Land.

1. They assist Corporates to become humane and prevent dehumanization.

2. They serve as a best means of human communication.

3. They also serve as an effective agency and social control of human behaviour.

4. They exert great influence on the Morale of Employees and other stake

5. They serve as a watchdog.

6. They galvanize workers, concerned citizens and environment activities to force

factories not to resort to environmental pollution through disposal of toxic
wastes etc.

7. Also they can be behind workers to take legal action against any violation by
the company.

8. They can resort to protest, rallies, public meetings, etc. to gather mass support.

9. These days they use websites for public awareness.

Integrating CSR into Business:
1. Corporates should first believe that their responsibility is to their
customers who use their product and services in fully meeting their
needs, desires and expectations.

2. Everything they do must be of high quality.

3. They must try to reduce costs.

4. Customers orders must be serviced promptly and accurately.

5. Suppliers and distributors must have an opportunity to make a fair


6. Employees must be considered as human beings, and corporates must

respect their dignity and recognize their merit.

7. They must practice the ethics of care perspective, which is

characterized by a sense of connection to others, a life of affection and
caring for others.

8. Corporates should feel that they are responsible to the community they
live, and to the world community in general.

9. They must encourage and promote civic improvement, better health

and education.

10. Instead of What I can get, they must believe in What I can give.

11.Stress on duties rather than rights.

12.Corporates must follow Other Oriented approach.

In the Context of Developing Societies CSR is about
capacity building for Sustainable Development.
Integrating Sustainable Development in Corporate Strategy improves
all Corporate performance.
It creates positive image and goodwill among the public, earns a
special respect among peers, customers, Government agencies,
investors and media. All of this go a long way in promoting long-
term shareholder value and Sustainable Development.
It also creates a sense of loyalty and trust among employees.
It also serves as a soothing diversion from the mundane workplace
routine and gives workers a feeling of self satisfaction and a meaning
to their lives.
Infosys, Wipro, Tata Steel, Dr. Reddys Lab, Polaris have integrated
philosophy in their corporate culture and earned a big brand name.
In Wada, of Thane district, Mumbai, Coca Cola has a bottling plant.
It uses rain harvesting techniques to recharge ground water and
supply water to people in summer. They have also established water
supply system in another village.
Some of the corporations, train local people in IT applications and
employ them later on.
CSR Measures,
indicators & Triple
Bottom Line


Sustainability: There must be clear linkage between use of

resources and their regeneration. It serves the needs of the society both
present and future.

Accountability: It lies in an organization assuming responsibility

for the effect of its action that has impacted the external environment
adversely. This will call for the organization compensating for the cost of
damages caused by the actions of the organization, and creating the benefits
that exceed the costs to all affected stake holders.

Transparency: For Transparency, Organizations must report the

impact of its action to all stake holders truthfully without misleading them in
any manner.
Triple Bottom Line:-

The triple bottom line (abbreviated as "TBL" or "3BL", and also

known as "The Three Pillars. The triple bottom line is made up of:

Social (People):
"People" (human capital) pertains to fair and beneficial business practices
toward labour and the community and region in which a corporation conducts
its business.

A triple bottom line enterprise seeks to benefit many constituencies, not exploit
or endanger any group of them.

Environment (Planet):
"Planet" (natural capital) refers to sustainable environmental practices. A TBL
company endeavors to benefit the natural order as much as possible or at the
least do no harm and curtail environmental impact. A TBL endeavor reduces
its ecological footprint by, among other things, carefully managing its
consumption of energy and non-renewable and reducing manufacturing waste
as well as rendering waste less toxic before disposing of it in a safe and legal

Economic (Profit):
Profit" is the economic value created by the organization after deducting the
cost of all inputs, including the cost of the capital tied up. It therefore differs
from traditional accounting definitions of profit. In the original concept, within
a sustainability framework, the "profit" aspect needs to be seen as the real
economic benefit enjoyed by the host society. It is the real economic impact
the organization has on its economic environment.
Csr at tata steel

The Tata Steel Vision aspires to make it the global steel industry
benchmark in Value Creation and Corporate Citizenship.

As its operations have expanded to new geographies, the Tata

Steel Group has retained a collective focus on the various areas of corporate
sustainability that impact people, environment and the society at large. Founded on
the philosophy that society is not just another stakeholder in its business, but the
prime purpose of it, the Company, across its various operations is committed to
making a positive contribution in a number of ways.

As a policy, Tata Steel promotes and encourages economic,

social and educational development within its communities while also giving active
support to local initiatives. Its mammoth social outreach programme covers the
company-managed city of Jamshedpur and over 800 villages around it through
upliftment initiatives in the areas of income generation, health and medical care,
education, sports, and relief.

We are very thankful to everyone who all supported us, for we

have completed our project effectively and moreover on time.

We are equally grateful to our teacher Mrs. Geetha Narayan.

She gave us moral support and guided us in different

matters regarding the topic. She had been very kind and
patient while suggesting us the outlines of this project and
correcting our doubts. We thank her for her overall support.

Thanking you

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