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Branislav S. Atlagic, Vladimir V. Kovacevic, Vladimir S.Maruna, Velibor M. Mihic

Faculty of Technical Sciences
Computer, Control and Measurements Institute
Dositeja Obradovica 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Yugoslavia

Branislav D. Adjanski
Radnicka 20, 21000 Novi Sad, Yugoslavia

A BSTRA CT The whole system is run by the largest Yugoslav

natural gas transportation and distribution company "NIS-
This paper presents the configuration of a SCADA GAS", in Novi Sad. NIS-GAS is the branch company of
based telem etry system for the main Yugoslav gas- "Serbian Oil & Gas Industry", a national corporation for
pipeline network. A central supervising SCADA station is research and exploitation of gas and oil. The first SCADA
realized by using reliable in d u strial PC stations system for the NIS-GAS pipeline network was installed in
interconnected via a LAN. The key features of this SCADA 1984 by Nuovo Pignone. The telemetry system was built
are open architecture, hot stand-by, an effective MMI with 30 RTU's and a main control center situated in the
subsystem and an information link to the Enterprise city of Novi Sad. In several years, the maintenance of old
Inform ation System . In order to achieve better gen eratio n c en tral site com puters becam e very
supervision and control over the gas-transport process, complicated and expensive. The old SCADA had to be
basic SCADA functions are supplemented with a decision replaced due to the following reasons:
support system based on trend analysis and a steady-state
simulation model. Lack of CPU processing and storage capacity,
Inflexible architecture of the old system and incapability
of expansion or serious reconfiguration,
IN T R O D U C T IO N Reduced overall reliability and availability,
Introduction of advanced control and decision support
The m ajor part of the Yugoslav natural gas techniques,
transmission and distribution network is located in the Increasing interest for real-time data obtained by SCADA
province of Vojvodina, at the northern part of Yugoslavia. from corporate structures outside of SCADA operations
It includes the main gas-pipeline from the Hungarian to group,
the Bosnian border (for the import of Russian gas), as well Integration and data exchange between SCADA and the
as supply pipelines from local gas plants in eastern Enterprise Information System (EIS).
Vojvodina (Figure 1). There are also a number of
distribution pipelines to more than 300 major customers.
The total length of the installed high pressure (25 - 42
bar) pipeline is about 850 km, with a capacity of 3.5
billion's m3. A significant extension of the distribution
network is also planned, with an increase of the total
volume of transported natural gas.

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Figure 1. Gas-pipeline network in Vojvodina

NEW SCADA SYSTEM efficient and reliable operation,

open architecture and controlled, company-wide access
One of the primary objectives of the SCADA upgrade
to the SCADA real-time and/or history database,
program was to ensure safe transition to the new solution,
support for integrated communications and computing,
but the first step in was to replace the old and unreliable
optimum cost, and
central-site SCADA station. Upgraded SCADA had to
an up-to-date solution that will guarantee easy
maintenance in a ten-year period.
sufficient data processing and storage power,

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Industrial PC-486 workstations and LAN networking The new SCADA system was installed in the year
technology were adopted as a hardware platform for the 1993, and partially redesigned in 1995. Figure 2. shows
new SCADA. Reasons leading to such selection are high the present configuration of the NIS-GAS SCADA main
reliability and throughput (both PC and LAN), high- control station, as well as the integration with the
quality programming environment, moderate cost and a Enterprise Information System (EIS). EIS is a standard
wide choice of industrial PC vendors. SCADA software to business inform ation system, running a number of
support the old RTUs was developed by the Computer, different commercial application. EIS users are interested
Control and Measurements Institute, Faculty of Technical in using data obtained by SCADA.
Sciences, Novi Sad..

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The SCADA LAN segment is dedicated to the execution valves, I/P selectors, etc.) and flow /pressure PID
of SCADA tasks. From security and reliability reasons, it is regulators (set-point control).
entirely located in the control room of Dispatching Center
There are also a number of new or significantly
NIS-GAS. It consists of:
improved features.
SFS - SCADA file server
Trend calculations for process variables are based on
DACB - Data Acquisition & Control Block
a sliding window method. The slope of the regression
DSS - Decision Support Station
line placed between N last measured values determines
GATE - Station for remote access to SFS
the trend (rate of change) for the original measured
The SCADA file server (SFS) is a NOVELL file server variable.
for the SCADA LAN segment. SCADA configuration data
MMI functions, which include standard graphic and
and a history of supervised gas networks are written on
alphanumeric presentation of real-time data, allow four
mirrored 1GB hard disks, with a 500 MB optical disk as the
operators to work simultaneously. Operator directives are
backup unit. The link to EIS is provided by an EIS file
sent through the MMI. To alleviate the maintenance and
server connection (also NOVELL). In this way, using log-in
and file-access functions standard to the Novell network modification of SCADA configuration files (including
alpha and graphic screens definitions), configuration
operating system (NOS), each authorized user from the EIS
LAN segment can access the SCADA history files stored on tools and display builders are provided.
the SCADA file server. SFS holds the pipeline history; this includes all
events and chronology records. With 15 minute time
Operating in dual (tandem) configuration, tandem
resolution, 1GB disk space is sufficient for one year of
stations TS-1 and TS-2 constitute the core of the SCADA
system - the Data Acquisition & Control Block (DACB). The historical data. CD ROM disks are used as archives
(permanent copy of all history data). A tool, History
DACB controls the exchange of messages with the existing
Viewer, was developed to search and examine data, to
RTUs over two leased telephone lines. Each tandem
station is equipped with an intelligent 6-channel serial plot and print graphs, and to export data to standard .DBF
or .TXT files. A number of various reports (daily, monthly,
I/O coprocessor, a standard SVGA graphic card, a 14" color
etc.) are available through script files, and can be
monitor, and an additional graphic card (high-grade,
Pixelworks UA1280) with a 20" color monitor. Real time generated promptly. Those reports are used in other
groups within the company. Access and distribution of
operation is in a protected mode (32-bit) multitasking
data are carried out by a local area network.
environment, developed as a software layer above DOS
(using DOS extender and C/C++ compiler). A Hot stand The new SCADA provides support for interconnection
by option is based on the use of the IBM NETBIOS LAN with other autonomous SCADA systems within the holding
communication protocol and specialized hardware control company. It has established a link to the SCADA center of
logic. A NETBIOS peer-to-peer session establishes a a sister company EnergoGas in Belgrade.
reliable and fast information (message) link between TS-1
and TS-2. A Tandem logic card, installed in each of the Remote supervision, i.e. access to real-time state of
stations, im plem ents WDT (watch-dog-timer) and reset gas-pipeline network without the control option, is the
logic, a hardware handshake between Master and Slave task of the serial and file terminal stations.
tandem stations, and a command interface to an external The Serial Terminal (STRM) is serially connected, via
relay block. A Relay block switches communication lines modem and generally leased line, to the data acquisition
(2 x 4-wire leased lines) to the Master station. Depending block. T h e . communication protocol DACB-STRM is very
on the present state of command lines from both of the similar to the raw-data exchange between the tandem
tandem stations, the relay block controls access to the stations. STRM operates in parallel with DACB,
communication channels and resolves possible conflicts. performing EU conversion, alarm checking and all other
The existing communication network and old raw- processing over the received data. However, due to
data exchange protocol are preserved, since old Nuovo communication errors or inconsistency of configuration
Pignone RTUs are still in use. Basic SCADA functions files, the state presented on STRM can differ from the
include data acquisition (telemetry) and remote control. state determined within DACB. The advantage of the
Raw data, representing the state of the process variables, Serial Terminal is the real-time data exchange and the
are acquired along the network and transmitted to central SCADA-like functionality. Therefore, it is particularly
station every 30 seconds. Processing of this data, suited for technical and maintenance departments.
involving EU conversion, limits checking and alarms The File Terminal (FTRM) operates as a standard LAN
generating, etc., is done in a similar manner as before (in station within the EIS segment. Through a log-on
the old SCADA). Command options include remote procedure to the SCADA server, the FTRM station has
control over the various digital devices (motor operated access to the valid configuration files and the SCADA state

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file. The State file contains the EU value and status of all method similar to "report-by-exception", which sends data
measured and calculated SCADA variables, and it is only when the variables have changed between successive
periodically updated (every 5 minutes) by the master scan cycles. Therefore, the new RTU assures a smaller
tandem station. The FTRM acquires an accurate SCADA amount of transmitted data and better utilization of
state by reading the state file. The File Terminal provides communication channel. Also, it reduces the impact of the
convenient access to the data from non-dedicated LAN communication channel failures to the overall SCADA
w orkstation. operation, and minimizes the probability of data-loss. The
enhanced RTU is available in two versions. The first
Within the SCADA LAN segment is the d e c is io n version is based on PC-104 modules, plans are to us it for
support station (DSS), running the steady-state simulation main metering and regulation stations (SO locations). The
model and the leak-detection expert system. It is also the second version is based on Z180 industrial miniature
w o rk s ta tio n fo r SC A D A a d m in is tr a tio n and controllers (Z-World, Little Giant). It will be installed on
reconfiguration. all exits and other smaller volume points within the
The simulation model and line-pack calculations are pipeline system. The main objective is to cover more than
based on well-known nonlinear algebraic equations for 100 locations and to achieve complete control over the
steady-state analysis of a high pressure gas pipeline. flow-balance of gas network.
Using pipeline configuration data, feed-in and feed-out In order to provide a reliable and cost effective
flow s, and pressures at some reference point, the communication path between the SCADA center and all
simulation model calculates pressure at many other planned RTUs, an X25 packet radio network is being
pipeline points. At those points where pressure is
investigated as a solution. Preparations for test
m easured, the d ev iatio n betw een sim ulated and installations are underway.
measured values is within 1%. This accuracy is
considered to be satisfactory. A prediction of critical
events in the gas pipeline is based on numerical trends of
process variables, calculated within SCADA [2]. EXTENSION OF DECISION SUPPORT SUBSYSTEM

Leak detection [1] is done by using a steady-state The pipeline structure and its state include a number
model of the gas transm ission system and artificial o f different elem ents, like pipes, valves, filters,
intelligence (AI) methods. The primary reason leading to transmitters, measurement equipment, etc. Some of these
this approach was the lack of measurement from most of elements are under the constant supervision of SCADA.
the higher flow-rate central pipes (telemetry is oriented The rest are invisible to SCADA, but still influential to the
towards consumers). This lack of measurement made a state of pipeline-network. Inadequate control reaction to
stand-alone sim ulation model inadequate, but the AI pipeline disturbances can cause serious and even fatal
system was able to "learn" by using history data records consequences. Finally, all pipeline components need
sourced by SCADA. Leak classification rules were derived constant care and m aintenance. T herefore, the
in the form of decision trees developed from examples, descriptions and accurate state definitions for each
and for some proposed detection strategies the accuracy pipeline component are very important. This is the main
of leak classification reached 90%. goal of an AutoCAD based software package developed for
NIS-GAS. Graphical database drawings (AutoCAD) contain
The GATE supports dial-up V.42 modem access to the technical diagrams of gas stations, while related dBase
central database, it runs under rem ote access and files hold all necessary structural information. Each
execution software (ReachOut). This makes it possible to element shown on a drawing is connected to:
call FTRM or history bar-charting tools from remote
a definition record, containing all relevant data
(type, m anufacturer, serial number, date o f last
inspection, etc.) and the state of the element (open or
closed, for example).
RTU REPLACEM ENT PROGRAM link records, pointing to all neighboring elements
The next major step in the modernization of the on the pipe.
telemetry system is the expansion of the RTU network and The pipeline network state, presence and flow
the replacement of old fashioned RTUs. A new enhanced direction of gas can be examined based on this database
RTU with local processing power [3] has already been information,. Presentation is done on four levels, from a
developed. A fter downloading SCADA configuration global network view to the detailed review of each
parameters, it runs independently of the central site. All m etering/regulation station. Empty (isolated) pipes,
the processing is done locally, including the alarms and pipes under pressure, and pipes with gas-flow are
history records generation, software PID regulation, serial pictured with different colors. A rich user interface
connection to flow c o rre c to rs/co m p u te rs, process supports data manipulation directly from the AutoCAD
chromatograph, etc. The communication protocol uses a

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environment. Software was developed in C, using an ASE
and ADS library. Presently, a detailed definition of the
NIS-GAS pipeline system (drawing and data-entry) is in
progress. The next step is to integrate all relevant state
information (SCADA, simulated and manually entered)
into a uniform database. Later development may lead to
a Geographical Information System (GIS) implemented
within the existing global view level, an exact
geographical coordinate system of pipeline network
objects could be easily adopted.

This paper describes one approach to a SCADA system
modernization and rehabilitation. The new SCADA system
was introduced without a break in telemetry operations,
and has proved to be highly reliable. After using the new
system for three years, all participants seemed to be
content, even though m odifications and improvements
have been ongoing based on suggestions from end-users.
It appears that NIS-GAS has installed an optimal and cost-
effective solution to suit their needs. Also, the team from
the Faculty of Technical Science got a strong development
stimulus and an opportunity to develop and implement
software in a real and complex environment. Finally, a
joint team has been formed, with the intention to appear
on the Yugoslav and Eastern European market.

[1] I.Konvalinka, V.Kovacevic, V.Bajovic, G.Bojkovic,
Decision trees development fo r leak detection on gas
transmission system using stationary model and machine
learning from examples, I International Conference on
Intelligent Systems Engineering, Edinburgh, 1992.
[2] B.Atlagic, VJCovacevic, - "An approach to events -
prediction in SCADA system ", XI Conference on System
Science, Wroclav, 1992.
[3] V.Maruna, B.Atlagic, "A realization o f intelligent
remote telemetry unit", XII International Conference on
System Science, Wroclav, 1995.

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